// unicode.h - Unicode functions that work on all 32-bit Window platform
#pragma once
#ifndef __UNICODE_H__
#define __UNICODE_H__
// C/C++ differences
#ifndef INLINE
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define INLINE inline
#define INLINE __inline
#define CP_UNICODE 1200 // Unicode
#define IN_RANGE(v, r1, r2) ((r1) <= (v) && (v) <= (r2))
// From VS6 minar.h
class CBufImpl { private: BYTE * m_pData; int m_cb; HRESULT _SetByteSize (int cb);
public: CBufImpl() : m_pData(NULL), m_cb(0) {} ~CBufImpl() { Clear(); }
void Clear (); HRESULT SetByteSize (int cb); HRESULT SetByteSizeShrink (int cb); int GetByteSize () { return m_cb; } BYTE * ByteData () { return m_pData; } };
inline HRESULT CBufImpl::SetByteSize (int cb) { if (cb <= m_cb) return S_OK; return _SetByteSize(cb); }
template <class T> class CMinimalArray : public CBufImpl { public: HRESULT SetSize (int cel) { return SetByteSize(cel*sizeof(T)); } HRESULT SetSizeShrink (int cel) { return SetByteSizeShrink(cel*sizeof(T)); } int Size () { return GetByteSize()/sizeof(T); } operator T* () { return (T*)ByteData(); } T* GetData () { return (T*)ByteData(); } };
// From VS6 intlutil.h
// GetDefaultFont - Get default monospaced font for a codepage
// IN cp Codepage -- usually result of GetACP().
// IN plf Address of uninitialized LOGFONT structure.
// OUT plf Fully initialized LOGFONT struct.
void GetDefaultFont(UINT cp, LOGFONT * plf, BYTE *pbySize);
BOOL IsStringDisplayable(const char *pszString, UINT codepage);
// locale/codepage mappings
#define LCIDCP_CURRENT (2)
#define LCIDCP_GUESSED (1)
#define LCIDCP_UNKNOWN (0)
int WINAPI LCIDFromCodePage(UINT cp, LCID * plcid);
UINT WINAPI CodePageFromLCID(LCID lcid); UINT WINAPI CodepageFromCharset(BYTE cs); BOOL WINAPI IsSupportedFontCodePage(UINT cp);
BOOL WINAPI IsDbcsGdi (); BOOL WINAPI IsWin95OrLess (); BOOL WINAPI IsNT (); BOOL WINAPI WideAPIHack (); UINT WINAPI GetFontCodePage (HDC hdc); BOOL IntlGetTextExtentPoint32W (HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpString, int cbString, LPSIZE lpSize, UINT *pCP = NULL); BOOL IntlExtTextOutW (HDC hdc, int X, int Y, UINT fuOptions, CONST RECT *lprc, LPCWSTR lpString, UINT cbCount, CONST INT *lpDx, UINT *pCP = NULL); BOOL IntlTextOutW(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCWSTR lpString, int cbString, UINT *pCP = NULL); BOOL IntlGetTextExtentExPointW(HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpString, int cbString, int nMaxExtent, LPINT lpnFit, LPINT alpDx, LPSIZE lpSize, UINT *pCP = NULL);
BOOL HxAppendMenu(HMENU hMenu, UINT uFlags, UINT uIDNewItem, LPCTSTR lpNewItem);
BOOL HxSetWindowText(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpString);
BOOL IntlExtTextOut( HDC hdc, int X, int Y, UINT fuOptions, CONST RECT *lprc, LPCWSTR lpString, UINT cbCount, CONST INT *lpDx, UINT* pCP );
inline BOOL IntlTextOutW (HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCWSTR lpString, int cch, UINT *pCP) { // WARNING: this is not completely generic.
// This does work for the ways we use TextOut.
return IntlExtTextOutW(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, 0, NULL, lpString, cch, NULL, pCP); }
inline BOOL IsImeLanguage(LANGID wLang) { wLang = PRIMARYLANGID(wLang); if (LANG_NEUTRAL == wLang) return FALSE; if (LANG_ENGLISH == wLang) return FALSE; if (LANG_JAPANESE == wLang) return TRUE; if (LANG_KOREAN == wLang) return TRUE; if (LANG_CHINESE == wLang) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
inline BOOL IsImeCharSet(BYTE charset) { if (ANSI_CHARSET == charset) return FALSE; if (SHIFTJIS_CHARSET == charset) return TRUE; if (GB2312_CHARSET == charset) return TRUE; if (CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET == charset) return TRUE; if (HANGEUL_CHARSET == charset) return TRUE; if (JOHAB_CHARSET == charset) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
#endif // __UNICODE_H__