* slm.cpp * *---------* * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (c) 1997 Entropic Research Laboratory, Inc. * Copyright (C) 1998 Entropic, Inc * Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Date: 03/02/00 * All Rights Reserved * ********************************************************************* PACOG ***/ #include "backendInt.h"
#include "SpeakerData.h"
#include "UnitSearch.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define MAX_F0 500
#define MIN_F0 40
#define LOW_F0_RATIO 1.0
#define HIGH_F0_RATIO 1.0
#define F0_RATIO_INC 0.05
#define F0_WEIGHT 0.8
struct DPUnit { double f0; double f0Zs; double f0Ratio; double acumCost; double targCost; double modCost; int iPrevCand; };
struct DPList { std::vector<DPUnit> cands; double targF0Zs; int iBestPath; };
struct NewF0Struct { double f0; double time; };
struct DurStruct { double ratio; double runTime; double chunkTime; };
// Implementation of virtual class CSlm
class CSlmImp : CSlm { public: CSlmImp (int iOptions); ~CSlmImp ();
int Load (const char *pszFileName, bool fCheckVersion); void Unload ();
int GetSampFreq (); int GetSampFormat (); bool GetSynthMethod() { return m_pSpeakerData->GetSynthMethod(); } bool GetPhoneSetFlag() {return m_pSpeakerData->GetPhoneSetFlag(); } void SetFrontEndFlag() { m_pSpeakerData->SetFrontEndFlag(); }
void SetF0Weight (float fWeight); void SetDurWeight (float fWeight); void SetRmsWeight (float fWeight); void SetLklWeight (float fWeight); void SetContWeight (float fWeight); void SetSameSegWeight (float fWeight); void SetPhBdrWeight (float fWeight); void SetF0BdrWeight (float fWeight); void GetTtpParam (int* piBaseLine, int* piRefLine, int* piTopLine);
int Process (Phone* phList, int nPh, double startTime);
CSynth* GetUnit (int iUnitIndex);
ChkDescript* GetChunk (int iChunkIndex); //For command line slm
void PreComputeDist(); void CalculateF0Ratio (); void GetNewF0 (float** ppfF0, int* piNumF0, int iF0SampFreq);
private: void GetNeighborF0s ( double dTime, std::vector<NewF0Struct>* pvNewF0, double* pdLeftF0, double* pdLeftOffset, double* pdRightF0, double* pdRightOffset, int* piLastIdx ); void GetCandicates ( int iIdx, DPList *pDpLink ); void GetAvgF0(); void ComputeDPInfo ( DPList* pPrevLink, DPList& rCurLink); void GetUnitF0Ratio(); void FindBdrF0 (double* pdLeftF0, double* pdRightF0, int idx);
double m_dAvgTargF0; double m_dAvgSrcF0;
private: CSpeakerData* m_pSpeakerData; CUnitSearch* m_pUnitSearch; ChkDescript* m_pChunks; int m_iNumChunks; int m_iOptions; };
* CSlm::ClassFactory * *--------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ CSlm* CSlm::ClassFactory (int iOptions) { return new CSlmImp( iOptions ); }
* CSlmImp::CSlmImp * *------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
CSlmImp::CSlmImp( int iOptions ) { m_pSpeakerData = 0; m_iOptions = iOptions; m_pChunks = 0; m_iNumChunks = 0; }
* CSlmImp::~CSlmImp * *-------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
CSlmImp::~CSlmImp ( ) { if (m_pChunks) { free (m_pChunks); m_pChunks = 0; m_iNumChunks = 0; } Unload (); }
* CSlmImp::Load * *---------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int CSlmImp::Load(const char *pszFileName, bool fCheckVersion) { assert (pszFileName); if ((m_pSpeakerData = CSpeakerData::ClassFactory( pszFileName, fCheckVersion )) != 0) { if ((m_pUnitSearch = new CUnitSearch(m_iOptions & CSlm::DynSearch, m_iOptions & CSlm::Blend, m_iOptions & CSlm::UseTargetF0, m_iOptions & CSlm::UseGain)) != 0) { // if (m_pSpeakerData->Load (m_pUnitSearch, checkVersion))
{ m_pUnitSearch->SetSpeakerData(m_pSpeakerData); return 1; } } } return 0; }
* CSlmImp::Unload * *-----------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
void CSlmImp::Unload ( ) { if (m_pSpeakerData) { m_pSpeakerData->Release(); m_pSpeakerData = 0; } if (m_pUnitSearch) { delete m_pUnitSearch; m_pUnitSearch = 0; } }
* CSlmImp::GetTtpParam * *----------------------* * Description: * Return Prosody Range Parameters ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ void CSlmImp::GetTtpParam (int* piBaseLine, int* piRefLine, int* piTopLine) { m_pSpeakerData->GetTtpParam(piBaseLine, piRefLine, piTopLine);
* CSlmImp::GetSampFreq * *----------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int CSlmImp::GetSampFreq () { return m_pSpeakerData->GetSampFreq(); }
* CSlmImp::GetSampFormat * *------------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int CSlmImp::GetSampFormat () { return m_pSpeakerData->GetSampFormat(); }
* CSlmImp::SetF0Weight * *----------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ void CSlmImp::SetF0Weight (float fWeight) { m_pSpeakerData->SetF0Weight( fWeight); }
* CSlmImp::SetDurWeight * *-----------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ void CSlmImp::SetDurWeight (float fWeight) { m_pSpeakerData->SetDurWeight( fWeight); }
* CSlmImp::SetRmsWeight * *-----------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ void CSlmImp::SetRmsWeight (float fWeight) { m_pSpeakerData->SetRmsWeight( fWeight); }
* CSlmImp::SetLklWeight * *-----------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ void CSlmImp::SetLklWeight (float fWeight) { m_pSpeakerData->SetLklWeight( fWeight); }
* CSlmImp::SetContWeight * *------------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ void CSlmImp::SetContWeight (float fWeight) { m_pSpeakerData->SetContWeight( fWeight); }
* CSlmImp::SetSameSegWeight * *---------------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ void CSlmImp::SetSameSegWeight (float fWeight) { m_pSpeakerData->SetSameWeight( fWeight); }
* CSlmImp::SetPhBdrWeight * *-------------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* WD ******/ void CSlmImp::SetPhBdrWeight (float fWeight) { m_pSpeakerData->SetPhBdrWeight( fWeight); }
* CSlmImp::SetF0BdrWeight * *-------------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* WD ******/ void CSlmImp::SetF0BdrWeight (float fWeight) { m_pSpeakerData->SetF0BdrWeight( fWeight); }
* CSlmImp::PreComputeDist * *-------------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ void CSlmImp::PreComputeDist () { if (m_pUnitSearch && m_pSpeakerData) { m_pUnitSearch->SetSpeakerData(m_pSpeakerData); } }
* CSlmImp::Process * *------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int CSlmImp::Process (Phone* pPhList, int iNumPh, double dStartTime) { if (m_pChunks) { free (m_pChunks); m_pChunks = 0; m_iNumChunks = 0; }
if (!m_pUnitSearch->Search (pPhList, iNumPh, &m_pChunks, &m_iNumChunks, dStartTime)) { return 0; }
return m_iNumChunks; }
* CSlmImp::GetChunk * *-------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ ChkDescript* CSlmImp::GetChunk(int iChunkIndex) { return &m_pChunks[iChunkIndex]; }
* CSlmImp::GetUnit * *------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ CSynth* CSlmImp::GetUnit (int iUnitIndex) { CSynth* pSynth = 0;
return m_pSpeakerData->GetUnit(&m_pChunks[iUnitIndex]); }
* CSlmImp::GetNewF0 * *-------------------* * * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSlmImp::GetNewF0 (float** ppfF0, int* piNumF0, int iF0SampFreq) { assert ( iF0SampFreq > 0 );
std::vector<NewF0Struct> vF0; std::vector<NewF0Struct> vNewF0; std::vector<DurStruct> vDurRatio; DurStruct durRatio; NewF0Struct f0Struct;
int i; int iLastIdx = 0; double dTime = 0.0; double dF0Step = 1.0 / (double) iF0SampFreq; // in second
double dLeftF0; double dLeftOffset; double dRightF0; double dRightOffset; CSynth* pSynth = 0;
//--- clean old f0
if ( *ppfF0 ) { delete[] *ppfF0; *ppfF0 = NULL; }
//--- get unit f0 ratio, using 3-point averaging tech
for ( i = 0; i < m_iNumChunks; i++ ) { m_pChunks[ i ].f0Ratio = 1.0; } GetUnitF0Ratio();
//--- use original target duration
double dRunTime = 0; double dPrevTime = 0; memset ( &durRatio, 0, sizeof( durRatio ) );
//--- first, resample the f0 values of units
for ( i = 0; i < m_iNumChunks; i++ ) { pSynth = m_pSpeakerData->GetUnit(&m_pChunks[ i ]); pSynth->GetNewF0( &vNewF0, &dTime, &dRunTime ); if ( dTime - dPrevTime > 0 && dRunTime - durRatio.runTime > 0 ) { durRatio.ratio = ( dTime - dPrevTime ) / ( dRunTime - durRatio.runTime ); } else { durRatio.ratio = 1; } dPrevTime = dTime; durRatio.runTime = dRunTime; durRatio.chunkTime = dTime; vDurRatio.push_back ( durRatio ); delete pSynth; pSynth = 0; } iLastIdx = 0; for ( i = 0; i < int (dTime / dF0Step ); i++ ) { GetNeighborF0s ( (i + 1) * dF0Step, &vNewF0, &dLeftF0, &dLeftOffset, &dRightF0, &dRightOffset, &iLastIdx ); if ( dRightOffset + dLeftOffset > 0 ) { f0Struct.f0 = (float) ( (dLeftF0 * dRightOffset + dRightF0 * dLeftOffset ) / ( dRightOffset + dLeftOffset ) ); } else { f0Struct.f0 = 100.0; } f0Struct.time = (i + 1) * dF0Step; vF0.push_back ( f0Struct ); } vNewF0.resize( 0 );
//--- next, get new f0 values
*piNumF0 = int ( vDurRatio[ vDurRatio.size() - 1 ].runTime / dF0Step ); *ppfF0 = new float[ *piNumF0 ]; if (*ppfF0 ) { int idx = 0; double dChunkSt = 0; double dTargSt = 0; double dChunkTime = 0; dTime = 0;
while ( dF0Step > vDurRatio[ idx ].runTime ) { idx++; if ( idx >= vDurRatio.size() ) { idx--; break; } } iLastIdx = 0; for ( i = 0; i < *piNumF0; i++ ) { dTime += dF0Step; if ( idx > 0 ) { dChunkSt = vDurRatio[ idx - 1 ].chunkTime; dTargSt = vDurRatio[ idx - 1 ].runTime; } dChunkTime = dChunkSt + ( dTime - dTargSt ) * vDurRatio[ idx ].ratio; GetNeighborF0s ( dChunkTime, &vF0, &dLeftF0, &dLeftOffset, &dRightF0, &dRightOffset, &iLastIdx ); if ( dRightOffset + dLeftOffset > 0 ) { (*ppfF0)[ i ] = (short) ( (dLeftF0 * dRightOffset + dRightF0 * dLeftOffset ) / ( dRightOffset + dLeftOffset ) ); } else { (*ppfF0)[ i ] = 100.0; }
while ( (i + 1) * dF0Step > vDurRatio[ idx ].runTime ) { idx++; if ( idx >= vDurRatio.size() ) { idx--; break; } } } }
vDurRatio.resize( 0 ); vF0.resize( 0 ); m_pSpeakerData->ResetRunTime(); }
* CSlmImp::GetNeighborF0s * *--------------------------* * * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSlmImp::GetNeighborF0s ( double dTime, std::vector<NewF0Struct>* pvNewF0, double* pdLeftF0, double* pdLeftOffset, double* pdRightF0, double* pdRightOffset, int* piLastIdx ) { for ( int i = *piLastIdx; i < pvNewF0->size(); i++ ) { if ( (*pvNewF0)[ i ].time >= dTime ) { if ( i - 1 < 0 ) { *pdLeftF0 = 0; *pdRightF0 = (*pvNewF0)[ i ].f0; *pdLeftOffset = (*pvNewF0)[ i ].time; *pdRightOffset = 0; } else { *pdLeftF0 = (*pvNewF0)[ i - 1 ].f0; *pdRightF0 = (*pvNewF0)[ i ].f0; *pdLeftOffset = dTime - (*pvNewF0)[ i - 1 ].time; *pdRightOffset = (*pvNewF0)[ i ].time - dTime; } break; } } *piLastIdx = i; }
* CSlmImp::CalculateF0Ratio * *---------------------------* * Description: skip unit with srcF0 = 0 * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSlmImp::CalculateF0Ratio () { std::vector<DPList> dpList; DPList dpLink; int iPrevIdx = -1; // the last cand with non-zero f0
int i;
GetAvgF0 ();
for ( i = 0; i < m_iNumChunks; i++ ) { dpLink.cands.resize ( 0 ); GetCandicates ( i, &dpLink );
if ( i > 0 ) { if ( dpLink.cands.size() > 1 ) { if ( iPrevIdx < 0 ) { ComputeDPInfo ( NULL, dpLink ); } else { ComputeDPInfo ( &dpList[ iPrevIdx ], dpLink ); } iPrevIdx = i; } } else { if ( dpLink.cands.size() > 1 ) { ComputeDPInfo ( NULL, dpLink ); iPrevIdx = i; } }
dpList.push_back ( dpLink ); } //--- find optimal path
i = m_iNumChunks - 1; iPrevIdx = -1; int iCurIdx;
iCurIdx = dpList[ i ].iBestPath; if ( dpList[ i ].cands.size() > 1 ) { iPrevIdx = dpList[ i ].cands[ iCurIdx ].iPrevCand; } m_pChunks[ i ].f0Ratio = dpList[ i ].cands[ iCurIdx ].f0Ratio; i--;
for ( ; i >= 0; i-- ) { iCurIdx = dpList[ i ].iBestPath; if ( dpList[ i ].cands.size() > 1 ) { if ( iPrevIdx >= 0 ) { iCurIdx = iPrevIdx; } iPrevIdx = dpList[ i ].cands[ iCurIdx ].iPrevCand; } m_pChunks[ i ].f0Ratio = dpList[ i ].cands[ iCurIdx ].f0Ratio; }
//--- free memory
for ( i = 0; i < dpList.size(); i++ ) { dpList[ i ].cands.resize ( 0 ); } dpList.resize( 0 );
* CSlmImp::ComputeDPInfo * *------------------------* * Description: * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSlmImp::ComputeDPInfo ( DPList* pPrevLink, DPList& rCurLink) { DPUnit candIseg; DPUnit candJseg; int nCandI; int nCandJ; double dMinCost; double dTotalMinCost; double dAcumCost; double dJointCost;
nCandI = rCurLink.cands.size(); if ( pPrevLink ) { nCandJ = pPrevLink->cands.size(); } rCurLink.iBestPath = -1; dTotalMinCost = DBL_MAX;
for ( int i = 0; i < nCandI; i++ ) { candIseg = rCurLink.cands[ i ]; if ( pPrevLink ) { dMinCost = DBL_MAX; for ( int j = 0; j < nCandJ; j++ ) { candJseg = pPrevLink->cands[ j ]; dJointCost = fabs ( ( candIseg.f0Zs - candJseg.f0Zs ) - ( rCurLink.targF0Zs - pPrevLink->targF0Zs ) );
//--- acum cost
dAcumCost = dJointCost + pPrevLink->cands[ j ].acumCost + rCurLink.cands[ i ].targCost; dAcumCost += F0_WEIGHT * ( rCurLink.cands[ i ].modCost + pPrevLink->cands[ j ].modCost );
if ( dAcumCost < dMinCost ) { dMinCost = dAcumCost; rCurLink.cands[ i ].iPrevCand = j; } } rCurLink.cands[ i ].acumCost = dMinCost; } else { rCurLink.cands[ i ].iPrevCand = 0; rCurLink.cands[ i ].acumCost = rCurLink.cands[ i ].targCost; }
if ( dTotalMinCost > rCurLink.cands[ i ].acumCost ) { dTotalMinCost = rCurLink.cands[ i ].acumCost; rCurLink.iBestPath = i; } } }
* CSlmImp::GetAvgF0 * *-------------------* * Description: * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSlmImp::GetAvgF0() { int iNumTargF0 = 0; int iNumSrcF0 = 0; m_dAvgTargF0 = 0.0; m_dAvgSrcF0 = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_iNumChunks; i++ ) { if ( m_pChunks[ i ].srcF0 > 0 ) { m_dAvgSrcF0 += m_pChunks[ i ].srcF0; iNumSrcF0++; }
if ( m_pChunks[ i ].targF0 > 0 ) { m_dAvgTargF0 += m_pChunks[ i ].targF0; iNumTargF0++; } } if ( iNumSrcF0 > 0 ) { m_dAvgSrcF0 /= iNumSrcF0; } if ( iNumTargF0 > 0 ) { m_dAvgTargF0 /= iNumTargF0; }
* CSlmImp::GetCandicates * *------------------------* * Description: * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSlmImp::GetCandicates ( int idx, DPList *pDpLink ) { DPUnit dpCand; double dF0;
pDpLink->targF0Zs = ( m_pChunks[ idx ].targF0 - m_dAvgTargF0 ) / m_dAvgTargF0; pDpLink->iBestPath = 0;
for ( double d = LOW_F0_RATIO; d <= HIGH_F0_RATIO; d += F0_RATIO_INC ) { memset ( &dpCand, 0, sizeof ( DPUnit ) ); if ( m_pChunks[ idx ].srcF0 == 0.0 || m_dAvgSrcF0 == 0.0 ) { dpCand.f0Ratio = 1.0; pDpLink->cands.push_back ( dpCand ); break; } dF0 = m_pChunks[ idx ].srcF0 * d; if ( dF0 <= MAX_F0 && dF0 >= MIN_F0 ) { dpCand.f0 = dF0; dpCand.f0Zs = ( dF0 - m_dAvgSrcF0 ) / m_dAvgSrcF0; dpCand.f0Ratio = d; dpCand.modCost = fabs ( 1.0 - d ); pDpLink->cands.push_back ( dpCand ); } } }
* CSlmImp::GetUnitF0Ratio * *-------------------------* * Description: * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSlmImp::GetUnitF0Ratio () {
double dLeftF0; double dRightF0; double dCurF0; double dCenterF0 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_iNumChunks; i++ ) { if ( m_pChunks[ i ].srcF0 == 0 ) { continue; }
FindBdrF0 ( &dLeftF0, &dRightF0, i );
dCurF0 = m_pChunks[ i ].srcF0 * m_pChunks[ i ].f0Ratio; if ( dCurF0 > 0 ) { if ( dLeftF0 > 0 && dRightF0 > 0 ) { dCenterF0 = ( dCurF0 + dLeftF0 + dRightF0 ) / 3; } else if ( dRightF0 > 0 ) { dCenterF0 = ( dCurF0 + dRightF0 ) / 2; } else if ( dLeftF0 > 0 ) { dCenterF0 = ( dCurF0 + dLeftF0 ) / 2; }
if ( dCenterF0 > 0 ) { m_pChunks[ i ].f0Ratio = dCenterF0 / dCurF0; } } } }
* CSlmImp::FindBdrF0 * *------------------------* * Description: * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSlmImp::FindBdrF0 (double* pdLeftF0, double* pdRightF0, int idx) { int i = idx - 1; while ( i >= 0 && m_pChunks[ i ].srcF0 == 0 ) { i--; }
if ( i < 0 ) { *pdLeftF0 = -1; } else { *pdLeftF0 = m_pChunks[ i ].srcF0 * m_pChunks[ i ].f0Ratio; }
i = idx + 1; while ( i < m_iNumChunks && m_pChunks[ i ].srcF0 == 0 ) { i++; }
if ( i >= m_iNumChunks ) { *pdRightF0 = -1; } else { *pdRightF0 = m_pChunks[ i ].srcF0 * m_pChunks[ i ].f0Ratio; } }