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Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
HTTP errors property page definitions
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
// Forward definitions
class CCustomError;
class CCustomErrorsListBox : public CHeaderListBox /*++
Class Description:
A listbox of CCustomError objects
Public Interface:
CCustomErrorsListBox : Constructor
GetItem : Get error object at index AddItem : Add item to listbox InsertItem : Insert item into the listbox Initialize : Initialize the listbox
--*/ { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CCustomErrorsListBox);
public: static const nBitmaps; // Number of bitmaps
public: CCustomErrorsListBox(UINT nIDDefault, UINT nIDFile, UINT nIDURL);
public: CCustomError * GetItem(UINT nIndex); int AddItem(CCustomError * pItem); int InsertItem(int nPos, CCustomError * pItem); virtual BOOL Initialize();
protected: virtual void DrawItemEx(CRMCListBoxDrawStruct & s);
private: CString m_str[3]; };
class CHTTPErrorDescriptions : public CMetaProperties /*++
Class Description:
List of HTTP error descriptions
Public Interface:
CHTTPErrorDescriptions : Constructor
--*/ { //
// Constructor
public: CHTTPErrorDescriptions(LPCTSTR lpServerName);
// Access
public: CStringList & GetErrorDescriptions() { return m_strlErrorDescriptions; }
protected: virtual void ParseFields();
// Data
private: MP_CStringListEx m_strlErrorDescriptions; };
class CW3ErrorsPage : public CInetPropertyPage /*++
Class Description:
WWW Errors property page
Public Interface:
CW3ErrorsPage : Constructor CW3ErrorsPage : Destructor
// Construction
public: CW3ErrorsPage(CInetPropertySheet * pSheet = NULL); ~CW3ErrorsPage();
// Dialog Data
protected: //{{AFX_DATA(CW3ErrorsPage)
enum { IDD = IDD_DIRECTORY_ERRORS }; CButton m_button_SetDefault; CButton m_button_Edit; //}}AFX_DATA
CCustomErrorsListBox m_list_Errors; CStringListEx m_strlCustomErrors; CStringListEx m_strlErrorDescriptions;
// Overrides
protected: virtual HRESULT FetchLoadedValues(); virtual HRESULT SaveInfo();
// ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// Implementation
protected: // Generated message map functions
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnDblclkListErrors(); afx_msg void OnSelchangeListErrors(); afx_msg void OnButtonEdit(); afx_msg void OnButtonSetToDefault(); //}}AFX_MSG
void SetControlStates(); void FillListBox(); INT_PTR ShowPropertyDialog(); CCustomError * GetSelectedListItem(int * pnSel = NULL); CCustomError * GetNextSelectedItem(int * pnStartingIndex); CCustomError * FindError(UINT nError, UINT nSubError); HRESULT FetchErrors(); HRESULT StoreErrors();
private: CRMCListBoxResources m_ListBoxRes; CObListPlus m_oblErrors; };
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline CCustomError * CCustomErrorsListBox::GetItem(UINT nIndex) { return (CCustomError *)GetItemDataPtr(nIndex); }
inline int CCustomErrorsListBox::AddItem(CCustomError * pItem) { return AddString((LPCTSTR)pItem); }
inline int CCustomErrorsListBox::InsertItem(int nPos, CCustomError * pItem) { return InsertString(nPos, (LPCTSTR)pItem); }
inline CCustomError * CW3ErrorsPage ::GetSelectedListItem( OUT int * pnSel OPTIONAL ) { return (CCustomError *)m_list_Errors.GetSelectedListItem(pnSel); }
inline CCustomError * CW3ErrorsPage::GetNextSelectedItem( IN OUT int * pnStartingIndex ) { return (CCustomError *)m_list_Errors.GetNextSelectedItem(pnStartingIndex); }