* conf.h * * Copyright (c) 1995 by DataBeam Corporation, Lexington, KY * * Abstract: * This is the interface file for the CConf class. This class * is where most of the inteligence within GCC lies. The class * manages the GCC databases and routes the messages and PDUs. * * CConf objects represent the true heart of GCC. Each CConf * object represents one logical conference within a GCC provider. This * class encapsulates the conference information base which is the focal * point for all GCC traffic. This information base consists of several * Rogue Wave containers, including: * - a dictionary of enrolled applications (indexed by application SAP * handles). * - a list of application roster managers. * - a list of downward MCS connections. * - a list of outstanding sequence numbers (used during conference * establishment). * - a list of outstanding join requests. * * In order to simplify the CConf class as much as possible, there are * some things that CConf objects do not worry about. First and * foremost is Conference and Application Roster management. This is * handled by two separate classes. Next is the Application Registry. * CConf objects don't maintain the Application Registry information * base. CConf objects also do not worry about memory management. * They merely pass Packet objects around, which contain the user data * being handled. A CConf object has absolutely no responsibility * for protocol data associated with an enrolled application. Below is * more detail about what a conference is responsible for. * * When a CConf object is first created, its information base is * empty. It has no enrolled applications, it has not established any MCS * connections and it has no user attachment to MCS. There is a period of * time that will be referred to as the Conference Establishment Process * where the CConf object is progressing through the steps defined by * the T.124 specification to join or create a conference. This process * varies depending on the request that initiated the creation of the * conference. A CConf Object must know if it is a Top Provider. * Many of the establishment procedures and normal operating procedures * vary depending on this. A CConf object learns of its type through * the initial requests that are made to it. For example, if a * CConf receives a ConferenceCreateRequest where the conference is * to be created locally it knows it is the Top Provider. * * The establishment process involves three main steps that all nodes go * through when creating a new conference. The first is establishing the * MCS connection either through a ConnectProviderRequest or a * ConnectProviderResponse call (note that this step is skipped when * creating a local conference). If this step is successful, the * CConf object will create an MCSUser object which progresses through * a number of its own internal steps which include creating an MCS User * Attachment and joining the appropriate channels (which are handled by * the MCSUser object). Finally, when the above two steps have successfully * completed, the conference creates an Application Registry and the * CConfRosterMgr objects and informs the Controller that the * conference is established. A conference cannot respond to any request * during this establishment process. For instance, a conference will not * show up in a Conference Query descriptor list during the establishment * phase. * * A note about the creation of the CConfRosterMgr objects. * A CConf object that is not the Top Provider will instantiate both * a Local and a Global CConfRosterMgr while the Top Provider * only maintains a Global Conference Roster Manager. A Local manager * maintains a Conference Roster which holds the local nodes conference * record and the conference records for all nodes below it in the * connection hierarchy. A Global manager maintains a Conference Roster * which includes the conference records for every node that has announced * its presence with the conference. * * After the above establishment process is complete the Owner Object is * notified through an owner callback that the conference is ready for * action. When the node controller receives a * GCC_PERMIT_TO_ANNOUNCE_PRESENCE indication it must respond with a call * to GCCAnnouncePresenceRequest(). This is when the node controller * passes its conference record (which contains all the pertinent * information about the node) to the newly created conference. This * request travels through the CControlSAP directly to the conference * through a GCCCommandTarget call. Remember that the CConf class * inherits from the GCCCommandTarget class. Whenever a call is made * directly to a CConf object from either a CControlSAP or an CAppSap * object, it is made through a command target call. * * When an application receives a GCC_PERMIT_TO_ENROLL_INDICATION it must * respond by calling AppEnrollRequest() to inform the * CConf object whether or not it wants to enroll with the conference. * When an application enroll request is received by a CConf * object a number of things happen, some of which depend on whether the * CConf object is a Top Provider or a subordinate node. First the * CConf determines if the application is enrolling. If it isn't, a * GCC_APPLICATION_ENROLL_CONFIRM is sent to the application that made the * request and no further action is taken. If the application is * enrolling, the CConf object first registers itself with the CAppSap * making the request. This allows future application requests to travel * directly to the CConf object through command target calls. The * CConf then establishes the Application Roster Manager * (if necessary) for this particular application. * * After the above establishment and enrollment process is completed a * CConf object sits idle waiting to service requests or process * incoming PDUs. These include RosterUpdateIndications as well as * CRegistry requests. * * A CConf object can be deleted in a number of different ways. If a * resource error occurs, a conference can Terminate itself by sending an * error TERMINATE indication to its owner through an owner callback. * The node controller can terminate a conference object by calling * GCCConferenceDisconnectRequest() or GCCConferenceTerminateRequest(). A * CConf object can also be terminated if it loses its parent * connection or if it is set up to automatically terminate after all its * subordinate nodes disconnect. These types of Terminates are initiated * through owner callbacks to the Owner Object. * * Portable: * Yes * * Caveats: * None. * * Author: * blp */ #ifndef _CONFERENCE_
#define _CONFERENCE_
#include "arostmgr.h"
#include "sap.h"
#include "pktcoder.h"
#include "mcsdllif.h"
#include "password.h"
#include "netaddr.h"
#include "privlist.h"
#include "crostmgr.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "appsap.h"
#include "csap.h"
// Message bases
typedef struct { GCCConfID conference_id; GCCReason reason; } CONF_TERMINATE_INFO;
typedef struct { ConnectionHandle connection_handle; TagNumber invite_tag; CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list; } INVITE_REQ_INFO;
/* This structure is used to hold all of an APEs enrollment information.
** Every APE enrolled with a conference will have a single one of these ** info structures defined for it. */ //
// LONCHANC: We should merge the following to another structure or class
// because it has 2 dwords and we need to allocate memory for it.
typedef struct { CAppSap *pAppSap; CSessKeyContainer *session_key; } ENROLLED_APE_INFO;
** Lists/Dictionaries used by the CConf Object */
// This list is used to keep track of the outstanding join responses
class CJoinRespNamePresentConnHdlList2 : public CList2 { // use TRUE_PTR and FALSE_PTR
DEFINE_CLIST2_(CJoinRespNamePresentConnHdlList2, BOOL_PTR, ConnectionHandle) };
// This list is used to keep track of the enrolled APEs
class CEnrolledApeEidList2 : public CList2 { DEFINE_CLIST2_(CEnrolledApeEidList2, ENROLLED_APE_INFO*, GCCEntityID) };
// This list is keeps up with the child node connection handles
class CConnHandleList : public CList { DEFINE_CLIST_(CConnHandleList, ConnectionHandle) };
// This list is used to match outstanding user IDs
typedef TagNumber UserIDTagNumber; // unsigned long
class CConnHdlTagNumberList2 : public CList2 { DEFINE_CLIST2(CConnHdlTagNumberList2, ConnectionHandle, UserIDTagNumber) };
// This list is used to hold all the outstanding invite request
class CInviteRequestList : public CList { DEFINE_CLIST(CInviteRequestList, INVITE_REQ_INFO*) };
// This list is used to hold all the outstanding ejects
class CEjectedNodeConfirmList : public CList { DEFINE_CLIST_(CEjectedNodeConfirmList, GCCNodeID) };
// This list is a queue of outstanding conductor token test
class CConductorTestList : public CList { DEFINE_CLIST(CConductorTestList, CBaseSap*) };
// this list is a queue of outstanding "add" request
class CNetAddrTagNumberList2 : public CList2 { DEFINE_CLIST2(CNetAddrTagNumberList2, CNetAddrListContainer*, TagNumber) };
class CTagNumberTagNumberList2 : public CList2 { DEFINE_CLIST2__(CTagNumberTagNumberList2, TagNumber) };
// this list holds the NetMeeting version numbers of all nodes in the conference
class CNodeVersionList2 : public CList2 { DEFINE_CLIST2_(CNodeVersionList2, DWORD_PTR, GCCNodeID) };
// Conference specification parameters
typedef struct { BOOL fClearPassword; BOOL fConfLocked; BOOL fConfListed; BOOL fConfConductable; GCCTerminationMethod eTerminationMethod; PGCCConferencePrivileges pConductPrivilege; PGCCConferencePrivileges pConductModePrivilege; PGCCConferencePrivileges pNonConductPrivilege; LPWSTR pwszConfDescriptor; } CONF_SPEC_PARAMS;
// The class definition
class CConf : public CRefCount { friend class MCSUser;
CConf ( PGCCConferenceName conference_name, GCCNumericString conference_modifier, GCCConfID conference_id, CONF_SPEC_PARAMS *pConfSpecParams, UINT cNetworkAddresses, PGCCNetworkAddress *pLocalNetworkAddress, PGCCError return_value );
** Public Member Functions : should only be called ** by the owner object */ GCCError ConfCreateRequest( TransportAddress calling_address, TransportAddress called_address, BOOL fSecure, CPassword *convener_password, CPassword *password, LPWSTR pwszCallerID, PDomainParameters domain_parameters, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, PConnectionHandle connection_handle);
GCCError ConfCreateResponse( ConnectionHandle connection_handle, PDomainParameters domain_parameters, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list);
GCCError ConfJoinRequest ( GCCNumericString called_node_modifier, CPassword *convener_password, CPassword *password_challenge, LPWSTR pwszCallerID, TransportAddress calling_address, TransportAddress called_address, BOOL fSecure, PDomainParameters domain_parameters, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, PConnectionHandle connection_handle );
GCCError ForwardConfJoinRequest ( CPassword *convener_password, CPassword *password_challange, LPWSTR pwszCallerID, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, BOOL numeric_name_present, ConnectionHandle connection_handle );
GCCError ConfJoinIndResponse ( ConnectionHandle connection_handle, CPassword *password_challenge, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, BOOL numeric_name_present, BOOL convener_is_joining, GCCResult result );
GCCError ConfInviteResponse( UserID parent_user_id, UserID top_user_id, TagNumber tag_number, ConnectionHandle connection_handle, BOOL fSecure, PDomainParameters domain_parameters, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list);
GCCError RegisterAppSap(CAppSap *); GCCError UnRegisterAppSap(CAppSap *); GCCError DisconnectProviderIndication(ConnectionHandle); GCCError ConfRosterInquireRequest(CBaseSap *, GCCAppSapMsgEx **); GCCError AppRosterInquireRequest(GCCSessionKey *, CAppRosterMsg **); BOOL FlushOutgoingPDU(void);
GCCConfID GetConfID ( void ) { return m_nConfID; } ConferenceNodeType GetConfNodeType ( void ) { return m_eNodeType; }
GCCNodeID GetParentNodeID(void) { return (m_pMcsUserObject ? m_pMcsUserObject->GetParentNodeID() : 0); }
BOOL IsConfTopProvider ( void ) { return ((m_eNodeType == TOP_PROVIDER_AND_CONVENER_NODE) || (m_eNodeType == TOP_PROVIDER_NODE)); }
GCCNodeID GetTopProvider(void) { return (m_pMcsUserObject ? m_pMcsUserObject->GetTopNodeID() : 0); }
BOOL DoesConvenerExists ( void ) { return (m_nConvenerNodeID != 0); } BOOL IsConfListed ( void ) { return m_fConfListed; } BOOL IsConfPasswordInTheClear ( void ) { return m_fClearPassword; } BOOL IsConfLocked ( void ) { return m_fConfLocked; } BOOL IsConfEstablished ( void ) { return m_fConfIsEstablished; } BOOL IsConfConductible ( void ) { return m_fConfConductible; } BOOL IsConfSecure ( void ) { return m_fSecure; }
LPSTR GetNumericConfName ( void ) { return m_pszConfNumericName; } LPWSTR GetTextConfName ( void ) { return m_pwszConfTextName; } LPSTR GetConfModifier ( void ) { return m_pszConfModifier; } LPWSTR GetConfDescription ( void ) { return m_pwszConfDescription; } CNetAddrListContainer *GetNetworkAddressList ( void ) { return m_pNetworkAddressList; } void ConfIsOver ( void ) { m_fConfIsEstablished = FALSE; }
CRegistry *GetRegistry ( void ) { return m_pAppRegistry; }
** These are Command Targets */
GCCError ConfJoinReqResponse( UserID receiver_id, CPassword *password_challenge, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, GCCResult result);
GCCError ConfInviteRequest( LPWSTR pwszCallerID, TransportAddress calling_address, TransportAddress called_address, BOOL fSecure, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, PConnectionHandle connection_handle);
GCCError ConfLockResponse(UserID uidRequester, GCCResult);
GCCError ConfEjectUserRequest(UserID uidEjected, GCCReason reason); GCCError ConfAnnouncePresenceRequest(PGCCNodeRecord node_record); GCCError ConfDisconnectRequest(void);
GCCError AppEnrollRequest(CAppSap *, GCCEnrollRequest *, GCCRequestTag);
#ifdef JASPER
GCCError ConfLockRequest(void); GCCError ConfUnlockRequest(void); GCCError ConfUnlockResponse(UserID uidRequester, GCCResult result); GCCError ConfTerminateRequest(GCCReason reason); #endif // JASPER
/******************** Registry calls **************************/
GCCError RegistryRegisterChannelRequest( PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, ChannelID channel_id, CAppSap *); GCCError RegistryAssignTokenRequest( PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, CAppSap *);
GCCError RegistrySetParameterRequest ( PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, LPOSTR parameter_value, GCCModificationRights modification_rights, CAppSap *);
GCCError RegistryRetrieveEntryRequest( PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, CAppSap *);
GCCError RegistryDeleteEntryRequest( PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, CAppSap *);
GCCError RegistryMonitorRequest( BOOL enable_delivery, PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, CAppSap *);
GCCError RegistryAllocateHandleRequest( UINT number_of_handles, CAppSap *); /******************** Conductorship calls **************************/
GCCError ConductorGiveResponse(GCCResult result);
#ifdef JASPER
GCCError ConductorAssignRequest(void); GCCError ConductorReleaseRequest(void); GCCError ConductorPleaseRequest(void); GCCError ConductorGiveRequest(UserID recipient_node_id); GCCError ConductorPermitAskRequest(BOOL grant_permission); GCCError ConductorPermitGrantRequest( UINT number_granted, PUserID granted_node_list, UINT number_waiting, PUserID waiting_node_list); #endif // JASPER
GCCError ConductorInquireRequest(CBaseSap *);
// Miscelaneous calls
GCCError ConferenceTimeRemainingRequest ( UINT time_remaining, UserID node_id);
GCCError AppInvokeRequest( CInvokeSpecifierListContainer*, GCCSimpleNodeList *, CBaseSap *, GCCRequestTag);
GCCError UpdateNodeVersionList(PGCCPDU roster_update, UserID sender_id);
DWORD_PTR GetNodeVersion(UserID nodeId) { return m_NodeVersionList2.Find(nodeId); } BOOL HasNM2xNode(void);
#ifdef JASPER
GCCError ConfTimeInquireRequest(BOOL time_is_conference_wide); GCCError ConfExtendRequest ( UINT extension_time, BOOL time_is_conference_wide); GCCError ConfAssistanceRequest( UINT number_of_user_data_members, PGCCUserData * user_data_list); GCCError TextMessageRequest ( LPWSTR pwszTextMsg, UserID destination_node ); GCCError ConfTransferRequest ( PGCCConferenceName destination_conference_name, GCCNumericString destination_conference_modifier, CNetAddrListContainer *network_address_list, UINT number_of_destination_nodes, PUserID destination_node_list, CPassword *password); GCCError ConfAddRequest ( CNetAddrListContainer *network_address_container, UserID adding_node, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_container); #endif // JASPER
GCCError ConfAddResponse ( GCCResponseTag add_response_tag, UserID requesting_node, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_container, GCCResult result);
void WndMsgHandler(UINT);
// Routines called from the mcs interface
void ProcessConnectProviderConfirm(PConnectProviderConfirm connect_provider_confirm);
// Callback from conf roster manager
void ConfRosterReportIndication ( CConfRosterMsg * );
void CancelInviteRequest(ConnectionHandle);
// Routines called from the user object via owner callbacks
void ProcessConferenceCreateResponsePDU( PConferenceCreateResponse create_response, PConnectProviderConfirm connect_provider_confirm);
void ProcessConferenceJoinResponsePDU( PConferenceJoinResponse join_response, PConnectProviderConfirm connect_provider_confirm);
void ProcessConferenceInviteResponsePDU( PConferenceInviteResponse invite_response, PConnectProviderConfirm connect_provider_confirm);
void ProcessUserIDIndication( TagNumber tag_number, UserID user_id);
void ProcessUserCreateConfirm( UserResultType result, UserID user_id);
void ProcessRosterUpdatePDU( PGCCPDU roster_update, UserID sender_id);
void ProcessRosterRefreshPDU( PGCCPDU roster_update, UserID sender_id);
GCCError ProcessAppRosterIndicationPDU( PGCCPDU roster_update, UserID sender_id); void ProcessDetachUserIndication( UserID detached_user, GCCReason reason);
void ProcessTerminateRequest( UserID requester_id, GCCReason reason);
void ProcessTerminateIndication(GCCReason reason); void ProcessEjectUserRequest(PUserEjectNodeRequestInfo eject_node_request); void ProcessEjectUserIndication(GCCReason reason); void ProcessEjectUserResponse(PUserEjectNodeResponseInfo eject_node_response); void ProcessConferenceLockRequest(UserID requester_id); void ProcessConferenceUnlockRequest(UserID requester_id); void ProcessConferenceLockIndication(UserID source_id); void ProcessConferenceUnlockIndication(UserID source_id);
void ProcessConfJoinResponse(PUserJoinResponseInfo); void ProcessAppInvokeIndication(CInvokeSpecifierListContainer *, UserID); #ifdef JASPER
void ProcessConductorPermitAskIndication(PPermitAskIndicationInfo); #endif // JASPER
void ProcessConfAddResponse(PAddResponseInfo);
/***************** Conductorship calls ***********************/
void ProcessConductorGrabConfirm(GCCResult result); void ProcessConductorAssignIndication(UserID uidNewConductor, UserID uidSender); void ProcessConductorReleaseIndication(UserID uidSender); void ProcessConductorGiveIndication(UserID uidGiver); void ProcessConductorGiveConfirm(GCCResult); void ProcessConductorPermitGrantInd(PUserPermissionGrantIndicationInfo, UserID uidSender); void ProcessConductorTestConfirm(GCCResult);
void ProcessConferenceTransferRequest( UserID requesting_node_id, PGCCConferenceName destination_conference_name, GCCNumericString destination_conference_modifier, CNetAddrListContainer *destination_address_list, UINT number_of_destination_nodes, PUserID destination_node_list, CPassword *password); void ProcessConferenceTransferIndication( PGCCConferenceName destination_conference_name, GCCNumericString destination_conference_modifier, CNetAddrListContainer *destination_address_list, CPassword *password);
void ProcessConferenceAddRequest( CNetAddrListContainer *network_address_list, CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, UserID adding_node, TagNumber add_request_tag, UserID requesting_node);
void InitiateTermination(GCCReason, UserID uidRequester);
// look for this node ID in the roster's record set.
BOOL IsThisNodeParticipant(GCCNodeID);
CAppRosterMgr *GetAppRosterManager(PGCCSessionKey session_key); TagNumber GetNewUserIDTag(void); void GetConferenceNameAndModifier(PGCCConferenceName, PGCCNumericString pszConfModifier); BOOL DoesRequesterHavePrivilege(UserID uidRequester, ConferencePrivilegeType); GCCError SendFullRosterRefresh(void); GCCError UpdateNewConferenceNode(void);
** This group of routines operates on the enrolled APE list. */ GCCError GetEntityIDFromAPEList(CAppSap *, PGCCSessionKey, GCCEntityID *); GCCError GenerateEntityIDForAPEList(CAppSap *, PGCCSessionKey, GCCEntityID *); void RemoveSAPFromAPEList(CAppSap *); ENROLLED_APE_INFO *GetEnrolledAPEbySap(CAppSap *, GCCEntityID *); GCCError FlushRosterData(void); GCCError AsynchFlushRosterData(void); void DeleteEnrolledAPE(GCCEntityID); BOOL IsReadyToSendAppRosterUpdate(void); void DeleteOutstandingInviteRequests(void); void DeleteInviteRequest(INVITE_REQ_INFO *);
BOOL DoesSAPHaveEnrolledAPE(CAppSap *pAppSap) { return (BOOL) (UINT_PTR) GetEnrolledAPEbySap(pAppSap, NULL); }
// Yikang: This method checks whether the roster update PDU
// contains the applet. The refreshonly argument indicates
// whether or not to check the record updates.
BOOL DoesRosterPDUContainApplet(PGCCPDU roster_update, const struct Key *obj_key, BOOL refreshonly = TRUE);
void AddNodeVersion(UserID, NodeRecord*);
CAppRosterMgrList m_AppRosterMgrList; CAppSapList m_RegisteredAppSapList; CEnrolledApeEidList2 m_EnrolledApeEidList2;
CNetAddrListContainer *m_pNetworkAddressList; CUserDataListContainer *m_pUserDataList;
CConnHandleList m_ConnHandleList; CConnHdlTagNumberList2 m_ConnHdlTagNumberList2;
CJoinRespNamePresentConnHdlList2 m_JoinRespNamePresentConnHdlList2; CInviteRequestList m_InviteRequestList; CEjectedNodeConfirmList m_EjectedNodeConfirmList; CConductorTestList m_ConductorTestList; CNetAddrTagNumberList2 m_AddRequestList; CTagNumberTagNumberList2 m_AddResponseList; CNodeVersionList2 m_NodeVersionList2; PMCSUser m_pMcsUserObject;
LPSTR m_pszConfNumericName; LPWSTR m_pwszConfTextName; LPWSTR m_pwszConfDescription; LPSTR m_pszConfModifier; LPSTR m_pszRemoteModifier;
GCCConfID m_nConfID; UserID m_nConvenerNodeID;
BOOL m_fConfLocked; BOOL m_fConfListed; BOOL m_fConfConductible; BOOL m_fClearPassword; BOOL m_fConfIsEstablished; BOOL m_fConfDisconnectPending; BOOL m_fConfTerminatePending; BOOL m_fTerminationInitiated; BOOL m_fSecure;
BOOL m_fWBEnrolled; BOOL m_fFTEnrolled; BOOL m_fChatEnrolled;
GCCTerminationMethod m_eTerminationMethod; GCCReason m_eConfTerminateReason;
PDomainParameters m_pDomainParameters;
ConferenceNodeType m_eNodeType;
UserIDTagNumber m_nUserIDTagNumber; UserIDTagNumber m_nConvenerUserIDTagNumber; TagNumber m_nParentIDTagNumber; TagNumber m_nConfAddRequestTagNumber;
ConnectionHandle m_hParentConnection; ConnectionHandle m_hConvenerConnection;
PAlarm m_pConfTerminateAlarm; PAlarm m_pConfStartupAlarm;
PPrivilegeListData m_pConductorPrivilegeList; PPrivilegeListData m_pConductModePrivilegeList; PPrivilegeListData m_pNonConductModePrivilegeList;
GCCResponseTag m_nConfAddResponseTag; CConfRosterMgr *m_pConfRosterMgr; CRegistry *m_pAppRegistry; UserID m_nConductorNodeID; UserID m_nPendingConductorNodeID; BOOL m_fConductorGrantedPermission; BOOL m_fConductorGiveResponsePending; BOOL m_fConductorAssignRequestPending; EntityID m_nAPEEntityID; //
// LONCHANC; m_cPermittedEnrollment is the number of
// GCC-Application-Permit-to-Enroll. we need to wait for all
// the corresponding GCC-Application-Enroll-Request come in.
// then, we will send out a single
// GCC-Application-Roster-Update-Indication to the wire.
int m_cEnrollRequests; // LONCHANC: must be signed
BOOL m_fFirstAppRosterSent; }; typedef CConf * PConference;
* CConf( PGCCConferenceName conference_name, * GCCNumericString conference_modifier, * GCCConfID conference_id, * BOOL use_password_in_the_clear, * BOOL conference_locked, * BOOL conference_listed, * BOOL conference_conductable, * GCCTerminationMethod termination_method, * PGCCConferencePrivileges conduct_privilege_list, * PGCCConferencePrivileges conduct_mode_privilege_list, * PGCCConferencePrivileges non_conduct_privilege_list, * LPWSTR pwszConfDescriptor, * UINT number_of_network_addresses, * PGCCNetworkAddress * local_network_address_list, * CControlSAP *control_sap, * UINT owner_message_base, * PGCCError return_value); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This is the conference constructor. It is responsible for * initializing all the instance variables used by this class. * It also creates the MCS domain based on the conference id. * Fatal errors are returned from this constructor in the * return value. Note that this constructor is used when the * CConf specification parameters such as termination * method or known in advance of conference creation. This is * the case for a convenor node and a top provider. It is not * used for joining nodes. * * Formal Parameters: * conference_name (i) Structure pointer that holds the confernce name. * conference_modifier (i) Pointer to the conference modifier. * conference_id (i) The assigned conference ID. * use_password_in_the_clear * (i) Flag specifying if the password is in the clear. * conference_locked (i) Flag specifying if the conference is locked. * conference_listed (i) Flag specifying if the conference is listed. * conference_conductable * (i) Flag specifying if conference is conductable. * termination_method (i) Flag specifying the termination method. * conduct_privilege_list * (i) Privilege list used by the conductor. * conduct_mode_privilege_list * (i) Privilege list used in conducted mode. * non_conduct_privilege_list * (i) Privilege list used when not in conducted mode. * conference_descriptor * (i) Pointer to the conference descriptor. * number_of_network_addresses * (i) Number of network addresses in list. * local_network_address_list * (i) List of local network addresses. * mcs_interface (i) Pointer to the MCS interface object. * control_sap (i) Pointer to the Node Controller SAP. * owner_object (i) Pointer to the object that created this object. * owner_message_base (i) The number added to all owner callback messages. * packet_coder (i) Pointer to the Packet Coder object used for PDUs * return_value (o) Errors that occur are returned here. * * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error occured. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured. * GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE_NAME - Invalid conference name passed in. * GCC_FAILURE_CREATING_DOMAIN - Failure creating domain. * GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS - Bad network address passed in. * GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS_TYPE - Bad network address type passed in. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* CConf( PGCCConferenceName conference_name, * GCCNumericString conference_modifier, * GCCConfID conference_id, * UINT number_of_network_addresses, * PGCCNetworkAddress * local_network_address_list, * CControlSAP *control_sap, * UINT owner_message_base, * PGCCError return_value); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This is the conference constructor. It is responsible for * initializing all the instance variables used by this class. * It also creates the MCS domain based on the conference id. * Fatal errors are returned from this constructor in the * return value. Note that this constructor is used by nodes that * do not know the CConf specification parameters such as * termination method in advance of conference creation. This is * the case for joining nodes. * * Formal Parameters: * conference_name (i) Structure pointer that holds the confernce name. * conference_modifier (i) Pointer to the conference modifier. * conference_id (i) The assigned conference ID. * number_of_network_addresses * (i) Number of local network addresses in list. * local_network_address_list * (i) List of local network addresses. * control_sap (i) Pointer to the Node Controller SAP. * packet_coder (i) Pointer to the Packet Coder object used for PDUs * return_value (o) Errors that occur are returned here. * * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error occured. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured. * GCC_FAILURE_CREATING_DOMAIN - Failure creating domain. * GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS - Bad network address passed in. * GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS_TYPE - Bad network address type passed in. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfCreateRequest( * TransportAddress calling_address, * TransportAddress called_addrescs, * CPassword *convener_password, * CPassword *password, * LPWSTR pwszCallerID, * PDomainParameters domain_parameters, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, * PConnectionHandle connection_handle) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is called when a Conference Create Request PDU is to be * issued. Note that a local conference can be created by setting the * called address to NULL. * * Formal Parameters: * calling_address (i) Address of the calling node. * called_address (i) Address of the called node. Null for local conf. * convener_password (i) Password used by convener to get back priviliges * password (i) Password needed to join the conference. * caller_identifier (i) Unicode string specifying the caller ID. * domain_parameters (i) The MCS domain parameters. * user_data_list (i) Pointer to a User data list object. * connection_handle (o) The logical connection handle is returned here. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_INVALID_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS - Something wrong with transport address * GCC_FAILURE_ATTACHING_TO_MCS - Failure creating MCS user attachment * GCC_INVALID_ADDRESS_PREFIX - Invalid transport address prefix * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * Passing in NULL for the called address will create a local conference. */
* GCCError ConfCreateResponse( * ConnectionHandle connection_handle, * PDomainParameters domain_parameters, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is called when a Conference Create Response PDU is to be * issued. It should only be issued in response to a * ConferenceCreateRequest. The connection handle is used to match the * request with the response. * * Formal Parameters: * connection_handle (i) Connection handled specified in the request. * domain_parameters (i) The MCS domain parameters. * user_data_list (i) Pointer to a User data list object. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_FAILURE_ATTACHING_TO_MCS - Failure creating MCS user attachment * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfJoinRequest( * GCCNumericString called_node_modifier, * CPassword *convener_password, * CPassword *password_challenge, * LPWSTR pwszCallerID, * TransportAddress calling_address, * TransportAddress called_address, * PDomainParameters domain_parameters, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, * PConnectionHandle connection_handle) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is called when a Conference Join Request PDU is to be * issued. The second constructor defined above should have been * used to create the conference object before the routine is called. * * Formal Parameters: * called_node_modifier(i) The conference modifier at the node being joined * convener_password (i) Password used by convener to get back priviliges * password_challenge (i) Password used to join a conference. * caller_identifier (i) Unicode string specifying the caller ID. * calling_address (i) Address of the calling node. * called_address (i) Address of the called node. * domain_parameters (i) The MCS domain parameters. * user_data_list (i) Pointer to a User data list object. * connection_handle (o) The logical connection handle is returned here. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_INVALID_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS - Something wrong with transport address * GCC_FAILURE_ATTACHING_TO_MCS - Failure creating MCS user attachment * GCC_INVALID_ADDRESS_PREFIX - Invalid transport address prefix * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ForwardConfJoinRequest ( * CPassword *convener_password, * CPassword *password_challange, * LPWSTR pwszCallerID, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, * BOOL numeric_name_present, * ConnectionHandle connection_handle) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is called when a Conference Join Request is to be * forwarded to the Top Provider. This call will be made after an * intermediate node calls Join Response with a successful result * value. * * Formal Parameters: * convener_password (i) Password used by convener to get back priviliges * password_challenge (i) Password used to join a conference. * caller_identifier (i) Unicode string specifying the caller ID. * user_data_list (i) Pointer to a User data list object. * numeric_name_present(i) This flag states that the numeric portion of * the conference name was specified in the * request. Therefore, the text name is returned * in the response. * connection_handle (i) The logical connection handle defined by the * request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_INVALID_CONFERENCE - Returned if this node is the Top * Provider * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfJoinIndResponse( * ConnectionHandle connection_handle, * CPassword *password_challenge, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, * BOOL numeric_name_present, * BOOL convener_is_joining, * GCCResult result) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is called when a Conference Join Response PDU is to be * issued. It is called in response to a ConferenceJoinRequest being * received. * * Formal Parameters: * connection_handle (i) Connection handled specified in the request. * password_challenge (i) Password used when joining a conference. * user_data_list (i) Pointer to a User data list object. * numeric_name_present(i) This flag states that the numeric portion of * the conference name was specified in the * request. Therefore, the text name is returned * in the response. * convener_is_joining (i) Flag stating that the convener is rejoining * the conference. * result (i) Result code to be returned in the response. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS_UNACCEPTABLE - Domain parameters were * unacceptable for this connection. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * If the GCC_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS_UNACCEPTABLE error is returned from this * routine, MCS will automatically reject the connection sending a * result to the other side stating the the Domain Parameters were * unacceptable. */
* GCCError ConfInviteResponse( * UserID parent_user_id, * UserID top_user_id, * TagNumber tag_number, * ConnectionHandle connection_handle, * PDomainParameters domain_parameters, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is called when a Conference Invite Response PDU is to be * issued. It is called in response to an Invite request. * * Formal Parameters: * parent_user_id (i) The MCS user ID of the parent node. * top_user_id (i) The MCS user ID of the Top Provider. * tag_number (i) Tag the matches the request with the response. * connection_handle (i) Connection handled specified in the request. * domain_parameters (i) The MCS domain parameters. * user_data_list (i) Pointer to a User data list object. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_FAILURE_ATTACHING_TO_MCS - Failure creating MCS user * attachment * GCC_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS_UNACCEPTABLE - Domain parameters were * unacceptable for this connection. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* CConf::RegisterAppSap(CAppSap *pAppSap) * * Public Function Description * This routine is called from the owner object whenever an application * SAP becomes a candidate for Enrollment. This will happen whenever * Applications SAPs exists at the same time a conference becomes * established. It will also be called whenever a conference exists * and a new application SAP is created. * * Formal Parameters: * pAppSap (i) Pointer to the application SAP object associated * with the registering Application. * hSap * (i) SAP handle of the registering Application. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* CConf::UnRegisterAppSap(CAppSap *pAppSap) * * Public Function Description * This routine is called from the owner object whenever an application * SAP becomes unavailable due to whatever reason. This routine is * responsible for unenrolling any APEs from any rosters that it might have * used this SAP to enroll with. * * Formal Parameters: * application_sap_handle * (i) SAP handle of the unregistering Application. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_APPLICATION_NOT_REGISTERED - The application was not registered. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError DisconnectProviderIndication( * ConnectionHandle connection_handle) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is called whenever a disconnect indication is received * by GCC. It is used to inform the conference of any logical connections * it that might have gone down. * * Formal Parameters: * connection_handle (i) Logical connection handle that was disconnected * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER - This connection handle is not used * by this conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError DisconnectProviderIndication( * ConnectionHandle connection_handle) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is called whenever a disconnect indication is received * by GCC. It is used to inform the conference of any logical connections * it that might have gone down. * * Formal Parameters: * connection_handle (i) Logical connection handle that was disconnected * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_INVALID_PARAMETER - This connection handle is not used * by this conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfRosterInquireRequest(CBaseSap *) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is used to obtain a conference roster. The conference * roster is delivered to the requesting command target in a Conference * Roster inquire confirm. * * Formal Parameters: * command_target (i) Pointer to object that made the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError AppRosterInquireRequest(GCCSessionKey *, CAppRosterMsg **) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is used to obtain a list of application rosters. This * list is delivered to the requesting SAP through an Application Roster * inquire confirm message. * * Formal Parameters: * session_key (i) Session Key of desired roster. If NULL is * specified then all the available application rosters * are delivered in the confirm. * command_target (i) Pointer to object that made the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* BOOL FlushOutgoingPDU (); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function is used by the owner object to flush any PDUs queued * by the conference object. This routine will all flush PDUs queued * by the User Attachment object. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return value: * TRUE, if there remain un-processed msgs in the conference message queue * FALSE, if all the msgs in the conference msg queue were processed. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* BOOL IsConfEstablished(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * Function informs whether the conference has completed its * establishment process. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * TRUE - Establishment is complete. * FALSE - Establishment is still in process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* BOOL IsConfTopProvider(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * Function informs whether this node is the Top Provider of the * conference. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * TRUE - This node is the Top Provider. * FALSE - This node is NOT the Top Provider. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* BOOL DoesConvenerExists(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function informs whether or not the convener is still joined to * this conference. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * TRUE - There is a convener node joined to the conference. * FALSE - There is NOT a convener node joined to the conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* LPSTR GetNumericConfName(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function returns an internal pointer to a LPSTR string * that holds the numeric conference name. This string should not be * altered by the requesting module. It should also not be used after * the conference is deleted. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * Pointer to the numeric string portion of the Conference Name. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* LPWSTR GetTextConfName(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function returns an internal pointer to the unicode string * that holds the text portion of the conference name. This string should * not be altered by the requesting module. It should also not be used * after the conference is deleted. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * Pointer to the text string portion of the Conference Name. * NULL if no text conference name exists. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* LPSTR GetConfModifier(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function returns an internal pointer to the LPSTR string * that holds the conference name modifier. This string should * not be altered by the requesting module. It should also not be used * after the conference is deleted. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * Pointer to the Conference Name modifier. * NULL if no modifier exists. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* LPWSTR GetConfDescription() * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function returns an internal pointer to the unicode string * that holds the conference descriptor. This string should * not be altered by the requesting module. It should also not be used * after the conference is deleted. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * Pointer to the Conference Descriptor. * NULL if no descriptor exists. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* CNetAddrListContainer *GetNetworkAddressList() * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function returns an internal pointer to the object that holds the * list of local network addresses. This object should * not be altered by the requesting module. It should also not be used * after the conference is deleted. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * Pointer to the Local network address list. * NULL if no descriptor exists. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCConfID GetConfID() * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function returns the conference ID for this conference object. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * The conference ID * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* BOOL IsConfListed(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function informs whether or NOT the conference is listed. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * TRUE - The conference is listed * FALSE - This conference is NOT listed * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* BOOL IsConfPasswordInTheClear(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function informs whether or NOT the conference is using an * in the clear password. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * TRUE - The conference is using a Password in the clear * FALSE - The conference is NOT using a Password in the clear * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* BOOL IsConfLocked(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This function informs whether or NOT the conference is locked. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * TRUE - The conference is locked. * FALSE - The conference is NOT locked. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* These routines live in conf2.cpp */
* GCCError ConfJoinReqResponse( * UserID receiver_id, * CPassword *password_challenge, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, * GCCResult result) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is used when the join request was delivered * through an intermediate node. In this case, the join response is sent * back through the intermediate node. * * Formal Parameters: * receiver_id - (i) The user ID of the intermediate node that * forwarded the join request. This user ID is * used to match the join request with the join * response. * password_challenge * - (i) The password challenge to be delivered to the * joining node. NULL if none should be delivered. * user_data_list - (i) Pointer to a user data object to be delivered * to joiner. NULL if none should be delivered. * result - (i) Result of the join request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfInviteRequest( * LPWSTR pwszCallerID, * TransportAddress calling_address, * TransportAddress called_address, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_list, * PConnectionHandle connection_handle) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is used to issue an invite request. This * can be a command target because the conference at the requesting node * should already be established before the request comes in. * * Formal Parameters: * caller_identifier (i) Unicode string specifying the caller ID. * calling_address (i) Address of the calling node. * called_address (i) Address of the called node. * user_data_list (i) Pointer to a User data list object. * connection_handle (o) The logical connection handle is returned here. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_INVALID_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS - Something wrong with transport address * GCC_INVALID_ADDRESS_PREFIX - Invalid transport address prefix * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfLockRequest () * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is used to issue a lock request to * the conference. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfLockResponse ( * UserID requesting_node, * GCCResult result) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is used to issue a lock response. It * is called in response to a lock request. * * Formal Parameters: * requesting_node - (i) Node ID of node the issued the lock request. * result - (i) Result of lock request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfUnlockRequest () * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is used to issue an unlock request to * the conference. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfUnlockResponse ( * UserID requesting_node, * GCCResult result) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is used to issue an unlock response. It * is called in response to an unlock request. * * Formal Parameters: * requesting_node - (i) ID of node the issued the unlock request. * result - (i) Result of unlock request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfEjectUserRequest ( * UserID ejected_node_id, * GCCReason reason) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is used to eject a user from the * conference. Note that the user must have the appropriate priviliges * to perform the eject. * * Formal Parameters: * ejected_node_id - (i) ID of node to be ejected. * reason - (i) Reason for ejection * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfAnnouncePresenceRequest( * PGCCNodeRecord node_record) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when the Node Controller * announces its presence with the conference. This request will * generate a roster report PDU and indication. * * Formal Parameters: * node_record - (i) Structure containing the complete node * record for the requesting node controller. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_BAD_NETWORK_ADDRESS - If an invalid network address is * passed in as part of the record. * GCC_BAD_USER_DATA - If an invalid user data list is * passed in as part of the record. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfDisconnectRequest(void) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when the Node Controller * wishes to disconnect the node from the conference. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * If this node is the Top Provider the conference will be terminated * on all nodes. */
* GCCError ConfTerminateRequest( * GCCReason reason) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when the Node Controller * wishes to terminate the conference. This will eventually cause * the object to be deleted if successful. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError AppEnrollRequest( * CAppSap * pAppSap, * PGCCSessionKey session_key, * PGCCApplicationRecord application_record, * BOOL application_enrolled, * UINT number_of_capabilities, * PGCCApplicationCapability FAR * * capabilities_list) * * Public Function Description * This function is called when a User Application wishes to enroll with * the conference (or wishes to UnEnroll with it). This call will * initiate a roster update if the conference is established. * * Formal Parameters: * application_sap_handle * (i) SAP handle of the enrolling Application. Used * for the entity ID. * session_key (i) Session key of the enrolling application * application_record (i) Structure that defines the Application * attributes. * application_enrolled * (i) Is the application enrolling or unenrolling? * number_of_capabilities * (i) Number of Application capabilities in list. * capabilities_list (i) Actual list of capabilities. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR: - No error * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - Resource error occured * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError RegistryRegisterChannelRequest( * PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, * ChannelID channel_id, * CAppSap *app_sap) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by an application wishing to * register a channel with the conference. Here the application must * supply the channel. * * Formal Parameters: * registry_key - (i) Pointer to structure that holds registry key. * channel_id - (i) Channel ID to be registered. * app_sap - (i) The Command Target that is making the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_BAD_REGISTRY_KEY - The registry key is invalid. * GCC_APP_NOT_ENROLLED - Requesting application is not * enrolled with the conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError RegistryAssignTokenRequest( * PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, * CAppSap *app_sap); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by an application wishing to * register a token with the conference. Here the token is supplied by * the conference. * * Formal Parameters: * registry_key - (i) Pointer to structure that holds registry key. * app_sap - (i) The Command Target that is making the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_BAD_REGISTRY_KEY - The registry key is invalid. * GCC_APP_NOT_ENROLLED - Requesting application is not * enrolled with the conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError RegistrySetParameterRequest ( * PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, * LPOSTR parameter_value, * GCCModificationRights modification_rights, * CAppSap *app_sap); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by an application wishing to * register a parameter with the conference. Here the token is supplied by * the conference. * * Formal Parameters: * registry_key - (i) Pointer to structure that holds registry key. * parameter_value - (i) Parameter to be registered * modification_rights-(i) Modification rights on the parameter. * app_sap - (i) The Command Target that is making the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_BAD_REGISTRY_KEY - The registry key is invalid. * GCC_APP_NOT_ENROLLED - Requesting application is not * enrolled with the conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError RegistryRetrieveEntryRequest( * PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, * CAppSap *app_sap) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by an application wishing to * retrieve a registry entry. * * Formal Parameters: * registry_key - (i) Pointer to structure that holds registry key. * app_sap - (i) The Command Target that is making the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_BAD_REGISTRY_KEY - The registry key is invalid. * GCC_APP_NOT_ENROLLED - Requesting application is not * enrolled with the conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError RegistryDeleteEntryRequest( * PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, * CAppSap *app_sap); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by an application wishing to * delete a registry entry. * * Formal Parameters: * registry_key - (i) Pointer to structure that holds registry key. * app_sap - (i) The Command Target that is making the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_BAD_REGISTRY_KEY - The registry key is invalid. * GCC_APP_NOT_ENROLLED - Requesting application is not * enrolled with the conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError RegistryMonitorRequest( * BOOL enable_delivery, * PGCCRegistryKey registry_key, * CAppSap *app_sap) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by an application wishing to * delete a registry entry. * * Formal Parameters: * enable_delivery - (i) Toggle used to turn on and off monitoring of * an entry. * registry_key - (i) Pointer to structure that holds registry key. * app_sap - (i) The Command Target that is making the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_BAD_REGISTRY_KEY - The registry key is invalid. * GCC_APP_NOT_ENROLLED - Requesting application is not * enrolled with the conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError RegistryAllocateHandleRequest( * UINT number_of_handles, * CAppSap *app_sap) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by an application that needs * to allocate a certain number of parameters. * * Formal Parameters: * number_of_handles - (i) Number of handles to allocate. * app_sap - (i) The Command Target that is making the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_BAD_REGISTRY_KEY - The registry key is invalid. * GCC_APP_NOT_ENROLLED - Requesting application is not * enrolled with the conference. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConductorAssignRequest(); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wants to become * the conductor. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConductorReleaseRequest() * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wants to give up * conductorship. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConductorPleaseRequest() * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wants to request * the conductorship token from another node. * * Formal Parameters: * None. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConductorGiveRequest( * UserID recipient_node_id) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wants to give * the conductorship token to another node. Usually called in response * to a please request. * * Formal Parameters: * recipient_node_id - (i) User ID of node to give conductorship to. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConductorGiveResponse( * GCCResult result) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called after a node has received a * give indication. This response informs the conference of whether or * not this node is accepting the conductorship token. * * Formal Parameters: * result - (i) If the node is accepting conductorship the result * will be set to GCC_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_NO_GIVE_RESPONSE_PENDING - A give indication was never issued. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConductorPermitAskRequest( * BOOL grant_permission) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wants permission * from the conductor. The definition of permission may vary from * application to application. * * Formal Parameters: * grant_permission - (i) Flag stating whether permission is being * requested or given up. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConductorPermitGrantRequest( * UINT number_granted, * PUserID granted_node_list, * UINT number_waiting, * PUserID waiting_node_list); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by the conductor when * permission is being granted to a node or list of nodes. * * Formal Parameters: * number_granted - (i) The number of nodes granted permission. * granted_node_list - (i) List of nodes granted permission. * number_waiting - (i) The number of nodes waiting for permission. * waiting_node_list - (i) List of nodes waiting for permission. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConductorInquireRequest(CBaseSap *pSap); * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when conductorship information * is required by a SAP. * * Formal Parameters: * pSap - (i) SAP making the request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConferenceTimeRemainingRequest ( * UINT time_remaining, * UserID node_id) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called to inform all the nodes in * the conference how much time is left in the conference. * * Formal Parameters: * time_remaining - (i) Time in miliseconds left in the conference. * node_id - (i) node_id of node to deliver time remaining * indication. NULL if it should go to all nodes. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfTimeInquireRequest ( * BOOL time_is_conference_wide) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called by a node that wants to * know how much time is remaining in a timed conference. * * Formal Parameters: * time_is_conference_wide - (i) TRUE if time is for entire conference. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfExtendRequest ( * UINT extension_time, * BOOL time_is_conference_wide) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when the time left in the * conference is to be extended. * * Formal Parameters: * extension_time - (i) Extension time. * time_is_conference_wide - (i) TRUE if time is for entire conference. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfAssistanceRequest( * UINT number_of_user_data_members, * PGCCUserData * user_data_list) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wishes to request * assistance. * * Formal Parameters: * number_of_user_data_members - (i) number of user data members in list. * user_data_list - (i) list of user data members. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError AppInvokeRequest( * CInvokeSpecifierListContainer *invoke_list, * UINT number_of_destination_nodes, * UserID *list_of_destination_nodes, * CBaseSap *pSap) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wishes to invoke * a list of applications on remote node or nodes. * * Formal Parameters: * invoke_list - (i) list of applications to invoke. * number_of_destination_nodes - (i) number of nodes in destination list * list_of_destination_nodes - (i) list of destination user IDs * command_target - (i) Command Target that made the request * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError TextMessageRequest ( * LPWSTR pwszTextMsg, * UserID destination_node ) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wishes to deliver * a text message to a remote node. * * Formal Parameters: * pwszTextMsg - (i) the actual text message in unicode. * destination_node - (i) Node ID of node receiving message * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfTransferRequest ( * PGCCConferenceName destination_conference_name, * GCCNumericString destination_conference_modifier, * CNetAddrListContainer *network_address_list, * UINT number_of_destination_nodes, * PUserID destination_node_list, * CPassword *password) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wishes transfer a * list of nodes to another conference. * * Formal Parameters: * destination_conference_name - (i) Name of conference to transfer to. * destination_conference_modifier-(i) Name of modifier to transfer to. * network_address_list - (i) Address list of new conference. * number_of_destination_nodes - (i) Number of nodes to transfer * destination_node_list - (i) List of nodes to transfer. * password - (i) Password needed to join new conf. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfAddRequest ( * CNetAddrListContainer *network_address_container, * UserID adding_node, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_container) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wishes add a new * node to the conference. * * Formal Parameters: * network_address_container - (i) Address of node to add. * adding_node - (i) Node to perform the invite. If * zero then Top Provider does the * invite. * user_data_container - (i) Container holding user data to be * passed in the add request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */
* GCCError ConfAddResponse ( * GCCResponseTag add_response_tag, * UserID requesting_node, * CUserDataListContainer *user_data_container, * GCCResult result) * * Public member function of CConf * * Function Description * This Command Target function is called when a node wishes to respond * to an add request. This response should be done after the invite * sequence is complete (unless result is not successful). * * Formal Parameters: * add_response_tag - (i) Tag used to match request with response. * requesting_node - (i) Node that made the original add request. * user_data_container - (i) Container holding user data to be * passed in the add response. * result - (i) The result of the Add request. * * Return Value * GCC_NO_ERROR - No error. * GCC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE - A resource error occured. * GCC_CONFERENCE_NOT_ESTABLISHED - CConf object has not completed * its establishment process. * GCC_INVALID_ADD_RESPONSE_TAG - There was no match of the response tag * * Side Effects * None. * * Caveats * None. */