// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: RegUtil.CPP
// Author: Charles Ma, 10/20/2000
// Revision History:
// Description:
// Implement IU registry accessing utility library
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <logging.h>
#include <memutil.h>
#include <fileutil.h>
#include <stringutil.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include "wusafefn.h"
#include <regutil.h>
#include <MISTSAFE.h>
const int REG_BUF_SIZE = 1024;
_T("HKEY_DYN_DATA") // W9x only
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PFN_StrToInt64Ex)(LPCTSTR pszString, DWORD dwFlags, LONGLONG * pllRet);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// private function to split a full reg path into
// two parts: root key and subkey
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LPCTSTR SplitRegPath(LPCTSTR lpsRegPath, HKEY* phRootKey) { LPTSTR lpSubKey = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(REG_ROOTKEY)/sizeof(HKEY); i++) { if ((lpSubKey = StrStrI(lpsRegPath, REG_ROOTKEY_STR[i])) == lpsRegPath) { *phRootKey = REG_ROOTKEY[i]; lpSubKey += lstrlen(REG_ROOTKEY_STR[i]); lpSubKey = CharNext(lpSubKey); // skip past "\", if any (or remain on NULL)
return lpSubKey; } } //
// if come to here, must be no right root key
*phRootKey = 0; return lpsRegPath; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// public function to tell if a reg key exists
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL RegKeyExists( LPCTSTR lpsKeyPath, // key path
LPCTSTR lpsValName // optional value name
) { LOG_Block("RegKeyExists()");
HKEY hRootKey = 0, hKey = 0; LPCTSTR lpsSubKey = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE; DWORD dwType = 0x0;
if (NULL == lpsKeyPath) { LOG_ErrorMsg(E_INVALIDARG); return FALSE; }
LOG_Out(_T("Parameters: (%s, %s)"), lpsKeyPath, lpsValName);
lpsSubKey = SplitRegPath(lpsKeyPath, &hRootKey); if (hRootKey && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, lpsSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey)) { rc = (NULL == lpsValName) || (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, NULL)); }
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
LOG_Out(_T("Result: %s"), rc ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE"));
return rc;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// public function to tell is a reg value in reg matches given value
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL RegKeyValueMatch( LPCTSTR lpsKeyPath, // key path
LPCTSTR lpsValName, // optional value name
LPCTSTR lpsValue // value value
) { LOG_Block("RegKeyValueMatch()");
HKEY hRootKey = 0, hKey = 0; LPCTSTR lpsSubKey = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE; BYTE btBuffer[REG_BUF_SIZE]; LPBYTE pBuffer = btBuffer; LPCTSTR lpCurStr; DWORD dwType = 0x0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(btBuffer); DWORD dwCode = 0x0; HRESULT hr=S_OK;
if (NULL == lpsKeyPath || NULL == lpsValue) { LOG_ErrorMsg(E_INVALIDARG); goto CleanUp; }
LOG_Out(_T("Parameters: (%s, %s, %s)"), lpsKeyPath, lpsValName, lpsValue);
lpsSubKey = SplitRegPath(lpsKeyPath, &hRootKey); if (0 == hRootKey || (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, lpsSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey))) { goto CleanUp; }
// try to query the value with existing buffer.
dwCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, btBuffer, &dwSize); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwCode) { //
// if found the existing buffer not large enough,
// then allocate memory large enough to store the data now
if (NULL == (pBuffer = (LPBYTE) MemAlloc(dwSize))) { goto CleanUp; } dwCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, pBuffer, &dwSize); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwCode) { goto CleanUp; }
// since the value to compare was read from XML doc, obviously only
// the following 4 types possible to compare with
switch (dwType) { case REG_DWORD: { int x, y = *((int *) pBuffer); DWORD dwFlag = STIF_DEFAULT; //
// check if the value from manifest is a hex value:
// starts with x, or starts with 0x
LPCTSTR lpSecondChar = lpsValue + 1; if (_T('0') == *lpsValue && (_T('x') == *lpSecondChar || _T('X') == *lpSecondChar)) { dwFlag = STIF_SUPPORT_HEX; }
if (StrToIntEx(lpsValue, dwFlag, &x)) { rc = ( x == y); } } break; case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: // for mult-string, we only compair its first substring
rc = (lstrcmpi((LPCTSTR)lpsValue, (LPCTSTR) pBuffer) == 0); if (!rc) { //
// if the ressult is not equal, it's possibly caused by
// path variables
// ASSUMPTION: these reg strings are for file path only, so we only
// handle cases not longer than MAX_PATH.
if (dwSize >= MAX_PATH || lstrlen(lpsValue) >= MAX_PATH) { break; }
if (SUCCEEDED(ExpandFilePath(lpsValue, szValStr, sizeof(szValStr)/sizeof(szValStr[0])))) { //
// if we can expand the given sub-string,
// then try to expand the reg string if QueryRegValue says
// this string is expandable. Otherwise, use the
// string retrieved only.
if (REG_EXPAND_SZ == dwType) { ExpandFilePath((LPCTSTR)pBuffer, szRegStr, sizeof(szRegStr)/sizeof(szRegStr[0])); } else { hr=StringCchCopyEx(szRegStr,ARRAYSIZE(szRegStr),(LPTSTR) pBuffer,NULL,NULL,MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS); if(FAILED(hr)) break;
// compare in expanded mode
rc = (lstrcmpi((LPCTSTR)szRegStr, szValStr) == 0); } } break;
case REG_MULTI_SZ: { TCHAR szRegStr[MAX_PATH], szValStr[MAX_PATH];
szValStr[0] = '\0'; lpCurStr = (LPCTSTR)pBuffer; //
// try to match each SZ in this multi sz.
do { //
// see if the value contains the substring passed in
rc = (lstrcmpi((LPCTSTR)lpsValue, (LPCTSTR)pBuffer) == 0);
// if not found, it's possibly caused by
// path variable or environment variable embedded
if (!rc && _T('\0') == szValStr[0]) { if (FAILED(ExpandFilePath(lpsValue, szValStr, sizeof(szValStr)/sizeof(szValStr[0])))) { szValStr[0] = '\0'; } }
// compare expanded XML str with current reg str expanded
// since this is REG_MULTI_SZ type, we have no way to tell
// if this SZ inside MULTI_SZ is expandable or not, we
// we will always try to expand it.
if (!rc && _T('\0') != szValStr[0]) { rc = (SUCCEEDED(ExpandFilePath((LPCTSTR)lpCurStr, szRegStr, sizeof(szRegStr)/sizeof(szRegStr[0])))) && (lstrcmpi((LPCTSTR)szRegStr, szValStr) == 0); }
if (!rc) { //
// move to next string
lpCurStr += (lstrlen(lpCurStr) + 1); if (_T('\0') == *lpCurStr) { break; // no more string to read
} } } while (!rc); // repeat to next string
} break; case REG_QWORD: { HMODULE hLib = LoadLibraryFromSystemDir(_T("Shlwapi.dll")); if (hLib) { #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
PFN_StrToInt64Ex pfnStrToInt64Ex = (PFN_StrToInt64Ex) GetProcAddress(hLib, "StrToInt64ExW"); #else
PFN_StrToInt64Ex pfnStrToInt64Ex = (PFN_StrToInt64Ex) GetProcAddress(hLib, "StrToInt64ExA"); #endif
if (pfnStrToInt64Ex) { LONGLONG llNum; rc = (pfnStrToInt64Ex((LPCTSTR)lpsValue, STIF_DEFAULT, &llNum) && (llNum == (LONGLONG)pBuffer)); } FreeLibrary(hLib); } } break; case REG_BINARY: rc = (CmpBinaryToString(pBuffer, dwSize, lpsValue) == 0); break; default: rc = FALSE; }
CleanUp: if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
LOG_Out(_T("Result: %s"), rc ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE"));
return rc; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// public function to tell is a reg key has a string type value
// that contains given string
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL RegKeySubstring( LPCTSTR lpsKeyPath, // key path
LPCTSTR lpsValName, // optional value name
LPCTSTR lpsSubString // substring to see if contained in value
) { LOG_Block("RegKeySubstring()");
HKEY hRootKey = 0, hKey = 0; LPCTSTR lpsSubKey = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE; BYTE btBuffer[REG_BUF_SIZE]; LPBYTE pBuffer = btBuffer; LPTSTR lpCurStr = (LPTSTR) pBuffer; DWORD dwType = 0x0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(btBuffer); DWORD dwCode = 0x0; TCHAR szRegStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szValStr[MAX_PATH]; // buffer for expanding
if (NULL == lpsKeyPath || NULL == lpsSubString) { LOG_ErrorMsg(E_INVALIDARG); return FALSE; }
LOG_Out(_T("Parameters: (%s, %s, %s)"), lpsKeyPath, lpsValName, lpsSubString);
lpsSubKey = SplitRegPath(lpsKeyPath, &hRootKey); if (0 == hRootKey || (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, lpsSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey))) { goto CleanUp; }
// try to query the value with existing buffer.
dwCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, btBuffer, &dwSize); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwCode) { //
// if found the existing buffer not large enough,
// then allocate memory large enough to store the data now
if (NULL == (pBuffer = (LPBYTE) MemAlloc(dwSize))) { goto CleanUp; } lpCurStr = (LPTSTR) pBuffer; dwCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, pBuffer, &dwSize); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwCode || REG_SZ != dwType && REG_EXPAND_SZ != dwType && REG_MULTI_SZ != dwType) { goto CleanUp; }
szValStr[0] = _T('\0');
do { //
// see if the value contains the substring passed in
rc = (StrStrI((LPCTSTR)lpCurStr, lpsSubString) != NULL);
// if not found, it's possibly caused by
// path variable or environment variable embedded
if (!rc && _T('\0') == szValStr[0]) { if (FAILED(ExpandFilePath(lpsSubString, szValStr, sizeof(szValStr)/sizeof(szValStr[0])))) { break; } rc = StrStrI((LPCTSTR)szRegStr, szValStr) != NULL; }
if (!rc && _T('\0') != szValStr[0] && (REG_EXPAND_SZ == dwType )) { //
// try to expand string from reg if this string is expandable
rc = (SUCCEEDED(ExpandFilePath((LPCTSTR)lpCurStr, szRegStr, sizeof(szRegStr)/sizeof(szRegStr[0])))) && (StrStrI((LPCTSTR)szRegStr, szValStr) != NULL); } // if not found
if (!rc && REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType) { //
// move to next string
lpCurStr += (lstrlen(lpCurStr) + 1); if (_T('\0') == *lpCurStr) { break; // no more string to read
} } } while (!rc && REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType); // repeat to next string if REG_MULTI_SZ
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } LOG_Out(_T("Result: %s"), rc ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")); return rc; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// public function to tell is a reg key has a string type value
// that contains given string
// since this is a comparision function, rather than to check existance,
// anything wrong to get the reg version will make the reg having default
// version:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL RegKeyVersion( LPCTSTR lpsKeyPath, // key path
LPCTSTR lpsValName, // optional value name
LPCTSTR lpsVersion, // version in string to compare
_VER_STATUS CompareVerb // how to compair
) { LOG_Block("RegKeyVersion()");
HKEY hRootKey = 0, hKey = 0; LPCTSTR lpsSubKey = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE; BYTE btBuffer[REG_BUF_SIZE]; LPBYTE pBuffer = btBuffer; DWORD dwType = 0x0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(btBuffer); DWORD dwCode = 0x0; FILE_VERSION verReg, verXml; int verCompare; HRESULT hr=S_OK;
if (NULL == lpsKeyPath || NULL == lpsVersion) { LOG_ErrorMsg(E_INVALIDARG); return FALSE; }
LOG_Out(_T("Parameters: (%s, %s, %s, %d)"), lpsKeyPath, lpsValName, lpsVersion, (int)CompareVerb);
// initialize the reg version string buffer
//The buffer size of btBuffer is sufficient to hold the source string
if(FAILED(hr=StringCchCopyEx((LPTSTR)btBuffer,ARRAYSIZE(btBuffer)/sizeof(TCHAR),_T(""),NULL,NULL,MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS))) { LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); return FALSE;
lpsSubKey = SplitRegPath(lpsKeyPath, &hRootKey); if (0 == hRootKey || (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, lpsSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey))) { // LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_BADKEY); don't log error since we don't know if this key HAS to be there or not
goto GotVersion; }
// try to query the value with existing buffer.
dwCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, btBuffer, &dwSize); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwCode) { //
// if found the existing buffer not large enough,
// then allocate memory large enough to store the data now
pBuffer = (LPBYTE) MemAlloc(dwSize); if (NULL == pBuffer) { goto GotVersion; } dwCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, pBuffer, &dwSize); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwCode || REG_SZ != dwType) {
hr=StringCchCopyEx((LPTSTR)pBuffer,dwSize/sizeof(TCHAR),_T(""),NULL,NULL,MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS); if(FAILED(hr)) { LOG_ErrorMsg(hr); goto CleanUp; }
// convert the retrieved reg value to version
if (!ConvertStringVerToFileVer(T2CA((LPCTSTR) pBuffer), &verReg) || !ConvertStringVerToFileVer(T2CA((LPCTSTR) lpsVersion), &verXml)) { goto CleanUp; }
// maybe we successfully read data from reg, but that data can't be converted
// into version at all. In this case, we still want to use the default version
// for comparision
if (0 > verReg.Major) { verReg.Major = verReg.Minor = verReg.Build = verReg.Ext = 0; }
// compare version number. if a < b, -1; a > b, +1
verCompare = CompareFileVersion(verReg, verXml); switch (CompareVerb) { case DETX_LOWER: //
// if reg key version less than XML version
rc = (verCompare < 0); break; case DETX_LOWER_OR_EQUAL: //
// if reg key version less than or equal to XML version
rc = (verCompare <= 0); break; case DETX_SAME: //
// if reg key version same as XML version
rc = (0 == verCompare); break; case DETX_HIGHER_OR_EQUAL: //
// if reg key version higher than or equal to XML version
rc = (verCompare >= 0); break; case DETX_HIGHER: //
// if reg key versiong higher than XML version
rc = (verCompare > 0); break; default: //
// should never happen
rc = FALSE; break; }
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } LOG_Out(_T("Result: %s"), rc ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")); return rc; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// public function to find out the file path based on reg
// assumption:
// lpsFilePath points to a buffer at least MAX_PATH long.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL GetFilePathFromReg( LPCTSTR lpsKeyPath, // key path
LPCTSTR lpsValName, // optional value name
LPCTSTR lpsRelativePath,// optional additonal relative path to add to path in reg
LPCTSTR lpsFileName, // optional file name to append to path
LPTSTR lpsFilePath ) { LOG_Block("GetFilePathFromReg()");
HKEY hRootKey = 0, hKey = 0; LPCTSTR lpsSubKey = NULL; BOOL rc = FALSE; BYTE btBuffer[REG_BUF_SIZE]; LPBYTE pBuffer = btBuffer; DWORD dwType = 0x0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(btBuffer); DWORD dwCode = 0x0; FILE_VERSION verReg, verXml; int verCompare; HRESULT hr=S_OK;
if (NULL == lpsKeyPath || NULL == lpsFilePath) { LOG_ErrorMsg(E_INVALIDARG); return FALSE; }
// initialize file path
*lpsFilePath = '\0';
LOG_Out(_T("Parameters: (%s, %s, %s, %s)"), lpsKeyPath, lpsValName, lpsRelativePath, lpsFileName);
lpsSubKey = SplitRegPath(lpsKeyPath, &hRootKey); if (0 == hRootKey || (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, lpsSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey))) { // LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_BADKEY); --- key probably not required to exist!
goto CleanUp; }
// try to query the value with existing buffer.
dwCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, btBuffer, &dwSize); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwCode) { //
// if found the existing buffer not large enough,
// then allocate memory large enough to store the data now
if (NULL == (pBuffer = (LPBYTE) MemAlloc(dwSize + sizeof(TCHAR)))) { goto CleanUp; } dwCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpsValName, NULL, &dwType, pBuffer, &dwSize); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwCode || REG_SZ != dwType) { LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_BADKEY); goto CleanUp; }
// validate the to-be-combined path can fit into the buffer
if (lstrlen(lpsRelativePath) + lstrlen(lpsFileName) + dwSize/sizeof(TCHAR) >= MAX_PATH) { LOG_ErrorMsg(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); goto CleanUp; }
// combile the path with optional relative path and file name
//The size of lpsFilePath is not available for using Safe String Functions
hr=StringCchCopyEx(lpsFilePath,MAX_PATH,(LPCTSTR) pBuffer,NULL,NULL,MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && (NULL == lpsRelativePath || SUCCEEDED(PathCchAppend(lpsFilePath,MAX_PATH,lpsRelativePath)) ) && (NULL == lpsFileName || SUCCEEDED(PathCchAppend(lpsFilePath,MAX_PATH,lpsFileName)) )) { rc = TRUE; }
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (!rc) { //
// make sure the buffer is set to empty string if error
*lpsFilePath = _T('\0'); } else { LOG_Out(_T("Found path: %s"), lpsFilePath); }
return rc; }