Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Microsoft Corporation :ts=4
Module Name:
This module manages bulk, interrupt & control type transactions on the USB.
kernel mode only
Revision History:
11-01-95 : created
#include "wdm.h"
#include "stdarg.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "usbdi.h"
#include "hcdi.h"
#include "uhcd.h"
// handle control transfers with this code
#define CONTROL 1
// true if we'll need more TDs than are available to setup this
// request
#define ASYNC_TRANSFER_OVERFLOW(needed, ep, xtra) (BOOLEAN)(needed > ep->TDCount - xtra)
#define UHCD_RESET_TD_LIST(ep) \
{ \ HW_DESCRIPTOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS td; \ td = (ep)->TDList->TDs[0].PhysicalAddress; \ SET_T_BIT(td); \ (ep)->QueueHead->HW_VLink = td; \ }
USBD_STATUS UHCD_MapTDError( PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, ULONG Td_Status, ULONG ActualLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Maps Error from TD.
1. STALL+BABBLE indicates that the td buffer was too small to hold all the data ie buffer overrun. 2. STALL if onlt stall bit is set then we recieved a stall PID 3. CRC_TIMEOUT+STALL indicates the device is not responding 4. CRC_TIMEOUT with no data indicates no response 5. CRC_TIMEOUT with data indicates CRC error
Return Value:
usb status will be returned if transfer is complete.
--*/ { USBD_STATUS status; // Translate the TD status field to a USBD error code
if (Td_Status == 0x3f) { // all bits on means software error
status = USBD_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; UHCD_KdBreak((2, "'no mem\n")); DeviceExtension->Stats.SWErrorCount++; goto UHCD_MapTDError_Done; }
if (Td_Status & TD_STATUS_BABBLE) { UHCD_KdBreak((2, "'babble\n")); DeviceExtension->FrameBabbleRecoverTD->Active = 1; }
if (Td_Status == (TD_STATUS_STALL | TD_STATUS_BABBLE)) { status = USBD_STATUS_BUFFER_OVERRUN; DeviceExtension->Stats.BufferOverrunErrorCount++; } else if (Td_Status == TD_STATUS_STALL) { // if only the the stall bit is set in the TD then
// we have a stall pid
UHCD_KdBreak((2, "'stall 1\n")); DeviceExtension->Stats.StallPidCount++; status = USBD_STATUS_STALL_PID; } else if (Td_Status == (TD_STATUS_CRC_TIMEOUT | TD_STATUS_STALL)) { // stall and timeout bit indicates device not responding
UHCD_KdBreak((2, "'stall 2\n")); DeviceExtension->Stats.TimeoutErrorCount++; status = USBD_STATUS_DEV_NOT_RESPONDING; } else if (Td_Status == TD_STATUS_CRC_TIMEOUT && ActualLength != 0) { status = USBD_STATUS_CRC; DeviceExtension->Stats.CrcErrorCount++; } else if (Td_Status == TD_STATUS_CRC_TIMEOUT && ActualLength == 0) { status = USBD_STATUS_DEV_NOT_RESPONDING; DeviceExtension->Stats.TimeoutErrorCount++; } else if (Td_Status == TD_STATUS_FIFO) { status = USBD_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN; DeviceExtension->Stats.DataOverrunErrorCount++; } else { status = USBD_STATUS_INTERNAL_HC_ERROR; DeviceExtension->Stats.InternalHcErrorCount++; }
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'MAPe', Td_Status, status, 0); return status; }
// queue is busy if the T bit is not set in the HW link pointed to by the queue head
__inline VOID UHCD_InitializeAsyncTD( IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR TransferDescriptor ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize a TD for transfer use, initializes all fields possibly changed by execution of the TD.
TransferDescriptor - TD to recycle
Return Value:
--*/ { TransferDescriptor->PID = 0; TransferDescriptor->Isochronous = 0; TransferDescriptor->InterruptOnComplete = 0; TransferDescriptor->Active = 1; TransferDescriptor->ActualLength = 0; TransferDescriptor->StatusField = 0; // set based on field in endpoint
TransferDescriptor->LowSpeedControl = (Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_LOWSPEED) ? 1 : 0; TransferDescriptor->ReservedMBZ = 0; // All bits on
TransferDescriptor->ErrorCounter = 3; CLEAR_T_BIT(TransferDescriptor->HW_Link); }
__inline BOOLEAN UHCD_QueueBusy( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, OUT PULONG QueueTD ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if a particular queue head is 'busy' ie still processing TDs
Return Value:
TRUE if busy, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { BOOLEAN busy = FALSE; ULONG i, active; HW_DESCRIPTOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS currentLink, vLink; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension;
deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// slot = urbWork->Slot;
// UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->TDList == Endpoint->SlotTDList[slot]);
vLink = Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'QBSY', vLink, 0, 0); if (!(vLink & UHCD_CF_TERMINATE)) { // T-bit not set see if the current TD has errored out
// locate the TD that the queue head is currently
// pointing to.
currentLink = vLink & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK; for (i=0; i<Endpoint->TDCount; i++) { active = Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].Active; if (currentLink == (Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].PhysicalAddress & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK)) { break; } } LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Qlnk', Endpoint, currentLink, i); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Qlk2', Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink, 0, 0); UHCD_ASSERT(currentLink == (Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].PhysicalAddress & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK)); //
// Check the queue head, if it is busy then no processing
// will be performed at this time.
busy = TRUE;
if (!active) {
// Queue head points to an inactive TD we need to check
// for one of the follwing cases
// 1. Short packet detected on an IN with a B0 stepping
// version of the host controller.
// 2. The TD completed with an error.
// 3. Queue header update problem.
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Qsts', deviceExtension->SteppingVersion, UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].ActualLength), &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i]);
// check error
if ((Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].StatusField != 0) || // check short packet
(UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].ActualLength) < UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].MaxLength) && Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].PID == USB_IN_PID && deviceExtension->SteppingVersion >= UHCD_B0_STEP)) {
// (UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].ActualLength) <
// Endpoint->MaxPacketSize && Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].PID == USB_IN_PID &&
// deviceExtension->SteppingVersion >= UHCD_B0_STEP)) {
UHCD_ASSERT((Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK) == (Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].PhysicalAddress & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK));
#if DBG
if (Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].StatusField) { LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Qerr', 0, Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].StatusField, &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i]); // TEST_TRAP();
} else { // TEST_TRAP();
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Qsh2', Endpoint->MaxPacketSize, UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].ActualLength), &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i]); } #endif
// queue head is stopped
busy = FALSE; } else { HW_DESCRIPTOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS linkNow; // the td we are point to is not active and
// has no error status, now we check for
// queue header update problem ie is the queue
// stuck?
linkNow = Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'QHp?', vLink, linkNow, Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].HW_Link);
if (linkNow & UHCD_CF_TERMINATE) { // pointing at a descriptor with the T bit,
// indicate the queue is not busy
busy = FALSE; } else if ((linkNow & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK) == (vLink & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK)) {
// bump the current TD int the queue head to the next TD
// manually
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'QHp!', vLink, linkNow, Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].HW_Link);
UHCD_ASSERT((linkNow & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK) == (Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].PhysicalAddress & UHCD_DESCRIPTOR_PTR_MASK)); Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink = Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].HW_Link; } } } }
if (QueueTD) { *QueueTD = i; } return busy; }
__inline BOOLEAN UHCD_PrepareAsyncDataPacket( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR TransferDescriptor, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PHCD_URB Urb, IN BOOLEAN TransferOverflow, IN BOOLEAN ZeroLengthTransfer, IN BOOLEAN InitializeTransfer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Prepare a data packet for an async transfer.
TransferDescriptor -
Endpoint - endpoint associated with this transfer.
Urb - pointer to URB Request for this transfer.
Status - pointer to USBD status, will be filled in if transfer is complete.
TransferOverflow - boolean flag indicates that we needed more TDs than we have.
Return Value:
--*/ { PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; BOOLEAN status = FALSE; BOOLEAN setToggle = TRUE; USHORT packetSize; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension;
deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// tracks the nth packet in this transfer
if (InitializeTransfer && // if this is init for multiple
// slot endpoint then don't
// mess with the data toggle
// until the xfer is active
Endpoint->MaxRequests > 1) { setToggle = FALSE; } urbWork->PacketsProcessed++;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Pasy', urbWork->TransferOffset, urbWork, TransferDescriptor);
#if DBG
if (!ZeroLengthTransfer) { UHCD_ASSERT(urbWork->TransferOffset < Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength); } #endif
// possibly re-using this TD
UHCD_InitializeAsyncTD(Endpoint, TransferDescriptor);
if (setToggle) { urbWork->Flags |= UHCD_TOGGLE_READY; TransferDescriptor->RetryToggle = Endpoint->DataToggle; Endpoint->DataToggle ^=1; }
#if DBG
// Use this field to detect if we
// process the same TD twice
TransferDescriptor->Frame = 0; #endif
TransferDescriptor->PID = DATA_DIRECTION_IN(Urb) ? USB_IN_PID : USB_OUT_PID; if (DATA_DIRECTION_IN(Urb)) { if (deviceExtension->SteppingVersion < UHCD_B0_STEP) {
// Direction is IN, we'll need an interrupt an T bit
// set on every packet to check for short packet.
// The B0 step does not have this problem
TransferDescriptor->InterruptOnComplete = 1; SET_T_BIT(TransferDescriptor->HW_Link); } else { // TEST_TRAP();
TransferDescriptor->ShortPacketDetect = 1; } } if (TransferOverflow) { //
// if we need more descriptors than we
// have then so we'll set an interrupt on a middle packet to
// give us a chance to prepare more.
// lets try every 4th packet
if (urbWork->PacketsProcessed % 4 == 0) { TransferDescriptor->InterruptOnComplete = 1; } }
// get the part of the buffer this TD represents
// The urbWork structure contains a list of logical addresses we got
// from IoMapTransfer -- these are the valid physical addresses we will
// give to the host controller.
// compute the packet size for this packet
if (urbWork->TransferOffset + Endpoint->MaxPacketSize <= Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength) { packetSize = Endpoint->MaxPacketSize; } else { packetSize = (USHORT)(Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength - urbWork->TransferOffset); }
if (ZeroLengthTransfer) { TransferDescriptor->PacketBuffer = urbWork->LogicalAddressList[0].LogicalAddress; TransferDescriptor->MaxLength = UHCD_SYSTEM_TO_USB_BUFFER_LENGTH(packetSize); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'zpak', TransferDescriptor->PacketBuffer, packetSize, 0); status = TRUE; } else if (TransferDescriptor->PacketBuffer = UHCD_GetPacketBuffer(DeviceObject, Endpoint, Urb, urbWork, urbWork->TransferOffset, packetSize)) { urbWork->TransferOffset += packetSize;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Pbuf', TransferDescriptor->PacketBuffer, packetSize, urbWork->TransferOffset); UHCD_ASSERT(urbWork->TransferOffset <= Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength); TransferDescriptor->MaxLength = UHCD_SYSTEM_TO_USB_BUFFER_LENGTH(packetSize); status = TRUE; }
LOG_TD('daTD', TransferDescriptor);
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'**TD for BULK/INT/CONTROL DATA packet\n")); UHCD_Debug_DumpTD(TransferDescriptor);
return status; }
USBD_STATUS UHCD_InitializeAsyncTransfer( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PHCD_URB Urb ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the TDs needed by the hardware to process this request, called from Transfer_StartIo. The transfer list for this URB should be ready for processing before returning from this routine.
DeviceObject - pointer to a device object. Endpoint - Endpoint associated with this Urb.
Urb - pointer to URB Request Packet for this transfer.
Return Value:
Usbd status code.
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; SHORT i, xtra, slot; USBD_STATUS usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS; PUHCD_TD_LIST tDList; #if DBG
SHORT count; #endif
USHORT dataDescriptorsNeeded; PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; PHW_QUEUE_HEAD queueHead;
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_InitializeAsyncTransfer\n"));
ASSERT_ENDPOINT(Endpoint); UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint == HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdEndpoint);
// if we have already been initialized or the queue
// is in use then just exit.
queueHead = Endpoint->QueueHead; if ((urbWork->Flags & UHCD_TRANSFER_INITIALIZED || queueHead->Flags) && !(urbWork->Flags & UHCD_TRANSFER_DEFER)) { goto UHCD_InitializeAsyncTransfer_Done; }
// note that we have initialized
urbWork->Flags |= UHCD_TRANSFER_INITIALIZED; queueHead->Flags |= UHCD_QUEUE_IN_USE;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Iasx', Endpoint, Urb, DeviceObject);
#ifdef CONTROL
if (CONTROL_TRANSFER(Endpoint)) { LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Ctrl', Endpoint, Urb, DeviceObject); // data toggle must be 0 for setup
// BUGBUG reset data toggle in ENDPOINT
Endpoint->DataToggle = 0; } #endif
deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// Set up the TDs we will need to do this transfer
// do some general init stuff first,
// TDs form a circular list
slot = urbWork->Slot; tDList = Endpoint->SlotTDList[slot]; for (i=0; i < Endpoint->TDCount; i++) { tDList->TDs[i].Endpoint = Endpoint->EndpointAddress; tDList->TDs[i].Address = Endpoint->DeviceAddress; tDList->TDs[i].HW_Link = tDList->TDs[(i+1) % Endpoint->TDCount].PhysicalAddress; UHCD_InitializeAsyncTD(Endpoint, &tDList->TDs[i]); }
// current descriptor is first packet
Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot] = 0;
// No tail descriptor yet
Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] = -1;
// if we have data to send or receive break it up into TDs,
// do this until we run out of TDs or we finish the buffer
// first, calculate how many data descriptors we will need
// based on the transfer buffer length
dataDescriptorsNeeded = (USHORT) (Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength / Endpoint->MaxPacketSize);
if ((ULONG)(dataDescriptorsNeeded)*Endpoint->MaxPacketSize < Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength) { dataDescriptorsNeeded++; } // Initialize some endpoint fields
urbWork->TransferOffset = 0; urbWork->BytesTransferred = 0; urbWork->PacketsProcessed = 0;
//points to first available TD
Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot] = 0;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'XfrB', Urb, dataDescriptorsNeeded, Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength);
#ifdef CONTROL
if (CONTROL_TRANSFER(Endpoint)) { // note that we'll need two extra TDs (for setup and status).
xtra = 2;
// Build a setup packet if necessary.
UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->MaxRequests == 1); UHCD_PrepareSetupPacket(&tDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]], Endpoint, Urb);
// point to next available TD
Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]++; } else { #endif
xtra = 0; #ifdef CONTROL
} #endif
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'LBuf', 0, 0, urbWork->LogicalAddressList[0].LogicalAddress);
// Begin preparing Data TDs, Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx points
// to the first available TD. Loop until we use up all the available
// TDs or we finish off the client buffer.
#if DBG
count = 0; #endif
// remember the data toggle when we set up
urbWork->DataToggle = Endpoint->DataToggle;
while (Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]<Endpoint->TDCount) {
if (Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength == 0 && !CONTROL_TRANSFER(Endpoint)) { //
// special case the zero transfer
TEST_TRAP(); dataDescriptorsNeeded = 1; if (!UHCD_PrepareAsyncDataPacket(DeviceObject, &tDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]], Endpoint, Urb, // no overflow
FALSE, TRUE, // init
TRUE)) { // an error occurred forming the packet
// bail out now
TEST_TRAP(); usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto UHCD_InitializeAsyncTransfer_Done; } Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]++; break; } if (urbWork->TransferOffset < Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength ) { if (!UHCD_PrepareAsyncDataPacket(DeviceObject, &tDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]], Endpoint, Urb, ASYNC_TRANSFER_OVERFLOW(dataDescriptorsNeeded, Endpoint, xtra), FALSE, // init
TRUE)) { // an error occurred forming the packet
// bail out now
TEST_TRAP(); usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto UHCD_InitializeAsyncTransfer_Done; } Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]++; #if DBG
count++; #endif
} else { break; } }
#if DBG
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'dTDs', Endpoint, count, dataDescriptorsNeeded); #endif
// We have more data than descriptors, save some state information
// so we can continue the process later.
if (ASYNC_TRANSFER_OVERFLOW(dataDescriptorsNeeded, Endpoint, xtra)) { // set the T-bit for the last TD we were able to set up
// set the interrupt bit so we can prepare more TDs
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Ovrf', Endpoint, dataDescriptorsNeeded, xtra);
// LastTDPreparedIdx points to the last TD in the set
Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot] = Endpoint->TDCount-1; Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]].InterruptOnComplete = 1; SET_T_BIT(tDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]].HW_Link); } else { // All the data fit, mark the tail so we know
// when we are done.
#ifdef CONTROL
if (CONTROL_TRANSFER(Endpoint)) { Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot] = Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] = dataDescriptorsNeeded+1;
UHCD_PrepareStatusPacket(&tDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]], Endpoint, Urb); } else { #endif
Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot] = Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] = dataDescriptorsNeeded-1;
#ifdef CONTROL
} #endif
// Set the IOC bit for this and T bit for the last TD in the
// transfer
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'IOC bit set for TD %x\n", &tDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]])); tDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]].InterruptOnComplete = 1; SET_T_BIT(tDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]].HW_Link); }
// at this point...
// LastTDPreparedIdx points to the last TD we set up for this transfer
// LastTDInTransferIdx points to the last TD in the set or -1 if the transfer
// required more TDs than we had.
// CurrentTDIdx points to the first active TD in the set
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'exit UHCD_InitializeAsyncTransfer\n"));
return usbStatus; }
USBD_STATUS UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PHCD_URB Urb, IN OUT PBOOLEAN Completed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks to see if an async transfer is complete.
DeviceObject - pointer to a device object.
Endpoint - endpoint to check for completed transfers.
Urb - ptr to URB to process.
Completed - TRUE if this transfer is complete, Status set to proper error code.
Return Value:
usb status will be returned if transfer is complete. --*/ { BOOLEAN resumed = FALSE; LONG i, queueTD, slot; PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR transferDescriptor; BOOLEAN prepareMoreTDs = FALSE; PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; USBD_STATUS usbStatus = Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status; PHW_QUEUE_HEAD queueHead; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension;
STARTPROC("Pas+"); // UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer\n"));
ASSERT_ENDPOINT(Endpoint); *Completed = FALSE; queueHead = Endpoint->QueueHead; slot = urbWork->Slot;
// can only process one TD list at a time
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Pasx', Endpoint->LastPacketDataToggle, slot, Urb); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Pas1', Endpoint->TDList, slot, Endpoint->SlotTDList[slot]); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'PaEO', Endpoint, Endpoint->EndpointFlags, queueHead); #if DBG
switch(Endpoint->Type) { case USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL: LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Pctr', 0, 0, queueHead); break; case USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK: LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Pblk', 0, 0, queueHead); break; } #endif
// if we marked the transfer canceling the go ahead
// and completed it now.
if (Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status == UHCD_STATUS_PENDING_CANCELING) {
// set the data toggle based on the last packet completed
Endpoint->DataToggle = Endpoint->LastPacketDataToggle ^1; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'PxxC', Endpoint->LastPacketDataToggle, Endpoint->DataToggle, Urb); *Completed = TRUE; usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_CANCELED; goto UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer_done; }
// see if the endpoint has been aborted, if so stop this transfer and
// wait unitl the next frame to complete it.
if ((Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_ABORT_ACTIVE_TRANSFERS) || Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status == UHCD_STATUS_PENDING_XXX) { LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Pxxx', 0, slot, Urb); UHCD_RESET_TD_LIST(Endpoint); UHCD_RequestInterrupt(DeviceObject, -2); Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status = UHCD_STATUS_PENDING_CANCELING; usbStatus = Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status; goto UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer_done; }
// if queue is busy or endpoint stalled then no processing will be performed
// at this time
if (Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_HOST_HALTED) { goto UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer_done; }
// process an active transfer, only one can be current
UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->TDList == Endpoint->SlotTDList[slot]); if (UHCD_QueueBusy(DeviceObject, Endpoint, &queueTD)) { //#if 0
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'PRqh', Endpoint, queueTD, 0);
// **
// Code to process a queue head that the hardware is
// currently accessing.
// **
// Queue head is busy but we can still process and
// set up more TDs
// attempt some processing now...
// scan through the retired TDs between current TD and the TD
// that the queue head is pointing at, we should only encounter
// IN and OUT TDs that have completed successfully
i = Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]; // currently pointed to by the queue head
while (i != queueTD) { LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'QuTD', Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot], i, queueTD);
if (i == Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]) { // if this is the last TD let the
// process routine handle it.
break; } transferDescriptor = &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i]; UHCD_ASSERT(transferDescriptor->Active == 0); UHCD_ASSERT(transferDescriptor->StatusField == 0);
if (transferDescriptor->PID == USB_IN_PID || transferDescriptor->PID == USB_OUT_PID) { urbWork->BytesTransferred += UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->ActualLength); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'reTD', transferDescriptor, transferDescriptor->Frame, Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength); Endpoint->LastPacketDataToggle = (UCHAR)transferDescriptor->RetryToggle; UHCD_ASSERT(transferDescriptor->Frame == 0); #if DBG
transferDescriptor->Frame = 1; #endif
UHCD_ASSERT(urbWork->BytesTransferred <= Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength); }
i = NEXT_TD(i, Endpoint); }
//Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx = queueTD;
Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot] = (SHORT)i; //#endif
if (Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] == -1) {
// This was an OVERFLOW transfer
// ie we didn't have enough TDs to satisfy the request.
usbStatus = UHCD_PrepareMoreAsyncTDs(DeviceObject, Endpoint, Urb, TRUE); if (USBD_ERROR(usbStatus)) { //
// if we get an error preparing more TDs
// then we'll need to abort the transfer
TEST_TRAP(); UHCD_RESET_TD_LIST(Endpoint); UHCD_RequestInterrupt(DeviceObject, -2); Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status = UHCD_STATUS_PENDING_CANCELING; } } goto UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer_done; }
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Pasx', Endpoint, Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot], DeviceObject);
// If we get here the queue is not busy.
// Scan our active TDs starting with 'CurrentTDIdx' stop as soon as we find
// a TD that is still active or we find that the STATUS TD is complete
// Start at the last TD that had not completed
i = Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]; for (;;) {
// This loop terminates on the following conditions:
// 1. An active TD is encountered.
// 2. The last TD in the transfer is processed.
// 3. An non-zero status value is encountered on
// a completed TD.
// 4. The last TD that had been set up for the
// transfer is complete.
transferDescriptor = &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i]; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'ckTD', i, transferDescriptor, Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]); //
// Did this TD complete?
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'checking TD %x\n", transferDescriptor)); if (transferDescriptor->Active == 0) {
LOG_TD('acTD', (PULONG) transferDescriptor);
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'TD %x completed\n", transferDescriptor)); UHCD_Debug_DumpTD(transferDescriptor);
Endpoint->LastPacketDataToggle = (UCHAR)transferDescriptor->RetryToggle; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'LPdt', Endpoint, Endpoint->LastPacketDataToggle, 0); //
// Yes, TD completed figure out what to do
if (transferDescriptor->StatusField != 0) { // we got an error, map the status code and retire
// this transfer
*Completed = TRUE; usbStatus = UHCD_MapTDError(deviceExtension, transferDescriptor->StatusField, UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->ActualLength)); // Point the queue head at the first TD with the T-Bit set.
// NOTE: we won't get here if the TD is marked with status NAK
// because the active bit is still set.
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Stal', Endpoint, transferDescriptor->StatusField, usbStatus);
UHCD_KdBreak((2, "'Stall\n")); break; }
// No Error, update bytes transferred for this
// packet if it was data.
if (transferDescriptor->PID == USB_IN_PID || transferDescriptor->PID == USB_OUT_PID) { urbWork->BytesTransferred += UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->ActualLength); UHCD_ASSERT(transferDescriptor->Frame == 0); #if DBG
transferDescriptor->Frame = 1; #endif
UHCD_ASSERT(urbWork->BytesTransferred <= Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength); }
// Check to see if we are done with the transfer.
if (i == Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]) {
// This is the last TD in the transfer, complete now.
// point the queue head at the first TD with the T-Bit set
UHCD_ASSERT_QSTOPPED(DeviceObject, Endpoint, NULL); UHCD_RESET_TD_LIST(Endpoint); *Completed = TRUE; usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS; break; }
// Short packets cause the transfer to complete.
if (transferDescriptor->ActualLength != transferDescriptor->MaxLength) {
// We have a short transfer.
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Shrt', transferDescriptor, transferDescriptor->ActualLength, transferDescriptor->MaxLength);
#ifdef CONTROL
#if DBG
// test handling short transfer_ok with control transfer
if (CONTROL_TRANSFER(Endpoint) && !(Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferFlags & USBD_SHORT_TRANSFER_OK)) { TEST_TRAP(); } #endif //DBG
if (CONTROL_TRANSFER(Endpoint) && Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferFlags & USBD_SHORT_TRANSFER_OK) {
// If this is a control transfer then we need to advance
// to the status phase
if (Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] == -1) { // status phase has not been set up yet
// do it now
Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] = (SHORT) NEXT_TD(i, Endpoint);
UHCD_PrepareStatusPacket(&Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]], Endpoint, Urb);
SET_T_BIT(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]].HW_Link); }
// make the status p hase the current TD
i = Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot] = Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot];
// just point the queue head at the status packet
// and go!
queueHead->HW_VLink = Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]].PhysicalAddress; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'ShSt', queueHead, &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]], 0); // Go to the top of the loop in case it completed,
// we'll still get the interrupt but we may be able
// to finish the transfer sooner.
// note that we resumed the queue head
// so we don't resume it agian.
resumed = TRUE; continue; } else { #endif
// Short packet and not a control transfer or control transfer
// and short transfer is to be treated as an error, just complete
// the transfer now.
UHCD_ASSERT_QSTOPPED(DeviceObject, Endpoint, NULL); UHCD_RESET_TD_LIST(Endpoint); // adjust data toggle
Endpoint->DataToggle = (UCHAR)transferDescriptor->RetryToggle; Endpoint->DataToggle ^=1;
*Completed = TRUE; //check the SHORT_TRANSFER_OK flag
if (Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferFlags & USBD_SHORT_TRANSFER_OK) { usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { TEST_TRAP(); usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_ERROR_SHORT_TRANSFER; } break; #ifdef CONTROL
} #endif
// end of short packet detection.
} //
// Done with the TD but not with the transfer, advance our
// index to the current TD.
Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot] = NEXT_TD(Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot], Endpoint);
// see if we need to prepare more TDs
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'chkM', i, Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot], Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]);
if (i == Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot] && Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] == -1) { //
// This was the last TD prepared for an OVERLOW transfer
// ie we didn't have enough TDs to satifsy the request.
// This is when we prepare more TDs.
usbStatus = UHCD_PrepareMoreAsyncTDs(DeviceObject, Endpoint, Urb, FALSE); if (USBD_ERROR(usbStatus)) { // an error occurred preparing more TDs
// terminate the transfer now
TEST_TRAP(); // assert that the T-BIT is still set in the QH.
UHCD_ASSERT_QSTOPPED(DeviceObject, Endpoint, NULL); UHCD_RESET_TD_LIST(Endpoint); *Completed = TRUE; goto UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer_done; } } // end active == 0
} else {
// This TD is still active, stop processing TDs now.
break; }
// advance to the next TD in the list
i = NEXT_TD(i, Endpoint);
} // end for (;;)
if (!*Completed && !resumed) { // NOTE that if the QH is busy we
// should not get here
// make sure the queue head is still stopped
UHCD_ASSERT_QSTOPPED(DeviceObject, Endpoint, NULL); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'rsum', Endpoint, Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot], &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]]); //
// We get here if the transfer has not completed yet but the
// queue head is stopped, this is caused by one of the following
// conditions:
// 1. The last TD that could be set up for a transfer completed
// and we had to set up more.
// 2. An IN Transfer completed for BULK or INT and it was not a
// short packet and it was not the last TD in the transfer and
// short packet detection is not enabled on the HC.
// In any case we'll need to resume the Queue head, we point
// the queue head at the current TD and go.
queueHead->HW_VLink = Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]].PhysicalAddress; } UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer_done:
if (*Completed) { queueHead->Flags &= ~UHCD_QUEUE_IN_USE;
// note that we don't activate the next transfer if we
// are in an abort scenario
if (Endpoint->MaxRequests > 1) { //
// transfer completed, so queue is no longer in use
// try to start the next transfer here.
UHCD_ASSERT_QSTOPPED(DeviceObject, Endpoint, NULL);
// BUGBUG if MaxRequets is > 2 then we'll need some kind of sequence
// number so we can start the transfers in the right order.
// Since we have only two now the one that we are not completing
// is the next one to start.
// get the next ready transfer based on seq number
for (i=0; i< Endpoint->MaxRequests; i++) { PHCD_URB localUrb; PHCD_EXTENSION localWork; UCHAR nextXfer = Endpoint->CurrentXferId+1;
localUrb = Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[i]; if (localUrb) { localWork = HCD_AREA(localUrb).HcdExtension; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Cnxt', Endpoint->CurrentXferId, nextXfer, localWork->XferId);
if (nextXfer == localWork->XferId) { // this is the next transfer
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'NXTx', localUrb, nextXfer, i); break; } } }
if (i == Endpoint->MaxRequests) { // no xfers available
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'NoXF', 0, Endpoint->CurrentXferId, i); } else { PHCD_EXTENSION localWork; PHCD_URB localUrb; //
// This will start the next active transfer
// for the endpoint.
localUrb = Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[i]; localWork = HCD_AREA(localUrb).HcdExtension; UHCD_ASSERT(i == localWork->Slot); #if DBG
if (Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status != UHCD_STATUS_PENDING_CANCELING) { UHCD_ASSERT(localWork->Flags & UHCD_TRANSFER_DEFER); } #endif
// now we need to set up the queue head
// BUGBUG -- we currently don't handle look ahead
// ie if this transfer was already linked
// This is where we would check.
// before linking in this transfer we
// need to fixup the data toggle based
// on the current toggle for the ED
UHCD_FixupDataToggle(DeviceObject, Endpoint, localUrb);
//UHCD_ASSERT((Endpoint->CurrentXferId+(UCHAR)1) == localWork->XferId);
// update the endpoints TDList
// slot id corresponds to TD list
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'mkC2', Endpoint->CurrentXferId, localWork->Slot, localWork->XferId);
Endpoint->TDList = Endpoint->SlotTDList[i]; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'NXgo', Endpoint->TDList, localWork->Slot, Endpoint->TDList->TDs[0].PhysicalAddress);
Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink = Endpoint->TDList->TDs[0].PhysicalAddress;
// this enables the xfer to be processed
localWork->Flags &= ~UHCD_TRANSFER_DEFER; } } // NOT USED
#if 0
else {
// Low speed control endpoints share a single queue head.
// If the endpoint is lowspeed control then we need to start
// the next control transfer on this queue head.
// If another low speed control queue head is waiting we will
// pick it up when we process the rest of the endpoint list
// for this interrupt. If the next control queue head is before
// us in the endpoint list then we will ask for an interrupt next
// frame so that we can start it.
if (Endpoint->LowSpeed) { TEST_TRAP(); UHCD_RequestInterrupt(DeviceObject, -2); } } #endif
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'exit UHCD_ProcessAsyncTransfer %d status = %x\n', completed, *Status));
ENDPROC("Pas-"); return usbStatus; }
Routine Description:
DeviceObject - pointer to a device object.
Endpoint - endpoint to check for completed transfers.
Urb - ptr to URB to process. Status - pointer to USBD status, will be filled in if transfer is complete.
Busy - indicates the stae of the queue head
Return Value:
TRUE if this transfer is complete, Status set to proper error code.
--*/ { ULONG count = 0; SHORT i, slot; SHORT start, oldLastTDPreparedIdx; PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; USBD_STATUS usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension;
STARTPROC("Mas+"); //
// One of two conditions get us in to this routine:
// 1. The queue is stopped, waiting for us to prepare
// more TDs for an overflow transfer: Busy = FALSE
// && CurrentTDIdx is pointing at the first TD after
// the last TD prepared.
// 2. The queue is not stopped but we may be able to set
// up some more TDs
// can only process one TD list at a time
slot = urbWork->Slot; UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->TDList == Endpoint->SlotTDList[slot]);
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_PrepareMoreAsyncTDs\n"));
deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; //
// Pick up where we left off, keep building TDs until we
// use up the client buffer or run out of TDs.
// Start at the first TD available after the last one prepared.
oldLastTDPreparedIdx = Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]; i = NEXT_TD(Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot], Endpoint); // Remember where we started...
start = i;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'pmTD', Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot], Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot], Busy);
if (Busy) { // We want to avoid doing this if the number of free TDs is not worth
// the effort -- otherwise we'll end up with the T-Bit and ioc bit set
// for every packet.
// --
// Do a quick scan of the TDs if we have at least 4 inactive then go
// ahead and try
SHORT j, x = 0; for (j=0; j<Endpoint->TDCount; j++) { if (!Endpoint->TDList->TDs[j].Active) { x++; } }
// x = the most TDs we can set up
if (x <= 3) { goto UHCD_PrepareMoreAsyncTDs_Done; }
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'frTD', x, Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink, 0); } #if DBG
else { UHCD_ASSERT(i == Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]); // if we are not Busy then we got here because the T-bit was set
// this means that currentTD should be the first new TD we set
// up, and all TDs for this transfer have been processed.
// assert that the T-bit is set on the queue head
} #endif
do {
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'mrTD', i, Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx, Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]); //
// If the Busy flag is set then the currentTD has not been
// processed yet so we need to stop if we hit it.
if (Busy && i == Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]) { break; } //
// we should never encounter an active TD
UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i].Active == 0); //
// See if we have consumed the client buffer, if so then we are
// done, mark this TD as the last one and stop preparing TDs.
if (urbWork->TransferOffset < Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength ) { UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'offset = %x\n", urbWork->TransferOffset)); if (UHCD_PrepareAsyncDataPacket(DeviceObject, &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i], Endpoint, Urb, TRUE, FALSE, // not init
FALSE)) { Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot] = i; count++; } else { //
// error occurred forming packet, this will
// complete the transfer.
TEST_TRAP(); usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto UHCD_PrepareMoreAsyncTDs_Done; } } else { #ifdef CONTROL
// Done with client buffer, if this is a control
// transfer then we'll need to do the status packet
if (CONTROL_TRANSFER(Endpoint)) { UHCD_PrepareStatusPacket(&Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i], Endpoint, Urb);
Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot] = i; count++; } #endif
// Last TD in the transfer is the last one we set up,
// the current TD should be set to the first one we set up.
Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] = Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot];
// Set the T-bit and the IOC bit for the last TD in the transfer
// NOTE: for non-B0 systems the IOC bit and T-bit will be set on every
// packet for IN transfers.
SET_T_BIT(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]].HW_Link); Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]].InterruptOnComplete = 1; if (!Busy) { // if the queue head was stopped resume at the first TD we
// set up.
Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot] = start; } break; #ifdef CONTROL
} #endif
i = NEXT_TD(Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot], Endpoint);
// stop when we get to the TD we started at or we hit
// the current TD.
// if we were called to set up TDs while the endpoint is still busy
// then it is possible we'll run in to the current TD.
} while (i != start && i != Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]);
// We may not have finished setting up all the TDs for the transfer,
// if this is the case we'll need to set the T-Bit and IOC bit on the
// last TD we were able to prepare.
if (count && Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] == -1) { SET_T_BIT(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]].HW_Link); Endpoint->TDList->TDs[Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]].InterruptOnComplete = 1;
// check to see if we finished the client buffer
// ie client buffer finished with the last TD we prepared.
if (urbWork->TransferOffset == Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength && !CONTROL_TRANSFER(Endpoint)) { Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot] = Endpoint->LastTDPreparedIdx[slot]; } } if (Busy && count) { // attempt to clear the old T-bit from the lastTD prepared
// we may not get it in time but if we do we'll avoid stopping
// the queue.
if (deviceExtension->SteppingVersion >= UHCD_B0_STEP || DATA_DIRECTION_OUT(Urb)) { CLEAR_T_BIT(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[oldLastTDPreparedIdx].HW_Link); // hit this if we ever actually set up more TDs while the Queue head
// is busy
} } //
// NOTE:
// Caller is responsible for resuming the QH at currentTDIdx.
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'exit UHCD_PrepareMoreAsyncTDs\n")); ENDPROC("Mas-"); return usbStatus; }
Routine Description:
Compute the packet buffer physical address we will give to the host controller based on the current offset in the transfer. We also check if the packet crosses a page boundry if so this routine returns an address of a region of memory used to double-buffer the packet.
PacketSize - size of the packet we are dealing with
Offset - is the start position in the transfer for this packet
Return Value:
Physical address of a packet buffer we can give to the UHC hardware. If the packet requires double buffering and no memory is available the 0 is returned for the hw_address. --*/ { ULONG i, start = 0, end = 0; HW_DESCRIPTOR_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS hw_address = 0;
// Offset is the start position in the transfer
// buffer of the packet we must prepare.
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'GPBx', UrbWork, UrbWork->NumberOfLogicalAddresses, 0); for (i=0; i< UrbWork->NumberOfLogicalAddresses; i++) { // first find the base logical address associated with
// this packet
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'GPBf', &UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i], Offset, UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].Length); start = end; end += UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].Length; if (Offset < end) { //
// found the logical address range that this packet
// starts in.
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'GPBm', end, PacketSize, Offset); if (Offset + PacketSize <= end) { //
// if the whole packet fits within the
// region associated with this logical
// address then we are OK -- just return the
// physical address.
hw_address = UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].LogicalAddress + Offset - start;
UHCD_ASSERT(UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketMemoryDescriptor == NULL); } else {
// packet crosses page boundry, get one of our
// packet buffers
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'PAK!', 0, Offset, PacketSize);
UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketMemoryDescriptor = UHCD_AllocateCommonBuffer(DeviceObject, Endpoint->MaxPacketSize); if (UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketMemoryDescriptor) { // if this is an out then we need to copy the data in
// to the packet buffer
UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketOffset = Offset; if (DATA_DIRECTION_OUT(Urb)) { //TEST_TRAP();
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'DBpk', UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketMemoryDescriptor->VirtualAddress, (PUCHAR)UrbWork->SystemAddressForMdl + UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketOffset, PacketSize); RtlCopyMemory(UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketMemoryDescriptor->VirtualAddress, (PUCHAR) UrbWork->SystemAddressForMdl + UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketOffset, PacketSize); } hw_address = UrbWork->LogicalAddressList[i].PacketMemoryDescriptor->LogicalAddress; } #if DBG
else { // NOTE:
// failure here should cause the transfer to be completed with error,
// we will return 0 for the hw_address;
TEST_TRAP(); } #endif //DBG
} break; } }
UHCD_ASSERT(i < UrbWork->NumberOfLogicalAddresses);
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'GPB0', hw_address, 0, 0);
ENDPROC("Gpb-"); return hw_address; }
VOID UHCD_FixupDataToggle( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PHCD_URB Urb ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given a TDList that is already set up, fxuo the data toggle based of the current EP data toggle
DeviceObject - pointer to a device object. Endpoint - Endpoint associated with this Urb.
Urb - pointer to URB Request Packet for this transfer.
Return Value:
Usbd status code.
--*/ { // PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension;
SHORT i, slot, start; PUHCD_TD_LIST tDList; PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_FixupDataToggle\n"));
ASSERT_ENDPOINT(Endpoint); UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint == HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdEndpoint); UHCD_ASSERT(!(urbWork->Flags & UHCD_TOGGLE_READY)); // do some general init stuff first,
// TDs form a circular list
slot = urbWork->Slot; tDList = Endpoint->SlotTDList[slot];
start = i = Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[slot]; do {
tDList->TDs[i].RetryToggle = Endpoint->DataToggle; Endpoint->DataToggle ^=1;
if (i == Endpoint->LastTDInTransferIdx[slot]) { // if this is the last TD the we are done
break; }
i = NEXT_TD(i, Endpoint); } while (i != start);
urbWork->Flags |= UHCD_TOGGLE_READY;