// Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// implementation of persistence interfaces for COleControl.
#include "header.h"
#include "internet.h"
#include "CtlHelp.H"
// this is the name of the stream we'll save our ole controls to.
const WCHAR wszCtlSaveStream [] = L"CONTROLSAVESTREAM";
#ifndef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static const char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// to help with out stream save implementation ...
#define STREAMHDR_SIGNATURE 0x12344321 // Signature to identify our format (avoid crashes!)
#define IPROP_END 0xFF // Marker at end of property list
#define MAXAUTOBUF 3800 // Best if < 1 page.
typedef struct tagSTREAMHDR {
DWORD dwSignature; // Signature.
size_t cbWritten; // Number of bytes written
// COleControl persistence interfaces
// COleControl::Load [IPersistPropertyBag]
// IPersistPropertyBag. we've got a property bag, so let's load our properties
// from it.
// Parameters:
// IPropertyBag * - [in] pbag from which to read props.
// IErrorLog * - [in] error log to write to
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Load ( IPropertyBag *pPropertyBag, IErrorLog *pErrorLog ) { HRESULT hr;
// load in our standard state first. nothing serious here ... currently,
// we've just got two properties, for cx and cy.
hr = LoadStandardState(pPropertyBag, pErrorLog); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// now call the user text load function, and get them to load in whatever
// they're interested in.
hr = LoadTextState(pPropertyBag, pErrorLog);
return hr; }
// COleControl::Save [IPersistPropertyBag]
// given a property bag, save out all the relevant state information.
// Parameters:
// IPropertyBag * - [in] property to write to
// BOOL - [in] do we clear the dirty bit?
// BOOL - [in] do we write out default values anyhoo?
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Save ( IPropertyBag *pPropertyBag, BOOL fClearDirty, BOOL fWriteDefault ) { HRESULT hr;
// save out standard state information
hr = SaveStandardState(pPropertyBag); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// now call the user function and get them to save out
// all of their properties.
hr = SaveTextState(pPropertyBag, fWriteDefault); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// now clear the dirty flag and send out notification that we're
// done.
if (fClearDirty) m_fDirty = FALSE;
if (m_pOleAdviseHolder) m_pOleAdviseHolder->SendOnSave();
return S_OK; }
// COleControl::GetClassID [IPersistStreamInit]
// returns the classid of this mamma
// Parameters:
// CLSID * - [out] where to put the clsid
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::GetClassID ( CLSID *pclsid ) { CHECK_POINTER(pclsid);
// copy the thing over
*pclsid = CLSIDOFOBJECT(m_ObjectType); return S_OK; }
// COleControl::IsDirty [IPersistStreamInit]
// asks if we're dirty or not. duh.
// Output:
// HRESULT - S_OK: dirty, S_FALSE: not dirty
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::IsDirty ( void ) { return (m_fDirty) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// COleControl::InitNew [IPersistStreamInit]
// causes the control to intialize itself with a new bunch of state information
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::InitNew ( void ) { BOOL f;
// call the overridable function to do this work
f = InitializeNewState(); return (f) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
// COleControl::GetSizeMax [IPersistStreamInit]
// Parameters:
// ULARGE_INTEGER * - [out]
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::GetSizeMax ( ULARGE_INTEGER *pulMaxSize ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// COleControl::Load [IPersistStreamInit]
// load from an IStream
// Parameters:
// IStream * - [in] stream from which to load
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Load(IStream *pStream) { HRESULT hr;
// first thing to do is read in standard properties the user don't
// persist themselves.
hr = LoadStandardState(pStream); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// load in the user properties. this method is one they -have- to implement
// themselves.
hr = LoadBinaryState(pStream);
return hr; }
// COleControl::Save [IPersistStreamInit]
// saves out our state using streams
// Parameters:
// IStream * - [in]
// BOOL - [in] clear dirty bit?
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Save ( IStream *pStream, BOOL fClearDirty ) { HRESULT hr;
// use our helper routine that we share with the IStorage persistence
// code.
hr = m_SaveToStream(pStream); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// clear out dirty flag [if appropriate] and notify that we're done
// with save.
if (fClearDirty) m_fDirty = FALSE; if (m_pOleAdviseHolder) m_pOleAdviseHolder->SendOnSave();
return S_OK; }
// COleControl::InitNew [IPersistStorage]
// ipersiststorage version of this. fweee
// Parameters:
// IStorage * - [in] we don't use this
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::InitNew ( IStorage *pStorage ) { // we already have an implementation of this [for IPersistStreamInit]
return InitNew(); }
// COleControl::Load [IPersistStorage]
// Ipersiststorage version of this
// Parameters:
// IStorage * - [in] DUH.
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Load(IStorage *pStorage) { IStream *pStream; HRESULT hr;
// we're going to use IPersistStream::Load from the CONTENTS stream.
hr = pStorage->OpenStream(wszCtlSaveStream, 0, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, &pStream); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// IPersistStreamInit::Load
hr = Load(pStream); pStream->Release(); return hr; }
// COleControl::Save [IPersistStorage]
// save into the contents stream of the given storage object.
// Parameters:
// IStorage * - [in] 10 points if you figure it out
// BOOL - [in] is the storage the same as the load storage?
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Save ( IStorage *pStorage, BOOL fSameAsLoad ) { IStream *pStream; HRESULT hr;
// we're just going to save out to the CONTENTES stream.
hr = pStorage->CreateStream(wszCtlSaveStream, STGM_WRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_CREATE, 0, 0, &pStream); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// use our helper routine.
hr = m_SaveToStream(pStream); m_fSaveSucceeded = (FAILED(hr)) ? FALSE : TRUE; pStream->Release(); return hr; }
// COleControl::SaveCompleted [IPersistStorage]
// lets us clear out our flags.
// Parameters:
// IStorage * - ignored
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::SaveCompleted ( IStorage *pStorageNew ) { // if our save succeeded, then we can do our post save work.
if (m_fSaveSucceeded) { m_fDirty = FALSE; if (m_pOleAdviseHolder) m_pOleAdviseHolder->SendOnSave(); }
return S_OK; }
// COleControl::HandsOffStorage [IPersistStorage]
// not interesting
// Output:
// S_OK
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::HandsOffStorage ( void ) { // we don't ever hold on to a storage pointer, so this is remarkably
// uninteresting to us.
return S_OK; }
// COleControl::m_SaveToStream [helper: IPersistStreamInit/IPersistStorage]
// save ourselves to a stream
// Parameters:
// IStream * - figure it out
// Output:
HRESULT COleControl::m_SaveToStream ( IStream *pStream ) { return SaveStandardState(pStream);
#if 0
01-Sep-1997 [ralphw] We don't save binary state
// save out standard state information that the user has no control
// over
hr = SaveStandardState(pStream); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// save out user-specific satte information. they MUST implement this
// function
hr = SaveBinaryState(pStream);
return hr; #endif
// COleControl::LoadStandardState [ helper ]
// reads in standard properties that all controls are going to have, using
// text persistence APIs. there is another version for streams.
// Parameters:
// IPropertyBag * - [in]
// IErrorLog * - [in]
// Output:
// Notes:
HRESULT COleControl::LoadStandardState ( IPropertyBag *pPropertyBag, IErrorLog *pErrorLog ) { VARIANT v; HRESULT hr; SIZEL slHiMetric = { 100, 50 };
// currently, our only standard properties are related to size.
// if we can't find them, then we'll just use some defaults.
v.vt = VT_I4; v.lVal = 0; hr = pPropertyBag->Read(L"Width", &v, pErrorLog); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) slHiMetric.cx = v.lVal;
v.lVal = 0; hr = pPropertyBag->Read(L"Height", &v, pErrorLog); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) slHiMetric.cy = v.lVal;
HiMetricToPixel(&slHiMetric, &m_Size); return S_OK; }
// COleControl::LoadStandardState [ helper ]
// reads in standard properties that all controls are going to have, using
// stream persistence APIs. there is another version for text.
// Parameters:
// IStream * - [in]
// Output:
// Notes:
HRESULT COleControl::LoadStandardState ( IStream *pStream ) { STREAMHDR stmhdr; HRESULT hr; SIZEL slHiMetric;
// look for our header structure, so we can verify stream validity.
hr = pStream->Read(&stmhdr, sizeof(STREAMHDR), NULL); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if (stmhdr.dwSignature != STREAMHDR_SIGNATURE) return E_UNEXPECTED;
// currently, the only standard state we're writing out is
// a SIZEL structure describing the control's size.
if (stmhdr.cbWritten != sizeof(m_Size)) return E_UNEXPECTED;
// we like the stream. let's go load in our two properties.
hr = pStream->Read(&slHiMetric, sizeof(slHiMetric), NULL); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
HiMetricToPixel(&slHiMetric, &m_Size); return S_OK; }
// COleControl::SaveStandardState [ helper ]
// saves out standard properties that we're managing for a control using text
// persistence APIs. there is another version for stream persistence.
// Parameters:
// IPropertyBag * - [in]
// Output:
// Notes:
HRESULT COleControl::SaveStandardState ( IPropertyBag *pPropertyBag ) { HRESULT hr; VARIANT v; SIZEL slHiMetric;
// currently, the only standard proprerties we persist are Size related
PixelToHiMetric(&m_Size, &slHiMetric);
v.vt = VT_I4; v.lVal = slHiMetric.cx;
hr = pPropertyBag->Write(L"Width", &v); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
v.lVal = slHiMetric.cy;
hr = pPropertyBag->Write(L"Height", &v);
return hr; }
// COleControl::SaveStandardState [ helper ]
// saves out standard properties that we're managing for a control using stream
// persistence APIs. there is another version for text persistence.
// Parameters:
// IStream * - [in]
// Output:
// Notes:
HRESULT COleControl::SaveStandardState ( IStream *pStream ) { STREAMHDR streamhdr = { STREAMHDR_SIGNATURE, sizeof(SIZEL) }; HRESULT hr; SIZEL slHiMetric;
// first thing to do is write out our stream hdr structure.
hr = pStream->Write(&streamhdr, sizeof(STREAMHDR), NULL); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// the only properties we're currently persisting here are the size
// properties for this control. make sure we do that in HiMetric
PixelToHiMetric(&m_Size, &slHiMetric);
hr = pStream->Write(&slHiMetric, sizeof(slHiMetric), NULL); return hr; }
// COleControl::InitializeNewState [overridable]
// the user can override this to initialize variables
// Output:
// BOOL - FALSE means couldn't do it.
// Notes:
BOOL COleControl::InitializeNewState ( void ) { // we find this largely uninteresting
return TRUE; }