* * (C) Copyright MICROSOFT Corp., 1993 * * Title: VMMREG.H - Include file for VMM/Loader Registry Services * * Version: 1.00 * * Date: 03-June-1993 * * Author: Nagara * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Change log: * ****************************************************************************** */
#ifndef _VMMREG_H
#define _VMMREG_H
typedef DWORD VMMHKEY; typedef VMMHKEY *PVMMHKEY; typedef DWORD VMMREGRET; // return type for the REG Functions
#define MAX_VMM_REG_KEY_LEN 256 // includes the \0 terminator
#ifndef REG_SZ // define only if not there already
#define REG_SZ 0x0001
#ifndef REG_BINARY // define only if not there already
#define REG_BINARY 0x0003
#ifndef REG_DWORD // define only if not there already
#define REG_DWORD 0x0004
#ifndef HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE // define only if not there already
#define HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 0x80000000
#define HKEY_CURRENT_USER 0x80000001
#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 0x80000002
#define HKEY_USERS 0x80000003
#define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA 0x80000004
#define HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG 0x80000005
#define HKEY_DYN_DATA 0x80000006
// ERROR CODES returned by Registry
// and so VMMREG.H should be included after WINERROR.H
#define ERROR_BADDB 1009L
#define ERROR_MORE_DATA 234L
#define ERROR_BADKEY 1010L
#define ERROR_CANTOPEN 1011L
#define ERROR_CANTREAD 1012L
/*XLATOFF*/ #ifndef Not_VxD
struct val_context { int valuelen; // the total length of this value
PVOID value_context; // provider's context
PVOID val_buff_ptr; // where in the ouput buffer the value is.
typedef struct val_context *PVALCONTEXT;
typedef struct pvalue { // Provider supplied value/context.
PCHAR pv_valuename; // The value name pointer
DWORD pv_valuelen; PVOID pv_value_context; DWORD pv_type; }PVALUE;
typedef struct pvalue *PPVALUE;
typedef VMMREGRET (_cdecl *PQUERYHANDLER)(PVOID pvKeyContext, PVALCONTEXT pvalcontextValues, DWORD cvalcontextValues, PVOID pbData, DWORD * pcbData, DWORD dwReserved);
typedef struct provider_info { PQUERYHANDLER pi_R0_1val; PQUERYHANDLER pi_R0_allvals; PQUERYHANDLER pi_R3_1val; PQUERYHANDLER pi_R3_allvals; DWORD pi_flags; // Only PROVIDER_KEEPS_VALUE_LENGTH for now.
struct value_ent { PCHAR ve_valuename; DWORD ve_valuelen; DWORD ve_valueptr; DWORD ve_type; };
typedef struct value_ent VALENT; typedef VALENT *PVALENT;
#ifndef WIN31COMPAT
#pragma warning (disable:4035) // turn off no return code warning
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegOpenKey(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszSubKey, PVMMHKEY phkResult) { _asm push phkResult _asm push lpszSubKey _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegOpenKey); _asm add esp, 3*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegCloseKey(VMMHKEY hkey) { _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegCloseKey); _asm add esp, 1*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegCreateKey(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszSubKey, PVMMHKEY phkResult) { _asm push phkResult _asm push lpszSubKey _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegCreateKey); _asm add esp, 3*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegCreateDynKey(PCHAR lpszSubKey, PVOID pvKeyContext, PVOID pprovHandlerInfo, PVOID ppvalueValueInfo, DWORD cpvalueValueInfo, PVMMHKEY phkResult) { _asm push phkResult _asm push cpvalueValueInfo _asm push ppvalueValueInfo _asm push pprovHandlerInfo _asm push pvKeyContext _asm push lpszSubKey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegCreateDynKey); _asm add esp, 6*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegQueryMultipleValues (VMMHKEY hKey, PVOID val_list, DWORD num_vals, PCHAR lpValueBuf, DWORD *ldwTotsize) { _asm push ldwTotsize _asm push lpValueBuf _asm push num_vals _asm push val_list _asm push hKey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegQueryMultipleValues); _asm add esp, 5*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegDeleteKey(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszSubKey) { _asm push lpszSubKey _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegDeleteKey); _asm add esp, 2*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegEnumKey(VMMHKEY hkey, DWORD iSubKey, PCHAR lpszName, DWORD cchName) { _asm push cchName _asm push lpszName _asm push iSubKey _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegEnumKey); _asm add esp, 4*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegQueryValue(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszSubKey, PCHAR lpszValue, PDWORD lpcbValue) { _asm push lpcbValue _asm push lpszValue _asm push lpszSubKey _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegQueryValue); _asm add esp, 4*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegSetValue(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszSubKey, DWORD fdwType, PCHAR lpszData, DWORD cbData) { _asm push cbData _asm push lpszData _asm push fdwType _asm push lpszSubKey _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegSetValue); _asm add esp, 5*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegDeleteValue(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszValue) { _asm push lpszValue _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegDeleteValue); _asm add esp, 2*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegEnumValue(VMMHKEY hkey, DWORD iValue, PCHAR lpszValue, PDWORD lpcbValue, PDWORD lpdwReserved, PDWORD lpdwType, PBYTE lpbData, PDWORD lpcbData) { _asm push lpcbData _asm push lpbData _asm push lpdwType _asm push lpdwReserved _asm push lpcbValue _asm push lpszValue _asm push iValue _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegEnumValue); _asm add esp, 8*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegQueryValueEx(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszValueName, PDWORD lpdwReserved, PDWORD lpdwType, PBYTE lpbData, PDWORD lpcbData) { _asm push lpcbData _asm push lpbData _asm push lpdwType _asm push lpdwReserved _asm push lpszValueName _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegQueryValueEx); _asm add esp, 6*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegSetValueEx(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszValueName, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD fdwType, PBYTE lpbData, DWORD cbData) { _asm push cbData _asm push lpbData _asm push fdwType _asm push dwReserved _asm push lpszValueName _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegSetValueEx); _asm add esp, 6*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegFlushKey(VMMHKEY hkey) { _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegFlushKey); _asm add esp, 1*4 }
VMMREGRET VXDINLINE VMM_RegQueryInfoKey(VMMHKEY hkey, PCHAR lpszClass, PDWORD lpcchClass,PDWORD lpdwReserved, PDWORD lpcSubKeys, PDWORD lpcchMaxSubKey, PDWORD lpcchMaxClass, PDWORD lpcValues, PDWORD lpcchMaxValueName, PDWORD lpcbMaxValueData,PDWORD lpcbSecurityDesc, PDWORD lpftLastWriteTime) { _asm push lpftLastWriteTime _asm push lpcbSecurityDesc _asm push lpcbMaxValueData _asm push lpcchMaxValueName _asm push lpcValues _asm push lpcchMaxClass _asm push lpcchMaxSubKey _asm push lpcSubKeys _asm push lpdwReserved _asm push lpcchClass _asm push lpszClass _asm push hkey Touch_Register(eax) Touch_Register(ecx) Touch_Register(edx) VMMCall(_RegQueryInfoKey); _asm add esp, 12*4 }
#pragma warning (default:4035) // turn on no return code warning
#endif // WIN31COMPAT
#endif // Not_VxD
/* ASM
;************************************************************** ; Macros for Realmode loader registry Services ; ;************************************************************** LDR_RegOpenKey Macro hKey,OffSubKey,SegSubKey,OffphKey,SegphKey push SegphKey push OffphKey ; lphKey push SegSubKey push OffSubKey ; lpszSubKey push dword ptr hKey ; hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegOpenKey call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,3*4 ; for 3 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegCloseKey Macro hKey push dword ptr hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegCloseKey call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,1*4 ; for 1 parameter on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegCreateKey Macro hKey,OffSubKey,SegSubKey,OffphKey,SegphKey push SegphKey push OffphKey ; lphKey push SegSubKey push OffSubKey ; lpszSubKey push dword ptr hKey ; hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegCreateKey call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,3*4 ; for 3 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegDeleteKey Macro hKey,OffSubKey,SegSubKey push SegSubKey push OffSubKey ; lpszSubKey push dword ptr hKey ; hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegDeleteKey call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,2*4 ; for 2 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegEnumKey Macro hKey,iSubKey,OffszName,SegszName,BufLen push dword ptr BufLen push SegszName push OffszName push dword ptr iSubKey push dword ptr hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegEnumKey call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,4*4 ; for 4 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegQueryValue Macro hKey,OffSubKey,SegSubKey,OffValue,SegValue,OffcbValue,SegcbValue push SegcbValue push OffcbValue push SegValue push OffValue push SegSubKey push OffSubKey push dword ptr hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegQueryValue call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,4*4 ; for 4 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegSetValue Macro hKey,OffSubKey,SegSubKey,dwType,OffData,SegData,cbData push dword ptr cbData push SegData push OffData push dword ptr dwType push SegSubKey push OffSubKey push dword ptr hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegSetValue call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,5*4 ; for 4 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegDeleteValue Macro hKey,OffValue,SegValue push SegValue push OffValue ; lpszValue push dword ptr hKey ; hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegDeleteValue call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,2*4 ; for 2 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegEnumValue Macro hKey,iValue,OffValue,SegValue,OffcbValue,SegcbValue,RegReserved,OffdwType,SegdwType,OffData,SegData,OffcbData,SegcbData push SegcbData push OffcbData push SegData push OffData push SegdwType push OffdwType push dword ptr RegReserved push SegcbValue push OffcbValue push SegValue push OffValue push dword ptr iValue push dword ptr hKey ; hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegEnumValue call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,8*4 ; for 8 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegQueryValueEx Macro hKey,OffValue,SegValue,RegReserved,OffdwType,SegdwType,OffData,SegData,OffcbData,SegcbData push SegcbData push OffcbData push SegData push OffData push SegdwType push OffdwType push dword ptr RegReserved push SegValue push OffValue push dword ptr hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegQueryValueEx call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,6*4 ; for 6 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegSetValueEx Macro hKey,OffValue,SegValue,RegReserved,dwType,OffData,SegData,cbData push dword ptr cbData push SegData push OffData push dword ptr dwType push dword ptr RegReserved push SegValue push OffValue push dword ptr hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegSetValueEx call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,6*4 ; for 6 parameters on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** LDR_RegFlushKey Macro hKey push dword ptr hKey mov ax,LDRSRV_RegFlushKey call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] add sp,1*4 ; for 1 parameter on stack ENDM ;************************************************************** */ #endif /* _VMMREG_H */