Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
MSV1_0 authentication package private definitions.
Jim Kelly 11-Apr-1991
Revision History: Scott Field (sfield) 05-Oct-98 Add NTLM3 Scott Field (sfield) 15-Jan-98 Add MspNtDeriveCredential Chandana Surlu 21-Jul-96 Stolen from \\kernel\razzle3\src\security\msv1_0\msv1_0.c
#ifndef _MSP_
#define _MSP_
#if ( _MSC_VER >= 800 )
#pragma warning ( 3 : 4100 ) // enable "Unreferenced formal parameter"
#pragma warning ( 3 : 4219 ) // enable "trailing ',' used for variable argument list"
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <crypt.h>
#include <ntmsv1_0.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifndef SECURITY_WIN32
#define SECURITY_WIN32
#endif // SECURITY_WIN32
#include <security.h>
#include <secint.h>
// //
// Miscellaneous macros //
// //
// RELOCATE_ONE - Relocate a single pointer in a client buffer.
// Note: this macro is dependent on parameter names as indicated in the
// description below. On error, this macro goes to 'Cleanup' with
// 'Status' set to the NT Status code.
// The MaximumLength is forced to be Length.
// Define a macro to relocate a pointer in the buffer the client passed in
// to be relative to 'ProtocolSubmitBuffer' rather than being relative to
// 'ClientBufferBase'. The result is checked to ensure the pointer and
// the data pointed to is within the first 'SubmitBufferSize' of the
// 'ProtocolSubmitBuffer'.
// The relocated field must be aligned to a WCHAR boundary.
// _q - Address of UNICODE_STRING structure which points to data to be
// relocated
#define RELOCATE_ONE( _q ) \
{ \ ULONG_PTR Offset; \ \ Offset = (((PUCHAR)((_q)->Buffer)) - ((PUCHAR)ClientBufferBase)); \ if ( Offset >= SubmitBufferSize || \ Offset + (_q)->Length > SubmitBufferSize || \ !COUNT_IS_ALIGNED( Offset, ALIGN_WCHAR) ) { \ \ SspPrint((SSP_CRITICAL, "Failed RELOCATE_ONE\n")); \ Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ \ (_q)->Buffer = (PWSTR)(((PUCHAR)ProtocolSubmitBuffer) + Offset); \ (_q)->MaximumLength = (_q)->Length ; \ }
// NULL_RELOCATE_ONE - Relocate a single (possibly NULL) pointer in a client
// buffer.
// This macro special cases a NULL pointer then calls RELOCATE_ONE. Hence
// it has all the restrictions of RELOCATE_ONE.
// _q - Address of UNICODE_STRING structure which points to data to be
// relocated
#define NULL_RELOCATE_ONE( _q ) \
{ \ if ( (_q)->Buffer == NULL ) { \ if ( (_q)->Length != 0 ) { \ SspPrint((SSP_CRITICAL, "Failed NULL_RELOCATE_ONE\n")); \ Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ } else if ( (_q)->Length == 0 ) { \ (_q)->Buffer = NULL; \ } else { \ RELOCATE_ONE( _q ); \ } \ }
// RELOCATE_ONE_ENCODED - Relocate a unicode string pointer in a client
// buffer. The upper byte of the length field may be an encryption seed
// and should not be used for error checking.
// Note: this macro is dependent on parameter names as indicated in the
// description below. On error, this macro goes to 'Cleanup' with
// 'Status' set to the NT Status code.
// The MaximumLength is forced to be Length & 0x00ff.
// Define a macro to relocate a pointer in the buffer the client passed in
// to be relative to 'ProtocolSubmitBuffer' rather than being relative to
// 'ClientBufferBase'. The result is checked to ensure the pointer and
// the data pointed to is within the first 'SubmitBufferSize' of the
// 'ProtocolSubmitBuffer'.
// The relocated field must be aligned to a WCHAR boundary.
// _q - Address of UNICODE_STRING structure which points to data to be
// relocated
#define RELOCATE_ONE_ENCODED( _q ) \
{ \ ULONG_PTR Offset; \ \ Offset = (((PUCHAR)((_q)->Buffer)) - ((PUCHAR)ClientBufferBase)); \ if ( Offset >= SubmitBufferSize || \ Offset + ((_q)->Length & 0x00ff) > SubmitBufferSize || \ !COUNT_IS_ALIGNED( Offset, ALIGN_WCHAR) ) { \ \ SspPrint((SSP_CRITICAL, "Failed RELOCATE_ONE_ENCODED\n")); \ Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ \ (_q)->Buffer = (PWSTR)(((PUCHAR)ProtocolSubmitBuffer) + Offset); \ (_q)->MaximumLength = (_q)->Length & 0x00ff; \ }
// //
// Authentication package dispatch routine definitions //
// //
NTSTATUS LsaApInitializePackage( IN ULONG AuthenticationPackageId, IN PLSA_DISPATCH_TABLE LsaDispatchTable, IN PSTRING Database OPTIONAL, IN PSTRING Confidentiality OPTIONAL, OUT PSTRING *AuthenticationPackageName );
NTSTATUS LsaApLogonUser( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE LogonType, IN PVOID AuthenticationInformation, IN PVOID ClientAuthenticationBase, IN ULONG AuthenticationInformationLength, OUT PVOID *ProfileBuffer, OUT PULONG ProfileBufferSize, OUT PLUID LogonId, OUT PNTSTATUS SubStatus, OUT PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE TokenInformationType, OUT PVOID *TokenInformation, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AccountName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AuthenticatingAuthority );
NTSTATUS LsaApCallPackage( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS LsaApCallPackagePassthrough( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
VOID LsaApLogonTerminated( IN PLUID LogonId );
// //
// LsaApCallPackage function dispatch routines //
// //
NTSTATUS MspLm20Challenge( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspLm20GetChallengeResponse( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspLm20EnumUsers( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspLm20GetUserInfo( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspLm20ReLogonUsers( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspLm20ChangePassword( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspLm20GenericPassthrough( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspLm20CacheLogon( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspLm20CacheLookup( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspNtSubAuth( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspNtDeriveCredential( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
NTSTATUS MspSetProcessOption( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferSize, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus );
// //
// NETLOGON routines visible to main msv1_0 code //
// //
NTSTATUS NlInitialize( VOID );
NTSTATUS MspLm20LogonUser ( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE LogonType, IN PVOID AuthenticationInformation, IN PVOID ClientAuthenticationBase, IN ULONG AuthenticationInformationSize, OUT PVOID *ProfileBuffer, OUT PULONG ProfileBufferSize, OUT PLUID LogonId, OUT PNTSTATUS SubStatus, OUT PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE TokenInformationType, OUT PVOID *TokenInformation );
VOID MsvLm20LogonTerminated ( IN PLUID LogonId );
// //
// Global variables //
// //
// Variables defined in msvars.c
extern ULONG MspAuthenticationPackageId; extern LSA_SECPKG_FUNCTION_TABLE Lsa;
// Change password log support routines
ULONG MsvPaswdInitializeLog( VOID );
ULONG MsvPaswdSetAndClearLog( VOID );
ULONG MsvPaswdCloseLog( VOID );
VOID MsvPaswdLogPrintRoutine( IN LPSTR Format, ... );
#define MsvPaswdLogPrint( x ) MsvPaswdLogPrintRoutine x
#define MsvPaswdInitializeLog()
#define MsvPaswdCloseLog()
#define MsvPaswdLogPrint( x )
#define MsvPaswdSetAndClearLog()
#endif // _MSP_