// Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: AUEventLog.cpp
// Creator: DChow
// Purpose: Event Logging class
#include "pch.h"
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance; extern AUCatalog *gpAUcatalog;
const TCHAR c_tszSourceKey[] = _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog\\System\\Automatic Updates");
CAUEventLog::CAUEventLog(HINSTANCE hInstance) : m_hEventLog(NULL), m_ptszListItemFormat(NULL) { const DWORD c_dwLen = 64; LPTSTR ptszToken = NULL;
if (NULL != (m_ptszListItemFormat = (LPTSTR) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * c_dwLen)) && 0 != LoadString( hInstance, IDS_EVT_LISTITEMFORMAT, m_ptszListItemFormat, c_dwLen) && NULL != (ptszToken = StrStr(m_ptszListItemFormat, _T("%lS"))) && EnsureValidSource() && NULL != (m_hEventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, _T("Automatic Updates")))) { // bug 492897: WUAU: W2K: Event log error for installation failure
// does not show the package that failed. CombineItems() calls
// StringCchPrintfEx() which in turn calls _sntprintf(). _sntprintf
// calls wvsprintf(). Compiled with USE_VCRT=1, the %lS placeholder
// in the format string will be replaced under Win2K by only the first
// character of the intended string, contrary to MSDN. It doesn't
// happen if the placeholder is %ls, %ws or %wS, or if the running
// platform is WinXP or .Net Server. To get around the problem
// without using an unsafe function, we choose to replace %lS in the
// format string from resource with %ls.
// We should move the fix to the resource string when we can.
ptszToken[2] = _T('s'); // Convert %lS into %ls
SafeFreeNULL(m_ptszListItemFormat); } }
CAUEventLog::~CAUEventLog() { if (NULL != m_hEventLog) { DeregisterEventSource(m_hEventLog); } SafeFree(m_ptszListItemFormat); }
// Assume no NULL in the pbstrItems and pptszMsgParams arrays.
BOOL CAUEventLog::LogEvent( WORD wType, WORD wCategory, DWORD dwEventID, UINT nNumOfItems, BSTR *pbstrItems, WORD wNumOfMsgParams, LPTSTR *pptszMsgParams) const { if (NULL == m_hEventLog || NULL == m_ptszListItemFormat) { return FALSE; }
LPTSTR ptszItemList = NULL; LPTSTR *pptszAllMsgParams = pptszMsgParams; WORD wNumOfAllMsgParams = wNumOfMsgParams;
if (0 < nNumOfItems) { wNumOfAllMsgParams++;
if (NULL == (ptszItemList = CombineItems(nNumOfItems, pbstrItems))) { goto CleanUp; }
if (0 < wNumOfMsgParams) { if (NULL == (pptszAllMsgParams = (LPTSTR *) malloc(sizeof(LPTSTR) * wNumOfAllMsgParams))) { goto CleanUp; }
for (INT i=0; i<wNumOfMsgParams; i++) { pptszAllMsgParams[i] = pptszMsgParams[i]; } pptszAllMsgParams[i] = ptszItemList; } else { pptszAllMsgParams = &ptszItemList; } }
fRet = ReportEvent( m_hEventLog, wType, wCategory, dwEventID, NULL, wNumOfAllMsgParams, 0, (LPCTSTR *) pptszAllMsgParams, NULL);
CleanUp: if (0 < nNumOfItems) { if (0 < wNumOfMsgParams) { SafeFree(pptszAllMsgParams); } SafeFree(ptszItemList); } return fRet; }
BOOL CAUEventLog::LogEvent( WORD wType, WORD wCategory, DWORD dwEventID, SAFEARRAY *psa) const { DEBUGMSG("CAUEvetLog::LogEvent(VARIANT version)");
long lItemCount, i = 0; HRESULT hr;
// similar check should have been done in Update::LogEvent()
/* if (NULL == psa)
{ hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto CleanUp; }
if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetVartype(psa, &vt))) { DEBUGMSG("CAUEvetLog::LogEvent(VARIANT version) failed to get safearray type (%#lx)", hr); goto CleanUp; }
if (VT_BSTR != vt) { DEBUGMSG("CAUEvetLog::LogEvent(VARIANT version) invalid element type of safearray (%#lx)", vt); goto CleanUp; } */ if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 1, &lItemCount))) { DEBUGMSG("CAUEventLog::LogEvent(VARIANT version) failed to get upper bound (%#lx)", hr); goto CleanUp; }
BSTR *pbstrItems = NULL; if (NULL == (pbstrItems = (BSTR *) malloc(sizeof(BSTR) * lItemCount))) { DEBUGMSG("CAUEventLog::LogEvent(VARIANT version) out of memory"); goto CleanUp; }
BOOL fRet = FALSE; while (i < lItemCount) { long dex = i;
if (FAILED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &dex, &pbstrItems[i]))) { DEBUGMSG("CAUEventLog::LogEvent(VARIANT version) SafeArrayGetElement failed (%#lx)", hr); goto CleanUp; } i++; }
fRet = LogEvent( wType, wCategory, dwEventID, lItemCount, pbstrItems);
CleanUp: if (NULL != pbstrItems) { while(i > 0) { SysFreeString(pbstrItems[--i]); } free(pbstrItems); }
DEBUGMSG("CAUEventLog::LogEvent(VARIANT version) ends");
return fRet; }
// The caller is responsible for freeing the return value if this function succeeds.
LPTSTR CAUEventLog::CombineItems(UINT nNumOfItems, BSTR *pbstrItems) const { DEBUGMSG("CombineItems");
if (NULL != m_ptszListItemFormat && NULL != pbstrItems && 0 < nNumOfItems) { // Estimate buffer size
size_t cchBufferLen = 1; // 1 for the terminating NULL
size_t cchListItemFormatLen = lstrlen(m_ptszListItemFormat);
for (UINT i=0; i<nNumOfItems; i++) { if (0 < i) { cchBufferLen += 2; // for line feed and carriage return (i.e. _T('\n'))
} cchBufferLen += cchListItemFormatLen + SysStringLen(pbstrItems[i]); }
LPTSTR ptszBuffer;
cchBufferLen = min(cchBufferLen, 0x8000); // String limit for ReportEvent
if (NULL != (ptszBuffer = (LPTSTR) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * cchBufferLen))) { LPTSTR ptszDest = ptszBuffer;
for (i = 0;;) { if (FAILED(StringCchPrintfEx( ptszDest, cchBufferLen, &ptszDest, &cchBufferLen, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS, m_ptszListItemFormat, // uses %ls; so okay w/ BSTR (UNICODE)
pbstrItems[i++]))) { DEBUGMSG("CAUEventLog::CombineItems() call to StringCchPrintfEx() failed"); return ptszBuffer; } if (i == nNumOfItems) { return ptszBuffer; } if (cchBufferLen <= 1) { DEBUGMSG("CAUEventLog::CombineItems() insufficient buffer for newline"); return ptszBuffer; } *ptszDest++ = _T('\n'); *ptszDest = _T('\0'); cchBufferLen--; } } } return NULL; }
BOOL CAUEventLog::EnsureValidSource() { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDisposition;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // root key
c_tszSourceKey, // subkey
0, // reserved
NULL, // class name
NULL, // security attribute
&hKey, &dwDisposition)) { return FALSE; }
if (REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY == dwDisposition) { (void) RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { DWORD dwCategoryCount = 2; //fixcode: should it be hardcoded?
DWORD dwTypesSupported = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE | EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE | EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; const TCHAR c_tszWUAUENG_DLL[] = _T("%SystemRoot%\\System32\\wuaueng.dll");
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, _T("CategoryCount"), // value name
0, // reserved
REG_DWORD, // type
(BYTE*) &dwCategoryCount, // data
sizeof(dwCategoryCount)) || // size
ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, _T("CategoryMessageFile"), 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (BYTE*) c_tszWUAUENG_DLL, sizeof(c_tszWUAUENG_DLL)) || // not ARRAYSIZE
// ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx(
// hKey,
// _T("DisplayNameFile"),
// 0,
// (BYTE*) c_tszWUAUENG_DLL,
// sizeof(c_tszWUAUENG_DLL)) || // not ARRAYSIZE
// ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx(
// hKey,
// _T("DisplayNameID"),
// 0,
// (BYTE*) &dwDisplayNameID,
// sizeof(dwDisplayNameID)) ||
ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, _T("EventMessageFile"), 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (BYTE*) c_tszWUAUENG_DLL, sizeof(c_tszWUAUENG_DLL)) || // not ARRAYSIZE
ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, _T("TypesSupported"), 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*) &dwTypesSupported, sizeof(dwTypesSupported))) { fRet = FALSE; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCloseKey(hKey)) { fRet = FALSE; } }
return fRet; }
void LogEvent_ItemList( WORD wType, WORD wCategory, DWORD dwEventID, WORD wNumOfMsgParams, LPTSTR *pptszMsgParams) { AUCatalogItemList &itemList = gpAUcatalog->m_ItemList; UINT nNumOfItems = itemList.GetNumSelected();
if (0 < nNumOfItems) { BSTR *pbstrItems = (BSTR *) malloc(sizeof(BSTR) * nNumOfItems);
if (NULL != pbstrItems) { CAUEventLog aueventlog(g_hInstance); UINT j = 0;
for (UINT i=0; i<itemList.Count(); i++) { AUCatalogItem &item = itemList[i]; if (item.fSelected()) { pbstrItems[j++] = item.bstrTitle(); } }
aueventlog.LogEvent( wType, wCategory, dwEventID, nNumOfItems, pbstrItems, wNumOfMsgParams, pptszMsgParams);
free(pbstrItems); } else { DEBUGMSG("LogEvent_ItemList() failed to allocate memory for pbstrItems"); } } else { DEBUGMSG("LogEvent_ItemList() no item in gpAUcatalog is selected!"); } }
void LogEvent_ScheduledInstall(void) { TCHAR tszScheduledDate[64]; TCHAR tszScheduledTime[40]; AUFILETIME auftSchedInstallDate; SYSTEMTIME stScheduled;
//fixcode: any need to use DATE_LTRREADING or DATE_RTLREADING?
if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&auftSchedInstallDate.ft, &stScheduled)) { if (0 != GetDateFormat( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE | DATE_LONGDATE, &stScheduled, NULL, tszScheduledDate, ARRAYSIZE(tszScheduledDate))) { if (Hours2LocalizedString( &stScheduled, tszScheduledTime, ARRAYSIZE(tszScheduledTime))) { LPTSTR pptszMsgParams[2];
pptszMsgParams[0] = tszScheduledDate; pptszMsgParams[1] = tszScheduledTime;
LogEvent_ItemList( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, IDS_MSG_Installation, IDS_MSG_InstallReady_Scheduled, 2, pptszMsgParams); } #ifdef DBG
else { DEBUGMSG("LogEvent_ScheduledInstall() call to Hours2LocalizedString() failed"); } #endif
} #ifdef DBG
else { DEBUGMSG("LogEvent_ScheduledInstall() call to GetDateFormatW() failed (%#lx)", GetLastError()); } #endif
} #ifdef DBG
else { DEBUGMSG("LogEvent_ScheduledInstall() call to FileTimeToSystemTime() failed (%#lx)", GetLastError()); } #endif