// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: bucket.cpp
// Owner: YanL
// Description:
// CDM bucket related functions
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <atlconv.h>
#include <wustl.h>
#include <wuv3cdm.h>
#include <bucket.h>
#include <findoem.h>
#include <DrvInfo.h>
#include <log.h>
#include "cdmlibp.h"
PUID CDM_FindUpdateInBucket( IN LPCTSTR szHardwareIdFromDevice, IN FILETIME* pftInstalled, IN LPBYTE pBucket, IN int cbBucket, IN LPBYTE pBitmask, OUT PDRIVER_MATCH_INFO pDriverMatchInfo ) { LOG_block("CDM_FindUpdateInBucket"); LOG_out("szHardwareIdFromDevice = %s", szHardwareIdFromDevice);
// Driver for update
PUID puid = 0; FILETIME ftLatest; for( LPBYTE pEnd = pBucket + cbBucket; pBucket < pEnd; pBucket += ((PCDM_RECORD_HEADER)pBucket)->cnRecordLength ) { PCDM_RECORD_HEADER pRecord = (PCDM_RECORD_HEADER)pBucket;
// Should not be masked
if (!GETBIT(pBitmask, pRecord->nBitmaskIdx)) { LOG_out("puid %d Masked out", pRecord->puid); continue; } // Hadware ID has to match
LPCSTR szHardwareId = (LPCSTR)pBucket + sizeof(CDM_RECORD_HEADER); if (0 != lstrcmpi(szHardwareIdFromDevice, A2T(const_cast<char*>(szHardwareId)))) { LOG_out("puid %d HardwareID %s doesn't match device", pRecord->puid, A2T(const_cast<char*>(szHardwareId))); continue; } // Skip all this - we don't need it now
LPCSTR szDescription = szHardwareId + strlen(szHardwareId) + 1; LPCSTR szMfg = szDescription + strlen(szDescription) + 1; LPCSTR szProvider = szMfg + strlen(szMfg) + 1; LPCSTR szDriverVer = szProvider + strlen(szProvider) + 1; LPCSTR szCabFileTitle = szDriverVer + strlen(szDriverVer) + 1;
FILETIME ftDriver = {0,1}; DriverVer2FILETIME(A2T(const_cast<char*>(szDriverVer)), ftDriver); // don't check driver ver
// Check if this one is the latest on the site
if (0 != puid && CompareFileTime(&ftDriver, &ftLatest) <= 0) { // #ifdef _WUV3TEST
SYSTEMTIME stDriver; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftDriver, &stDriver); SYSTEMTIME stLatest; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftLatest, &stLatest); LOG_out("puid %d (DriverVer=%2d/%02d/%4d) is not the latest (DriverVer=%2d/%02d/%4d)", pRecord->puid, (int)stDriver.wMonth, (int)stDriver.wDay, (int)stDriver.wYear, (int)stLatest.wMonth, (int)stLatest.wDay, (int)stLatest.wYear ); // #endif
continue; }
// Check if it's later then installed
if (pftInstalled && CompareFileTime(&ftDriver, pftInstalled) <= 0) { // #ifdef _WUV3TEST
SYSTEMTIME stDriver; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftDriver, &stDriver); SYSTEMTIME stDriverInstalled; FileTimeToSystemTime(pftInstalled, &stDriverInstalled); LOG_out("puid %d (DriverVer=%2d/%02d/%4d) isn't later then installed (DriverVer=%2d/%02d/%4d)", pRecord->puid, (int)stDriver.wMonth, (int)stDriver.wDay, (int)stDriver.wYear, (int)stDriverInstalled.wMonth, (int)stDriverInstalled.wDay, (int)stDriverInstalled.wYear ); // #endif
continue; } // got a match
puid = pRecord->puid; pDriverMatchInfo->pszHardwareID = szHardwareId; pDriverMatchInfo->pszDescription = szDescription; pDriverMatchInfo->pszMfgName = szMfg; pDriverMatchInfo->pszProviderName = szProvider; pDriverMatchInfo->pszDriverVer = szDriverVer; pDriverMatchInfo->pszCabFileTitle = szCabFileTitle;
ftLatest = ftDriver;
// #ifdef _WUV3TEST
SYSTEMTIME stDriver; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftDriver, &stDriver); LOG_out("puid %d (DriverVer=%2d/%02d/%4d) is the latest", pRecord->puid, (int)stDriver.wMonth, (int)stDriver.wDay, (int)stDriver.wYear ); // #endif
} if (puid) LOG_out("UPDATE FOUND puid %d for %s", puid, szHardwareIdFromDevice); return puid; }
PUID CDM_FindInstalledInBucket( IN IDrvInfo* pDrvInfo, IN LPCTSTR szHardwareIdInstalled, IN LPBYTE pBucket, IN int cbBucket, IN LPBYTE pBitmask, OUT PDRIVER_MATCH_INFO pDriverMatchInfo ) { LOG_block("CDM_FindInstalledInBucket"); LOG_out("szHardwareIdInstalled = %s", szHardwareIdInstalled);
FILETIME ftDriverInstalled = {0,0}; if (!pDrvInfo->GetDriverDate(ftDriverInstalled)) { LOG_error("!pDrvInfo->GetDriverDate(ftDriverInstalled)"); return NULL; }
for( LPBYTE pEnd = pBucket + cbBucket; pBucket < pEnd; pBucket += ((PCDM_RECORD_HEADER)pBucket)->cnRecordLength ) { PCDM_RECORD_HEADER pRecord = (PCDM_RECORD_HEADER)pBucket;
// Should not be masked
if (!GETBIT(pBitmask, pRecord->nBitmaskIdx)) { LOG_out("puid %d masked out", pRecord->puid); continue; }
// Hadware ID has to match
LPCSTR szHardwareId = (LPCSTR)pBucket + sizeof(CDM_RECORD_HEADER); if (0 != lstrcmpi(szHardwareIdInstalled, A2T(const_cast<char*>(szHardwareId)))) { LOG_out("puid %d HardwareID %s doesn't match installed", pRecord->puid, A2T(const_cast<char*>(szHardwareId))); continue; } LPCSTR szDescription = szHardwareId + strlen(szHardwareId) + 1; LPCSTR szMfg = szDescription + strlen(szDescription) + 1; LPCSTR szProvider = szMfg + strlen(szMfg) + 1; LPCSTR szDriverVer = szProvider + strlen(szProvider) + 1; FILETIME ftDriver = {0,1}; DriverVer2FILETIME(A2T(const_cast<char*>(szDriverVer)), ftDriver);
LPCSTR szCabFileTitle = szDriverVer + strlen(szDriverVer) + 1;
// Check if it's later then installed
if (0 != CompareFileTime(&ftDriver, &ftDriverInstalled)) { // #ifdef _WUV3TEST
SYSTEMTIME stDriver; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftDriver, &stDriver); SYSTEMTIME stDriverInstalled; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftDriverInstalled, &stDriverInstalled); LOG_out("puid %d (DriverVer=%2d/%02d/%4d) isn't the same as installed (DriverVer=%2d/%02d/%4d)", pRecord->puid, (int)stDriver.wMonth, (int)stDriver.wDay, (int)stDriver.wYear, (int)stDriverInstalled.wMonth, (int)stDriverInstalled.wDay, (int)stDriverInstalled.wYear ); // #endif
continue; }
// got a match
pDriverMatchInfo->pszHardwareID = szHardwareId; pDriverMatchInfo->pszDescription = szDescription; pDriverMatchInfo->pszMfgName = szMfg; pDriverMatchInfo->pszProviderName = szProvider; pDriverMatchInfo->pszDriverVer = szDriverVer; pDriverMatchInfo->pszCabFileTitle = szCabFileTitle;
LOG_out("INSTALLED FOUND puid %d for %s", pRecord->puid, szHardwareIdInstalled); return pRecord->puid; } return 0; }
//These functions form a hash lookup for hwIDs.
static ULONG HashFunction( IN ULONG seed //Seed value to use for hashing hwid.
) { ULONG q; ULONG r; ULONG a; ULONG m; ULONG val;
q = 127773L; r = 2836L; a = 16807L; m = 2147483647;
val = ((seed % q) * a) - (seed / q) * r;
if(((long)val) <= 0) val = val + m;
return val; }
//These functions form a hash lookup for hwIDs.
ULONG CDM_HwID2Hash( IN LPCTSTR szHwID, //Hardware id being hashed.
IN ULONG iTableSize //Size of downloaded hash table.
) { if (0 == iTableSize) return 0; // error
ULONG ulHashIndex = 1; while(*szHwID) { ulHashIndex = ulHashIndex + HashFunction(ulHashIndex + (ULONG)(INT_PTR)CharUpper((LPTSTR)*szHwID)); szHwID++; }
return (ulHashIndex % iTableSize); }