Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Microsoft Corporation :ts=4
Module Name:
This module manages bulk, interrupt & control type transactions on the USB.
kernel mode only
Revision History:
2-15-95 : created
#include "wdm.h"
#include "stdarg.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "usbdi.h"
#include "hcdi.h"
#include "uhcd.h"
BOOLEAN UHCD_SyncInsertIsochDescriptor( IN PUHCD_INSERTION_CONTEXT InsertionContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG i; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = InsertionContext->DeviceExtension; ULONG frameNumber = InsertionContext->FrameNumber; PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR transferDescriptor = InsertionContext->TransferDescriptor;
i = frameNumber % FRAME_LIST_SIZE;
if (frameNumber <= deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed) { //
// we missed it just don't insert
goto UHCD_SyncInsertIsochDescriptor_Done; }
// link to what is currently in the
// frame
transferDescriptor->HW_Link = *( ((PULONG) (deviceExtension->FrameListVirtualAddress) + i) );
// now we are in the frame
*( ((PULONG) (deviceExtension->FrameListVirtualAddress) + i) ) = transferDescriptor->PhysicalAddress;
#if DBG
{ ULONG length;
length = *( deviceExtension->IsoList + i);
length += UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->MaxLength);
*( deviceExtension->IsoList + i ) = length;
// BUGBUG for iso debugging with camera only!!
//#ifdef MAX_DEBUG
// UHCD_ASSERT(length <= 385);
} #endif
// free our context info
return TRUE; }
VOID UHCD_InsertIsochDescriptor( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR TransferDescriptor, IN ULONG FrameNumber ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { UHCD_INSERTION_CONTEXT insertionContext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'iFrm', FrameNumber, &insertionContext, deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed);
insertionContext.DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; insertionContext.FrameNumber = FrameNumber; insertionContext.TransferDescriptor = TransferDescriptor;
// we had better have an interrupt object
UHCD_ASSERT(deviceExtension->InterruptObject != NULL); KeSynchronizeExecution(deviceExtension->InterruptObject, UHCD_SyncInsertIsochDescriptor, &insertionContext);
USBD_STATUS UHCD_InitializeIsochTransfer( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PHCD_URB Urb ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the TDs needed by the hardware to process this request, called from the AdapterControl function of from within TranferCompleteDPC.
The transfer list for this URB should be ready for processing before returning from this routine.
DeviceObject - pointer to a device object.
Endpoint - Endpoint associated with this Urb.
Urb - pointer to URB Request Packet for this transfer.
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork; #if DBG
ULONG i; #endif
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_InitializeIsochTransfer\n"));
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'tISO', Endpoint, Urb, Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame);
deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'tISw', urbWork->Flags, Urb, urbWork->Slot);
// See if we have already initialized this urb
if (urbWork->Flags & UHCD_TRANSFER_INITIALIZED) { goto UHCD_InitializeIsochTransfer_Done; }
// make sure the transfer is mapped
if (!(urbWork->Flags & UHCD_TRANSFER_MAPPED)) { LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'nMpd', urbWork->Flags, Urb, 0); goto UHCD_InitializeIsochTransfer_Done; }
if (Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame > deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed+1+FRAME_LIST_SIZE-1) {
// if the request is too far in the future to schedule
// TDs then delay initialization, request an interrupt.
// near a time when we can schedule this transfer.
UHCD_RequestInterrupt(DeviceObject, Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame - 32);
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'erly', Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame, deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed, 0);
goto UHCD_InitializeIsochTransfer_Done; }
urbWork->Flags |= UHCD_TRANSFER_INITIALIZED; Endpoint->TdsScheduled[urbWork->Slot] = 0;
// initialize working space variables for this
// transfer.
urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx = urbWork->BytesTransferred = 0;
urbWork->PacketsProcessed = 0;
Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.ErrorCount = 0;
#if DBG
i = UHCD_GetCurrentFrame(DeviceObject);
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'bISO', i, Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame, DeviceObject); UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'IsochTransfer: start frame = 0x%x current frame = 0x%x\n", Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame, i));
UHCD_ScheduleIsochTransfer(DeviceObject, Endpoint, Urb);
// UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'exit UHCD_InitializeIsochTransfer\n"));
VOID UHCD_ScheduleIsochTransfer( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PHCD_URB Urb ) /*++
Routine Description:
DeviceObject - pointer to a device object.
Endpoint - Endpoint associated with this Urb.
Urb - pointer to URB Request Packet for this transfer.
Return Value:
--*/ { PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork; PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR transferDescriptor; ULONG i, offset, length; ULONG nextPacket; PUHCD_TD_LIST urbTDList;
//UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'enter UHCD_ScheduleIsochTransfer\n"));
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'sISO', Endpoint, Urb, DeviceObject);
deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; urbTDList = Endpoint->SlotTDList[urbWork->Slot];
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'sIS2', Endpoint, urbTDList, urbWork->Slot);
// If we are done with this transfer just exit
if (urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx == Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets) { goto UHCD_ScheduleIsochTransfer_Done; }
// See if we can put any TDs into the schedule
for (i=0; i< Endpoint->TDCount; i++) {
// BUGBUG possibly attach TD list to URB
// for now we share the TDs among mutiple active
// requests.
transferDescriptor = &urbTDList->TDs[i];
if (transferDescriptor->Frame == 0) {
// TD is not in use, go ahead and schedule it
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'ISOc', Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame, urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx, deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed);
// See if it is too early to set up this TD
if (Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame + urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx > deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed+1+FRAME_LIST_SIZE-1) { LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'ISOd', 0, 0, 0);
break; // No, stop setting up TDs
// prepare the TD for this packet
transferDescriptor->Active = 1; transferDescriptor->Endpoint = Endpoint->EndpointAddress; transferDescriptor->Address = Endpoint->DeviceAddress;
// Set Pid based on direction
transferDescriptor->PID = DATA_DIRECTION_IN(Urb) ? USB_IN_PID : USB_OUT_PID;
transferDescriptor->Isochronous = 1; transferDescriptor->ActualLength = UHCD_SYSTEM_TO_USB_BUFFER_LENGTH(0); transferDescriptor->StatusField = 0;
transferDescriptor->LowSpeedControl = 0; transferDescriptor->ReservedMBZ = 0; transferDescriptor->ErrorCounter = 0; transferDescriptor->RetryToggle = 0;
// BUGBUG for now, one every frame
transferDescriptor->InterruptOnComplete = 0; if (Endpoint->TdsScheduled[urbWork->Slot] > (Endpoint->TDCount/2)) { transferDescriptor->InterruptOnComplete = 1; Endpoint->TdsScheduled[urbWork->Slot] = 0; }
// request some interrupts near the end
if (Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets - urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx < 5) { transferDescriptor->InterruptOnComplete = 1; }
transferDescriptor->Frame = Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame + urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx; transferDescriptor->Urb = Urb;
// Prepare the buffer part of the TD.
offset = Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx].Offset; UHCD_ASSERT(urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx < Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets);
nextPacket = urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx+1;
if (nextPacket >= Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets) { // this is the last packet
length = Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.TransferBufferLength - offset; } else { // compute length based on offset of next packet
UHCD_ASSERT(Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[nextPacket].Offset > offset);
length = Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[nextPacket].Offset - offset; }
transferDescriptor->PacketBuffer = UHCD_GetPacketBuffer(DeviceObject, Endpoint, Urb, urbWork, offset, length);
transferDescriptor->MaxLength = UHCD_SYSTEM_TO_USB_BUFFER_LENGTH(length);
// Put the TD in to the schedule at the requested frame.
LOG_TD('isTD', transferDescriptor); //UHCD_Debug_DumpTD(transferDescriptor);
if (transferDescriptor->PacketBuffer) { UHCD_ASSERT(urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx <= Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets);
UHCD_InsertIsochDescriptor(DeviceObject, transferDescriptor, Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame + urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx); } else { TEST_TRAP(); // failed to get the packet buffer,
// we set the fields in the TD as
// if the HC got it, the urb will
// get updated when the rest of the TDs
// are processed.
// make inactive
transferDescriptor->Active = 0; // mark TD so we know we have a software
// error
transferDescriptor->StatusField = 0x3f; }
if (urbWork->CurrentPacketIdx == Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets) { break; } } /* end td->FRame == 0*/ } /* end for */
UHCD_ScheduleIsochTransfer_Done: //UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'exit UHCD_ScheduleIsochTransfer\n"));
return; }
USBD_STATUS UHCD_ProcessIsochTransfer( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUHCD_ENDPOINT Endpoint, IN PHCD_URB Urb, IN OUT PBOOLEAN Completed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks to see if an isoch transfer is complete.
DeviceObject - pointer to a device object.
Endpoint - endpoint to check for completed transfers.
Urb - ptr to URB to process.
Completed - TRUE if this transfer is complete.
Return Value:
TRUE if this transfer is complete, Status set to proper error code.
--*/ { PHCD_EXTENSION urbWork; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PHW_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR transferDescriptor; ULONG i, packetIdx; USBD_STATUS err; // PHCD_URB urb;
*Completed = FALSE; deviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
urbWork = HCD_AREA(Urb).HcdExtension; urbTDList = Endpoint->SlotTDList[urbWork->Slot];
// make sure the urb has been properly initialized
UHCD_InitializeIsochTransfer(DeviceObject, Endpoint, Urb);
if ((urbWork->Flags & UHCD_TRANSFER_INITIALIZED) == 0) { //
// urb has not been initialized yet, probably too early
// attempt to initialize now.
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'npIS', Endpoint, Urb, urbTDList); goto UHCD_ProcessIsochTransfer_Done; }
// walk thru our TD list for this URB retire any TDs
// that are done.
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'doIS', Endpoint, urbWork->Slot, urbTDList);
for (i=0; i< Endpoint->TDCount; i++) {
UHCD_ASSERT(urbTDList->TDs[i].Urb == Urb || urbTDList->TDs[i].Urb == NULL);
if (urbTDList->TDs[i].Frame <= deviceExtension->LastFrameProcessed && // only deal with TDs that have been removed
// from the schedule.
urbTDList->TDs[i].Frame != 0 && // don't check retired TDs
urbTDList->TDs[i].Urb == Urb) { // only look at TDs for this urb
transferDescriptor = &urbTDList->TDs[i];
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'piTD', transferDescriptor, transferDescriptor->Frame, urbWork->PacketsProcessed);
// index for this packet
packetIdx = transferDescriptor->Frame - Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.StartFrame;
// Update transfer buffer based on data received for
// this frame.
// assume we got no error
err = Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[packetIdx].Status = USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS; //
// see if we got an error.
if (transferDescriptor->Active) { //
// if the active bit is still set then we put this transfer
// in the schedule too late.
deviceExtension->IsoStats.IsoPacketNotAccesed++; LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'nPRO', transferDescriptor, transferDescriptor->Frame, err); // TEST_TRAP();
} else if (transferDescriptor->StatusField) { // BUGBUG map the hardware error
err = UHCD_MapTDError(deviceExtension, transferDescriptor->StatusField, UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->ActualLength)); LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'hERR', transferDescriptor, transferDescriptor->Frame, err); deviceExtension->IsoStats.IsoPacketHWError++; // TEST_TRAP();
if (USBD_ERROR(err)) {
// Note this error in the error list
// ErrorList is a list of packet indexes which have an error
UHCD_ASSERT(packetIdx <= 255);
Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[packetIdx].Status = err; }
// note, we report length even for
// errors.
// keep count the number of bytes succesfully transferred.
urbWork->BytesTransferred += UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->ActualLength); //
// return the length of the packet
if (USBD_TRANSFER_DIRECTION( Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.TransferFlags) == USBD_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_IN) {
// return the length of the packet
Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[packetIdx].Length = UHCD_USB_TO_SYSTEM_BUFFER_LENGTH(transferDescriptor->ActualLength);
// if the device transmitted < max packet size
// set the buffer underrun status.
if (Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[packetIdx].Length < Endpoint->MaxPacketSize) { Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[packetIdx].Status = USBD_STATUS_DATA_UNDERRUN & ~USBD_STATUS_HALTED; } } else { Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.IsoPacket[packetIdx].Length = 0; }
// retire this isoch TD
transferDescriptor->Frame = 0; urbWork->PacketsProcessed++; UHCD_ASSERT(urbWork->PacketsProcessed <= Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets); }
} /* for */
// see if we are done with this transfer
if (urbWork->PacketsProcessed == Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets) {
// All TDs for this transfer have been processed.
LOGENTRY(LOG_MISC, 'iCmp', Urb, 0, urbWork->PacketsProcessed);
*Completed = TRUE;
// Clear the Urb field for all TDs associated with
// the completing urb
for (i=0; i< Endpoint->TDCount; i++) { urbTDList->TDs[i].Urb = NULL; }
// we should return an error if all packets completed with an error.
if (Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.ErrorCount == Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets) { //
// Isoch transfer will be failed but isoch
// errors never stall the endpoint on the host so
// clear the stall bit now.
usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_ISOCH_REQUEST_FAILED; // clear stall bit
} else { usbStatus = USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
} else {
// not complete yet, put some more TDs in the schedule.
// Set up any TDs we still need to complete the
// current URB
UHCD_ScheduleIsochTransfer(DeviceObject, Endpoint, Urb); #if 0
// some preprocessing code, try to start up the next transfer here
// NOTE: this will kick in close to the end of the current transfer
UHCD_ASSERT(Endpoint->MaxRequests == 2);
// this trick only works if maxrequests is 2
i = !urbWork->Slot; urb = Endpoint->ActiveTransfers[i];
// When we near the end of this transfer we want to start the next one
// should be when numpackets - packetsprocessed < numTds
// ie there are some extra
// Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets -
// urbWork->PacketsProcessed < NUM_TDS_PER_ENDPOINT
if (urbWork->PacketsProcessed > Urb->UrbIsochronousTransfer.NumberOfPackets- 8 && urb != NULL) {
UHCD_KdPrint((2, "'process next iso urb from ProcessIsochTransfer\n"));
LOGENTRY(LOG_ISO,'iPRE', urb, &Endpoint->PendingTransferList, Endpoint);
UHCD_InitializeIsochTransfer(DeviceObject, Endpoint, urb);
} #endif
return usbStatus; }