// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: cdm.cpp
// Owner: YanL
// Description:
// Functions exported by CDM
// DownloadIsInternetAvailable
// OpenCDMContext
// OpenCDMContextEx
// QueryDetectionFiles
// FindMatchingDriver
// DownloadUpdatedFiles
// DetFilesDownloaded
// LogDriverNotFound
// CloseCDMContext
// GetPackage
// InternalQueryDetectionFiles
// InternalFindMatchingDriver
// InternalDetFilesDownloaded
// InternalLogDriverNotFound
#include <windows.h>
#include <osdet.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wustl.h>
#include <log.h>
#include <wuv3cdm.h>
#include <bucket.h>
#include <newtrust.h>
#include <download.h>
#include <diamond.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
#define _ASSERTE(expr) ((void)0)
#include <atlconv.cpp>
#include "cdm.h"
#include "cdmp.h"
#include <drvinfo.h>
#include <cfgmgr32.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
typedef struct _CONTEXTHANDLE { bool fCloseConnection; //Tracks if the connection to the internet was opened by CDM.DLL
bool fNeedUpdate; //TRUE if we need to update CDM.DLL when its connection is closed.
TCHAR szSiteServer[MAX_PATH]; //Description server name.
TCHAR szDownloadServer[MAX_PATH]; //Download server name.
static frozen_array<CONTEXTHANDLE> g_handleArray; static HMODULE g_hModule; static bool g_fNeedUpdate; //Flag that indicates that cdm.dll needs updating.
static int GetHandleIndex(IN HANDLE hConnection);
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID /*lpReserved*/ ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_fNeedUpdate = FALSE; g_hModule = (HMODULE)hModule; // to return to findoem;
break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: //If we have downloaded a new dll then we need to update it.
//Note: passing a global to a function is bad form as it can
//cause problems. The only reason that I'm doing this is so
//that the UpdateCDMDll API can be moved to other programs
//since this ability to make a dll or exe self updating is
//very usefull.
if (g_fNeedUpdate) g_fNeedUpdate = !UpdateCdmDll(); break; } return TRUE; }
//This function determines if this client can connect to the internet.
BOOL DownloadIsInternetAvailable( void ) { LOG_block("DownloadIsInternetAvailable");
int iDun = GetDUNConnections(); bool bWizard = IsInternetConnectionWizardCompleted(); bool bConnect = IsInternetConnected();
if (!bConnect && iDun <= 0) { LOG_error("if (!!bConnect && iDun <= 0) return false"); return false; }
if (!bWizard) { LOG_error("if (!bWizard) return false"); return false; }
LOG_out("return true"); return true; }
//This function Opens an internet connection for download. This connection
//context information is tracked though the returned handle.
//This functon returns a handle a CDM file download context if successful or
//NULL if not. If this function fails GetLastError() can be used to return
//the error code indicating the reason for failure.
HANDLE WINAPI OpenCDMContext( IN HWND /*hwnd*/ //Window handle to use for any UI that needs to be presented.
) { LOG_block("OpenCDMContext"); return OpenCDMContextEx(TRUE); }
HANDLE WINAPI OpenCDMContextEx( IN BOOL fConnectIfNotConnected ) { LOG_block("OpenCDMContextEx");
//Initialize context handle array entry and mark it as is use.
CONTEXTHANDLE cth; ZeroMemory(&cth, sizeof(cth));
bool fConnected = IsInternetConnected(); #ifdef _WUV3TEST
if (fConnected) { // catalog spoofing
DWORD dwIsInternetConnected = 1; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwIsInternetConnected); auto_hkey hkey; if (NO_ERROR == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_WUV3TEST, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { RegQueryValueEx(hkey, _T("IsInternetConnected"), 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwIsInternetConnected, &dwSize); } // only then do normal
if (0 == dwIsInternetConnected) { fConnected = false; } } #endif
if (fConnectIfNotConnected || fConnected) {
//Assume that we do not need to connect to the internet
cth.fCloseConnection = !IsInternetConnected();
//If we are not already connected to the internet and
//we fail in the attempt then we cannot download any
//drivers so quit.
if (InternetAttemptConnect(0) != NO_ERROR) { LOG_error("No internet connection"); return 0; }
TCHAR szSecurityServer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; lstrcpy(szSecurityServer, SZ_SECURITY_SERVER);
/* Test redirect*/{ auto_hkey hkey; if (NO_ERROR == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szSecurityServer); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, _T("SecurityServer"), 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&szSecurityServer, &dwSize); } }
//Connect to and get server context.
CDownload download; if (download.Connect(szSecurityServer)) { LOG_out("Connected to SecurityServer '%s'", szSecurityServer); } else { LOG_error("No connection to SecurityServer '%s'", szSecurityServer); return 0; } //Init download
CDiamond diamond; if (!diamond.valid()) { SetLastError(ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); LOG_error("cannot init diamond"); return 0; }
// do security url verification and get server locations
if (!ProcessIdent(download, diamond, szSecurityServer, cth.szSiteServer, cth.szDownloadServer)) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); LOG_error("invalid identcdm.cab"); return 0; }
// reconnect fo Site server if we need to
if (0 != lstrcmpi(cth.szSiteServer, szSecurityServer)) { if (download.Connect(cth.szSiteServer)) { LOG_out("Connected to SiteServer '%s'", cth.szSiteServer); } else { LOG_error("No connection to SiteServer '%s'", cth.szSiteServer); return 0; } } else { LOG_out("SiteServer is %s", szSecurityServer); }
if (!DownloadCdmCab(download, diamond, cth.fNeedUpdate)) { LOG_error("Failed to download cdm.cab"); return 0; } }
return LongToHandle(g_handleArray.add(cth) + 1); }
//This function downloads the specified CDM package. The hConnection handle must have
//been returned from the OpenCDMContext() API.
//This function Returns TRUE if download is successful GetLastError() will return
//the error code indicating the reason that the call failed.
BOOL WINAPI DownloadUpdatedFiles( IN HANDLE hConnection, //Connection handle from OpenCDMContext() API.
IN HWND hwnd, //Window handle for call context
IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, //download information structure describing
//package to be read from server
OUT LPWSTR lpDownloadPath, //local computer directory location of the
//downloaded files
IN UINT uSize, //size of the download path buffer. If this
//buffer is to small to contain the complete
//path and file name no file will be downloaded.
//The PUINT puReguiredSize parameter can be checked
//to determine the size of buffer necessary to
//perform the download.
OUT PUINT puRequiredSize //required lpDownloadPath buffer size. This
//parameter is filled in with the minimum size
//that is required to place the complete path
//file name of the downloaded file. If this
//parameter is NULL no size is returned.
) { LOG_block("DownloadUpdatedFiles");
int index = GetHandleIndex(hConnection); if (-1 == index) { LOG_error("invalid handle"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (NULL == puRequiredSize) { LOG_error("puRequiredSize == NULL"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
//Check and see if the download path is large enough to contain the return
//directory where we will put the download cab files.
TCHAR szTmpPath[MAX_PATH]; int iLengthNeeded = GetDownloadPath(szTmpPath);
if (lpDownloadPath == NULL || iLengthNeeded > (int)uSize) { LOG_error("uSize < then needed"); *puRequiredSize = iLengthNeeded; SetLastError(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); return FALSE; }
// Declared locally
typedef long (*PFN_GETPACKAGE)(PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, LPTSTR lpDownloadPath); PFN_GETPACKAGE pfnGetPackage = NULL;//Entry point in cdm.dll that actually performs the download
// If there is cdmnew.dll in system directory use it
auto_hlib hlib = LoadCdmnewDll(); if (hlib.valid()) { pfnGetPackage = (PFN_GETPACKAGE)GetProcAddress(hlib,"GetPackage"); if (NULL == pfnGetPackage) { //if we cannot find our download function we need to return fail and not attempt
//to download the update package.
LOG_error("cannot find function 'GetPackage'"); return FALSE; } LOG_out("Calling GetPackage() from cdmnew.dll"); } else { // Declared locally
long GetPackage(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, OUT LPTSTR lpDownloadPath); pfnGetPackage = GetPackage; LOG_out("Calling internal GetPackage()"); } int iError = (pfnGetPackage)(&g_handleArray[index], pDownloadInfo, szTmpPath);
if (iError != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(iError); return FALSE; } *puRequiredSize = iLengthNeeded; lstrcpyW(lpDownloadPath, T2W(szTmpPath)); return TRUE; }
//This API closes the internet connection opened with the OpenCDMContext() API.
//If CDM did not open the internet connection this API simply returns. The CDM
//context handle must have been the same handle that was returned from
//the OpenCDMContext() API.
//This call cannot fail. If the pConnection handle is invalid this function
//simply ignores it.
VOID WINAPI CloseCDMContext ( IN HANDLE hConnection //CDM Connection handle returned with OpenCDMContext.
) { LOG_block("CloseCDMContext");
int index = GetHandleIndex(hConnection);
if ( -1 == index) { LOG_error("invalid handle"); return; }
//If CDM.DLL opened this internet connection and if this connection is
//for a modem then we need to close the internet connection. Note:
//the Open context function only sets fCloseConnection for modem
if (g_handleArray[index].fCloseConnection) InternetAutodialHangup(0);
if (g_handleArray[index].fNeedUpdate) { //if any dll needs to be updated then
//we set the global update flag. This will
//force cdm.dll to be replaced when the last
//process detaches.
g_fNeedUpdate = true; }
g_handleArray.remove(index); }
int WINAPI QueryDetectionFiles( IN HANDLE hConnection, IN void* pCallbackParam, IN PFN_QueryDetectionFilesCallback pCallback ) { LOG_block("QueryDetectionFiles");
int index = GetHandleIndex(hConnection); if (-1 == index) { LOG_error("invalid handle"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
// Call external/internal implementetion
typedef int (*PFN_InternalQueryDetectionFiles)(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN void* pCallbackParam, IN PFN_QueryDetectionFilesCallback pCallback); PFN_InternalQueryDetectionFiles pfnInternalQueryDetectionFiles = NULL;
auto_hlib hlib = LoadCdmnewDll(); if (hlib.valid()) { pfnInternalQueryDetectionFiles = (PFN_InternalQueryDetectionFiles)GetProcAddress(hlib, "InternalQueryDetectionFiles"); if (NULL == pfnInternalQueryDetectionFiles) { LOG_error("cannot find function 'InternalQueryDetectionFiles'"); return FALSE; } LOG_out("Calling InternalQueryDetectionFiles() from cdmnew.dll"); } else { // Declared locally
int InternalQueryDetectionFiles(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN void* pCallbackParam, IN PFN_QueryDetectionFilesCallback pCallback); pfnInternalQueryDetectionFiles = InternalQueryDetectionFiles; LOG_out("Calling internal InternalQueryDetectionFiles()"); } return (pfnInternalQueryDetectionFiles)(&g_handleArray[index], pCallbackParam, pCallback); }
void WINAPI DetFilesDownloaded( IN HANDLE hConnection ) { LOG_block("DetFilesDownloaded");
int index = GetHandleIndex(hConnection); if (-1 == index) { LOG_error("invalid handle"); return; }
// Call external/internal implementetion
typedef void (*PFN_InternalDetFilesDownloaded)(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle); PFN_InternalDetFilesDownloaded pfnInternalDetFilesDownloaded = NULL;
auto_hlib hlib = LoadCdmnewDll(); if (hlib.valid()) { pfnInternalDetFilesDownloaded = (PFN_InternalDetFilesDownloaded)GetProcAddress(hlib, "InternalDetFilesDownloaded"); if (NULL == pfnInternalDetFilesDownloaded) { LOG_error("cannot find function 'InternalDetFilesDownloaded'"); return; } LOG_out("Calling InternalDetFilesDownloaded() from cdmnew.dll"); } else { // Declared locally
void InternalDetFilesDownloaded(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle); pfnInternalDetFilesDownloaded = InternalDetFilesDownloaded; LOG_out("Calling internal InternalDetFilesDownloaded()"); } (pfnInternalDetFilesDownloaded)(&g_handleArray[index]); }
// supports offline logging
// hConnection NOT used at all
// no network connection or osdet.dll needed for languauge, SKU, platform detection
void WINAPI LogDriverNotFound( IN HANDLE hConnection, IN LPCWSTR lpDeviceInstanceID, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { LOG_block("LogDriverNotFound");
// Call external/internal implementetion
typedef void (*PFN_InternalLogDriverNotFound)(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN LPCWSTR lpDeviceInstanceID, IN DWORD dwFlags); PFN_InternalLogDriverNotFound pfnInternalLogDriverNotFound = NULL; CONTEXTHANDLE cth;
ZeroMemory(&cth, sizeof(cth));
auto_hlib hlib = LoadCdmnewDll(); if (hlib.valid()) { pfnInternalLogDriverNotFound = (PFN_InternalLogDriverNotFound)GetProcAddress(hlib, "InternalLogDriverNotFound"); if (NULL == pfnInternalLogDriverNotFound) { LOG_error("cannot find function 'InternalLogDriverNotFound'"); return; } LOG_out("Calling InternalLogDriverNotFound() from cdmnew.dll"); } else { // Declared locally
void InternalLogDriverNotFound(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN LPCWSTR lpDeviceInstanceID, IN DWORD dwFlags); pfnInternalLogDriverNotFound = InternalLogDriverNotFound; LOG_out("Calling internal InternalLogDriverNotFound()"); } // pass in dummy contexthandle
(pfnInternalLogDriverNotFound)(&cth, lpDeviceInstanceID, dwFlags); }
BOOL WINAPI FindMatchingDriver( IN HANDLE hConnection, IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, OUT PWUDRIVERINFO pWuDriverInfo ) { LOG_block("FindMatchingDriver");
int index = GetHandleIndex(hConnection); if (-1 == index) { LOG_error("invalid handle"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
// Call external/internal implementetion
typedef BOOL (*PFN_InternalFindMatchingDriver)(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, OUT PWUDRIVERINFO pWuDriverInfo); PFN_InternalFindMatchingDriver pfnInternalFindMatchingDriver = NULL;
auto_hlib hlib = LoadCdmnewDll(); if (hlib.valid()) { pfnInternalFindMatchingDriver = (PFN_InternalFindMatchingDriver)GetProcAddress(hlib,"InternalFindMatchingDriver"); if (NULL == pfnInternalFindMatchingDriver) { LOG_error("cannot find function 'InternalFindMatchingDriver'"); return FALSE; } LOG_out("Calling InternalFindMatchingDriver() from cdmnew.dll"); } else { // Declared locally
BOOL InternalFindMatchingDriver(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, OUT PWUDRIVERINFO pWuDriverInfo); pfnInternalFindMatchingDriver = InternalFindMatchingDriver; LOG_out("Calling internal InternalFindMatchingDriver()"); } return (pfnInternalFindMatchingDriver)(&g_handleArray[index], pDownloadInfo, pWuDriverInfo); }
//This function is called to download the actual package. What happens is that the
//cdm.dll is copied from the server. This dll is then dynamically loaded by the
//DownloadGetUpdatedFiles() API and called. This allows the most recent cdm.dll
//to be used even if the client has an out dated version on their system.
//If this function is successfull then it returns NO_ERROR. If the case of a
//failure this function returns an error code.
long GetPackage( IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, //Pointer Context handle structure that contains the server and dll information needed to perform the download.
IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, //download information structure describing package to be read from server
OUT LPTSTR lpDownloadPath //Poitner to local directory on the client computer system where the downloaded files are to be stored.
) { LOG_block("GetPackage"); USES_CONVERSION;
SHelper helper; //
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-185297-2000/11/21-waltw Fixed: bufBucket must have same scope as SHelper
byte_buffer bufBucket; DWORD dwError = PrepareCatalog(pContextHandle->szSiteServer, helper); if (NO_ERROR != dwError) { SetLastError(dwError); return FALSE; }
//Clear out any files that might be in the temp download directory.
if (!DeleteNode(lpDownloadPath)) { LOG_out("DeleteNode(%s) failed last error %d", lpDownloadPath, GetLastError()); } if (!CreateDirectory(lpDownloadPath, NULL)) { LOG_out("CreateDirectory(%s) failed last error %d", lpDownloadPath, GetLastError()); }
bool fPlist = ( NULL != pDownloadInfo->lpHardwareIDs && 0 == lstrcmpiW(L"3FBF5B30-DEB4-11D1-AC97-00A0C903492B", pDownloadInfo->lpHardwareIDs) );
// Get to and from information
TCHAR szCabLocalFile[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(szCabLocalFile);
if (fPlist) { TCHAR szCabServerFile[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szCabServerFile, _T("%d_%#08x.plist"), helper.enPlatform, helper.dwLangID); LOG_out("getting PLIST %s", szCabServerFile);
PathAppend(szCabLocalFile, szCabServerFile);
// Now we can say that we are ready
if (!helper.download.Copy(szCabServerFile, szCabLocalFile)) { LOG_error("%s failed to download", szCabServerFile); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } else { TCHAR szCabFileTitle[MAX_PATH]; if (!FindUpdate(pDownloadInfo, helper, bufBucket)) { LOG_error("no update has been found"); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } LOG_out("PUID %d is found", helper.puid);
CDownload downloadCabpool; if (downloadCabpool.Connect(pContextHandle->szDownloadServer)) { LOG_out("Connected to DownloadServer '%s'", pContextHandle->szDownloadServer); } else { LOG_error("No connection to DownloadServer '%s'", pContextHandle->szDownloadServer); return ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; } TCHAR szCabServerFile[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(szCabServerFile, _T("CabPool/")); lstrcat(szCabServerFile, A2T(helper.DriverMatchInfo.pszCabFileTitle));
PathAppend(szCabLocalFile, A2T(helper.DriverMatchInfo.pszCabFileTitle));
// Now we can say that we are ready
if (!downloadCabpool.Copy(szCabServerFile, szCabLocalFile)) { LOG_error("%s failed to download", szCabServerFile); URLPingReport(helper, URLPING_FAILED); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }
// Verify if it's not webntprn.cab
HRESULT hr = VerifyFile(szCabLocalFile, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG_error("signature verification failed"); DeleteFile(szCabLocalFile); URLPingReport(helper, URLPING_FAILED); return hr; } }
TCHAR szDownloadFiles[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(szDownloadFiles, lpDownloadPath); PathAppend(szDownloadFiles, _T("*")); if (!helper.diamond.Decompress(szCabLocalFile, szDownloadFiles)) { LOG_error("Decompress failed"); if (!fPlist) URLPingReport(helper, URLPING_FAILED); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } LOG_out("Download to %s completed OK", lpDownloadPath); DeleteFile(szCabLocalFile); if (!fPlist) URLPingReport(helper, URLPING_SUCCESS); return S_OK; }
static void UrlAppend(LPTSTR pszURL, LPCTSTR pszPath) { if ('/' != pszURL[lstrlen(pszURL) - 1]) lstrcat(pszURL, _T("/")); lstrcat(pszURL, pszPath); }
inline bool IsNewer( IN LPCTSTR szFileName1, IN LPCTSTR szFileName2 ) { LOG_block("IsNewer"); auto_hfile hFile1 = CreateFile(szFileName1, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (!hFile1.valid()) { LOG_error("CreateFile(%s, ...) failed, error %d", szFileName1, GetLastError()); return true; } auto_hfile hFile2 = CreateFile(szFileName2, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (!hFile2.valid()) { LOG_error("CreateFile(%s, ...) failed, error %d", szFileName2, GetLastError()); return false; } FILETIME ft1; if (!GetFileTime(hFile1, NULL, NULL, &ft1)) { LOG_error("GetFileTime(%s, ...) failed, error %d", szFileName1, GetLastError()); return true; }
FILETIME ft2; if (!GetFileTime(hFile2, NULL, NULL, &ft2)) { LOG_error("GetFileTime(%s, ...) failed, error %d", szFileName2, GetLastError()); return false; } return CompareFileTime(&ft1, &ft2) < 0;
void DoCallback( IN void* pCallbackParam, IN PFN_QueryDetectionFilesCallback pCallback, SHelper& helper, LPCTSTR pszSiteServer, LPCTSTR pszFileTitle, bool fInCatalog = true ) { USES_CONVERSION;
TCHAR szCatalog[32]; wsprintf(szCatalog, _T("%d"), helper.puidCatalog);
TCHAR szURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; lstrcpy(szURL, pszSiteServer); if (fInCatalog) UrlAppend(szURL, szCatalog); UrlAppend(szURL, pszFileTitle);
TCHAR szLocalFile[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(szLocalFile); PathAppend(szLocalFile, pszFileTitle);
pCallback(pCallbackParam, T2W(szURL), T2W(szLocalFile)); }
int InternalQueryDetectionFiles(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN void* pCallbackParam, IN PFN_QueryDetectionFilesCallback pCallback) { LOG_block("InternalQueryDetectionFiles");
SHelper helper; DWORD dwError = PrepareCatalog(pContextHandle->szSiteServer, helper); if (NO_ERROR != dwError) { SetLastError(dwError); return -1; } #if 0
// Get CDM inventory
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szPath, _T("%d/%d.cab"), helper.puidCatalog, helper.puidCatalog);
TCHAR szURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; lstrcpy(szURL, pContextHandle->szSiteServer); UrlAppend(szURL, szPath);
GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(szPath); PathAppend(szPath, _T("buckets.cab"));
pCallback(pCallbackParam, T2W(szURL), T2W(szPath)); return 1; #else
// Get CDM inventory
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szPath, _T("%d/inventory.cdm"), helper.puidCatalog);
byte_buffer bufInventory; if (!DownloadToBuffer(helper, szPath, bufInventory)) { LOG_error("Dowload inventory failed"); return -1; } //Here we need a trick to determine if we need to do anything: we do if inventory.cdm is a newer then inventory.cdm.last
GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(szPath); PathAppend(szPath, _T("inventory.cdm")); TCHAR szPathLast[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(szPathLast, szPath); lstrcat(szPathLast, _T(".last")); if (!IsNewer(szPathLast, szPath)) { LOG_out("inventory.cdm is up to date"); return 0; } CopyFile(szPath, szPathLast, FALSE);
int nCount = 0; DoCallback(pCallbackParam, pCallback, helper, pContextHandle->szSiteServer, _T("oeminfo.bin"), false); nCount ++; DoCallback(pCallbackParam, pCallback, helper, pContextHandle->szSiteServer, _T("bitmask.cdm")); nCount ++;
for (ULONG ulHashIndex = 0; ulHashIndex < pHashTable->hdr.iTableSize; ulHashIndex ++) { if(GETBIT(pHashTable->pData, ulHashIndex)) { TCHAR szTitle[16]; wsprintf(szTitle, _T("%d.bkf"), ulHashIndex); DoCallback(pCallbackParam, pCallback, helper, pContextHandle->szSiteServer, szTitle); nCount ++; } } return nCount; #endif
void InternalDetFilesDownloaded(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle) { LOG_block("InternalDetFilesDownloaded"); #if 0
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(szPath); PathAppend(szPath, _T("buckets.cab")); CDiamond diamond; diamond.Decompress(szPath, _T("*")); #endif
// pContextHandle not used.
// dwFlags could be either 0 or BEGINLOGFLAG
void InternalLogDriverNotFound(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN LPCWSTR lpDeviceInstanceID, IN DWORD dwFlags) { LOG_block("InternalLogDriverNotFound"); LOG_out("DeviceInstanceID is %s", lpDeviceInstanceID);
using std::vector; DWORD bytes; //auto_pointer<IDrvInfo> pDrvInfo;
tchar_buffer bufText; TCHAR tszFilename[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tszUniqueFilename[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tszBuffer[32]; DEVINST devinst; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; bool fXmlFileError = false; static vector<WCHAR*> vDIDList; //device instance id list
LPWSTR pDID = NULL; //Device Instance ID
FILE * fOut = NULL; //for XML file
SHelper helper; HANDLE hFile = NULL;
lstrcpy(tszFilename, _T("")); //initialize tszFilename
if (lpDeviceInstanceID != NULL) { //append the new device instance id into internal list
pDID = (LPWSTR) malloc((wcslen(lpDeviceInstanceID)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pDID) { LOG_error("memory allocation failed for new DeviceInstanceID"); } else { lstrcpyW(pDID, lpDeviceInstanceID); vDIDList.push_back(pDID); LOG_out("new DeviceInstanceID added to internal list"); } }
if (0 == (dwFlags & BEGINLOGFLAG) || 0 == vDIDList.size()) { // not last log request or nothing to log
LOG_out("Won't log to hardware_XXX.xml"); return; }
GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(tszFilename); hr = GetUniqueFileName(tszFilename,tszUniqueFilename, MAX_PATH, hFile); if (S_OK != hr) { LOG_error("fail to get unique file name"); fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; } lstrcat(tszFilename, tszUniqueFilename); CloseHandle(hFile); fOut = _tfopen(tszFilename, _T("wb")); if (! fOut) { LOG_error("_tfopen failed"); fXmlFileError = true; DeleteFile(tszFilename); goto CloseXML; }
LOG_out("Logging to %s", tszFilename); // Don't need to get langID and platformID from catalog
// get it offline using osdet.dll
if (S_OK != ProcessOsdetOffline(helper)) { LOG_error("platform and language detection failed"); fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; } _tstrdate(tszBuffer);
#ifdef _UNICODE
fwprintf(fOut, _T("%c"), (int) 0xFEFF); #else
#error _UNICODE must be defined for InternalLogDriverNotFound
TCHAR tszSKU[SKU_STRING_MAX_LENGTH]; hr = GetSKUString(tszSKU, SKU_STRING_MAX_LENGTH); if (S_OK != hr) { LOG_error("Fail to get SKU string"); fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; } if (0 > _ftprintf(fOut, _T("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n<inventory date=\"%s\" locale=\"%p\" platform=\"%d\" sku=\"%s\">\r\n"), tszBuffer, helper.dwLangID, helper.enPlatform, tszSKU)) { fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; }
for (int i = 0; i < vDIDList.size(); i++) { pDID = vDIDList[i]; //
// NTBUG9#151928 - Log both hardware and compatible IDs of the device that matches lpDeviceInstanceID
LOG_out("Log device instance with id %s", pDID); if (CR_SUCCESS == CM_Locate_DevNode(&devinst, (LPWSTR) pDID, 0)) { if (0 > _ftprintf(fOut, _T("\t<device>\r\n"))) { fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; }
// Log device description
ULONG ulLength = 0; if (CR_BUFFER_SMALL == CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(devinst, CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, NULL, &ulLength, 0)) { bufText.resize(ulLength);
if (bufText.valid() && CR_SUCCESS == CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(devinst, CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, bufText, &ulLength, 0)) { if (0 > _ftprintf(fOut, _T("\t\t<description><![CDATA[%s]]></description>\r\n"), (LPCTSTR) bufText)) { fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; } } }
// Log all the hardware IDs
ulLength = 0; if (CR_BUFFER_SMALL == CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(devinst, CM_DRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, NULL, &ulLength, 0)) { bufText.resize(ulLength);
if (bufText.valid() && CR_SUCCESS == CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(devinst, CM_DRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, bufText, &ulLength, 0)) { for (TCHAR* pszNextID = (TCHAR*) bufText; *pszNextID; pszNextID += (lstrlen(pszNextID) + 1)) { if (0 > _ftprintf(fOut, _T("\t\t<hwid><![CDATA[%s]]></hwid>\r\n"), (LPCTSTR) pszNextID)) { fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; } } } }
// Log all the compatible IDs
ulLength = 0; if (CR_BUFFER_SMALL == CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(devinst, CM_DRP_COMPATIBLEIDS, NULL, NULL, &ulLength, 0)) { bufText.resize(ulLength);
if (bufText.valid() && CR_SUCCESS == CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(devinst, CM_DRP_COMPATIBLEIDS, NULL, bufText, &ulLength, 0)) { for (TCHAR* pszNextID = (TCHAR*) bufText; *pszNextID; pszNextID += (lstrlen(pszNextID) + 1)) { if (0 > _ftprintf(fOut, _T("\t\t<compid><![CDATA[%s]]></compid>\r\n"), (LPCTSTR) pszNextID)) { fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; } } } }
if (0 > _ftprintf(fOut, _T("\t</device>\r\n"))) { fXmlFileError = true; goto CloseXML; } } } //for
if(0 > _ftprintf(fOut, _T("</inventory>\r\n"))) { fXmlFileError = true; }
CloseXML: if (fOut != NULL) fclose(fOut); for (int i = 0; i < vDIDList.size(); i++) {//free memory
free(vDIDList[i]); } vDIDList.clear();
// Open Help Center only if we have valid xml
if (!fXmlFileError) { // open help center
const static TCHAR szBase[] = _T("hcp://services/layout/contentonly?topic=hcp://system/dfs/uplddrvinfo.htm%3f"); //hardcode '?' escaping
tchar_buffer tchCName(MAX_PATH); //file name canonicalized once
tchar_buffer tchC2Name(INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH); //file name canonicalized twice
tchar_buffer tchFinalUrl; DWORD dwLen = 0; BOOL fBufferResized = FALSE;
GetWindowsUpdateDirectory(tszFilename); lstrcat(tszFilename, tszUniqueFilename); LOG_out("Canonicalize %s", tszFilename);
if (FAILED(CdmCanonicalizeUrl(tszFilename, tchCName, MAX_PATH, 0))) { goto CleanUp; } LOG_out("File name canonicalized %s", (LPTSTR) tchCName); LOG_out("Canonicalize file name %s AGAIN", (LPTSTR)tchCName);
if (FAILED(CdmCanonicalizeUrl((LPCTSTR)tchCName, tchC2Name, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, ICU_ENCODE_PERCENT))) { goto CleanUp; } LOG_out("File name canonicalized twice %s", (LPTSTR)tchC2Name); //need one extra character space
//for the ending null
tchFinalUrl.resize(lstrlen(szBase) + lstrlen((LPCTSTR) tchC2Name) + 1); if (!tchFinalUrl.valid()) { LOG_error("Out of memory for FinalUrl buffer"); goto CleanUp; }
wsprintf(tchFinalUrl, _T("%s%s"), szBase, (LPCTSTR) tchC2Name); LOG_out("Opening HelpCenter: \"%s\"", (LPCTSTR) tchFinalUrl); ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, (LPCTSTR) tchFinalUrl, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); return; //keep the file and return
//remove the file generated
CleanUp: if (fOut != NULL) { DeleteFile(tszFilename); fOut = NULL; } return; }
BOOL InternalFindMatchingDriver(IN PCONTEXTHANDLE pContextHandle, IN PDOWNLOADINFO pDownloadInfo, OUT PWUDRIVERINFO pWuDriverInfo) { LOG_block("InternalFindMatchingDriver"); bool fConnected = IsInternetConnected(); #ifdef _WUV3TEST
if (fConnected) { // catalog spoofing
DWORD dwIsInternetConnected = 1; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwIsInternetConnected); auto_hkey hkey; if (NO_ERROR == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_WUV3TEST, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { RegQueryValueEx(hkey, _T("IsInternetConnected"), 0, 0, (LPBYTE)&dwIsInternetConnected, &dwSize); } // only then do normal
if (0 == dwIsInternetConnected) { fConnected = false; } } #endif
SHelper helper; //
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-185297-2000/11/21-waltw Fixed: bufBucket must have same scope as SHelper
byte_buffer bufBucket; DWORD dwError = PrepareCatalog(fConnected ? pContextHandle->szSiteServer : NULL, helper); if (NO_ERROR != dwError) { SetLastError(dwError); return FALSE; }
if (!FindUpdate(pDownloadInfo, helper, bufBucket)) { LOG_out("NO UPDATE IS FOUND"); return FALSE; } LOG_out("PUID %d IS FOUND", helper.puid); // Fill out info
if ( 0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, helper.DriverMatchInfo.pszHardwareID, -1, pWuDriverInfo->wszHardwareID, HWID_LEN) || 0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, helper.DriverMatchInfo.pszDescription, -1, pWuDriverInfo->wszDescription, LINE_LEN) || 0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, helper.DriverMatchInfo.pszMfgName, -1, pWuDriverInfo->wszMfgName, LINE_LEN) || 0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, helper.DriverMatchInfo.pszProviderName, -1, pWuDriverInfo->wszProviderName, LINE_LEN) || 0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, helper.DriverMatchInfo.pszDriverVer, -1, pWuDriverInfo->wszDriverVer, LINE_LEN) ) { LOG_error("MultiByteToWideChar failed"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
//This API gets the context handle array index from a connection handle.
//The connection context handle is checked if found invalid then -1 is
//returned. Otherwise the index that this handle references is returned.
int GetHandleIndex( IN HANDLE hConnection //CDM Connect handle
) { int index = HandleToLong(hConnection) - 1;
//If handle is invalid or not in use then return as nothing to do.
if (!g_handleArray.valid_index(index)) return -1;
return index; }
// for findoem
HMODULE GetModule() { return g_hModule; }