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// DBconvert - A simple command line tool to convert between the two
// prompt database formats.
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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include "msprompteng.h"
#include "msprompteng_i.c"
void Error(const WCHAR* msg) { wprintf(L"ERROR - %s\n", msg); }
// TODO: should use multibyte text convert.
// a quick hack to convert commandline arguments to WCHAR's.
WCHAR* PlainToWide(const char* str) { WCHAR* tmp; unsigned int i; tmp = (WCHAR*) malloc(sizeof(WCHAR) * (strlen(str) + 1));
for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) tmp[i] = (WCHAR) str[i]; tmp[i] = 0;
return tmp; }
bool FileExists(WCHAR* filename) { FILE* fp; fp = _wfopen(filename, L"rb");
if (fp) { fclose(fp); return true; } return false; }
void main(int argc, char** argv) { IPromptDb* db; WCHAR* source; WCHAR* destination; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; int f_convertToNew = 0; int f_convertToOld = 0;
if (argc == 4) {
// process command line arguments
f_convertToNew = (0 == strcmp("-new", argv[1])); f_convertToOld = (0 == strcmp("-old", argv[1]));
source = PlainToWide(argv[2]); destination = PlainToWide(argv[3]);
// check for file existence
if (! FileExists(source)) { wprintf(L"ERROR - %s doesn't exist\n", source); } else if (FileExists(destination)) { wprintf(L"ERROR - %s exists\n", destination); } else { if (f_convertToNew || f_convertToOld) { wprintf(L"Prompt Engine Database Conversion "); if (SUCCEEDED(::CoInitialize(NULL))) { if (SUCCEEDED(::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_PromptDb, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IPromptDb, (void**) &db))) { // TODO: I should use DB_LOAD_WITH_WRITE defined in CPromptDb.
// I use IPromptDb directly instead of MsPromptEng, and so some enums are invisible
// with simply including promptdb.h .
if (SUCCEEDED(db->AddDb(L"DEFAULT", source, 2 /* = DB_LOAD_WITH_WRITE */))) { // read database
db->ActivateDbName(L"DEFAULT"); wprintf(L"%s -> %s ", source, destination); if (f_convertToNew) hr = db->UpdateDb(destination); // save to new format
else hr = db->UpdateDbOldFormat(destination); // save to old format
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) wprintf(L"success\n"); else wprintf(L"failure\n"); } else { Error(L"bad database format"); } db->Release(); } else { Error(L"cannot load PromptDb COM object"); } ::CoUninitialize(); } else { Error(L"cannot initialize COM library"); } } else { printf("ERROR - illegal switch \"%s\". use \"-new\" or \"-old\".\n", argv[1]); }
free(source); free(destination); } else { // help message
wprintf(L"DBconvert usage:\n"); wprintf(L"dbconvert -new <source (new/old)> <destination (new)>\n"); wprintf(L"dbconvert -old <source (new/old)> <destination (old)>\n"); } }