// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: config.cpp
// Contents: OC Manager component DLL for running the Certificate
// Server setup.
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <string.h>
#include "csdisp.h"
#include "csprop.h"
#include "wizpage.h"
#include "certmsg.h"
WCHAR const g_szCertSrvDotTxt[] = L"certsrv.txt"; WCHAR const g_szCertSrvDotBak[] = L"certsrv.bak"; WCHAR const g_szSlashCertSrvDotTmp[] = L"\\certsrv.tmp";
#define wszXEnrollDllFileForVer L"CertSrv\\CertControl\\x86\\xenroll.dll"
#define wszScrdEnrlDllFileForVer L"CertSrv\\CertControl\\x86\\scrdenrl.dll"
// Function: GetBaseFileNameFromFullPath()
// Synopsis: Takes a string representing a path of the form
// "\foo\bar\shrd\lu\basefilename"
// and extracts the "basefilename" from the end.
// Effects: Modifies the pointer in the second argument;
// allocates memory.
// Arguments: [pszFullPath] -- Path to operate on
// [pszBaseFileName] -- Buffer to receive base name
// Returns: BOOL success/failure code.
// Requires: Assumes that pszBaseFileName is a pre-allocated buffer of
// size sufficient to hold the filename extracted from
// Modifies: [ppszBaseFileName]
// History: 10/25/96 JerryK Created
// 11/25/96 JerryK Code Cleanup
BOOL GetBaseFileNameFromFullPath( IN const LPTSTR pszFullPath, OUT LPTSTR pszBaseFileName) { LPTSTR pszBaseName; BOOL fRetVal; // Find the last '\' character in the full path string
if (NULL == (pszBaseName = _tcsrchr(pszFullPath,TEXT('\\')))) { // Didn't find a '\' character at all so point to start of string
pszBaseName = pszFullPath; } else { // Found the '\' character so move to point just past it
pszBaseName++; } // Copy the base file name into the result buffer
_tcscpy(pszBaseFileName,pszBaseName); // Set up return value
fRetVal = TRUE; return fRetVal; }
HRESULT myStringToAnsiFile(HANDLE hFile, LPCSTR psz, DWORD cch) { DWORD dwWritten;
if (cch == -1) cch = lstrlenA(psz);
if (!WriteFile( hFile, psz, cch, &dwWritten, NULL)) return myHLastError();
CSASSERT(dwWritten == cch); return S_OK; }
HRESULT myStringToAnsiFile(HANDLE hFile, LPCWSTR pwsz, DWORD cch) { HRESULT hr; LPSTR psz = NULL;
if (!ConvertWszToSz(&psz, pwsz, cch)) { hr = myHLastError(); goto Ret; } hr = myStringToAnsiFile(hFile, psz, cch);
Ret: if (psz) LocalFree(psz);
return hr; }
HRESULT myStringToAnsiFile(HANDLE hFile, CHAR ch) { return myStringToAnsiFile(hFile, &ch, 1); }
HRESULT WriteEscapedString( HANDLE hConfigFile, WCHAR const *pwszIn, IN BOOL fEol) { BOOL fQuote = FALSE; DWORD i; HRESULT hr; if (NULL == pwszIn) { hr = myStringToAnsiFile(hConfigFile, "\"\"", 2); // write ("")
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "myStringToAnsiFile"); } else { // Quote strings that have double quotes, commas, '#' or white space,
// or that are empty.
fQuote = L'\0' != pwszIn[wcscspn(pwszIn, L"\",# \t")] || L'\0' == *pwszIn; if (fQuote) { hr = myStringToAnsiFile(hConfigFile, '"'); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myStringToAnsiFile"); } while (TRUE) { // Find a L'\0' or L'"', and print the string UP TO that character:
i = wcscspn(pwszIn, L"\""); hr = myStringToAnsiFile(hConfigFile, pwszIn, i); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myStringToAnsiFile");
// Point to the L'\0' or L'"', and stop at the end of the string.
pwszIn += i; if (L'\0' == *pwszIn) { break; } // Skip the L'"', and print two of them to escape the embedded quote.
pwszIn++; hr = myStringToAnsiFile(hConfigFile, "\"\"", 2); // write ("")
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "myStringToAnsiFile"); } if (fQuote) { hr = myStringToAnsiFile(hConfigFile, '"'); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myStringToAnsiFile"); } } hr = myStringToAnsiFile(hConfigFile, fEol ? "\r\n" : ", ", 2); // each insert string is 2 chars
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "myStringToAnsiFile");
error: return hr; }
HRESULT WriteNewConfigEntry( HANDLE hConfigFile, IN PER_COMPONENT_DATA *pComp) { HRESULT hr; DWORD i; WCHAR wszSelfSignFName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *pwszConfig = NULL; CASERVERSETUPINFO *pServer = (pComp->CA).pServer;
hr = myFormConfigString(pComp->pwszServerName, pServer->pwszSanitizedName, &pwszConfig); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myFormConfigString"); // Yank out the base filenames for the exchange and self-signed certs
GetBaseFileNameFromFullPath(pServer->pwszCACertFile, wszSelfSignFName); hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, pServer->pwszSanitizedName, FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString");
// org, ou, country, state
hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, L"", FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString"); hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, L"", FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString"); hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, L"", FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString"); hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, L"", FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString");
hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, L"", FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString");
hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, pwszConfig, FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString");
hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, L"", FALSE); // dummy wszExchangeFName
_JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString");
hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, wszSelfSignFName, FALSE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString");
// ca description
hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, L"", TRUE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString");
error: if (NULL != pwszConfig) { LocalFree(pwszConfig); } return(hr); }
WCHAR *apwszFieldNames[] = { wszCONFIG_COMMONNAME, wszCONFIG_ORGUNIT, wszCONFIG_ORGANIZATION, wszCONFIG_LOCALITY, wszCONFIG_STATE, wszCONFIG_COUNTRY, #define FN_CONFIG 6 // Index into apwszFieldNames & apstrFieldNames
wszCONFIG_CONFIG, wszCONFIG_EXCHANGECERTIFICATE, #define FN_CERTNAME 8 // Index into apwszFieldNames & apstrFieldNames
wszCONFIG_SIGNATURECERTIFICATE, #define FN_COMMENT 9 // Index into apwszFieldNames & apstrFieldNames
wszCONFIG_DESCRIPTION, }; #define CSTRING (sizeof(apwszFieldNames)/sizeof(apwszFieldNames[0]))
BSTR apstrFieldNames[CSTRING];
HRESULT CopyConfigEntry( IN HANDLE hConfigFile, IN BSTR const strConfig, IN ICertConfig *pConfig) { HRESULT hr; BSTR strFieldValue = NULL; BSTR strComment = NULL; BSTR strCertName = NULL; DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < CSTRING; i++) { CSASSERT(NULL != apstrFieldNames[i]); hr = pConfig->GetField(apstrFieldNames[i], &strFieldValue); _JumpIfErrorNotSpecific( hr, error, "ICertConfig::GetField", CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY); hr = WriteEscapedString(hConfigFile, strFieldValue, ((CSTRING - 1) == i) ); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteEscapedString"); switch (i) { case FN_CERTNAME: strCertName = strFieldValue; strFieldValue = NULL; break; case FN_COMMENT: strComment = strFieldValue; strFieldValue = NULL; break; } } hr = S_OK; error: if (NULL != strFieldValue) { SysFreeString(strFieldValue); } if (NULL != strComment) { SysFreeString(strComment); } if (NULL != strCertName) { SysFreeString(strCertName); } return(hr); }
HRESULT WriteFilteredConfigEntries( IN HANDLE hConfigFile, IN ICertConfig *pConfig, IN PER_COMPONENT_DATA *pComp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG Count; LONG Index; BSTR strConfig = NULL; BSTR strFlags = NULL; LONG lConfigFlags; WCHAR wszConfigComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; WCHAR *pwsz; WCHAR *pwszConfigServer = NULL; DWORD cwcConfigServer; DWORD cwc; DWORD i; BOOL fValidDigitString; for (i = 0; i < CSTRING; i++) { if (!ConvertWszToBstr(&apstrFieldNames[i], apwszFieldNames[i], -1)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "ConvertWszToBstr"); } } hr = pConfig->Reset(0, &Count); if (S_OK != hr) { if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { hr = S_OK; } _JumpError2(hr, error, "Reset", S_FALSE); } while (Count-- > 0) { hr = pConfig->Next(&Index); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "Next"); hr = pConfig->GetField(apstrFieldNames[FN_CONFIG], &strConfig); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetField"); pwsz = wcschr(strConfig, L'\\'); if (NULL == pwsz) { cwc = wcslen(strConfig); } else { cwc = SAFE_SUBTRACT_POINTERS(pwsz, strConfig); } if (NULL == pwszConfigServer || cwc >= cwcConfigServer) { if (NULL != pwszConfigServer) { LocalFree(pwszConfigServer); pwszConfigServer = NULL; } cwcConfigServer = cwc + 1; if (2 * MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH > cwcConfigServer) { cwcConfigServer = 2 * MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH; } pwszConfigServer = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, cwcConfigServer * sizeof(WCHAR)); _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, error, pwszConfigServer); } CSASSERT(cwc < cwcConfigServer); CopyMemory(pwszConfigServer, strConfig, cwc * sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszConfigServer[cwc] = L'\0'; hr = pConfig->GetField(wszCONFIG_FLAGS, &strFlags); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetField");
lConfigFlags = myWtoI(strFlags, &fValidDigitString); // write everything _but_ current server
if (0 != lstrcmpi(pwszConfigServer, pComp->pwszServerName) && 0 != lstrcmpi(pwszConfigServer, pComp->pwszServerNameOld) && 0 != (CAIF_SHAREDFOLDERENTRY & lConfigFlags) ) { hr = CopyConfigEntry( hConfigFile, strConfig, pConfig); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CopyConfigEntry"); } } error: if (NULL != pwszConfigServer) { LocalFree(pwszConfigServer); } for (i = 0; i < CSTRING; i++) { if (NULL != apstrFieldNames[i]) { SysFreeString(apstrFieldNames[i]); apstrFieldNames[i] = NULL; } } if (NULL != strConfig) { SysFreeString(strConfig); } if (NULL != strFlags) { SysFreeString(strFlags); } return(hr); }
HRESULT CertReplaceFile( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN BOOL fUnattended, IN HWND hwnd, IN WCHAR const *pwszpath, IN WCHAR const *pwszFileNew, IN WCHAR const *pwszFileBackup) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwsz; WCHAR wszpathNew[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR wszpathBackup[MAX_PATH] = L""; wcscpy(wszpathNew, pwszpath); pwsz = wcsrchr(wszpathNew, L'\\'); CSASSERT(NULL != pwsz); if (NULL == pwsz) return E_INVALIDARG; else pwsz[1] = L'\0'; wcscpy(wszpathBackup, wszpathNew); wcscat(wszpathNew, pwszFileNew); wcscat(wszpathBackup, pwszFileBackup); if (!DeleteFile(wszpathBackup)) { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintErrorStr2( hr, "DeleteFile", wszpathBackup, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } if (!MoveFile(wszpathNew, wszpathBackup)) { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintErrorStr2( hr, "MoveFile", wszpathNew, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } if (!MoveFile(pwszpath, wszpathNew)) { hr = myHLastError(); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "MoveFile", pwszpath); }
hr = S_OK; error: return(hr); }
// Perform search and replace on the source string, using multiple
// replacee strings, and returns the result.
// rgrgwszReplacement is an array of arrays of two strings:
// rgrgwszReplacement[n][0] is the replacee,
// rgrgwszReplacement[n][1] is the replacment.
// No portion of any of the replacement strings is searched for a replacee string.
// Replacement strings may be NULL.
#define REPLACEE 0
WCHAR * MultiStringReplace(const WCHAR * pwszSource, const WCHAR *(* rgrgpwszReplacements)[2] , unsigned int nReplacements) {
// precondition
CSASSERT(NULL!=pwszSource); CSASSERT(nReplacements>0); CSASSERT(NULL!=rgrgpwszReplacements);
// common variables
unsigned int nIndex; BOOL bSubstFound; unsigned int nChosenReplacement; const WCHAR * pwchSubstStart; const WCHAR * pwchSearchStart; WCHAR * pwszTarget=NULL; WCHAR * pwchTargetStart;
// first, calculate the length of the result string
unsigned int nFinalStringLen=wcslen(pwszSource)+1; pwchSearchStart=pwszSource; do { // find the next substitution
bSubstFound=FALSE; for (nIndex=0; nIndex<nReplacements; nIndex++) { WCHAR * pwchTempSubstStart=wcsstr(pwchSearchStart, rgrgpwszReplacements[nIndex][REPLACEE]); if (NULL==pwchTempSubstStart) { // we didn't find this replacee in the target
// so ignore it
} else if (FALSE==bSubstFound) { // this is the first one we found
pwchSubstStart=pwchTempSubstStart; bSubstFound=TRUE; nChosenReplacement=nIndex; } else if (pwchSubstStart>pwchTempSubstStart) { // this is one comes before the one we already found
pwchSubstStart=pwchTempSubstStart; nChosenReplacement=nIndex; } else { // this is one comes after the one we already found
// so ignore it
} } // <- end substitution finding loop
// if no substitution has been found, exit the loop
if (FALSE==bSubstFound) { break; }
// update the statistics
nFinalStringLen=nFinalStringLen + (NULL != rgrgpwszReplacements[nChosenReplacement][REPLACEMENT] ? wcslen(rgrgpwszReplacements[nChosenReplacement][REPLACEMENT]) : 0) -wcslen(rgrgpwszReplacements[nChosenReplacement][REPLACEE]); pwchSearchStart=pwchSubstStart+wcslen(rgrgpwszReplacements[nChosenReplacement][REPLACEE]);
} while (TRUE); // <- end length-calculating loop
// allocate the new string
pwszTarget=(WCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, nFinalStringLen*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL==pwszTarget) { _JumpError(E_OUTOFMEMORY, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
// build the result
pwchTargetStart=pwszTarget; pwchSearchStart=pwszSource; do { // find the next substitution
bSubstFound=FALSE; for (nIndex=0; nIndex<nReplacements; nIndex++) { WCHAR * pwchTempSubstStart=wcsstr(pwchSearchStart, rgrgpwszReplacements[nIndex][REPLACEE]); if (NULL==pwchTempSubstStart) { // we didn't find this replacee in the target
// so ignore it
} else if (FALSE==bSubstFound) { // this is the first one we found
pwchSubstStart=pwchTempSubstStart; bSubstFound=TRUE; nChosenReplacement=nIndex; } else if (pwchSubstStart>pwchTempSubstStart) { // this is one comes before the one we already found
pwchSubstStart=pwchTempSubstStart; nChosenReplacement=nIndex; } else { // this is one comes after the one we already found
// so ignore it
} } // <- end substitution finding loop
// if no substitution has been found, exit the loop
if (FALSE==bSubstFound) { break; }
// copy the source up to the replacee
unsigned int nCopyLen=SAFE_SUBTRACT_POINTERS(pwchSubstStart, pwchSearchStart); wcsncpy(pwchTargetStart, pwchSearchStart, nCopyLen); pwchTargetStart+=nCopyLen;
if (NULL != rgrgpwszReplacements[nChosenReplacement][REPLACEMENT]) { // copy the replacement
nCopyLen=wcslen(rgrgpwszReplacements[nChosenReplacement][REPLACEMENT]); wcsncpy(pwchTargetStart, rgrgpwszReplacements[nChosenReplacement][REPLACEMENT], nCopyLen); pwchTargetStart+=nCopyLen; }
// skip over the replacee
} while (TRUE); // <- end target string building loop
// finish copying whatever's left, which may be just '\0'.
wcscpy(pwchTargetStart, pwchSearchStart);
// postcondition
// all done
error: return pwszTarget; }
// Escapes any characters unsuitable for plain HTML (or VBScript)
static const WCHAR * gc_rgrgpwszHTMLSafe[4][2]={ {L"<", L"<"}, {L">", L">"}, {L"\"", L"""}, {L"&", L"&"} }; WCHAR * MakeStringHTMLSafe(const WCHAR * pwszTarget) { return MultiStringReplace(pwszTarget, gc_rgrgpwszHTMLSafe, ARRAYSIZE(gc_rgrgpwszHTMLSafe)); }
// Escapes any characters unsuitable for plain HTML (or VBScript)
static const WCHAR * gc_rgrgpwszVBScriptSafe[2][2]={ {L"\"", L"\"\""}, {L"%>", L"%\" & \">"} }; WCHAR * MakeStringVBScriptSafe(const WCHAR * pwszTarget) { return MultiStringReplace(pwszTarget, gc_rgrgpwszVBScriptSafe, ARRAYSIZE(gc_rgrgpwszVBScriptSafe)); }
// Perform search and replace on the source string and return the result
// No portion of the replacement string is searched for the replacee string.
// Simple adapter for MultiStringReplace
WCHAR * SingleStringReplace(const WCHAR * pwszSource, const WCHAR * pwszReplacee, const WCHAR * pwszReplacement) { const WCHAR * rgrgpwszTemp[1][2]={{pwszReplacee, pwszReplacement}}; return MultiStringReplace(pwszSource, rgrgpwszTemp, ARRAYSIZE(rgrgpwszTemp)); }
// write a string to a file
// Mostly, this is a wrapper to do UNICODE->UTF8 conversion.
HRESULT WriteString(HANDLE hTarget, const WCHAR * pwszSource) {
// precondition
// common variables
HRESULT hr=S_OK; char * pszMbcsBuf=NULL;
// perform UNICODE->MBCS
// determine size of output buffer
DWORD dwBufByteSize=WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8/*code page*/, 0/*flags*/, pwszSource, -1/*null-terminated*/, NULL/*out-buf*/, 0/*size of out-buf, 0->calc*/, NULL/*default char*/, NULL/*used default char*/); if (0==dwBufByteSize) { hr=myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WideCharToMultiByte(calc)"); }
// allocate output buffer
pszMbcsBuf=(char *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwBufByteSize); _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, error, pszMbcsBuf);
// do the conversion
if (0==WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8/*code page*/, 0/*flags*/, pwszSource, -1/*null-terminated*/, pszMbcsBuf, dwBufByteSize, NULL/*default char*/, NULL/*used default char*/)) {
hr=myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WideCharToMultiByte(convert)"); }
// write to file and free the string
dwBufByteSize--; // minus one so we don't write the terminating null
DWORD dwBytesWritten; if (FALSE==WriteFile(hTarget, pszMbcsBuf, dwBufByteSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL /*overlapped*/)) { hr=myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "WriteFile"); }
// all done
error: if (NULL!=pszMbcsBuf) { LocalFree(pszMbcsBuf); } return hr; }
// return the version string for a file in the format for a web page (comma separated)
HRESULT GetFileWebVersionString( IN WCHAR const * pwszFileName, OUT WCHAR ** ppwszVersion) { // precondition
CSASSERT(NULL!=pwszFileName); CSASSERT(NULL!=ppwszVersion);
// common variables
HRESULT hr; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwIgnored; UINT uLen; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO * pvs; WCHAR wszFileVersion[64]; int cch;
// variables that must be cleaned up
VOID * pvData=NULL;
// reset the output parameter
// determine the size of the memory block needed to store the version info
cbData=GetFileVersionInfoSize(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszFileName), &dwIgnored); if (0==cbData) { hr=myHLastError(); if (S_OK==hr) { hr=HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND); } _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "GetFileVersionInfoSize", pwszFileName); }
// allocate the block
pvData=LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbData); _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, error, pvData);
// load the file version info
if (!GetFileVersionInfo(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pwszFileName), dwIgnored, cbData, pvData)) { hr=myHLastError(); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "GetFileVersionInfo", pwszFileName); }
// get a pointer to the root block
if (!VerQueryValue(pvData, L"\\", (VOID **) &pvs, &uLen)) { hr=myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "VerQueryValue"); }
cch = wsprintf(wszFileVersion, L"%d,%d,%d,%d", HIWORD(pvs->dwFileVersionMS), LOWORD(pvs->dwFileVersionMS), HIWORD(pvs->dwFileVersionLS), LOWORD(pvs->dwFileVersionLS)); CSASSERT(cch < ARRAYSIZE(wszFileVersion)); *ppwszVersion = (WCHAR*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen(wszFileVersion)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == *ppwszVersion) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } wcscpy(*ppwszVersion, wszFileVersion);
error: if (NULL != pvData) { LocalFree(pvData); }
return hr; }
// create the .inc file that has the basic configuration data
HRESULT CreateCertWebDatIncPage(IN PER_COMPONENT_DATA *pComp, IN BOOL bIsServer) { // precondition
// common variables
HRESULT hr=S_OK; HANDLE hTarget=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; const WCHAR * rgrgpwszSubst[12][2]; WCHAR wszTargetFileName[MAX_PATH]; wszTargetFileName[0] = L'\0';
// variables that must be cleaned up
WCHAR * pwszTempA=NULL; WCHAR * pwszTempB=NULL; WCHAR * pwszTempC=NULL; WCHAR * pwszTempD=NULL; WCHAR * pwszTempE=NULL; ENUM_CATYPES CAType;
// create the target file name
wcscpy(wszTargetFileName, pComp->pwszSystem32); wcscat(wszTargetFileName, L"CertSrv\\certdat.inc"); // get html lines from resource
// Note, we don't have to free these strings.
WCHAR const * pwszCWDat=myLoadResourceString(IDS_HTML_CERTWEBDAT); if (NULL==pwszCWDat) { hr=myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "myLoadResourceString"); }
// open the file
hTarget=CreateFileW(wszTargetFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0/*no sharing*/, NULL/*security*/, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL/*template*/); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE==hTarget) { hr=myHLastError(); _JumpError(hr, error, "CreateFileW"); }
// prepare to write the file
// %0 - default company
// %1 - default OrgUnit
// %2 - default locality
// %3 - default state
// %4 - default country
// %5 - computer
// %6 - CA name (unsanitized, for config)
// %7 - server type
// %8 - opposite of %7
// %9 - XEnroll version
// %A - ScrdEnrl version
// %B - CA name (unsanitized, for display)
rgrgpwszSubst[0][REPLACEE]=L"%0"; rgrgpwszSubst[1][REPLACEE]=L"%1"; rgrgpwszSubst[2][REPLACEE]=L"%2"; rgrgpwszSubst[3][REPLACEE]=L"%3"; rgrgpwszSubst[4][REPLACEE]=L"%4"; rgrgpwszSubst[5][REPLACEE]=L"%5"; rgrgpwszSubst[6][REPLACEE]=L"%6"; rgrgpwszSubst[7][REPLACEE]=L"%7"; rgrgpwszSubst[8][REPLACEE]=L"%8"; rgrgpwszSubst[9][REPLACEE]=L"%9"; rgrgpwszSubst[10][REPLACEE]=L"%A"; rgrgpwszSubst[11][REPLACEE]=L"%B";
rgrgpwszSubst[0][REPLACEMENT]=L""; // company/org
rgrgpwszSubst[1][REPLACEMENT]=L""; // ou
rgrgpwszSubst[2][REPLACEMENT]=L""; // locality
rgrgpwszSubst[3][REPLACEMENT]=L""; // state
rgrgpwszSubst[4][REPLACEMENT]=L""; // country
if (FALSE==bIsServer) { // This is a web-client only setup
// set the identity of the CA
pwszTempE=MakeStringVBScriptSafe(pClient->pwszWebCAName); _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, error, pwszTempE); rgrgpwszSubst[6][REPLACEMENT]=pwszTempE;
pwszTempD=MakeStringHTMLSafe(pClient->pwszWebCAName); _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, error, pwszTempD); rgrgpwszSubst[11][REPLACEMENT]=pwszTempD;
CAType = pClient->WebCAType;
} else { // This is a server + web-client setup
CASERVERSETUPINFO *pServer=pComp->CA.pServer;
// set the identity of the CA
pwszTempE=MakeStringVBScriptSafe(pServer->pwszCACommonName); _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, error, pwszTempE); rgrgpwszSubst[6][REPLACEMENT]=pwszTempE;
pwszTempD=MakeStringHTMLSafe(pServer->pwszCACommonName); _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, error, pwszTempD); rgrgpwszSubst[11][REPLACEMENT]=pwszTempD;
CAType = pServer->CAType; }
// set the CA type
if (IsStandaloneCA(CAType)) { rgrgpwszSubst[7][REPLACEMENT]=L"StandAlone"; rgrgpwszSubst[8][REPLACEMENT]=L"Enterprise"; } else { rgrgpwszSubst[7][REPLACEMENT]=L"Enterprise"; rgrgpwszSubst[8][REPLACEMENT]=L"StandAlone"; }
// %9 - XEnroll version
wcscpy(wszTargetFileName, pComp->pwszSystem32); wcscat(wszTargetFileName, wszXEnrollDllFileForVer); hr=GetFileWebVersionString(wszTargetFileName, &pwszTempB); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetFileWebVersionString"); rgrgpwszSubst[9][REPLACEMENT]=pwszTempB;
// %A - ScrdEnrl version
wcscpy(wszTargetFileName, pComp->pwszSystem32); wcscat(wszTargetFileName, wszScrdEnrlDllFileForVer); hr=GetFileWebVersionString(wszTargetFileName, &pwszTempC); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetFileWebVersionString"); rgrgpwszSubst[10][REPLACEMENT]=pwszTempC;
// do the replacements
pwszTempA=MultiStringReplace(pwszCWDat, rgrgpwszSubst, ARRAYSIZE(rgrgpwszSubst)); _JumpIfOutOfMemory(hr, error, pwszTempA);
// write the text
hr=WriteString(hTarget, pwszTempA); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "WriteString");
// all done
error: if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!=hTarget) { CloseHandle(hTarget); } if (NULL!=pwszTempA) { LocalFree(pwszTempA); } if (NULL!=pwszTempB) { LocalFree(pwszTempB); } if (NULL!=pwszTempC) { LocalFree(pwszTempC); } if (NULL!=pwszTempD) { LocalFree(pwszTempD); } if (NULL!=pwszTempE) { LocalFree(pwszTempE); } return hr; }
HRESULT CreateConfigFiles( WCHAR *pwszDirectoryPath, PER_COMPONENT_DATA *pComp, BOOL fRemove, HWND hwnd) { WCHAR wszpathConfig[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszCACertFileName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hConfigFile; DISPATCHINTERFACE di; ICertConfig *pConfig = NULL; BOOL fMustRelease = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CASERVERSETUPINFO *pServer = pComp->CA.pServer; hr = DispatchSetup( DISPSETUP_COM, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, wszCLASS_CERTCONFIG, &CLSID_CCertConfig, &IID_ICertConfig, 0, // cDispatch
NULL, // pDispatchTable
&di); if (S_OK != hr) { pComp->iErrMsg = IDS_ERR_LOADICERTCONFIG; _JumpError(hr, error, "DispatchSetup"); } fMustRelease = TRUE; pConfig = (ICertConfig *) di.pUnknown; wcscpy(wszpathConfig, pwszDirectoryPath); wcscat(wszpathConfig, g_szSlashCertSrvDotTmp); hConfigFile = CreateFile( wszpathConfig, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hConfigFile) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); _JumpErrorStr2( hr, error, "CreateFile", wszpathConfig, fRemove? hr : S_OK); } if (!fRemove) { // if installing, write our config entry first
hr = WriteNewConfigEntry(hConfigFile, pComp); _PrintIfError(hr, "WriteNewConfigEntry"); } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = WriteFilteredConfigEntries( hConfigFile, pConfig, pComp); _PrintIfError2(hr, "WriteFilteredConfigEntries", S_FALSE); } // must close here because the following call will move it
if (NULL != hConfigFile) { CloseHandle(hConfigFile); } hr = CertReplaceFile(pComp->hInstance, pComp->fUnattended, hwnd, wszpathConfig, g_szCertSrvDotTxt, g_szCertSrvDotBak); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "CertReplaceFile", g_szCertSrvDotTxt); hr = S_OK; error: if (S_OK != hr && 0 == pComp->iErrMsg) { pComp->iErrMsg = IDS_ERR_WRITECONFIGFILE; } if (fMustRelease) { Config_Release(&di); } return(hr); }