// RRCM.idl : IDL source for rrcm.dll //
// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (mp.tlb) and marshalling code.
import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl";
cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// The following declarations within the 'if 0' block are dummy typedefs used to make") cpp_quote("// the idl file build. The actual definitions are contained in WINSOCK2.H") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#if 0")
#ifndef WSAOVERLAPPED typedef struct _OVERLAPPED { DWORD Internal; DWORD InternalHigh; DWORD Offset; DWORD OffsetHigh; HANDLE hEvent; } WSAOVERLAPPED, *LPWSAOVERLAPPED; #endif
typedef void (__stdcall * LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE)( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbTransferred, WSAOVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped, DWORD dwFlags );
typedef struct _WSABUF { ULONG len; /* the length of the buffer */ char * buf; /* the pointer to the buffer */ } WSABUF, * LPWSABUF;
// from qos.h typedef ULONG SERVICETYPE; typedef struct _flowspec { ULONG TokenRate; /* In Bytes/sec */ ULONG TokenBucketSize; /* In Bytes */ ULONG PeakBandwidth; /* In Bytes/sec */ ULONG Latency; /* In microseconds */ ULONG DelayVariation; /* In microseconds */ SERVICETYPE ServiceType; ULONG MaxSduSize; /* In Bytes */ ULONG MinimumPolicedSize; /* In Bytes */
cpp_quote ("#endif")
typedef struct { UINT ssrc; // RTP stream source id UINT payload; // RTP payload UINT packetsSent; // num packets sent by source UINT packetsDelivered; // num packets that reached receiver UINT packetsLost; // num packets that receiver knows it dropped UINT jitter; // inter-packet jitter UINT packetErrors; // local Winsock errors UINT bytesSent; // num bytes sent by source UINT bytesDelivered; // num bytest that reached (valid only in recv side) } RTP_STATS;
typedef BOOL (* PRTPRECVCALLBACK)(HANDLE_PTR dwCallback, WSABUF *pNetBuf); interface IRTPRecv;
[ uuid(26FCF000-61D1-11D1-AA66-00C04FC9B202), local, helpstring("IRTPControl Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRTPSession : IUnknown { HRESULT SetLocalAddress([in] BYTE *sockaddr, [in]UINT addrlen); HRESULT GetLocalAddress([out] const BYTE **sockaddr, [out] UINT *paddrlen); HRESULT SetRemoteRTPAddress([in] BYTE *rtpaddr, [in] UINT addrlen); HRESULT SetRemoteRTCPAddress([in] BYTE *rtcpaddr, [in] UINT addrlen); HRESULT GetRemoteRTPAddress([out] const BYTE **sockaddr, [out] UINT *paddrlen); HRESULT GetRemoteRTCPAddress([out] const BYTE **sockaddr, [out] UINT *paddrlen); HRESULT SetSendFlowspec([in] FLOWSPEC *pFlowspec); HRESULT SetRecvFlowspec([in] FLOWSPEC *pFlowspec); HRESULT CreateRecvRTPStream([in]DWORD ssrc, [out] IRTPRecv **ppIRTPRecv); };
[ uuid(44F9B073-641C-11D1-AA67-00C04FC9B202), local, helpstring("IRTPSend Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRTPSend : IUnknown { HRESULT Send(WSABUF *pWsabufs,UINT nWsabufs,WSAOVERLAPPED *pOverlapped,LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pWSAPC ); HRESULT GetSendStats([out] RTP_STATS *pRTPStats);
}; [ uuid(fcedc784-afdc-11d1-aa91-00c04fc9b202), local, helpstring("IRTPRecvSink Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRTPRecvSink : IUnknown { BOOL ReceivePacket(WSABUF *pPacket); }; [ uuid(76c7f79c-afdc-11d1-aa91-00c04fc9b202), local, helpstring("IRTPRecv Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRTPRecv : IUnknown { HRESULT SetRecvNotification([in] PRTPRECVCALLBACK pIRTPRecvSink, [in] HANDLE_PTR dwCB, [in] UINT nBufs); HRESULT CancelRecvNotification(); HRESULT FreePacket([in] WSABUF *pPacket); HRESULT GetRecvStats([out] RTP_STATS *pRTPStats); }; /* [ uuid(2fe04e9c-8917-11d1-aa78-00c04fc9b202), version(1.0) ] interface IRTPSink: IUnknown { HRESULT AddSession(IRTPSession *pSess); HRESULT RemoveSession(IRTPSession *pSess); HRESULT SetMediaStream(IRTPMediaStream *pStream); }; */
/* OpenSession flags */ enum { SESSIONF_RECV = 0x1, SESSIONF_SEND = 0x2, SESSIONF_MULTICAST = 0x4, SESSIONF_AUDIO = 0x8, SESSIONF_VIDEO = 0x10, SESSIONF_EXISTING = 0x80 };
[ uuid(06CE0C39-8917-11D1-AA78-00C04FC9B202), helpstring("IRTP Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRTP : IUnknown { HRESULT OpenSession([in] UINT sessionId, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] BYTE *localaddr, [in]UINT addrlen, [out] IRTPSession **ppIRTPSession); //HRESULT CreateSink([out] IRTPSink **ppIRTPSink); };
[ uuid(3C90D0D2-5F80-11D1-AA64-00C04FC9B202), version(1.0), helpstring("RRCM 1.0 Type Library") ] library RRCMLib { importlib("stdole2.tlb");
[ uuid(06CE0C3A-8917-11D1-AA78-00C04FC9B202), helpstring("RTP Class") ] coclass RTP { [default] interface IRTP; };