// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: libmain.cxx
// Contents: LibMain for ADs.dll
// Functions: LibMain, DllGetClassObject
// History: 25-Oct-94 KrishnaG Created.
#include "oleds.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
LPCWSTR lpszTopLevel = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ADs"; LPCWSTR lpszProviders = L"Providers";
PROUTER_ENTRY InitializeRouter() { HKEY hTopLevelKey = NULL; HKEY hMapKey = NULL; HKEY hProviderKey = NULL;
DWORD dwIndex = 0; WCHAR lpszProvider[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwchProvider = 0; WCHAR lpszNamespace[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR lpszAliases[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwchNamespace = 0; DWORD dwchAliases = 0; PROUTER_ENTRY pRouterHead = NULL, pRouterEntry = NULL; LPCLSID pclsid = NULL; HRESULT hr;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, lpszTopLevel, 0, KEY_READ, &hTopLevelKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // must succeed
goto CleanupAndExit; }
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hTopLevelKey, lpszProviders, 0, KEY_READ, &hMapKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
{ // must succeed; at least one provider from ADSI
goto CleanupAndExit;
memset(lpszProvider, 0, sizeof(lpszProvider)); //
// Size has to be in number of TCHARS not in bytes.
dwchProvider = sizeof(lpszProvider)/sizeof(WCHAR);
while(RegEnumKeyEx(hMapKey, dwIndex++, // + index even if last 1 bail out in mid loop
lpszProvider, &dwchProvider, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Read namespace
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hMapKey, lpszProvider, 0, KEY_READ, &hProviderKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// if cannot read registry of 1 provider, continue with others;
// especially since providers can be written outside ADSI
memset(lpszProvider, 0, sizeof(lpszProvider)); dwchProvider = sizeof(lpszProvider)/sizeof(WCHAR); continue; }
memset(lpszNamespace, 0, sizeof(lpszNamespace)); dwchNamespace = sizeof(lpszNamespace);
if (RegQueryValueEx(hProviderKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) lpszNamespace, &dwchNamespace ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// if cannot read registry of 1 provider, continue with others;
// especially since providers can be written outside ADSI
RegCloseKey(hProviderKey); hProviderKey = NULL; memset(lpszProvider, 0, sizeof(lpszProvider)); dwchProvider = sizeof(lpszProvider)/sizeof(WCHAR); continue; }
// If Aliases value name is defined, get the values
memset(lpszAliases, 0, sizeof(lpszAliases)); dwchAliases = sizeof(lpszAliases);
RegQueryValueEx(hProviderKey, L"Aliases", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) lpszAliases, &dwchAliases );
RegCloseKey(hProviderKey); hProviderKey = NULL;
// Generate CLSID from the ProgID
pclsid = (LPCLSID)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(CLSID)); if (!pclsid) {
// if cannot read registry of 1 provider, continue with others;
// especially since providers can be written outside ADSI
memset(lpszProvider, 0, sizeof(lpszProvider)); dwchProvider = sizeof(lpszProvider)/sizeof(WCHAR); continue; }
hr = CLSIDFromProgID(lpszNamespace, pclsid);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LocalFree(pclsid); } else { if (pRouterEntry = (PROUTER_ENTRY)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(ROUTER_ENTRY))){ wcscpy(pRouterEntry->szProviderProgId, lpszProvider); wcscpy(pRouterEntry->szNamespaceProgId, lpszNamespace); wcscpy(pRouterEntry->szAliases, lpszAliases); pRouterEntry->pNamespaceClsid = pclsid; pRouterEntry->pNext = pRouterHead; pRouterHead = pRouterEntry; } }
memset(lpszProvider, 0, sizeof(lpszProvider)); dwchProvider = sizeof(lpszProvider)/sizeof(WCHAR); }
CleanupAndExit: if (hProviderKey) { RegCloseKey(hProviderKey); } if (hMapKey) { RegCloseKey(hMapKey); }
if (hTopLevelKey) { RegCloseKey(hTopLevelKey); }
return(pRouterHead); }
void CleanupRouter( PROUTER_ENTRY pRouterHead ) {
PROUTER_ENTRY pRouter = pRouterHead, pRouterNext = NULL;
while (pRouter) { pRouterNext = pRouter->pNext; if (pRouter->pNamespaceClsid) { LocalFree(pRouter->pNamespaceClsid); } LocalFree(pRouter);
pRouter = pRouterNext; }