* * * INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION * * * * This software is supplied under the terms of a license * * agreement or non-disclosure agreement with Intel Corporation * * and may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance * * with the terms of that agreement. * * * * Copyright (C) 1997 Intel Corp. All Rights Reserved * * * * $Archive: S:\sturgeon\src\gki\vcs\gkreg.cpv $ * * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * $Date: 26 Feb 1997 15:33:34 $ * * * $Author: CHULME $ * * * $Log: S:\sturgeon\src\gki\vcs\gkreg.cpv $ //
// Rev 1.6 26 Feb 1997 15:33:34 CHULME
// Call Coder.Free in case of error - potential memory leak plugged
// Rev 1.5 14 Feb 1997 16:43:06 CHULME
// Updated comments and removed inaccurate comments
// Rev 1.4 12 Feb 1997 01:12:52 CHULME
// Redid thread synchronization to use Gatekeeper.Lock
// Rev 1.3 08 Feb 1997 12:15:48 CHULME
// Terminate retry thread in destructor via semaphore
// Rev 1.2 21 Jan 1997 17:24:06 CHULME
// Removed gatekeeper identifier from gatekeeper request
// Rev 1.1 17 Jan 1997 09:02:22 CHULME
// Changed reg.h to gkreg.h to avoid name conflict with inc directory
// Rev 1.0 17 Jan 1997 08:48:08 CHULME
// Initial revision.
// Rev 1.7 10 Jan 1997 16:15:58 CHULME
// Removed MFC dependency
// Rev 1.6 20 Dec 1996 16:39:14 CHULME
// Removed extraneous debug statements
// Rev 1.5 20 Dec 1996 01:27:24 CHULME
// Fixed memory leak with gatekeeper identifier
// Rev 1.4 10 Dec 1996 11:26:36 CHULME
// Fixed handling of IRQ to not require response address in PDU
// Rev 1.3 02 Dec 1996 23:49:58 CHULME
// Added premptive synchronization code
// Rev 1.2 22 Nov 1996 15:22:16 CHULME
// Added VCS log to the header
// registration.cpp : Provides the implementation for the CRegistration class
#include "precomp.h"
#include <process.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "GKICOM.H"
#include "dspider.h"
#include "dgkilit.h"
#include "DGKIPROT.H"
#include "gksocket.h"
#include "GKREG.H"
#include "GATEKPR.H"
#include "h225asn.h"
#include "coder.hpp"
#include "dgkiext.h"
#include "ccerror.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CLinkedList Implementation
template <class T> CLinkedList<T>::CLinkedList() { pTail = NULL; iCount = 0; }
template <class T> CLinkedList<T>::~CLinkedList() { RemoveAll(); }
template <class T> void CLinkedList<T>::AddTail (const T& NewItem) { AddTailPriv(new TItem<T>(NewItem)); }
template <class T> void CLinkedList<T>::AddTailPriv(TItem<T> *pNewItem) { if (pTail) // if the list is non-empty - add to tail
{ pNewItem->pPrev = pTail; pNewItem->pNext = pTail->pNext; // preserve the pointer to the head.
pTail->pNext->pPrev = pNewItem; pTail->pNext = pNewItem; // insert the new element
} else // insert first element
{ // new element is the tail
pNewItem->pPrev = pNewItem->pNext = pNewItem; }
pTail = pNewItem; // move tail to the new item
iCount++; }
template <class T> BOOL CLinkedList<T>::IsEmpty(void) { if (pTail == NULL) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
template <class T> POS CLinkedList<T>::GetFirstPos (void) { if (pTail) { return (POS) pTail->pNext; } else { return NULL; } }
template <class T> T CLinkedList<T>::GetNext (POS &Position) { TItem<T> *pCurItem = (TItem<T> *)Position; T RetValue;
if (Position) { RetValue = pCurItem->Value; if (pCurItem == pTail) // we are at the end of the list
{ Position = NULL; } else // move to the next position
{ Position = (POS)(pCurItem->pNext); } } return RetValue; }
template <class T> POS CLinkedList<T>::Find (const T& Item) { TItem<T> *pCurItem; if (!pTail) { return NULL; } else { pCurItem = pTail; do { pCurItem = pCurItem->pNext; // starting with the head
if (pCurItem->Value == Item) { return ((POS) pCurItem); } } while (pCurItem != pTail); } return NULL; }
// It moves Position to the next item after removint the current one.
template <class T> BOOL CLinkedList<T>::RemoveAt (POS &Position) { TItem<T> *pCurItem = (TItem<T> *)Position;
if (!pCurItem) { return FALSE; } else if (pCurItem == pCurItem->pNext) // The only element
{ Position = NULL; pTail = NULL; delete pCurItem; } else { Position = (POS) pCurItem->pNext; pCurItem->pPrev->pNext = pCurItem->pNext; pCurItem->pNext->pPrev = pCurItem->pPrev; if (pCurItem == pTail) { pTail = pCurItem->pPrev; } delete pCurItem; } iCount--; return TRUE; }
template <class T> T CLinkedList<T>::GetAt(const POS Position) { TItem<T> *pCurItem = (TItem<T> *)Position; T RetValue;
if (Position) { RetValue = pCurItem->Value; }
return RetValue; }
template <class T> void CLinkedList<T>::RemoveAll(void) { TItem<T> *pCurItem; TItem<T> *pNextItem;
if (pTail) { pCurItem = pTail->pNext; // Start with the head.
pTail->pNext = NULL;
while (pCurItem != NULL) { pNextItem = pCurItem->pNext; delete pCurItem; pCurItem = pNextItem; } } pTail = NULL; iCount = 0; }
template <class T> int CLinkedList<T>::GetCount(void) { return iCount; }
VOID CALLBACK RetryTimerProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
HRESULT hResult = GKI_OK; ASSERT(g_pGatekeeper); if(g_pGatekeeper == NULL) return; g_pGatekeeper->Lock(); if(g_pReg) { hResult = g_pReg->Retry(); }
if(hResult != GKI_OK) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del g_pReg = %X\n", g_pReg); delete g_pReg; g_pReg = 0; } g_pGatekeeper->Unlock(); }
// CRegistration construction
CRegistration::CRegistration() { // ABSTRACT: The constructor for the CRegistration class will initialize
// the member variables. Notably missing is the construction
// of the pointed to socket object. This must be done after
// constructing this object to allow for checking the error code.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_CONDES, "CRegistration::CRegistration()\n", 0); m_pVendorInfo = NULL; m_pCallSignalAddress = 0; memset(&m_terminalType, 0, sizeof(EndpointType)); m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls = 0; m_hWnd = 0; m_wBaseMessage = 0; m_usRegistrationTransport = 0;
m_pLocationInfo = 0; memset(&m_Location[0], 0, sizeof(TransportAddress) * 2);
memset(&m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr, 0, sizeof(GatekeeperIdentifier)); memset(&m_endpointID, 0, sizeof(EndpointIdentifier));
m_requestSeqNum = 0; m_pRASAddress = 0;
m_State = GK_REG_PENDING; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_STATE, "m_State = GK_REG_PENDING (%X)\n", this);
m_pRasMessage = 0; m_pSocket = 0; m_hRcvThread = 0; // m_hRetryThread = 0;
m_uTimer = 0; m_uRetryResetCount = GKR_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS * (1000/GKR_RETRY_TICK_MS); m_uRetryCountdown = GKR_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS; m_uMaxRetryCount = GKR_RETRY_MAX; m_usRetryCount = 0; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_SocketCRS);
m_hDiscThread = 0; #endif
// m_dwLockingThread = 0;
// m_hRetrySemaphore = NULL;
// InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
// Initialize the base call reference value to a random number
srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); m_usCallReferenceValue = (unsigned short)rand(); }
// CRegistration destruction
CRegistration::~CRegistration() { // ABSTRACT: The destructor for the CRegistration class must free the
// memory allocated for the Transport addresses and Alias
// addresses. It does this by deleting the structures and
// walking the link list.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
SeqTransportAddr *pTA1, *pTA2; SeqAliasAddr *pAA1, *pAA2; DWORD dwErrorCode; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_CONDES, "CRegistration::~CRegistration()\n", 0);
// Terminate the Retry Thread
if(m_hRetryThread) { if(m_hRetrySemaphore) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_THREAD, "Release retry thread %X\n", m_hRetryThread); // Signal the thread to shutdown
// Wait for the thread to terminate
dwErrorCode = WaitForSingleObject(m_hRetryThread, TIMEOUT_THREAD); m_hRetryThread = NULL; } } #else
// Stop retry timer
if(m_uTimer) { KillTimer(m_hWnd, m_uTimer); } #endif
if(m_pVendorInfo) FreeVendorInfo(m_pVendorInfo); // Delete allocated memory for sequence of call signal addresses
pTA1 = m_pCallSignalAddress; while (pTA1 != 0) { pTA2 = pTA1->next; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pTA1 = %X\n", pTA1); delete pTA1; pTA1 = pTA2; }
// Delete allocated memory for sequence of alias addresses
pAA1 = m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls; while (pAA1 != 0) { pAA2 = pAA1->next; if (pAA1->value.choice == h323_ID_chosen) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value = %X\n", pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value); delete pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value; } SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1 = %X\n", pAA1); delete pAA1; pAA1 = pAA2; }
// Delete allocated memory for sequence of location alias addresses
pAA1 = m_pLocationInfo; while (pAA1 != 0) { pAA2 = pAA1->next; if (pAA1->value.choice == h323_ID_chosen) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value = %X\n", pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value); delete pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value; } SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1 = %X\n", pAA1); delete pAA1; pAA1 = pAA2; }
// Delete allocated memory for identifiers
if (m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value = %X\n", m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value); delete m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value; } if (m_endpointID.length) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_endpointID.value = %X\n", m_endpointID.value); delete m_endpointID.value; }
// Delete allocated memory for sequence of RAS addresses
pTA1 = m_pRASAddress; while (pTA1 != 0) { pTA2 = pTA1->next; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pTA1 = %X\n", pTA1); delete pTA1; pTA1 = pTA2; }
if (!m_Calls.IsEmpty()) { // Free up any call objects
// on this registration object
POS pos; for( pos = m_Calls.GetFirstPos(); pos != NULL; ) { // Delete the call object
CCall *pCall = m_Calls.GetNext(pos); SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pCall = %X\n", pCall); delete pCall; } // Now remove all pointers from the list
m_Calls.RemoveAll(); }
// Delete memory for last RAS message if still allocated
if (m_pRasMessage) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; }
// if (m_dwLockingThread)
// Unlock();
// DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
if(m_hRetrySemaphore) { CloseHandle(m_hRetrySemaphore); m_hRetrySemaphore = NULL; } #endif
m_pSocket->Close(); LockSocket(); // Close the socket and delete the socket object
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pSocket = %X\n", m_pSocket); delete m_pSocket; UnlockSocket();
DeleteCriticalSection(&m_SocketCRS); }
UINT_PTR CRegistration::StartRetryTimer(void) { if(m_uTimer) { KillTimer(m_hWnd, m_uTimer); m_uTimer = 0; } m_uRetryResetCount = GKR_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS * (1000/GKR_RETRY_TICK_MS); m_uRetryCountdown = GKR_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS; m_uMaxRetryCount = GKR_RETRY_MAX; m_usRetryCount = 0;
m_uTimer = SetTimer(NULL, NULL, GKR_RETRY_TICK_MS, RetryTimerProc); //m_uTimer = SetTimer(hWnd, GKREG_TIMER_ID, GKR_RETRY_TICK_MS, RetryTimerProc);
return m_uTimer; }
HRESULT CRegistration::AddVendorInfo(PCC_VENDORINFO pVendorInfo) { HRESULT hr = GKI_OK; if(m_pVendorInfo) { FreeVendorInfo(m_pVendorInfo); m_pVendorInfo = NULL; } if(pVendorInfo) { hr = CopyVendorInfo(&m_pVendorInfo, pVendorInfo); if(hr != CC_OK) { m_pVendorInfo = NULL; } } return hr; }
HRESULT CRegistration::AddCallSignalAddr(TransportAddress& rvalue) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure is called to add a call signal address
// to the link list of call signal addresses. This will
// be called for each transport on receiving a GKI_RegistrationRequest.
// A local copy is made to avoid reliance on the client
// keeping the memory valid. This procedure returns 0 if
// successful and non-zero for a failure.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
SeqTransportAddr *pCSA; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::AddCallSignalAddr(%X)\n", rvalue.choice);
if (m_pCallSignalAddress == 0) // First one in the list
{ m_pCallSignalAddress = new SeqTransportAddr; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_pCallSignalAddress = %X\n", m_pCallSignalAddress); if (m_pCallSignalAddress == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(m_pCallSignalAddress, 0, sizeof(SeqTransportAddr)); pCSA = m_pCallSignalAddress; } else { for (pCSA = m_pCallSignalAddress; pCSA->next != 0; pCSA = pCSA->next) ; // walk the list til last entry
pCSA->next = new SeqTransportAddr; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pCSA->next = %X\n", pCSA->next); if (pCSA->next == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(pCSA->next, 0, sizeof(SeqTransportAddr)); pCSA = pCSA->next; } pCSA->next = 0; // initialize new structure fields
pCSA->value = rvalue; return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::AddRASAddr(TransportAddress& rvalue, unsigned short usPort) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure is called to add a RAS address
// to the link list of RAS addresses. This will
// be called only for the transport used for the registration
// request. This procedure returns 0 if successful and non-zero
// for a failure.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::AddRASAddr(%X, usPort)\n", rvalue.choice);
m_pRASAddress = new SeqTransportAddr; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_pRASAddress = %X\n", m_pRASAddress); if (m_pRASAddress == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(m_pRASAddress, 0, sizeof(SeqTransportAddr)); m_pRASAddress->next = 0; // initialize new structure fields
m_pRASAddress->value = rvalue;
// Add actual RAS port to RAS address
switch (m_pRASAddress->value.choice) { case ipAddress_chosen: m_pRASAddress->value.u.ipAddress.port = usPort; break; case ipxAddress_chosen: m_pRASAddress->value.u.ipxAddress.port.value[0] = HIBYTE(usPort); m_pRASAddress->value.u.ipxAddress.port.value[1] = LOBYTE(usPort); break; } return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::AddAliasAddr(AliasAddress& rvalue) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure is called to add an alias address
// to the link list of alias addresses. This will
// be called for each alias on receiving a GKI_RegistrationRequest.
// A local copy is made to avoid reliance on the client
// keeping the memory valid.
// In the eventuality that the gatekeeper assigns alias
// addresses, this procedure will be called for each alias
// contained in the registrationConfirm message.
// This procedure returns 0 if successful and non-zero
// for a failure.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
SeqAliasAddr *p1; unsigned short uIdx; unsigned short *pus; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::AddAliasAddr(%X)\n", rvalue.choice);
if (m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls == 0) // First one in the list
{ m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls = new SeqAliasAddr; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls = %X\n", m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls); if (m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls, 0, sizeof(SeqAliasAddr)); p1 = m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls; } else { for (p1 = m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls; p1->next != 0; p1 = p1->next) ; // walk the list til last entry
p1->next = new SeqAliasAddr; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new p1->next = %X\n", p1->next); if (p1->next == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(p1->next, 0, sizeof(SeqAliasAddr)); p1 = p1->next; } p1->next = 0; // initialize new structure fields
p1->value = rvalue; if (p1->value.choice == h323_ID_chosen) { pus = new unsigned short[p1->value.u.h323_ID.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pus = %X\n", pus); if (pus == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(pus, 0, sizeof(unsigned short) * p1->value.u.h323_ID.length); for (uIdx = 0; uIdx < p1->value.u.h323_ID.length; uIdx++) *(pus + uIdx) = *(p1->value.u.h323_ID.value + uIdx); p1->value.u.h323_ID.value = pus; } return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::AddLocationInfo(AliasAddress& rvalue) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure is called to add an alias address
// to the link list of alias addresses. This will
// be called for each alias on receiving a GKI_RegistrationRequest.
// A local copy is made to avoid reliance on the client
// keeping the memory valid.
// In the eventuality that the gatekeeper assigns alias
// addresses, this procedure will be called for each alias
// contained in the registrationConfirm message.
// This procedure returns 0 if successful and non-zero
// for a failure.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
SeqAliasAddr *p1; unsigned short uIdx; unsigned short *pus; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::AddLocationInfo(%X)\n", rvalue.choice);
if (m_pLocationInfo == 0) // First one in the list
{ m_pLocationInfo = new SeqAliasAddr; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_pLocationInfo = %X\n", m_pLocationInfo); if (m_pLocationInfo == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(m_pLocationInfo, 0, sizeof(SeqAliasAddr)); p1 = m_pLocationInfo; } else { for (p1 = m_pLocationInfo; p1->next != 0; p1 = p1->next) ; // walk the list til last entry
p1->next = new SeqAliasAddr; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new p1->next = %X\n", p1->next); if (p1->next == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(p1->next, 0, sizeof(SeqAliasAddr)); p1 = p1->next; } p1->next = 0; // initialize new structure fields
p1->value = rvalue; if (p1->value.choice == h323_ID_chosen) { pus = new unsigned short[p1->value.u.h323_ID.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pus = %X\n", pus); if (pus == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(pus, 0, sizeof(unsigned short) * p1->value.u.h323_ID.length); for (uIdx = 0; uIdx < p1->value.u.h323_ID.length; uIdx++) *(pus + uIdx) = *(p1->value.u.h323_ID.value + uIdx); p1->value.u.h323_ID.value = pus; } return (GKI_OK); }
TransportAddress * CRegistration::GetTransportAddress(unsigned short usCallTransport) { SeqTransportAddr *pCSA;
for (pCSA = m_pCallSignalAddress; pCSA != 0; pCSA = pCSA->next) { if (pCSA->value.choice == usCallTransport) return (&pCSA->value); } return (NULL); // Didn't find it
HRESULT CRegistration::RegistrationRequest(BOOL fDiscovery) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure will create a RegistrationRequest structure
// call the encoder and send the PDU. If it is successful, it
// will return 0, else it will return an error code. Note: The
// memory allocated for the RAS Message is not freed until either
// a response from the gatekeeper or it times out. This allows
// for retransmission without having to rebuild this message.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
ASN1_BUF Asn1Buf; DWORD dwErrorCode; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::RegistrationRequest()\n", 0); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED);
// Allocate a RasMessage structure and initialized to 0
m_usRetryCount = 0; m_uRetryCountdown = m_uRetryResetCount; m_pRasMessage = new RasMessage; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); if (m_pRasMessage == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(m_pRasMessage, 0, sizeof(RasMessage));
// Setup structure fields for RegistrationRequest
m_pRasMessage->choice = registrationRequest_chosen; if (m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls != 0) m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.bit_mask |= RgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls_present; if (m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length != 0) m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.bit_mask |= RgstrtnRqst_gtkprIdntfr_present;
m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.requestSeqNum = ++m_requestSeqNum;
// discoveryComplete is a ASN1_BOOL (char) and fDiscovery is a BOOL (int) so the
// cast was added to remove a compiler warning. Since the value of fDiscovery
// is always 0 or 1, no loss occurs in the cast. -- DLD
m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.discoveryComplete = (ASN1_BOOL)fDiscovery; m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.callSignalAddress = (PRegistrationRequest_callSignalAddress)m_pCallSignalAddress; m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.rasAddress = (PRegistrationRequest_rasAddress)m_pRASAddress; m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.terminalType = m_terminalType; m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.RgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls = (PRegistrationRequest_terminalAlias)m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls; m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.RgstrtnRqst_gtkprIdntfr = m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr; m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.bit_mask = 0;
if(m_pVendorInfo) { m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.vendor.t35CountryCode = m_pVendorInfo->bCountryCode;
m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.vendor.t35Extension = m_pVendorInfo->bExtension; m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.vendor.manufacturerCode = m_pVendorInfo->wManufacturerCode;
if(m_pVendorInfo->pProductNumber && m_pVendorInfo->pProductNumber->pOctetString && m_pVendorInfo->pProductNumber->wOctetStringLength) { UINT uSize = min(m_pVendorInfo->pProductNumber->wOctetStringLength, sizeof(m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.productId.value)); m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.bit_mask |= productId_present; // truncate to fit size of registrationRequest.endpointVendor.productId.value
m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.productId.length = uSize; memcpy(&m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.productId.value, m_pVendorInfo->pProductNumber->pOctetString, uSize); }
if(m_pVendorInfo->pVersionNumber && m_pVendorInfo->pVersionNumber->pOctetString && m_pVendorInfo->pVersionNumber->wOctetStringLength) { UINT uSize = min(m_pVendorInfo->pVersionNumber->wOctetStringLength, sizeof(m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.versionId.value)); m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.bit_mask |= versionId_present; // truncate to fit size of registrationRequest.endpointVendor.versionId.value
m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.versionId.length = uSize; memcpy(&m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.endpointVendor.versionId.value, m_pVendorInfo->pVersionNumber->pOctetString, uSize); } } #ifdef _DEBUG
if (dwGKIDLLFlags & SP_DUMPMEM) DumpMem(m_pRasMessage, sizeof(RasMessage)); #endif
// Assign ProtocolIdentifier
// Encode the PDU & send it
dwErrorCode = g_pCoder->Encode(m_pRasMessage, &Asn1Buf); if (dwErrorCode) return (GKI_ENCODER_ERROR);
// Create a backup copy of the encoded PDU if using debug echo support
if (fGKIEcho) { pEchoBuff = new char[Asn1Buf.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pEchoBuff = %X\n", pEchoBuff); if (pEchoBuff == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pEchoBuff, (char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length); nEchoLen = Asn1Buf.length; }
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Send RRQ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if (fGKIDontSend == FALSE) if (m_pSocket->Send((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR));
// Free the encoder memory
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::UnregistrationRequest(void) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure will create an UnregistrationRequest structure
// call the encoder and send the PDU. If it is successful, it
// will return 0, else it will return an error code.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
ASN1_BUF Asn1Buf; DWORD dwErrorCode; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::UnregistrationRequest()\n", 0); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Allocate a RasMessage structure and initialized to 0
m_usRetryCount = 0; m_uRetryCountdown = m_uRetryResetCount; m_pRasMessage = new RasMessage; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); if (m_pRasMessage == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(m_pRasMessage, 0, sizeof(RasMessage));
// Setup structure fields for UnregistrationRequest
m_pRasMessage->choice = unregistrationRequest_chosen; if (m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls != 0) m_pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.bit_mask |= UnrgstrtnRqst_endpntAls_present; if (m_endpointID.length != 0) m_pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.bit_mask |= URt_endpntIdntfr_present; m_pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.requestSeqNum = ++m_requestSeqNum; m_pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.callSignalAddress = (PUnregistrationRequest_callSignalAddress)m_pCallSignalAddress; m_pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.UnrgstrtnRqst_endpntAls = (PUnregistrationRequest_endpointAlias)m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls; m_pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.URt_endpntIdntfr = m_endpointID; #ifdef _DEBUG
if (dwGKIDLLFlags & SP_DUMPMEM) DumpMem(m_pRasMessage, sizeof(RasMessage)); #endif
// Encode the PDU & send it
dwErrorCode = g_pCoder->Encode(m_pRasMessage, &Asn1Buf); if (dwErrorCode) return (GKI_ENCODER_ERROR);
// Create a backup copy of the encoded PDU if using debug echo support
if (fGKIEcho) { pEchoBuff = new char[Asn1Buf.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pEchoBuff = %X\n", pEchoBuff); if (pEchoBuff == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pEchoBuff, (char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length); nEchoLen = Asn1Buf.length; }
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Send URQ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if (fGKIDontSend == FALSE) if (m_pSocket->Send((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR));
// Free the encoder memory
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::LocationRequest(void) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure will create a LocationRequest structure
// call the encoder and send the PDU. If it is successful, it
// will return 0, else it will return an error code. Note: The
// memory allocated for the RAS Message is not freed until either
// a response from the gatekeeper or it times out. This allows
// for retransmission without having to rebuild this message.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
ASN1_BUF Asn1Buf; DWORD dwErrorCode; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::LocationRequest()\n", 0); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Allocate a RasMessage structure and initialized to 0
m_usRetryCount = 0; m_uRetryCountdown = m_uRetryResetCount; m_pRasMessage = new RasMessage; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); if (m_pRasMessage == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(m_pRasMessage, 0, sizeof(RasMessage));
// Setup structure fields for LocationRequest
m_pRasMessage->choice = locationRequest_chosen; if (m_endpointID.length != 0) m_pRasMessage->u.locationRequest.bit_mask |= LctnRqst_endpntIdntfr_present; m_pRasMessage->u.locationRequest.requestSeqNum = ++m_requestSeqNum;
m_pRasMessage->u.locationRequest.LctnRqst_endpntIdntfr = m_endpointID; m_pRasMessage->u.locationRequest.destinationInfo = (PLocationRequest_destinationInfo)m_pLocationInfo; m_pRasMessage->u.locationRequest.replyAddress = m_pRASAddress->value;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (dwGKIDLLFlags & SP_DUMPMEM) DumpMem(m_pRasMessage, sizeof(RasMessage)); #endif
// Encode the PDU & send it
dwErrorCode = g_pCoder->Encode(m_pRasMessage, &Asn1Buf); if (dwErrorCode) return (GKI_ENCODER_ERROR);
// Create a backup copy of the encoded PDU if using debug echo support
if (fGKIEcho) { pEchoBuff = new char[Asn1Buf.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pEchoBuff = %X\n", pEchoBuff); if (pEchoBuff == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pEchoBuff, (char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length); nEchoLen = Asn1Buf.length; }
m_State = GK_LOC_PENDING; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_STATE, "m_State = GK_LOC_PENDING (%X)\n", this);
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Send LRQ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if (fGKIDontSend == FALSE) if (m_pSocket->Send((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR));
// Free the encoder memory
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::GatekeeperRequest(void) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure will create a GatekeeperRequest structure
// call the encoder and send the PDU. If it is successful, it
// will return 0, else it will return an error code.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
ASN1_BUF Asn1Buf; DWORD dwErrorCode; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::GatekeeperRequest()\n", 0); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Allocate a RasMessage structure and initialized to 0
m_usRetryCount = 0; m_uRetryCountdown = m_uRetryResetCount; m_pRasMessage = new RasMessage; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); if (m_pRasMessage == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(m_pRasMessage, 0, sizeof(RasMessage));
// Setup structure fields for GatekeeperRequest
m_pRasMessage->choice = gatekeeperRequest_chosen; if (m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls != 0) m_pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperRequest.bit_mask |= GtkprRqst_endpointAlias_present; m_pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperRequest.requestSeqNum = ++m_requestSeqNum;
m_pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperRequest.rasAddress = m_pRASAddress->value; m_pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperRequest.endpointType = m_terminalType; m_pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperRequest.GtkprRqst_endpointAlias = (PGatekeeperRequest_endpointAlias)m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls;
// Assign ProtocolIdentifier
// Encode the PDU & send it
dwErrorCode = g_pCoder->Encode(m_pRasMessage, &Asn1Buf); if (dwErrorCode) return (GKI_ENCODER_ERROR);
// Create a backup copy of the encoded PDU if using debug echo support
if (fGKIEcho) { pEchoBuff = new char[Asn1Buf.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pEchoBuff = %X\n", pEchoBuff); if (pEchoBuff == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pEchoBuff, (char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length); nEchoLen = Asn1Buf.length; }
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Send GRQ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if (fGKIDontSend == FALSE) { if (m_pSocket->SendBroadcast((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) { g_pCoder->Free(Asn1Buf); return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR)); } }
// Free the encoder memory
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::PDUHandler(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This procedure will interpret the received PDU and dispatch
// to the appropriate handler.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::PDUHandler(%X)\n", pRasMessage); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); switch (pRasMessage->choice) { // Incoming response PDUs
case gatekeeperConfirm_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv GCF; g_pReg = %X\n", this); break; case gatekeeperReject_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv GRJ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); break; case registrationConfirm_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv RCF; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if ((m_State == GK_REG_PENDING) && (pRasMessage->u.registrationConfirm.requestSeqNum == m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.requestSeqNum)) hResult = RegistrationConfirm(pRasMessage); else hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break; case registrationReject_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv RRJ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if ((m_State == GK_REG_PENDING) && (pRasMessage->u.registrationReject.requestSeqNum == m_pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.requestSeqNum)) hResult = RegistrationReject(pRasMessage); else hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break; case unregistrationConfirm_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv UCF; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if ((m_State == GK_UNREG_PENDING) && (pRasMessage->u.unregistrationConfirm.requestSeqNum == m_pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.requestSeqNum)) hResult = UnregistrationConfirm(pRasMessage); else hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break; case unregistrationReject_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv URJ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if ((m_State == GK_UNREG_PENDING) && (pRasMessage->u.unregistrationReject.requestSeqNum == m_pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.requestSeqNum)) hResult = UnregistrationReject(pRasMessage); else hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break; case admissionConfirm_chosen: { // The sequence number of this RAS message seems to be the
// only thing we can link back to the ARQ so we use it
// to look up the call that this ACF is associated with
RequestSeqNum seqNum = pRasMessage->u.admissionConfirm.requestSeqNum; CCall *pCall = FindCallBySeqNum(seqNum); if ((m_State == GK_REGISTERED) && (pCall)) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv ACF; pCall = %X\n", pCall); hResult = pCall->AdmissionConfirm(pRasMessage); } else { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv ACF; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break; case admissionReject_chosen: { // The sequence number of this RAS message seems to be the
// only thing we can link back to the ARQ so we use it
// to look up the call that this ARJ is associated with
RequestSeqNum seqNum = pRasMessage->u.admissionReject.requestSeqNum; CCall *pCall = FindCallBySeqNum(seqNum); if ((m_State == GK_REGISTERED) && (pCall)) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv ARJ; pCall = %X\n", pCall); hResult = pCall->AdmissionReject(pRasMessage); if (hResult == GKI_DELETE_CALL) { DeleteCall(pCall); hResult = GKI_OK; // Don't want to exit PostReceive loop
} } else { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv ARJ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break; case bandwidthConfirm_chosen: { // The sequence number of this RAS message seems to be the
// only thing we can link back to the BRQ so we use it
// to look up the call that this BCF is associated with
RequestSeqNum seqNum = pRasMessage->u.bandwidthConfirm.requestSeqNum; CCall *pCall = FindCallBySeqNum(seqNum); if ((m_State == GK_REGISTERED) && (pCall)) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv BCF; pCall = %X\n", pCall); hResult = pCall->BandwidthConfirm(pRasMessage); } else { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv BCF; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break; case bandwidthReject_chosen: { // The sequence number of this RAS message seems to be the
// only thing we can link back to the BRQ so we use it
// to look up the call that this BCF is associated with
RequestSeqNum seqNum = pRasMessage->u.bandwidthReject.requestSeqNum; CCall *pCall = FindCallBySeqNum(seqNum); if ((m_State == GK_REGISTERED) && (pCall)) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv BRJ; pCall = %X\n", pCall); hResult = pCall->BandwidthReject(pRasMessage); } else { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv BRJ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break; case disengageConfirm_chosen: { // The sequence number of this RAS message seems to be the
// only thing we can link back to the DRQ so we use it
// to look up the call that this DCF is associated with
RequestSeqNum seqNum = pRasMessage->u.disengageConfirm.requestSeqNum; CCall *pCall = FindCallBySeqNum(seqNum); if ((m_State == GK_REGISTERED) && (pCall)) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv DCF; pCall = %X\n", pCall); hResult = pCall->DisengageConfirm(pRasMessage); if (hResult == GKI_DELETE_CALL) { DeleteCall(pCall); hResult = GKI_OK; // Don't want to exit PostReceive loop
} } else { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv DCF; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break; case disengageReject_chosen: { // The sequence number of this RAS message seems to be the
// only thing we can link back to the DRQ so we use it
// to look up the call that this DRJ is associated with
RequestSeqNum seqNum = pRasMessage->u.disengageReject.requestSeqNum; CCall *pCall = FindCallBySeqNum(seqNum); if ((m_State == GK_REGISTERED) && (pCall)) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv DRJ; pCall = %X\n", pCall); hResult = pCall->DisengageReject(pRasMessage); if (hResult == GKI_DELETE_CALL) { DeleteCall(pCall); hResult = GKI_OK; // Don't want to exit PostReceive loop
} } else { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv DRJ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break; case locationConfirm_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv LCF; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if ((m_State == GK_LOC_PENDING) && (pRasMessage->u.locationConfirm.requestSeqNum == m_pRasMessage->u.locationRequest.requestSeqNum)) hResult = LocationConfirm(pRasMessage); else hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break; case locationReject_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv LRJ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if ((m_State == GK_LOC_PENDING) && (pRasMessage->u.locationReject.requestSeqNum == m_pRasMessage->u.locationRequest.requestSeqNum)) hResult = LocationReject(pRasMessage); else hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break;
case nonStandardMessage_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv NSM; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break; case unknownMessageResponse_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv XRS; g_pReg = %X\n", this); break;
// Incoming Request PDUs
case unregistrationRequest_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv URQ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if (m_State == GK_REGISTERED) { WORD wReason; // Notify user of received unregistration request and reason
if(pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.bit_mask & UnregistrationRequest_reason_present) { wReason = pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.reason.choice; } else wReason = 0; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_UNREG_REQUEST, 0, 0)\n", 0); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_UNREG_REQUEST, wReason, 0); hResult = SendUnregistrationConfirm(pRasMessage); if (hResult == GKI_OK) hResult = GKI_EXIT_THREAD; } else hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break; case bandwidthRequest_chosen: { // Check the CRV in this BRQ and see if we have a call
// that corresponds to it.
CallReferenceValue crv = pRasMessage->u.bandwidthRequest.callReferenceValue; CCall *pCall = FindCallByCRV(crv); if ((m_State == GK_REGISTERED) && (pCall)) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv BRQ; pCall = %X\n", pCall); hResult = pCall->SendBandwidthConfirm(pRasMessage); } else { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv BRQ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break; case disengageRequest_chosen: { // Check the CRV in this DRQ and see if we have a call
// that corresponds to it.
CallReferenceValue crv = pRasMessage->u.disengageRequest.callReferenceValue; CCall *pCall = FindCallByCRV(crv); if ((m_State == GK_REGISTERED) && (pCall)) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv DRQ; pCall = %X\n", pCall); hResult = pCall->SendDisengageConfirm(pRasMessage); if (hResult == GKI_DELETE_CALL) { DeleteCall(pCall); hResult = GKI_OK; // Don't want to exit PostReceive loop
} } else { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv DRQ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break; case infoRequest_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv IRQ; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if ((m_State != GK_UNREGISTERED) && (m_State != GK_REG_PENDING)) { // Check the CRV in this DRQ and see if we have a call
// that corresponds to it.
CallReferenceValue crv = pRasMessage->u.infoRequest.callReferenceValue; CCall *pCall = NULL; // A zero in the CRV means provide info for all calls, so we start
// the chain with the first one.
if (crv == 0) { if (m_Calls.IsEmpty()) hResult = SendInfoRequestResponse(0, pRasMessage); else { POS pos = m_Calls.GetFirstPos(); pCall = m_Calls.GetAt(pos); hResult = pCall->SendInfoRequestResponse(0, pRasMessage, FALSE); } } else { // This is a call specific request so if we don't find
// a matching call, we'll send an XRS
pCall = FindCallByCRV(crv); if (pCall) hResult = pCall->SendInfoRequestResponse(0, pRasMessage, TRUE); else hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); } } break;
// Should never see these PDUs
case gatekeeperRequest_chosen: case registrationRequest_chosen: case admissionRequest_chosen: case locationRequest_chosen: case infoRequestResponse_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv unexpected PDU; g_pReg = %X\n", this); SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "pRasMessage->choice = %X\n", pRasMessage->choice); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break;
// Everything else - probably a bad PDU
default: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Rcv unrecognized PDU; g_pReg = %X\n", this); SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "pRasMessage->choice = %X\n", pRasMessage->choice); hResult = UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); break; }
return (hResult); }
HRESULT CRegistration::RegistrationConfirm(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called if a registrationConfirm is
// received and matches an outstanding registrationRequest.
// It will delete the memory used for the registrationRequest
// change the state and notify the user by posting a message.
// Additional information contained in the registrationConfirm
// is stored in the CRegistration class.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
SeqAliasAddr *pAA; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::RegistrationConfirm(%X)\n", pRasMessage); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Delete allocated RasMessage storage
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0;
// Update member variables
if (pRasMessage->u.registrationConfirm.bit_mask & RgstrtnCnfrm_trmnlAls_present) { // Copy alias addresses
for (pAA = (SeqAliasAddr *)pRasMessage->u.registrationConfirm.RgstrtnCnfrm_trmnlAls; pAA != 0; pAA = pAA->next) AddAliasAddr(pAA->value); } if ((pRasMessage->u.registrationConfirm.bit_mask & RCm_gtkprIdntfr_present) && (m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value == 0)) { // Copy gatekeeper identifier
m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length = pRasMessage->u.registrationConfirm.RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length; m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value = new unsigned short[m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value = %X\n", m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value); if (m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value, pRasMessage->u.registrationConfirm.RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value, m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length * sizeof(unsigned short));
} // Copy endpoint identifier
m_endpointID.length = pRasMessage->u.registrationConfirm.endpointIdentifier.length; m_endpointID.value = new unsigned short[m_endpointID.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_endpointID.value = %X\n", m_endpointID.value); if (m_endpointID.value == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(m_endpointID.value, pRasMessage->u.registrationConfirm.endpointIdentifier.value, m_endpointID.length * sizeof(unsigned short));
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_REG_CONFIRM, 0, 0)\n", 0); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_REG_CONFIRM, 0, 0);
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::RegistrationReject(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called if a registrationReject is
// received and matches an outstanding registrationRequest.
// It will delete the memory used for the registrationRequest
// change the state and notify the user by posting a message
// Returning a non-zero value, indicates that the PostReceive
// loop should terminate, delete the registration object
// and exit the thread. If the rejectReason is discovery
// required, this function execs the discovery thread and
// notifies PostReceive to exit the thread without deleting
// the registration object and socket.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
HANDLE hThread; SeqTransportAddr *pTA1, *pTA2; int nRet; HRESULT hResult; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::RegistrationReject(%X)\n", pRasMessage); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED);
if (pRasMessage->u.registrationReject.rejectReason.choice == discoveryRequired_chosen) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0;
// Close socket and reopen in non-connected state to allow sendto
if ((nRet = m_pSocket->Close()) != 0) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(nRet)); if ((nRet = m_pSocket->Create(m_pSocket->GetAddrFam(), 0)) != 0) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(nRet));
// Delete allocated memory for sequence of RAS addresses
pTA1 = m_pRASAddress; while (pTA1 != 0) { pTA2 = pTA1->next; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pTA1 = %X\n", pTA1); delete pTA1; pTA1 = pTA2; }
// Update RAS Address in CRegistration
for (pTA1 = m_pCallSignalAddress; pTA1 != 0; pTA1 = pTA1->next) { if (pTA1->value.choice == m_usRegistrationTransport) if ((hResult = AddRASAddr(pTA1->value, m_pSocket->GetPort())) != GKI_OK) return (hResult); }
hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthread(GKDiscovery, 0, 0); SPIDER_TRACE(SP_THREAD, "_beginthread(GKDiscovery, 0, 0); <%X>\n", hThread); if (hThread == (HANDLE)-1) return (GKI_NO_THREAD); SetDiscThread(hThread); return (GKI_REDISCOVER); } #endif // BROADCAST_DISCOVERY
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_REG_REJECT, %X, 0)\n", pRasMessage->u.registrationReject.rejectReason.choice); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_REG_REJECT, (WORD)pRasMessage->u.registrationReject.rejectReason.choice, 0L);
return (GKI_EXIT_THREAD); }
HRESULT CRegistration::UnregistrationConfirm(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called if an unregistrationConfirm is
// received and matches an outstanding unregistrationRequest.
// It will delete the memory used for the unregistrationRequest
// change the state and notify the user by posting a message.
// Returning a non-zero value, indicates that the PostReceive
// loop should terminate, delete the registration object
// and exit the thread.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::UnregistrationConfirm(%X)\n", pRasMessage);
// We deliberately don't free the RasMessage memory. Let the registration
// destructor do it - this provides protection from other requests.
// Update member variables
// Notify user application
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_UNREG_CONFIRM, 0, 0)\n", 0); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_UNREG_CONFIRM, 0, 0L);
return (GKI_EXIT_THREAD); }
HRESULT CRegistration::UnregistrationReject(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called if an unregistrationReject is
// received and matches an outstanding unregistrationRequest.
// It will delete the memory used for the unregistrationRequest
// change the state and notify the user by posting a message
// Returning a non-zero value, indicates that the PostReceive
// loop should terminate, delete the registration object
// and exit the thread.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
#ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::UnregistrationReject(%X)\n", pRasMessage);
// Update member variables
switch (pRasMessage->u.unregistrationReject.rejectReason.choice) { case callInProgress_chosen: // return to registered state
// Delete allocate RasMessage storage
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0;
m_State = GK_REGISTERED; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_STATE, "m_State = GK_REGISTERED (%X)\n", this); break; case notCurrentlyRegistered_chosen: default: m_State = GK_UNREGISTERED; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_STATE, "m_State = GK_UNREGISTERED (%X)\n", this); hResult = GKI_EXIT_THREAD; // kill registration and PostReceive thread
break; }
// Notify user application
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_UNREG_REJECT, %X, 0)\n", pRasMessage->u.unregistrationReject.rejectReason.choice); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_UNREG_REJECT, (WORD)pRasMessage->u.unregistrationReject.rejectReason.choice, 0L);
return (hResult); }
HRESULT CRegistration::LocationConfirm(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called if a locationConfirm is
// received and matches an outstanding locationRequest.
// It will delete the memory used for the locationRequest
// change the state and notify the user by posting a message.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
SeqAliasAddr *pAA1, *pAA2; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::LocationConfirm(%X)\n", pRasMessage);
// Delete allocated RasMessage storage
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0;
// Delete allocated memory for sequence of location alias addresses
pAA1 = m_pLocationInfo; while (pAA1 != 0) { pAA2 = pAA1->next; if (pAA1->value.choice == h323_ID_chosen) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value = %X\n", pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value); delete pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value; } SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1 = %X\n", pAA1); delete pAA1; pAA1 = pAA2; } m_pLocationInfo = 0;
// Update member variables
m_State = GK_REGISTERED; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_STATE, "m_State = GK_REGISTERED (%X)\n", this); m_Location[0] = pRasMessage->u.locationConfirm.callSignalAddress; m_Location[1] = pRasMessage->u.locationConfirm.rasAddress;
// Notify user application
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_LOCATION_CONFIRM, 0, &m_Location[0])\n", 0); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_LOCATION_CONFIRM, 0, (LPARAM)&m_Location[0]);
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::LocationReject(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called if a locationReject is
// received and matches an outstanding locationRequest.
// It will delete the memory used for the locationRequest
// change the state and notify the user by posting a message
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
SeqAliasAddr *pAA1, *pAA2; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::LocationReject(%X)\n", pRasMessage);
// Delete allocate RasMessage storage
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0;
// Delete allocated memory for sequence of location alias addresses
pAA1 = m_pLocationInfo; while (pAA1 != 0) { pAA2 = pAA1->next; if (pAA1->value.choice == h323_ID_chosen) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value = %X\n", pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value); delete pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value; } SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1 = %X\n", pAA1); delete pAA1; pAA1 = pAA2; } m_pLocationInfo = 0;
// Update member variables
// Notify user application
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_LOCATION_REJECT, %X, 0)\n", pRasMessage->u.locationReject.rejectReason.choice); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_LOCATION_REJECT, (WORD)pRasMessage->u.locationReject.rejectReason.choice, 0L);
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::UnknownMessage(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This member function is called to respond to the gatekeeper
// with an XRS PDU indicated that the received PDU is an unknown
// message
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
ASN1_BUF Asn1Buf; DWORD dwErrorCode; RasMessage *pOutRasMessage; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::UnknownMessage(%X)\n", pRasMessage); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Allocate a RasMessage structure and initialized to 0
pOutRasMessage = new RasMessage; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pOutRasMessage = %X\n", pOutRasMessage); if (pOutRasMessage == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(pOutRasMessage, 0, sizeof(RasMessage));
// Setup structure fields for UnregistrationRequest
pOutRasMessage->choice = unknownMessageResponse_chosen; pOutRasMessage->u.unknownMessageResponse.requestSeqNum = pRasMessage->u.registrationRequest.requestSeqNum; // can use from
// from any RAS Message, since SeqNum
// is always in same position.
// Encode the PDU & send it
dwErrorCode = g_pCoder->Encode(pOutRasMessage, &Asn1Buf); if (dwErrorCode) return (GKI_ENCODER_ERROR);
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Send XRS; g_pReg = %X\n", this);
if (fGKIDontSend == FALSE) if (m_pSocket->Send((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR));
// Free the encoder memory
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pOutRasMessage = %X\n", pOutRasMessage); delete pOutRasMessage; pOutRasMessage = 0;
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::GatekeeperConfirm(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called if a gatekeeperConfirm is
// received. Note this member function must first ascertain
// that the supplied confirmation sequence number matches
// the outstanding request sequence number, if not - it
// will send an XRS response.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
char szBuffer[80]; HRESULT hResult; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::GatekeeperConfirm(%X)\n", pRasMessage); ASSERT(g_pGatekeeper); if(g_pGatekeeper == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (m_pRasMessage == 0) return (0);
if (pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.requestSeqNum != m_pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperRequest.requestSeqNum) { hResult = g_pReg->UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); return (hResult); }
// Delete allocated RasMessage storage
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0;
// Update member variables
if ((pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.bit_mask & GtkprCnfrm_gtkprIdntfr_present) && (m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value == 0)) { // Copy gatekeeper identifier
m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length = pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.GtkprCnfrm_gtkprIdntfr.length; m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value = new unsigned short[m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length]; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value = %X\n", m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value); if (m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.value, pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.GtkprCnfrm_gtkprIdntfr.value, m_RCm_gtkprIdntfr.length * sizeof(unsigned short)); } // Copy gatekeeper RAS Address
ASSERT((pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.choice == ipAddress_chosen) || (pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.choice == ipxAddress_chosen));
switch (pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.choice) { case ipAddress_chosen: wsprintf(szBuffer, "%d.%d.%d.%d", pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipAddress.ip.value[0], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipAddress.ip.value[1], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipAddress.ip.value[2], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipAddress.ip.value[3]); g_pGatekeeper->SetIPAddress(szBuffer); break; #if(0)
case ipxAddress_chosen: wsprintf(szBuffer, "%02X%02X%02X%02X:%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.netnum.value[0], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.netnum.value[1], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.netnum.value[2], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.netnum.value[3], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.node.value[0], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.node.value[1], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.node.value[2], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.node.value[3], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.node.value[4], pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperConfirm.rasAddress.u.ipxAddress.node.value[5]); g_pGatekeeper->SetIPXAddress(szBuffer); break; #endif // if(0)
default: break; }
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::GatekeeperReject(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called if a gatekeeperReject is
// received. Note this member function must first ascertain
// that the supplied rejection sequence number matches
// the outstanding request sequence number, if not - it
// will send an XRS response.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
HRESULT hResult; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::GatekeeperReject(%X)\n", pRasMessage); ASSERT(g_pGatekeeper); if(g_pGatekeeper == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (m_pRasMessage == 0) return (GKI_OK);
if (pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperReject.requestSeqNum != m_pRasMessage->u.gatekeeperRequest.requestSeqNum) { hResult = g_pReg->UnknownMessage(pRasMessage); return (hResult); }
g_pGatekeeper->SetRejectFlag(TRUE); // Indicate that atleast one GRJ was received
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::SendUnregistrationConfirm(RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called when an unregistrationRequest is
// received from the gatekeeper. It will create the
// unregistrationConfirm structure, encode it and send
// it on the net. It posts a message to the user
// notifying them.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
ASN1_BUF Asn1Buf; DWORD dwErrorCode; RasMessage *pRespRasMessage; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::UnregistrationConfirm(%X)\n", pRasMessage); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Allocate a RasMessage structure and initialized to 0
pRespRasMessage = new RasMessage; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pRespRasMessage = %X\n", pRespRasMessage); if (pRespRasMessage == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(pRespRasMessage, 0, sizeof(RasMessage));
// Setup structure fields for UnregistrationConfirm
pRespRasMessage->choice = unregistrationConfirm_chosen; pRespRasMessage->u.unregistrationConfirm.requestSeqNum = pRasMessage->u.unregistrationRequest.requestSeqNum;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (dwGKIDLLFlags & SP_DUMPMEM) DumpMem(pRespRasMessage, sizeof(RasMessage)); #endif
// Encode the PDU & send it
dwErrorCode = g_pCoder->Encode(pRespRasMessage, &Asn1Buf); if (dwErrorCode) return (GKI_ENCODER_ERROR);
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Send UCF; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if (fGKIDontSend == FALSE) if (m_pSocket->Send((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR));
// Free the encoder memory
// Delete allocated RasMessage storage
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pRespRasMessage = %X\n", pRespRasMessage); delete pRespRasMessage;
// fake "received unregistration confirm" because the upper
// state machine code depends on it
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_UNREG_CONFIRM, 0, 0)\n", 0); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_UNREG_CONFIRM, 0, 0);
return (GKI_OK); }
HRESULT CRegistration::Retry(void) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called by the background Retry thread
// at the configured time interval. It will check if there
// are any outstanding PDUs for the Registration object
// If so, they will be retransmitted. If the maximum number of
// retries has expired, the memory will be cleaned up.
// This function will return 0 to the background thread unless
// it wants the thread to terminate.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
ASN1_BUF Asn1Buf; DWORD dwErrorCode; HANDLE hThread; SeqTransportAddr *pTA1, *pTA2; SeqAliasAddr *pAA1, *pAA2; int nRet; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
// SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::Retry() %X\n", m_pCall);
ASSERT(g_pCoder); if ((g_pCoder == NULL) && (g_pGatekeeper == NULL)) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED);
// Allow calls to do retry processing
if (!m_Calls.IsEmpty()) { // Loop through and let each call do it's retry processing
// It should be safe to call DeleteCall() from within the
// iteration since pos1 should still be valid after the
// removal.
POS pos1; for( pos1 = m_Calls.GetFirstPos(); pos1 != NULL; ) { // Call Retry() for this call
CCall *pCall = m_Calls.GetNext(pos1); ASSERT (pCall); hResult = pCall->Retry(); if (hResult == GKI_DELETE_CALL) { DeleteCall(pCall); hResult = GKI_OK; } } } // Check if any outstanding registration PDUs
if (m_pRasMessage && (--m_uRetryCountdown == 0)) { // going to retry, reset countdown
m_uRetryCountdown = m_uRetryResetCount;
if (m_usRetryCount <= m_uMaxRetryCount) { // Encode the PDU & resend it
dwErrorCode = g_pCoder->Encode(m_pRasMessage, &Asn1Buf); if (dwErrorCode) return (GKI_ENCODER_ERROR);
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "RESend PDU; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if (fGKIDontSend == FALSE) { if (m_pRasMessage->choice == gatekeeperRequest_chosen) { if (m_pSocket->SendBroadcast((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR)); } else { if (m_pSocket->Send((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR)); } }
// Free the encoder memory
g_pCoder->Free(Asn1Buf); m_usRetryCount++; } else // Retries expired - clean up
{ switch (m_pRasMessage->choice) { case gatekeeperRequest_chosen:
// We deliberately don't free the RasMessage memory. Let the
// registration destructor do it - this provides protection
// from other requests.
// Close socket - this will terminate the Discovery thread
if ((nRet = m_pSocket->Close()) != 0) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(nRet));
// Delete cached address from the registry
if (g_pGatekeeper->GetRejectFlag() == FALSE) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_REG_BYPASS, 0, 0)\n", 0); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_REG_BYPASS, 0, 0); return (GKI_EXIT_THREAD); } else hResult = GKI_EXIT_THREAD; #else
break; case registrationRequest_chosen: SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0; #ifdef BROADCAST_DISCOVERY
// Need to attempt gatekeeper discovery
// Close socket and reopen in non-connected state to allow sendto
// This will also terminate the PostRecv thread
if ((nRet = m_pSocket->Close()) != 0) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(nRet)); if ((nRet = m_pSocket->Create(m_pSocket->GetAddrFam(), 0)) != 0) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(nRet));
// Delete allocated memory for sequence of RAS addresses
pTA1 = m_pRASAddress; while (pTA1 != 0) { pTA2 = pTA1->next; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pTA1 = %X\n", pTA1); delete pTA1; pTA1 = pTA2; }
// Update RAS Address in CRegistration
for (pTA1 = m_pCallSignalAddress; pTA1 != 0; pTA1 = pTA1->next) { if (pTA1->value.choice == m_usRegistrationTransport) if ((hResult = AddRASAddr(pTA1->value, m_pSocket->GetPort())) != GKI_OK) return (hResult); }
// Start the discovery thread
hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthread(GKDiscovery, 0, 0); SPIDER_TRACE(SP_THREAD, "_beginthread(GKDiscovery, 0, 0); <%X>\n", hThread); if (hThread == (HANDLE)-1) return (GKI_NO_THREAD); SetDiscThread(hThread);
hResult = GKI_REDISCOVER; break; #else // not BROADCAST_DISCOVERY
case unregistrationRequest_chosen: m_State = GK_UNREGISTERED; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_STATE, "m_State = GK_UNREGISTERED (%X)\n", this);
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0;
// Close socket - this will terminate the Receive thread
if ((nRet = m_pSocket->Close()) != 0) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(nRet));
hResult = GKI_EXIT_THREAD; break;
case locationRequest_chosen: m_State = GK_REGISTERED; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_STATE, "m_State = GK_REGISTERED (%X)\n", this);
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del m_pRasMessage = %X\n", m_pRasMessage); delete m_pRasMessage; m_pRasMessage = 0;
// Delete allocated memory for sequence of location alias addresses
pAA1 = m_pLocationInfo; while (pAA1 != 0) { pAA2 = pAA1->next; if (pAA1->value.choice == h323_ID_chosen) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value = %X\n", pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value); delete pAA1->value.u.h323_ID.value; } SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pAA1 = %X\n", pAA1); delete pAA1; pAA1 = pAA2; }
break; }
// Notify user that gatekeeper didn't respond
if (hResult != GKI_REDISCOVER) { SPIDER_TRACE(SP_GKI, "PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_ERROR, 0, GKI_NO_RESPONSE)\n", 0); PostMessage(m_hWnd, m_wBaseMessage + GKI_ERROR, 0, GKI_NO_RESPONSE); } else hResult = GKI_OK; // Don't exit retry thread
} }
return (hResult); }
HRESULT CRegistration::SendInfoRequestResponse(CallInfoStruct *pCallInfo, RasMessage *pRasMessage) { // ABSTRACT: This function is called from one or more call object
// to create an IRR RasMessage, encapsulate the supplied
// call information and send the message to the
// gatekeeper.
// AUTHOR: Colin Hulme
ASN1_BUF Asn1Buf; DWORD dwErrorCode; RasMessage *pRespRasMessage; struct sockaddr_in sAddrIn; #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_FUNC, "CRegistration::SendInfoRequestResponse()\n", 0); ASSERT(g_pCoder); if (g_pCoder == NULL) return (GKI_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Allocate a RasMessage structure and initialized to 0
pRespRasMessage = new RasMessage; SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "new pRespRasMessage = %X\n", pRespRasMessage); if (pRespRasMessage == 0) return (GKI_NO_MEMORY); memset(pRespRasMessage, 0, sizeof(RasMessage));
// Setup structure fields for InfoRequestResponse
pRespRasMessage->choice = infoRequestResponse_chosen; if (m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls != 0) pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.bit_mask |= InfRqstRspns_endpntAls_present; if (pCallInfo != 0) pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.bit_mask |= perCallInfo_present;
if (pRasMessage) { pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.requestSeqNum = pRasMessage->u.infoRequest.requestSeqNum; if (pRasMessage->u.infoRequest.bit_mask & replyAddress_present) { switch (pRasMessage->u.infoRequest.replyAddress.choice) { case ipAddress_chosen: sAddrIn.sin_family = AF_INET; sAddrIn.sin_port = htons(pRasMessage->u.infoRequest.replyAddress.u.ipAddress.port); break; case ipxAddress_chosen: sAddrIn.sin_family = AF_IPX; sAddrIn.sin_port = htons(GKIPX_RAS_PORT); //Need to use reply port
break; } memcpy(&sAddrIn.sin_addr, &pRasMessage->u.infoRequest.replyAddress.u.ipAddress.ip.value[0], 4); } } else // unsolicited IRRs must have a sequence number of 1!!!! (H.225 says so)
pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.requestSeqNum = 1;
pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.endpointType = m_terminalType; pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.endpointIdentifier = m_endpointID; pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.rasAddress = m_pRASAddress->value; pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.callSignalAddress = (PInfoRequestResponse_callSignalAddress)m_pCallSignalAddress; pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.InfRqstRspns_endpntAls = (PInfoRequestResponse_endpointAlias)m_pRgstrtnRqst_trmnlAls;
pRespRasMessage->u.infoRequestResponse.perCallInfo = (PInfoRequestResponse_perCallInfo)pCallInfo;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (dwGKIDLLFlags & SP_DUMPMEM) DumpMem(pRespRasMessage, sizeof(RasMessage)); #endif
// Encode the PDU & send it
dwErrorCode = g_pCoder->Encode(pRespRasMessage, &Asn1Buf); if (dwErrorCode) return (GKI_ENCODER_ERROR);
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_PDU, "Send IRR; g_pReg = %X\n", this); if (fGKIDontSend == FALSE) { if (pRasMessage && (pRasMessage->u.infoRequest.bit_mask & replyAddress_present)) { if (g_pReg->m_pSocket->SendTo((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length, (LPSOCKADDR)&sAddrIn, sizeof(sAddrIn)) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR)); } else { if (g_pReg->m_pSocket->Send((char *)Asn1Buf.value, Asn1Buf.length) == SOCKET_ERROR) return (GKI_WINSOCK2_ERROR(SOCKET_ERROR)); } }
// Free the encoder memory
// Delete allocated RasMessage storage
SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pRespRasMessage = %X\n", pRespRasMessage); delete pRespRasMessage;
return (GKI_OK); }
// FindCallBySeqNum()
// This function attempts to locate a call within the list of calls
// in the registration object that has an outstanding RAS request that has this
// sequence number.
// Pointer to call associated with the sequence number or
// NULL if no call is found.
// This function is usually called by the CRegistration::PDUHandler()
// when it receives a reply message that needs to be associated with a
// particular call.
// Each call object holds on to the sequence numbers for RAS
// requests that it has not received replies for.
// AUTHOR: Dan Dexter
CCall * CRegistration::FindCallBySeqNum(RequestSeqNum seqNum) { // If there are no calls, we can just return now
if (m_Calls.IsEmpty()) return(NULL);
// Initialize return value to "call not found"
CCall *RetVal = NULL;
// Otherwise, iterate through the calls and ask them
// if this sequence number belongs to them
POS pos; for( pos = m_Calls.GetFirstPos(); pos != NULL; ) { // Ask call if sequence number is theirs
CCall *pCall = m_Calls.GetNext(pos); if (pCall->MatchSeqNum(seqNum)) { RetVal = pCall; break; } } return(RetVal); }
// FindCallByCRV()
// This function attempts to locate a call within the list of calls
// in the registration object that is associated with the passed in
// CallReferenceValue.
// Pointer to call associated with the CRV or
// NULL if no call is found.
// This function is usually called by the CRegistration::PDUHandler()
// when it receives a reply message that needs to be associated with a
// particular call.
// AUTHOR: Dan Dexter
CCall * CRegistration::FindCallByCRV(CallReferenceValue crv) { // If there are no calls, we can just return now
if (m_Calls.IsEmpty()) return(NULL);
// Initialize return value to "call not found"
CCall *RetVal = NULL;
// Otherwise, iterate through the calls and ask them
// if this CRV number belongs to them
POS pos; for( pos = m_Calls.GetFirstPos(); pos != NULL; ) { // Ask call if sequence number is theirs
CCall *pCall = m_Calls.GetNext(pos); if (pCall->MatchCRV(crv)) { RetVal = pCall; break; } } return(RetVal); }
void CRegistration::DeleteCall(CCall *pCall) { #ifdef _DEBUG
char szGKDebug[80]; #endif
POS pos = m_Calls.Find(pCall); // We don't expect to be asked to delete
// calls that aren't in the list, so ASSERT
if (pos) { CCall *pCallObject = m_Calls.GetAt(pos); m_Calls.RemoveAt(pos); SPIDER_TRACE(SP_NEWDEL, "del pCallObject = %X\n", pCallObject); delete pCallObject; } }
void CRegistration::AddCall(CCall *pCall) { m_Calls.AddTail(pCall); }
CCall * CRegistration::GetNextCall(CCall *pCall) { CCall *RetVal = NULL;
if (pCall) { // The call list should never be empty
// if we're called with a non-NULL call pointer
POS pos = m_Calls.Find(pCall); // The call passed in better have been found
if (pos) { // This actually gets the existing call, but sets
// pos to point to the next call.
CCall *pNextCall = m_Calls.GetNext(pos); if (pos) { // This call sets up the return value
RetVal = m_Calls.GetAt(pos); } } } return(RetVal); }
#if 0
void CRegistration::Lock(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); m_dwLockingThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); }
void CRegistration::Unlock(void) { // Assert that the unlock is done by the
// thread that holds the lock
ASSERT(m_dwLockingThread == GetCurrentThreadId()); m_dwLockingThread = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); } #endif