Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is the main routine for the Internet Services suite.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 7-27-93
Revision History: Murali Krishnan ( Muralik) 16-Nov-1994 Added Gopher service Murali Krishnan ( Muralik) 3-July-1995 Removed non-internet info + trims Sophia Chung (sophiac) 09-Oct-1995 Splitted internet services into access and info services Murali Krishnan ( Muralik) 20-Feb-1996 Enabled to run on NT Workstation Emily Kruglick ( EmilyK) 14-Jun-2000 Moved file from iis 5 tree to iis 6. Removed all Win95 support. Added support for WAS controlling W3SVC.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsvc.h> // Service control APIs
#include <rpc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inetsvcs.h>
#include <iis64.h>
#include "waslaunch.hxx"
#include "inetimsg.h"
#include "iisadmin.hxx"
#include <objbase.h>
#include "regconst.h"
// Modifications to this name should also be made in tsunami.hxx
#define INETA_W3ONLY_NO_AUTH TEXT("W3OnlyNoAuth")
// Functions used to start/stop the RPC server
// Local function used by the above to load and invoke a service DLL.
VOID InetinfoStartService ( IN DWORD argc, IN LPSTR argv[] );
VOID StartDispatchTable( VOID );
// Functions used to preload dlls into the inetinfo process
BOOL LoadPreloadDlls( HMODULE * * ppPreloadDllHandles );
VOID UnloadPreloadDlls( HMODULE * * ppPreloadDllHandles );
// Used if the services Dll or entry point can't be found
VOID AbortService( LPSTR ServiceName, DWORD Error );
// Dispatch table for all services. Passed to NetServiceStartCtrlDispatcher.
// Add new service entries here and in the DLL name list.
// Also add an entry in the following table InetServiceDllTable
SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY InetServiceDispatchTable[] = { { "GopherSvc", InetinfoStartService }, { "MSFtpSvc", InetinfoStartService }, { "W3Svc", InetinfoStartService }, { "IISADMIN", InetinfoStartService }, { NULL, NULL }, };
SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY W3ServiceDispatchTable[] = { { "W3Svc", InetinfoStartService }, { NULL, NULL }, };
// DLL names for all services.
// (should correspond exactly with above InetServiceDispatchTable)
LPSTR lpServiceName; LPSTR lpDllName; CRITICAL_SECTION csLoadLock; } InetServiceDllTable[] = { { "GopherSvc", "gopherd.dll" }, { "MSFtpSvc", "ftpsvc2.dll" }, { "W3Svc", "w3svc.dll" }, { "IISADMIN", "iisadmin.dll" }, { NULL, NULL } };
// Global parameter data passed to each service.
#include <initguid.h>
DEFINE_GUID(IisExeGuid, 0x784d8901, 0xaa8c, 0x11d2, 0x92, 0x5e, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x72, 0xd9, 0x0e); #ifndef _NO_TRACING_
#include "dbgutil.h"
#include "pudebug.h"
// A global variable that remembers that we'll refuse to start.
BOOL RefuseStartup = FALSE; BOOL g_fRunAsExe = FALSE; BOOL g_fW3svcNoAuth = FALSE; BOOL g_fOleInitialized = TRUE;
DWORD __cdecl main( IN DWORD argc, IN LPSTR argv[] )
Routine Description:
This is the main routine for the LANMan services. It starts up the main thread that is going to handle the control requests from the service controller.
It basically sets up the ControlDispatcher and, on return, exits from this main thread. The call to NetServiceStartCtrlDispatcher does not return until all services have terminated, and this process can go away.
The ControlDispatcher thread will start/stop/pause/continue any services. If a service is to be started, it will create a thread and then call the main routine of that service. The "main routine" for each service is actually an intermediate function implemented in this module that loads the DLL containing the server being started and calls its entry point.
Return Value:
--*/ {
HMODULE dllHandle = NULL; HINSTANCE hRpcRef = NULL; HMODULE * pPreloadDllHandles = NULL; DWORD dwIndex; struct SERVICE_DLL_TABLE_ENTRY * pEntry; DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Initialize OLE
#ifndef _NO_TRACING_
hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); #else
if ( FAILED(hr)) { if ( hr != E_INVALIDARG ) { IIS_PRINTF((buff,"CoInitialize failed with %x\n",hr)); g_fOleInitialized = FALSE; } }
// Initialize Global Data.
// Use the rpcref library, so that multiple services can
// independently "start" the rpc server
hRpcRef = LoadLibrary("rpcref.dll");
if ( hRpcRef != NULL ) { InetinfoGlobalData.StartRpcServerListen = (PFN_INETINFO_START_RPC_SERVER) GetProcAddress(hRpcRef,"InetinfoStartRpcServerListen");
InetinfoGlobalData.StopRpcServerListen = (PFN_INETINFO_STOP_RPC_SERVER) GetProcAddress(hRpcRef,"InetinfoStopRpcServerListen"); } else { IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Error %d loading rpcref.dll\n", GetLastError() )); #ifndef _NO_TRACING_
return GetLastError(); }
// Initialize service entry locks
for ( dwIndex = 0 ; ; dwIndex++ ) { pEntry = &( InetServiceDllTable[ dwIndex ] ); if ( pEntry->lpServiceName == NULL ) { break; }
InitializeCriticalSection( &( pEntry->csLoadLock ) ); }
// Disable hard-error popups.
// Preload Dlls specified in the registry
if ( !LoadPreloadDlls( &pPreloadDllHandles ) ) { IIS_PRINTF(( buff, "Error pre-loading DLLs\n" )); }
if ( (argc > 2) && !_stricmp( argv[1], "-e" )) { PCHAR pszName = argv[2]; HANDLE hAsExeEvent; HANDLE hStartW3svc = NULL; PIISADMIN_SERVICE_DLL_EXEENTRY IisAdminExeEntry = NULL; PIISADMIN_SERVICE_DLL_EXEEXIT IisAdminExeExit = NULL; BOOL IsIisAdmin = TRUE;
// Create a named event. The common internet services code attempts
// to create a semaphore with the same name, if it fails then the
// service is being run as an exe
g_fRunAsExe = TRUE;
err = GetLastError(); if ( hAsExeEvent == NULL ) {
IIS_PRINTF((buff,"Cannot create %s event. err %d\n", IIS_AS_EXE_OBJECT_NAME, err)); goto Finished; }
if ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Error %d in CreateEvent[%s]\n", err, IIS_AS_EXE_OBJECT_NAME));
goto Finished; }
// All services are dependent on IISADMIN
// so if it's not IISADMIN call it
if ( (_stricmp(IISADMIN_NAME, pszName) != 0) ) {
IsIisAdmin = FALSE;
dllHandle = LoadLibrary(IISADMIN_NAME);
if ( dllHandle == NULL ) {
err = GetLastError();
IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Failed to load DLL %s: %ld\n", IISADMIN_NAME, err)); goto Finished; }
// Get the address of the service's main entry point. This
// entry point has a well-known name.
if (IisAdminExeEntry == NULL ) { err = GetLastError(); IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Can't find entry %s in DLL %s: %ld\n", IISADMIN_EXEENTRY_STRING, IISADMIN_NAME, err)); goto Finished; }
if (IisAdminExeExit == NULL ) { err = GetLastError(); IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Can't find entry %s in DLL %s: %ld\n", IISADMIN_EXEEXIT_STRING, IISADMIN_NAME, err); ); goto Finished; }
if (!IisAdminExeEntry( TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) { IIS_PRINTF((buff,"IISadmin init failed\n")); err = 1; goto Finished; } }
// Offset argv so that the first entry points to the dll name to
// load
IIS_PRINTF((buff,"Starting %s\n", pszName)); InetinfoStartService( 1, &argv[2] );
if (!IsIisAdmin) { IisAdminExeExit(); }
if ( hStartW3svc != NULL ) { CloseHandle( hStartW3svc ); } CloseHandle( hAsExeEvent );
} else {
StartDispatchTable( ); }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Finishing main CTC = %d \n", GetTickCount() ));
// Unload pre-loaded Dlls
UnloadPreloadDlls( &pPreloadDllHandles );
// Cleanup OLE
if ( g_fOleInitialized ) { CoUninitialize(); g_fOleInitialized = FALSE; }
// Free the admin service dll
// Note: this must happen after CoUninitialize or it causes
// a crash on Win95
if (dllHandle != NULL) { FreeLibrary( dllHandle ); }
if ( hRpcRef != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( hRpcRef ); hRpcRef = NULL; }
// Terminate service entry locks
for ( dwIndex = 0 ; ; dwIndex++ ) { pEntry = &( InetServiceDllTable[ dwIndex ] ); if ( pEntry->lpServiceName == NULL ) { break; }
DeleteCriticalSection( &( pEntry->csLoadLock ) ); } IIS_PRINTF((buff,"Exiting inetinfo.exe\n")); #ifndef _NO_TRACING_
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Exiting main CTC = %d \n", GetTickCount() ));
return err;
} // main
DWORD FindEntryFromDispatchTable( IN LPSTR pszService ) { SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY * pService;
for(pService = InetServiceDispatchTable; pService->lpServiceName != NULL; pService++) {
if ( !lstrcmpi( pService->lpServiceName, pszService)) { return DIFF(pService - InetServiceDispatchTable); } }
// We have not found the entry. Set error and return
} // FindEntryFromDispatchTable()
BOOL GetDLLNameForDispatchEntryService( IN LPSTR pszService, IN OUT CHAR * pszDllName, IN DWORD cbDllName ) /*++
Routine Description:
If the image name is not in the static dispatch table, then it might be in the registry under the value "IISDllName" under the key for the service. This routine reads the registry for the setting (if existing).
This code allows the exchange folks to install their service DLLs in a location other than "%systemroot%\inetsrv".
pszService - Service name pszDllName - Filled with image name cbDllName - Size of buffer pointed to by pszDllName
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, else FALSE.
--*/ { HKEY hkey = NULL, hkeyService = NULL; DWORD err; DWORD valType; DWORD nBytes; BOOL ret = FALSE; err = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGISTRY_SERVICES_KEY_A, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyService );
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Failed to open service key: %ld\n", err));
goto Cleanup; }
err = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyService, pszService, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey );
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Failed to open service key for %s: %ld\n", pszService, err));
goto Cleanup; }
nBytes = cbDllName;
err = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REGISTRY_VALUE_IISSERVICE_DLL_PATH_NAME_A, NULL, &valType, (LPBYTE)pszDllName, &nBytes);
if ( err == ERROR_SUCCESS && ( valType == REG_SZ || valType == REG_EXPAND_SZ ) ) { IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Service Dll is %s", pszDllName));
ret = TRUE; }
if (hkey != NULL) { RegCloseKey( hkey ); }
if (hkeyService != NULL) { RegCloseKey( hkeyService ); }
return ret; }
VOID InetinfoStartService ( IN DWORD argc, IN LPSTR argv[] )
Routine Description:
This routine loads the DLL that contains a service and calls its main routine.
DllName - name of the DLL
argc, argv - Passed through to the service
Return Value:
{ HMODULE dllHandle; PINETSVCS_SERVICE_DLL_ENTRY serviceEntry; BOOL ok; DWORD Error; CHAR tmpDllName[MAX_PATH+1]; LPSTR DllName; DWORD dwIndex;
// If we need to refuse to start services, do so.
if ( RefuseStartup ) { AbortService(argv[0], ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return; }
// Find the Dll Name for requested service
dwIndex = FindEntryFromDispatchTable( argv[0] ); if ( dwIndex == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
if ( GetDLLNameForDispatchEntryService( argv[0], tmpDllName, sizeof( tmpDllName ) ) ) { IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Service %s has path set in registry. Assuming %s\n", argv[0], tmpDllName)); DllName = tmpDllName; } else if ( strlen(argv[0]) < (MAX_PATH-4) ) { strcpy(tmpDllName, argv[0]); strcat(tmpDllName, ".dll");
IIS_PRINTF((buff,"Service %s not on primary list. Assuming %s\n", argv[0], tmpDllName)); DllName = tmpDllName; } else { Error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Failed To Find Dll For %s : %ld\n", argv[0], Error)); AbortService( argv[0], Error); return; } } else { DllName = InetServiceDllTable[ dwIndex ].lpDllName; }
// Load the DLL that contains the service.
if ( dwIndex != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { EnterCriticalSection( &( InetServiceDllTable[ dwIndex ].csLoadLock ) ); }
dllHandle = LoadLibraryEx( DllName, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH ); if ( dllHandle == NULL ) { Error = GetLastError(); IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Failed to load DLL %s: %ld\n", DllName, Error)); AbortService(argv[0], Error); goto Finished; }
// Get the address of the service's main entry point. This
// entry point has a well-known name.
if ( serviceEntry == NULL ) { Error = GetLastError(); IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Can't find entry %s in DLL %s: %ld\n", INETSVCS_ENTRY_POINT_STRING, DllName, Error)); AbortService(argv[0], Error); } else {
// Call the service's main entry point. This call doesn't return
// until the service exits.
serviceEntry( argc, argv, &InetinfoGlobalData );
// wait for the control dispatcher routine to return. This
// works around a problem where simptcp was crashing because the
// FreeLibrary() was happenning before the control routine returned.
Sleep( 500 );
// Unload the DLL.
ok = FreeLibrary( dllHandle ); if ( !ok ) { IIS_PRINTF((buff, "INETSVCS: Can't unload DLL %s: %ld\n", DllName, GetLastError())); }
Finished: if ( dwIndex != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { LeaveCriticalSection( &( InetServiceDllTable[ dwIndex ].csLoadLock ) ); } return;
} // InetinfoStartService
VOID DummyCtrlHandler( DWORD Opcode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a dummy control handler which is only used if we can't load a services DLL entry point. Then we need this so we can send the status back to the service controller saying we are stopped, and why.
OpCode - Ignored
Return Value:
{ return;
} // DummyCtrlHandler
VOID AbortService( LPSTR ServiceName, DWORD Error) /*++
Routine Description:
This is called if we can't load the entry point for a service. It gets a handle so it can call SetServiceStatus saying we are stopped and why.
ServiceName - the name of the service that couldn't be started Error - the reason it couldn't be started
Return Value:
--*/ { SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE GenericServiceStatusHandle; SERVICE_STATUS GenericServiceStatus;
if (!g_fRunAsExe) { GenericServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; GenericServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; GenericServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP; GenericServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; GenericServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; GenericServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = Error; GenericServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
GenericServiceStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( ServiceName, DummyCtrlHandler);
if (GenericServiceStatusHandle == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0) {
IIS_PRINTF((buff, "[Inetinfo]RegisterServiceCtrlHandler[%s] failed %d\n", ServiceName, GetLastError()));
} else if (!SetServiceStatus (GenericServiceStatusHandle, &GenericServiceStatus)) {
IIS_PRINTF((buff, "[Inetinfo]SetServiceStatus[%s] error %ld\n", ServiceName, GetLastError())); } }
return; };
VOID StartDispatchTable( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the dispatch table to use. It uses the default if the DispatchEntries value key does not exist
Return Value:
Pointer to the dispatch table to use.
--*/ { LPSERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY dispatchTable = InetServiceDispatchTable; LPSERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY tableEntry = NULL;
LPBYTE buffer; HKEY hKey = NULL;
DWORD i; DWORD err; DWORD valType; DWORD nBytes = 0; DWORD nEntries = 0; PCHAR entry; BOOL IsIisAdmin = TRUE; HMODULE dllHandle; PIISADMIN_SERVICE_DLL_EXEENTRY IisAdminExeEntry = NULL; PIISADMIN_SERVICE_DLL_EXEEXIT IisAdminExeExit = NULL; DWORD dwW3svcNoAuth;
// See if need to augment the dispatcher table
if ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hKey = NULL; goto start_dispatch; }
// See if mono service
nBytes = sizeof(dwW3svcNoAuth); if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, INETA_W3ONLY_NO_AUTH, NULL, &valType, (LPBYTE)&dwW3svcNoAuth, &nBytes ) == ERROR_SUCCESS && valType == REG_DWORD ) { g_fW3svcNoAuth = !!dwW3svcNoAuth; }
if ( g_fW3svcNoAuth ) {
dllHandle = LoadLibrary(IISADMIN_NAME);
if ( dllHandle == NULL ) {
err = GetLastError();
IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Failed to load DLL %s: %ld\n", IISADMIN_NAME, err)); return; }
// Get the address of the service's main entry point. This
// entry point has a well-known name.
if (IisAdminExeEntry == NULL ) { err = GetLastError(); IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Can't find entry %s in DLL %s: %ld\n", IISADMIN_EXEENTRY_STRING, IISADMIN_NAME, err)); return; }
if (IisAdminExeExit == NULL ) { err = GetLastError(); IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Can't find entry %s in DLL %s: %ld\n", IISADMIN_EXEEXIT_STRING, IISADMIN_NAME, err); ); return; }
if (!IisAdminExeEntry( FALSE, TRUE, TRUE )) { IIS_PRINTF((buff,"IISadmin init failed\n")); return; }
IsIisAdmin = FALSE;
dispatchTable = W3ServiceDispatchTable;
goto start_dispatch; }
// See if the value exists and get the size of the buffer needed
nBytes = 0; err = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGISTRY_VALUE_INETINFO_DISPATCH_ENTRIES_A, NULL, &valType, NULL, &nBytes );
if ( (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (nBytes <= sizeof(CHAR)) ) { goto start_dispatch; }
// Allocate nBytes to query the buffer
buffer = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(0, nBytes); if ( buffer == NULL ) { goto start_dispatch; }
// Get the values
err = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGISTRY_VALUE_INETINFO_DISPATCH_ENTRIES_A, NULL, &valType, buffer, &nBytes );
if ( (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (valType != REG_MULTI_SZ) ) { LocalFree(buffer); goto start_dispatch; }
// Walk the list and see how many entries we have. Remove the list
// terminator from the byte count
nBytes -= sizeof(CHAR); for ( i = 0, entry = (PCHAR)buffer; i < nBytes; i += sizeof(CHAR) ) {
if ( *entry++ == '\0' ) { nEntries++; } }
if ( nEntries == 0 ) { LocalFree(buffer); goto start_dispatch; }
// Add the number of entries in the default list (including the NULL entry)
nEntries += sizeof(InetServiceDispatchTable) / sizeof(SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY);
// Now we need to allocate the new dispatch table
tableEntry = (LPSERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY) LocalAlloc(0, nEntries * sizeof(SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY));
if ( tableEntry == NULL ) { LocalFree(buffer); goto start_dispatch; }
// set the dispatch table pointer to the new table
dispatchTable = tableEntry;
// Populate the table starting with the defaults
for (i=0; InetServiceDispatchTable[i].lpServiceName != NULL; i++ ) {
tableEntry->lpServiceName = InetServiceDispatchTable[i].lpServiceName; tableEntry->lpServiceProc = InetServiceDispatchTable[i].lpServiceProc; tableEntry++;
// Now let's add the ones specified in the registry
entry = (PCHAR)buffer;
tableEntry->lpServiceName = entry; tableEntry->lpServiceProc = InetinfoStartService; tableEntry++;
// Skip the first char and the last NULL terminator.
// This is needed because we already added the first one.
for ( i = 2*sizeof(CHAR); i < nBytes; i += sizeof(CHAR) ) {
if ( *entry++ == '\0' ) { tableEntry->lpServiceName = entry; tableEntry->lpServiceProc = InetinfoStartService; tableEntry++; } }
// setup sentinel entry
tableEntry->lpServiceName = NULL; tableEntry->lpServiceProc = NULL;
if ( hKey != NULL ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); }
W3SVCLauncher* pLauncher = new W3SVCLauncher(); if (pLauncher==NULL) { IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Can not launch the W3SVC launching class %lu\n", GetLastError())); } else { pLauncher->StartListening(); }
// Call StartServiceCtrlDispatcher to set up the control interface.
// The API won't return until all services have been terminated. At that
// point, we just exit.
if (! StartServiceCtrlDispatcher ( dispatchTable )) { //
// Log an event for failing to start control dispatcher
IIS_PRINTF((buff, "Inetinfo: Failed to start control dispatcher %lu\n", GetLastError())); }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "All services have shutdown CTC = %d \n", GetTickCount() ));
if (pLauncher) { pLauncher->StopListening();
delete pLauncher; pLauncher = NULL; }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Completed all W3SVC new code CTC = %d \n", GetTickCount() ));
// Now that we have returned from the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher it means
// that even IISAdmin has shutdown. This means that W3svc is no longer running
// and that we do not need to keep listening for WAS to tell us to start W3WP.
// Therefore we need to single the thread to complete so that inetinfo.exe shutsdown
// correctly.
// free table if allocated
if ( dispatchTable != InetServiceDispatchTable && dispatchTable != W3ServiceDispatchTable ) { LocalFree( dispatchTable ); LocalFree( buffer ); }
if (!IsIisAdmin) { IisAdminExeExit(); FreeLibrary( dllHandle ); }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Exiting StartDispatchTable CTC = %d \n", GetTickCount() ));
} // StartDispatchTable
BOOL LoadPreloadDlls( HMODULE * * ppPreloadDllHandles ) /*++
Routine Description:
Force pre-loading of any DLLs listed in the associated registry key. This is to support DLLs that have code which must run before other parts of inetinfo start.
On input, an (uninitialized) pointer to an array of module handles. This array is allocated, filled out, and returned to the caller by this function. The caller must eventually call UnloadPreloadDlls on this array in order to close the handles and release the memory.
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD err; DWORD cbBufferLen; DWORD valType; LPBYTE pbBuffer = NULL; DWORD i; PCHAR pszTemp = NULL; DWORD nEntries; PCHAR pszEntry = NULL; DWORD curEntry;
*ppPreloadDllHandles = NULL;
if ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Note: not considered an error if the key is not there
hKey = NULL;
goto Exit; }
// See if the value exists and get the size of the buffer needed
cbBufferLen = 0;
err = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGISTRY_VALUE_INETINFO_PRELOAD_DLLS_A, NULL, &valType, NULL, &cbBufferLen );
// Check for no value or an empty value (double null terminated).
if ( ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( cbBufferLen <= 2 * sizeof(CHAR) ) ) { // Note: not considered an error if the value is not there
goto Exit; }
// Allocate cbBufferLen in order to fetch the data
pbBuffer = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc( 0, cbBufferLen );
if ( pbBuffer == NULL ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// Get the values
err = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGISTRY_VALUE_INETINFO_PRELOAD_DLLS_A, NULL, &valType, pbBuffer, &cbBufferLen );
if ( ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( valType != REG_MULTI_SZ ) ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// Walk the list and see how many entries we have. Ignore the list
// terminator in the last byte of the buffer.
nEntries = 0; pszTemp = (PCHAR)pbBuffer;
for ( i = 0; i < ( cbBufferLen - sizeof(CHAR) ) ; i += sizeof(CHAR) ) { if ( *pszTemp == '\0' ) { nEntries++; }
pszTemp++; }
// Allocate the array of handles, with room for a sentinel entry
*ppPreloadDllHandles = (HMODULE *)LocalAlloc( 0, ( nEntries + 1 ) * sizeof(HMODULE) );
if ( *ppPreloadDllHandles == NULL ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// Now attempt to load each DLL, and save the handle in the array
pszTemp = (PCHAR)pbBuffer; pszEntry = (PCHAR)pbBuffer; curEntry = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < ( cbBufferLen - sizeof(CHAR) ) ; i += sizeof(CHAR) ) { if ( *pszTemp == '\0' ) { //
// We've hit the end of one of the SZs in the Multi-SZ;
// Load the DLL
(*ppPreloadDllHandles)[curEntry] = LoadLibrary( pszEntry );
if ( (*ppPreloadDllHandles)[curEntry] == NULL ) { IIS_PRINTF(( buff, "Preloading FAILED for DLL: %s\n", pszEntry )); } else { IIS_PRINTF(( buff, "Preloaded DLL: %s\n", pszEntry ));
// Only move to the next slot if we got a valid handle
curEntry++; }
// Set the next entry pointer past the current null char
pszEntry = pszTemp + sizeof(CHAR); }
pszTemp++; }
// Put in a sentinel at the end of the array
(*ppPreloadDllHandles)[curEntry] = NULL;
if ( hKey != NULL ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
if ( pbBuffer != NULL ) { LocalFree( pbBuffer ); }
return bSuccess;
} // LoadPreloadDlls
VOID UnloadPreloadDlls( HMODULE * * ppPreloadDllHandles ) /*++
Routine Description:
Unload any DLLs which were preloaded by LoadPreloadDlls.
Pointer to an array of module handles. Each handle will be freed, and then the memory of the array will be LocalFree()ed by this function.
Return Value:
--*/ { HMODULE * pHandleArray = *ppPreloadDllHandles;
if ( pHandleArray != NULL ) {
IIS_PRINTF(( buff, "Unloading Preloaded DLLs\n" ));
while ( *pHandleArray != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( *pHandleArray );
pHandleArray++; }
LocalFree( *ppPreloadDllHandles );
*ppPreloadDllHandles = NULL; }
} // UnloadPreloadDlls