#include "precomp.h"
#define DM_POSITION 0x00000020L
// OS Isolation layer, NT version
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
#include <version.h>
#include <ndcgver.h>
#include <osi.h>
// NT 5.0 app sharing stuff.
// NOTE:
// The name for NetMeeting's display driver, s_szNmDD, comes from
// mnmdd.sys. We have no define for it nor access to the source. DO NOT
// CHANGE THIS without talking to Andre Vachon. Hopefully, he will perform
// the same courtesy for us if he changes mnmdd.sys. If not, we can't share
// anymore. We won't even find our driver to load.
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * FN_ENUMDD)(LPVOID, DWORD, LPDISPLAY_DEVICE, DWORD); static TCHAR s_szNmDD[] = "NetMeeting driver";
// OSI_Load()
// This handles our process attach. We figure out if this is NT5 or not
void OSI_Load(void) { OSVERSIONINFO osVersion;
ZeroMemory(&osVersion, sizeof(osVersion)); osVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVersion); GetVersionEx(&osVersion); ASSERT(osVersion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT);
if (osVersion.dwMajorVersion >= 5) g_asNT5 = TRUE; }
// OSI_Unload()
// This handles our process detach. We currently do nothing.
void OSI_Unload(void) { return; }
// OSI_InitDriver50()
// Attemps to dynamically load/unload our display driver for NT 5.0. This is
// called on the main thread, and if under a service, on the winlogon
// thread also. It will only succeed on the input focus desktop.
void OSI_InitDriver50(BOOL fInit) { DWORD iEnum; DISPLAY_DEVICE dd; DEVMODE devmode; FN_ENUMDD pfnEnumDD;
pfnEnumDD = (FN_ENUMDD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("USER32.DLL"), "EnumDisplayDevicesA"); if (pfnEnumDD != NULL) { ZeroMemory(&dd, sizeof(dd)); dd.cb = sizeof(dd);
iEnum = 0; while (pfnEnumDD(NULL, iEnum++, &dd, 0)) { if ((dd.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER) && !lstrcmpi((LPCSTR)dd.DeviceString, s_szNmDD)) { LONG lResult;
// There may be multiple monitors, drivers, etc.
// We have to actually tell the system what bit depth,
// format, etc. our driver wants just like if we were
// a real driver. We therefore always ask to get 24bpp
// format info, no myriad 16bpp and 32bpp formats to deal
// with anymore.
// Also, no more 4bpp not VGA nonsense either--just 8 or 24.
ZeroMemory(&devmode, sizeof(devmode)); devmode.dmSize = sizeof(devmode); devmode.dmFields = DM_POSITION | DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT;
if (fInit) { //
// Fill in fields to get driver attached.
if (g_usrCaptureBPP <= 8) g_usrCaptureBPP = 8; else g_usrCaptureBPP = 24; devmode.dmBitsPerPel = g_usrCaptureBPP;
// devmode.dmPosition is (0, 0), this means "primary"
devmode.dmPelsWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); devmode.dmPelsHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); }
// Before we change the display settings in a multimonitor machine, we better move the cursor out of the way
// If we do not do do we get an extra cursor in the middle of the primary monitor
::SetCursorPos(-1, -1);
// This simply changes the state in the registry from
// attached to unattached, without the system actually
// reflecting the change. If/when we have multiple
// listings for our shadow driver, move the CDS(NULL, 0)
// call outside the loop, and get rid of the break.
lResult = ChangeDisplaySettingsEx((LPCSTR)dd.DeviceName, &devmode, NULL, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY | CDS_NORESET, NULL); if (lResult != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { WARNING_OUT(("ChangeDisplaySettingsEx failed, error %d", lResult)); } else { //
// This causes Windows to actually go reread the registry and
// update the current display to reflect the attached items,
// positions, sizes, and color depths.
ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, 0);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (fInit) { HDC hdc; //
// Create a temp DC based on this driver and make sure
// the settings matched what we asked for.
hdc = CreateDC(NULL, (LPCSTR)dd.DeviceName, NULL, NULL);
if (!hdc) { WARNING_OUT(("OSI_Init: dynamic display driver load failed")); } else { ASSERT(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES) == (int)devmode.dmPelsWidth); ASSERT(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES) == (int)devmode.dmPelsHeight); ASSERT(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL) * GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PLANES) == (int)g_usrCaptureBPP);
DeleteDC(hdc); } } #endif // _DEBUG
// Tell MNMHOOK_ the name of our driver so it can talk
// to it via ExtEscape.
OSI_SetDriverName(fInit ? (LPCSTR)dd.DeviceName : NULL); }
break; } } }
DebugExitVOID(OSI_InitDriver50); }
// OSI_Init - see osi.h
void OSI_Init(void) { UINT i; OSI_INIT_REQUEST requestBuffer;
// First, setup up pointer to shared data. This data lives here in NT.
#ifdef DEBUG
g_imSharedData.cbSize = sizeof(g_imSharedData); #endif
g_lpimSharedData = &g_imSharedData;
requestBuffer.result = FALSE; requestBuffer.pSharedMemory = NULL; requestBuffer.poaData[0] = NULL; requestBuffer.poaData[1] = NULL; requestBuffer.sbcEnabled = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < SBC_NUM_TILE_SIZES; i++) { ASSERT(!g_asbcShuntBuffers[i]); requestBuffer.psbcTileData[i] = NULL; }
// Do this FIRST. On NT5, only threads on the desktop with input
// can succeed at calling ChangeDisplaySettings. So like other things,
// we must try to dynamically load/unload our driver on both desks.
// Create the winlogon desktop event injection helper thread
// only if we're started as a service. Note that it will try to
// load display at start too.
if (g_asOptions & AS_SERVICE) { WARNING_OUT(("Starting other desktop thread for SERVICE")); if (!DCS_StartThread(IMOtherDesktopProc)) { WARNING_OUT(( "Failed to create other desktop IM thread")); DC_QUIT; } }
// We are going to enumerate all the entries for our shadow driver
// (currently only one) and attach each to the actual display.
if (g_asNT5) { OSI_InitDriver50(TRUE); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: g_osiInitialized = OSI_FunctionRequest(OSI_ESC_INIT, (LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)&requestBuffer, sizeof(requestBuffer));
if (!g_osiInitialized) { WARNING_OUT(("OSI_ESC_INIT: display driver not present")); } else { if (requestBuffer.result) { g_asCanHost = TRUE;
// Got shared memory pointers; keep them around
g_asSharedMemory = (LPSHM_SHARED_MEMORY)requestBuffer.pSharedMemory; ASSERT(g_asSharedMemory);
g_poaData[0] = (LPOA_SHARED_DATA)requestBuffer.poaData[0]; ASSERT(g_poaData[0]);
g_poaData[1] = (LPOA_SHARED_DATA)requestBuffer.poaData[1]; ASSERT(g_poaData[1]);
g_sbcEnabled = requestBuffer.sbcEnabled; if (g_sbcEnabled) { //
// Get shunt buffers
for (i = 0; i < SBC_NUM_TILE_SIZES; i++) { g_asbcShuntBuffers[i] = (LPSBC_SHUNT_BUFFER)requestBuffer.psbcTileData[i]; ASSERT(g_asbcShuntBuffers[i]);
TRACE_OUT(("OSI_Init: sbc shunt buffer %d: entries %08d, bytes 0x%08x", i, g_asbcShuntBuffers[i]->numEntries, g_asbcShuntBuffers[i]->numBytes)); }
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { g_asbcBitMasks[i] = requestBuffer.aBitmasks[i]; } } } }
if (g_asCanHost) { //
// Tell HOOK dll (used for control as well as sharing) about our hwnd
// and stuff. If we are able to host.
ASSERT(g_asMainWindow); ASSERT(g_asHostProp);
HOOK_Init(g_asMainWindow, g_asHostProp); }
DebugExitVOID(OSI_Init); }
// OSI_Term - see osi.h
void OSI_Term(void) { UINT i;
// This can be called on multiple threads:
// * The main DCS thread
// * The last thread of the process causing us to get a process
// detach.
// We call it in the latter case also to make sure we cleanup properly.
ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() == g_asMainThreadId);
// Kill the other desktop thread if it's around.
if (g_imNTData.imOtherDesktopThread != 0) { ASSERT(g_asOptions & AS_SERVICE); PostThreadMessage(g_imNTData.imOtherDesktopThread, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); while (g_imNTData.imOtherDesktopThread) { WARNING_OUT(("OSI_Term: waiting for other desktop thread to exit")); Sleep(1); } }
if (g_osiInitialized) { OSI_TERM_REQUEST requestBuffer;
g_osiInitialized = FALSE;
// We call the term routine only if the driver is actually loaded
// (as opposed to whether something went wrong when trying to setup
// for hosting) so that we will cleanup if something went wrong in
// the middle.
OSI_FunctionRequest(OSI_ESC_TERM, (LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)&requestBuffer, sizeof(requestBuffer)); }
// We need to undo all the work we did at init time to attach our
// driver(s) to the display, and detach them. Again, enumerate the
// registry entries and look for ours.
if (g_asNT5) { OSI_InitDriver50(FALSE); }
// Clear our shared memory variables
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { g_asbcBitMasks[i] = 0; }
for (i = 0; i < SBC_NUM_TILE_SIZES; i++) { g_asbcShuntBuffers[i] = NULL; } g_sbcEnabled = FALSE;
g_asSharedMemory = NULL; g_poaData[0] = NULL; g_poaData[1] = NULL;
g_asCanHost = FALSE;
g_lpimSharedData = NULL;
DebugExitVOID(OSI_Term); }
VOID OSI_RepaintDesktop(void) { DebugEntry(OSI_RepaintDesktop);
// If this does not appear to be a window it may be a window on the
// winlogon desktop, so we need to get the proxy thread to repaint it
if ( g_imNTData.imOtherDesktopThread ) { PostThreadMessage(g_imNTData.imOtherDesktopThread, OSI_WM_DESKTOPREPAINT, 0, 0); } DebugExitVOID(OSI_RepaintDesktop); }
VOID OSI_SetGUIEffects(BOOL fOff) { DebugEntry(OSI_SetGUIEffects);
if (g_imNTData.imOtherDesktopThread) { PostThreadMessage(g_imNTData.imOtherDesktopThread, OSI_WM_SETGUIEFFECTS, fOff, 0); }
DebugExitVOID(OSI_SetGUIEffects); }