* File: h323caps.cpp * * H.323/H.245 specific implementation of Microsoft A/V capability * interface methods. (Contained in CMsiaCapability class) * * Revision History: * * 09/10/96 mikev created * 10/08/96 mikeg - created h323vidc.cpp * 11/04/96 mikev - cleanup and merge audio and video capability classes (remove * common inheritance of IH323PubCap, both audio and video implementation * classes inherit from IH323MediaCap. ) */
#include "precomp.h"
#define MAX_FRAME_LEN 480 //bytes - where did this value come from?
#define MAX_FRAME_LEN_RECV 1440 // 180 ms at 8000hz G.711
// some utility functions for calculating frame sizes and frames per packet
HRESULT WINAPI CreateMediaCapability(REFGUID mediaId, LPIH323MediaCap * ppMediaCapability) { HRESULT hrLast = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!ppMediaCapability) return E_POINTER; if (mediaId == MEDIA_TYPE_H323AUDIO) { CMsiaCapability * pAudObj = NULL; UINT uAud;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pAudObj = new CMsiaCapability;
if(pAudObj) {
hrLast = pAudObj->QueryInterface(IID_IH323MediaCap, (void **)ppMediaCapability); pAudObj->Release(); // this balances the refcount of "new CMsiaCapability"
pAudObj = NULL; }
} else if (mediaId == MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO) { CMsivCapability * pVidObj = NULL;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pVidObj = new CMsivCapability; if(pVidObj) { hrLast = pVidObj->QueryInterface(IID_IH323MediaCap, (void **)ppMediaCapability); pVidObj->Release(); // this balances the refcount of "new CMsivCapability"
pVidObj = NULL; } } else hrLast = E_NOINTERFACE; if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hrLast)) { if (!(*ppMediaCapability)->Init()) { (*ppMediaCapability)->Release(); hrLast = E_FAIL; *ppMediaCapability = NULL; } } return hrLast; }
// CMsiaCapability
UINT CMsiaCapability::GetLocalSendParamSize(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID dwID) { return (sizeof(AUDIO_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS)); } UINT CMsiaCapability::GetLocalRecvParamSize(PCC_TERMCAP pCapability) { return (sizeof(AUDIO_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS)); }
HRESULT CMsiaCapability::CreateCapList(LPVOID *ppCapBuf) { UINT u; AUDCAP_DETAILS *pDecodeDetails = pLocalFormats; PCC_TERMCAPLIST pTermCapList = NULL; PPCC_TERMCAP ppCCThisTermCap = NULL; PCC_TERMCAP pCCThisCap = NULL; PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY pNSCapNext; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx; HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; FX_ENTRY ("CreateCapList"); // validate input
if(!ppCapBuf) { hr = CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; goto ERROR_OUT; } *ppCapBuf = NULL; if(!uNumLocalFormats || !pDecodeDetails) { hr = CAPS_E_NOCAPS; goto ERROR_OUT; }
pTermCapList = (PCC_TERMCAPLIST)MemAlloc(sizeof(CC_TERMCAPLIST)); if(!pTermCapList) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_OUT; } ppCCThisTermCap = (PPCC_TERMCAP)MemAlloc(uNumLocalFormats * sizeof(PCC_TERMCAP)); if(!ppCCThisTermCap) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_OUT; } pTermCapList->wLength = 0; // point the CC_TERMCAPLIST pTermCapArray at the array of PCC_TERMCAP
pTermCapList->pTermCapArray = ppCCThisTermCap; /*
pTermCapList-> { wLength pTermCapArray--->pTermCap----------->{single capability.....} } pTermCap----------->{single capability.} pTermCap----------->{single capability...}
for(u=0; u <uNumLocalFormats; u++) { // check if enabled for receive, skip if false
// also skip if public version of capabilities is to be advertised via a
// separate local capability entry
if((!pDecodeDetails->bRecvEnabled ) || (pDecodeDetails->dwPublicRefIndex)) { pDecodeDetails++; continue; }
if(pDecodeDetails->H245TermCap.ClientType ==0 || pDecodeDetails->H245TermCap.ClientType ==H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD) {
lpwfx = (LPWAVEFORMATEX)pDecodeDetails->lpLocalFormatDetails; if(!lpwfx) { pDecodeDetails++; continue; } // allocate for this one capability
pCCThisCap = (PCC_TERMCAP)MemAlloc(sizeof(CC_TERMCAP)); pNSCapNext = (PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY)MemAlloc(sizeof(NSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY) + lpwfx->cbSize); if((!pCCThisCap)|| (!pNSCapNext)) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_OUT; } // set type of nonstandard capability
pNSCapNext->cap_type = NSC_ACM_WAVEFORMATEX; // stuff both chunks of nonstandard capability info into buffer
// first stuff the "channel parameters" (the format independent communication options)
memcpy(&pNSCapNext->cap_params, &pDecodeDetails->nonstd_params, sizeof(NSC_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS)); // then the ACM stuff
memcpy(&pNSCapNext->cap_data.wfx, lpwfx, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + lpwfx->cbSize);
pCCThisCap->ClientType = H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD; pCCThisCap->DataType = H245_DATA_AUDIO; // is this a "receive only" cap or a send&receive cap
pCCThisCap->Dir = (pDecodeDetails->bSendEnabled && bPublicizeTXCaps) ? H245_CAPDIR_LCLRXTX :H245_CAPDIR_LCLRX;
// convert index of the cap entry to the ID
pCCThisCap->CapId = (USHORT)IndexToId(u);
// all nonstandard identifier fields are unsigned short
// two possibilities for choice are "h221NonStandard_chosen" and "object_chosen"
pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.choice = h221NonStandard_chosen; // NOTE: there is some question about the correct byte order
// of the codes in the h221NonStandard structure
pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35CountryCode = USA_H221_COUNTRY_CODE; pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35Extension = USA_H221_COUNTRY_EXTENSION; pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.manufacturerCode = MICROSOFT_H_221_MFG_CODE;
// set size of buffer
pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length = sizeof(NSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY) + lpwfx->cbSize; pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value = (BYTE *)pNSCapNext; // point to nonstandard stuff
// pNSCapNext is now referenced by the pTermCapList and will
// be cleaned up via DeleteCapList(). Null the ptr so that error cleanup
// won't try redundant cleanup.
pNSCapNext = NULL; } else { // allocate for this one capability
pCCThisCap = (PCC_TERMCAP)MemAlloc(sizeof(CC_TERMCAP)); if(!pCCThisCap) { hr = CAPS_E_NOMEM; goto ERROR_OUT; } pCCThisCap->ClientType = (H245_CLIENT_T)pDecodeDetails->H245TermCap.ClientType; pCCThisCap->DataType = H245_DATA_AUDIO; // is this a "receive only" cap or a send&receive cap
pCCThisCap->Dir = (pDecodeDetails->bSendEnabled && bPublicizeTXCaps) ? H245_CAPDIR_LCLRXTX :H245_CAPDIR_LCLRX; // convert the index of the cap entry to the ID
pCCThisCap->CapId = (USHORT)IndexToId(u);//
// Fixup capability parameters based on local details
// use parameters that should have been set when codecs were enumerated
// Special note for sample based codecs: H.225.0 Section 6.2.1 states
// "Sample based codecs, such as G.711 and G.722 shall be considered to be
// frame oriented, with a frame size of eight samples."
switch (pCCThisCap->ClientType ) {
case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ALAW64: pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ALAW64 = pDecodeDetails->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax / SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; break; case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ULAW64: pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ULAW64 = pDecodeDetails->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax /SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME ; break;
case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G723: pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.maxAl_sduAudioFrames = //4
pDecodeDetails->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax; // we know that the G.723 codec can decode SID in any mode, so
//could we always advertise the *capability* to do silence suppression ????
pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.silenceSuppression = 0; // = (pDecodeDetails->nonstd_params.UseSilenceDet)?1:0;
break; default: break; } } pDecodeDetails++; *ppCCThisTermCap++ = pCCThisCap;// add ptr to this capability to the array
pTermCapList->wLength++; // count this entry
// pCCThisCap is now referenced by the pTermCapList and will
// be cleaned up via DeleteCapList(). Null the ptr so that error cleanup
// won't try redundant cleanup.
pCCThisCap = NULL; } *ppCapBuf = pTermCapList; return hr;
ERROR_OUT: if(pTermCapList) { DeleteCapList(pTermCapList); } if(pCCThisCap) MemFree(pCCThisCap); if(pNSCapNext) MemFree(pNSCapNext); return hr;
if(pTermCapList->pTermCapArray) { while(pTermCapList->wLength--) { pCCThisCap = *(pTermCapList->pTermCapArray + pTermCapList->wLength); if(pCCThisCap) { if(pCCThisCap->ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD) { if(pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value) { MemFree(pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value); } } MemFree(pCCThisCap); } } MemFree(pTermCapList->pTermCapArray); } MemFree(pTermCapList); return hrSuccess; }
// copies relevant fields from a real H245 TERMCAP struct
// to a local H245TermCap struct
void CopyTermCapInfo(PCC_TERMCAP pSrc, H245_TERMCAP *pDest) { ZeroMemory(pDest, sizeof(*pDest));
pDest->Dir = pSrc->Dir; pDest->DataType = pSrc->DataType; pDest->ClientType = pSrc->ClientType; pDest->CapId = pSrc->CapId;
pDest->H245_NonStd = pSrc->Cap.H245_NonStd; pDest->H245Aud_NONSTD = pSrc->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD;
pDest->H245Aud_G711_ALAW64 = pSrc->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ALAW64; pDest->H245Aud_G711_ULAW64 = pSrc->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ULAW64; pDest->H245Aud_G723 = pSrc->Cap.H245Aud_G723;
return; }
void CopyLocalTermCapInfo(H245_TERMCAP *pSrc, PCC_TERMCAP pDest) { ZeroMemory(pDest, sizeof(*pDest));
pDest->Dir = pSrc->Dir; pDest->DataType = pSrc->DataType; pDest->ClientType = pSrc->ClientType; pDest->CapId = pSrc->CapId;
pDest->Cap.H245_NonStd = pSrc->H245_NonStd; pDest->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD = pSrc->H245Aud_NONSTD;
pDest->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ALAW64 = pSrc->H245Aud_G711_ALAW64; pDest->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ULAW64 = pSrc->H245Aud_G711_ULAW64; pDest->Cap.H245Aud_G723 = pSrc->H245Aud_G723;
return; }
// the intent is to keep a copy of the channel parameters used to open a send channel
// that the remote end can decode.
AUDIO_FORMAT_ID CMsiaCapability::AddRemoteDecodeFormat(PCC_TERMCAP pCCThisCap) { FX_ENTRY ("CMsiaCapability::AddRemoteDecodeFormat");
AUDCAP_DETAILS audcapdetails = {WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, NONSTD_TERMCAP, STD_CHAN_PARAMS, {RTP_DYNAMIC_MIN, 8000, 4}, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 320, 32000,32000,50,0,0,0,NULL,0, NULL,""};
LPVOID lpData = NULL; UINT uSize = 0; AUDCAP_DETAILS *pTemp; if(!pCCThisCap) { return INVALID_AUDIO_FORMAT; } // check room
if(uRemoteDecodeFormatCapacity <= uNumRemoteDecodeFormats) { // get more mem, realloc memory by CAP_CHUNK_SIZE for pRemoteDecodeFormats
pTemp = (AUDCAP_DETAILS *)MemAlloc((uNumRemoteDecodeFormats + CAP_CHUNK_SIZE)*sizeof(AUDCAP_DETAILS)); if(!pTemp) goto ERROR_EXIT; // remember how much capacity we now have
uRemoteDecodeFormatCapacity = uNumRemoteDecodeFormats + CAP_CHUNK_SIZE; #ifdef DEBUG
if((uNumRemoteDecodeFormats && !pRemoteDecodeFormats) || (!uNumRemoteDecodeFormats && pRemoteDecodeFormats)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:leak! uNumRemoteDecodeFormats:0x%08lX, pRemoteDecodeFormats:0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, uNumRemoteDecodeFormats,pRemoteDecodeFormats)); } #endif
// copy old stuff, discard old mem
if(uNumRemoteDecodeFormats && pRemoteDecodeFormats) { memcpy(pTemp, pRemoteDecodeFormats, uNumRemoteDecodeFormats*sizeof(AUDCAP_DETAILS)); MemFree(pRemoteDecodeFormats); } pRemoteDecodeFormats = pTemp; } // pTemp is where the stuff is cached
pTemp = pRemoteDecodeFormats+uNumRemoteDecodeFormats;
// fixup the capability structure being added. First thing: initialize defaults
memcpy(pTemp, &audcapdetails, sizeof(AUDCAP_DETAILS)); // next, the H245 parameters
// memcpy(&pTemp->H245Cap, pCCThisCap, sizeof(pTemp->H245Cap));
CopyTermCapInfo(pCCThisCap, &pTemp->H245TermCap); // Note: if nonstandard data exists, the nonstd pointers need to be fixed up
if(pCCThisCap->ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD) { // do we recognize this?
if(pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.choice == h221NonStandard_chosen) { if((pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35CountryCode == USA_H221_COUNTRY_CODE) && (pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35Extension == USA_H221_COUNTRY_EXTENSION) && (pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.manufacturerCode == MICROSOFT_H_221_MFG_CODE)) { // ok, this is ours so far. Now what data type is contained therein?
// welllll, lets keep a copy of this regardless ????. If we can't understand
// future versions of ourselves, then what???
uSize = pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length; lpData = pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value; } } } else { // set up the NSC_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS struct based on the remote H245 parameters
switch(pCCThisCap->ClientType ) { case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ALAW64: pTemp->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax = pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ALAW64 * SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; break; case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ULAW64: pTemp->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax = pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ULAW64 * SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; break;
case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G723: pTemp->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax =pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.maxAl_sduAudioFrames; // do we care about silence suppression?
pTemp->nonstd_params.UseSilenceDet = pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.silenceSuppression; break; default: break; } } pTemp->uLocalDetailsSize = 0; // we're not keeping another copy of local encode details
pTemp->lpLocalFormatDetails =0; // we're not keeping another copy of local encode details
pTemp->uRemoteDetailsSize = 0; // clear this now
if(uSize && lpData) { pTemp->H245TermCap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length = uSize; pTemp->H245TermCap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value = (unsigned char *)lpData; pTemp->lpRemoteFormatDetails = MemAlloc(uSize); if(pTemp->lpRemoteFormatDetails) { memcpy(pTemp->lpRemoteFormatDetails, lpData, uSize); pTemp->uRemoteDetailsSize = uSize; } #ifdef DEBUG
else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:allocation failed!\r\n",_fx_)); } #endif
} else { pTemp->lpRemoteFormatDetails = NULL; pTemp->uRemoteDetailsSize =0; } uNumRemoteDecodeFormats++; // use the index as the ID
return (uNumRemoteDecodeFormats-1);
BOOL CMsiaCapability::IsCapabilityRecognized(PCC_TERMCAP pCCThisCap) { FX_ENTRY ("CMsiaCapability::IsCapabilityRecognized"); if(pCCThisCap->DataType != H245_DATA_AUDIO) return FALSE; if(pCCThisCap->ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD) { // do we recognize this?
if(pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.choice == h221NonStandard_chosen) { if((pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35CountryCode == USA_H221_COUNTRY_CODE) && (pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35Extension == USA_H221_COUNTRY_EXTENSION) && (pCCThisCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.manufacturerCode == MICROSOFT_H_221_MFG_CODE))
{ // ok, this is ours so far. Now what data type is contained therein?
// welllll, lets keep a copy of this regardless ????. If we can't understand
// future versions of ourselves, then what???
return TRUE; } else { // unrecognized nonstandard capability
ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:unrecognized nonstd capability\r\n",_fx_)); #ifdef DEBUG
VOID DumpNonstdParameters(PCC_TERMCAP pChanCap1, PCC_TERMCAP pChanCap2); DumpNonstdParameters(NULL, pCCThisCap); #endif
return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } HRESULT CMsiaCapability::AddRemoteDecodeCaps(PCC_TERMCAPLIST pTermCapList) { FX_ENTRY ("CMsiaCapability::AddRemoteDecodeCaps"); HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; PPCC_TERMCAP ppCCThisCap; PCC_TERMCAP pCCThisCap;
WORD wNumCaps;
//ERRORMESSAGE(("%s,\r\n", _fx_));
if(!pTermCapList) // additional capability descriptors may be added
{ // at any time
// cleanup old term caps if term caps are being added and old caps exist
FlushRemoteCaps(); wNumCaps = pTermCapList->wLength; ppCCThisCap = pTermCapList->pTermCapArray; /*
pTermCapList-> { wLength pTermCapInfo--->pTermCap----------->{single capability.....} } pTermCap----------->{single capability.}
pTermCap----------->{single capability...}
*/ while(wNumCaps--) { if(!(pCCThisCap = *ppCCThisCap++)) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s:null pTermCap, 0x%04x of 0x%04x\r\n", _fx_, pTermCapList->wLength - wNumCaps, pTermCapList->wLength)); continue; } if(!IsCapabilityRecognized(pCCThisCap)) { continue; } AddRemoteDecodeFormat(pCCThisCap); } return hr; }
// Given the ID of a local format, gets the channel parameters that are sent to the
// remote end as part of the capability exchange. This function is not used by the
// capability exchange code (because it sends more than just these parameters).
// However, this is useful information by itself - it can be used for validating the
// parameters of channel open requests against the expected parameters
HRESULT CMsiaCapability::GetPublicDecodeParams(LPVOID pBufOut, UINT uBufSize, AUDIO_FORMAT_ID id) { UINT uIndex = IDToIndex(id); // validate input
if(!pBufOut|| (uIndex >= (UINT)uNumLocalFormats)) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; } if(uBufSize < sizeof(CC_TERMCAP)) { return CAPS_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // memcpy(pBufOut, &((pLocalFormats + uIndex)->H245Cap), sizeof(CC_TERMCAP));
CopyLocalTermCapInfo(&((pLocalFormats + uIndex)->H245TermCap), (PCC_TERMCAP)pBufOut);
return hrSuccess; }
HRESULT CMsiaCapability::SetAudioPacketDuration(UINT uPacketDuration) { m_uPacketDuration = uPacketDuration; return S_OK; }
// Given the IDs of "matching" local and remote formats, gets the preferred channel parameters
// that will be used in requests to open a channel for sending to the remote.
HRESULT CMsiaCapability::GetEncodeParams(LPVOID pBufOut, UINT uBufSize,LPVOID pLocalParams, UINT uSizeLocal, AUDIO_FORMAT_ID idRemote, AUDIO_FORMAT_ID idLocal) { UINT uLocalIndex = IDToIndex(idLocal); AUDCAP_DETAILS *pLocalDetails = pLocalFormats + uLocalIndex; AUDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtTheirs; AUDIO_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS local_params; PNSC_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS pNSRemoteParams; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx;
UINT u; PCC_TERMCAP pTermCap = (PCC_TERMCAP)pBufOut; // validate input
if(!pBufOut) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; } if(uBufSize < sizeof(CC_TERMCAP)) { return CAPS_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } if(!pLocalParams|| uSizeLocal < sizeof(AUDIO_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS) ||(uLocalIndex >= (UINT)uNumLocalFormats)) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; }
pFmtTheirs = pRemoteDecodeFormats; // start at the beginning of the remote formats
for(u=0; u<uNumRemoteDecodeFormats; u++) { if(pFmtTheirs->H245TermCap.CapId == idRemote) { // copy CC_TERMCAP struct. Any data referenced by CC_TERMCAP now has
// two references to it. i.e. pTermCap->extrablah is the same
// location as pFmtTheirs->extrablah
// memcpy(pBufOut, &(pFmtTheirs->H245Cap), sizeof(CC_TERMCAP));
CopyLocalTermCapInfo(&(pFmtTheirs->H245TermCap), (PCC_TERMCAP)pBufOut);
break; } pFmtTheirs++; // next entry in receiver's caps
// check for an unfound format
if(u >= uNumRemoteDecodeFormats) goto ERROR_EXIT; // select channel parameters if appropriate. The audio formats that have variable parameters
// are :
// H245_CAP_G723_T H245Aud_G723;
// H245_CAP_AIS11172_T H245Aud_IS11172;
// H245_CAP_IS13818_T H245Aud_IS13818;
// and of course all nonstandard formats
// Select parameters based on local capability info
// initialize local_params with default settings
// recalculate frames per packet
lpwfx = (LPWAVEFORMATEX)pLocalDetails->lpLocalFormatDetails; local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMax = LOWORD(MaxFramesPerPacket(lpwfx)); local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt = LOWORD(MinFramesPerPacket(lpwfx)); if(local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMin > local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt) { local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMin = local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt; }
if(pTermCap->ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_G723) { // select frames per packet based on minimum latency value that is acceptable
pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.maxAl_sduAudioFrames = //4
min(local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt, pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.maxAl_sduAudioFrames); // pLocalDetails->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax;
// never request silence suppression
pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.silenceSuppression = 0; // (pLocalDetails->nonstd_params.UseSilenceDet)?1:0;
// keep a copy of the selected parameters for use on the local side
local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt = local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMin = local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMax = pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.maxAl_sduAudioFrames; local_params.ns_params.UseSilenceDet = pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G723.silenceSuppression; local_params.RTP_Payload = pLocalDetails->audio_params.RTPPayload; } else if(pTermCap->ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ALAW64) { // select frames per packet based on minimum latency value that is acceptable
pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ALAW64 = min(local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt/SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ALAW64); // keep a copy of the selected parameters for use on the local side
local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt = local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMin = local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMax = pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ALAW64*SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; local_params.ns_params.UseSilenceDet = FALSE; // note that local_params.RTP_Payload is fixed below
} else if(pTermCap->ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ULAW64) { // select frames per packet based on minimum latency value that is acceptable
pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ULAW64 = min(local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt/SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ULAW64); // keep a copy of the selected parameters for use on the local side
local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt = local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMin = local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPktMax = pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ULAW64*SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; local_params.ns_params.UseSilenceDet = FALSE; // note that local_params.RTP_Payload is fixed below
} else if (pTermCap->ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD) { // note: "H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD H245Aud_NONSTD;" also has variable parameters in the
// form of a pointer to a chunk of nonstandard data. This pointer and the nonstandard
// data it points to was set when remote caps were received (see AddRemoteDecodeCaps ()).
// So as of this point, we just copied that nonstandard data back out into the channel
// parameters. We will use these parameters to request an open channel.
// once we fix up a few important parameters. set channel params based on local params
pNSRemoteParams = &((PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY)(pTermCap->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value))->cap_params;
// LOOKLOOK ---- which parameters do we really need to select ???
// For example, if wFrameSizeMin != wFrameSizeMax, do we pick something in the range?
// or own favorite value? what else?
if(pNSRemoteParams->wFrameSizeMax < pNSRemoteParams->wFrameSize) // fixup bogus parameters
pNSRemoteParams->wFrameSizeMax = pNSRemoteParams->wFrameSize; // note that this writes on the memory that is caching remote capabilities
// set frame size to our preferred size unless remote can't take it that big
pNSRemoteParams->wFrameSize = min(local_params.ns_params.wFrameSize, pNSRemoteParams->wFrameSizeMax); pNSRemoteParams->wFramesPerPkt = min( local_params.ns_params.wFramesPerPkt, pNSRemoteParams->wFramesPerPktMax);
// use optional stuff only of both sides have it
pNSRemoteParams->UseSilenceDet = pNSRemoteParams->UseSilenceDet && local_params.ns_params.UseSilenceDet; pNSRemoteParams->UsePostFilter = pNSRemoteParams->UsePostFilter && local_params.ns_params.UsePostFilter; // keep a copy of the selected parameters for use on the local side
memcpy(&local_params.ns_params, pNSRemoteParams, sizeof(NSC_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS)); }
// fix payload type
local_params.RTP_Payload = pLocalDetails->audio_params.RTPPayload; memcpy(pLocalParams, &local_params, sizeof(AUDIO_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS)); return hrSuccess;
// Given the ID of the local format, gets the local parameters that are used to configure
// the RECEIVE side of the channel
HRESULT CMsiaCapability::GetLocalDecodeParams(LPVOID lpvBuf, UINT uBufSize, AUDIO_FORMAT_ID id) { // validate input
if(!lpvBuf|| uBufSize < sizeof(NSC_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS) ||(id > (UINT)uNumLocalFormats)) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; } memcpy(lpvBuf, &((pLocalFormats + id)->nonstd_params), sizeof(NSC_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS)); return hrSuccess; }
BOOL NonstandardCapsCompareA(AUDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtMine, PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY pCap2, UINT uSize2) { LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx; if(!pFmtMine || !pCap2) return FALSE;
if(!(lpwfx = (LPWAVEFORMATEX)pFmtMine->lpLocalFormatDetails)) return FALSE;
if(pCap2->cap_type == NSC_ACM_WAVEFORMATEX) { // check sizes first
if(lpwfx->cbSize != pCap2->cap_data.wfx.cbSize) { return FALSE; } // compare structures, including extra bytes
if(memcmp(lpwfx, &pCap2->cap_data.wfx, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + lpwfx->cbSize )==0) { return TRUE; } } else if(pCap2->cap_type == NSC_ACMABBREV) { if((LOWORD(pCap2->cap_data.acm_brief.dwFormatTag) == lpwfx->wFormatTag) && (pCap2->cap_data.acm_brief.dwSamplesPerSec == lpwfx->nSamplesPerSec) && (LOWORD(pCap2->cap_data.acm_brief.dwBitsPerSample) == lpwfx->wBitsPerSample)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
HRESULT CMsiaCapability::ResolveToLocalFormat(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatIDLocal, MEDIA_FORMAT_ID * pFormatIDRemote) { AUDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtLocal; AUDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtRemote; UINT uIndex = IDToIndex(FormatIDLocal); UINT i;
if(!pFormatIDRemote || (FormatIDLocal == INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) || (uIndex >= (UINT)uNumLocalFormats)) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; } pFmtLocal = pLocalFormats + uIndex; pFmtRemote = pRemoteDecodeFormats; // start at the beginning of the remote formats
for(i=0; i<uNumRemoteDecodeFormats; i++) { if(!pFmtLocal->bSendEnabled) continue; // compare capabilities - start by comparing the format tag. a.k.a. "ClientType" in H.245 land
if(pFmtLocal->H245TermCap.ClientType == pFmtRemote->H245TermCap.ClientType) { // if this is a nonstandard cap, compare nonstandard parameters
if(pFmtLocal->H245TermCap.ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD) { if(NonstandardCapsCompareA(pFmtLocal, (PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY)pFmtRemote->H245TermCap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value, pFmtRemote->H245TermCap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length)) { goto RESOLVED_EXIT; } } else // compare standard parameters, if any
{ // well, so far, there aren't any parameters that are significant enough
// to affect the match/no match decision
goto RESOLVED_EXIT; } } pFmtRemote++; // next entry in receiver's caps
return CAPS_E_NOMATCH; RESOLVED_EXIT: // Match! return ID of remote decoding (receive fmt) caps that match our
// send caps
*pFormatIDRemote = pFmtRemote->H245TermCap.CapId; return hrSuccess; }
// resolve using currently cached local and remote formats
HRESULT CMsiaCapability::ResolveEncodeFormat( AUDIO_FORMAT_ID *pIDEncodeOut, AUDIO_FORMAT_ID *pIDRemoteDecode) { UINT i,j=0; AUDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtMine = pLocalFormats; AUDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtTheirs; // LP_CUSTOM_CAPS lpCustomRemoteCaps = (LP_CUSTOM_CAPS)lpvRemoteCustomFormats;
if(!pIDEncodeOut || !pIDRemoteDecode) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; } if(!uNumLocalFormats || !pLocalFormats) { *pIDEncodeOut = *pIDRemoteDecode = INVALID_AUDIO_FORMAT; return CAPS_E_NOCAPS; } if(!pRemoteDecodeFormats || !uNumRemoteDecodeFormats) { *pIDEncodeOut = *pIDRemoteDecode = INVALID_AUDIO_FORMAT; return CAPS_E_NOMATCH; }
// decide how to encode. my caps are ordered by my preference according to
// the contents of IDsByRank[]
//If given a salt, find the position and add it
if (*pIDEncodeOut != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { UINT uIndex = IDToIndex(*pIDEncodeOut); if (uIndex > uNumLocalFormats) { return CAPS_W_NO_MORE_FORMATS; } for(i=0; i<uNumLocalFormats; i++) { if (pLocalFormats[IDsByRank[i]].H245TermCap.CapId == *pIDEncodeOut) { j=i+1; break; } } }
for(i=j; i<uNumLocalFormats; i++) { pFmtMine = pLocalFormats + IDsByRank[i]; // check to see if this format is enabled for encoding
if(!pFmtMine->bSendEnabled) continue;
pFmtTheirs = pRemoteDecodeFormats; // start at the beginning of the remote formats
for(j=0; j<uNumRemoteDecodeFormats; j++) { // compare capabilities - start by comparing the format tag. a.k.a. "ClientType" in H.245 land
if(pFmtMine->H245TermCap.ClientType == pFmtTheirs->H245TermCap.ClientType) { // if this is a nonstandard cap, compare nonstandard parameters
if(pFmtMine->H245TermCap.ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD) {
if(NonstandardCapsCompareA(pFmtMine, // (PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY)pFmtMine->H245Cap.Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value,
(PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY)pFmtTheirs->H245TermCap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value, //pFmtMine->H245Cap.Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length,
pFmtTheirs->H245TermCap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length)) { goto RESOLVED_EXIT; }
} else // compare standard parameters, if any
{ // well, so far, there aren't any parameters that are significant enough
// to affect the match/no match decision
goto RESOLVED_EXIT; } } pFmtTheirs++; // next entry in receiver's caps
} } return CAPS_E_NOMATCH; RESOLVED_EXIT: // Match!
DEBUGMSG (ZONE_CONN,("Audio resolved (SEND) to Format Tag: %d\r\n",pFmtMine->wFormatTag)); // return ID of our encoding (sending fmt) caps that match
*pIDEncodeOut = pFmtMine->H245TermCap.CapId; // return ID of remote decoding (receive fmt) caps that match our
// send caps
*pIDRemoteDecode = pFmtTheirs->H245TermCap.CapId; return hrSuccess;
if(!pChannelParams || !(pCapability = pChannelParams->pChannelCapability) || !pFormatID || !lpvBuf || (uBufSize < sizeof(AUDIO_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS))) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; } if(!uNumLocalFormats || !pLocalFormats) { return CAPS_E_NOCAPS; }
for(i=0; i<uNumLocalFormats; i++) { WORD wFramesPerPkt; pFmtMine = pLocalFormats + IDsByRank[i]; // compare capabilities - start by comparing the format tag. a.k.a. "ClientType" in H.245 land
if(pFmtMine->H245TermCap.ClientType == pCapability->ClientType) { // if this is a nonstandard cap, compare nonstandard parameters
if(pFmtMine->H245TermCap.ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_NONSTD) { if(NonstandardCapsCompareA(pFmtMine, (PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY)pCapability->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value, pCapability->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length)) { PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY pNSCapRemote; pNSCapRemote = (PNSC_AUDIO_CAPABILITY)pCapability->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.value; if (pNSCapRemote->cap_params.wFramesPerPkt <= pFmtMine->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax) { pAudioParams->ns_params = pNSCapRemote->cap_params; goto RESOLVED_EXIT; } } } else // compare standard parameters, if any
if(pFmtMine->H245TermCap.ClientType == H245_CLIENT_AUD_G723) { // NEED TO FIND THE G.723 format that results in the largest buffer
// size calculations so that the larger bitrate format can be used.
// The buffer size calculations in the datapump are based on the
// WAVEFORMATEX structure
// search the remainder of the prioritized list, keep the best
LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwf1, lpwf2; AUDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtTry; lpwf1 =(LPWAVEFORMATEX)pFmtMine->lpLocalFormatDetails; for(j = i+1; j<uNumLocalFormats; j++) { pFmtTry = pLocalFormats + IDsByRank[j]; if(pFmtTry->H245TermCap.ClientType != H245_CLIENT_AUD_G723) continue;
lpwf2 =(LPWAVEFORMATEX)pFmtTry->lpLocalFormatDetails; if(lpwf2->nAvgBytesPerSec > lpwf1->nAvgBytesPerSec) { //pFmtMine = pFmtTry;
lpwf1 = lpwf2; // Return value is based on index i. This one is the
// one we want so far
i = j; } } // We know that the G.723 codec can decode SID in any mode,
//if(pFmtMine->H245Cap.Cap.H245Aud_G723.silenceSuppression ==
// pCapability->Cap.H245Aud_G723.silenceSuppression)
} pAudioParams->ns_params = pFmtMine->nonstd_params; // update wFramesPerPkt with the actual recv channel parameter
switch (pCapability->ClientType) { default: case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ALAW64: wFramesPerPkt = pCapability->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ALAW64 * SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; break; case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ULAW64: wFramesPerPkt = pCapability->Cap.H245Aud_G711_ULAW64 * SAMPLE_BASED_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; break; // these have no parameters
//case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ULAW56:
//case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G711_ALAW56:
case H245_CLIENT_AUD_G723: wFramesPerPkt = pCapability->Cap.H245Aud_G723.maxAl_sduAudioFrames; break; } if (wFramesPerPkt <= pFmtMine->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax) { pAudioParams->ns_params.wFramesPerPkt = wFramesPerPkt; goto RESOLVED_EXIT; } else { DEBUGMSG (ZONE_CONN,("Recv channel wFramesPerPkt mismatch! ours=%d, theirs=%d\r\n",pFmtMine->nonstd_params.wFramesPerPktMax,wFramesPerPkt)); } } } } return CAPS_E_NOMATCH;
// return ID of the decoding caps that match
*pFormatID = IndexToId(IDsByRank[i]); pAudioParams->RTP_Payload = pChannelParams->bRTPPayloadType; pAudioParams->ns_params.UseSilenceDet = (BYTE)pChannelParams->bSilenceSuppression;
DEBUGMSG (ZONE_CONN,("Audio resolved (RECEIVE) to Format Tag: %d\r\n",pFmtMine->wFormatTag));
return hrSuccess;
DWORD CMsiaCapability::MinFramesPerPacket(WAVEFORMATEX *pwf) { UINT sblk, uSize; uSize = MinSampleSize(pwf); // this calculates the minimum # of samples
// that will still fit in an 80 mS frame
// calculate samples per block ( aka frame)
sblk = pwf->nBlockAlign* pwf->nSamplesPerSec/ pwf->nAvgBytesPerSec; if(!sblk) return 0; // should never happen unless ACM is corrupted,
// min samples per frame/samples per block = min frames/block.
return uSize/sblk; }
// determine a reasonable maximum number of frames per packet.
// 4x the Minimum is reasonable, so long as it doesn't make
// the packet too big
DWORD CMsiaCapability::MaxFramesPerPacket(WAVEFORMATEX *pwf) { DWORD dwMin, dwMax;
dwMin = MinFramesPerPacket(pwf); // minimum number of frames
dwMax = MAX_FRAME_LEN_RECV / (dwMin * pwf->nBlockAlign);
dwMax = min((4*dwMin), dwMax*dwMin);
if (dwMax < dwMin) { WARNING_OUT(("CMsiaCapability::MaxFramesPerPacket - Max value computed as less than min. Return Min for Max\r\n")); dwMax = dwMin; }
return dwMax;
// MinSampleSize() taken from datapump.cpp ChoosePacketSize()
// what else depends on it?
UINT CMsiaCapability::MinSampleSize(WAVEFORMATEX *pwf) { // calculate default samples per pkt
UINT spp, sblk; spp = m_uPacketDuration * pwf->nSamplesPerSec / 1000; // calculate samples per block ( aka frame)
sblk = pwf->nBlockAlign* pwf->nSamplesPerSec/ pwf->nAvgBytesPerSec; if (sblk <= spp) { spp = (spp/sblk)*sblk; if ( spp*pwf->nAvgBytesPerSec/pwf->nSamplesPerSec > MAX_FRAME_LEN) { // packet too big
spp = (MAX_FRAME_LEN/pwf->nBlockAlign)*sblk; } } else spp = sblk; return spp; }
HRESULT CMsiaCapability::IsFormatEnabled (MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID, PBOOL bRecv, PBOOL bSend) { UINT uIndex = IDToIndex(FormatID); // validate input
if(uIndex >= (UINT)uNumLocalFormats) { return CAPS_E_INVALID_PARAM; }
*bSend=((pLocalFormats + uIndex)->bSendEnabled); *bRecv=((pLocalFormats + uIndex)->bRecvEnabled);
return hrSuccess;
BOOL CMsiaCapability::IsFormatPublic (MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID) { UINT uIndex = IDToIndex(FormatID); // validate input
if(uIndex >= (UINT)uNumLocalFormats) return FALSE; // test if this is format is a duplicate of a public format
if((pLocalFormats + uIndex)->dwPublicRefIndex) return FALSE; // then we keep this format to ourselves
else return TRUE; } MEDIA_FORMAT_ID CMsiaCapability::GetPublicID(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID) { UINT uIndex = IDToIndex(FormatID); // validate input
if(uIndex >= (UINT)uNumLocalFormats) return INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; if((pLocalFormats + uIndex)->dwPublicRefIndex) { return (pLocalFormats + ((pLocalFormats + uIndex)->dwPublicRefIndex))->H245TermCap.CapId; } else { return FormatID; } }
#ifdef DEBUG
VOID DumpWFX(LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxLocal, LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxRemote) { FX_ENTRY("DumpWFX"); ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- %s Begin --------\r\n",_fx_)); if(lpwfxLocal) { ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- Local --------\r\n")); ERRORMESSAGE(("wFormatTag:\t0x%04X, nChannels:\t0x%04X\r\n", lpwfxLocal->wFormatTag, lpwfxLocal->nChannels)); ERRORMESSAGE(("nSamplesPerSec:\t0x%08lX, nAvgBytesPerSec:\t0x%08lX\r\n", lpwfxLocal->nSamplesPerSec, lpwfxLocal->nAvgBytesPerSec)); ERRORMESSAGE(("nBlockAlign:\t0x%04X, wBitsPerSample:\t0x%04X, cbSize:\t0x%04X\r\n", lpwfxLocal->nBlockAlign, lpwfxLocal->wBitsPerSample, lpwfxLocal->cbSize)); } if(lpwfxRemote) { ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- Remote --------\r\n")); ERRORMESSAGE(("wFormatTag:\t0x%04X, nChannels:\t0x%04X\r\n", lpwfxRemote->wFormatTag, lpwfxRemote->nChannels)); ERRORMESSAGE(("nSamplesPerSec:\t0x%08lX, nAvgBytesPerSec:\t0x%08lX\r\n", lpwfxRemote->nSamplesPerSec, lpwfxRemote->nAvgBytesPerSec)); ERRORMESSAGE(("nBlockAlign:\t0x%04X, wBitsPerSample:\t0x%04X, cbSize:\t0x%04X\r\n", lpwfxRemote->nBlockAlign, lpwfxRemote->wBitsPerSample, lpwfxRemote->cbSize)); } ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- %s End --------\r\n",_fx_)); } VOID DumpChannelParameters(PCC_TERMCAP pChanCap1, PCC_TERMCAP pChanCap2) { FX_ENTRY("DumpChannelParameters"); ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- %s Begin --------\r\n",_fx_)); if(pChanCap1) { ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- Local Cap --------\r\n")); ERRORMESSAGE(("DataType:%d(d), ClientType:%d(d)\r\n",pChanCap1->DataType,pChanCap1->ClientType)); ERRORMESSAGE(("Direction:%d(d), CapId:%d(d)\r\n",pChanCap1->Dir,pChanCap1->CapId)); } if(pChanCap2) { ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- Remote Cap --------\r\n")); ERRORMESSAGE(("DataType:%d(d), ClientType:%d(d)\r\n",pChanCap2->DataType,pChanCap2->ClientType)); ERRORMESSAGE(("Direction:%d(d), CapId:%d(d)\r\n",pChanCap2->Dir,pChanCap2->CapId)); } ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- %s End --------\r\n",_fx_)); } VOID DumpNonstdParameters(PCC_TERMCAP pChanCap1, PCC_TERMCAP pChanCap2) { FX_ENTRY("DumpNonstdParameters"); ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- %s Begin --------\r\n",_fx_)); DumpChannelParameters(pChanCap1, pChanCap2); if(pChanCap1) { ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- Local Cap --------\r\n")); if(pChanCap1->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.choice == h221NonStandard_chosen) { ERRORMESSAGE(("t35CountryCode:%d(d), t35Extension:%d(d)\r\n", pChanCap1->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35CountryCode, pChanCap1->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35Extension)); ERRORMESSAGE(("MfrCode:%d(d), data length:%d(d)\r\n", pChanCap1->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.manufacturerCode, pChanCap1->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length)); } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("unrecognized nonStandardIdentifier.choice: %d(d)\r\n", pChanCap1->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.choice)); } } if(pChanCap2) { ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- Remote Cap --------\r\n")); if(pChanCap2->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.choice == h221NonStandard_chosen) { ERRORMESSAGE(("t35CountryCode:%d(d), t35Extension:%d(d)\r\n", pChanCap2->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35CountryCode, pChanCap2->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.t35Extension)); ERRORMESSAGE(("MfrCode:%d(d), data length:%d(d)\r\n", pChanCap2->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.u.h221NonStandard.manufacturerCode, pChanCap2->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.data.length)); } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("nonStandardIdentifier.choice: %d(d)\r\n", pChanCap2->Cap.H245Aud_NONSTD.nonStandardIdentifier.choice)); } } ERRORMESSAGE((" -------- %s End --------\r\n",_fx_)); } #endif