// Chooser.cpp
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Dialog to choose a machine name.
// (Important -- Please Read)
// This code was written for you to save you time.
// What you have to do is to copy all the files from the
// snapin\chooser\ directory into your project (you may add
// \nt\private\admin\snapin\chooser\ to your include directory if
// you prefer not copying the code).
// If you decide to copy the code to your project, please send mail
// to Dan Morin (T-DanM) and cc to Jon Newman (JonN) so we can
// mail you when we have updates available. The next update will
// be the "Browse" button to select a machine name.
// $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\netapi32.lib // I_NetName*()
// $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\lib\*\shell32.lib // CommandLineToArgvW()
// If you don't know how this works, take a look at the inheritance tree
// in chooser.h. Then, take a look at the existing code that inherit and/or
// uses CChooseMachinePropPage.
// 13-May-1997 t-danm Creation.
// 23-May-1997 t-danm Checkin into public tree. Comments updates.
// 25-May-1997 t-danm Added MMCPropPageCallback().
#include "StdAfx.h"
// This needs to be included before chooserd.h so that its definition of
// IDS_CHOOSER_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME is used rahter than chooserd's
#include "Resource.h"
#include "chooser.h"
#include <lmcons.h> // NET_API_STATUS
#include <lmerr.h> // NERR_Success
// Unknown error with lmcons.h?
#define NET_API_FUNCTION __stdcall
#include <icanon.h> // I_NetNameValidate(), I_NetNameCanonicalize(). Found in \nt\private\net\inc.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
#define THIS_FILE __FILE__
#ifndef INOUT
// The following defines are found in \nt\private\admin\snapin\filemgmt\stdafx.h
#define INOUT
#define Endorse(f) // Dummy macro
#define LENGTH(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
#define Assert(f) ASSERT(f)
// CanonicalizeComputername()
// Function to validate the computer name and optionally
// add the \\ at beginning of machine name.
NET_API_STATUS CanonicalizeComputername( INOUT CString& rstrMachineName, IN BOOL fAddWackWack = TRUE) // TRUE => Add the \\ at beginning of name
{ rstrMachineName.TrimLeft(); rstrMachineName.TrimRight(); if ( rstrMachineName.IsEmpty() ) return NERR_Success;
if ( 2 <= rstrMachineName.GetLength() && _T('\\') == rstrMachineName[0] && _T('\\') == rstrMachineName[1] ) { // Remove the \\ at the beginning of name
CString strShorter = rstrMachineName.Right( rstrMachineName.GetLength() - 2 ); rstrMachineName = strShorter; }
NET_API_STATUS err = I_NetNameValidate( NULL, const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCTSTR)rstrMachineName), NAMETYPE_COMPUTER, 0L ); if (NERR_Success != err) return err;
ASSERT( MAX_PATH > rstrMachineName.GetLength() ); LPTSTR pszTemp = (LPTSTR)alloca( MAX_PATH*sizeof(TCHAR) ); ASSERT( NULL != pszTemp ); err = I_NetNameCanonicalize( NULL, IN const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCTSTR)rstrMachineName), OUT pszTemp, MAX_PATH*sizeof(TCHAR), NAMETYPE_COMPUTER, 0L ); if (NERR_Success != err) return err; if (fAddWackWack && pszTemp[0] != '\0') { // Add the \\ at beginning of name
rstrMachineName = _T("\\\\"); rstrMachineName += pszTemp; } else { rstrMachineName = pszTemp; } return NERR_Success; } // CanonicalizeComputername()
// Machine name override
const TCHAR szOverrideCommandLine[] = _T("/Computer="); // Not subject to localization
const TCHAR szLocalMachine[] = _T("LocalMachine"); // Not subject to localization
const int cchOverrideCommandLine = LENGTH(szOverrideCommandLine) - 1;
static CString g_strOverrideMachineName; static LPCTSTR g_pszOverrideMachineName; // NULL => No override provided, "" => LocalMachine
// PchGetMachineNameOverride()
// Parse the command line arguments and return a pointer to the
// machine name override if present.
// If the machine name is other than local machine, the machine name
// will have the \\ at the beginning of its name.
// - Return NULL if no override (ie, no command line override)
// - Return pointer to empty string if override is "local machine"
// - Otherwise return pointer to machine name override with \\ at beginning.
LPCTSTR PchGetMachineNameOverride() { static BOOL fAlreadyInitialized = FALSE; if (fAlreadyInitialized) { // We already have parsed the command line
return g_pszOverrideMachineName; } fAlreadyInitialized = TRUE; ASSERT(g_pszOverrideMachineName == NULL);
LPCWSTR * lpServiceArgVectors; // Array of pointers to string
int cArgs = 0; // Count of arguments
lpServiceArgVectors = (LPCWSTR *)CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), OUT &cArgs); if (lpServiceArgVectors == NULL) return NULL; for (int i = 1; i < cArgs; i++) { Assert(lpServiceArgVectors[i] != NULL); CString str = lpServiceArgVectors[i]; // Copy the string
str = str.Left(cchOverrideCommandLine); if (0 != str.CompareNoCase(szOverrideCommandLine)) continue; str = lpServiceArgVectors[i] + cchOverrideCommandLine; if (0 == str.CompareNoCase(szLocalMachine)) str.Empty(); if (NERR_Success != CanonicalizeComputername(INOUT str)) continue; g_strOverrideMachineName = str; // Copy the argument into the global string
g_pszOverrideMachineName = g_strOverrideMachineName; } LocalFree(lpServiceArgVectors); return g_pszOverrideMachineName; } // PchGetMachineNameOverride()
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAutoDeletePropPage, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAutoDeletePropPage)
// Constructor
CAutoDeletePropPage::CAutoDeletePropPage(UINT uIDD) : CPropertyPage(uIDD) { m_prgzHelpIDs = NULL; m_autodeleteStuff.cWizPages = 1; // Number of pages in wizard
m_autodeleteStuff.pfnOriginalPropSheetPageProc = m_psp.pfnCallback; m_psp.pfnCallback = S_PropSheetPageProc; m_psp.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this);
// The following line is to enable MFC property pages to run under MMC.
MMCPropPageCallback(INOUT &m_psp); }
CAutoDeletePropPage::~CAutoDeletePropPage() { }
void CAutoDeletePropPage::SetCaption(LPCTSTR pszCaption) { m_strCaption = pszCaption; // Copy the caption
m_psp.pszTitle = m_strCaption; // Set the title
m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USETITLE; }
void CAutoDeletePropPage::SetCaption(UINT uStringID) { VERIFY(m_strCaption.LoadString(uStringID)); SetCaption(m_strCaption); }
void CAutoDeletePropPage::SetHelp(LPCTSTR szHelpFile, const DWORD rgzHelpIDs[]) { Endorse(szHelpFile == NULL); // TRUE => No help file supplied (meaning no help)
Endorse(rgzHelpIDs == NULL); // TRUE => No help at all
m_strHelpFile = szHelpFile; m_prgzHelpIDs = rgzHelpIDs; }
void CAutoDeletePropPage::EnableDlgItem(INT nIdDlgItem, BOOL fEnable) { Assert(IsWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, nIdDlgItem))); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, nIdDlgItem), fEnable); }
BOOL CAutoDeletePropPage::OnSetActive() { HWND hwndParent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); HWND hwndBtn = ::GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDOK); Assert(IsWindow(hwndParent));
// Only set focus to finish if we're in wizard mode -
// not when the okay and cancel buttons are present, otherwise
// the cancel button becomes the default.
if (!::IsWindowEnabled(hwndBtn)) ::PropSheet_SetWizButtons(hwndParent, PSWIZB_FINISH);
return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }
BOOL CAutoDeletePropPage::OnHelp(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { if (m_prgzHelpIDs == NULL || m_strHelpFile.IsEmpty()) return TRUE; const LPHELPINFO pHelpInfo = (LPHELPINFO)lParam; if (pHelpInfo != NULL && pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { // Display context help for a control
::WinHelp((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle, m_strHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)m_prgzHelpIDs); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CAutoDeletePropPage::OnContextHelp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { if (m_prgzHelpIDs == NULL || m_strHelpFile.IsEmpty()) return TRUE; Assert(IsWindow((HWND)wParam)); ::WinHelp((HWND)wParam, m_strHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)m_prgzHelpIDs); return TRUE; }
// S_PropSheetPageProc()
// Static member function used to delete the CAutoDeletePropPage object
// when wizard terminates
UINT CALLBACK CAutoDeletePropPage::S_PropSheetPageProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp) { Assert(ppsp != NULL); CChooseMachinePropPage * pThis; pThis = reinterpret_cast<CChooseMachinePropPage*>(ppsp->lParam); Assert(pThis != NULL);
switch (uMsg) { case PSPCB_RELEASE: if (--(pThis->m_autodeleteStuff.cWizPages) <= 0) { // Remember callback on stack since "this" will be deleted
LPFNPSPCALLBACK pfnOrig = pThis->m_autodeleteStuff.pfnOriginalPropSheetPageProc; delete pThis; return (pfnOrig)(hwnd, uMsg, ppsp); } break; case PSPCB_CREATE: // do not increase refcount, PSPCB_CREATE may or may not be called
// depending on whether the page was created. PSPCB_RELEASE can be
// depended upon to be called exactly once per page however.
} // switch
return (pThis->m_autodeleteStuff.pfnOriginalPropSheetPageProc)(hwnd, uMsg, ppsp); } // CAutoDeletePropPage::S_PropSheetPageProc()
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CChooseMachinePropPage, CAutoDeletePropPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CChooseMachinePropPage)
#ifdef _DEBUG
static void AssertValidDialogTemplate(HWND hwnd) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(hwnd)); // Mandatory controls for a valid dialog template
for (int i = 0; rgzidDialogControl[i] != 0; i++) { ASSERT(NULL != GetDlgItem(hwnd, rgzidDialogControl[i]) && "Control ID not found in dialog template."); } } // AssertValidDialogTemplate()
#define AssertValidDialogTemplate(hwnd)
#endif // ~_DEBUG
// Constructor
CChooseMachinePropPage::CChooseMachinePropPage(UINT uIDD) : CAutoDeletePropPage(uIDD) { m_fIsRadioLocalMachine = TRUE; m_fAllowOverrideMachineName = FALSE; m_pfAllowOverrideMachineNameOut = NULL; m_pstrMachineNameOut = NULL; m_pstrMachineNameEffectiveOut = NULL; }
CChooseMachinePropPage::~CChooseMachinePropPage() { // CHECK: Is this the right place to free this?
::MMCFreeNotifyHandle(m_hNotify); }
// Load the initial state of CChooseMachinePropPage
void CChooseMachinePropPage::InitMachineName(LPCTSTR pszMachineName) { Endorse(pszMachineName == NULL); m_strMachineName = pszMachineName; m_fIsRadioLocalMachine = m_strMachineName.IsEmpty(); }
// SetOutputBuffers()
// - Set the pointer to the CString object to store the machine name.
// - Set the pointer to the boolean flag for command line override.
// - Set the pointer to store the overriden machine name.
void CChooseMachinePropPage::SetOutputBuffers( OUT CString * pstrMachineNamePersist, // Machine name the user typed. Empty string == local machine.
OUT BOOL * pfAllowOverrideMachineName, OUT CString * pstrMachineNameEffective) { Assert(pstrMachineNamePersist != NULL && "Invalid output buffer"); Endorse(pfAllowOverrideMachineName == NULL); // TRUE => Do not want to support override from command line
Endorse(pstrMachineNameEffective == NULL); // TRUE => Don't care of override
m_pstrMachineNameOut = pstrMachineNamePersist; m_pfAllowOverrideMachineNameOut = pfAllowOverrideMachineName; m_pstrMachineNameEffectiveOut = pstrMachineNameEffective; }
void CChooseMachinePropPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CAutoDeletePropPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_CHOOSER_EDIT_MACHINE_NAME, m_strMachineName); DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_strMachineName, MAX_PATH); if (NULL != m_hwndCheckboxOverride) { DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHOOSER_CHECK_OVERRIDE_MACHINE_NAME, m_fAllowOverrideMachineName); } if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { // User clicked on OK
ASSERT(m_hNotify != NULL); if (m_hNotify != NULL) ::MMCPropertyChangeNotify(m_hNotify, 0); if (NERR_Success != CanonicalizeComputername(INOUT m_strMachineName) ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // Required for AfxGetMainWnd()
CString strMessage, strTitle; strMessage.LoadString(IDS_CHOOSER_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME); strTitle.LoadString( IDS_DESCRIPTION); ::MessageBox( ::AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), strMessage, strTitle, MB_OK);
pDX->Fail(); Assert(FALSE && "Unreachable code"); } } // if
*m_pstrMachineNameOut = m_strMachineName; } // DoDataExchange()
BOOL CChooseMachinePropPage::OnInitDialog() { AssertValidDialogTemplate(m_hWnd); CAutoDeletePropPage::OnInitDialog(); InitRadioButtons(); m_hwndCheckboxOverride = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_CHOOSER_CHECK_OVERRIDE_MACHINE_NAME); if (m_pfAllowOverrideMachineNameOut == NULL && m_hwndCheckboxOverride != NULL) { // We are not interested with the command line override
::EnableWindow(m_hwndCheckboxOverride, FALSE); // Disable the window
::ShowWindow(m_hwndCheckboxOverride, SW_HIDE); // Hide the window
} return TRUE; }
BOOL CChooseMachinePropPage::OnWizardFinish() { if (!UpdateData()) return FALSE; // Do the data exchange to collect data
if (m_fIsRadioLocalMachine) { m_strMachineName.Empty(); } if (m_pstrMachineNameOut != NULL) { // Store the machine name into its output buffer
*m_pstrMachineNameOut = m_strMachineName; if (m_pfAllowOverrideMachineNameOut != NULL) *m_pfAllowOverrideMachineNameOut = m_fAllowOverrideMachineName; if (m_pstrMachineNameEffectiveOut != NULL) { if (m_fAllowOverrideMachineName && PchGetMachineNameOverride()) { *m_pstrMachineNameEffectiveOut = PchGetMachineNameOverride(); } else { *m_pstrMachineNameEffectiveOut = m_strMachineName; } } // if
} else { Assert(FALSE && "FYI: You have not specified any output buffer to store the machine name."); } return CAutoDeletePropPage::OnWizardFinish(); }
void CChooseMachinePropPage::InitRadioButtons() { SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CHOOSER_RADIO_LOCAL_MACHINE, BM_SETCHECK, m_fIsRadioLocalMachine); SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CHOOSER_RADIO_SPECIFIC_MACHINE, BM_SETCHECK, !m_fIsRadioLocalMachine); EnableDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSER_EDIT_MACHINE_NAME, !m_fIsRadioLocalMachine); }
void CChooseMachinePropPage::OnRadioLocalMachine() { m_fIsRadioLocalMachine = TRUE; EnableDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSER_EDIT_MACHINE_NAME, FALSE); }
void CChooseMachinePropPage::OnRadioSpecificMachine() { m_fIsRadioLocalMachine = FALSE; EnableDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSER_EDIT_MACHINE_NAME, TRUE); }