/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: userinit.c * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * Userinit main module * * Userinit is an app executed by winlogon at user logon. * It executes in the security context of the user and on the user desktop. * Its purpose is to complete any user initialization that may take an * indeterminate time. e.g. code that interacts with the user. * This process may be terminated at any time if a shutdown is initiated * or if the user logs off by some other means. * * History: * 20-Aug-92 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/
#include "userinit.h"
#include "winuserp.h"
#include <mpr.h>
#include <winnetp.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <winsprlp.h>
#include "msgalias.h"
#include "stringid.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <regapi.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include "helpmsg.h" // for HelpMessageBox
IsTSAppCompatOn() Purpose: Checks if TS application compatibility is enabled. returns TRUE if enabled, FALSE - if not enabled or on case of error. Comments: This function goes to the registry only once. All other times it just returnes the value. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL IsTSAppCompatOn();
// Define this to enable verbose output for this module
#define VerbosePrint(s) UIPrint(s)
#define VerbosePrint(s)
// Define this to enable timing of userinit
//#define LOGGING
#ifdef LOGGING
void _WriteLog(LPCTSTR LogString);
#define WriteLog(s) _WriteLog(s)
#define WriteLog(s)
// Define the environment variable names used to pass the logon
// server and script name from winlogon
#define LOGON_SERVER_VARIABLE TEXT("UserInitLogonServer")
#define LOGON_SCRIPT_VARIABLE TEXT("UserInitLogonScript")
#define MPR_LOGON_SCRIPT_VARIABLE TEXT("UserInitMprLogonScript")
#define OPTIMIZED_LOGON_VARIABLE TEXT("UserInitOptimizedLogon")
#define EVENT_SOURCE_NAME TEXT("UserInit")
#define AUTOENROLL_VARIABLE TEXT("UserInitAutoEnroll")
#define AUTOENROLLMODE_VARIABLE TEXT("UserInitAutoEnrollMode")
// Define path separator
// Define filename extension separator
// Define server name prefix
#define SERVER_PREFIX TEXT("\\\\")
// Define Logon script paths.
#define LOCAL_SCRIPT_PATH TEXT("\\repl\\import\\scripts")
#define WINLOGON_KEY TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon")
#define WINLOGON_POLICY_KEY TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System")
#define GPO_SCRIPTS_KEY TEXT("Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System\\Scripts")
#define SYNC_LOGON_SCRIPT TEXT("RunLogonScriptSync")
#define SYNC_STARTUP_SCRIPT TEXT("RunStartupScriptSync")
// We cache user preference to run logon scripts synchronously
// in the machine hive so it can be checked to determine if we
// can do cached logon without having to load the user's hive.
#define PROFILE_LIST_PATH L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList"
TCHAR g_szGrpConvExe[] = TEXT("grpconv.exe -p");
// Define extensions that should be added to scripts without extensions
// when we go search for them. Basically this list includes those extensions
// that CreateProcess handles when they are present in the executable file
// name but must be provided by the caller (us)
// We search for a script file with these extensions in this order and
// execute the first one we find.
static LPTSTR ScriptExtensions[] = { TEXT(".bat"), TEXT(".cmd") };
// Name of registry key and value to check for temp page file.
TCHAR szMemMan[] = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management");
TCHAR szNoPageFile[] = TEXT("TempPageFile");
// Handle to a thread that may be created to deal with autoenrollment goo.
// If this is non-null, we will wait on this thread to complete before
// terminating the process.
HANDLE AutoEnrollThread ;
// Timeout in miliseconds to wait for AddMessageAlias to complete
#define TIMEOUT_VALUE (5L * 60L * 1000L)
#define MAX_STRING_BYTES 512
BOOL SetupHotKeyForKeyboardLayout ();
LPTSTR AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable( LPTSTR lpName );
BOOL RunScriptHidden(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpValue, BOOL bDefault);
BOOL RunLogonScriptSync(VOID);
BOOL RunStartupScriptSync(VOID);
BOOL UpdateUserEnvironment(VOID);
LPWSTR GetSidString(HANDLE UserToken);
VOID DeleteSidString(LPWSTR SidString);
VOID UpdateUserSyncLogonScriptsCache(BOOL bSync);
VOID NewLogonNotify(VOID);
BOOL RunGPOScripts( LPTSTR lpGPOScriptType );
void PathUnquoteSpaces(LPTSTR lpsz);
BOOL PrependToPath( IN LPTSTR lpLogonPath, OUT LPTSTR *lpOldPath );
// If a path is contained in quotes then remove them.
void PathUnquoteSpaces(LPTSTR lpsz) { int cch;
cch = lstrlen(lpsz);
// Are the first and last chars quotes?
if (lpsz[0] == TEXT('"') && lpsz[cch-1] == TEXT('"')) { // Yep, remove them.
lpsz[cch-1] = 0; MoveMemory(lpsz, lpsz+1, (cch-1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } }
// Following function determines if the machine is a Pro or Personal machine
BOOL IsPerOrProTerminalServer() { OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersion = {0};
osVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVersion); return(GetVersionEx((OSVERSIONINFO*)&osVersion) && (osVersion.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) && (osVersion.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS)); }
// The 3 functions below are duplicated in gptext as well
// for running GPO scripts
* AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable * * Version of GetEnvironmentVariable that allocates the return buffer. * * Returns pointer to environment variable or NULL on failure * * The returned buffer should be free using Free() * * History: * 09-Dec-92 Davidc Created * \***************************************************************************/ LPTSTR AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable( LPTSTR lpName ) { LPTSTR Buffer; DWORD LengthRequired; DWORD LengthUsed; DWORD BytesRequired;
// Go search for the variable and find its length
LengthRequired = GetEnvironmentVariable(lpName, NULL, 0);
if (LengthRequired == 0) { VerbosePrint(("Environment variable <%S> not found, error = %d", lpName, GetLastError())); return(NULL); }
// Allocate a buffer to hold the variable
BytesRequired = LengthRequired * sizeof(TCHAR);
Buffer = (LPTSTR) Alloc(BytesRequired); if (Buffer == NULL) { VerbosePrint(("Failed to allocate %d bytes for environment variable", BytesRequired)); return(NULL); }
// Go get the variable and pass a buffer this time
LengthUsed = GetEnvironmentVariable(lpName, Buffer, LengthRequired);
if (LengthUsed == 0) { VerbosePrint(("Environment variable <%S> not found (should have found it), error = %d", lpName, GetLastError())); Free(Buffer); return(NULL); }
if (LengthUsed != LengthRequired - 1) { VerbosePrint(("Unexpected result from GetEnvironmentVariable. Length passed = %d, length used = %d (expected %d)", LengthRequired, LengthUsed, LengthRequired - 1)); Free(Buffer); return(NULL); }
return(Buffer); }
// Directory separator in environment strings
BOOL PrependToPath( IN LPTSTR lpLogonPath, OUT LPTSTR *lpOldPath ) { DWORD BytesRequired; LPTSTR lpNewPath;
// Prepend the address of the logon script to the path, so it can
// reference other files.
*lpOldPath = AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable( PATH );
if (*lpOldPath == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
BytesRequired = ( lstrlen(lpLogonPath) + lstrlen(*lpOldPath) + 2 // one for terminator, one for ';'
) * sizeof(TCHAR);
lpNewPath = (LPTSTR)Alloc(BytesRequired); if (lpNewPath == NULL) { VerbosePrint(("PrependToPath: Failed to allocate %d bytes for modified path variable", BytesRequired)); return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy(lpNewPath, lpLogonPath); lstrcat(lpNewPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); lstrcat(lpNewPath, *lpOldPath);
// Free( *lpOldPath );
ASSERT(((lstrlen(lpNewPath) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) == BytesRequired);
SetEnvironmentVariable(PATH, lpNewPath);
return(TRUE); }
// Volatile Environment
#define VOLATILE_ENVIRONMENT TEXT("Volatile Environment")
FILETIME g_LastWrite = {0,0};
// This function checks if a volatile environment section
// exists in the registry, and if so does the environment
// need to be updated.
BOOL UpdateUserEnvironment (void) { PVOID pEnv; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDisp, dwType, dwSize; BOOL bRebuildEnv = FALSE; TCHAR szClass[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchClass, dwSubKeys, dwMaxSubKey, dwMaxClass,dwValues; DWORD dwMaxValueName, dwMaxValueData, dwSecurityDescriptor; FILETIME LastWrite;
// Attempt to open the Volatile Environment key
// Query the key information for the LastWrite time.
// This way we can update the environment only when
// we really need to.
cchClass = MAX_PATH;
if (RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, szClass, &cchClass, NULL, &dwSubKeys, &dwMaxSubKey, &dwMaxClass, &dwValues, &dwMaxValueName, &dwMaxValueData, &dwSecurityDescriptor, &LastWrite) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// If we haven't checked this key before,
// then just store the values for next time.
if (g_LastWrite.dwLowDateTime == 0) {
g_LastWrite.dwLowDateTime = LastWrite.dwLowDateTime; g_LastWrite.dwHighDateTime = LastWrite.dwHighDateTime;
bRebuildEnv = TRUE;
} else {
// Compare the last write times.
if (CompareFileTime (&LastWrite, &g_LastWrite) == 1) {
g_LastWrite.dwLowDateTime = LastWrite.dwLowDateTime; g_LastWrite.dwHighDateTime = LastWrite.dwHighDateTime;
bRebuildEnv = TRUE; } } }
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Check if we need to rebuild the environment
hInst = LoadLibrary (TEXT("shell32.dll"));
if (hInst) { pRegUserEnv = (PFNREGENERATEUSERENVIRONMENT) GetProcAddress(hInst, "RegenerateUserEnvironment");
if (pRegUserEnv) { (*pRegUserEnv) (&pEnv, TRUE); }
FreeLibrary (hInst); } }
return TRUE; } // returns a pointer to the arguments in a cmd type path or pointer to
// NULL if no args exist
// foo.exe bar.txt -> bar.txt
// foo.exe -> ""
// Spaces in filenames must be quoted.
// "A long name.txt" bar.txt -> bar.txt
LPTSTR GetArgs(LPCTSTR pszPath) { BOOL fInQuotes = FALSE;
if (!pszPath) return NULL;
while (*pszPath) { if (*pszPath == TEXT('"')) fInQuotes = !fInQuotes; else if (!fInQuotes && *pszPath == TEXT(' ')) return (LPTSTR)pszPath; pszPath = CharNext(pszPath); }
return (LPTSTR)pszPath; }
* ExecApplication * * Execs an application * * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. * * 21-Aug-92 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/
BOOL ExecApplication( LPTSTR pch, BOOL bFileNameOnly, BOOL bSyncApp, BOOL bShellExec, USHORT ShowState ) { BOOL Result; WCHAR Localpch[ MAX_PATH+1 ]; BOOL IsProcessExplorer = FALSE;
if ( (_wcsicmp( pch, L"explorer" ) == 0) || (_wcsicmp( pch, L"explorer.exe" ) == 0 ) ) { //
// Explorer.exe might not be in the right spot on the path. Let's wire
// it to the right spot.
IsProcessExplorer = TRUE ; if ( ExpandEnvironmentStrings( L"%SystemRoot%\\Explorer.EXE", Localpch, MAX_PATH ) ) { pch = Localpch ; } WriteLog( TEXT("Changed explorer.exe to") ); WriteLog( pch ); } else { if ( ExpandEnvironmentStrings( pch, Localpch, MAX_PATH ) ) { pch = Localpch; } }
// Applications can be launched via ShellExecuteEx or CreateProcess
if (bShellExec) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO ExecInfo; LPTSTR lpArgs = NULL; LPTSTR lpTemp; HINSTANCE hShell32;
if (!g_pfnShellExecuteEx) { Result = FALSE;
hShell32 = LoadLibrary(TEXT("shell32.dll")); // this handle is not closed..
if (hShell32) { #ifdef UNICODE
g_pfnShellExecuteEx = (PFNSHELLEXECUTEEX)GetProcAddress(hShell32, "ShellExecuteExW"); #else
g_pfnShellExecuteEx = (PFNSHELLEXECUTEEX)GetProcAddress(hShell32, "ShellExecuteExA"); #endif
if (g_pfnShellExecuteEx) { Result = TRUE; } } } else { Result = TRUE; }
if (Result) { lpTemp = LocalAlloc (LPTR, (lstrlen(pch) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (!lpTemp) { return FALSE; }
lstrcpy (lpTemp, pch);
if (!bFileNameOnly) { lpArgs = GetArgs (lpTemp);
if (lpArgs) { if (*lpArgs) { *lpArgs = TEXT('\0'); lpArgs++; } else { lpArgs = NULL; } } }
ZeroMemory(&ExecInfo, sizeof(ExecInfo)); ExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(ExecInfo); ExecInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_DOENVSUBST | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI | SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; ExecInfo.lpFile = lpTemp; ExecInfo.lpParameters = lpArgs; ExecInfo.nShow = ShowState; ExecInfo.lpVerb = TEXT("open");
Result = g_pfnShellExecuteEx (&ExecInfo);
if (Result) {
// If we are running this app synchronously, wait
// for it to terminate.
if (bSyncApp) { WaitForSingleObject(ExecInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); }
// Close our handles to the process and thread
LocalFree (lpTemp); } } else { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation;
// Initialize process startup info
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.lpReserved = pch; // This tells progman it's the shell!
si.lpTitle = pch; si.lpDesktop = NULL; // Not used
si.dwX = si.dwY = si.dwXSize = si.dwYSize = 0L; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = ShowState; si.lpReserved2 = NULL; si.cbReserved2 = 0;
// Start the app
Result = CreateProcess( bFileNameOnly ? pch : NULL, // Image name
bFileNameOnly ? NULL : pch, // Command line
NULL, // Default process protection
NULL, // Default thread protection
FALSE, // Don't inherit handles
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, // Inherit environment
NULL, // Inherit current directory
&si, &ProcessInformation );
if (!Result) { VerbosePrint(("Failed to execute <%S>, error = %d", pch, GetLastError())); // TS : For non console sessions, a app restriting process like AppSec or SAFER might not allow explorer.exe for remote session
// In this case we cannot leave a Blue screen hanging around - so we should log-off in this case
// Also we want this only for Server or Advanced Server where this scenario is relevant
if ( IsPerOrProTerminalServer() == FALSE) { if ((NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId != 0) && (IsProcessExplorer == TRUE)) { TCHAR Title[MAX_STRING_BYTES]; TCHAR Message[MAX_STRING_BYTES];
#if DBG
DbgPrint("Userinit : TS : Failed to launch explorer.exe for a Remote Session. Doing ExitWindowsEx to logoff. \n"); #endif
// Display a MessageBox saying why we log off
LoadString( NULL, IDS_LOGON_FAILED, Title, MAX_STRING_BYTES ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ERROR_SHELL_FAILED, Message, MAX_STRING_BYTES ); MessageBox(NULL, Message, Title, MB_OK); ExitWindowsEx(EWX_LOGOFF, 0); } } } else {
// If we are running this app synchronously, wait
// for it to terminate.
if (bSyncApp) { WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInformation.hProcess, INFINITE); }
// Close our handles to the process and thread
CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread);
} }
return(Result); }
* ExecProcesses * * Read the registry for a list of system processes and start them up. * * Returns number of processes successfully started. * * 3-Mar-97 Eric Flo Rewrote \***************************************************************************/
DWORD ExecProcesses( LPTSTR pszKeyName, LPTSTR pszDefault, BOOL bMachine, BOOL bSync, // Should we wait until the process finish?
BOOL bMinimize // Should we use the SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE flag
) { LPTSTR pchData, pchCmdLine, pchT; DWORD cbCopied; DWORD dwExecuted = 0 ; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwType, dwSize = (MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)); USHORT showstate = (UINT) (bMinimize ? SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE : SW_SHOWNORMAL);
// Alloc a buffer to work with
pchData = LocalAlloc (LPTR, dwSize);
if (!pchData) { return 0; }
// Set the default value
if (pszDefault) { lstrcpy (pchData, pszDefault); }
// Check for the requested value in the registry.
RegQueryValueEx (hKey, pszKeyName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) pchData, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Check for policy override if this is a user action
if (!bMachine) { if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, WINLOGON_POLICY_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
RegQueryValueEx (hKey, pszKeyName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) pchData, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); } }
// If the command line(s) is still null, exit now.
if (*pchData == TEXT('\0')) { LocalFree(pchData); return 0; }
// Walk through the command line(s) executing the app(s)
pchCmdLine = pchT = pchData;
while (*pchT) {
while (*pchT && *pchT != TEXT(',')) { pchT++; }
if (*pchT == ',') { *pchT = TEXT('\0'); pchT++; }
// Skip any leading spaces.
while (*pchCmdLine == TEXT(' ')) { pchCmdLine++; }
// We have something... exec this application.
if (ExecApplication(pchCmdLine, FALSE, bSync, FALSE, showstate)) { dwExecuted++; }
pchCmdLine = pchT; }
return dwExecuted ; }
* SearchAndAllocPath * * Version of SearchPath that allocates the return string. * * Returns pointer to full path of file or NULL if not found. * * The returned buffer should be free using Free() * * History: * 09-Dec-92 Davidc Created * \***************************************************************************/ LPTSTR SearchAndAllocPath( LPTSTR lpPath, LPTSTR lpFileName, LPTSTR lpExtension, LPTSTR *lpFilePart ) { LPTSTR Buffer; DWORD LengthRequired; DWORD LengthUsed; DWORD BytesRequired;
// Allocate a buffer to hold the full filename
LengthRequired = MAX_PATH; BytesRequired = (LengthRequired * sizeof(TCHAR));
Buffer = Alloc(BytesRequired); if (Buffer == NULL) { UIPrint(("SearchAndAllocPath: Failed to allocate %d bytes for file name", BytesRequired)); return(NULL); }
// Go search for the file
LengthUsed = SearchPath( lpPath, lpFileName, lpExtension, LengthRequired, Buffer, lpFilePart);
if (LengthUsed == 0) { VerbosePrint(("SearchAndAllocPath: Path <%S>, file <%S>, extension <%S> not found, error = %d", lpPath, lpFileName, lpExtension, GetLastError())); Free(Buffer); return(NULL); }
if (LengthUsed > LengthRequired - 1) { UIPrint(("SearchAndAllocPath: Unexpected result from SearchPath. Length passed = %d, length used = %d (expected %d)", LengthRequired, LengthUsed, LengthRequired - 1)); Free(Buffer); return(NULL); }
return(Buffer); }
BOOL DisableScriptZoneSecurityCheck() { BOOL bSucceeded;
// To make the shell skip the zone security check for launching scripts, we use
// a special environment variable honored by the shell for this purpose and
// set it to a specific value
return bSucceeded; }
BOOL EnableScriptZoneSecurityCheck() { BOOL bSucceeded;
// Clear the environment variable that disables the security check
bSucceeded = SetEnvironmentVariable(SCRIPT_ZONE_CHECK_VARIABLE, NULL);
if ( ! bSucceeded ) { //
// If we failed to clear it, it may be that this is because the
// environment variable wasn't set in the first place, in which
// case we can ignore the error since we are in the desired state
LONG Status = GetLastError();
if ( ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND == Status ) { bSucceeded = TRUE; } }
return bSucceeded; }
* ExecScript * * Attempts to run the command script or exe lpScript in the directory lpPath. * If path is not specified then the default windows search path is used. * * This routine is basically a wrapper for CreateProcess. CreateProcess always * assumes a .exe extension for files without extensions. It will run .cmd * and .bat files but it keys off the .cmd and .bat extension. So we must go * search for the file first and add the extension before calling CreateProcess. * * Returns TRUE if the script began executing successfully. * Returns FALSE if we can't find the script in the path specified * or something fails. * * History: * 09-Dec-92 Davidc Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ExecScript( LPTSTR lpPath OPTIONAL, LPTSTR lpScript, BOOL bSyncApp, BOOL bShellExec ) { BOOL Result; DWORD i; USHORT uFlags; LPTSTR lpFullName; DWORD BytesRequired;
// First try and execute the raw script file name
if (lpPath != NULL) {
BytesRequired = (lstrlen(lpPath) + lstrlen(PATH_SEPARATOR) + lstrlen(lpScript) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
lpFullName = Alloc(BytesRequired); if (lpFullName == NULL) { UIPrint(("ExecScript failed to allocate %d bytes for full script name", BytesRequired)); return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy(lpFullName, lpPath); lstrcat(lpFullName, PATH_SEPARATOR); lstrcat(lpFullName, lpScript);
ASSERT(((lstrlen(lpFullName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) == BytesRequired);
} else { lpFullName = lpScript; }
if (!bSyncApp) { uFlags |= SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE; }
if (RunScriptHidden(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("HideLegacyLogonScripts"), FALSE)) { uFlags = SW_HIDE; }
// Let CreateProcess have a hack at the raw script path and name.
Result = ExecApplication(lpFullName, FALSE, bSyncApp, bShellExec, uFlags);
// Free up the full name buffer
if (lpFullName != lpScript) { Free(lpFullName); }
if (!Result) {
// Create process couldn't find it so add each script extension in
// turn and try and execute the full script name.
// Only bother with this procedure if the script name doesn't
// already contain an extension
BOOL ExtensionPresent = FALSE; LPTSTR p = lpScript;
while (*p) { if (*p == EXTENSION_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { ExtensionPresent = TRUE; break; } p = CharNext(p); }
if (ExtensionPresent) { VerbosePrint(("ExecScript: Skipping search path because script name contains extension")); } else {
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ScriptExtensions)/sizeof(ScriptExtensions[0]); i++) {
lpFullName = SearchAndAllocPath( lpPath, lpScript, ScriptExtensions[i], NULL);
if (lpFullName != NULL) {
// We found the file, go execute it
Result = ExecApplication(lpFullName, FALSE, bSyncApp, bShellExec, uFlags);
// Free the full path buffer
return(Result); } } } }
return(Result); }
BOOL RunScriptHidden(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpValue, BOOL bDefault) { BOOL bResult; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwType, dwSize;
// Set the default
bResult = bDefault;
// Check for a preference
if (RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyRoot, WINLOGON_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwSize = sizeof(bResult); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, lpValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bResult, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Check for a policy
if (RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyRoot, WINLOGON_POLICY_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwSize = sizeof(bResult); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, lpValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bResult, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
return bResult; }
* RunLogonScript * * Starts the logon script * * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * * History: * 21-Aug-92 Davidc Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL RunLogonScript( LPTSTR lpLogonServer OPTIONAL, LPTSTR lpLogonScript, BOOL bSyncApp, BOOL bShellExec ) { LPTSTR lpLogonPath; LPTSTR lpOldPath; DWORD BytesRequired; BOOL Result; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fad;
if (!lpLogonScript) { return TRUE; }
// if the logon server exists, look for the logon scripts on
// \\<LogonServer>\NETLOGON\<ScriptName>
if ((lpLogonServer != NULL) && (lpLogonServer[0] != 0)) {
BytesRequired = ( lstrlen(SERVER_PREFIX) + lstrlen(lpLogonServer) + lstrlen(SERVER_SCRIPT_PATH) + 1 ) * sizeof(TCHAR);
lpLogonPath = (LPTSTR)Alloc(BytesRequired); if (lpLogonPath == NULL) { UIPrint(("RunLogonScript: Failed to allocate %d bytes for remote logon script path", BytesRequired)); return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy(lpLogonPath, SERVER_PREFIX); lstrcat(lpLogonPath, lpLogonServer); lstrcat(lpLogonPath, SERVER_SCRIPT_PATH);
if (GetFileAttributesEx (lpLogonPath, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fad)) {
Result = PrependToPath( lpLogonPath, &lpOldPath );
if (Result) { VerbosePrint(("Successfully prepended <%S> to path", lpLogonPath)); } else { VerbosePrint(("Cannot prepend <%S> path.",lpLogonPath)); }
// Try and execute the app/script specified by lpLogonScript
// in the directory specified by lpLogonPath
Result = ExecScript(lpLogonPath, lpLogonScript, bSyncApp, bShellExec);
if (Result) { VerbosePrint(("Successfully executed logon script <%S> in directory <%S>", lpLogonScript, lpLogonPath)); } else { VerbosePrint(("Cannot start logon script <%S> on LogonServer <%S>. Trying local path.", lpLogonScript, lpLogonServer)); }
// Put the path back the way it was
SetEnvironmentVariable(PATH, lpOldPath);
} else { Result = FALSE; }
// Free up the buffer
// If the script started successfully we're done, otherwise
// drop through and try to find the script locally
if (Result) {
if (bSyncApp) { //
// Check that the volatile environment hasn't changed.
UpdateUserEnvironment(); }
return(TRUE); } }
// Try to find the scripts on <system dir>\repl\import\scripts\<scriptname>
BytesRequired = GetSystemDirectory(NULL, 0) * sizeof(TCHAR); if (BytesRequired == 0) { UIPrint(("RunLogonScript: GetSystemDirectory failed, error = %d", GetLastError())); return(FALSE); }
BytesRequired += ( lstrlen(LOCAL_SCRIPT_PATH) // BytesRequired already includes space for terminator
) * sizeof(TCHAR);
lpLogonPath = (LPTSTR)Alloc(BytesRequired); if (lpLogonPath == NULL) { UIPrint(("RunLogonScript failed to allocate %d bytes for logon script path", BytesRequired)); return(FALSE); }
Result = FALSE; if (GetSystemDirectory(lpLogonPath, BytesRequired)) {
lstrcat(lpLogonPath, LOCAL_SCRIPT_PATH);
ASSERT(((lstrlen(lpLogonPath) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) == BytesRequired);
Result = PrependToPath( lpLogonPath, &lpOldPath );
if (Result) { VerbosePrint(("Successfully prepended <%S> to path", lpLogonPath)); } else { VerbosePrint(("Cannot prepend <%S> path.",lpLogonPath)); }
// Try and execute the app/script specified by lpLogonScript
// in the directory specified by lpLogonPath
Result = ExecScript(lpLogonPath, lpLogonScript, bSyncApp, bShellExec);
if (Result) { VerbosePrint(("Successfully executed logon script <%S> in directory <%S>", lpLogonScript, lpLogonPath)); } else { VerbosePrint(("Cannot start logon script <%S> on local path <%S>.", lpLogonScript, lpLogonPath)); }
// Put the path back the way it was
SetEnvironmentVariable(PATH, lpOldPath);
} else { UIPrint(("RunLogonScript: GetSystemDirectory failed, error = %d", GetLastError())); }
// Free up the buffer
// Check that the volatile environment hasn't changed.
if (Result && bSyncApp) { UpdateUserEnvironment(); }
return(Result); }
#define SCR_STARTUP L"Startup"
#define SCR_SHUTDOWN L"Shutdown"
#define SCR_LOGON L"Logon"
#define SCR_LOGOFF L"Logoff"
DWORD ScrExecGPOListFromReg( LPWSTR szType, BOOL bMachine, BOOL bSync, BOOL bHidden, BOOL bRunMin, HANDLE hEventLog );
BOOL RunGPOScripts( LPTSTR lpGPOScriptType ) { HKEY hKeyScripts; HKEY hKeyRoot; BOOL bSync = TRUE; BOOL bRunMin = TRUE; BOOL bHide; HANDLE hEventLog = NULL; BOOL bMachine; BOOL bResult; DWORD dwError;
// Ensure that the shell's checks for ie zones are disabled
// since this script is trusted by an administrator to execute
bResult = DisableScriptZoneSecurityCheck();
if ( ! bResult ) { goto RunGPOScripts_exit; }
// Register with Event Log
hEventLog = RegisterEventSource( 0, EVENT_SOURCE_NAME );
// Preliminary work to see if the scripts should be
// run sync or async and to decide what the appropriate
// root key is
if (!lstrcmpi (lpGPOScriptType, SCR_LOGON )) { hKeyRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; bHide = RunScriptHidden(hKeyRoot, TEXT("HideLogonScripts"), TRUE); bSync = RunLogonScriptSync(); bMachine = FALSE; if (bSync && !bHide) { bRunMin = FALSE; } } else if (!lstrcmpi (lpGPOScriptType, SCR_LOGOFF )) { hKeyRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; bHide = RunScriptHidden(hKeyRoot, TEXT("HideLogoffScripts"), TRUE); bMachine = FALSE; if (!bHide) { bRunMin = FALSE; } } else if (!lstrcmpi (lpGPOScriptType, SCR_STARTUP )) { hKeyRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; bHide = RunScriptHidden(hKeyRoot, TEXT("HideStartupScripts"), TRUE); bSync = RunStartupScriptSync(); bMachine = TRUE; if (bSync && !bHide) { bRunMin = FALSE; } } else if (!lstrcmpi (lpGPOScriptType, SCR_SHUTDOWN )) { hKeyRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; bHide = RunScriptHidden(hKeyRoot, TEXT("HideShutdownScripts"), TRUE); bMachine = TRUE; if (!bHide) { bRunMin = FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; }
dwError = ScrExecGPOListFromReg(lpGPOScriptType, bMachine, bSync, bHide, bRunMin, hEventLog );
bResult = ( dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS );
if (hEventLog) { DeregisterEventSource(hEventLog); } return bResult; }
* RunMprLogonScripts * * Starts the network provider logon scripts * The passed string is a multi-sz - we exec each script in turn. * * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * * History: * 21-Aug-92 Davidc Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL RunMprLogonScripts( LPTSTR lpLogonScripts, BOOL bSyncApp ) { BOOL Result;
if (lpLogonScripts != NULL) {
DWORD Length;
do { Length = lstrlen(lpLogonScripts); if (Length != 0) {
Result = ExecScript(NULL, lpLogonScripts, bSyncApp, FALSE);
if (Result) { VerbosePrint(("Successfully executed mpr logon script <%S>", lpLogonScripts));
if (bSyncApp) { //
// Check that the volatile environment hasn't changed.
UpdateUserEnvironment(); } } else { VerbosePrint(("Cannot start mpr logon script <%S>", lpLogonScripts)); } }
lpLogonScripts += (Length + 1);
} while (Length != 0);
return(TRUE); }
* AllocAndGetEnvironmentMultiSz * * Gets an environment variable's value that's assumed to be an * encoded multi-sz and decodes it into an allocated return buffer. * Variable should have been written with SetEnvironmentMultiSz() (winlogon) * * Returns pointer to environment variable or NULL on failure * * The returned buffer should be free using Free() * * History: * 01-15-93 Davidc Created * \***************************************************************************/
LPTSTR AllocAndGetEnvironmentMultiSz( LPTSTR lpName ) { LPTSTR Buffer; LPTSTR p, q;
Buffer = AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable(lpName); if (Buffer == NULL) { return(NULL); }
// Now decode the string - we can do this in place since the string
// will always get smaller
p = Buffer; q = Buffer;
while (*p) {
p ++; if (*p != TERMINATOR_REPLACEMENT) { p --; *p = 0; } }
if (p != q) { *q = *p; }
p ++; q ++; }
ASSERT(q <= p);
// Copy terminator
if (q != p) { *q = 0; }
return(Buffer); }
* CheckVideoSelection * * History: * 15-Mar-93 Andreva Created. \***************************************************************************/
VOID CheckVideoSelection( HINSTANCE hInstance )
{ //
// First check if we are in a detection mode.
// If we are, spawn the applet and let the user pick the mode.
// Otherwise, check to see if the display was initialized properly.
// We may want to move this to a more appropriate place at a later date.
// Andreva
NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE HkRegistry; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; TCHAR achDispMode[512]; TCHAR achDisp[512]; TCHAR achExec[MAX_PATH];
DWORD Mesg = 0; LPTSTR psz = NULL; DWORD cb, dwType; DWORD data;
if ( NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId != 0 ) { // Only do this for Console
// Check for a new driver installation
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet" L"\\Control\\GraphicsDrivers\\DetectDisplay");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
Status = NtOpenKey(&HkRegistry, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | DELETE, &ObjectAttributes);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Check for a new driver installation
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet" L"\\Control\\GraphicsDrivers\\NewDisplay");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
Status = NtOpenKey(&HkRegistry, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | DELETE, &ObjectAttributes);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Check for an invalid driver (like a 3.51 driver) or a badly
// configured driver.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet" L"\\Control\\GraphicsDrivers\\InvalidDisplay");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
Status = NtOpenKey(&HkRegistry, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | DELETE, &ObjectAttributes);
} }
// If any of the the error keys were opened successfully, then close the
// key and spawn the applet (we only delete the invalid display key, not
// the DetectDisplay key !)
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
LoadString(hInstance, IDS_DISPLAYAPPLET, achExec, sizeof(achExec) / sizeof( TCHAR ));
ExecApplication(achExec, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
} }
* InitializeMisc * * History: * 14-Jul-95 EricFlo Created. \***************************************************************************/
void InitializeMisc (HINSTANCE hInstance) { HKEY hkeyMM; DWORD dwTempFile, cbTempFile, dwType; TCHAR achExec[MAX_PATH];
// check the page file. If there is not one, then spawn the vm applet
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szMemMan, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyMM) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbTempFile = sizeof(dwTempFile); if (RegQueryValueEx (hkeyMM, szNoPageFile, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwTempFile, &cbTempFile) != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_DWORD || cbTempFile != sizeof(dwTempFile)) { dwTempFile = 0; }
RegCloseKey(hkeyMM); } else dwTempFile = 0;
if (dwTempFile == 1) { LoadString(hInstance, IDS_VMAPPLET, achExec, sizeof(achExec) / sizeof( TCHAR )); ExecProcesses(TEXT("vmapplet"), achExec, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); }
// Tell the user if he has an invalid video selection.
// Notify other system components that a new
// user has logged into the workstation.
#ifdef LOGGING
#define DATEFORMAT TEXT("%d-%d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d:%.3d ")
* _WriteLog * * History: * 22-Mar-93 Robertre Created. \***************************************************************************/
void _WriteLog( LPCTSTR LogString ) { TCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; SYSTEMTIME st; TCHAR FormatString[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy( FormatString, DATEFORMAT ); lstrcat( FormatString, LogString ); lstrcat( FormatString, TEXT("\r\n") );
GetLocalTime( &st );
// Construct the message
wsprintf( Buffer, FormatString, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds );
OutputDebugString (Buffer); }
DWORD WINAPI AddToMessageAlias( PVOID params ) /***************************************************************************\
* AddToMessageAlias * * History: * 10-Apr-93 Robertre Created. \***************************************************************************/ { HANDLE hShellReadyEvent;
WCHAR UserName[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD UserNameLength = sizeof(UserName) / sizeof(*UserName); DWORD dwCount;
BOOL standardShellWasStarted = *(BOOL *)params;
// Add the user's msg alias.
WriteLog(TEXT("Userinit: Adding MsgAlias"));
if (GetUserNameW(UserName, &UserNameLength)) { AddMsgAlias(UserName); } else { UIPrint(("GetUserName failed, error = %d",GetLastError())); }
WriteLog( TEXT("Userinit: Finished adding MsgAlias"));
if (standardShellWasStarted ) { dwCount = 0; while (TRUE) { hShellReadyEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,L"ShellReadyEvent"); if (hShellReadyEvent == NULL) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { if (dwCount < 5) { Sleep (3000); dwCount++; } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { WaitForSingleObject(hShellReadyEvent, INFINITE); Sleep(20000); CloseHandle(hShellReadyEvent); break; } } }
return( NO_ERROR ); }
BOOL StartTheShell( void ) /***************************************************************************\
* StartTheShell * * Starts the shell, either explorer, the shell value specified in * the registry for winlogon, or the alternate shell that is specified * by the safeboot procedure. * * retrun * TRUE if the standard shell was executed * FALSE if a non-standard shell was executed. * * 14-Jan-98 WesW Created. \***************************************************************************/ { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwSize, dwType; WCHAR ShellCmdLine[MAX_PATH]; DWORD UseAlternateShell = 0;
// get the safeboot mode
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("system\\currentcontrolset\\control\\safeboot\\option"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx ( hKey, TEXT("UseAlternateShell"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &UseAlternateShell, &dwSize );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if (UseAlternateShell) {
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("system\\currentcontrolset\\control\\safeboot"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(ShellCmdLine); if (RegQueryValueEx ( hKey, TEXT("AlternateShell"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ShellCmdLine, &dwSize ) != ERROR_SUCCESS || ShellCmdLine[0] == 0) { UseAlternateShell = 0; } RegCloseKey( hKey ); } else { UseAlternateShell = 0; } }
// Before we start the shell, we must re-enable the shell's script
// zone security checks -- if we can't do this, it is not safe
// to start the shell since it may allow the user to run
// unsafe code without notification.
if ( ! EnableScriptZoneSecurityCheck() ) { //
// We have to exit, and return TRUE which means that we failed to start
// the standard shell. We do this even if an alternate shell was desired since
// whenever the alternate shell fails to launch for some other reason,
// we try to launch explorer.exe and would return TRUE in that case.
return TRUE; }
if (IsTSAppCompatOn()) { if ( !ExecProcesses(TEXT("AppSetup"), NULL, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE ) ) { ExecProcesses(TEXT("AppSetup"), NULL, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); } }
if (UseAlternateShell) { if (ExecApplication(ShellCmdLine, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, SW_MAXIMIZE)) { return FALSE; // an alt-shell was executed
} } else if (NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId != 0) {
// Terminal Server: For remote sessions query the Terminal Server service
// to see if this session has specified a initial program other than
// explorer.exe.
BOOLEAN bExecOk = TRUE; BOOLEAN IsWorkingDirWrong = FALSE; UINT ErrorStringId; LPTSTR psz = NULL; LPTSTR pszerr; ULONG Length; BOOLEAN Result; HANDLE dllHandle;
// Load winsta.dll
dllHandle = LoadLibraryW(L"winsta.dll");
if (dllHandle) {
WINSTATIONCONFIG *pConfigData = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WINSTATIONCONFIG)); if (pConfigData) {
PWINSTATION_QUERY_INFORMATION pfnWinstationQueryInformation;
pfnWinstationQueryInformation = (PWINSTATION_QUERY_INFORMATION) GetProcAddress( dllHandle, "WinStationQueryInformationW" ); if (pfnWinstationQueryInformation) {
Result = pfnWinstationQueryInformation( SERVERNAME_CURRENT, LOGONID_CURRENT, WinStationConfiguration, pConfigData, sizeof(WINSTATIONCONFIG), &Length );
if (Result && pConfigData->User.InitialProgram[0] ) {
//BUGID - 342176
if( !ExpandEnvironmentStrings( pConfigData->User.InitialProgram, ShellCmdLine, MAX_PATH ) ) { wcscpy( ShellCmdLine, pConfigData->User.InitialProgram ); }
// If a working directory is specified,
// then attempt to change the current directory to it.
if ( pConfigData->User.WorkDirectory[0] ) {
WCHAR WorkDirectory[ DIRECTORY_LENGTH + 1 ];
if ( !ExpandEnvironmentStrings( pConfigData->User.WorkDirectory, WorkDirectory, DIRECTORY_LENGTH + 1 ) ) { wcscpy( WorkDirectory, pConfigData->User.WorkDirectory ); }
bExecOk = (BYTE) SetCurrentDirectory( WorkDirectory ); }
pszerr = pConfigData->User.WorkDirectory;
if ( !bExecOk ) {
DbgPrint( "USERINIT: Failed to set working directory %ws for SessionId %u\n", pConfigData->User.WorkDirectory, NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId );
IsWorkingDirWrong = TRUE; goto badexec;
bExecOk = (BYTE)ExecApplication( ShellCmdLine, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,(USHORT)(pConfigData->User.fMaximize ? SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED : SW_SHOW) ); pszerr = ShellCmdLine;
if ( !bExecOk ) { DWORD rc; BOOL bGotString; #define PSZ_MAX 256
WCHAR pszTemplate[PSZ_MAX]; LPTSTR errbuf = NULL;
if (psz) { if (IsWorkingDirWrong == TRUE) { ErrorStringId = IDS_FAILING_WORKINGDIR; } else { ErrorStringId = IDS_FAILING_SHELLCOMMAND; } bGotString = LoadString(NULL,ErrorStringId,pszTemplate,PSZ_MAX); if (bGotString) { errbuf = LocalAlloc(LPTR, 512 * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (errbuf) { wsprintf( errbuf, pszTemplate, psz, pszerr ); }
} LocalFree(psz); } else { if (IsWorkingDirWrong == TRUE) { ErrorStringId = IDS_ERROR_WORKINGDIR; } else { ErrorStringId = IDS_ERROR_SHELLCOMMAND; } bGotString = LoadString(NULL,ErrorStringId,pszTemplate,PSZ_MAX); if (bGotString) { errbuf = LocalAlloc(LPTR, 512 * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (errbuf) { wsprintf( errbuf, pszTemplate, rc, pszerr ); } } }
if (bGotString && errbuf) {
HelpMessageBox(NULL, NULL, errbuf, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_HELP, TEXT("MS-ITS:rdesktop.chm::/rdesktop_troubleshoot.htm")); LocalFree(errbuf); }
LocalFree(pConfigData); FreeLibrary(dllHandle);
// an alt shell/program was executed
return FALSE ; } }
} // if pConfigData
FreeLibrary(dllHandle); } }
if (!ExecProcesses(TEXT("shell"), NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) { ExecProcesses(TEXT("shell"), TEXT("explorer"), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); }
return TRUE; // standard shell/explorer was executed
VOID DoAutoEnrollment( LPTSTR Param ) { if (0==wcscmp(Param, AUTOENROLL_STARTUP)) { AutoEnrollThread = CertAutoEnrollment( GetDesktopWindow(), CERT_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_START_UP ); } else { AutoEnrollThread = CertAutoEnrollment( GetDesktopWindow(), CERT_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_WAKE_UP ); } }
* WinMain * * History: * 20-Aug-92 Davidc Created. \***************************************************************************/ typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFNIMMDISABLEIME)( DWORD );
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdParam, int nCmdShow ) { LPTSTR lpLogonServer; LPTSTR lpOriginalUNCLogonServer; LPTSTR lpLogonScript; LPTSTR lpMprLogonScripts; LPTSTR lpGPOScriptType; LPTSTR lpAutoEnroll; LPTSTR lpAutoEnrollMode; DWORD ThreadId; DWORD WaitResult; HANDLE ThreadHandle; BOOL bRunLogonScriptsSync; BOOL bRunGrpConv = FALSE; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwType, dwSize, dwTemp; TCHAR szCmdLine[50]; BOOL standardShellWasStarted; HANDLE hImm = 0; PFNIMMDISABLEIME pfnImmDisableIME = 0; BOOL OptimizedLogon; LPTSTR OptimizedLogonStatus;
WriteLog(TEXT("Userinit: Starting")); if ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_IMMENABLED ) ) { hImm = LoadLibrary( L"imm32.dll"); if ( hImm ) { pfnImmDisableIME = (PFNIMMDISABLEIME) GetProcAddress( hImm, "ImmDisableIME" ); if ( pfnImmDisableIME ) { pfnImmDisableIME( -1 ); } } }
// Determine if we did an optimized logon. By default assume we did not.
OptimizedLogon = FALSE;
OptimizedLogonStatus = AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable(OPTIMIZED_LOGON_VARIABLE); if (OptimizedLogonStatus) { if (lstrcmp(OptimizedLogonStatus, TEXT("1")) == 0) { OptimizedLogon = TRUE; } Free(OptimizedLogonStatus); } SetEnvironmentVariable(OPTIMIZED_LOGON_VARIABLE, NULL); //
// Check if userinit is being started to just run GPO scripts
lpGPOScriptType = AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable(GPO_SCRIPT_TYPE_VARIABLE);
// Check if userinit.exe is being run just for auto enrollment
lpAutoEnroll = AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable( AUTOENROLL_VARIABLE ); lpAutoEnrollMode = AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable( AUTOENROLLMODE_VARIABLE );
SetEnvironmentVariable(AUTOENROLL_VARIABLE, NULL);
if (lpGPOScriptType) {
// Userinit was started to execute GPO scripts only
// Clean up the environment block
// Execute the scripts and clean up
RunGPOScripts (lpGPOScriptType);
// We're finished. Exit now.
if ( lpAutoEnroll == NULL ) { goto Exit ; } }
if ( lpAutoEnroll ) { if ( ( wcscmp( lpAutoEnroll, AUTOENROLL_NONEXCLUSIVE ) == 0 ) || ( wcscmp( lpAutoEnroll, AUTOENROLL_EXCLUSIVE ) == 0 ) ) { DoAutoEnrollment( lpAutoEnrollMode );
if ( wcscmp( lpAutoEnroll, AUTOENROLL_EXCLUSIVE ) == 0 ) { goto Exit; }
} } //
// Check if grpconv.exe needs to be run
// Check for the sync flag.
dwSize = sizeof(bRunGrpConv); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, GRPCONV_REG_VALUE_NAME, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bRunGrpConv, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Run grpconv.exe if requested
if (bRunGrpConv) { WriteLog(TEXT("Userinit: Running grpconv.exe")); ExecApplication(g_szGrpConvExe, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, SW_SHOWNORMAL); }
// Get the logon script environment variables
lpLogonServer = AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable(LOGON_SERVER_VARIABLE); lpLogonScript = AllocAndGetEnvironmentVariable(LOGON_SCRIPT_VARIABLE); lpMprLogonScripts = AllocAndGetEnvironmentMultiSz(MPR_LOGON_SCRIPT_VARIABLE);
// Delete the logon script environment variables
SetEnvironmentVariable(LOGON_SERVER_VARIABLE, NULL); SetEnvironmentVariable(LOGON_SCRIPT_VARIABLE, NULL); SetEnvironmentVariable(MPR_LOGON_SCRIPT_VARIABLE, NULL);
// See if logon scripts are to be run sync or async
bRunLogonScriptsSync = RunLogonScriptSync();
SetupHotKeyForKeyboardLayout(); //
// For application server see if we hve any .ini file/registry sync'ing to do
//We should do it before we start running logon scripts!
//First Check if Application compatibility is on
if (IsTSAppCompatOn()) { HANDLE dllHandle; if (lpMprLogonScripts) { //Force to run logon script sync when a provider logon script exists when the system
//is a terminal server. This is because of the global flag on the registry
// doesn't work when two interactive users logon at the same time.
bRunLogonScriptsSync = TRUE; }
// Load tsappcmp.dll
dllHandle = LoadLibrary (TEXT("tsappcmp.dll"));
if (dllHandle) {
pfnTermsrvCheckNewIniFiles = (PTERMSRCHECKNEWINIFILES) GetProcAddress( dllHandle, "TermsrvCheckNewIniFiles" ); if (pfnTermsrvCheckNewIniFiles) {
pfnTermsrvCheckNewIniFiles(); } FreeLibrary(dllHandle); } }
// If logon scripts can be run async then start the shell first.
if (bRunLogonScriptsSync) {
// Disable the shell's ie zone checking for the processes we
// are starting along with all their child processes
(void) DisableScriptZoneSecurityCheck();
RunLogonScript(lpLogonServer, lpLogonScript, bRunLogonScriptsSync, TRUE); RunMprLogonScripts(lpMprLogonScripts, bRunLogonScriptsSync); standardShellWasStarted = StartTheShell();
} else {
WriteLog(TEXT("Userinit: Starting the shell")); standardShellWasStarted = StartTheShell();
(void) DisableScriptZoneSecurityCheck();
RunLogonScript(lpLogonServer, lpLogonScript, bRunLogonScriptsSync, TRUE); RunMprLogonScripts(lpMprLogonScripts, bRunLogonScriptsSync); }
// Free up the buffers
Free(lpLogonServer); Free(lpLogonScript); Free(lpMprLogonScripts);
// Lower our priority so the shell can start faster
SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST);
// Load remote fonts
// Initialize misc stuff
InitializeMisc (hInstance);
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, AddToMessageAlias, &standardShellWasStarted, 0, &ThreadId );
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( ThreadHandle, TIMEOUT_VALUE );
if ( WaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { //
// This may never come back, so kill it.
UIPrint(("UserInit: AddToMessageAlias timeout, terminating thread\n")); }
CloseHandle( ThreadHandle );
// If appropriate, start proquota.exe
if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwTemp = 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwTemp);
RegQueryValueEx (hKey, TEXT("EnableProfileQuota"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwTemp, &dwSize);
if (dwTemp) { lstrcpy (szCmdLine, TEXT("proquota.exe")); ExecApplication(szCmdLine, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, SW_SHOWNORMAL); }
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
if ( AutoEnrollThread ) { WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( AutoEnrollThread, INFINITE );
CloseHandle( AutoEnrollThread );
AutoEnrollThread = NULL ; } Free(lpAutoEnroll); Free(lpAutoEnrollMode);
if ( hImm ) { FreeLibrary( hImm ); } return(0); }
// Determines if logon scripts should be executed sync or async
BOOL RunLogonScriptSync() { BOOL bSync = FALSE; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwType, dwSize;
// Check for a user preference
// Check for the sync flag.
dwSize = sizeof(bSync); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, SYNC_LOGON_SCRIPT, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bSync, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Check for a machine preference
// Check for the sync flag.
dwSize = sizeof(bSync); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, SYNC_LOGON_SCRIPT, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bSync, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Check for a user policy
// Check for the sync flag.
dwSize = sizeof(bSync); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, SYNC_LOGON_SCRIPT, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bSync, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Check for a machine policy
// Check for the sync flag.
dwSize = sizeof(bSync); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, SYNC_LOGON_SCRIPT, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bSync, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
return bSync; }
// Determines if startup scripts should be executed sync or async
BOOL RunStartupScriptSync() { BOOL bSync = TRUE; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwType, dwSize;
// Check for a machine preference
// Check for the sync flag.
dwSize = sizeof(bSync); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, SYNC_STARTUP_SCRIPT, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bSync, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Check for a machine policy
// Check for the sync flag.
dwSize = sizeof(bSync); RegQueryValueEx (hKey, SYNC_STARTUP_SCRIPT, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &bSync, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
return bSync; }
// Notify various components that a new user
// has logged into the workstation.
VOID NewLogonNotify( VOID ) { FARPROC lpProc; HMODULE hLib; HANDLE hEvent;
// Load the client-side user-mode PnP manager DLL
hLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("setupapi.dll"));
if (hLib) {
lpProc = GetProcAddress(hLib, "CMP_Report_LogOn");
if (lpProc) {
// Ping the user-mode pnp manager -
// pass the private id as a parameter
(lpProc)(0x07020420, GetCurrentProcessId()); }
FreeLibrary(hLib); }
// Notify DPAPI that a new user has just logged in. DPAPI will take
// this opportunity to re-synchronize its master keys if necessary.
{ BYTE BufferIn[8] = {0}; DATA_BLOB DataIn; DATA_BLOB DataOut;
DataIn.pbData = BufferIn; DataIn.cbData = sizeof(BufferIn);
CryptProtectData(&DataIn, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_CRED_SYNC, &DataOut); }
// Only do this for Console session
if ( NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId != 0 ) { return; }
// Notify RAS Autodial service that a new
// user has logged in.
hEvent = OpenEvent(SYNCHRONIZE|EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, L"RasAutodialNewLogonUser");
if (hEvent) { SetEvent(hEvent); CloseHandle(hEvent); } }
BOOL SetupHotKeyForKeyboardLayout () { if (!GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION)) {
// we dont care about local sessions.
return TRUE; }
if (GetUserDefaultLangID() != LOWORD(GetKeyboardLayout(0))) {
// we are in a remote session, and we have different keyboard layouts for client and this users settings.
// the user should be allowed to switch the keyboard layout even if there is only 1 kbd layout available in his settings.
// since the current kbd layout is different that the one in his profile.
WCHAR szCtfmon[] = L"ctfmon.exe"; WCHAR szCtfmonCmd[] = L"ctfmon.exe /n"; HKEY hRunOnce; DWORD dw;
// Lets put this in RunOnce.
if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Runonce", 0, REG_NONE, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hRunOnce, &dw) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
WCHAR *szHotKeyReg = L"Keyboard Layout\\Toggle"; HKEY hHotKey; WCHAR szHotKeylAltShft[] = L"1"; WCHAR szNoHotKey[] = L"3";
RegSetValueEx(hRunOnce, szCtfmon, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)szCtfmonCmd, sizeof(szCtfmonCmd)); RegCloseKey(hRunOnce);
DWORD dwType; WCHAR szHotKey[3]; DWORD dwLen = sizeof(szHotKey); BOOL bResetHotkey = FALSE;
if (RegQueryValueEx(hHotKey, L"Hotkey", NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE)szHotKey, &dwLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
bResetHotkey = TRUE; }
if (bResetHotkey || !wcscmp(szHotKey, szNoHotKey)) {
// setup the registry for Hotkey.
if (RegSetValueEx(hHotKey, L"Hotkey", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)szHotKeylAltShft, sizeof(szHotKeylAltShft)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// now make call to read this registry and set the hotkey appropriately.
SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETLANGTOGGLE, 0, NULL, 0); } }
RegCloseKey(hHotKey); } } }
return TRUE; }
IsTSAppCompatOn() Purpose: Checks if TS application compatibility is enabled. returns TRUE if enabled, FALSE - if not enabled or on case of error. Comments: This function goes to the registry only once. All other times it just returnes the value. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL IsTSAppCompatOn() { static BOOL bAppCompatOn = FALSE; static BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
if(bFirst) { HKEY hKey; if( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CONTROL_TSERVER, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwValue = 0; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_TERMSRV_APPCOMPAT, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { bAppCompatOn = (dwValue != 0); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
bFirst = FALSE; }
return bAppCompatOn; }
UpdateUserSyncLogonScriptsCache() Purpose: Update user's sync-logon-scripts setting cache in profile list. ****************************************************************************/ VOID UpdateUserSyncLogonScriptsCache(BOOL bSync) { HANDLE UserToken; HKEY UserKey; PWCHAR UserSidString; PWCHAR KeyPath; ULONG Length;
// Update user's sync-logon-scripts setting cache in profile list.
if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &UserToken)) {
UserSidString = GetSidString(UserToken);
if (UserSidString) {
Length = 0; Length += wcslen(PROFILE_LIST_PATH); Length += wcslen(L"\\"); Length += wcslen(UserSidString);
KeyPath = Alloc((Length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (KeyPath) {
wcscpy(KeyPath, PROFILE_LIST_PATH); wcscat(KeyPath, L"\\"); wcscat(KeyPath, UserSidString);
if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyPath, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &UserKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
RegSetValueEx(UserKey, SYNC_LOGON_SCRIPT, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &bSync, sizeof(bSync)); RegCloseKey(UserKey); }
Free(KeyPath); }
DeleteSidString(UserSidString); }
CloseHandle(UserToken); } return; }