; ; ValueAdd.Inf ; ;*** Created 4/98 (kenray) ; ; This Sample Inf file maps directly to input.inf, with the only ; the addition of the [HID_Inst.NT.HW] section. ;
[Version] Signature="$WINDOWS NT$" Class=HIDClass ClassGuid={745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da} Provider=%MSFT% LayoutFile=layout.inf
[ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = *
[DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 12 HID_Inst.CopyFilesDLL.NT = 11
[ClassInstall] Addreg=HIDClassReg
[HIDClassReg] HKR,,,,%HID.ClassName% ; ; HKR,,Icon,,-20
[ClassInstall32] Addreg=HIDClassReg32
[HIDClassReg32] HKR,,,,%HID.ClassName% HKR,,Icon,,-24
[Manufacturer] ; Keybaords %MICROSOFT%=MICROSOFT
[MICROSOFT] ; ; Generic HID Interface (HidUsb as service) ; %HID.DeviceDesc% = HID_Inst,GENERIC_HID_DEVICE,USB\Class_03&SubClass_01,USB\Class_03 ; ; NB: here you would normally put your vendor specific match for the driver ; in question. ;
;===================================================================== [HID_Inst.NT] Copyfiles = HID_Inst.CopyFiles.NT, HID_Inst.CopyFilesDLL.NT
[HID_Inst.NT.HW] AddReg = HID_Inst.AddReg.NT ; This is the hardware installation section of this inf file. ; (This is the only modification from the input.inf file from which this ; value added inf file was derived.) ; This key defines HKeyRelative (HKR) to be the hardware instance key of the ; dev node installed. ; The add reg section following add the all important lower filter values. ;
[HID_Inst.NT.Services] ;AddService = HidUsb,%SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%,HID_Service_Inst AddService = HidUsb,0x00000002,HID_Service_Inst AddService = valueadd,,ValueAdd_Service_Inst
; Sub Sections [HID_Inst.CopyFiles.NT] hidusb.sys hidclass.sys hidparse.sys
[HID_INST.CopyFilesDLL.NT] hid.dll
[HID_Inst.AddReg.NT] HKR,,"LowerFilters",0x00010000,"valueadd" HKR,,"VendorSpooge",0x00010000,"C is for cookie" ; LowerFilters (just like UpperFilters) is the special value added to the ; parameters of the device instance of a devnode which instructs the PlugPlay ; system to load the specified driver as the filter. ; ; Also in this section the vendor may add values which can later be retrieved ; ssing the call IoGetOpenDeviceRegistryKey (using PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DEVICE) ; which opens the device parameter key in which these values are storred. ; ; NB LowerFilters and UpperFilters being special values are not stored in the ; device parameters key but in the parent key. ;
[HID_Service_Inst] DisplayName = %HID.SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 2 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE% ServiceBinary = %12%\hidusb.sys LoadOrderGroup = extended base
[ValueAdd_Service_Inst] DisplayName = %ValueAdd.SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 2 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE% ServiceBinary = %12%\valueadd.sys LoadOrderGroup = extended base
[strings] MSFT = "Microsoft" MICROSOFT = "Microsoft" HID.DeviceDesc = "HID Compliant Device" HID.DefaultDevice = "HID Default Device" HID.ClassName = "Human Input Devices (HID)" HID.SvcDesc = "Microsoft HID Class Driver" ValueAdd.SvcDesc = "Microsoft Sample ValueAdd Driver"