// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000
// File: auxml.cpp
// About: source file for AU related XML and schema data structure and functions
#include "pch.h"
//when changed, search for all occurrance of m_pFieldNames for needed modifications
//fixcode: get rid of EULA stuff.
LPSTR AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[] = {"ItemID", "ProviderName", "Title", "Description", "RTFPath" , "EulaPath"};
#ifdef DBG
void DBGShowNodeName(IXMLDOMNode *pNode) { BSTR bsNodeName; if (SUCCEEDED(pNode->get_nodeName(&bsNodeName))) { DEBUGMSG("node name is %S", bsNodeName); } else { DEBUGMSG("FAIL to get node name"); } }
void DBGDumpXMLNode(IXMLDOMNode *pNode) { BSTR bsNodeName = NULL; BSTR bsNodeXML = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pNode->get_nodeName(&bsNodeName)) && (SUCCEEDED(pNode->get_xml(&bsNodeXML)))) { DEBUGMSG("XML for %S is %S", bsNodeName, bsNodeXML); } SafeFreeBSTR(bsNodeName); SafeFreeBSTR(bsNodeXML); } #endif
#if 0
void DBGDumpXMLDocProperties(IXMLDOMDocument2 *pDoc) { BSTR bsSelectionLanguage, bsSelectionNamespaces, bsServerHTTPRequest; VARIANT vVal; VariantInit(&vVal); pDoc->getProperty(L"SelectionLanguage", &vVal); DEBUGMSG("XMLDoc selection language is %S", vVal.bstrVal); VariantClear(&vVal); pDoc->getProperty(L"SelectionNamespaces", &vVal); DEBUGMSG("XMLDoc selection namespaces is %S", vVal.bstrVal); VariantClear(&vVal); pDoc->getProperty(L"ServerHTTPRequest", &vVal); DEBUGMSG("XMLDoc ServerHTTPRequest is %s", vVal.boolVal ? "True" : "False"); VariantClear(&vVal); } #endif
BSTR ReadXMLFromFile(IN LPCTSTR szFileName) { TCHAR tszFullFileName[MAX_PATH]; IXMLDOMDocument *pxml = NULL; BSTR bstrXml = NULL; // USES_CONVERSION;
// DEBUGMSG("ReadXMLFromFile() starts");
AUASSERT(_T('\0') != g_szWUDir[0]); if(FAILED(StringCchCopyEx(tszFullFileName, ARRAYSIZE(tszFullFileName), g_szWUDir, NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS)) || FAILED(StringCchCatEx(tszFullFileName, ARRAYSIZE(tszFullFileName), szFileName, NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS))) { DEBUGMSG("file name or path too long"); goto done; }
if (!fFileExists(tszFullFileName)) { DEBUGMSG("%S doesn't exists on disk", tszFullFileName); } else { CAU_BSTR aubsFullFileName; HRESULT hr; if (!aubsFullFileName.append(T2W(tszFullFileName))) { DEBUGMSG("Out of memory, fail to create string"); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = LoadDocument(aubsFullFileName, &pxml, TRUE))) //offline
{ DEBUGMSG("Fail to load xml document %S with error %#lx", tszFullFileName, hr); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pxml->get_xml(&bstrXml))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get xml string from document with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } } done: SafeRelease(pxml); // DEBUGMSG("ReadXMLFromFile() ends");
return bstrXml; }
HRESULT MungleIdentity(IN IXMLDOMNode *pIdentity, IN DWORD dwSuffix) { BSTR bstrItemName = NULL; CAU_BSTR aubsTmp; WCHAR wcsBuf[12]; //will accomodate the maxium dword
if (0 == dwSuffix) { goto done; } if (NULL == pIdentity) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = GetAttribute(pIdentity, KEY_NAME, &bstrItemName))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get name from identity with error %#lx", hr); goto done; }
if (FAILED(StringCchPrintfExW(wcsBuf, ARRAYSIZE(wcsBuf), NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS, L"%lu", dwSuffix)) || !aubsTmp.append(bstrItemName) || !aubsTmp.append(L"_") || !aubsTmp.append(wcsBuf)) { DEBUGMSG("OUT OF MEMORY"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; }
if (FAILED(hr = SetAttribute(pIdentity, KEY_NAME, aubsTmp))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to set attribute with error %#lx", hr); goto done; }
done: SafeFreeBSTR(bstrItemName); return hr; }
BSTR GetPattern(IN LPCSTR szFieldName) { if (0 == _stricmp(szFieldName, AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[0])) { return AUCatalog::bstrItemIDPattern; } else if (0 == _stricmp(szFieldName, AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[1])) { return AUCatalog::bstrProviderNamePattern; } else if (0 == _stricmp(szFieldName, AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[2])) { return AUCatalog::bstrTitlePattern; } else if (0 == _stricmp(szFieldName, AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[3])) { return AUCatalog::bstrDescPattern; } else if (0 == _stricmp(szFieldName, AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[4])) { return AUCatalog::bstrRTFUrlPattern; } else if (0 == _stricmp(szFieldName, AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[5])) { return AUCatalog::bstrEulaUrlPattern; } else { return NULL; } }
BOOL IsPersistedHiddenItem(IN BSTR bstrItemID, IN AUCatalogItemList & hiddenItemList) { BOOL fRet = (hiddenItemList.Contains(bstrItemID) >=0); DEBUGMSG("%S is %s hidden item ", bstrItemID, fRet? "" : "NOT"); return fRet; }
BOOL CItemDetails::Init(IN BSTR bsItemDetails) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof( IXMLDOMDocument), (void**)&m_pxml))) { DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::Init() fail to create XML document"); fRet = FALSE; goto end; } if (FAILED(m_pxml->put_async(VARIANT_FALSE)) ||FAILED(m_pxml->put_resolveExternals(VARIANT_FALSE)) || FAILED(m_pxml->put_validateOnParse(VARIANT_FALSE))) { fRet = FALSE; goto end; } VARIANT_BOOL fOk; if (S_OK != m_pxml->loadXML(bsItemDetails, &fOk)) { DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::Init() fail to load XML"); fRet = FALSE; } end: if (!fRet) { SafeReleaseNULL(m_pxml); } return fRet; }
//should be callable event without Init() called first
void CItemDetails::Uninit() { SafeRelease(m_pxml); }
HRESULT CItemDetails::GetItemIdentities(IN BSTR bstrItemId, OUT IXMLDOMNodeList ** ppIdentityNodeList) { CAU_BSTR aubsPattern; HRESULT hr = S_OK ;
// DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::getIdentityNode() starts");
*ppIdentityNodeList = NULL; if (!aubsPattern.append(L"/catalog/provider/item/identity[@itemID=\"") || !aubsPattern.append(bstrItemId) || !aubsPattern.append(L"\"]")) { DEBUGMSG("failed to create pattern string"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = m_pxml->selectNodes(aubsPattern, ppIdentityNodeList))) { DEBUGMSG(" failed to find identityNode %#lx", hr); goto done; }
done: // DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::getIdentityNode() done");
return hr; }
// delete all items with ITEMID=bstrItemId
HRESULT CItemDetails::DeleteItem(IN BSTR bstrItemId) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IXMLDOMNode *pItemNode = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pProviderNode = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pCatalogNode = NULL;
while (NULL != ( pItemNode = getItemNode(bstrItemId))) { if (FAILED(hr = pItemNode->get_parentNode(&pProviderNode)) || NULL == pProviderNode) { DEBUGMSG(" fail to get provider node %#lx", hr); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pProviderNode->removeChild(pItemNode, NULL))) { DEBUGMSG(" fail to remove item node with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } // DEBUGMSG("one item removed");
pItemNode ->Release(); pItemNode = NULL; if (S_FALSE == (hr =pProviderNode->selectSingleNode(KEY_ITEM, &pItemNode))) { //provider had no children
if (FAILED(hr = pProviderNode->get_parentNode(&pCatalogNode)) || NULL == pCatalogNode) { DEBUGMSG(" fail to get catalog node %#lx", hr); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pCatalogNode->removeChild(pProviderNode, NULL))) { DEBUGMSG(" fail to remove provider node with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } // DEBUGMSG("one provider removed");
} SafeReleaseNULL(pItemNode); SafeReleaseNULL(pProviderNode); SafeReleaseNULL(pCatalogNode); } done: SafeRelease(pItemNode); SafeRelease(pProviderNode); SafeRelease(pCatalogNode); return hr; }
HRESULT CItemDetails::GetXML(BSTR *pbstrxml) { return m_pxml->get_xml(pbstrxml); }
IXMLDOMNode * CItemDetails::getIdentityNode(IN BSTR bstrItemId) { IXMLDOMNode * pIdentityNode = NULL ; CAU_BSTR aubsPattern; HRESULT hr ;
// DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::getIdentityNode() starts");
if (!aubsPattern.append(L"/catalog/provider/item/identity[@itemID=\"") || !aubsPattern.append(bstrItemId) || !aubsPattern.append(L"\"]")) { DEBUGMSG("failed to create pattern string"); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = m_pxml->selectSingleNode(aubsPattern, &pIdentityNode))) { DEBUGMSG(" failed to find identityNode %#lx", hr); goto done; } if (NULL == pIdentityNode) { goto done; } done: // DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::getIdentityNode() done");
return pIdentityNode; }
// caller should make sure item bstrItemId exists in itemdetails
BOOL CItemDetails::IsVisible(IN BSTR bstrItemId) { IXMLDOMNode * pItemNode = getItemNode(bstrItemId); IXMLDOMNode *pDescriptionNode = NULL; LONG lRet = 0; HRESULT hr ; // DEBUGMSG("IsVisible() starts");
//fixcode: really should return error instead of bogus TRUE
if (NULL == pItemNode ) { DEBUGMSG("fail to find node or fail to create string"); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pItemNode->selectSingleNode(KEY_DESCRIPTION, &pDescriptionNode)) || NULL == pDescriptionNode) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to select node %S with error %#lx", KEY_DESCRIPTION, hr); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = GetAttribute(pDescriptionNode, KEY_HIDDEN, &lRet))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get attribute %S with error %#lx", KEY_HIDDEN, hr); goto done; } // DEBUGMSG("Hidden attribute is %d for item %S", lRet, bstrItemId);
done: SafeRelease(pDescriptionNode); SafeRelease(pItemNode); // DEBUGMSG("IsVisible() return %s for %S", (0 == lRet) ? "true" : "false", bstrItemId);
return 0 == lRet; }
IXMLDOMNode * CItemDetails::getItemNode(IN BSTR bsItemId) { IXMLDOMNode * pIdentityNode = getIdentityNode(bsItemId); IXMLDOMNode * pItemNode = NULL; HRESULT hr;
//DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::getItemNode() starts");
if (NULL == pIdentityNode) { goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pIdentityNode->get_parentNode(&pItemNode)) || NULL == pItemNode) { DEBUGMSG(" fail to get item node %#lx", hr); goto done; } done: SafeRelease(pIdentityNode); //DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::getItemNode() ends");
return pItemNode; }
HRESULT CItemDetails::CloneIdentityNode(IN BSTR bsItemId, IN IXMLDOMDocument *pDesXml, OUT IXMLDOMNode ** ppDesNode) { IXMLDOMNode * pIdentityNode ; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::CloneIdentityNode() starts");
*ppDesNode = NULL; if (NULL == (pIdentityNode = getIdentityNode(bsItemId))) { goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = CopyNode(pIdentityNode, pDesXml, ppDesNode))) { DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::CloneIdentityNode() failed to clone identityNode %#lx", hr); } done: SafeRelease(pIdentityNode); // DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::CloneIdentityNode() ends");
return hr; }
HRESULT CItemDetails::CloneDescriptionNode(IN BSTR bsItemId, IN IXMLDOMDocument *pDesXml, OUT IXMLDOMNode **ppDesNode) { IXMLDOMNode * pItemNode = getItemNode(bsItemId); IXMLDOMNode * pDescriptionNode = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
*ppDesNode = NULL; if (NULL == pItemNode) { goto done; } if (!FindNode(pItemNode, KEY_DESCRIPTION, &pDescriptionNode)) { DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::CloneDescriptionNode() fail to get description node"); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = CopyNode(pDescriptionNode, pDesXml, ppDesNode))) { DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::CloneDescriptionNode() fail to clone node %#lx", hr); } done: SafeRelease(pItemNode); SafeRelease(pDescriptionNode); return hr; }
HRESULT CItemDetails::ClonePlatformNode(IN BSTR bsItemId, IN IXMLDOMDocument *pDesXml, OUT IXMLDOMNode **ppDesNode) { IXMLDOMNode * pItemNode = getItemNode(bsItemId); IXMLDOMNode * pPlatformNode = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
*ppDesNode = NULL; if (NULL == pItemNode) { goto done; } if (!FindNode(pItemNode, KEY_PLATFORM, &pPlatformNode)) { DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::ClonePlatformNode() fail to get platform node"); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = CopyNode(pPlatformNode, pDesXml, ppDesNode))) { DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::ClonePlatformNode() fail to clone node %#lx", hr); } done: SafeRelease(pItemNode); SafeRelease(pPlatformNode); return hr; }
// retrieve cab names associated with an item identified by bsitemid
// called should free ppCabNames allocated in the function
// *pCabsNum contains number of cab names returned
HRESULT CItemDetails::GetCabNames(IN BSTR bsItemId, OUT BSTR ** ppCRCCabNames, OUT BSTR **ppRealCabNames, OUT BSTR **ppCabChecksums, OUT UINT *pCabsNum) { IXMLDOMNode * pItemNode = getItemNode(bsItemId); IXMLDOMNodeList *pCodeBaseNodes = NULL; BSTR * pCRCCabNames = NULL; BSTR * pRealCabNames = NULL; BSTR * pCabChecksums = NULL; UINT uCabsNum = 0; CAU_BSTR aubsCodeBase; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
//DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::GetCabNames() starts");
*ppRealCabNames = *ppCRCCabNames = *ppCabChecksums = NULL; *pCabsNum = 0; if (!aubsCodeBase.append(L"installation/codeBase")) { DEBUGMSG("fail to create aubs"); goto done; } if (NULL == pItemNode) { goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pItemNode->selectNodes(aubsCodeBase, &pCodeBaseNodes)) || NULL == pCodeBaseNodes) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to find codebase section"); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pCodeBaseNodes->get_length((long *) &uCabsNum))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get number of code base nodes with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } pCRCCabNames = (BSTR*) malloc(uCabsNum * sizeof(*pCRCCabNames)); pRealCabNames = (BSTR*) malloc(uCabsNum * sizeof(*pRealCabNames)); pCabChecksums = (BSTR*) malloc(uCabsNum * sizeof(*pCabChecksums)); if (NULL != pCRCCabNames) { ZeroMemory((PVOID)pCRCCabNames, uCabsNum * sizeof(*pCRCCabNames)); } if (NULL != pRealCabNames) { ZeroMemory((PVOID)pRealCabNames, uCabsNum * sizeof(*pRealCabNames)); } if (NULL != pCabChecksums) { ZeroMemory((PVOID)pCabChecksums, uCabsNum * sizeof(*pCabChecksums)); } if (NULL == pCRCCabNames || NULL == pRealCabNames || NULL == pCabChecksums) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to alloc memory for CRCCabsNames or RealCabNames"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } for (UINT i = 0; i < uCabsNum ; i++) { IXMLDOMNode *pCodeBaseNode; if (S_OK != (hr = pCodeBaseNodes->get_item(i, &pCodeBaseNode))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get codebase %d", i); hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL; goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = GetAttribute(pCodeBaseNode, KEY_HREF, &(pCRCCabNames[i])))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get attribute %S", KEY_HREF); pCodeBaseNode->Release(); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = GetAttribute(pCodeBaseNode, KEY_NAME, &(pRealCabNames[i])))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get attribute %S", KEY_NAME); pCodeBaseNode->Release(); goto done; } //Since CRC is optional, it might not exist for this cab
GetAttribute(pCodeBaseNode, KEY_CRC, &(pCabChecksums[i])); pCodeBaseNode->Release(); }
*ppCRCCabNames = pCRCCabNames; *ppRealCabNames = pRealCabNames; *ppCabChecksums = pCabChecksums; *pCabsNum = uCabsNum;
done: SafeRelease(pCodeBaseNodes); SafeRelease(pItemNode); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (NULL != pCRCCabNames) { for (UINT j = 0; j < uCabsNum; j++) { SafeFreeBSTR(pCRCCabNames[j]); } free(pCRCCabNames); } if (NULL != pRealCabNames) { for (UINT j = 0; j < uCabsNum; j++) { SafeFreeBSTR(pRealCabNames[j]); } free(pRealCabNames); } if (NULL != pCabChecksums) { for (UINT j = 0; j < uCabsNum; j++) { SafeFreeBSTR(pCabChecksums[j]); } free(pCabChecksums); } } //DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::GetCabNames() ends");
return hr; }
// retrieve the CRC for the rtf file for the specified item
// caller should free pRTFCRC allocated in the function
HRESULT CItemDetails::GetRTFCRC(BSTR bstrItemId, BSTR *pRTFCRC) { IXMLDOMNode * pItemNode = getItemNode(bstrItemId); IXMLDOMNode *pDetailsNode = NULL; CAU_BSTR aubsDetails; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if( NULL == pItemNode || !aubsDetails.append(L"description/descriptionText/details")) { goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pItemNode->selectSingleNode(aubsDetails, &pDetailsNode)) || NULL == pDetailsNode) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to find details section"); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = GetAttribute(pDetailsNode, KEY_CRC, pRTFCRC)) || hr == S_FALSE) //GetAttribute returns S_FALSE if the attribute does not exist for the node
{ DEBUGMSG("Fail to get attribute RTF crc, hr is %x", hr); hr = (hr == S_FALSE) ? E_FAIL : hr; }
done: if(FAILED(hr)) { SafeFreeBSTRNULL(*pRTFCRC); } SafeRelease(pItemNode); SafeRelease(pDetailsNode); return hr; }
BSTR CItemDetails::GetItemDownloadPath(IN BSTR bstrItemId) { // USES_CONVERSION; only needed for ansi version
BSTR bstrRet = NULL; IXMLDOMNode * pIdentityNode= NULL;
// DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::GetItemDownloadPath starts");
if (NULL == (pIdentityNode = getIdentityNode(bstrItemId))) { goto done; } BSTR bstrdownloadPath; if (FAILED(UtilGetUniqIdentityStr(pIdentityNode, &bstrdownloadPath, 0))) { DEBUGMSG("GetItemDownloadPath() fail to get unique identity string"); goto done; } TCHAR tszPath[MAX_PATH]; if (SUCCEEDED(GetCabsDownloadPath(tszPath, ARRAYSIZE(tszPath))) && SUCCEEDED(StringCchCatEx(tszPath, ARRAYSIZE(tszPath), _T("\\"), NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS)) && SUCCEEDED(StringCchCatEx(tszPath, ARRAYSIZE(tszPath), W2T(bstrdownloadPath), NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS))) { bstrRet = SysAllocString(T2W(tszPath)); } SysFreeString(bstrdownloadPath); done: SafeRelease(pIdentityNode); /// DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::GetItemDownloadPath() got %S", bstrRet);
if (NULL != bstrRet && !EnsureDirExists(W2T(bstrRet))) { DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::GetItemDownloadPath() fail to create directory %S", bstrRet); SysFreeString(bstrRet); bstrRet = NULL; } return bstrRet; }
HRESULT CItemDetails::GetItemIds(OUT long *plItemNum, OUT BSTR ** ppbstrItemIds) { IXMLDOMNodeList *pItemIdsNodeList = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::GetItemIds() starts");
*ppbstrItemIds = NULL; *plItemNum = 0; if (FAILED(hr = m_pxml->selectNodes(AUCatalog::bstrItemIdsPattern, &pItemIdsNodeList))) { DEBUGMSG(" fail to find item id with error %#lx", hr); goto done; }
if (FAILED(hr = pItemIdsNodeList->get_length(plItemNum))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get itemids number with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } *ppbstrItemIds = (BSTR *) malloc((*plItemNum) * sizeof(**ppbstrItemIds)); if (NULL == *ppbstrItemIds) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to allocate memory for item ids"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } ZeroMemory(*ppbstrItemIds, (*plItemNum) * sizeof(**ppbstrItemIds)); for (int i = 0; i < *plItemNum; i++) { IXMLDOMNode *pItemIdNode = NULL; if (FAILED(hr = pItemIdsNodeList->get_item(i, &pItemIdNode)) || NULL == pItemIdNode) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item id node with error %#lx", hr); hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL; goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pItemIdNode->get_text(&((*ppbstrItemIds)[i]))) || NULL == (*ppbstrItemIds)[i]) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item id no. %d with error %#lx", i+1, hr); pItemIdNode->Release(); hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL; goto done; } pItemIdNode->Release(); // DEBUGMSG(" got #%d item id %S", i+1, (*ppbstrItemIds)[i]);
} done: SafeRelease(pItemIdsNodeList); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (NULL != *ppbstrItemIds) { for (int j = 0; j < *plItemNum; j++) { SafeFreeBSTR((*ppbstrItemIds)[j]); } SafeFree(*ppbstrItemIds); } *plItemNum = 0; *ppbstrItemIds = NULL; } else { DEBUGMSG(" got %d item ids", *plItemNum); } // DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::GetItemIds() ends");
return hr; } HRESULT CItemDetails::GetItemInfo(IN LPCSTR szFieldName, IN const BSTR bstrItemId, OUT BSTR * pbstrItemInfo) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IXMLDOMNode * pItemNode = getItemNode(bstrItemId); IXMLDOMNode * pProviderNode = NULL; IXMLDOMNode * pParentNode; IXMLDOMNode *pItemInfoNode = NULL;
// DEBUGMSG("GetItemInfo() for %s starts", szFieldName);
*pbstrItemInfo = NULL; if (NULL == pItemNode) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item node for %S", bstrItemId); goto done; } //special case provider name
if (0 == _strcmpi(szFieldName, AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[1])) { if (FAILED(hr = pItemNode->get_parentNode(&pProviderNode)) || NULL == pProviderNode) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get provider node"); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } pParentNode = pProviderNode; } else { pParentNode = pItemNode; } if (FAILED(hr = FindSingleDOMNode(pParentNode, GetPattern(szFieldName), &pItemInfoNode))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get field %s for item %S", szFieldName, bstrItemId); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = pItemInfoNode->get_text(pbstrItemInfo))) //NULL content is fine
{ DEBUGMSG("Fail to get value from title node with error %#lx", hr); goto done; }
// DEBUGMSG(" item info %s is %S", szFieldName, *pbstrItemInfo);
done: SafeRelease(pItemNode); SafeRelease(pItemInfoNode); SafeRelease(pProviderNode); if (FAILED(hr)) { SafeFreeBSTRNULL(*pbstrItemInfo); } // DEBUGMSG("GetItemInfo() for %s ends", szFieldName);
return hr; }
//find first exclusive item that is NOT hidden and visible
//return S_OK if found one
//return S_FALSE if found none
//return E_FAIL if error occurs
HRESULT CItemDetails::FindFirstExclusiveItem(OUT BSTR *pbstrItemId, IN AUCatalogItemList & hiddenItemList) { IXMLDOMNodeList *pExclusiveItemNodes = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::FindFirstExclusiveItem() starts"); *pbstrItemId = NULL; pExclusiveItemNodes = FindDOMNodeList(m_pxml, AUCatalog::bstrExclusiveItemPattern); if (NULL == pExclusiveItemNodes) { DEBUGMSG("No exclusive item found"); hr = S_FALSE; goto done; } long lNum; if (FAILED(hr = pExclusiveItemNodes->get_length(&lNum))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get exclusive item nodes number with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } for (long l = 0; l < lNum; l++) { IXMLDOMNode *pExclusiveItemNode = NULL; if (S_OK != (hr = pExclusiveItemNodes->get_item(l, &pExclusiveItemNode))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item with error %#lx", hr); hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL; goto done; } if (!FindNodeValue(pExclusiveItemNode, GetPattern(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[0]), pbstrItemId)) { hr = E_FAIL; } pExclusiveItemNode->Release(); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item id text with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } if (!IsPersistedHiddenItem(*pbstrItemId, hiddenItemList) && IsVisible(*pbstrItemId)) { fFound = TRUE; break; } SysFreeString(*pbstrItemId); *pbstrItemId = NULL; }
if (fFound) { DEBUGMSG("Find first exclusive item %S", *pbstrItemId); hr = S_OK; } else { DEBUGMSG("No unhidden and visible exclusive item found"); hr = S_FALSE; }
done: SafeRelease(pExclusiveItemNodes); if (S_OK != hr) { SafeFreeBSTRNULL(*pbstrItemId); } DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::FindFirstExclusiveItem() ends"); return hr; }
// populate m_DependentItems of each item in the lsit with direct dependency
// Also check the self containment of depending items with in the list, i.e. all the depending items should
// also be in the list. If not, the dependency will not be recorded.
// return S_OK : if item found and dependency built if any
// E_XXXX: if error
HRESULT CItemDetails::BuildDirectDependency(IN OUT AUCatalogItemList &itemlist) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CAU_BSTR aubsDependentItemID;
// DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::BuildDirectDependency starts");
if (!aubsDependentItemID.append(L"dependencies/identity/@itemID")) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } for (UINT i = 0; i < itemlist.Count(); i++) { IXMLDOMNodeList *pItemIDNodes = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pItemNode = NULL; if (NULL == (pItemNode = getItemNode(itemlist[i].bstrID()))) { // DEBUGMSG("Warning: item %S not found in the list", itemlist[i].bstrID()); //legitimate error
continue; } if (NULL == (pItemIDNodes = FindDOMNodeList(pItemNode, aubsDependentItemID))) { // DEBUGMSG ("No dependency found for item %S", itemlist[i].bstrID());
pItemNode->Release(); continue; } long lNumOfDependency; if (FAILED(hr = pItemIDNodes->get_length(&lNumOfDependency))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item id node number with error %#lx", hr); pItemNode->Release(); pItemIDNodes->Release(); continue; } for (long l = 0; l < lNumOfDependency; l++) { IXMLDOMNode * pItemIDNode = NULL; if (S_OK == pItemIDNodes->get_item(l, &pItemIDNode)) { BSTR bstrItemId = NULL; if (FAILED(hr = pItemIDNode->get_text(&bstrItemId)) || NULL == bstrItemId) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get text for item id with error %#lx", hr); hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL; pItemIDNode->Release(); break; } pItemIDNode->Release(); AUCatalogItem *pdependingItem = new AUCatalogItem; if (NULL == pdependingItem) { DEBUGMSG("Out of Memory. Fail to create new item"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SafeFreeBSTR(bstrItemId); break; } if (NULL == bstrItemId) {//although schema does not require itemid, we do
DEBUGMSG("Fail to find item id"); hr = E_FAIL; delete pdependingItem; break; } INT index = itemlist.Contains(bstrItemId); if (index >= 0) { BSTR bstrTmp = SysAllocString(itemlist[i].bstrID()); if (NULL == bstrTmp) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to allocate memory"); SysFreeString(bstrItemId); delete pdependingItem; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } pdependingItem->SetField(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[0], bstrTmp); if (!itemlist[index].m_DependingItems.Add(pdependingItem)) { DEBUGMSG("fail to add depending item"); SysFreeString(bstrItemId); delete pdependingItem; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } else { DEBUGMSG("item %S depending on item %S. Dependency recorded", pdependingItem->bstrID(), itemlist[index].bstrID()); } } else { DEBUGMSG("Warning: item %S depends on an item not in the list", itemlist[i].bstrID()); delete pdependingItem; } SysFreeString(bstrItemId); } else { DEBUGMSG("Error: fail to get item id node"); hr = E_FAIL; break; } } pItemNode->Release(); pItemIDNodes->Release(); } done: // DEBUGMSG("CItemDetails::BuildDirectDependency ends");
if (FAILED(hr)) { for (UINT i = 0; i < itemlist.Count(); i++) { itemlist[i].m_DependingItems.Clear(); } } return hr; }
// format of hidde.xml is
// <hiddenitems version = #>
// <item id = "...........">
// ..............
// <item id = "...........">
// </hiddenitems>
// return S_FALSE when no hidden items left in the xml file. The file will be deleted
// TO be finished
HRESULT PersistHiddenItems(IN AUCatalogItemList &itemlist, IN URLLOGACTIVITY activity) { // USES_CONVERSION;
IXMLDOMDocument *pHiddenXml = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pHiddenItemsNode = NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pelemITEM = NULL; TCHAR tszFullFileName[MAX_PATH]; CAU_BSTR aubsFullFileName; CAU_BSTR aubsItemPattern; UINT uItemAdded = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DEBUGMSG("PersistHiddenItems() starts"); if (itemlist.GetNumUnselected() == 0) { DEBUGMSG("No hidden items to persist"); goto done; } AUASSERT(_T('\0') != g_szWUDir[0]); if (FAILED(StringCchCopyEx(tszFullFileName, ARRAYSIZE(tszFullFileName), g_szWUDir, NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS)) || FAILED(StringCchCatEx(tszFullFileName, ARRAYSIZE(tszFullFileName), HIDDEN_ITEMS_FILE, NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS)) || !aubsFullFileName.append(T2W(tszFullFileName)) || !aubsItemPattern.append(AUCatalog::bstrHiddenItems) || !aubsItemPattern.append(L"/") ||!aubsItemPattern.append(AUCatalog::bstrTagITEM)) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to create string "); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; }
if (fFileExists(tszFullFileName)) { DEBUGMSG("file %S exists. Add hidden items to it", tszFullFileName); if (FAILED(hr = LoadDocument(aubsFullFileName, &pHiddenXml, TRUE))) //offline
{ DEBUGMSG(" %S fail to load with error %#lx, delete it", aubsFullFileName, hr); AUDelFileOrDir(tszFullFileName); } } if (NULL == pHiddenXml) { if (FAILED(hr = LoadXMLDoc(AUCatalog::bstrTemplate, &pHiddenXml, TRUE))) //offline
{ DEBUGMSG("Fail to load template xml with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } }
if (!FindNode(pHiddenXml, AUCatalog::bstrHiddenItems, &pHiddenItemsNode)) { hr = E_FAIL; DEBUGMSG("Fail to find node %S", AUCatalog::bstrHiddenItems); goto done; }
VARIANT varValueID; varValueID.vt = VT_BSTR; // write out item information
for ( DWORD index = 0; index < itemlist.Count(); index++ ) { if (itemlist[index].fUnselected()) { //hide unselected items
varValueID.bstrVal = itemlist[index].bstrID(); if ( FAILED(hr = pHiddenXml->createElement(AUCatalog::bstrTagITEM, &pelemITEM)) || FAILED(hr = pelemITEM->setAttribute(AUCatalog::bstrAttrID, varValueID)) || FAILED(hr = pHiddenItemsNode->appendChild(pelemITEM, NULL)) ) { DEBUGMSG("XML operation failure with error %#lx", hr); } else { // DEBUGMSG("item %S persisted", itemlist[index].bstrID());
uItemAdded++; gPingStatus.PingDeclinedItem(FALSE, activity, W2T(varValueID.bstrVal)); } SafeReleaseNULL(pelemITEM); // DEBUGMSG("Item %S now hidden", itemlist[index].bstrID());
itemlist[index].SetStatusHidden(); } }
if (0 == uItemAdded) { DEBUGMSG("no new hidden items need to be persisted"); hr = S_OK; } else if (FAILED(hr= SaveDocument(pHiddenXml, aubsFullFileName))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to save hidden xml %S with error %#lx", T2W(tszFullFileName), hr); AUDelFileOrDir(tszFullFileName); goto done; } done: SafeRelease(pelemITEM); SafeRelease(pHiddenItemsNode); SafeRelease(pHiddenXml); DEBUGMSG("PersistHiddenItems() ends with %d items added", uItemAdded); return hr; }
// read hidden xml file if there is one
// and populate the hidden item list passed in
// return S_FALSE if there is no hidden items found
HRESULT GetPersistedHiddenItems(AUCatalogItemList OUT & hiddenItemList) { HRESULT hr ; IXMLDOMNodeList *pItemNodes = NULL; IXMLDOMDocument *pHiddenXml = NULL; CAU_BSTR aubsItemPattern;
DEBUGMSG("GetPersistedHiddenItems() starts"); TCHAR tszFullFileName[MAX_PATH]; CAU_BSTR aubsFullFileName;
AUASSERT(_T('\0') != g_szWUDir[0]); if (FAILED(StringCchCopyEx(tszFullFileName, ARRAYSIZE(tszFullFileName), g_szWUDir, NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS)) || FAILED(StringCchCatEx(tszFullFileName, ARRAYSIZE(tszFullFileName), HIDDEN_ITEMS_FILE, NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS)) || !aubsItemPattern.append(AUCatalog::bstrHiddenItems) || !aubsItemPattern.append(L"/") || !aubsItemPattern.append(AUCatalog::bstrTagITEM) || !aubsFullFileName.append(T2W(tszFullFileName))) { DEBUGMSG("fail to create string"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; }
if (!fFileExists(W2T(aubsFullFileName))) { DEBUGMSG("No persisted item found"); hr = S_FALSE; goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = LoadDocument(aubsFullFileName, &pHiddenXml, TRUE))) //offline
{ DEBUGMSG(" %S fail to load with error %#lx", aubsFullFileName, hr); //might be expected if file is not there
goto done; } pItemNodes = FindDOMNodeList(pHiddenXml, aubsItemPattern); if (NULL == pItemNodes) { hr = S_FALSE; DEBUGMSG("no persisted hidden items found using pattern %S", aubsItemPattern); goto done; } long lItemNum; if (FAILED(hr = pItemNodes->get_length(&lItemNum))) { DEBUGMSG("fail to get number of item nodes with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } for (int i = 0; i < lItemNum; i++) { IXMLDOMNode *pItemNode = NULL; BSTR bstrItemID = NULL; if (S_OK != (hr = pItemNodes->get_item(i, &pItemNode))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item %d", i); hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL; goto done; } hr = GetAttribute(pItemNode, AUCatalog::bstrAttrID, &bstrItemID); SafeRelease(pItemNode); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } if (NULL != bstrItemID) { AUCatalogItem *pItem = new AUCatalogItem(); if (NULL == pItem) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to create new item"); SysFreeString(bstrItemID); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } else { pItem->SetField(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[0], bstrItemID); DEBUGMSG("Find one hidden item %S", bstrItemID); if (!hiddenItemList.Add(pItem)) { DEBUGMSG("OUT OF MEMORY: fail to add item"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; delete pItem; goto done; } } } } done: SafeRelease(pItemNodes); SafeRelease(pHiddenXml); if (hr != S_OK) { hiddenItemList.Clear(); } DEBUGMSG("GetPersistedHiddenItems() ends"); return hr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// given a details xml, extract all the items in it
// and populate the AU catalog item list passed in
// all the persisted hidden items will be excluded
// bstrDetails: IN details xml
// itemlist : IN/OUT receives items information
// fDriver: IN whether bstrDetails is for driver or non driver
// pfFoundExclusive: OUT TRUE if found exclusive item. In that case, only exclusive item will be returned
// return : TRUE if items got from the xml
// FALSE otherwise
BOOL fExtractItemInfo(IN const BSTR bstrDetails, OUT AUCatalogItemList & itemList, OUT BOOL *pfFoundExclusive) { long lNumItems = 0; BSTR *pbstrItemIds = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE; CItemDetails itemdetails; BSTR bstrExclusiveItemId; AUCatalogItemList hiddenItemList; BOOL fHiddenItemsFound; BOOL fItemIdsAllocated = FALSE; HRESULT hr;
DEBUGMSG("fExtractItemInfo() starts"); *pfFoundExclusive = FALSE; itemList.Clear(); if (!itemdetails.Init(bstrDetails)) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to init itemdetails"); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = GetPersistedHiddenItems(hiddenItemList))) { DEBUGMSG("no persisted hidden items loaded with error %#lx", hr); } if (*pfFoundExclusive = (S_OK == itemdetails.FindFirstExclusiveItem(&bstrExclusiveItemId, hiddenItemList))) { DEBUGMSG("Found exclusive item, add it"); lNumItems = 1; pbstrItemIds = &bstrExclusiveItemId; } else { if (FAILED(hr = itemdetails.GetItemIds(&lNumItems, &pbstrItemIds))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item ids with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } else { fItemIdsAllocated = TRUE; } }
for (long i = 0; i < lNumItems; i++) { if (itemList.Contains(pbstrItemIds[i]) >=0) { //duplicate item id found
continue; } AUCatalogItem *pitem = new AUCatalogItem(); if (NULL == pitem) { DEBUGMSG("Out of memory and fail to create new item."); goto done; } BSTR bstrTmp = SysAllocString(pbstrItemIds[i]); if (NULL == bstrTmp) { DEBUGMSG("Out of memory "); delete pitem; goto done; } pitem->SetField(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[0], bstrTmp); //even if one or more following item information is missing, add item anyway
for (int j = 1; j < ARRAYSIZE(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames); j++) { BSTR bstrItemInfo = NULL; if (FAILED(itemdetails.GetItemInfo(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[j], pbstrItemIds[i], &bstrItemInfo))) { continue; } pitem->SetField(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[j], bstrItemInfo); } if ( IsPersistedHiddenItem(pbstrItemIds[i], hiddenItemList) || !itemdetails.IsVisible(pbstrItemIds[i])) { //don't show non visible and hidden items
pitem->SetStatusHidden(); } if (!itemList.Add(pitem)) { DEBUGMSG("OUT OF MEMORY: fail to add new item"); delete pitem; goto done; } } fRet = TRUE; done: itemdetails.Uninit(); if (!fRet) { itemList.Clear(); } for (int k = 0; k < lNumItems; k++) { SafeFreeBSTR(pbstrItemIds[k]); } if (fItemIdsAllocated) { SafeFree(pbstrItemIds); } DEBUGMSG("fExtractItemInfo() ends"); return fRet; }
IXMLDOMNode * createDownloadItemStatusNode(IN IXMLDOMDocument * pxml, IN AUCatalogItem &Item, IN const BSTR bsInstallation, OUT IXMLDOMNode **ppIdentity) { IXMLDOMElement * pitemStatus = NULL; BOOL fError = FALSE; //no error occurs
IXMLDOMNode * pdescription = NULL; IXMLDOMNode * pPlatform = NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pdownloadStatus = NULL; IXMLDOMElement *pdownloadPath = NULL; CItemDetails itemDetails; BSTR bsItemId, bsdownloadPath = NULL; VARIANT vComplete; IXMLDOMNode ** ItemStatusChildren[] = {ppIdentity, &pdescription, &pPlatform};
DEBUGMSG("CAUCatalog::createDownloadItemStatusNode() starts"); *ppIdentity = NULL; if (!itemDetails.Init(bsInstallation)) { DEBUGMSG("fail to init itemdetails"); fError = TRUE; goto done; }
bsItemId = Item.bstrID(); DEBUGMSG("creating node for %S", bsItemId); if (NULL == bsItemId) { DEBUGMSG("fails to get item id"); fError = TRUE; goto done; } if (FAILED(pxml->createElement(KEY_ITEMSTATUS, &pitemStatus)) || NULL == pitemStatus) { DEBUGMSG("fail to create item status node"); fError = TRUE; goto done; }
itemDetails.CloneIdentityNode(bsItemId, pxml, ppIdentity); itemDetails.CloneDescriptionNode(bsItemId, pxml, &pdescription); itemDetails.ClonePlatformNode(bsItemId, pxml, &pPlatform); if (NULL == *ppIdentity || NULL == pdescription || NULL == pPlatform) { fError = TRUE; goto done; }
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(ItemStatusChildren); i++) { if (FAILED(pitemStatus->appendChild(*(ItemStatusChildren[i]), NULL))) { DEBUGMSG("fail to append identy node"); fError = TRUE; goto done; } }
if (FAILED(pxml->createElement(KEY_DOWNLOADPATH, &pdownloadPath)) || NULL == pdownloadPath) { DEBUGMSG("fail to create download path node"); fError = TRUE; goto done; }
bsdownloadPath = itemDetails.GetItemDownloadPath(bsItemId); if (NULL == bsdownloadPath) { fError = TRUE; goto done; } if (FAILED(pdownloadPath->put_text(bsdownloadPath))) { DEBUGMSG("fail to set download path text to %S", bsdownloadPath); fError = TRUE; goto done; } if (FAILED(pitemStatus->appendChild(pdownloadPath, NULL))) { DEBUGMSG("fail to append download path"); fError = TRUE; goto done; } if (FAILED(pxml->createElement(KEY_DOWNLOADSTATUS, &pdownloadStatus)) || NULL == pdownloadStatus) { DEBUGMSG("fail to create download status node"); fError = TRUE; goto done; }
vComplete.vt = VT_BSTR; vComplete.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"COMPLETE"); if (NULL == vComplete.bstrVal) { DEBUGMSG("Out of memory, fail to create string complete"); fError = TRUE; goto done; } HRESULT hr = SetAttribute(pdownloadStatus, KEY_DOWNLOADSTATUS, vComplete); VariantClear(&vComplete); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUGMSG("fail to set download status attribute"); fError = TRUE; goto done; }
if (FAILED(pitemStatus->appendChild(pdownloadStatus, NULL))) { DEBUGMSG("fail to append download status node"); fError = TRUE; goto done; }
done: itemDetails.Uninit(); SafeFreeBSTR(bsdownloadPath); if (fError) { SafeRelease(*ppIdentity); SafeRelease(pitemStatus); *ppIdentity = NULL; pitemStatus = NULL; } SafeRelease(pPlatform); SafeRelease(pdescription); SafeRelease(pdownloadPath); SafeRelease(pdownloadStatus); DEBUGMSG("CAUCatalog::createDownloadItemStatusNode() ends"); return pitemStatus; }
// *pbstrInstallation contains a subset of bsItemDetails (only items needs to be installed)
HRESULT PrepareInstallXML( IN BSTR bsItemDetails, //a superset of items in the itemlist
IN AUCatalogItemList &itemList, OUT BSTR * pbstrDownloadResult, OUT BSTR *pbstrInstallation) { DEBUGMSG("::PrepareInstallXML"); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BSTR bsRet = NULL; IXMLDOMNode * pItems = NULL; IXMLDOMDocument *pxml = NULL; CItemDetails itemdetails; LONG lNumItems = 0; BSTR * pbstrItemIds = NULL;
*pbstrDownloadResult = NULL; *pbstrInstallation = NULL;
if (! itemdetails.Init(bsItemDetails)) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to init item details "); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = LoadXMLDoc(AUCatalog::bstrResultTemplate, &pxml))) { DEBUGMSG("::PrepareInstallXML() fail to load download result template with error %#lx", hr); goto done; }
if (FAILED(hr = FindSingleDOMNode(pxml, KEY_ITEMS, &pItems)) || NULL == pItems) { DEBUGMSG("::PrepareInstallXML() fail to get items with error %#lx", hr); goto done; }
// DEBUGMSG("need to insert %d items in download result", itemList.GetNumSelected());
if (FAILED(hr = itemdetails.GetItemIds(&lNumItems, &pbstrItemIds))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item ids with error %#lx", hr); goto done; }
for (LONG l = 0; l < lNumItems; l++) { if (itemList.Contains(pbstrItemIds[l]) < 0) { itemdetails.DeleteItem(pbstrItemIds[l]); //delete items not in the itemlist
} } for (UINT i = 0; i < itemList.Count(); i++) { AUCatalogItem & item = itemList[i]; if (item.fSelected() || itemList.ItemIsRelevant(i)) { long lItemNum = 0; IXMLDOMNodeList *pIdentityNodeList = NULL; if (FAILED(itemdetails.GetItemIdentities(item.bstrID(), &pIdentityNodeList))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item identities for item %S", item.bstrID()); continue; } if (FAILED(pIdentityNodeList->get_length(&lItemNum))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get number of identity nodes"); //fixcode: bail out here
pIdentityNodeList->Release(); continue; } for (long lIndex = 0; lIndex < lItemNum; lIndex++) { DEBUGMSG("Create download status node %d for item %S", lIndex, item.bstrID()); IXMLDOMNode * pDetailsIdentity = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pDownloadResultIdentity = NULL; if (S_OK != pIdentityNodeList->get_item(lIndex, &pDetailsIdentity)) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item %d", lIndex); //fixcode: bail out here
continue; } MungleIdentity(pDetailsIdentity, lIndex); IXMLDOMNode * pItemStatus = createDownloadItemStatusNode(pxml, item, bsItemDetails, &pDownloadResultIdentity); if (NULL != pItemStatus) { MungleIdentity(pDownloadResultIdentity, lIndex); if (FAILED(hr = pItems->appendChild(pItemStatus,NULL))) { DEBUGMSG("fail to insert item %d", i); } else { DEBUGMSG("item %d inserted", i); } pItemStatus->Release(); } SafeRelease(pDetailsIdentity); SafeRelease(pDownloadResultIdentity); } pIdentityNodeList->Release(); } else { itemdetails.DeleteItem(item.bstrID()); } } if ( FAILED(hr = pxml->get_xml(pbstrDownloadResult)) ) { DEBUGMSG("::PrepareInstallXML() fail to get xml for the result %#lx", hr); goto done; }
if (FAILED(hr = itemdetails.GetXML(pbstrInstallation))) { DEBUGMSG(" fail to get xml for installation with error %#lx", hr); goto done; }
done: itemdetails.Uninit(); SafeRelease(pItems); SafeRelease(pxml); for (int k = 0; k < lNumItems; k++) { SafeFreeBSTR(pbstrItemIds[k]); } if (lNumItems > 0) { SafeFree(pbstrItemIds); } if (FAILED(hr)) { SafeFreeBSTR(*pbstrDownloadResult); *pbstrDownloadResult = NULL; SafeFreeBSTR(*pbstrInstallation); *pbstrInstallation = NULL; } return hr; }
// merge catalog 1 and catalog2 and make it destination catalog *pDesCatalog
// if either of bsCatalog1 and bsCatalog2 is NULL, return duplicate of the non NULL
// catalog
// if both bsCatalog1 and bsCatalog2 are NULL, return NULL and S_FALSE
HRESULT MergeCatalogs(IN const BSTR bsCatalog1, IN const BSTR bsCatalog2, OUT BSTR *pbsDesCatalog ) { IXMLDOMDocument * pCat1 = NULL; IXMLDOMDocument * pCat2 = NULL; IXMLDOMNodeList *pProviderNodeList = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pCatalogNode = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
DEBUGMSG("MergeCatalogs() starts"); *pbsDesCatalog = NULL; if (NULL == bsCatalog1 && NULL == bsCatalog2) { return S_FALSE; } if (NULL == bsCatalog1 || NULL == bsCatalog2) { *pbsDesCatalog = SysAllocString((NULL == bsCatalog1) ? bsCatalog2 : bsCatalog1); if (NULL == *pbsDesCatalog) { DEBUGMSG("Out of memory"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } hr = S_OK; goto done; } if ( FAILED(hr = LoadXMLDoc(bsCatalog1, &pCat1)) || FAILED(hr = LoadXMLDoc(bsCatalog2,&pCat2))) { DEBUGMSG("MergeCatalogs() fail to load xml or fail or allocate string (with error %#lx)", hr); goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = FindSingleDOMNode(pCat1, AUCatalog::bstrCatalog, &pCatalogNode))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to find provider in catalog 1"); goto done; } if (NULL == (pProviderNodeList = FindDOMNodeList(pCat2, KEY_CATALOG_PROVIDER))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to find provider in catalog 2 with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } long lNum; if (FAILED(hr = pProviderNodeList->get_length(&lNum))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get nubmer of providers"); goto done; } for (int i = 0; i < lNum; i++) { IXMLDOMNode * pProviderNode = NULL; if (S_OK != (hr = pProviderNodeList->get_item(i, &pProviderNode))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get item in Provider List with error %#lx", hr); hr = FAILED(hr) ? hr : E_FAIL; goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = InsertNode(pCatalogNode, pProviderNode))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to append provider node from catalog 2 to catalog 1 with error %#lx", hr); pProviderNode->Release(); goto done; } pProviderNode->Release(); } if (FAILED(hr = pCat1->get_xml(pbsDesCatalog))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to get result xml for catalog 1 with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } done: SafeRelease(pCat1); SafeRelease(pCat2); SafeRelease(pProviderNodeList); SafeRelease(pCatalogNode); if (FAILED(hr)) { SafeFreeBSTRNULL(*pbsDesCatalog); } DEBUGMSG("MergeCatalogs() ends"); return hr; }
// populate itemlist for all items in the list with detailed information from local merged catalog xml file
// also return the merged catalog xml in pbstrInstallation
// if fDrvierNeeded, care to extract driver information. Otherwise, no driver info extracted
HRESULT GetDetailedItemInfoFromDisk(IN OUT AUCatalogItemList &ItemList, OUT BSTR *pbstrInstallation, IN BOOL fDriverNeeded) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CItemDetails driverDetails, nonDriverDetails; BSTR bstrDriver = NULL; BSTR bstrNonDriver = NULL;
*pbstrInstallation = NULL;
if (NULL == (bstrNonDriver = ReadXMLFromFile(DETAILS_FILE)) || (fDriverNeeded && (NULL == (bstrDriver = ReadXMLFromFile(DRIVERS_FILE))))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to load driver or nondriver details xml file"); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } if (!nonDriverDetails.Init(bstrNonDriver) || (fDriverNeeded && !driverDetails.Init(bstrDriver))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to initialize item or driver details "); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; } if (FAILED(hr = MergeCatalogs(bstrDriver, bstrNonDriver, pbstrInstallation))) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to merge catalog with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } for (UINT u = 0; u < ItemList.Count(); u++) { for (int i = 1; i < ARRAYSIZE(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames); i++) { BSTR bstrItemInfo = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(nonDriverDetails.GetItemInfo(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[i], ItemList[u].bstrID(), &bstrItemInfo)) || (fDriverNeeded && SUCCEEDED(driverDetails.GetItemInfo(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[i], ItemList[u].bstrID(), &bstrItemInfo)))) { ItemList[u].SetField(AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[i], bstrItemInfo); } else { DEBUGMSG("Warning: not getting information about %S for item %S", AUCatalogItem::m_pFieldNames[i], ItemList[u].bstrID()); } } } done: driverDetails.Uninit(); nonDriverDetails.Uninit(); if (FAILED(hr)) { SafeFreeBSTR(*pbstrInstallation); *pbstrInstallation = NULL; } SafeFreeBSTR(bstrDriver); SafeFreeBSTR(bstrNonDriver); return hr; }
// walk through the whole list of items, hidden or non hidden, build dependency list m_DependentItems
// for each item from scratch. The orginal m_DependentItems for each item is discarded
// bstrDriver could be NULL
HRESULT BuildDependencyList( AUCatalogItemList IN OUT &itemlist, BSTR IN bstrDriver, BSTR IN bstrNonDriver) { CItemDetails driverInfo; CItemDetails nondriverInfo; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL ; BOOL fHasDriverUpdate = TRUE;
if (!nondriverInfo.Init(bstrNonDriver)) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to initialize item details"); goto done; }
if (NULL != bstrDriver) { if (!driverInfo.Init(bstrDriver) ) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to initialize driver details"); goto done; } } else { fHasDriverUpdate = FALSE; } DEBUGMSG("Building direct dependency for non drivers"); if (FAILED(hr = nondriverInfo.BuildDirectDependency(itemlist))) { //itemlist is a non driver and dependency built if any
DEBUGMSG("Fail to build dependency for non drivers with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } if (fHasDriverUpdate) { DEBUGMSG("Building direct dependency for drivers"); if (FAILED(hr = driverInfo.BuildDirectDependency(itemlist))) { //itemlist is a driver and dependency built if any
DEBUGMSG("Fail to build dependency for drivers with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } } DEBUGMSG("Building indirect dependency"); if (FAILED(hr = itemlist.BuildIndirectDependency())) { DEBUGMSG("Fail to build indirect dependency for itemlist with error %#lx", hr); goto done; } done: if (fHasDriverUpdate) { driverInfo.Uninit(); } nondriverInfo.Uninit(); DEBUGMSG("BuildDependencyList done"); #ifdef DBG
// itemlist.DbgDump();
return hr; }