// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: statusping.cpp
// Creator: PeterWi
// Purpose: status ping back functions
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
PingStatus gPingStatus;
void PingStatus::ReadLiveServerUrlFromIdent(void) { LPTSTR ptszLiveServerUrl;
if (NULL != (ptszLiveServerUrl = (TCHAR*) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH))) { TCHAR tszIdentFile[MAX_PATH];
if (SUCCEEDED(GetDownloadPath(tszIdentFile, ARRAYSIZE(tszIdentFile))) && SUCCEEDED(PathCchAppend(tszIdentFile, ARRAYSIZE(tszIdentFile), IDENTTXT))) { DWORD dwStrLen = GetPrivateProfileString( _T("IUPingServer"), _T("ServerUrl"), _T(""), ptszLiveServerUrl, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, tszIdentFile); if (0 != dwStrLen && INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH-1 != dwStrLen) // do this until there's a better way to check for errors
{ (void) SetLiveServerUrl(ptszLiveServerUrl); } else { DEBUGMSG("PingStatus::ReadLiveServerUrlFromIdent() failed to read server URL from ident"); } } free(ptszLiveServerUrl); } }
void PingStatus::PingDetectionSuccess( BOOL fOnline, UINT cItems) { TCHAR tszMessage[30];
(void) StringCchPrintfEx(tszMessage, ARRAYSIZE(tszMessage), NULL, NULL, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS, _T("items=%u"), cItems); _Ping( fOnline, URLLOGACTIVITY_Detection, URLLOGSTATUS_Success, 0, tszMessage, NULL, NULL); }
void PingStatus::PingDetectionFailure( BOOL fOnline, DWORD dwError, LPCTSTR ptszMessage) { _Ping( fOnline, URLLOGACTIVITY_Detection, URLLOGSTATUS_Failed, dwError, ptszMessage, NULL, NULL); }
void PingStatus::PingDownload( BOOL fOnline, URLLOGSTATUS status, DWORD dwError, LPCTSTR ptszItemID, LPCTSTR ptszDeviceID, LPCTSTR ptszMessage) { switch (status) { case URLLOGSTATUS_Success: case URLLOGSTATUS_Failed: case URLLOGSTATUS_Declined: break; default: DEBUGMSG("ERROR: PingDownload() invalid parameter"); return; }
_Ping( fOnline, URLLOGACTIVITY_Download, status, dwError, ptszMessage, ptszItemID, ptszDeviceID); }
void PingStatus::PingDeclinedItem( BOOL fOnline, URLLOGACTIVITY activity, LPCTSTR ptszItemID) { switch (activity) { case URLLOGACTIVITY_Download: case URLLOGACTIVITY_Installation: break; default: DEBUGMSG("ERROR: PingDeclinedItem() invalid activity code"); return; }
if (NULL == ptszItemID) { DEBUGMSG("ERROR: PingDeclinedItem() invalid item ID"); return; }
_Ping( fOnline, activity, URLLOGSTATUS_Declined, 0x0, NULL, ptszItemID, NULL); }
// status: IN ping status code
// dwError: IN error code
void PingStatus::PingSelfUpdate( BOOL fOnline, URLLOGSTATUS status, DWORD dwError) { const TCHAR WUAUENGFILE[] = _T("wuaueng.dll");
TCHAR tszFileVer[30]; HRESULT hr; size_t cchVerLen; LPTSTR ptszFileVersion;
switch (status) { case URLLOGSTATUS_Success: case URLLOGSTATUS_Failed: case URLLOGSTATUS_Pending: break; default: DEBUGMSG("ERROR: PingSelfUpdate() invalid parameter"); return; }
if (FAILED(hr = StringCchCopyEx( tszFileVer, ARRAYSIZE(tszFileVer), _T("ver="), &ptszFileVersion, &cchVerLen, MISTSAFE_STRING_FLAGS)) || FAILED(hr = GetFileVersionStr( WUAUENGFILE, ptszFileVersion, cchVerLen))) { DEBUGMSG("ERROR: PingSelfUpdate() GetFileVersionStr() failed."); return; }
_Ping( fOnline, URLLOGACTIVITY_SelfUpdate, status, dwError, tszFileVer, NULL, // no item
NULL); // no device
// private function to gather common info and perform ping
void PingStatus::_Ping( BOOL fOnline, URLLOGACTIVITY activity, URLLOGSTATUS status, DWORD dwError, LPCTSTR ptszMessage, LPCTSTR ptszItemID, LPCTSTR ptszDeviceID) { HRESULT hr = CUrlLog::Ping( fOnline, URLLOGDESTINATION_DEFAULT, &ghServiceFinished, 1, activity, status, dwError, ptszItemID, ptszDeviceID, ptszMessage); // use default base URL and client name
if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUGMSG("PingStatus::_Ping() failed to send/queue the request"); } }