Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Microsoft Corporation :ts=4
Module Name:
This module contains the interrupt routine, DPC routines and routines that synchronize with the interrupt routine.
kernel mode only
Revision History:
11-01-95 : created
--*/ #include "wdm.h"
#include "stdarg.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "usbdi.h"
#include "hcdi.h"
#include "uhcd.h"
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
ULONG TrapOn = 0; #endif
BOOLEAN UHCD_InterruptService( IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt, IN PVOID Context )
Routine Description:
This is the interrupt service routine for the UHCD.
Interrupt - A pointer to the interrupt object for this interrupt.
Context - A pointer to the device object.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if the interrupt was expected (and therefore processed); otherwise, FALSE is returned.
{ PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; USHORT status; ULONG frameNumber; BOOLEAN usbInt = FALSE;
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_InterruptService\n"));
deviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT) Context; deviceExtension = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION) deviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// Ignore ints if we are not in D0.
if (deviceExtension->CurrentDevicePowerState != PowerDeviceD0) { goto UHCD_InterruptService_Done; }
status = READ_PORT_USHORT(STATUS_REG(deviceExtension));
// the controller will never allow us to clear the status
/*| UHCD_STATUS_HCHALT*/)) { usbInt = TRUE; //clear the condition
WRITE_PORT_USHORT(STATUS_REG(deviceExtension), 0xff); } else { goto UHCD_InterruptService_Done; }
frameNumber = (ULONG) READ_PORT_USHORT(FRAME_LIST_CURRENT_INDEX_REG(deviceExtension)) & 0x3ff;
frame = UHCD_GetCurrentFrame(deviceObject); //LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Hlt!', status, deviceExtension->FrameListVirtualAddress, frameNumber);
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'UHCD Host Controller Halted %x, frame = 0x%x - 0x%x\n", status, frame, frameNumber));
// nasty error in the host controller, we will want to debug.
UHCD_KdPrint((0, "'HC HALTED! attempting to recover\n"));
// attempt to recover
WRITE_PORT_USHORT(STATUS_REG(deviceExtension), 0xff); cmd = READ_PORT_USHORT(COMMAND_REG(deviceExtension)); cmd |= UHCD_CMD_RUN; WRITE_PORT_USHORT(COMMAND_REG(deviceExtension), cmd); usbInt = TRUE;
return usbInt; }
// Process the interrupt
if (status & UHCD_STATUS_RESUME) {
// system wakeup interrupt
#ifdef MAX_DEBUG
TEST_TRAP(); #endif
} else if (status & UHCD_STATUS_USBINT) {
// Interrupt because a TD completed
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'UHCD_InterruptService status = %x\n", status));
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
// if (TrapOn > 0) {
// USHORT portStatus;
// // check for port disable
// portStatus = READ_PORT_USHORT(PORT1_REG(deviceExtension));
// if (portStatus & 0x0008) {
frameNumber = (ULONG) READ_PORT_USHORT(FRAME_LIST_CURRENT_INDEX_REG(deviceExtension)) & 0x3ff; ////
//// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'Port Disabled frame = 0x%x\n", frameNumber));
// TRAP();
// }
// portStatus = READ_PORT_USHORT(PORT2_REG(deviceExtension));
// if (portStatus & 0x0008) {
// frameNumber = (ULONG) READ_PORT_USHORT(FRAME_LIST_CURRENT_INDEX_REG(deviceExtension)) & 0x3ff;
//// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'Port Disabled frame = 0x%x\n", frameNumber));
// TRAP();
// }
// }
// This code maintains the 32-bit frame counter
// did the sign bit change ?
if ((deviceExtension->LastFrame ^ frameNumber) & 0x0400) { // Yes
deviceExtension->FrameHighPart += 0x0800 - ((frameNumber ^ deviceExtension->FrameHighPart) & 0x0400); }
// remember the last frame number
deviceExtension->LastFrame = frameNumber;
// start at the last frame processed
{ ULONG i, j; ULONG currentFrame, highPart;
highPart = deviceExtension->FrameHighPart;
// get 11-bit frame number, high 17-bits are 0
currentFrame = ((frameNumber & 0x0bff) | highPart) + ((frameNumber ^ highPart) & 0x0400);
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'currentFrame = %x\n", currentFrame));
if (currentFrame-deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed > 1024) {
// we have a schedule overrun,
// this means it has been more that 1000 ms since our last
// interrupt, because of this the iso entries in the schedule
// are invalid -- we need to remove all of them and start over
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'schedule overrun currentFrame = %d, lastframe = %d \n",
// currentFrame, deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed));
// TRAP();
// first remove all iso TDs from the list
for (j=0; j<FRAME_LIST_SIZE; j++) {
// put back the physical address that was there before we started
// adding isoch descriptors.
*( ((PULONG) (deviceExtension->FrameListVirtualAddress) + j) ) = *( ((PULONG) (deviceExtension->FrameListCopyVirtualAddress) + j) );
#if DBG
*( deviceExtension->IsoList + j ) = 0; #endif
deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed = currentFrame; }
{ #ifdef FAST_ISO
endpoint = UHCD_GetLastFastIsoEndpoint(deviceObject); #endif /* FAST_ISO */
for (i=deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed+1; i<currentFrame; i++) { // remove isoch TDs for frame i;
// put back the physical address that was there before we started
// adding isoch descriptors.
*( ((PULONG) (deviceExtension->FrameListVirtualAddress) + j) ) = *( ((PULONG) (deviceExtension->FrameListCopyVirtualAddress) + j) );
#if DBG
*( deviceExtension->IsoList + j ) = 0; #endif
#ifdef FAST_ISO
if (endpoint) {
UHCD_CleanupFastIsoTD(deviceObject, endpoint, j, TRUE);
} #endif /* FAST_ISO */
deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed = currentFrame-1; }
// Queue the DPC to complete any transfers
#ifdef PROFILE
time = KeQueryPerformanceCounter(NULL); UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'time.HighPart = %x time.LowPart %x\n", time.HighPart, time.LowPart));
// LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Tim1", 0, sysTime.LowPart, sysTime.HighPart);
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->IsrDpc, time.HighPart, time.LowPart); } #else
KeInsertQueueDpc(&deviceExtension->IsrDpc, NULL, NULL); #endif
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'exit UHCD_InterruptService\n"));
// USB interrupt
} else { //
// USB Interrupt not recognized in ISR
UHCD_KdBreak((2, "'USB interrupt not recognized by ISR, status = %x\n", status)); // BUGBUG check why we are not handling it
//#ifdef MAX_DEBUG
// if (!usbInt) {
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'Non USB interrupt, status = %x\n", status));
// }
return usbInt; }
VOID UHCD_IsrDpc( IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2 )
Routine Description:
This routine runs at DISPATCH_LEVEL IRQL.
Dpc - Pointer to the DPC object.
DeferredContext - supplies the DeviceObject.
SystemArgument1 - not used.
SystemArgument2 - not used.
Return Value:
{ PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; PUHCD_ENDPOINT endpoint; LONG slot; BOOLEAN process = TRUE; KIRQL irql;
#ifdef PROFILE
{ //
// See how long it took for our DPC to get called
LARGE_INTEGER time, timeNow; LONG delta;
time.HighPart = SystemArgument1; time.LowPart = SystemArgument2;
timeNow = KeQueryPerformanceCounter(NULL);
delta = timeNow.QuadPart - time.QuadPart;
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'time.HighPart = %x time.LowPart %x\n", time.HighPart, time.LowPart)); UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'timeNow.HighPart = %x timeNow.LowPart %x\n", timeNow.HighPart, timeNow.LowPart)); UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'delta %x %x ms\n", delta, delta/((0x1234de*50)/1000)));
if (delta > ((0x1234de*50)/1000)) { UHCD_KdTrap(("DPC delayed > 50 ms\n")); }
//LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'Tim2", timeNow - time, time, timeNow);
} #endif
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_IsrDpc\n"));
deviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT) DeferredContext; deviceExtension = (PDEVICE_EXTENSION) deviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// Walk through the Endpoint list checking for
// any endpoints that have transfers that need completing
LOCK_ENDPOINT_LIST(deviceExtension, irql);
if (deviceExtension->EndpointListBusy) { process = FALSE; } else { deviceExtension->EndpointListBusy = TRUE; }
UNLOCK_ENDPOINT_LIST(deviceExtension, irql);
if (process) {
// we now have exclusive access to the endpoint list
listEntry = &deviceExtension->EndpointList; if (!IsListEmpty(listEntry)) { listEntry = deviceExtension->EndpointList.Flink; } LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'EPl+', listEntry, &deviceExtension->EndpointList, 0);
while (listEntry != &deviceExtension->EndpointList) { ULONG cnt = 0;
endpoint = CONTAINING_RECORD(listEntry, UHCD_ENDPOINT, ListEntry); ASSERT_ENDPOINT(endpoint); // LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'prEP', endpoint,
// &deviceExtension->EndpointList, listEntry);
listEntry = endpoint->ListEntry.Flink;
// Scan active transfer slots and process any transfers
// that have been programmed into the hardware.
for (slot=0; slot<endpoint->MaxRequests; slot++) {
// If we have a transfer in the slot call the completion
// handler.
if (endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot]) { cnt++; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'epWk', endpoint, slot, endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot]);
// only call the completer if no double buffer
// endpoints
if (!(endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_DBL_BUFFER)) { LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'cPTR', endpoint, slot, endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot]); UHCD_CompleteTransferDPC(deviceObject, endpoint, slot); } } }
// if we had no transfers see if we can idle the endpoint
if (cnt) { UHCD_EndpointWakeup(deviceObject, endpoint); } else { UHCD_EndpointIdle(deviceObject, endpoint); }
// For DBL_BUFFER transfers, we don't do the active abort
// until we call the worker code. The worker code will also
// clear the flag for us. So, if it is a DBL_BUFFER, don't
// clear the flag yet.
if (!(endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_DBL_BUFFER)) { //
// safe to clear the ABORT_ACTIVE_TRANSFERS flag
// this will allow a reset_endpoint to succeed.
// LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'clrA', endpoint, 0, 0);
// does this endpoint need attention, we mail have bailed
// because endpointworker was busy, if so process it now
if (endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_HAVE_WORK) { UHCD_EndpointWorker(deviceObject, endpoint); }
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'EPl-', listEntry, &deviceExtension->EndpointList, 0);
// now walk the list looking for idle bulk
{ ULONG idleBulkEndpoints = 0; ULONG bulkEndpoints = 0;
listEntry = &deviceExtension->EndpointList; if (!IsListEmpty(listEntry)) { listEntry = deviceExtension->EndpointList.Flink; } LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'EPl+', listEntry, &deviceExtension->EndpointList, 0);
while (listEntry != &deviceExtension->EndpointList) { BOOLEAN idle = TRUE;
endpoint = CONTAINING_RECORD(listEntry, UHCD_ENDPOINT, ListEntry); ASSERT_ENDPOINT(endpoint); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'prEP', endpoint, &deviceExtension->EndpointList, listEntry);
listEntry = endpoint->ListEntry.Flink;
// see if this ep is closed, if so remove it and
// it on the closed list
if (endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_EP_CLOSED) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'epCL', endpoint, &deviceExtension->EndpointList, listEntry);
continue; }
// Scan active transfer slots and process any transfers
// thet have been programmed into the hardware.
for (slot=0; slot<endpoint->MaxRequests; slot++) {
// If we have a transfer in the slot we are not idle
if (endpoint->ActiveTransfers[slot]) { idle = FALSE; } }
if (endpoint->Type == USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK) { bulkEndpoints++; if (idle) { idleBulkEndpoints++; } } }
if (bulkEndpoints && bulkEndpoints == idleBulkEndpoints) { // no activity on the bulk endpoints
// disable BW reclimation.
UHCD_BW_Reclimation(deviceObject, FALSE); } }
// See if we can free any endpoint structures
// walk through the closed endpoint list, if we find an endpoint that has
// been freed in a previous frame then go ahead and release its
// resources.
while (!IsListEmpty(&deviceExtension->ClosedEndpointList)) { ULONG cnt;
listEntry = RemoveHeadList( &deviceExtension->ClosedEndpointList);
endpoint = CONTAINING_RECORD(listEntry, UHCD_ENDPOINT, ListEntry); ASSERT_ENDPOINT(endpoint);
if (UHCD_GetCurrentFrame(deviceObject) <= endpoint->FrameToClose) { //
// put it back and get out
InsertHeadList(&deviceExtension->ClosedEndpointList, &endpoint->ListEntry);
break; }
// free the endpoint resources
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'UHCD_IsrDpc free endpoint %x\n", endpoint));
if (endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_DBL_BUFFER) { UHCD_UnInitializeNoDMAEndpoint(deviceObject, endpoint); }
UHCD_ASSERT(!(endpoint->EndpointFlags & EPFLAG_FAST_ISO));
UHCD_FreeBandwidth(deviceObject, endpoint, endpoint->Offset);
for (cnt=0; cnt< endpoint->MaxRequests; cnt++) {
UHCD_FreeHardwareDescriptors(deviceObject, endpoint->HardwareDescriptorList[cnt]); }
#if DBG
RETHEAP(endpoint); }
// now check the lookaside list and add any endpoints on it
while (!IsListEmpty(&deviceExtension->EndpointLookAsideList)) { listEntry = RemoveHeadList(&deviceExtension->EndpointLookAsideList); endpoint = CONTAINING_RECORD(listEntry, UHCD_ENDPOINT, ListEntry); ASSERT_ENDPOINT(endpoint); InsertHeadList(&deviceExtension->EndpointList, &endpoint->ListEntry); }
LOCK_ENDPOINT_LIST(deviceExtension, irql);
deviceExtension->EndpointListBusy = FALSE;
UNLOCK_ENDPOINT_LIST(deviceExtension, irql); }
#ifdef FAST_ISO
// walk the fastiso list and complete any transfers
// if the last frame has pssed
{ listEntry = &deviceExtension->FastIsoTransferList; if (!IsListEmpty(listEntry)) { listEntry = deviceExtension->FastIsoTransferList.Flink; } LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'FIl+', listEntry, &deviceExtension->FastIsoTransferList, 0);
while (listEntry != &deviceExtension->FastIsoTransferList) {
PIRP irp; PHCD_URB urb; ULONG cf, lastFrame;
urb = (PHCD_URB) CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, struct _URB_HCD_COMMON_TRANSFER, hca.HcdListEntry);
listEntry = HCD_AREA(urb).HcdListEntry.Flink;
lastFrame = urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame+1; // urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets;
cf = UHCD_GetCurrentFrame(deviceObject);
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'FIck', urb, cf, lastFrame);
if (cf >= lastFrame) {
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'FIcp', urb, cf, lastFrame);
irp = HCD_AREA(urb).HcdIrp;
UHCD_CompleteIrp(deviceObject, irp, STATUS_SUCCESS, 0, urb);
continue; } } } #endif /* FAST_ISO */
// ENDPROC("IDpc");
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'exit UHCD_IsrDpc\n"));
VOID UHCD_RequestInterrupt( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN LONG FrameNumber )
Routine Description:
This routine triggers a hradware interrupt on a specific USB frame number.
DeviceObject - Supplies the device object.
Frame - frame to generate intrerrupt on, a negative value indicates relative to the current frame.
Return Value:
{ ULONG requestFrameNumber; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR transferDescriptor; ULONG i;
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_RequestInterrupt\n"));
deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// Allocate a TD we can use for this request
// NOTE:
// First two TDs are dedicated to detecting frame rollover.
for (i=UHCD_FIRST_TRIGGER_TD; i<MAX_TDS_PER_ENDPOINT; i++) { transferDescriptor = &deviceExtension->TriggerTDList->TDs[i];
if (deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed > transferDescriptor->Frame) { break; }
transferDescriptor = NULL; }
if (transferDescriptor == NULL) {
// no TDS available for interrupt request, this means enough
// interrupts are happening that we'll be OK -- worst case
// is we'll get an interrupt on frame rollover.
UHCD_KdBreak((2, "'no tds for interrupt request\n"));
goto UHCD_RequestInterrupt_Done; }
if (FrameNumber < 0) { requestFrameNumber = UHCD_GetCurrentFrame(DeviceObject) - FrameNumber; } else { requestFrameNumber = FrameNumber; }
// all we do here is put a dummy isoch TD in the schedule at
// the requested frame number
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'REQi', requestFrameNumber, FrameNumber, transferDescriptor);
// Make sure we can schedule it
if (requestFrameNumber > deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed+1+FRAME_LIST_SIZE-1) {
// note: if the request is to far in advance.
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'REQf', FrameNumber, requestFrameNumber, (deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed+1+FRAME_LIST_SIZE-1));
// if the request is too far in advance we'll just let it be handled
// by the rollover interrupts.
} else {
transferDescriptor->Active = 0; transferDescriptor->MaxLength = UHCD_SYSTEM_TO_USB_BUFFER_LENGTH(0); transferDescriptor->InterruptOnComplete = 1; transferDescriptor->Frame = requestFrameNumber; #ifdef VIA_HC
transferDescriptor->PID = USB_IN_PID; #endif /* VIA_HC */
UHCD_InsertIsochDescriptor(DeviceObject, transferDescriptor, requestFrameNumber); }
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'exit UHCD_RequestInterrupt\n")); }