Copyright (c) 1993-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements QueryUserProperty() and SetUserProperty() which read and write NetWare Properties to the UserParms field.
Andy Herron (andyhe) 24-May-1993 Congpa You (CongpaY) 28-Oct-1993 Seperated SetUserProperty() and QueryUserProperty() out from usrprop.c in ncpsrv\svcdlls\ncpsvc\libbind, modified the code and fixed a few existing problems.
Revision History:
#include "nt.h"
#include "ntrtl.h"
#include "nturtl.h"
#include "ntioapi.h"
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "winuser.h"
#include <fpnwcomm.h>
#include <usrprop.h>
// All internal (opaque) structures are listed here since no one else
// needs to reference them.
// The user's Parameter field is mapped out to a structure that contains
// the backlevel 48 WCHARs for Mac/Ras compatibility plus a new structure
// that is basically an array of chars that make up a property name plus
// a property value.
// This is the structure for an individual property. Note that there are
// no null terminators in this.
typedef struct _USER_PROPERTY { WCHAR PropertyLength; // length of property name
WCHAR ValueLength; // length of property value
WCHAR PropertyFlag; // type of property (1 = set, 2 = item)
WCHAR Property[1]; // start of property name, followed by value
// This is the structure that maps the beginning of the user's Parameters
// field. It is only separate so that we can do a sizeof() without including
// the first property, which may or may not be there.
typedef struct _USER_PROPERTIES_HDR { WCHAR BacklevelParms[48]; // RAS & Mac data stored here.
WCHAR PropertySignature; // signature that we can look for.
WCHAR PropertyCount; // number of properties present.
// This structure maps out the whole of the user's Parameters field when
// the user properties structure is present and at least one property is
// defined.
// forward references
NTSTATUS UserPropertyAllocBlock ( IN PUNICODE_STRING Existing, IN ULONG DesiredLength, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING New );
BOOL FindUserProperty ( PUSER_PROPERTIES UserProperties, LPWSTR Property, PUSER_PROPERTY *pUserProperty, USHORT *pCount );
VOID RemoveUserProperty ( UNICODE_STRING *puniUserParms, PUSER_PROPERTY UserProperty, USHORT Count, BOOL *Update );
VOID NetpParmsUserPropertyFree ( LPWSTR NewUserParms ) { LocalFree( NewUserParms ); return; }
NTSTATUS NetpParmsSetUserProperty ( IN LPWSTR UserParms, IN LPWSTR Property, IN UNICODE_STRING PropertyValue, IN WCHAR PropertyFlag, OUT LPWSTR *pNewUserParms, // memory has to be freed afer use.
OUT BOOL *Update ) /*
This function sets a property field in the user's Parameters field. */ { NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING uniUserParms; UNICODE_STRING uniNewUserParms; USHORT Count = 0; USHORT PropertyLength; USHORT ValueLength; PUSER_PROPERTIES UserProperties; PUSER_PROPERTY UserProperty; LPWSTR PropertyValueString = NULL; USHORT oldUserParmsLength; INT i; UCHAR *pchValue = NULL;
// Check if parameters are correct.
if (Property == NULL) { return( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
// Initialize output variables.
*Update = FALSE; *pNewUserParms = NULL;
try {
oldUserParmsLength = (USHORT)((lstrlenW(UserParms) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
// if we can't get the length of the current UserParameters, we loose
// the whole thing.
UserParms = NULL; }
// Convert UserParms to unicode string.
uniUserParms.Buffer = UserParms; uniUserParms.Length = UserParms ? oldUserParmsLength : 0; uniUserParms.MaximumLength = uniUserParms.Length;
/** Get the length of the property name **/
PropertyLength = (USHORT)(lstrlenW( Property ) * sizeof(WCHAR));
/** Get the length of the property value **/ ValueLength = PropertyValue.Length;
if (ValueLength != 0) { PCHAR hexValues = "0123456789abcdef";
// Convert property value to asci string so that
// if property value is 0, it can be stored correctly.
PropertyValueString = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, (ValueLength+1)*sizeof (WCHAR)); if (!PropertyValueString) { return(STATUS_NO_MEMORY) ; }
pchValue = (UCHAR *) PropertyValue.Buffer;
// Since we don't want to pull in user32.dll, we'll roll our own
// byte to hex code.
for (i = 0; i < ValueLength; i++) { *((PCHAR)(PropertyValueString+i)) = hexValues[((*(pchValue+i)) & 0xF0) >> 4]; *((PCHAR)((PCHAR)(PropertyValueString+i)+1)) = hexValues[((*(pchValue+i)) & 0x0F)]; }
*(PropertyValueString+ValueLength) = 0; ValueLength = ValueLength * sizeof (WCHAR); }
// check that user has valid property structure , if not, create one
if (UserParms != NULL) { Count = oldUserParmsLength; }
if (Count < sizeof( USER_PROPERTIES)) { Count = sizeof( USER_PROPERTIES_HDR ) + sizeof(WCHAR); }
if (ValueLength > 0) { Count += sizeof( USER_PROPERTY ) + PropertyLength + ValueLength; }
if (Count > 0x7FFF) { // can't be bigger than 32K of user parms.
if (PropertyValueString) { LocalFree( PropertyValueString ); } return (STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); }
try {
status = UserPropertyAllocBlock( &uniUserParms, Count, &uniNewUserParms ); } except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {
// if we can't copy the current UserParameters, we loose the whole thing.
UserParms = NULL; uniUserParms.Buffer = UserParms; uniUserParms.Length = 0; uniUserParms.MaximumLength = uniUserParms.Length;
Count = sizeof( USER_PROPERTIES_HDR ) + sizeof(WCHAR); if (ValueLength > 0) { Count += sizeof( USER_PROPERTY ) + PropertyLength + ValueLength; }
status = UserPropertyAllocBlock( &uniUserParms, Count, &uniNewUserParms ); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { if (PropertyValueString) { LocalFree( PropertyValueString ); } return status; }
// Make the output pNewUserParms point to uniNewUserPams's buffer
// which is the new UserParms string.
*pNewUserParms = uniNewUserParms.Buffer;
UserProperties = (PUSER_PROPERTIES) uniNewUserParms.Buffer;
try {
if (FindUserProperty (UserProperties, Property, &UserProperty, &Count)) { RemoveUserProperty ( &uniNewUserParms, UserProperty, Count, Update); } } except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {
// we have corrupted user parms here... get rid of them.
*Update = TRUE;
if (*pNewUserParms != NULL) { LocalFree( *pNewUserParms ); } *pNewUserParms = NULL; status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
if (PropertyValueString) { LocalFree( PropertyValueString ); } return status; }
// If the new value of the property is not null, add it.
if (ValueLength > 0) {
try {
// find the end of the parameters list
UserProperty = &(UserProperties->FirstProperty);
for (Count = 1; Count <= UserProperties->Header.PropertyCount; Count++) { UserProperty = (PUSER_PROPERTY) ((LPSTR)((LPSTR) UserProperty + sizeof(USER_PROPERTY) + // length of entry
UserProperty->PropertyLength + UserProperty->ValueLength - sizeof(WCHAR))); // for Property[0]
// append it to the end and update length of string
UserProperty->PropertyFlag = (PropertyFlag & NCP_SET) ? USER_PROPERTY_TYPE_SET : USER_PROPERTY_TYPE_ITEM;
UserProperty->PropertyLength = PropertyLength; UserProperty->ValueLength = ValueLength;
RtlCopyMemory( &(UserProperty->Property[0]), Property, PropertyLength );
RtlCopyMemory( &(UserProperty->Property[PropertyLength / sizeof(WCHAR)]), PropertyValueString, ValueLength );
uniNewUserParms.Length += sizeof(USER_PROPERTY) + // length of entry
PropertyLength + // length of property name string
ValueLength - // length of value string
sizeof(WCHAR); // account for WCHAR Property[1]
// we have corrupted user parms here... get rid of them.
if (*pNewUserParms != NULL) { LocalFree( *pNewUserParms ); } *pNewUserParms = NULL; status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *Update = TRUE; }
// UserParms is already null terminated. We don't need to set the
// end of UserParms to be NULL since we zero init the buffer already.
if (PropertyValueString) { LocalFree( PropertyValueString ); } return( status ); }
NTSTATUS NetpParmsSetUserPropertyWithLength ( IN PUNICODE_STRING UserParms, IN LPWSTR Property, IN UNICODE_STRING PropertyValue, IN WCHAR PropertyFlag, OUT LPWSTR *pNewUserParms, // memory has to be freed afer use.
OUT BOOL *Update ) /*
This function sets a property field in the user's Parameters field. */ { NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING newUserParms; ULONG length; PWCHAR ptr;
length = UserParms->Length;
if (UserParms->MaximumLength < length + sizeof(WCHAR)) {
// have to realloc
newUserParms.Buffer = UserParms->Buffer; newUserParms.Length = newUserParms.MaximumLength = (USHORT) ( length + sizeof(WCHAR) );
newUserParms.Buffer = LocalAlloc (LPTR, newUserParms.Length);
if (newUserParms.Buffer == NULL) {
RtlCopyMemory( newUserParms.Buffer, UserParms->Buffer, length );
} else {
newUserParms.Buffer = UserParms->Buffer; newUserParms.Length = (USHORT) length; newUserParms.MaximumLength = UserParms->MaximumLength; }
// Slap in null terminator
ptr = newUserParms.Buffer + ( length / sizeof(WCHAR) ); *ptr = L'\0';
status = NetpParmsSetUserProperty( newUserParms.Buffer, Property, PropertyValue, PropertyFlag, pNewUserParms, Update );
if (newUserParms.Buffer != UserParms->Buffer) {
LocalFree( newUserParms.Buffer ); }
return(status); }
#define MAPHEXTODIGIT(x) ( x >= '0' && x <= '9' ? (x-'0') : \
x >= 'A' && x <= 'F' ? (x-'A'+10) : \ x >= 'a' && x <= 'f' ? (x-'a'+10) : 0 )
NTSTATUS NetpParmsQueryUserProperty ( IN LPWSTR UserParms, IN LPWSTR PropertyName, OUT PWCHAR PropertyFlag, OUT PUNICODE_STRING PropertyValue ) /*
This routine returns a user definable property value as it is stored in the user's Parameters field. Note that the RAS/MAC fields are stripped before we start processing user properties. */ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; USHORT PropertyNameLength; USHORT Count; PUSER_PROPERTY UserProperty; WCHAR *Value; UINT i; CHAR *PropertyValueString = NULL; CHAR *pchValue;
// Set PropertyValue->Length to 0 initially. If the property is not found
// it will still be 0 on exit.
PropertyValue->Length = 0; PropertyValue->Buffer = NULL;
try {
PropertyNameLength = (USHORT)(lstrlenW(PropertyName) * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Check if UserParms have the right structure.
if (FindUserProperty ((PUSER_PROPERTIES) UserParms, PropertyName, &UserProperty, &Count) ) {
Value = (LPWSTR)(LPSTR)((LPSTR) &(UserProperty->Property[0]) + PropertyNameLength);
// Found the requested property
// Copy the property flag.
if (PropertyFlag) { *PropertyFlag = UserProperty->PropertyFlag; }
// Allocate memory for PropertyValue->Buffer
PropertyValueString = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, UserProperty->ValueLength+1); PropertyValue->Buffer = LocalAlloc ( LPTR, UserProperty->ValueLength/sizeof(WCHAR));
// Make sure the property value length is valid.
if ((PropertyValue->Buffer == NULL) || (PropertyValueString == NULL)) {
if (PropertyValue->Buffer != NULL) { LocalFree( PropertyValue->Buffer ); PropertyValue->Buffer = NULL; }
} else {
// Copy the property value to the buffer.
RtlCopyMemory( PropertyValueString, Value, UserProperty->ValueLength );
pchValue = (CHAR *) PropertyValue->Buffer;
// Convert from value unicode string to value.
for (i = 0; i < UserProperty->ValueLength/sizeof(WCHAR) ; i++) { // sscanf will trash memory.
// sscanf( PropertyValueString+2*i, "%2x", pchValue+i);
pchValue[i] = MAPHEXTODIGIT( PropertyValueString[2*i]) * 16 + MAPHEXTODIGIT( PropertyValueString[2*i+1]); }
PropertyValue->Length = UserProperty->ValueLength/sizeof(WCHAR); PropertyValue->MaximumLength = UserProperty->ValueLength/sizeof(WCHAR); } }
// we have corrupted user parms here... can't return a decent value
if (PropertyValue->Buffer != NULL) { LocalFree( PropertyValue->Buffer ); PropertyValue->Buffer = NULL; }
PropertyValue->Length = 0; status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if ( PropertyValueString != NULL ) { LocalFree( PropertyValueString); }
return status; }
NTSTATUS NetpParmsQueryUserPropertyWithLength ( IN PUNICODE_STRING UserParms, IN LPWSTR PropertyName, OUT PWCHAR PropertyFlag, OUT PUNICODE_STRING PropertyValue ) /*
This routine returns a user definable property value as it is stored in the user's Parameters field. Note that the RAS/MAC fields are stripped before we start processing user properties. */ { NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING newUserParms; ULONG length; PWCHAR ptr;
length = UserParms->Length;
if (UserParms->MaximumLength < length + sizeof(WCHAR)) {
// have to realloc
newUserParms.Buffer = UserParms->Buffer; newUserParms.Length = newUserParms.MaximumLength = (USHORT) (length + sizeof(WCHAR) );
newUserParms.Buffer = LocalAlloc (LPTR, newUserParms.Length);
if (newUserParms.Buffer == NULL) {
RtlCopyMemory( newUserParms.Buffer, UserParms->Buffer, length );
} else {
newUserParms.Buffer = UserParms->Buffer; newUserParms.Length = (USHORT) length; newUserParms.MaximumLength = UserParms->MaximumLength; }
// Slap in null terminator
ptr = newUserParms.Buffer + ( length / sizeof(WCHAR) ); *ptr = L'\0';
status = NetpParmsQueryUserProperty( newUserParms.Buffer, PropertyName, PropertyFlag, PropertyValue );
if (newUserParms.Buffer != UserParms->Buffer) {
LocalFree( newUserParms.Buffer ); }
return(status); }
// Common routine used by QueryUserProperty() and SetUserProperty().
BOOL FindUserProperty ( PUSER_PROPERTIES UserProperties, LPWSTR Property, PUSER_PROPERTY *pUserProperty, USHORT *pCount ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; USHORT PropertyLength;
// Check if user has valid property structure attached,
// pointed to by UserProperties.
if ( ( UserProperties != NULL ) && ( lstrlenW( (LPWSTR) UserProperties) * sizeof(WCHAR) > sizeof(UserProperties->Header.BacklevelParms)) && ( UserProperties->Header.PropertySignature == USER_PROPERTY_SIGNATURE) ) { //
// user has valid property structure.
*pUserProperty = &(UserProperties->FirstProperty);
PropertyLength = (USHORT)(lstrlenW( Property ) * sizeof(WCHAR));
for ( *pCount = 1; *pCount <= UserProperties->Header.PropertyCount; (*pCount)++ ) { if ( ( PropertyLength == (*pUserProperty)->PropertyLength ) && ( RtlCompareMemory( &((*pUserProperty)->Property[0]), Property, PropertyLength ) == PropertyLength ) ) { fFound = TRUE; break; }
*pUserProperty = (PUSER_PROPERTY) ((LPSTR) (*pUserProperty) + sizeof( USER_PROPERTY ) + (*pUserProperty)->PropertyLength + (*pUserProperty)->ValueLength - sizeof(WCHAR)); // for Property[0]
} }
return( fFound ); }
// Remove a property field from the User Parms.
VOID RemoveUserProperty ( UNICODE_STRING *puniUserParms, PUSER_PROPERTY UserProperty, USHORT Count, BOOL *Update ) { PUSER_PROPERTIES UserProperties; PUSER_PROPERTY NextProperty; USHORT OldParmLength;
UserProperties = (PUSER_PROPERTIES) puniUserParms->Buffer;
OldParmLength = sizeof( USER_PROPERTY ) + UserProperty->PropertyLength + UserProperty->ValueLength - sizeof(WCHAR); // for Property[0]
NextProperty = (PUSER_PROPERTY)(LPSTR)((LPSTR) UserProperty + OldParmLength);
// if we're not on the last one, copy the remaining buffer up
if (Count < UserProperties->Header.PropertyCount) {
RtlMoveMemory( UserProperty, NextProperty, puniUserParms->Length - ((LPSTR) NextProperty - (LPSTR) puniUserParms->Buffer )); }
// Now reduce the length of the buffer by the amount we pulled out
puniUserParms->Length -= OldParmLength;
*Update = TRUE; }
NTSTATUS UserPropertyAllocBlock ( IN PUNICODE_STRING Existing, IN ULONG DesiredLength, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING New ) /*
This allocates a larger block for user's parameters and copies the old block in. */ { PUSER_PROPERTIES UserProperties; CLONG Count; WCHAR *pNewBuff;
// We will allocate a new buffer to store the new parameters
// and copy the existing parameters into it.
New->Buffer = LocalAlloc (LPTR, DesiredLength);
if ( New->Buffer == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
New->MaximumLength = (USHORT) DesiredLength;
if (Existing != NULL) {
New->Length = Existing->Length;
RtlCopyMemory( New->Buffer, Existing->Buffer, Existing->Length ); } else { New->Length = 0; }
// Ensure that we don't have any nulls in our string.
for ( Count = 0; Count < New->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); Count++ ) { if (*(New->Buffer + Count) == L'\0') { New->Length = (USHORT) Count * sizeof(WCHAR); break; } }
// now pad it out with spaces until reached Mac+Ras reserved length
pNewBuff = (WCHAR *) New->Buffer + ( New->Length / sizeof(WCHAR) );
while ( New->Length < sizeof(UserProperties->Header.BacklevelParms)) { *( pNewBuff++ ) = L' '; New->Length += sizeof(WCHAR); }
// If the signature isn't there, stick it in and set prop count to 0
UserProperties = (PUSER_PROPERTIES) New->Buffer;
if (New->Length < sizeof(USER_PROPERTIES_HDR) || UserProperties->Header.PropertySignature != USER_PROPERTY_SIGNATURE) {
UserProperties->Header.PropertySignature = USER_PROPERTY_SIGNATURE; UserProperties->Header.PropertyCount = 0;
New->Length = sizeof(USER_PROPERTIES_HDR); }
// usrprop.c eof.