Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation :ts=4
Module Name:
The module manages double buffered bulk transactions on USB.
kernel mode only
Revision History:
2-1-99 : created
--*/ #include "wdm.h"
#include "stdarg.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "usbdi.h"
#include "hcdi.h"
#include "uhcd.h"
#if DBG
extern ULONG UHCD_XferNoise; #endif
VOID UHCD_StartNoDMATransfer( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
starts receiving data for the endpoint
Return Value:
if (Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_NODMA_ON) { // already on, bail
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'dmaO', Endpoint, 0, 0); return; }
// current TD is the first TD
tDList = Endpoint->SlotTDList[0]; Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0] = 0;
physicalAddress = Endpoint->NoDMAPhysicalAddress;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'dmG1', Endpoint, physicalAddress, tDList); for (i=0; i < Endpoint->TDCount; i++) { tDList->TDs[i].Endpoint = Endpoint->EndpointAddress; tDList->TDs[i].Address = Endpoint->DeviceAddress; tDList->TDs[i].HW_Link = tDList->TDs[(i+1) % Endpoint->TDCount].PhysicalAddress; UHCD_InitializeAsyncTD(Endpoint, &tDList->TDs[i]); // for now take an interrupt every TD so we can keep up
tDList->TDs[i].InterruptOnComplete = 1; tDList->TDs[i].PID = USB_IN_PID;
// set data toggle;
tDList->TDs[i].RetryToggle = Endpoint->DataToggle; Endpoint->DataToggle ^=1;
// buffer length is packet size
tDList->TDs[i].MaxLength = UHCD_SYSTEM_TO_USB_BUFFER_LENGTH(Endpoint->MaxPacketSize); // point TDs at our NoDMA buffer;
tDList->TDs[i].PacketBuffer = physicalAddress + 64*i;
tDList->TDs[i].ShortPacketDetect = 0;
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'**TD for BULK DBLBUFF packet (%d)\n", i)); UHCD_Debug_DumpTD(&tDList->TDs[i]); }
// no T bit the controller will stop at the first in-active TD
// mark the endpoint as started
SET_EPFLAG(Endpoint, EPFLAG_NODMA_ON); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'dmG2', Endpoint, Endpoint->QueueHead, 0); // fire up the transfer loop
// point QH at the first TD
Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink = Endpoint->TDList->TDs[0].PhysicalAddress; }
VOID UHCD_StopNoDMATransfer( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
stops receiving data for the endpoint
Return Value:
None. --*/ { CLR_EPFLAG(Endpoint, EPFLAG_NODMA_ON);
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'dmaX', Endpoint, Endpoint->QueueHead, 0); UHCD_KdPrint((0, "'** stopping noDMA transfer\n"));
#if DBG
if (!IsListEmpty(&Endpoint->PendingTransferList)) { UHCD_KdPrint((0, "'** stopping noDMA w/ pending transfers\n")); } if(Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[0] != NULL) { UHCD_KdPrint((0, "'** stopping noDMA w/ active transfers\n")); }
// fixup the TDs point the QH at the first TD
// and mark it inactive
// note that by the time the ep is actually closed more
// than one frame will have elapsed so it will be safe to
// remove the QH
// preserve the data toglge in case the ep gets another
// transfer that starts it again
Endpoint->DataToggle = Endpoint->LastPacketDataToggle;
Endpoint->TDList->TDs[0].Active = 0; Endpoint->QueueHead->HW_VLink = Endpoint->TDList->TDs[0].PhysicalAddress;
// so that only startdmatransfer can activate it
#if 0
// see if we have any unclaimed data in the buffer
{ LONG i, cnt = 0; PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR transferDescriptor; i = Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0]; for (;;) {
transferDescriptor = &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i]; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'CKtd', i, transferDescriptor, Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0]); //
// Did this TD complete?
if (transferDescriptor->Active == 0) { cnt++; i = NEXT_TD(i, Endpoint); } else { break; }
// see if all TDs were processed
if (i == Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0]) { break; } }
if (cnt) { UHCD_KdPrint((0, "'** abort with %d unprocessed TDs\n", cnt)); TEST_TRAP(); } } #endif
#define RECYCLE_TD(t) \
(t)->ActualLength = 0;\ (t)->Active = 1;\ (t)->StatusField = 0; \ (t)->ErrorCounter = 3;
Routine Description:
Return Value:
True if current active transfer is complete --*/ { BOOLEAN complete = FALSE; USHORT i, thisTD; USBD_STATUS usbdStatus = USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS; PUCHAR tdBuffer; PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR transferDescriptor; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ULONG remain, length; PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; BOOLEAN processed = FALSE; deviceExtension = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// see if this transfer has been canceled
if (Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status == UHCD_STATUS_PENDING_XXX) { usbdStatus = USBD_STATUS_CANCELED; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'TCAN', Endpoint, Urb, usbdStatus); complete = TRUE; goto UHCD_ProcessNoDMATransfer_Done; } // walk through the TD list starting from currentTDIdx
// stop as soon as:
// we fill the active client buffer OR
// we find a short packet OR
// we find an unprocessed TD
// Start at the last TD that had not completed
i = Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0]; for (;;) {
transferDescriptor = &Endpoint->TDList->TDs[i]; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'CKtd', i, transferDescriptor, Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0]); //
// Did this TD complete?
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'checking DB TD %x\n", transferDescriptor)); UHCD_Debug_DumpTD(transferDescriptor); if (transferDescriptor->Active == 0) {
LOG_TD('nACT', (PULONG) transferDescriptor); processed = TRUE;
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'TD %x completed\n", transferDescriptor)); UHCD_Debug_DumpTD(transferDescriptor);
Endpoint->LastPacketDataToggle = (UCHAR) transferDescriptor->RetryToggle;
// Yes, TD completed figure out what to do
if (transferDescriptor->StatusField != 0) { // we got an error, map the status code and retire
// this transfer
// if appropriate the caller will halt transfers
// on the endpoint
complete = TRUE; usbdStatus = UHCD_MapTDError(deviceExtension, transferDescriptor->StatusField, UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->ActualLength)); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Stal', Endpoint, transferDescriptor->StatusField, usbdStatus);
i = NEXT_TD(i, Endpoint); break; }
// No Error, process the TDs data
// should be an IN
UHCD_ASSERT(transferDescriptor->PID == USB_IN_PID);
// see how much room is left
remain = Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength - urbWork->BytesTransferred;
length = UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->ActualLength);
tdBuffer = Endpoint->NoDMABuffer + 64*i; if (length < remain) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'lsTD', 0, transferDescriptor, 0); // copy the data to the client buffer
RtlCopyMemory((PUCHAR) urbWork->SystemAddressForMdl + urbWork->BytesTransferred, tdBuffer, length);
urbWork->BytesTransferred += length; i = NEXT_TD(i, Endpoint);
// check for short packet
// short packets cause the transfer to complete.
if (length < Endpoint->MaxPacketSize) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'sHRT', transferDescriptor, transferDescriptor->ActualLength, transferDescriptor->MaxLength); complete = TRUE;
break; } } else if (length == remain) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'eqTD', 0, transferDescriptor, 0); // this td just fills the client buffer
RtlCopyMemory((PUCHAR)urbWork->SystemAddressForMdl + urbWork->BytesTransferred, tdBuffer, length); urbWork->BytesTransferred += length; complete = TRUE; i = NEXT_TD(i, Endpoint);
break; } else { TEST_TRAP(); // bugbug this is an odd case, not sure how to handle
// it yet.
// normally two transfers cannot span a single packet
// TD data is bigger than space left in client buffer
// copy what we can
RtlCopyMemory(urbWork->SystemAddressForMdl, tdBuffer, remain); complete = TRUE; // save the rest of the data for the next pass
break; } /* active == 0 */ } else { // this TD still active, all done
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'acBK', Endpoint, transferDescriptor, 0); break; }
// see if all TDs were processed
if (i == Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0]) { UHCD_ASSERT(processed == TRUE); break; }
} /* for ;; */
if (processed) { // at least one TD completed
thisTD = Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0];
UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[thisTD].Active == 0); RECYCLE_TD(&Endpoint->TDList->TDs[thisTD]); thisTD = NEXT_TD(thisTD, Endpoint); // set currentTDidx to where we left off
Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0] = i; // recycle the TDs we processed
for(;;) { if (thisTD == Endpoint->CurrentTDIdx[0]) { break; } UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->TDList->TDs[thisTD].Active == 0); RECYCLE_TD(&Endpoint->TDList->TDs[thisTD]); thisTD = NEXT_TD(thisTD, Endpoint); } }
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'check DB TD done\n")); UHCD_ProcessNoDMATransfer_Done:
if (complete) { Urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status = usbdStatus; } return complete; }
NTSTATUS UHCD_InitializeNoDMAEndpoint( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set up a No-DMA style (double buffered endpoint)
Return Value:
None. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ULONG length;
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'Init No DMA Endpoint\n")); deviceExtension = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// we always have work
// first we need a buffer to receive Data, and TDs to
// point in to it
// we should have the max TDs reserved for this endpoint
// length will be largest USB packet (64) * the MAX tds per
// endpoint (ends up being one page on x86)
length = 64 * MAX_TDS_PER_ENDPOINT; Endpoint->NoDMABuffer = UHCD_Alloc_NoDMA_Buffer(DeviceObject, Endpoint, length); if (Endpoint->NoDMABuffer == NULL) { ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } return ntStatus; }
NTSTATUS UHCD_UnInitializeNoDMAEndpoint( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set up a No-DMA style (Dbl buffered endpoint)
Return Value:
None. --*/ { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'unIN', Endpoint, 0, 0); deviceExtension = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; UHCD_ASSERT(!(Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_NODMA_ON));
if (Endpoint->NoDMABuffer) { UHCD_Free_NoDMA_Buffer(DeviceObject, Endpoint->NoDMABuffer);
Endpoint->NoDMABuffer = NULL; }
VOID UHCD_EndpointNoDMA_Abort( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
Aborts all active and/or pending transfers for a NoDMA endpoint
Called at DPC level
Return Value:
None. --*/ { KIRQL irql; //BOOLEAN done = FALSE;
PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
if (Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_ABORT_ACTIVE_TRANSFERS) { PHCD_URB urb;
urb = Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[0];
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'ABac', urb, 0, Endpoint);
if (urb) { Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[0] = NULL;
URB_HEADER(urb).Status = USBD_STATUS_CANCELED; UHCD_CompleteIrp(DeviceObject, HCD_AREA(urb).HcdIrp, STATUS_CANCELLED, 0, urb);
if (Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_ABORT_PENDING_TRANSFERS) {
BOOLEAN pendingTransfers = TRUE; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'ABpd', Endpoint, 0, 0); // dequeue all of our pending requests an complete them with status
// canceled
while (pendingTransfers) { PHCD_URB urb; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; LOCK_ENDPOINT_PENDING_LIST(Endpoint, irql, 'lck3');
if (IsListEmpty(&Endpoint->PendingTransferList)) { pendingTransfers = FALSE;
// clear the abort flag
CLR_EPFLAG(Endpoint, EPFLAG_ABORT_PENDING_TRANSFERS); UNLOCK_ENDPOINT_PENDING_LIST(Endpoint, irql, 'ulk3'); } else { listEntry = RemoveHeadList(&Endpoint->PendingTransferList); urb = (PHCD_URB) CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, struct _URB_HCD_COMMON_TRANSFER, hca.HcdListEntry);
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'DQXF', urb, 0, 0);
UNLOCK_ENDPOINT_PENDING_LIST(Endpoint, irql, 'ulk3');
URB_HEADER(urb).Status = USBD_STATUS_CANCELED; UHCD_CompleteIrp(DeviceObject, HCD_AREA(urb).HcdIrp, STATUS_CANCELLED, 0, urb);
// complete this transfer
} } /* while */ } }
VOID UHCD_EndpointNoDMAWorker( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
Main worker function for an endpoint that does not require DMA.
Note: We should never have transfers in the active list for one of these endooints.
Called at DPC level
Return Value:
None. --*/ { ULONG slot; BOOLEAN complete; KIRQL irql; //BOOLEAN done = FALSE;
PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
//UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_EndpointNoDMAWorker\n"));
// some asserts
// max request should always be one -- we will manage with just one
// set of TDs
UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->MaxRequests == 1); slot = 0;
if (Endpoint->EndpointFlags & (EPFLAG_ABORT_PENDING_TRANSFERS | EPFLAG_ABORT_ACTIVE_TRANSFERS)) { // client has requested abort
UHCD_KdPrint((0, "'abort no DMA ep\n")); UHCD_EndpointNoDMA_Abort(DeviceObject, Endpoint);
goto UHCD_EndpointNoDMAWorker_Done; }
do { // check our pending request list
if (IsListEmpty(&Endpoint->PendingTransferList) && Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot] == NULL) { // client list is empty,
// no more to do for now
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'ndMT', Endpoint, 0, 0); break; } else { USBD_STATUS usbdStatus; PIRP irp; PHCD_URB urb; PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork;
// no active transfer
// dequeue the next pending one for processing
// if the endpoint is not stalled, start up the DMA
// loop if not running on the first transfer
if (!(Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_HOST_HALTED)) { LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'ndST', Endpoint, 0, 0); UHCD_StartNoDMATransfer(DeviceObject, Endpoint); } if (Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot] == NULL) { PLIST_ENTRY listEntry;
// dequeue the next transfer
LOCK_ENDPOINT_PENDING_LIST(Endpoint, irql, 'lck6'); UHCD_ASSERT(!IsListEmpty(&Endpoint->PendingTransferList)); listEntry = RemoveHeadList(&Endpoint->PendingTransferList); urb = (PHCD_URB) CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, struct _URB_HCD_COMMON_TRANSFER, hca.HcdListEntry);
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'ndDQ', Endpoint, urb, 0); UHCD_ASSERT(urb); UNLOCK_ENDPOINT_PENDING_LIST(Endpoint, irql, 'ulk6'); urbWork = HCD_AREA(urb).HcdExtension; UHCD_ASSERT(urbWork);
//#if DBG
// if (UHCD_XferNoise) {
// UHCD_KdPrint((0, "'db xfer len req =%d\n", urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength));
// }
// init the work area
// note: this area is zeroed
if (urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength) { PMDL mdl; mdl = urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferMDL; if (!(mdl->MdlFlags & (MDL_MAPPED_TO_SYSTEM_VA | MDL_SOURCE_IS_NONPAGED_POOL))) { urbWork->Flags |= UHCD_MAPPED_LOCKED_PAGES; } urbWork->SystemAddressForMdl = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(mdl); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'sMDL', Endpoint, urb, urbWork->SystemAddressForMdl); } else { urbWork->SystemAddressForMdl = NULL; TEST_TRAP(); } urbWork->Flags |= UHCD_TRANSFER_ACTIVE; Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot] = urb;
// so now we have a client transfer in the active slot
UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot] != NULL); urb = Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot]; irp = HCD_AREA(urb).HcdIrp; UHCD_ASSERT(irp); urbWork = HCD_AREA(urb).HcdExtension;
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'ndPR', Endpoint, urb, 0); complete = UHCD_ProcessNoDMATransfer(DeviceObject, Endpoint, urb);
if (complete) {
usbdStatus = urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status;
// active transfer is complete
Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot] = NULL; if (USBD_ERROR(usbdStatus)) {
if (USBD_HALTED(usbdStatus)) { //
// error code indicates a condition that should halt
// the endpoint.
// check the endpoint state bit, if the endpoint
// is marked for NO_HALT then clear the halt bit
// and proceed to cancel this transfer.
if (Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_NO_HALT) { //
// clear the halt bit on the usbdStatus code
usbdStatus = USBD_STATUS(usbdStatus) | USBD_STATUS_ERROR; } else { //
// mark the endpoint as halted, when the client
// sends a reset we'll start processing with the
// next queued transfer.
// stop streaming from the endpoint,
// it should be NAKing anyway
UHCD_StopNoDMATransfer(DeviceObject, Endpoint); } } //
// complete the original request
UHCD_ASSERT(irp != NULL); UHCD_CompleteIrp(DeviceObject, irp, STATUS_SUCCESS, 0, urb);
if (Endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_HOST_HALTED) { //
// if the endpoint is halted then stop the stream now
UHCD_StopNoDMATransfer(DeviceObject, Endpoint); break; } } else { // xfer completed with success
urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.Status = usbdStatus; urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength = urbWork->BytesTransferred;
//#if DBG
// if (UHCD_XferNoise) {
// UHCD_KdPrint((0, "'xfer len cpt =%d\n",
// urb->HcdUrbCommonTransfer.TransferBufferLength));
// }
UHCD_ASSERT(irp != NULL); UHCD_CompleteIrp(DeviceObject, irp, STATUS_SUCCESS, 0, urb); } } /* xfer complete */ } // cuurent transfer completed, grab the next one and process it
} while (complete);
return; }