// testIsConnected.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <MemUtil.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <sensapi.h>
#include <URLLogging.h>
//#include "testSens.h"
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
// from winsock.dll (version 1.1 and up)
typedef int FAR (WINAPI * WSASTARTUP)(WORD, LPWSADATA); typedef int FAR (WINAPI * WSACLEANUP)(void); typedef int FAR (WINAPI * WSAGETLASTERROR)(void); typedef struct hostent FAR * (WINAPI * GETHOSTBYNAME)(const char FAR *); typedef ULONG (WINAPI * INET_ADDR)(const CHAR FAR *); typedef char FAR * (WINAPI * INET_NTOA)(struct in_addr);
// from iphlpapi.dll
// from sensapi.dll
CHAR szWU_PING_URL[] = ""; // ip addr for windowsupdate.microsoft.com
//const TCHAR szWU_BASE_URL[] = _T("http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com");
BOOL g_fVerbose = FALSE;
HMODULE g_hIphlp = NULL; HMODULE g_hSock = NULL; HMODULE g_hSens = NULL;
// from winsock.dll (version 1.0 and up)
WSASTARTUP g_pfnWSAStartup = NULL; WSACLEANUP g_pfnWSACleanup = NULL; WSAGETLASTERROR g_pfnWSAGetLastError = NULL; GETHOSTBYNAME g_pfn_gethostbyname = NULL; INET_NTOA g_pfn_inet_ntoa = NULL; INET_ADDR g_pfn_inet_addr = NULL;
// from iphlpapi.dll
GETINTERFACEINFO g_pfnGetInterfaceInfo = NULL; GETIPFORWARDTABLE g_pfnGetIpForwardTable = NULL; GETBESTINTERFACE g_pfnGetBestInterface = NULL; GETBESTROUTE g_pfnGetBestRoute = NULL;
// from sensapi.dll
void printBestRoute(MIB_IPFORWARDROW & bestRoute) { CHAR szForwardDest[15 + 1]; CHAR szForwardMask[15 + 1]; CHAR szForwardNextHop[15 + 1]; struct in_addr in;
in.s_addr = bestRoute.dwForwardDest; lstrcpyA(szForwardDest, g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in)); in.s_addr = bestRoute.dwForwardMask; lstrcpyA(szForwardMask, g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in)); in.s_addr = bestRoute.dwForwardNextHop; lstrcpyA(szForwardNextHop, g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in)); printf("\tdest\t= %s\n\tmask\t= %s\n\tgateway\t= %s\n\tifindex\t= %d\n\ttype\t= %d\n\tproto\t= %d\n\tage\t= %d\n", szForwardDest, szForwardMask, szForwardNextHop, bestRoute.dwForwardIfIndex, bestRoute.dwForwardType, bestRoute.dwForwardProto, bestRoute.dwForwardAge); }
BOOL MyIsConnected(WORD wVersion, LPCTSTR ptszUrl, BOOL fLive) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwErr;
LPTSTR ptszHostName = NULL; /*
if (0x3 == wVersion) { printf("Sleeping 20 seconds...\n"); Sleep(20000); return g_fConnected; } */ if (0x1 == wVersion) { // Test latest behavior
return IsConnected(ptszUrl, fLive); }
DWORD dwConnMethod = 0;
if (0x200 == wVersion || 0x202 == wVersion) { if (bRet = InternetGetConnectedState(&dwConnMethod, 0)) { // modem is dialing
if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM_BUSY) { bRet = FALSE; goto lFinish; }
// check if there is a proxy but currently user is offline
if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY) { DWORD dwState = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (!InternetQueryOptionA(NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECTED_STATE, &dwState, &dwSize)) { printf("IsConnected(): InternetQueryOptionA failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); }
if (dwState & (INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED_BY_USER | INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED)) { bRet = FALSE; goto lFinish; } } } else { //
// further test the case that user didn't run icw but is using a modem connection
const DWORD dwModemConn = (INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM | INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM_BUSY); if ((dwConnMethod & dwModemConn) == dwModemConn) { bRet = TRUE; } } } else { DWORD dwFlags;
bRet = g_pfnIsNetworkAlive(&dwFlags); }
//one final check for connectivity by pinging microsoft.com
//if (bRet)
// bRet = CheckByPing(szURL);
//bugfix for InternetGetConnectedState API - if LAN card is disabled it still returns LAN connection
//use GetBestInterface and see if there is any error trying to reach an outside IP address
//this may fix scenarios in homelan case where there is no actual connection to internet??
if (((0x0200 == wVersion || 0x0202 == wVersion) && (!bRet || (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN))) || //LAN card present
//bug 299338
(0x0 == wVersion && bRet)) { IPAddr dest = INADDR_NONE;
if (0x0200 == wVersion) { if (INADDR_NONE == (dest = g_pfn_inet_addr(szWU_PING_URL))) { printf("inet_addr(\"%s\") failed\n", szWU_PING_URL); } } else { if (NULL != ptszUrl && _T('\0') != ptszUrl[0]) { const TCHAR c_tszHttpScheme[] = _T("http://");
if (0 == _tcsncmp(ptszUrl, c_tszHttpScheme, ARRAYSIZE(c_tszHttpScheme) - 1)) { ptszUrl += ARRAYSIZE(c_tszHttpScheme) - 1; // skip http://
} LPCTSTR ptszDelim = _tcschr(ptszUrl, _T('/')); if (NULL == ptszDelim) { ptszDelim = ptszUrl + lstrlen(ptszUrl); }
if (NULL != (ptszHostName = (LPTSTR) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * (ptszDelim - ptszUrl + 1)))) { lstrcpyn(ptszHostName, ptszUrl, ((int) (ptszDelim - ptszUrl)) + 1);
LPSTR pszHostName = T2A(ptszHostName);
if (0x0 != wVersion || INADDR_NONE == (dest = g_pfn_inet_addr(pszHostName))) { if (g_fVerbose) { printf("Resolving domain name for %s...\n", pszHostName); }
int iErr = 0;
if (0x0 == wVersion) { WSADATA wsaData;
if (0 == (iErr = g_pfnWSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData))) { if (g_fVerbose) { printf("WSAStartup() succeeded, wVersion = %d.%d, wHighVersion = %d.%d\n", LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion), HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion), LOBYTE(wsaData.wHighVersion), HIBYTE(wsaData.wHighVersion)); } } else { /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */ /* WinSock DLL. */ printf("IsConnected(): WSAStartup() failed with error %d\n", iErr); } }
if (0 == iErr) { DWORD dwTimeEllapsed = GetTickCount();
struct hostent *ptHost = g_pfn_gethostbyname(pszHostName);
dwTimeEllapsed = GetTickCount() - dwTimeEllapsed;
if (NULL == ptHost) { dwErr = g_pfnWSAGetLastError(); printf("IsConnected(): gethostbyname(\"%s\") failed with error WSABASEERR+%d (%d), took %d msecs\n", pszHostName, dwErr - WSABASEERR, dwErr, dwTimeEllapsed);
if (0x0 == wVersion) { bRet = FALSE; } } else if (AF_INET == ptHost->h_addrtype && sizeof(IPAddr) == ptHost->h_length && NULL != ptHost->h_addr_list && NULL != *ptHost->h_addr_list) { dest = *((IPAddr FAR *) ptHost->h_addr);
if (g_fVerbose) { printf("Host name %s resolved to be ", pszHostName);
for (IPAddr FAR * FAR * ppAddresses = (IPAddr FAR * FAR *) ptHost->h_addr_list; *ppAddresses != NULL; ppAddresses++) { struct in_addr in;
in.s_addr = **ppAddresses; printf("%s, ", g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in)); } printf("took %d msecs\n", dwTimeEllapsed); } } else { printf("IsConnected(): gethostbyname(\"%s\") returns invalid host entry\n", pszHostName); }
if (0x0 == wVersion) { if (iErr = g_pfnWSACleanup()) { printf("IsConnected(): WSACleanup() failed with error %d\n", iErr); } else if (g_fVerbose) { printf("WSACleanup() succeeded\n"); } } } } } else { printf("IsConnected(): call to malloc() failed\n"); } } }
if (INADDR_NONE != dest) { DWORD dwIndex; struct in_addr in;
in.s_addr = dest;
if (bRet = (NO_ERROR == (dwErr = g_pfnGetBestInterface(dest, &dwIndex)))) { if (g_fVerbose) { printf("GetBestInterface(%s) succeeded, dwIndex = %d\n", g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in), dwIndex); } } else { printf("IsConnected(): GetBestInterface(%s) failed w/ error %d\n", g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in), dwErr); } } }
lFinish: if (NULL != ptszHostName) { free(ptszHostName); }
printf(bRet ? "Connected\n" : "Not connected\n"); return (bRet); }
void runApiTests(LPSTR pszURL) { if (!g_fVerbose) { return; }
DWORD dwFlags;
if (g_pfnIsNetworkAlive(&dwFlags)) { printf("IsNetworkAlive(&dwFlags) returns TRUE, dwFlags = %#lx\n", dwFlags); if (dwFlags & NETWORK_ALIVE_LAN) { printf("\t%s\n", "NETWORK_ALIVE_LAN"); } if (dwFlags & NETWORK_ALIVE_WAN) { printf("\t%s\n", "NETWORK_ALIVE_WAN"); } if (dwFlags & NETWORK_ALIVE_AOL) { printf("\t%s\n", "NETWORK_ALIVE_AOL"); } } else { printf("runApiTests(): IsNetworkAlive(&dwFlags) failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); }
printf("Checking destination reachability for %s...\n", pszURL); if (g_pfnIsDestinationReachableA(pszURL, NULL)) { printf("IsDestinationReachableA(\"%s\", NULL) returns TRUE\n", pszURL); } else { printf("runApiTests(): IsDestinationReachableA(\"%s\", NULL) failed with error %d\n", pszURL, GetLastError()); } printf("\n");
switch(dwErr = g_pfnGetInterfaceInfo(pIfTable, &dwOutBufLen)) { case NO_ERROR: printf("runApiTests(): GetInterfaceInfo() returns NO_ERROR with no buffer?\n"); break;
case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: if (NULL == (pIfTable = (PIP_INTERFACE_INFO) malloc(dwOutBufLen))) { printf("IsConnected(): call to malloc() failed\n"); } else { if (NO_ERROR != (dwErr = g_pfnGetInterfaceInfo(pIfTable, &dwOutBufLen))) { printf("runApiTests(): GetInterfaceInfo() failed with error %d\n", dwErr); } else { if (0 != pIfTable->NumAdapters) { for (int i=0; i<pIfTable->NumAdapters; i++) { printf("Network interface #%d = %ls\n", pIfTable->Adapter[i].Index, pIfTable->Adapter[i].Name); } } else { printf("There is no network interface on this machine.\n"); } printf("\n"); }
free(pIfTable); } break;
default: printf("runApiTests(): GetInterfaceInfo() failed with error %d\n", dwErr); break; }
// Find out how big our buffer needs to be
DWORD dwSize = 0;
if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == (dwErr = g_pfnGetIpForwardTable(pIpForwardTable, &dwSize, TRUE))) { // Allocate the memory for the table
if (NULL != (pIpForwardTable = (PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE) malloc(dwSize))) { // Now get the table
dwErr = g_pfnGetIpForwardTable(pIpForwardTable, &dwSize, TRUE); } else { printf("runApiTests(): call to malloc() failed\n"); } }
if (NO_ERROR == dwErr) { if (0 != pIpForwardTable->dwNumEntries) { printf("%-15.15s\t%-15.15s\t%-15.15s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Destination", "Network Mask", "Gateway", "IfIndex", "Type", "Proto", "Age"); printf("===============================================================================\n"); for (DWORD i=0; i < pIpForwardTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { PMIB_IPFORWARDROW pRow = &(pIpForwardTable->table[i]);
CHAR szForwardDest[15 + 1]; CHAR szForwardMask[15 + 1]; CHAR szForwardNextHop[15 + 1]; struct in_addr in;
in.s_addr = pRow->dwForwardDest; lstrcpyA(szForwardDest, g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in)); in.s_addr = pRow->dwForwardMask; lstrcpyA(szForwardMask, g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in)); in.s_addr = pRow->dwForwardNextHop; lstrcpyA(szForwardNextHop, g_pfn_inet_ntoa(in)); printf("%15.15s\t%15.15s\t%15.15s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", szForwardDest, szForwardMask, szForwardNextHop, pRow->dwForwardIfIndex, pRow->dwForwardType, pRow->dwForwardProto, pRow->dwForwardAge); } } else { printf("There is no entry in the routing table.\n"); } printf("\n"); } else { printf("runApiTests(): GetIpForwardTable() failed w/ error %d\n", dwErr); }
DWORD dwConnMethod = 0;
if (InternetGetConnectedState(&dwConnMethod, 0)) { printf("InternetGetConnectedState(&dwConnMethod) returns TRUE, dwConnMethod = %#lx\n", dwConnMethod); } else { printf("InternetGetConnectedState(&dwConnMethod) returns FALSE\n"); } if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM"); } if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN ) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN"); } if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY ) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY"); } if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM_BUSY ) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM_BUSY"); } if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED ) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED"); } if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE ) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE"); } if (dwConnMethod & INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED ) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED"); } printf("\n");
DWORD dwState = 0;
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); if (InternetQueryOptionA(NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECTED_STATE, &dwState, &dwSize)) { printf("InternetQueryOptionA(NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECTED_STATE, &dwState, &dwSize) returns TRUE, dwState = %#lx\n", dwState); if (dwState & INTERNET_STATE_CONNECTED) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_STATE_CONNECTED - connected state (mutually exclusive with disconnected)"); } if (dwState & INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED - disconnected from network"); } if (dwState & INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED_BY_USER) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED_BY_USER - disconnected by user request"); } if (dwState & INTERNET_STATE_IDLE) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_STATE_IDLE - no network requests being made (by Wininet)"); } if (dwState & INTERNET_STATE_BUSY) { printf("\t%s\n", "INTERNET_STATE_BUSY - network requests being made (by Wininet)"); } } else { printf("IsConnected(): InternetQueryOptionA failed with error %d\n", GetLastError()); } printf("\n");
if (NULL != pIpForwardTable) { free(pIpForwardTable); } }
void runTest(WORD wVersion, LPSTR pszURL, BOOL fLive) { CHAR szVersion[50]; HRESULT hr; BOOL fCoInit = FALSE;
switch (wVersion) { case 0x0200: case 0x0202: sprintf(szVersion, "from AU %d.%d", HIBYTE(wVersion), LOBYTE(wVersion)); break; case 0x0: sprintf(szVersion, "(bug fix candidate)"); break; case 0x1: sprintf(szVersion, "(latest code)"); break; /*
case 0x3: sprintf(szVersion, "(SENS test)"); if (fCoInit = FAILED(hr = CoInitialize(NULL))) { printf("runTest(): CoInitialize(NULL) failed w/ error %#lx\n", hr); goto CleanUp; } if (g_fVerbose) { printf("runTest(): CoInitialize(NULL) succeeded\n"); } if (FAILED(hr = ActivateSensNetworkNotification())) { printf("runTest(): ActivateSensNetworkNotification() failed w/ error %#lx\n", hr); goto CleanUp; } if (g_fVerbose) { printf("runTest(): ActivateSensNetworkNotification() succeeded\n"); } break; */ default: printf("runTest(): unknown wVersion\n"); goto CleanUp; }
printf("Testing connection detection/server reachability algorithm %s...\n", szVersion);
LPTSTR ptszURL = A2T(0x0200 == wVersion ? szWU_PING_URL : pszURL);
_tprintf(_T("IsConnected(\"%s\") returns %s\n"), ptszURL, MyIsConnected(wVersion, ptszURL, fLive) ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")); }
if (0x3 == wVersion) { if (FAILED(hr = DeactivateSensNetworkNotification())) { printf("runTest(): DeactivateSensNetworkNotification() failed w/ error %#lx\n", hr); } else if (g_fVerbose) { printf("runTest(): DeactivateSensNetworkNotification() succeeded\n"); } } */
CleanUp: if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } }
int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char c_szMethodToken[] = "/method:"; char c_szMToken[] = "/m:"; char c_szVerboseToken[] = "/verbose"; char c_szVToken[] = "/v"; char c_szCorpToken[] = "/corpwu"; char c_szLiveToken[] = "/live"; int fLive = -1;
WORD wVersion = 0xffff; // default == unknown;
int index = 0;
while (index < argc - 1) { LPSTR psz = NULL;
if (0 == StrCmpNIA(argv[index], c_szMethodToken, ARRAYSIZE(c_szMethodToken) - 1)) { psz = argv[index] + ARRAYSIZE(c_szMethodToken) - 1; } else if (0 == StrCmpNIA(argv[index], c_szMToken, ARRAYSIZE(c_szMToken) - 1)) { psz = argv[index] + ARRAYSIZE(c_szMToken) - 1; }
if (NULL != psz) { if (0xffff != wVersion) { // param specified twice
goto Usage; }
char c_szOptionCode[] = "code"; char c_szOptionFix[] = "fix"; char c_szOptionAll[] = "all"; char c_szOptionSens[] = "sens"; int iMajorVersion = 0, iMinorVersion = 0;
if (2 != sscanf(psz, "%d.%d", &iMajorVersion, &iMinorVersion)) { if (0 == StrCmpNIA(psz, c_szOptionCode, ARRAYSIZE(c_szOptionCode))) { iMajorVersion = 0; iMinorVersion = 1; } else if (0 == StrCmpNIA(psz, c_szOptionFix, ARRAYSIZE(c_szOptionFix))) { iMajorVersion = iMinorVersion = 0; } else if (0 == StrCmpNIA(psz, c_szOptionAll, ARRAYSIZE(c_szOptionAll))) { iMajorVersion = 0xff; iMinorVersion = 0xfe; } /*
else if (0 == StrCmpNIA(psz, c_szOptionSens, ARRAYSIZE(c_szOptionSens))) { iMajorVersion = 0; iMinorVersion = 3; } */ else { goto Usage; } } wVersion = MAKEWORD(iMinorVersion, iMajorVersion); continue; }
if (0 == StrCmpNIA(argv[index], c_szVerboseToken, ARRAYSIZE(c_szVerboseToken)) || 0 == StrCmpNIA(argv[index], c_szVToken, ARRAYSIZE(c_szVToken))) { if (g_fVerbose) { // param specified twice
goto Usage; }
g_fVerbose = TRUE; continue; }
if (0 == StrCmpNIA(argv[index], c_szLiveToken, ARRAYSIZE(c_szLiveToken))) { if (-1 != fLive) { // param specified twice or conflicting param
goto Usage; }
fLive = 1; continue; }
if (0 == StrCmpNIA(argv[index], c_szCorpToken, ARRAYSIZE(c_szCorpToken))) { if (-1 != fLive) { // param specified twice or conflicting param
goto Usage; }
fLive = 0; continue; }
if ('/' != *argv[index]) { if (NULL != pszURL) { // param specified twice
goto Usage; }
pszURL = argv[index]; continue; }
// unknown param
goto Usage; }
switch (wVersion) { case 0x0200: if (NULL != pszURL) { goto Usage; } break; case 0x0202: case 0x0: case 0x1: // case 0x3:
case 0xfffe: if (NULL == pszURL) { goto Usage; } break; default: goto Usage; }
if (-1 == fLive) { fLive = 1; }
if ((NULL == g_hIphlp && NULL == (g_hIphlp = LoadLibrary(TEXT("iphlpapi.dll")))) || NULL == (g_pfnGetBestInterface = (GETBESTINTERFACE)::GetProcAddress(g_hIphlp, "GetBestInterface")) || NULL == (g_pfnGetBestRoute = (GETBESTROUTE)::GetProcAddress(g_hIphlp, "GetBestRoute")) || NULL == (g_pfnGetInterfaceInfo = (GETINTERFACEINFO)::GetProcAddress(g_hIphlp, "GetInterfaceInfo")) || NULL == (g_pfnGetIpForwardTable = (GETIPFORWARDTABLE)::GetProcAddress(g_hIphlp, "GetIpForwardTable"))) { printf("Failed to load proc from iphlpapi.dll\n"); goto Done; }
if ((NULL == g_hSock && NULL == (g_hSock = LoadLibrary(TEXT("ws2_32.dll")))) || NULL == (g_pfnWSAStartup = (WSASTARTUP)::GetProcAddress(g_hSock, "WSAStartup")) || NULL == (g_pfnWSACleanup = (WSACLEANUP)::GetProcAddress(g_hSock, "WSACleanup")) || NULL == (g_pfn_gethostbyname = (GETHOSTBYNAME)::GetProcAddress(g_hSock, "gethostbyname")) || NULL == (g_pfnWSAGetLastError = (WSAGETLASTERROR)::GetProcAddress(g_hSock, "WSAGetLastError")) || NULL == (g_pfn_inet_addr = (INET_ADDR)::GetProcAddress(g_hSock, "inet_addr")) || NULL == (g_pfn_inet_ntoa = (INET_NTOA)::GetProcAddress(g_hSock, "inet_ntoa"))) { printf("Failed to load proc from ws2_32.dll\n"); goto Done; }
if (NULL == (g_hSens = LoadLibrary(TEXT("sensapi.dll"))) || NULL == (g_pfnIsNetworkAlive = (ISNETWORKALIVE)::GetProcAddress(g_hSens, "IsNetworkAlive")) || NULL == (g_pfnIsDestinationReachableA = (ISDESTINATIONREACHABLEA)::GetProcAddress(g_hSens, "IsDestinationReachableA"))) { printf("Failed to load proc from sensapi.dll\n"); goto Done; }
if (0xfffe == wVersion) { WORD awVersions[] = {0x0200, 0x0202, 0x0, 0x1};
printf("*******************************************************************************\nRunning API tests...\n\n"); runApiTests(0x0200 == wVersion ? szWU_PING_URL : pszURL);
printf("*******************************************************************************\nRunning various connectivity tests...\n\n"); for (int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE(awVersions); i++) { runTest(awVersions[i], pszURL, fLive); printf("\n"); } } else { runTest(wVersion, pszURL, fLive); } goto Done;
Usage: printf("Windows Update V4 Network Connectivity/Server Reachability (IsConnected) Test\nCopyright (c) 2002. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n\n"); printf("usage:\n\ttestIsConnected /m[ethod]:<method> [/v[erbose]] [/live | /corpwu] [<destination>]\n"); printf("where\n\t<method>\ttest method i.e. \"2.0\" for AU 2.0,\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t\t \"2.2\" for older AU 2.2,\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t\t \"fix\" for AU 2.2 w/ fix (mirrored),\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t\t \"code\" for actual AU 2.2 code w/ fix,\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t\t \"all\" to test all methods\n"); printf("\t/live\t\tspecifies destination points to the live WU server\n"); printf("\t\t\t(default; cannot be used together with /corpwu)\n"); printf("\t/corpwu\t\tspecifies destination points to a WUCE server\n"); printf("\t\t\t(cannot be used together with /live)\n"); printf("\t<destination>\thost name or full URL to check for server reachability\n\t\t\te.g. \"windowsupdate.microsoft.com\",\n\t\t\t \"v4autest\" or \"http://www.any.place/any.thing\"\n\t\t\t(not used in 2.0 mode)\n");
Done: if (g_hIphlp != NULL) { FreeLibrary(g_hIphlp); } if (g_hSock != NULL) { FreeLibrary(g_hSock); } if (g_hSens != NULL) { FreeLibrary(g_hSens); } return 0; }