// CopyRight ( c ) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name: dnscache.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation of CDnscache class
// Author:
// Henry Wang ( henrywa ) March 8, 2000
#include "DnsWmi.h"
// Construction/Destruction
CDnsBase* CDnsCache::CreateThis( const WCHAR * wszName, //class name
CWbemServices * pNamespace, //namespace
const char * szType //str type id
) { return new CDnsCache(wszName, pNamespace); } CDnsCache::CDnsCache() {
} CDnsCache::CDnsCache( const WCHAR* wszName, CWbemServices *pNamespace) :CDnsBase(wszName, pNamespace) { }
CDnsCache::~CDnsCache() {
// CDnsCache::EnumInstance
// Description:
// enum instances of dns cache
// Arguments:
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsCache::EnumInstance( long lFlags, IWbemContext * pCtx, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler ) { CWbemClassObject Inst; m_pClass->SpawnInstance(0,&Inst); CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); Inst.SetProperty( dns.GetServerName(), PVD_DOMAIN_SERVER_NAME); Inst.SetProperty( PVD_DNS_CACHE, PVD_DOMAIN_FQDN); Inst.SetProperty( PVD_DNS_CACHE, PVD_DOMAIN_CONTAINER_NAME); pHandler->Indicate(1, &Inst); return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// CDnsCache::GetObject
// Description:
// retrieve cache object based given object path
// Arguments:
// ObjectPath [IN] object path to cluster object
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsCache::GetObject( CObjPath & ObjectPath, long lFlags, IWbemContext * pCtx, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) { CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); wstring wstrServer = ObjectPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_DOMAIN_SERVER_NAME); // dww - 6/14/99
// Changed to make see if ValidateServerName does not return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR.
if(WBEM_S_NO_ERROR != dns.ValidateServerName(wstrServer.data())) return WBEM_E_FAILED; wstring wstrContainer = ObjectPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_DOMAIN_CONTAINER_NAME); if(_wcsicmp( wstrContainer.data(), PVD_DNS_CACHE) == 0) { wstring wstrFQDN= ObjectPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_DOMAIN_FQDN); if(_wcsicmp(wstrFQDN.data(), PVD_DNS_CACHE) == 0) { // founded
CWbemClassObject Inst; m_pClass->SpawnInstance(0, &Inst); Inst.SetProperty( dns.GetServerName(), PVD_DOMAIN_SERVER_NAME); Inst.SetProperty( PVD_DNS_CACHE, PVD_DOMAIN_FQDN); Inst.SetProperty( PVD_DNS_CACHE, PVD_DOMAIN_CONTAINER_NAME); pHandler->Indicate(1, &Inst); } }
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CDnsCache::ExecuteMethod
// Description:
// execute methods defined for cache class in the mof
// Arguments:
// ObjectPath [IN] object path to cluster object
// wzMethodName [IN] name of the method to be invoked
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pInParams [IN] Input parameters for the method
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsCache::ExecuteMethod( CObjPath & objPath, WCHAR * wzMethodName, long lFlag, IWbemClassObject * pInArgs, IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) { CDnsWrap& dns = CDnsWrap::DnsObject(); wstring wstrServer = objPath.GetStringValueForProperty( PVD_DOMAIN_SERVER_NAME); // dww - 6/14/99
// Changed to make see if ValidateServerName does not return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR.
if( FAILED ( dns.ValidateServerName(wstrServer.data())) ) return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if(_wcsicmp( wzMethodName, PVD_MTH_CACHE_CLEARDNSSERVERCACHE) == 0) { return dns.dnsClearCache(); }
// dww - 6/14/99
// Added the GetDistinguishedName method in the CDnsCache class.
else if(_wcsicmp( wzMethodName, PVD_MTH_ZONE_GETDISTINGUISHEDNAME) == 0) { wstring wstrName; wstring wstrCache = PVD_DNS_CACHE; CWbemClassObject OutParams, OutClass, Class ; HRESULT hr; dns.dnsDsZoneName(wstrName, wstrCache);
BSTR ClassName=NULL; ClassName = AllocBstr(PVD_CLASS_CACHE); hr = m_pNamespace->GetObject(ClassName, 0, 0, &Class, NULL); SysFreeString(ClassName); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { Class.GetMethod(wzMethodName, 0, NULL, &OutClass); OutClass.SpawnInstance(0, &OutParams); OutParams.SetProperty(wstrName, PVD_DNS_RETURN_VALUE); hr = pHandler->Indicate(1, &OutParams); }
return hr; } return S_OK; }
// CDnsCache::PutInstance
// Description:
// save this instance
// Arguments:
// InstToPut [IN] WMI object to be saved
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsCache::PutInstance( IWbemClassObject * pInst , long lFlags, IWbemContext* pCtx , IWbemObjectSink * pHandler) { return WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; };
// CDnsCache::DeleteInstance
// Description:
// delete the object specified in rObjPath
// Arguments:
// rObjPath [IN] ObjPath for the instance to be deleted
// lFlags [IN] WMI flag
// pCtx [IN] WMI context
// pHandler [IN] WMI sink pointer
// Return Value:
SCODE CDnsCache::DeleteInstance( CObjPath & ObjectPath, long lFlags, IWbemContext * pCtx, IWbemObjectSink * pResponseHandler) { return WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED; }