* SynthUnit.cpp * *---------------* * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 1996 Entropic, Inc * Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Date: 03/02/00 * All Rights Reserved * ********************************************************************* PACOG ***/
#include "SynthUnit.h"
#include "tips.h"
#include <sigproc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vapiIo.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "ftol.h"
* This is the internal frequency at which the prosody module works. * This value of samp freq. is arbitary. We chose 44100 for high resolution */ #define TIME_STEP (1.0/44100.0)
struct NewF0Struct { double f0; double time; };
* CSynth::CSynth * *----------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ CSynth::CSynth(int iSampFreq) { m_iSampFreq = iSampFreq; m_pdSamples = 0; m_pEpochs = 0; m_pdSynEpochs = 0; m_piMapping = 0; m_iNumSynEpochs = 0; m_ppdLpcCoef = 0; m_iCurrentPeriod = 0; m_iRepetitions = 0; m_iInvert = 0; m_iLpcOrder = 0; }
* CSynth::~CSynth * *-----------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ CSynth::~CSynth() { if ( m_pdSamples ) { delete[] m_pdSamples; }
if ( m_pEpochs ) { delete[] m_pEpochs; }
if ( m_pdSynEpochs ) { delete[] m_pdSynEpochs; } if ( m_piMapping ) { delete[] m_piMapping; } if (m_ppdLpcCoef) { FreeLpcCoef(); } }
* CSynth:: GetNewF0 * *-------------------* * Description: * *********************************************************************** WD ***/ void CSynth::GetNewF0 (std::vector<NewF0Struct>* pvNewF0, double* pdTime, double* pdRunTime ) { NewF0Struct newF0; for ( int i = 1; i < m_iNumEpochs; i++ ) { newF0.f0 = (int) ( 1.0 / ( m_pEpochs[ i ].time - m_pEpochs[ i - 1 ].time ) ); newF0.f0 *= m_dF0Ratio; newF0.time = *pdTime + m_pEpochs[ i ].time;
pvNewF0->push_back ( newF0 ); } *pdTime += m_pEpochs[ m_iNumEpochs - 1 ].time; if ( pdRunTime ) { *pdRunTime = m_dRunTimeLimit; } }
* CTips::ClipData * *-----------------* * Description: * 12/4/00 - now using the FTOL function, since the compiler doesn't do * the conversion efficiently. * ******************************************************************* mplumpe ***/
short CSynth::ClipData (double x) {
if (x>=0) { if (x > SHRT_MAX ) { return SHRT_MAX; } x+= 0.5; } else { if (x < SHRT_MIN ) { return SHRT_MIN; } x-= 0.5; } return (short)FTOL(x); }
* CSynth::LpcAnalysis * *---------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
int CSynth::LpcAnalysis (int iSampFreq, int iOrder) { double* pdFiltMem = 0; double* pdInterpCoef = 0; double alfa; int frameLen; int frameIdx; int start; int end; int i; int j; if (m_iNumEpochs) { m_iLpcOrder = iOrder;
if ((m_ppdLpcCoef = new double*[m_iNumEpochs] ) == 0) { goto error; } memset( m_ppdLpcCoef, 0, m_iNumEpochs * sizeof (*m_ppdLpcCoef)); if ((pdFiltMem = new double[m_iLpcOrder]) == 0) { goto error; } memset (pdFiltMem, 0, m_iLpcOrder * sizeof(*pdFiltMem));
if ((pdInterpCoef = new double[m_iLpcOrder]) == 0) { goto error; } memset (pdInterpCoef, 0, m_iLpcOrder * sizeof(*pdInterpCoef));
for (frameIdx=0; frameIdx<m_iNumEpochs; frameIdx ++) { if (frameIdx==0) { start =0; } else { start = (int) (m_pEpochs[frameIdx-1].time * iSampFreq); } if (frameIdx==m_iNumEpochs-1) { end = m_iNumSamples-1; } else { end = (int)(m_pEpochs[frameIdx+1].time * iSampFreq); } frameLen = end-start; m_ppdLpcCoef[frameIdx] = GetDurbinCoef(m_pdSamples + start, frameLen); }
for (frameIdx=0; frameIdx<m_iNumEpochs-1; frameIdx ++) { if (frameIdx==0) { start = 0; } else { start = (int)(m_pEpochs[frameIdx].time * iSampFreq); } if (frameIdx==m_iNumEpochs-2) { end = m_iNumSamples-1; } else { end = (int)(m_pEpochs[frameIdx+1].time * iSampFreq); } for (i=start; i<end; i++) { alfa = (double)(i-start)/(double)(end-start); for (j=0; j<m_iLpcOrder ; j++) { pdInterpCoef[j] = (1.0 - alfa) * m_ppdLpcCoef[frameIdx][j] + alfa * m_ppdLpcCoef[frameIdx+1][j]; } ParcorFilterAn (m_pdSamples + i, 1, pdInterpCoef, pdFiltMem, m_iLpcOrder); } } }
delete[] pdFiltMem; delete[] pdInterpCoef;
return 1; error: if (pdFiltMem) { delete[] pdFiltMem; }
if (pdInterpCoef) { delete[] pdInterpCoef; } return 0; }
* CSynth::FindPrecedent * *-----------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
int CSynth::FindPrecedent () { double* warp; double durFactor; double distAnt; double distPost; int sIndex; int aIndex; int i;
durFactor = m_pdSynEpochs[m_iNumSynEpochs-1]/m_pEpochs[m_iNumEpochs-1].time;
warp = new double[m_iNumEpochs]; if (!warp) { return -1; } for (i=0; i<m_iNumEpochs; i++) { warp[i]= m_pEpochs[i].time * durFactor; } if ((m_piMapping= new int[m_iNumSynEpochs]) == 0) { return -1; } m_piMapping[0]=0; m_piMapping[m_iNumSynEpochs-1] = m_iNumEpochs-1; aIndex=1; for ( sIndex=1; sIndex<(m_iNumSynEpochs-1); sIndex++ ) { while (warp[aIndex] < m_pdSynEpochs[sIndex]) { aIndex++; } distAnt = fabs ( m_pdSynEpochs[sIndex] - warp[aIndex-1] ); distPost = fabs ( m_pdSynEpochs[sIndex] - warp[aIndex] ); if (distAnt<distPost) { if (aIndex<2) { m_piMapping[sIndex] = aIndex; } else { m_piMapping[sIndex] = aIndex-1; } } else { if (aIndex>m_iNumEpochs-2) { m_piMapping[sIndex] = m_iNumEpochs-2; } else { m_piMapping[sIndex] = aIndex; } } }
delete[] warp;
fprintf (stderr, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); for (i=0; i<m_iNumEpochs; i++) { fprintf (stderr, "m_pEpochs[%d]=%f\n", i, m_pEpochs[i].time); } for (i=0; i<m_iNumSynEpochs; i++) { fprintf (stderr, "Syn[%d]=%f ->m_pEpochs[%d]\n", i, m_pdSynEpochs[i], (*m_piMapping)[i]); } */
return 1; }
* CSynth::NextBuffer * *--------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int CSynth::NextBuffer (CTips* pTips) { double* pdSamples; int iNumSamples; int iCenter; double dDelay; double* pdLpcCoef;
double gainVal; int centerIdx; int from; int to; int center; double origDelay; double synthDelay; int reverse=0; int voiced; int iPeriodLen; int i;
assert (pTips);
if (m_iCurrentPeriod >= m_iNumSynEpochs-2 ) { return 0; //We are done with this unit
// The first short-term signal is centered in 1, not 0
centerIdx = (int)m_piMapping[m_iCurrentPeriod]; voiced = m_pEpochs[centerIdx].voiced;
//Round to internal sampling freq
synthDelay = (m_pdSynEpochs[m_iCurrentPeriod] * m_iSampFreq) - (int)(m_pdSynEpochs[m_iCurrentPeriod] * m_iSampFreq + TIME_STEP/2.0);
if ( !voiced && (centerIdx==m_piMapping[m_iCurrentPeriod-1]) ) { m_iRepetitions++; m_iRepetitions%=4; m_iInvert = !m_iInvert; if (m_iRepetitions==1 || m_iRepetitions==2) { reverse=1; } } else { m_iRepetitions=0; m_iInvert=0; }
from = (int)( m_pEpochs[centerIdx-1].time * m_iSampFreq ); to = (int)( m_pEpochs[centerIdx+1].time * m_iSampFreq ); center = (int)( m_pEpochs[centerIdx].time * m_iSampFreq ); origDelay = (m_pEpochs[centerIdx].time * m_iSampFreq) - center + TIME_STEP/2.0; iNumSamples = to-from; iCenter = center - from; dDelay = origDelay - synthDelay;
if ((pdSamples = new double[iNumSamples]) == 0) { return 0; } if ( !reverse ) { memcpy (pdSamples, m_pdSamples + from, (iNumSamples)*sizeof(double)); } else { for (i = 0; i<iNumSamples ; i++ ) { pdSamples[i] = m_pdSamples[from + iNumSamples - i -1]; } iCenter = iNumSamples - iCenter; dDelay = -dDelay; }
gainVal = m_dGain * pTips->GetGain();
if (m_iInvert) { gainVal *= -1; }
for (i=0; i<iNumSamples; i++) { pdSamples[i] *= gainVal; }
if (m_ppdLpcCoef) { pdLpcCoef = m_ppdLpcCoef[centerIdx]; } else { pdLpcCoef = 0; }
pTips->SetBuffer (pdSamples, iNumSamples, iCenter, dDelay, pdLpcCoef); //NOTE: Do not delete pdSamples, it will be deleted in CTips::Synthesize
iPeriodLen = (int)(m_pdSynEpochs[m_iCurrentPeriod+1] * m_iSampFreq) - (int)(m_pdSynEpochs[m_iCurrentPeriod] * m_iSampFreq);
return iPeriodLen; }
* CSynth::LpcGetDurbinCoef * *--------------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
double* CSynth::GetDurbinCoef(double* data, int nData) { double* win; double* coef; int i;
win = ComputeWindow (WINDOW_HAMM, nData, 0); for (i=0; i<nData; i++) { win[i] *= data[i]; }
coef = ::GetDurbinCoef (win, nData, m_iLpcOrder, LPC_PARCOR, 0); delete[] win; return coef; } /*****************************************************************************
* CSynth::FreeLpcCoef * *---------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
void CSynth::FreeLpcCoef() { for (int i=0; i< m_iNumEpochs; i++) { if (m_ppdLpcCoef[i]) { delete[] m_ppdLpcCoef[i]; } } delete[] m_ppdLpcCoef;
m_ppdLpcCoef = 0; }
* * *----------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ /*
int CSynth::FindPrecedentCopy ( ) { int i;
m_iNumSynEpochs = m_iNumEpochs; m_pdSynEpochs = new double[m_iNumEpochs]; m_piMapping = new int[m_iNumEpochs];
for (i=0; i<m_iNumEpochs; i++) { m_pdSynEpochs[i]= m_pEpochs[i].time; }
for (i=0; i<m_iNumEpochs; i++) { m_piMapping[i] = i; }
return 1; } */