#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h> // for system()
void ProcessGuidFile( char *pszFileName, DWORD*, BOOL ); CHAR* ProcessChunk( CHAR*, CHAR*, int* );
int main(void) { CHAR *pbuff = NULL, *pStart; HANDLE hFile, hChecksumFile, hExistingFile; DWORD dwSize, dw, i; DWORD dwOrigCheckSum, dwNewCheckSum = 0; CHAR szCurDir[512], szBuildDir[512], *pDir;
// Change the current directory to the build directory
dw = GetCurrentDirectory( 512, szCurDir ); if( !dw ) return -1; strcpy( szBuildDir, szCurDir );
strcat(szBuildDir, "\\..\\..\\build"); /*
// 1st try to find a "build" directory below the root and 1st level
pDir = szBuildDir; i = 0; while( pDir < &szBuildDir[dw] ) { if( *pDir++ == '\\' ) { i++; if( i == 2 ) break; } }
strcpy( pDir, "build" ); *(pDir+5) = '\0'; */ if( !SetCurrentDirectory( szBuildDir ) ) { // now search for a build directory under "sapi" or "sapi5"
strcpy( szBuildDir, szCurDir ); _strlwr( szBuildDir ); pDir = strstr( szBuildDir, "sapi" ); if( !pDir ) { return -1; } else { if( *(pDir+4) == '5' ) { strcpy( pDir+5, "\\build" ); *(pDir+11) = '\0'; } else { strcpy( pDir+4, "\\build" ); *(pDir+10) = '\0'; } if( !SetCurrentDirectory( szBuildDir ) ) { return -1; } } }
// read checksum information if available
hChecksumFile = CreateFile( "checksum.bin", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, NULL ); if( hChecksumFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ReadFile( hChecksumFile, &dwOrigCheckSum, sizeof(dwOrigCheckSum), &dw, NULL ); CloseHandle( hChecksumFile );
// make sure sapiguid.lib exists - BUGBUG - change to i386 for intel
hExistingFile = CreateFile( "..\\sdk\\lib\\i386\\sapiguid.lib", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hExistingFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { dwOrigCheckSum = 0; } else { CloseHandle( hExistingFile ); } } else { dwOrigCheckSum = 0; }
// open file that contains the list of files to process
hFile = CreateFile( "guidfiles.txt", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { dwSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if( dwSize != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { pbuff = new CHAR [dwSize]; }
if( pbuff ) { // read the names of the files we want to process
ReadFile( hFile, pbuff, dwSize, &dw, NULL ); pStart = pbuff; for( i = 0; i < dwSize; i++ ) { // parse file names form the file and process each one
if( *(pbuff+i) == 13 ) { *(pbuff+i) = '\0'; ProcessGuidFile( pStart, &dwNewCheckSum, true ); pStart = pbuff + i + 2; } }
if( dwOrigCheckSum != dwNewCheckSum ) { pStart = pbuff; for( i = 0; i < dwSize; i++ ) { // parse file names form the file and process each one
if( *(pbuff+i) == '\0' ) { ProcessGuidFile( pStart, 0, false ); pStart = pbuff + i + 2; } } hChecksumFile = CreateFile( "checksum.bin", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, NULL ); if( hChecksumFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { WriteFile( hChecksumFile, &dwNewCheckSum, sizeof(dwNewCheckSum), &dw, NULL ); CloseHandle( hChecksumFile ); } system( "cl /c /Ycprecomp.h GuidSep\\precomp.c" ); system( "cl /c /Zl /Yuprecomp.h GuidSep\\*.c" ); system( "link /lib *.obj /out:..\\sdk\\lib\\i386\\sapiguid.lib" ); // BUGBUG - change this to i386 for intel
system( "del *.obj" ); system( "del *.pch" ); system( "del GuidSep\\SAPI5_guid_*.c" ); } delete [] pbuff; } CloseHandle( hFile );
// reset working directory
SetCurrentDirectory( szCurDir ); return 0; }
void ProcessGuidFile( char *pszFileName, DWORD *pdwCheckSum, BOOL bDoCheckSum ) { static int count = 0; CHAR *pbuff = NULL, *pTmp, *pEndStream; HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwSize, dw, i; hFile = CreateFile( pszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { dwSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if( dwSize != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { pbuff = new CHAR [dwSize]; }
if( pbuff ) { pEndStream = pbuff + dwSize; ReadFile( hFile, pbuff, dwSize, &dw, NULL ); if( bDoCheckSum ) { for( i = 0; i < dwSize; i++ ) { // checksum must skip over comments because midl places a time stamp
// in generated files
if( *(pbuff+i) == '/' ) { if( *(pbuff+i+1) == '*' ) { i+=2; if( i >= dwSize ) break; do { while( *(pbuff+i) != '*' ) i++; if( i >= dwSize ) break; } while (*(pbuff+i+1) != '/' ); i += 2; } } (*pdwCheckSum) += *(pbuff + i); } } else { pTmp = pbuff; while( pTmp = ProcessChunk( pTmp, pEndStream, &count ) ) ; } delete [] pbuff; } CloseHandle( hFile ); } }
CHAR* ProcessChunk( CHAR* pStream, CHAR * pEndStream, int *pCount ) { if( pStream >= pEndStream ) return NULL; CHAR *pTmp = pStream; CHAR szOutputName[50]; HANDLE hOutputFile; DWORD dw;
// remove leading or trailing white space
while( *pTmp == ' ' || *pTmp == '\t' || *pTmp == 10 || *pTmp == 13 ) pTmp++; if( pStream >= pEndStream ) return NULL;
// search for the keyword "const"
if( !strncmp( pTmp, "const ", 6 ) ) { pTmp += 6; // remove additional white space
while( *pTmp == ' ' || *pTmp == '\t' ) pTmp++;
// search for keywords "IID" or "CLSID" or "GUID"
if( !strncmp( pTmp, "IID ", 4 ) || !strncmp( pTmp, "CLSID ", 6 ) || !strncmp( pTmp, "GUID ", 5 ) ) { sprintf( szOutputName,"GuidSep\\SAPI5_guid_%03d.c", *pCount ); (*pCount)++; hOutputFile = CreateFile( szOutputName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hOutputFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { WriteFile( hOutputFile, "#include \"precomp.h\"\n", strlen("#include \"precomp.h\"\n"), &dw, NULL ); while( *pTmp != ';' ) { pTmp++; if( pTmp > pEndStream ) return NULL; } WriteFile( hOutputFile, pStream, pTmp - pStream + 1, &dw, NULL ); CloseHandle( hOutputFile ); while( *pTmp != 10 ) *pTmp++; pTmp++; } } else { // next line
while( *pTmp != 10 ) *pTmp++; pTmp++; } } else { // next line
while( *pTmp != '\n' ) { // eliminate any comment blocks
if( *pTmp == '/' ) { if( pTmp+1 <= pEndStream && (*(pTmp+1) == '*') ) { pTmp += 2; do { while( *pTmp != '*' ) pTmp++; if( pTmp > pEndStream ) return NULL; } while (*(pTmp+1) != '/' ); pTmp+=2; continue; } } pTmp++; if( pTmp > pEndStream ) return NULL; } } return pTmp; }