// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: detect.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation for the Detect() function
#include "iuengine.h"
#include "iuxml.h"
#include <logging.h>
#include <StringUtil.h>
#include <download.h>
#include "schemamisc.h"
#include "expression.h"
#include <iucommon.h>
// define constants used in this file
#define C_INDEX_STATUS_COMPUTER 5 // <computerSystem>
// declare macros used in this cpp file
* deckare the constants used to manipulate the result of Detect() method */ /**
* used in <detection> tag, to tell the detection result. This result * should overwrite the rest of <expression>, if any */ extern const LONG IUDET_INSTALLED; /* mask for <installed> result */ extern const LONG IUDET_INSTALLED_NULL; /* mask for <installed> missing */ extern const LONG IUDET_UPTODATE; /* mask for <upToDate> result */ extern const LONG IUDET_UPTODATE_NULL; /* mask for <upToDate> missing */ extern const LONG IUDET_NEWERVERSION; /* mask for <newerVersion> result */ extern const LONG IUDET_NEWERVERSION_NULL; /* mask for <newerVersion> missing */ extern const LONG IUDET_EXCLUDED; /* mask for <excluded> result */ extern const LONG IUDET_EXCLUDED_NULL; /* mask for <excluded> missing */ extern const LONG IUDET_FORCE; /* mask for <force> result */ extern const LONG IUDET_FORCE_NULL; /* mask for <force> missing */ extern const LONG IUDET_COMPUTER; // mask for <computerSystem> result
extern const LONG IUDET_COMPUTER_NULL; // <computerSystem> missing
// local macros
#define ReturnIfHrFail(hr) if (FAILED(hr)) {LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); return hr;}
#define GotoCleanupIfNull(p) if (p) goto CleanUp
#define SetDetResultFromDW(arr, index, dw, bit, bitNull) \
if (bitNull == (dw & bitNull)) \ arr[index] = -1; \ else \ arr[index] = (bit == (dw & bit)) ? 1 : 0;
// Private function DoDetection()
// do detection on one item
// Input:
// one item node
// Output:
// detect result: array of integer, each represents a result
// of one element. indexes are defined as C_INDEX_STATUS_XXX
// value: <0 expresison not present
// =0 evalues to FALSE
// >0 evalues to TRUE
// Return:
// S_OK if everything fine or error code
HRESULT DoDetection( IXMLDOMNode* pNode, // one item node
BOOL fIsItemNode, // need to go down 1 level to get detection node
int* pResultArray // array of result
) { LOG_Block("DoDetection");
int i; BOOL fRet = FALSE; BOOL fNeedReleaseNode = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrNodeName = NULL; BSTR bstrText = NULL; IXMLDOMNode* pDetectionNode = NULL; IXMLDOMNode* pDetectionChild = NULL; IXMLDOMNode* pExpression = NULL;
if (fIsItemNode) { hr = pNode->selectSingleNode(KEY_DETECTION, &pDetectionNode); if (S_FALSE == hr || NULL == pDetectionNode) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; // no detection node found!
LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); return hr; } } else { pDetectionNode = pNode; }
if (NULL == pDetectionNode) { //
// no detection node. Legal schema though.
// nothing we can do, so bail out.
LOG_XML(_T("no detection node found for this item! Returns S_FALSE, so it won't be reported")); return S_FALSE; }
// initialize result array
for (i = 0; i < C_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { pResultArray[i] = -1; }
// detection node may have a list of child nodes, each child node has
// a different name for different purpose of detection.
// each child node contains one and only one expression node
LOG_XML(_T("No costom detection DLL found. Detection children..."));
(void) pDetectionNode->get_firstChild(&pDetectionChild);
while (NULL != pDetectionChild) { //
// for each child, see if it is a known detection child
(void) pDetectionChild->get_nodeName(&bstrNodeName);
// found this child node is a known detection node
// if this is the computerSystem detection,
// then we ignore all child nodes, just do a simple
// function call to find out if this machine matches
// the manufacturer and model
hr = DetectComputerSystem(pDetectionChild, &fRet); } else //
// get the expression node from this child node
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDetectionChild->get_firstChild(&pExpression))) {
if (NULL != pExpression) { hr = DetectExpression(pExpression, &fRet); LOG_XML(_T("Detection result for tag %s = %d, returns 0x%08x"), OLE2T(bstrNodeName), fRet?1:0, hr); } else { //
// if there is no child, this is an empty detection type,
// then we will treat this as "ALWAYS TRUE", and reset hr so
// this "always true" result can be sent out
fRet = TRUE; hr = S_OK; } SafeReleaseNULL(pExpression);
// store the detection result
pResultArray[i] = (fRet) ? 1 : 0;
break; // done with current node
} }
if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// report error to log file
IXMLDOMNode* pIdentityNode = NULL, *pProviderNode = NULL; BSTR bstrIdentStr = NULL; char* pNodeType = (fIsItemNode) ? "Provider:" : "Item:";
// we need to find out the identity string of this node
if (fIsItemNode) { //
// this is an item node, containing identity node
(void)FindNode(pNode, KEY_IDENTITY, &pIdentityNode); } else { //
// this is the detection node of a provider
if (SUCCEEDED(pNode->get_parentNode(&pProviderNode)) && NULL != pProviderNode) { (void)FindNode(pProviderNode, KEY_IDENTITY, &pIdentityNode); }
// if we have a valid identity node
if (NULL != pIdentityNode && SUCCEEDED(UtilGetUniqIdentityStr(pIdentityNode, &bstrIdentStr, 0x0)) && NULL != bstrIdentStr) { //
// output log about the error
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
LogError(hr, "Found error during detection %hs %ls", pNodeType, bstrIdentStr); #else
LogError(hr, "Found error during detection %s %s", pNodeType, OLE2T(bstrIdentStr)); #endif
SysFreeString(bstrIdentStr); } SafeReleaseNULL(pProviderNode); SafeReleaseNULL(pIdentityNode);
// if any one detection returns fail, then this detection node is
// not valid - it means something wrong in the detection
// data. we will just ignore this detection, no output for it.
break; }
// try next detection child
IXMLDOMNode* pNextNode = NULL; pDetectionChild->get_nextSibling(&pNextNode); SafeReleaseNULL(pDetectionChild); pDetectionChild = pNextNode; }
SafeReleaseNULL(pDetectionChild); if (fIsItemNode) { SafeReleaseNULL(pDetectionNode); } return hr; }
// public function Detect()
// Do detection.
// Input:
// bstrXmlCatalog - the xml catalog portion containing items to be detected
// Output:
// pbstrXmlItems - the detected items in xml format
// e.g.
// <id guid="2560AD4D-3ED3-49C6-A937-4368C0B0E06D" installed="1" force="1"/>
HRESULT WINAPI CEngUpdate::Detect(BSTR bstrXmlCatalog, DWORD dwFlags, BSTR *pbstrXmlItems) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IXMLDOMNodeList* pProviderList = NULL; IXMLDOMNodeList* pProvChildList = NULL; IXMLDOMNode* pCurProvider = NULL; IXMLDOMNode* pCurNode = NULL; CXmlCatalog xmlCatalog; CXmlItems ItemList; // result item list
HANDLE_NODE hNode; int DetStatus[C_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE]; int i;
DWORD dwDownloadFlags = 0;
//#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
if (NULL == bstrXmlCatalog || NULL == pbstrXmlItems) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); return hr; }
LOG_XML(_T("Catalog=%s"), OLE2T(bstrXmlCatalog));
// Set Global Offline Flag - checked by XML Classes to disable Validation (schemas are on the net)
if (dwFlags & FLAG_OFFLINE_MODE) { m_fOfflineMode = TRUE; } else { m_fOfflineMode = FALSE; }
// Convert bstrXmlCatalog to XMLDOM
hr = xmlCatalog.LoadXMLDocument(bstrXmlCatalog, m_fOfflineMode); ReturnIfHrFail(hr); LOG_XML(_T("Catalog has been loaded into XMLDOM"));
// get the list of providers from catalog
pProviderList = xmlCatalog.GetProviders(); if (NULL == pProviderList) { LOG_Error(_T("No provider found!")); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// get the first provider
(void) pProviderList->nextNode(&pCurProvider);
// for each provider, process their item list
while (NULL != pCurProvider) { //
// get the children list from this node
if (NULL != pProvChildList) { long n; //
// loop through the list to process each item of catalog
long iProvChildren = 0; pProvChildList->get_length(&iProvChildren);
BOOL fProviderOkay = TRUE; BSTR bstrHref = NULL;
// process each child of this provider to see
// if there is any detection node or any item node,
for (n = 0; n < iProvChildren && fProviderOkay; n++) { pProvChildList->get_item(n, &pCurNode);
BOOL fIsItemNode = DoesNodeHaveName(pCurNode, KEY_ITEM);
if (fIsItemNode || DoesNodeHaveName(pCurNode, KEY_DETECTION)) { //
// initialize the status result array
for (i = 0; i < C_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { DetStatus[i] = -1; // init to not present
// detect each pression of this detection node of this item
// error reported inside this function
if (S_OK == DoDetection(pCurNode, fIsItemNode, DetStatus)) { //
// add the item to the item list
if (SUCCEEDED(ItemList.AddItem(fIsItemNode ? pCurNode : pCurProvider, &hNode)) && HANDLE_NODE_INVALID != hNode) { //
// update the detection status result of this item
ItemList.AddDetectResult( hNode, DetStatus[C_INDEX_STATUS_INSTALLED], DetStatus[C_INDEX_STATUS_UPTODATE], DetStatus[C_INDEX_STATUS_NEWVERSION], DetStatus[C_INDEX_STATUS_EXCLUDED], DetStatus[C_INDEX_STATUS_FORCE], DetStatus[C_INDEX_STATUS_COMPUTER] ); ItemList.SafeCloseHandleNode(hNode); } } }
} // end of this item
//SafeReleaseNULL(pCurNode); // in case it's not item node
} // end of non-empty node list of this provider
// finished processing the current provider
SafeReleaseNULL(pProvChildList); SafeReleaseNULL(pCurProvider);
// try to get a hold of the next provider
(void) pProviderList->nextNode(&pCurProvider);
} // end of iterating provider list
// output the detection reuslt as an item list
LOG_XML(_T("Result=%s"), *pbstrXmlItems);
// done
return S_OK; }