#include "precomp.h"
#include "datapump.h"
#include "DSCStream.h"
#include "agc.h"
static const int DSC_TIMEOUT = 1000; static const int DSC_MAX_LAG = 500;
static const int DSC_SUCCESS = 0; static const int DSC_NEED_TO_EXIT = 1; static const int DSC_FRAME_SENT = 2; static const int DSC_SILENCE_DETECT = 3; static const int DSC_ERROR = 4;
static const int SILENCE_TIMEOUT= 600; // milliseconds
static const int HEADER_SIZE = sizeof(RTP_HDR) + IP_HEADER_SIZE + UDP_HEADER_SIZE;
static const UINT DSC_QOS_INITIALIZE = 100; static const UINT DSC_QOS_PACKET_SENT = 101;
static inline UINT QMOD(const int x, const int mod) { if (x >= mod) return (x-mod); if (x < 0) return (x+mod); else return x; }
BOOL SendDSCStream::UpdateQosStats(UINT uStatType, UINT uStatValue1, UINT uStatValue2) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_crsQos);
switch (uStatType) { case DSC_QOS_INITIALIZE: { m_Stats.dwMsCap = m_Stats.dwMsComp = m_Stats.dwBits = m_Stats.dwCount = 0; m_Stats.dwNewestTs = m_Stats.dwOldestTs = timeGetTime(); break; }
case DSC_QOS_PACKET_SENT: { // uStatvalue1 is the CPU time, uStatvalue2 is the size in bytes
m_Stats.dwCount++; m_Stats.dwMsComp += uStatValue1; m_Stats.dwBits += (uStatValue2) * 8;
// statview really wants bits per second
UPDATE_COUNTER(g_pctrAudioSendBytes, uStatValue2*8); break; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_crsQos); return TRUE; }
inline BOOL SendDSCStream::ThreadExitCheck() { return (m_ThreadFlags & DPTFLAG_STOP_RECORD); }
// resyncs the Timestamp with the last known timestamp
inline void SendDSCStream::UpdateTimestamp() { UINT uTime; uTime = (timeGetTime() - m_SavedTickCount)*((m_wfPCM.nSamplesPerSec)/1000); // if (uTime < 0)
// uTime = 0;
m_SendTimestamp += uTime; }
// WaitForControl - Thread Function
// opens the DirectSound device or waits for it to become available
// returns either DSC_SUCCESS or DSC_NEED_TO_EXIT
DWORD SendDSCStream::WaitForControl() { DWORD dwRet; HRESULT hr=E_FAIL;
while (!(m_ThreadFlags & DPTFLAG_STOP_RECORD)) { if (m_bFullDuplex == FALSE) { dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(g_hEventHalfDuplex, 1000); if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT) continue; }
hr = CreateDSCBuffer(); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_nFailCount++; Sleep(2000); // wait and try again
hr = CreateDSCBuffer(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { break; }
m_nFailCount++; if ((m_nFailCount >= MAX_FAILCOUNT) && m_bCanSignalFail) { m_pDP->StreamEvent(MCF_SEND, MCF_AUDIO, STREAM_EVENT_DEVICE_FAILURE, 0); m_bCanSignalOpen = TRUE; m_bCanSignalFail = FALSE; // don't signal failure more than once
m_bJammed = TRUE; }
// if we can't open the device, even after being signaled
// then yield some time to playback in hopes that it becomes available again
// check the thread flags again such so that we don't
// hold up the client for too long when he calls Stop()
if (!(m_ThreadFlags & DPTFLAG_STOP_RECORD)) { SetEvent(g_hEventHalfDuplex); Sleep(2000); } }
if (m_ThreadFlags & DPTFLAG_STOP_RECORD) { return DSC_NEED_TO_EXIT; }
m_bJammed = FALSE; m_nFailCount = 0; m_bCanSignalFail = TRUE; if (m_bCanSignalOpen) { m_pDP->StreamEvent(MCF_SEND, MCF_AUDIO, STREAM_EVENT_DEVICE_OPEN, 0); m_bCanSignalOpen = FALSE; // don't signal more than once per session
return DSC_SUCCESS; }
// YieldControl is a thread function
// It releases the DirectSound device
// and signals the half duplex event
DWORD SendDSCStream::YieldControl() { ReleaseDSCBuffer(); SetEvent(g_hEventHalfDuplex);
if (m_ThreadFlags & DPTFLAG_STOP_RECORD) { return DSC_NEED_TO_EXIT; }
// half duplex yielding
// playback has 100ms to grab device otherwise we take it back
Sleep(100); return DSC_SUCCESS; }
// ProcessFrame is a thread function
// Given a position in the DirectSoundCapture buffer,
// it will apply silence detection to the frame, and send it if
// appropriate
DWORD SendDSCStream::ProcessFrame(DWORD dwBufferPos, BOOL fMark) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwSize1=0, dwSize2=0, dwMaxStrength; WORD wPeakStrength; VOID *pBuf1=NULL, *pBuf2=NULL; void *pPacketBuffer = NULL; UINT uSize, uLength; AudioPacket *pAP = m_aPackets[0]; BOOL fSilent, bRet;
pAP->GetDevData(&pPacketBuffer, &uSize); pAP->SetProp(MP_PROP_TIMESTAMP,m_SendTimestamp); pAP->m_fMark = fMark;
ASSERT(uSize == m_dwFrameSize);
// copy the frame out of the DSC buffer and into the packet object
hr = m_pDSCBuffer->Lock(dwBufferPos, m_dwFrameSize, &pBuf1, &dwSize1, &pBuf2, &dwSize2, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CopyMemory((BYTE*)pPacketBuffer, pBuf1, dwSize1); if (pBuf2 && dwSize2) { CopyMemory(((BYTE*)pPacketBuffer)+dwSize1, pBuf2, dwSize2); } m_pDSCBuffer->Unlock(pBuf1, dwSize2, pBuf2, dwSize2);
pAP->SetState(MP_STATE_RECORDED); } else { DEBUGMSG (ZONE_DP, ("SendDSCStream::ProcessFrame - could not lock DSC buffer\r\n")); return DSC_ERROR; }
if (m_mmioSrc.fPlayFromFile && m_mmioSrc.hmmioSrc) { AudioFile::ReadSourceFile(&m_mmioSrc, (BYTE*)pPacketBuffer, uSize); }
// do silence detection
pAP->ComputePower(&dwMaxStrength, &wPeakStrength); fSilent = m_AudioMonitor.SilenceDetect((WORD)dwMaxStrength);
if (fSilent) { m_dwSilenceTime += m_dwFrameTimeMS; if (m_dwSilenceTime < SILENCE_TIMEOUT) { fSilent = FALSE; } } else { m_dwSilenceTime = 0;
// only do automix on packets above the silence threshold
if (m_bAutoMix) { m_agc.Update(wPeakStrength, m_dwFrameTimeMS); } }
m_fSending = !(fSilent); // m_fSending indicates that we are transmitting
if (fSilent) { // we don't send this packet, but we do cache it because
// if the next one get's sent, we send this one too.
ASSERT(pAP == m_aPackets[0]);
// swap the audio packets
// m_aPackets[1] always holds a cached packet
pAP = m_aPackets[0]; m_aPackets[0] = m_aPackets[1]; m_aPackets[1] = pAP; pAP = m_aPackets[0]; return DSC_SILENCE_DETECT; }
// the packet is valid. send it, and maybe the one before it
return DSC_FRAME_SENT; }
// this function is called by process frame (thread function)
// sends the current packet, and maybe any packet prior to it.
// returns the number of packets sent
DWORD SendDSCStream::Send() { DWORD dwTimestamp0, dwTimestamp1; DWORD dwState0, dwState1; DWORD dwCount=0; MMRESULT mmr; HRESULT hr;
// we know we have to send m_aPackets[0], and maybe m_aPackets[1]
// we send m_aPackets[1] if it is actually the beginning of this talk spurt
dwTimestamp0 = m_aPackets[0]->GetTimestamp(); dwTimestamp1 = m_aPackets[1]->GetTimestamp(); dwState0 = m_aPackets[0]->GetState(); dwState1 = m_aPackets[1]->GetState();
if (dwState0 != MP_STATE_RECORDED) return 0;
// evaluate if we need to send the prior packet
if (dwState1 == MP_STATE_RECORDED) { if ((dwTimestamp1 + m_dwFrameTimeMS) == dwTimestamp0) { m_aPackets[1]->m_fMark = TRUE; // set the mark bit on the first packet
m_aPackets[0]->m_fMark = FALSE; // reset the mark bit on the next packet
hr = SendPacket(m_aPackets[1]); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dwCount++; } } else { m_aPackets[1]->SetState(MP_STATE_RESET); } }
hr = SendPacket(m_aPackets[0]); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) dwCount++;
return dwCount;
// thread function called by Send. Sends a packet to RTP.
HRESULT SendDSCStream::SendPacket(AudioPacket *pAP) { MMRESULT mmr; PS_QUEUE_ELEMENT psq; UINT uLength; UINT uEncodeTime;
uEncodeTime = timeGetTime(); mmr = m_pAudioFilter->Convert(pAP, AP_ENCODE); uEncodeTime = timeGetTime() - uEncodeTime;
if (mmr == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { pAP->SetState(MP_STATE_ENCODED); // do we need to do this ?
psq.pMP = pAP; psq.dwPacketType = PS_AUDIO; psq.pRTPSend = m_pRTPSend; pAP->GetNetData((void**)(&(psq.data)), &uLength); ASSERT(psq.data); psq.dwSize = uLength; psq.fMark = pAP->m_fMark; psq.pHeaderInfo = NULL; psq.dwHdrSize = 0; m_pDP->m_PacketSender.m_SendQueue.PushFront(psq); while (m_pDP->m_PacketSender.SendPacket()) { ; }
UpdateQosStats(DSC_QOS_PACKET_SENT, uEncodeTime, uLength+HEADER_SIZE); }
return S_OK; }
DWORD SendDSCStream::RecordingThread() { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwWaitTime = DSC_TIMEOUT; // one sec
DWORD dwRet, dwReadPos, dwCapPos; DWORD dwFirstValidFramePos, dwLastValidFramePos, dwNumFrames; DWORD dwLag, dwMaxLag, dwLagDiff; DWORD dwNextExpected, dwCurrentFramePos, dwIndex; BOOL bNeedToYield; BOOL fMark; IMediaChannel *pIMC = NULL; RecvMediaStream *pRecv = NULL; CMixerDevice *pMixer = NULL;
// initialize recording thread
m_SendTimestamp = timeGetTime(); m_SavedTickCount = 0;
m_fSending = TRUE; m_bJammed = FALSE; m_nFailCount = 0; m_bCanSignalOpen = TRUE; m_bCanSignalFail = TRUE;
UpdateQosStats(DSC_QOS_INITIALIZE, 0, 0); SetThreadPriority(m_hCapturingThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
// automix object
pMixer = CMixerDevice::GetMixerForWaveDevice(NULL, m_CaptureDevice, MIXER_OBJECTF_WAVEIN); m_agc.SetMixer(pMixer); // if pMixer is NULL, then it's still ok
LOG((LOGMSG_DSC_STATS, m_dwDSCBufferSize, m_dwFrameSize));
while (!(ThreadExitCheck())) { dwRet = WaitForControl(); if (dwRet == DSC_NEED_TO_EXIT) { break; }
hr = m_pDSCBuffer->Start(DSCBSTART_LOOPING); if (FAILED(hr)) { // ERROR! We expected this call to succeed
YieldControl(); Sleep(1000); continue; }
ResetEvent(m_hEvent); m_pDSCBuffer->GetCurrentPosition(&dwCapPos, &dwReadPos);
// set the next expected position to be on the next logical
// frame boundary up from where it is now
dwNextExpected = QMOD(m_dwFrameSize + (dwReadPos / m_dwFrameSize) * m_dwFrameSize, m_dwDSCBufferSize);
dwMaxLag = (m_dwNumFrames/2) * m_dwFrameSize;
m_dwSilenceTime = 0; bNeedToYield = FALSE; fMark = TRUE;
while( (bNeedToYield == FALSE) && (!(ThreadExitCheck())) ) { dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvent, dwWaitTime);
m_pDSCBuffer->GetCurrentPosition(&dwCapPos, &dwReadPos);
if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_DP, ("DSCThread.cpp: Timeout on the DSC Buffer has occurred.\r\n")); LOG((LOGMSG_DSC_LOG_TIMEOUT)); dwNextExpected = QMOD(m_dwFrameSize + (dwReadPos / m_dwFrameSize) * m_dwFrameSize, m_dwDSCBufferSize); continue; }
dwLag = QMOD(dwReadPos - dwNextExpected, m_dwDSCBufferSize);
if (dwLag > dwMaxLag) {
// we got here because of one of two conditions
// 1. WaitFSO above returned earlier than expected.
// This can happen when the previous interation of
// the loop has sent multiple packets. The read cursor
// is most likely only within one frame behind the expected
// cursor.
// In this cases, just keep Waiting for the current
// read position to (dwReadPos) "catch up" to dwNextExpected
// 2. A huge delay or something really bad. ("burp")
// we could simply continue waiting for the read position
// to catch up to dwNextExpected, but it's probably better
// to reposition dwNextExpected so that we don't wait
// too long before sending a frame again
dwLagDiff = QMOD((dwLag + m_dwFrameSize), m_dwDSCBufferSize); if (dwLagDiff < m_dwFrameSize) { LOG((LOGMSG_DSC_EARLY)); // only lagging behind by one frame
// WaitFSO probably returned early
; } else { LOG((LOGMSG_DSC_LAGGING, dwLag, dwNextExpected));
// consider repositioning dwNextExpected, advancing
// m_SendTimeStamp, and setting fMark if this condition
// happens a lot
continue; }
dwFirstValidFramePos = QMOD(dwNextExpected - m_dwFrameSize, m_dwDSCBufferSize); dwLastValidFramePos = (dwReadPos / m_dwFrameSize) * m_dwFrameSize; dwNumFrames = QMOD(dwLastValidFramePos - dwFirstValidFramePos, m_dwDSCBufferSize) / m_dwFrameSize; dwCurrentFramePos = dwFirstValidFramePos;
LOG((LOGMSG_DSC_SENDING, dwNumFrames, dwFirstValidFramePos, dwLastValidFramePos));
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumFrames; dwIndex++) { m_SendTimestamp += m_dwSamplesPerFrame; // increment in terms of samples
// Send The data
dwRet = ProcessFrame(dwCurrentFramePos, fMark);
dwCurrentFramePos = QMOD(dwCurrentFramePos + m_dwFrameSize, m_dwDSCBufferSize);
if (dwRet == DSC_FRAME_SENT) { fMark = FALSE; }
else if ((dwRet == DSC_SILENCE_DETECT) && (m_bFullDuplex == FALSE)) { m_pDP->GetMediaChannelInterface(MCF_RECV | MCF_AUDIO, &pIMC); fMark = TRUE;
if (pIMC) { pRecv = static_cast<RecvMediaStream *> (pIMC); if (pRecv->IsEmpty() == FALSE) { bNeedToYield = TRUE; } pIMC->Release(); pIMC = NULL; if (bNeedToYield) { break; } } }
else { fMark = TRUE; } }
dwNextExpected = QMOD(dwLastValidFramePos + m_dwFrameSize, m_dwDSCBufferSize);
if (bNeedToYield) { YieldControl(); m_SavedTickCount = timeGetTime(); } } // while (!bNeedToYield)
} // while (!ThreadExitCheck())
// time to exit
delete pMixer; return TRUE; }