// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998
// File: model.cpp
#include <basetsd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "basics.h"
#include "algos.h"
#include "gmprop.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "gmobj.h"
struct EC_STR { ECGM _ec; SZC _szc; }; static EC_STR vEcToStr [] = { #define GMERRORSTR
#include "errordef.h"
{ EC_OK, "no error" } };
SZC MODEL :: SzcFromEc ( ECGM ec ) { int cEc = UBOUND(vEcToStr); for ( int i = 0; i < cEc; i++ ) { if ( ec == vEcToStr[i]._ec ) return vEcToStr[i]._szc; } return NULL; }
// Iterator class for MODELs
MODEL::ITER::ITER(MODEL& model, GOBJMBN::EBNOBJ eType) : _eType(eType), _model(model) { Reset(); }
MODEL::ITER::ITER(MODEL& model) : _model(model) { }
void MODEL::ITER::CreateNodeIterator() { _eType = GOBJMBN::EBNO_NODE; Reset(); }
void MODEL::ITER :: Reset () { _pCurrent = NULL; _itsym = _model.Mpsymtbl().begin(); BNext(); }
bool MODEL::ITER :: BNext () { while ( _itsym != _model.Mpsymtbl().end() ) { _pCurrent = (*_itsym).second.Pobj(); _zsrCurrent = (*_itsym).first; _itsym++;
if ( _pCurrent->EType() == _eType ) return true; } _pCurrent = NULL; return false; }
// MODEL naming commentary.
// Symbolic names in a belief network come in two types: names which users
// can enter (or edit into a DSC file) and those which they cannot.
// The basic (user-definable) symbolic name follows exactly the rules of
// standard 'C', except that periods ('.') are allowed inside a name.
// There is a need for generation of names which are clearly distinguishable
// from user-definable names; these are called "internal" names. The only
// difference is that the legal character set is extended to include the '$'
// (dollar sign) character as an alphabetic character (i.e., it can be the
// first character in a name).
// Return true if the character is legal in a name
bool MODEL :: BChLegal ( char ch, ECHNAME echnm, bool bInternal ) { bool bOther = bInternal && ch == ChInternal(); bool bOkForC = echnm == ECHNM_First ? __iscsymf(ch) : __iscsym(ch) || (echnm == ECHNM_Middle && ch == '.'); return bOther || bOkForC; }
// Return true if the name is legal
bool MODEL :: BSzLegal ( SZC szcName, bool bInternal ) { for ( int i = 0; szcName[i]; i++ ) { ECHNAME echnm = i == 0 ? ECHNM_First : (szcName[i+1] ? ECHNM_Middle : ECHNM_Last); if ( ! BChLegal( szcName[i], echnm, bInternal ) ) return false; } return true; }
MODEL :: MODEL () : _pgrph(NULL), _rVersion(-1.0) { // Allocate the GRPH graph object
SetPgraph(new GRPH); assert( _pgrph ); //
// Define the table of known (early-defined) bit flags in this scope
#define MBN_GEN_BFLAGS_TABLE szcBitFlagNames
// Include the header to generate the strings
#include "mbnflags.h"
// Define the table of known bit flags.
for ( int i = 0; szcBitFlagNames[i]; i++ ) { // Note: this automatically interns the names into the symbol table
IBFLAG ibf = Mpsymtbl().IAddBitFlag( szcBitFlagNames[i] ); } }
MODEL :: ~ MODEL () { // We must clear the graph and symbol table at this point, because their
// elements interreference via the names (ZSREFs) and pointers (REFPOBJs).
// The symbol table is cleared first, so that no stray references to GOBJMBNs
// exist when the graph object is nuked. Then the graph is cleared, so
// that embedded references to strings interned in the symbol table's string
// table will be removed.
// Delete the graph
SetPgraph(NULL); }
void MODEL :: SetPgraph ( GRPH * pgrph ) { delete _pgrph; _pgrph = pgrph; }
// Add an unnamed element to the graph
void MODEL :: AddElem ( GELEMLNK * pgelm ) { ASSERT_THROW( pgelm, EC_NULLP, "null ptr passed to MODEL::AddElem()" ); Pgraph()->AddElem( *pgelm ); }
// Test the name for duplicate; add if not, otherwise return false
bool MODEL :: BAddElem ( SZC szcName, GOBJMBN * pgobj ) { if ( ::strlen( szcName ) == 0 ) return false; // Name missing
if ( Mpsymtbl().find( szcName ) ) return false; // duplicate name
AddElem( szcName, pgobj ); return true; }
// Add a (possibly) named object to the graph and symbol table
void MODEL :: AddElem ( SZC szcName, GOBJMBN * pgelm ) { if ( szcName != NULL && ::strlen(szcName) != 0 ) { if ( Mpsymtbl().find( szcName ) ) throw GMException( EC_DUPLICATE_NAME, "attempt to add duplicate name to MBNET" );
Mpsymtbl().add( szcName, pgelm ); } AddElem( pgelm ); }
void MODEL :: DeleteElem ( GOBJMBN * pgobj ) { if ( pgobj->ZsrefName().Zstr().length() > 0 ) Mpsymtbl().remove( pgobj->ZsrefName() ); else DeleteElem( (GELEMLNK *) pgobj ); }
void MODEL :: DeleteElem ( GELEMLNK * pgelem ) { delete pgelem; }
void MODEL :: Clone ( MODEL & model ) { ASSERT_THROW( _pgrph->ChnColl().PgelemNext() == NULL, EC_INVALID_CLONE, "cannot clone into non-empty structure" );
// Clone the descriptive information
_rVersion = model._rVersion; _zsFormat = model._zsFormat; _zsCreator = model._zsCreator; _zsNetworkID = model._zsNetworkID;
// Clone the symbol table
_mpsymtbl.Clone( model._mpsymtbl ); // Copy the network bit flags array
_vFlags = model._vFlags;
// Clone the actual contents of the network, object by object
{ // Create a map to correlate old object pointers to new object pointers
typedef map<GOBJMBN *, GOBJMBN *, less<GOBJMBN *> > MPPOBJPOBJ; MPPOBJPOBJ mppobjpobj;
// Add the property types first, then all the node-like things
GELEMLNK * pgelm; MODELENUM mdlenumNode( model ); for ( int icycle = 0; icycle < 2; icycle++ ) { mdlenumNode.Reset(model.Grph()); while ( pgelm = mdlenumNode.PlnkelNext() ) { // Check that it's a node (not an edge)
if ( ! pgelm->BIsEType( GELEM::EGELM_NODE ) ) continue;
GOBJMBN * pgobjmbn; GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnNew = NULL; DynCastThrow( pgelm, pgobjmbn );
// Clone property types on the first pass, all other nodeish things
// on the second.
if ( (icycle == 0) ^ (pgelm->EType() == GOBJMBN::EBNO_PROP_TYPE) ) continue;
pgobjmbnNew = pgobjmbn->CloneNew( model, self ); // If the object was cloned or allowed itself to be cloned,
// add it
if ( pgobjmbnNew ) { assert( pgobjmbnNew->EType() == pgobjmbn->EType() ); mppobjpobj[ pgobjmbn ] = pgobjmbnNew; // Add the object as named or unnamed
AddElem( pgobjmbnNew->ZsrefName(), pgobjmbnNew ); } } } // Add all the edge-like things
MODELENUM mdlenumEdge( model ); while ( pgelm = mdlenumEdge.PlnkelNext() ) { // Check that it's a edge (not a node)
if ( ! pgelm->BIsEType( GELEM::EGELM_EDGE ) ) continue; GEDGEMBN * pgedge; DynCastThrow( pgelm, pgedge );
GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnSource = pgedge->PobjSource(); GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnSink = pgedge->PobjSink(); assert( pgobjmbnSource && pgobjmbnSink ); GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnSourceNew = mppobjpobj[ pgobjmbnSource ]; GOBJMBN * pgobjmbnSinkNew = mppobjpobj[ pgobjmbnSink ]; assert( pgobjmbnSourceNew && pgobjmbnSinkNew ); GEDGEMBN * pgedgeNew = pgedge->CloneNew( model, self, pgobjmbnSourceNew, pgobjmbnSinkNew ); assert( pgedgeNew ); AddElem( pgedgeNew ); } }
// Clone the network property list
_ltProp.Clone( self, model, model._ltProp ); }
GOBJMBN * MODEL :: PgobjFind ( SZC szcName ) { return Mpsymtbl().find(szcName); }
void MPSYMTBL :: Clone ( const MPSYMTBL & mpsymtbl ) { // Clone all the interned strings
_stszstr.Clone( mpsymtbl._stszstr ); // Clone the array of bit flag names
CloneVzsref( mpsymtbl, mpsymtbl._mpzsrbit, _mpzsrbit ); // All other symbol entries must be created from above
void MPSYMTBL :: CloneVzsref ( const MPSYMTBL & mpsymtbl, const VZSREF & vzsrSource, VZSREF & vzsrTarget ) { vzsrTarget.resize( vzsrSource.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < vzsrTarget.size(); i++ ) { SZC szc = vzsrSource[i].Szc(); vzsrTarget[i] = intern(szc); } }