#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
TCHAR AU_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME[] = _T("Auto Update Client Window"); const TCHAR gtszAUW2KPrivacyUrl[]= _T("..\\help\\wuauhelp.chm::/w2k_autoupdate_privacy.htm"); const TCHAR gtszAUXPPrivacyUrl[]= _T("..\\help\\wuauhelp.chm::/autoupdate_privacy.htm");
const ReminderItem ReminderTimes[TIMEOUT_INX_COUNT] = { { 1800, IDS_THIRTY_MINUTES }, { 3600, IDS_ONE_HOUR }, { 7200, IDS_TWO_HOURS }, { 14400, IDS_FOUR_HOURS }, { 86400, IDS_TOMORROW }, { 259200, IDS_THREE_DAYS } };
// Global Data Items
CAUInternals* gInternals; AUClientCatalog *gpClientCatalog ; //= NULL
CRITICAL_SECTION gcsClient; // guard guard user's tray interaction (showing, not showing) and guard customlb data
HINSTANCE ghInstance; HFONT ghHeaderFont; HCURSOR ghCursorHand; HCURSOR ghCursorNormal; // cursor of main window
HMODULE ghRichEd20; HANDLE ghEngineState; HWND ghMainWindow; HWND ghCurrentDialog; HWND ghCurrentMainDlg; AUCLTTopWindows gTopWins; UINT gNextDialogMsg; BOOL gbOnlySession; // = FALSE;
BOOL gfShowingInstallWarning; // = FALSE;
HMENU ghPauseMenu; HMENU ghResumeMenu; HMENU ghCurrentMenu; HICON ghAppIcon; HICON ghAppSmIcon; HICON ghTrayIcon; UINT guExitProcess=CDWWUAUCLT_UNSPECIFY;
LPCTSTR gtszAUSchedInstallUrl; LPCTSTR gtszAUPrivacyUrl;
HANDLE g_hClientNotifyEvt = NULL; //the event Engine use to notify client
HANDLE g_hRegisterWait = NULL; BOOL g_fCoInit = FALSE; BOOL g_fcsInit = FALSE;
Helper function to simplify window class registration. *****/ ATOM AURegisterWindowClass(WNDPROC lpWndProc, LPTSTR lpClassName) { WNDCLASSEX wcex;
ZeroMemory(&wcex, sizeof(wcex)); wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcex.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)lpWndProc; // wcex.cbClsExtra = 0;
// wcex.cbWndExtra = 0;
// wcex.lpszMenuName = NULL;
// wcex.hIcon = NULL;
// wcex.hIconSm = NULL;
wcex.hInstance = ghInstance; wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, MAINWINDOW_CURSOR); wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wcex.lpszClassName = lpClassName;
return RegisterClassEx(&wcex); }
// map string id to its storage in the gResStrings
LPTSTR ResStrFromId(UINT uStrId) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(RESOURCESTRINGINDEX); i++) { if (RESOURCESTRINGINDEX[i] == uStrId) { return gResStrings[i]; } } return NULL; }
// Set reminder timeout and state and quit
void QuitNRemind(TIMEOUTINDEX enTimeoutIndex) { AUSTATE auState; if (FAILED(gInternals->m_getServiceState(&auState))) { goto done; } if (FAILED(gInternals->m_setReminderTimeout(enTimeoutIndex))) { goto done; } gInternals->m_setReminderState(auState.dwState); done: QUITAUClient(); }
// Helper Function HrQuerySessionConnectState(int iAdminSession, int *piConState)
// helper function to get the Session Connection State
// Input: int iAdminSession Session Admin ID
// Output: int *piConState Conection state
// Return: HRESULT value. If Failed, *piConState is unspecified
HRESULT HrQuerySessionConnectState(int iAdminSession, int *piConState) { LPTSTR pBuffer = NULL; HRESULT hr = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwBytes;
if (AUIsTSRunning()) { if (WTSQuerySessionInformation(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, iAdminSession, WTSConnectState, &pBuffer, &dwBytes)) { *piConState = (int) *pBuffer; //Because we are asking for WTSConnectState, pBuffer points to an int
WTSFreeMemory(pBuffer); hr = NO_ERROR; } else { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT: WTSQuerySessionInformation failed: %lu", GetLastError()); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } else { DWORD dwSession = iAdminSession; if (dwSession == WTS_CURRENT_SESSION) ProcessIdToSessionId(GetCurrentProcessId(), &dwSession); // if we're launched & TS is not up, we've gotta be an active session.
if (dwSession == 0) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT: TS is not running or not installed. Assuming session 0 is active."); gbOnlySession = TRUE; *piConState = WTSActive; } else { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT: TS is not running or not installed, but a non 0 session was asked for (session %d). Failing call.", iAdminSession); hr = E_FAIL; } } return hr; } BOOL FCurrentSessionInActive() { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr; int iConState;
if (gbOnlySession) { DEBUGMSG("FCurrentSessionInActive() Only one session"); goto Done; } //Check if the Current Session is Inactive
hr = HrQuerySessionConnectState(WTS_CURRENT_SESSION, &iConState);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fRet = (WTSDisconnected == iConState); } else { if (RPC_S_INVALID_BINDING == GetLastError()) //Terminal Services are disabled, this is session 0
{ DEBUGMSG("FCurrentSessionInActive() TS disabled"); gbOnlySession = TRUE; } else { DEBUGMSG("FCurrentSessionInActive() HrQuerySessionConnectState failed %#lx =",hr); } } Done: // DEBUGMSG("FCurrentSessionInActive() return %s", fRet ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
return fRet; }
// BuildClientCatalog
// Do online detection of the catalog and build up the wuv3is.dll detection state
// inside this process. Validation is done during this process with the catalog file
// previously written by the engine.
HRESULT BuildClientCatalog(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DEBUGMSG("BuildClientCatalog() starts"); if ( NULL == gpClientCatalog ) { gpClientCatalog = new AUClientCatalog(); if ( NULL != gpClientCatalog ) { if ( FAILED(hr = gpClientCatalog->Init()) ) { goto done; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } }
// change to: hr = gpClientCatalog->LoadInstallXML();
done: DEBUGMSG("BuildClientCatalog() ends"); return hr; }
void DismissUIIfAny() { gTopWins.Add(ghCurrentMainDlg); gTopWins.Dismiss();
// Don't leave any popup menu around when dismissing dialogs.
if (SendMessage(ghMainWindow, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0)) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT WM_CANCELMODE was not handled"); } }
void ResetAUClient(void) { DismissUIIfAny(); RemoveTrayIcon(); gfShowingInstallWarning = FALSE; gNextDialogMsg = NULL; ghCurrentMenu = NULL; }
void ShowInstallWarning() { //dismiss current dialog if any
DEBUGMSG("ShowInstallWarning() starts"); gfShowingInstallWarning = TRUE; gNextDialogMsg = NULL; ghCurrentMenu = NULL; CPromptUserDlg PromptUserDlg(IDD_START_INSTALL); PromptUserDlg.SetInstanceHandle(ghInstance); INT iRet = PromptUserDlg.DoModal(NULL); DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT ShowInstallWarning dlg return code is %d", iRet); if (IDYES == iRet || AU_IDTIMEOUT == iRet) { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_INSTALLNOW); QUITAUClient(); } else //if (retVal == IDNO)
{ gNextDialogMsg = AUMSG_SHOW_INSTALL; } gfShowingInstallWarning = FALSE; DEBUGMSG("ShowInstallWarning() ends"); }
void ShowRebootWarning(BOOL fEnableYes, BOOL fEnableNo) { DEBUGMSG("ShowRebootWarning() starts"); INT iRet; CPromptUserDlg PromptUserDlg(IDD_PROMPT_RESTART, fEnableYes, fEnableNo);
PromptUserDlg.SetInstanceHandle(ghInstance); iRet = PromptUserDlg.DoModal(NULL); if (IDYES == iRet) { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_REBOOTNOW); } else if (IDNO == iRet) { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_REBOOTLATER); } else //if (IDTIMEOUT == iRet)
{ SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_REBOOTTIMEOUT); } QUITAUClient(); DEBUGMSG("ShowRebootWarning() ends with return code %d", iRet); DEBUGMSG("ShowRebootWarning() set client exit code to be %d", GetClientExitCode()); }
VOID CALLBACK WaitCallback(PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN /*fTimerOrWaitFired*/ ) { // fTimerOrWaitFired is always false - We can't time out with INFINATE wait
BOOL fRebootWarningMode = (BOOL) PtrToInt(lpParameter); if (fRebootWarningMode) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT got exit signal from engine"); QUITAUClient(); return ; } // ClientNotify event was fired
CLIENT_NOTIFY_DATA notifyData; BOOL fCoInit = SUCCEEDED(CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)); if ( !fCoInit ) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT WaitCallback CoInitialize failed"); goto Done; }
IUpdates * pUpdates = NULL; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(Updates), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IUpdates, (LPVOID*)&pUpdates); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUGMSG("WaitCallback failed to get Updates object"); goto Done; } if (FAILED(hr = pUpdates->GetNotifyData(¬ifyData))) { DEBUGMSG("WaitCallback fail to get NotifyData %#lx", hr); goto Done; } switch (notifyData.actionCode) { case NOTIFY_STOP_CLIENT: case NOTIFY_RELAUNCH_CLIENT: if (NOTIFY_RELAUNCH_CLIENT == notifyData.actionCode) { DEBUGMSG("WaitCallback() notify client to relaunch"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_RELAUNCHNOW); } else { DEBUGMSG("WaitCallback() notify client to stop"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_OK); } if (NULL != ghMutex) { WaitForSingleObject(ghMutex, INFINITE); if (NULL != gpClientCatalog) { gpClientCatalog->CancelNQuit(); } else { DEBUGMSG("No need to cancel catalag"); } ReleaseMutex(ghMutex); } QUITAUClient(); break; case NOTIFY_RESET: //reprocess state and option and show UI accordingly
ResetAUClient(); SetEvent(ghEngineState); break; case NOTIFY_ADD_TRAYICON: DEBUGMSG("WaitCallback() notify client to show tray icon"); ShowTrayIcon(); ghCurrentMenu = ghPauseMenu; //the job is now downloading
break; case NOTIFY_REMOVE_TRAYICON: DEBUGMSG("WaitCallback() notify client to remove tray icon"); RemoveTrayIcon(); break; case NOTIFY_STATE_CHANGE: DEBUGMSG("WaitCallback() notify client of state change"); SetEvent(ghEngineState); break; case NOTIFY_SHOW_INSTALLWARNING: DEBUGMSG("WaitCallback() notify client to show install warning"); if (!gfShowingInstallWarning) { //install warning dialog is not up, prevent install warning dialog torn down before it expires when secsinaday low
DismissUIIfAny(); PostMessage(ghMainWindow, AUMSG_SHOW_INSTALLWARNING, 0, 0); } break; } Done: SafeRelease(pUpdates); if (fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } }
BOOL ProcessEngineState() { AUSTATE AuState; BOOL fResult = TRUE;
DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT starts ProcessEngineState()"); ghCurrentMenu = NULL;
if (FAILED(gInternals->m_getServiceState(&AuState))) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT : quit because m_getServiceState failed"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); fResult = FALSE; goto Done; } DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT process Engine state %lu",AuState.dwState); switch(AuState.dwState) { case AUSTATE_NOT_CONFIGURED: if(gNextDialogMsg != AUMSG_SHOW_WELCOME && ghCurrentMainDlg == NULL ) { if (ShowTrayIcon()) { ShowTrayBalloon(IDS_WELCOMETITLE, IDS_WELCOMECAPTION, IDS_WELCOMETITLE); gNextDialogMsg = AUMSG_SHOW_WELCOME; } } break; case AUSTATE_DETECT_COMPLETE: if ( FAILED(gInternals->m_getServiceUpdatesList()) ) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT : quit because m_getServiceUpdatesList failed"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); fResult = FALSE; break; }
{ AUOPTION auopt;
if (SUCCEEDED(gInternals->m_getServiceOption(&auopt)) && (AUOPTION_INSTALLONLY_NOTIFY == auopt.dwOption || AUOPTION_SCHEDULED == auopt.dwOption)) { // user option is auto download, start download
// do download right away without dialogs if user options set to notify for just install
if (FAILED(gInternals->m_startDownload())) { QUITAUClient(); } else { // ghCurrentMenu = ghPauseMenu;
} break; } if(gNextDialogMsg != AUMSG_SHOW_DOWNLOAD && ghCurrentMainDlg == NULL) { if (ShowTrayIcon()) { ShowTrayBalloon(IDS_DOWNLOADTITLE, IDS_DOWNLOADCAPTION, IDS_DOWNLOADTITLE); gNextDialogMsg = AUMSG_SHOW_DOWNLOAD; } } break; } case AUSTATE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE: if (AUCLT_ACTION_AUTOINSTALL == AuState.dwCltAction) { // engine initiated install: auto install
HRESULT hr; DEBUGMSG("Auto install ..."); if ( S_OK !=(hr = BuildClientCatalog())) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fail to build client catalog with error %#lx, exiting, hr"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); fResult = FALSE; break; } if (FAILED(hr = gInternals->m_startInstall(TRUE))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to post install message with error %#lx", hr); fResult = FALSE; break; } gpClientCatalog->m_WrkThread.WaitUntilDone(); if (gpClientCatalog->m_fReboot) { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_REBOOTNEEDED); } else { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_OK); } QUITAUClient(); break; } else { //show preinstall dialog and let user initiate install
HRESULT hr; DEBUGMSG("Prompt for manual install"); if ( FAILED(gInternals->m_getServiceUpdatesList())) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT : quit because m_getServiceUpdatesList failed"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); fResult = FALSE; break; }
if ( S_OK !=(hr = BuildClientCatalog()) ) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fail to build client catalog with error %#lx, exiting", hr); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); fResult = FALSE; } else if(gNextDialogMsg != AUMSG_SHOW_INSTALL && ghCurrentMainDlg == NULL) { if (ShowTrayIcon()) { ShowTrayBalloon(IDS_INSTALLTITLE, IDS_INSTALLCAPTION, IDS_INSTALLTITLE); gNextDialogMsg = AUMSG_SHOW_INSTALL; } } break; } case AUSTATE_DOWNLOAD_PENDING: { UINT nPercentComplete = 0; DWORD dwStatus; //if drizzle got transient error, quit client
//fixcode: why quit if transient error?
if (AuState.fDisconnected) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT : quit because of lost of connection, fDisconnected = %d",AuState.fDisconnected); fResult = FALSE; break; } if (FAILED(gInternals->m_getDownloadStatus(&nPercentComplete, &dwStatus))) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT : quit because m_getDownloadStatus failed"); fResult = FALSE; break; }
if (DWNLDSTATUS_CHECKING_CONNECTION == dwStatus) { //hide tray icon
DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Waiting for engine to find connection first"); // RemoveTrayIcon();
// ghCurrentMenu = NULL;
} else if(dwStatus == DWNLDSTATUS_DOWNLOADING) { ghCurrentMenu = ghPauseMenu; DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT in active downloading state"); ShowTrayIcon(); } else if(dwStatus == DWNLDSTATUS_PAUSED) { ghCurrentMenu = ghResumeMenu; DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT in download paused state"); if (fDisableSelection() && FAILED(gInternals->m_setDownloadPaused(FALSE))) { // QUITAUClient(); //let wuaueng to figure out problem and recover
} ShowTrayIcon(); } else //not downloading
{ DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT WARNING: not downloading while in download pending state"); } } break; case AUSTATE_DETECT_PENDING: //Quit only if the Install UI has been accepted or there is no InstallUI
if (NULL == ghCurrentMainDlg) { QUITAUClient(); } break; case AUSTATE_DISABLED: QUITAUClient(); break;
case AUSTATE_INSTALL_PENDING: default: // outofbox and waiting_for_reboot are here. WUAUCLT should not be launched in these states
DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT AUSTATE = %lu", AuState.dwState); break; } Done: DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT exits ProcessEngineState()"); return fResult; }
BOOL InitUIComponents(HINSTANCE hInstance) { INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex; icex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); icex.dwICC = 0; //We dont need to register any control classes
if (!InitCommonControlsEx(&icex)) //needed for theming
{ DEBUGMSG("InitUIComponents :InitCommonControlsEx failed"); return FALSE; }
//we need to load riched20.dll to register the class
ghRichEd20 = LoadLibraryFromSystemDir(_T("RICHED20.dll")); if (NULL == ghRichEd20) { return FALSE; }
ghCursorHand = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND); ghCursorNormal = LoadCursor(NULL, MAINWINDOW_CURSOR); //change if main window's cursor does
if (NULL == ghCursorHand) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fail to load hand cursor"); ghCursorHand = ghCursorNormal; }
if (IsWin2K()) { //Win2k
ghTrayIcon = (HICON) LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_AUSYSTRAYICON), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0); } else { //WindowsXP
ghCurrentAccel = LoadAccelerators(ghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDA_BASE)); gtszAUSchedInstallUrl = IsWin2K() ? gtszAUW2kSchedInstallUrl : gtszAUXPSchedInstallUrl; gtszAUPrivacyUrl = IsWin2K() ? gtszAUW2KPrivacyUrl : gtszAUXPPrivacyUrl;
return TRUE; }
BOOL InitializeAUClientForRebootWarning(HINSTANCE hInstance, OUT HANDLE *phRegisterWait, OUT HANDLE *phClientNotifyEvt, OUT BOOL *pfCoInit) { TCHAR buf[100];
SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_UNSPECIFY); *phRegisterWait = NULL; *pfCoInit = FALSE; *phClientNotifyEvt = OpenEvent(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, gAUEnvVars.m_szClientExitEvtName); if (NULL == *phClientNotifyEvt) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fail to open client exit event"); return FALSE; }
INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex; icex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); icex.dwICC = 0; //We dont need to register any control classes
if (!InitCommonControlsEx(&icex)) //needed for theming
{ DEBUGMSG("InitCommonControlsEx failed"); return FALSE; }
if (!RegisterWaitForSingleObject(phRegisterWait, // wait handle
*phClientNotifyEvt, // handle to object
WaitCallback, // timer callback function
(PVOID)1, // callback function parameter
INFINITE, // time-out interval
)) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT RegisterWaitForSingleObject failed %lu",GetLastError()); *phRegisterWait = NULL; return FALSE; } ghInstance = hInstance;
return TRUE; }
BOOL InitializeAUClient(HINSTANCE hInstance, OUT HANDLE * phRegisterWait, OUT HANDLE * phClientNotifyEvt, OUT BOOL *pfCoInit, OUT BOOL *pfcsInit) { HRESULT hr; *pfcsInit = FALSE; *phClientNotifyEvt = NULL; *phRegisterWait = NULL; SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_UNSPECIFY); *pfCoInit = SUCCEEDED(CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED)); if ( !*pfCoInit ) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT WinMain CoInitialize failed"); return FALSE; }
if (!InitUIComponents(hInstance)) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fail to initialize UI components"); return FALSE; }
if (NULL == (ghMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL))) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fail to create global mutex"); return FALSE; }
gInternals = NULL; if ( (NULL == (ghEngineState = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL))) ) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fails to create event"); return FALSE; }
ghInstance = hInstance;
if (!(*pfcsInit = SafeInitializeCriticalSection(&gcsClient))) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fails to initialize critical section"); return FALSE; }
#ifndef TESTUI
if (! (gInternals = new CAUInternals())) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fails to create auinternals object"); return FALSE; }
if (FAILED(hr = gInternals->m_Init())) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT failed in CoCreateInstance of service with error %#lx, exiting", hr); return FALSE; }
AUEVTHANDLES AuEvtHandles; ZeroMemory(&AuEvtHandles, sizeof(AuEvtHandles)); if (FAILED(hr = gInternals->m_getEvtHandles(GetCurrentProcessId(), &AuEvtHandles))) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT failed in m_getEvtHandles with error %#lx, exiting", hr); return FALSE; } *phClientNotifyEvt = (HANDLE)AuEvtHandles.ulNotifyClient;
if (!RegisterWaitForSingleObject( phRegisterWait, // wait handle
*phClientNotifyEvt, // handle to object
WaitCallback, // timer callback function
0, // callback function parameter
INFINITE, // time-out interval
)) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT RegisterWaitForSingleObject failed %lu",GetLastError()); *phRegisterWait = NULL; return FALSE; } #endif
return TRUE; }
void UninitializeAUClient(HANDLE hRegisterWait, HANDLE hClientNotifyEvt, BOOL fCoInit, BOOL fcsInit) { static BOOL fAlreadyUninit = FALSE;
if (fAlreadyUninit) { return; } fAlreadyUninit = TRUE;
RemoveTrayIcon(); if (NULL != hRegisterWait) { if ( !UnregisterWaitEx(hRegisterWait, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT: UnregisterWaitEx() failed, dw = %lu", GetLastError()); } } if (NULL != ghRichEd20) { FreeLibrary(ghRichEd20); ghRichEd20 = NULL; } SafeCloseHandleNULL(hClientNotifyEvt); if (!gAUEnvVars.m_fRebootWarningMode) { //fixcode: is ghMainWindow a valid window here?
KillTimer(ghMainWindow, 1); if (fcsInit) { DeleteCriticalSection(&gcsClient); } SafeDeleteNULL(gInternals); SafeDeleteNULL(gpClientCatalog); SafeCloseHandleNULL(ghEngineState); SafeCloseHandleNULL(ghMutex); }
if ( fCoInit) { CoUninitialize(); } }
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPSTR /*lpCmdLine*/, int /*nCmdShow*/) { HANDLE rhEvents[CNUM_EVENTS];
//Initialize the global pointing to WU Directory. (the directory should already exist)
if(!CreateWUDirectory(TRUE)) { //If we can not create WU directory, no point in continuing
DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Fail to create WU directory"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); goto exit; }
if (!gAUEnvVars.ReadIn()) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fails to read in environment variables"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); goto exit; } if (gAUEnvVars.m_fRebootWarningMode) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT starts in reboot warning mode"); if (!InitializeAUClientForRebootWarning(hInstance, &g_hRegisterWait, &g_hClientNotifyEvt, &g_fCoInit)) { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); goto exit; } } else { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT starts in regular mode"); if (!InitializeAUClient(hInstance, &g_hRegisterWait, &g_hClientNotifyEvt, &g_fCoInit, &g_fcsInit)) { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_FATAL_ERROR); goto exit; } }
DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT initialization done"); // Create the main window hidden
if (!AURegisterWindowClass(MainWndProc, AU_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME)) { goto exit; } if (!AURegisterWindowClass(CustomLBWndProc, _T("MYLB"))) { goto exit; } if (!CreateWindow(AU_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, AU_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, WS_CAPTION, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL)) { goto exit; }
ShowWindow(ghMainWindow, SW_HIDE); #ifdef TESTUI
{ MSG msg; while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (WM_QUIT == msg.message ) { // Set this event so the service does what every appropriate
// If we don't do this, we might leave the service waiting for this event for
// some cases - for example, when the session in which the client leaves is deactivated or
// when there is a log off
goto exit; } TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } #else
{ // Run the main message loop
MSG msg;
if (gAUEnvVars.m_fRebootWarningMode) { ShowRebootWarning(gAUEnvVars.m_fEnableYes, gAUEnvVars.m_fEnableNo); } else { SetTimer(ghMainWindow, 1, dwTimeToWait(ReminderTimes[TIMEOUT_INX_FOUR_HOURS].timeout), NULL); //every 4 hours
DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Processing messages and being alert for Engine state change event");
rhEvents[ISTATE_CHANGE] = ghEngineState; while (1) { DWORD dwRet = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(CNUM_EVENTS, rhEvents, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT, MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + ISTATE_CHANGE == dwRet) //ghEngineState (ISTATE_CHANGE)
{ DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Engine changed state"); if (!ProcessEngineState()) { QUITAUClient(); } } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + IMESSAGE == dwRet) // There is a message to process
{ while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (WM_QUIT == msg.message ) { goto exit; } TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } else { if (WAIT_ABANDONED_0 == dwRet) //ghEngineState abandoned
{ DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT quitting because engine state event was abandoned"); } else if (WAIT_FAILED == dwRet) //MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx failed
{ DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT quitting because MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx() failed with last error = %lu", GetLastError()); } QUITAUClient(); } } } } #endif
exit: DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Exiting");
//if installation thread is live, wait until it finishes
if (NULL != gpClientCatalog) { gpClientCatalog->m_WrkThread.m_Terminate(); } UninitializeAUClient(g_hRegisterWait, g_hClientNotifyEvt, g_fCoInit, g_fcsInit);
if (CDWWUAUCLT_UNSPECIFY == GetClientExitCode()) { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_OK); } DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT exit code %d", GetClientExitCode()); ExitProcess(GetClientExitCode());
return 0; }
LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { AUSTATE AuState;
switch(message) { case WM_CREATE: { LOGFONT lFont;
// initialize global ui variables
ghMainWindow = hWnd; ghCurrentMainDlg = NULL; gNextDialogMsg = NULL; ghHeaderFont = NULL;
HFONT hDefUIFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); //create header font
ZeroMemory(&lFont, sizeof(lFont)); lFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; lFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lFont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; lFont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE; LoadString(ghInstance, IDS_HEADERFONT, lFont.lfFaceName, ARRAYSIZE(lFont.lfFaceName)); ghHeaderFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lFont); if(ghHeaderFont == NULL) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT fail to create Header Font, use default GUI font instead"); ghHeaderFont = hDefUIFont; } //create underline font
ZeroMemory(&lFont, sizeof(lFont)); GetObject(hDefUIFont, sizeof(lFont), &lFont); lFont.lfUnderline = TRUE;
ghHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MSGFILTER, AUTranslatorProc, ghInstance, GetCurrentThreadId()); #ifdef TESTUI
PostMessage(ghMainWindow, AUMSG_SHOW_WELCOME, 0, 0); #else
return 0; }
case AUMSG_SHOW_WELCOME: DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Displaying Welcome"); DialogBox(ghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_UPDATEFRAME), NULL, (DLGPROC)WizardFrameProc); return 0;
{ DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Displaying Predownload"); DialogBox(ghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DOWNLOAD), NULL, (DLGPROC)DownloadDlgProc); return 0; } #else
{ DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Displaying Predownload"); DialogBox(ghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DOWNLOAD), NULL, (DLGPROC)DownloadDlgProc); return 0; } #endif
case AUMSG_SHOW_INSTALL: DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Displaying Install"); DismissUIIfAny(); DialogBox(ghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INSTALLFRAME), NULL, (DLGPROC)InstallDlgProc); return 0;
case AUMSG_SHOW_INSTALLWARNING: DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT Displaying install warning dialog"); ShowInstallWarning(); return 0;
case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(ghMainWindow); return 0;
case WM_ENDSESSION: DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT received WM_ENDSESSION (wParam = %#x)", wParam); if (wParam) { //if installation thread is live, wait until it finishes
if (NULL != gpClientCatalog) { gpClientCatalog->m_WrkThread.m_Terminate(); } DismissUIIfAny(); UninitPopupMenus(); if (NULL != ghHeaderFont) { DeleteObject(ghHeaderFont); } UninitializeAUClient(g_hRegisterWait, g_hClientNotifyEvt, g_fCoInit, g_fcsInit);
// Even we try to set the client exit code here, but there are cases
// based on observation (e.g. logging off during reboot warning) that
// we don't get back to WinMain for clean up after so the exit code gets
// ignored.
if (CDWWUAUCLT_UNSPECIFY == GetClientExitCode()) { SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_ENDSESSION); } DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT exit code %d", GetClientExitCode()); } return 0;
case WM_DESTROY: if (NULL != ghHeaderFont) { DeleteObject(ghHeaderFont); } if(ghCurrentMainDlg != NULL) { DestroyWindow(ghCurrentMainDlg); } UninitPopupMenus(); PostQuitMessage(0); return 0;
case WM_TIMER: #ifdef TESTUI
return 0; #else
{ UINT nPercentComplete = 0; DWORD dwStatus;
if (FAILED(gInternals->m_getServiceState(&AuState))) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT m_getServiceState failed when WM_TIMER or AuState.fDisconnected, quitting"); QUITAUClient(); } else { if (AUSTATE_DETECT_COMPLETE != AuState.dwState && AUSTATE_DOWNLOAD_PENDING != AuState.dwState && AUSTATE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE != AuState.dwState && AUSTATE_NOT_CONFIGURED != AuState.dwState) { return 0; } if (AUSTATE_DOWNLOAD_PENDING != AuState.dwState || SUCCEEDED(gInternals->m_getDownloadStatus(&nPercentComplete, &dwStatus)) && (DWNLDSTATUS_PAUSED == dwStatus)) { UINT cSess;
if ((SUCCEEDED(gInternals->m_AvailableSessions(&cSess)) && cSess > 1) || FCurrentSessionInActive()) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT : After 4 hours, exit client and relaunch it in next available admin session"); SetClientExitCode(CDWWUAUCLT_RELAUNCHNOW); QUITAUClient(); } } } return 0; } #endif
return 0; #else
switch(lParam) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: case NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK: DEBUGMSG("TrayIcon Message got %d", lParam); if (ghCurrentMenu != NULL) { // bug 499697
// Don't show Pause/Resume menu for download if domain policy specifies schedule install
if (//SUCCEEDED(gInternals->m_getServiceState(&AuState)) &&
fDisableSelection()) { break; }
POINT mousePos; GetCursorPos(&mousePos); SetForegroundWindow(ghMainWindow); /*BOOL result =*/ TrackPopupMenu(ghCurrentMenu, 0, mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, ghMainWindow, NULL); PostMessage(ghMainWindow, WM_NULL, 0, 0); } else { EnterCriticalSection(&gcsClient);
if(gNextDialogMsg != 0) { PostMessage(hWnd, gNextDialogMsg, 0, 0); gNextDialogMsg = 0; // we need to make use of the permission to set foregroundwindow ASAP because
// SetForegroundWindow() will fail if called later
if (!SetForegroundWindow(ghMainWindow)) { DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT: Set main window to foreground FAILED"); } } else { SetActiveWindow(ghCurrentMainDlg); SetForegroundWindow(ghCurrentMainDlg); if(ghCurrentDialog != NULL) SetFocus(ghCurrentDialog); } LeaveCriticalSection(&gcsClient); } break;
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (FAILED(gInternals->m_getServiceState(&AuState))) { //fixcode: shall we quit AU here?
RemoveTrayIcon(); break; } if (AUSTATE_DOWNLOAD_PENDING == AuState.dwState) { ShowProgress(); } break;
default: break; } return 0; #endif
case WM_COMMAND: #ifdef TESTUI
return 0; #else
// bug 499697
// Don't process Pause/Resume menu commands
// if domain policy specifies scheduled install
// in case the message was generated before
// current domain policy kicked in.
if (fDisableSelection()) { return 0; } switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_PAUSE: DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT User pausing download"); if (FAILED(gInternals->m_setDownloadPaused(TRUE))) { // QUITAUClient(); //let wuaueng to figure out problem and recover
} else { ghCurrentMenu = ghResumeMenu; DEBUGMSG("current menu = resume"); } break;
case IDC_RESUME: DEBUGMSG("WUAUCLT User resuming download"); if (FAILED(gInternals->m_setDownloadPaused(FALSE))) { // QUITAUClient();
} else { ghCurrentMenu = ghPauseMenu; DEBUGMSG("current menu = pause"); } break;
default: break; } return 0; #endif
default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
} return 0; }
//client exit code should only be set once with a meaningful value
void SetClientExitCode(UINT uExitCode) { if (guExitProcess != CDWWUAUCLT_UNSPECIFY) { DEBUGMSG("ERROR: WUAUCLT Client exit code should only be set once"); } else { guExitProcess = uExitCode; } }