Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the miscellaneous UL routines.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 10-Jun-1998
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
ULONG HttpChars[256]; USHORT FastPopChars[256]; USHORT DummyPopChars[256];
// Private prototypes.
NTSTATUS UlpRestartDeviceControl( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PIRP pIrp, IN PVOID pContext );
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlOpenRegistry )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlReadLongParameter )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlReadLongLongParameter )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlReadGenericParameter )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlIssueDeviceControl )
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- UlBuildDeviceControlIrp NOT PAGEABLE -- UlULongLongToAscii NOT PAGEABLE -- UlpRestartDeviceControl NOT PAGEABLE -- UlAllocateReceiveBufferPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlFreeReceiveBufferPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlAllocateIrpContextPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlFreeIrpContextPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlAllocateRequestBufferPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlFreeRequestBufferPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlAllocateInternalRequestPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlFreeInternalRequestPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlAllocateChunkTrackerPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlFreeChunkTrackerPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlAllocateFullTrackerPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlFreeFullTrackerPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlAllocateResponseBufferPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlFreeResponseBufferPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlAllocateLogBufferPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlFreeLogBufferPool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlInvokeCompletionRoutine NOT PAGEABLE -- UlUlInterlockedIncrement64 NOT PAGEABLE -- UlUlInterlockedDecrement64 NOT PAGEABLE -- UlUlInterlockedAdd64 NOT PAGEABLE -- UlUlInterlockedExchange64
NOT PAGEABLE -- TwoDigitsToUnicode NOT PAGEABLE -- TimeFieldsToHttpDate NOT PAGEABLE -- AsciiToShort NOT PAGEABLE -- TwoAsciisToShort NOT PAGEABLE -- NumericToAsciiMonth NOT PAGEABLE -- StringTimeToSystemTime #endif
// Public functions.
Routine Description:
Opens a handle to the UL's Parameters registry key.
BaseName - Supplies the name of the parent registry key containing the Parameters key.
ParametersHandle - Returns a handle to the Parameters key.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlOpenRegistry( IN PUNICODE_STRING BaseName, OUT PHANDLE ParametersHandle ) { HANDLE configHandle; NTSTATUS status; PWSTR parametersString = REGISTRY_PARAMETERS; UNICODE_STRING parametersKeyName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; ULONG disposition;
// Sanity check.
// Open the registry for the initial string.
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, // ObjectAttributes
BaseName, // ObjectName
UL_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, // RootDirectory
NULL // SecurityDescriptor
status = ZwOpenKey( &configHandle, KEY_READ, &objectAttributes );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { UlDetachFromSystemProcess(); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
// Now open the parameters key.
RtlInitUnicodeString( ¶metersKeyName, parametersString );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, // ObjectAttributes
¶metersKeyName, // ObjectName
configHandle, // RootDirectory
NULL // SecurityDescriptor
status = ZwOpenKey( ParametersHandle, KEY_READ, &objectAttributes );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ZwClose( configHandle ); UlDetachFromSystemProcess(); return status; }
// All keys successfully opened or created.
ZwClose( configHandle ); UlDetachFromSystemProcess();
} // UlOpenRegistry
Routine Description:
Reads a single (LONG/ULONG) value from the registry.
ParametersHandle - Supplies an open registry handle.
ValueName - Supplies the name of the value to read.
DefaultValue - Supplies the default value.
Return Value:
LONG - The value read from the registry or the default if the registry data was unavailable or incorrect.
--***************************************************************************/ LONG UlReadLongParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, IN LONG DefaultValue ) {
PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION information; UNICODE_STRING valueKeyName; ULONG informationLength; LONG returnValue; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR buffer[sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) + sizeof(LONG)];
// Sanity check.
// Build the value name, read it from the registry.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &valueKeyName, ValueName );
status = ZwQueryValueKey( ParametersHandle, &valueKeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, (PVOID)information, sizeof(buffer), &informationLength );
// If the read succeeded, the type is DWORD and the length is
// sane, use it. Otherwise, use the default.
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS && information->Type == REG_DWORD && information->DataLength == sizeof(returnValue)) { RtlMoveMemory( &returnValue, information->Data, sizeof(returnValue) ); } else { returnValue = DefaultValue; }
return returnValue;
} // UlReadLongParameter
Routine Description:
Reads a single (LONGLONG/ULONGLONG) value from the registry.
ParametersHandle - Supplies an open registry handle.
ValueName - Supplies the name of the value to read.
DefaultValue - Supplies the default value.
Return Value:
LONGLONG - The value read from the registry or the default if the registry data was unavailable or incorrect.
--***************************************************************************/ LONGLONG UlReadLongLongParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, IN LONGLONG DefaultValue ) {
PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION information; UNICODE_STRING valueKeyName; ULONG informationLength; LONGLONG returnValue; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR buffer[sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) + sizeof(LONGLONG)];
// Sanity check.
// Build the value name, read it from the registry.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &valueKeyName, ValueName );
status = ZwQueryValueKey( ParametersHandle, &valueKeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, (PVOID)information, sizeof(buffer), &informationLength );
// If the read succeeded, the type is DWORD and the length is
// sane, use it. Otherwise, use the default.
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS && information->Type == REG_QWORD && information->DataLength == sizeof(returnValue)) { RtlMoveMemory( &returnValue, information->Data, sizeof(returnValue) ); } else { returnValue = DefaultValue; }
return returnValue;
} // UlReadLongLongParameter
Routine Description:
Reads a single free-form value from the registry.
ParametersHandle - Supplies an open registry handle.
ValueName - Supplies the name of the value to read.
Value - Receives the value read from the registry.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlReadGenericParameter( IN HANDLE ParametersHandle, IN PWCHAR ValueName, OUT PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION * Value ) {
// Sanity check.
// Build the value name, then perform an initial read. The read
// should fail with buffer overflow, but that's OK. We just want
// to get the length of the data.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &valueKeyName, ValueName );
status = ZwQueryValueKey( ParametersHandle, &valueKeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, (PVOID)&partialInfo, sizeof(partialInfo), &informationLength );
if (NT_ERROR(status)) { return status; }
// Determine the data length. Ensure that strings and multi-sz get
// properly terminated.
dataLength = partialInfo.DataLength - 1;
if (partialInfo.Type == REG_SZ || partialInfo.Type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { dataLength += 1; }
if (partialInfo.Type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { dataLength += 2; }
// Allocate the buffer.
// update the actually allocated length for later use
RtlZeroMemory( newValue, dataLength );
// Perform the actual read.
status = ZwQueryValueKey( ParametersHandle, &valueKeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, (PVOID)(newValue), dataLength, &informationLength );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { *Value = newValue; } else { UL_FREE_POOL( newValue, UL_REGISTRY_DATA_POOL_TAG ); }
return status;
} // UlReadGenericParameter
Routine Description:
Builds a properly formatted device control IRP.
Irp - Supplies the IRP to format.
IoControlCode - Supplies the device IO control code.
InputBuffer - Supplies the input buffer.
InputBufferLength - Supplies the length of InputBuffer.
OutputBuffer - Supplies the output buffer.
OutputBufferLength - Supplies the length of OutputBuffer.
MdlAddress - Supplies a MDL to attach to the IRP. This is assumed to be a non-paged MDL.
FileObject - Supplies the file object for the target driver.
DeviceObject - Supplies the correct device object for the target driver.
IoStatusBlock - Receives the final completion status of the request.
CompletionRoutine - Supplies a pointer to a completion routine to call after the request completes. This will only be called if this routine returns STATUS_PENDING.
CompletionContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value passed to the completion routine.
TargetThread - Optionally supplies a target thread for the IRP. If this value is NULL, then the current thread is used.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlBuildDeviceControlIrp( IN OUT PIRP Irp, IN ULONG IoControlCode, IN PVOID InputBuffer OPTIONAL, IN ULONG InputBufferLength, IN PVOID OutputBuffer OPTIONAL, IN ULONG OutputBufferLength, IN PMDL MdlAddress, IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, IN PIO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CompletionRoutine, IN PVOID CompletionContext, IN PETHREAD TargetThread OPTIONAL ) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( Irp != NULL ); ASSERT( FileObject != NULL ); ASSERT( DeviceObject != NULL );
// Fill in the service independent parameters in the IRP.
Irp->Flags = 0; Irp->RequestorMode = KernelMode; Irp->PendingReturned = FALSE;
Irp->UserIosb = IoStatusBlock; Irp->UserEvent = NULL;
Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = InputBuffer ? InputBuffer : OutputBuffer; Irp->UserBuffer = OutputBuffer; Irp->MdlAddress = MdlAddress;
Irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcRoutine = NULL;
Irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = TargetThread ? TargetThread : PsGetCurrentThread(); Irp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject = FileObject; Irp->Tail.Overlay.AuxiliaryBuffer = NULL;
// Put the file object pointer in the stack location.
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( Irp ); irpSp->FileObject = FileObject; irpSp->DeviceObject = DeviceObject;
// Fill in the service dependent parameters in the IRP stack.
irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IoControlCode; irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength = InputBufferLength; irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength = OutputBufferLength; irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer = InputBuffer;
irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL; irpSp->MinorFunction = 0;
// Set the completion routine appropriately.
if (CompletionRoutine == NULL) { IoSetCompletionRoutine( Irp, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ); } else { IoSetCompletionRoutine( Irp, CompletionRoutine, CompletionContext, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); }
} // UlBuildDeviceControlIrp
Routine Description:
Converts the given ULONGLLONG to an ASCII representation and stores it in the given string.
String - Receives the ASCII representation of the ULONGLONG.
Value - Supplies the ULONGLONG to convert.
Return Value:
PSTR - Pointer to the next character in String *after* the converted ULONGLONG.
--***************************************************************************/ PSTR UlULongLongToAscii( IN PSTR String, IN ULONGLONG Value ) { PSTR p1; PSTR p2; CHAR ch; ULONG digit;
// Special case 0 to make the rest of the routine simpler.
if (Value == 0) { *String++ = '0'; } else { //
// Convert the ULONG. Note that this will result in the string
// being backwards in memory.
p1 = String; p2 = String;
while (Value != 0) { digit = (ULONG)( Value % 10 ); Value = Value / 10; *p1++ = '0' + (CHAR)digit; }
// Reverse the string.
String = p1; p1--;
while (p1 > p2) { ch = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = ch;
p2++; p1--; } }
*String = '\0'; return String;
} // UlULongLongToAscii
NTSTATUS _RtlIntegerToUnicode( IN ULONG Value, IN ULONG Base OPTIONAL, IN LONG BufferLength, OUT PWSTR String ) { PWSTR p1; PWSTR p2; WCHAR ch; ULONG digit;
// Special case 0 to make the rest of the routine simpler.
if (Value == 0) { *String++ = L'0'; } else { //
// Convert the ULONG. Note that this will result in the string
// being backwards in memory.
p1 = String; p2 = String;
while (Value != 0) { digit = (ULONG)( Value % 10 ); Value = Value / 10; *p1++ = L'0' + (WCHAR)digit; }
// Reverse the string.
String = p1; p1--;
while (p1 > p2) { ch = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = ch;
p2++; p1--; } }
*String = L'\0';
} // _RtlIntegerToUnicode
Routine Description:
Converts an ansi string to an integer. fails if any non-digit characters appears in the string. fails on negative numbers, and assumes no preceding spaces.
PUCHAR pString the string to convert ULONG Base the base, must be 10 or 16 PULONG pValue the return value of the converted integer
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlAnsiToULongLong( PUCHAR pString, ULONG Base, PULONGLONG pValue ) { ULONGLONG Value; ULONGLONG NewValue;
if (Base != 10 && Base != 16) RETURN(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// No preceding space, we already skipped it
Value = 0;
while (pString[0] != ANSI_NULL) { if ( (Base == 10 && IS_HTTP_DIGIT(pString[0]) == FALSE) || (Base == 16 && IS_HTTP_HEX(pString[0]) == FALSE) ) { //
// Not valid , bad!
if (Base == 16) { if (IS_HTTP_ALPHA(pString[0])) { NewValue = 16 * Value + (UPCASE_CHAR(pString[0]) - 'A' + 10); } else { NewValue = 16 * Value + (pString[0] - '0'); } } else { NewValue = 10 * Value + (pString[0] - '0'); }
if (NewValue < Value) { //
// Very bad... we overflew
Value = NewValue;
pString += 1; }
*pValue = Value;
} // UlAnsiToULongLong
Routine Description:
Converts a unicode string to an integer. fails if any non-digit characters appear in the string. fails on negative numbers, and assumes no preceding spaces.
PWCHAR pString the string to convert ULONG Base the base, must be 10 or 16 PULONG pValue the return value of the converted integer
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlUnicodeToULongLong( PWCHAR pString, ULONG Base, PULONGLONG pValue ) { ULONGLONG Value; ULONGLONG NewValue;
if (Base != 10 && Base != 16) RETURN(STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER);
// No preceding space, we already skipped it
ASSERT(pString[0] < 128 && IS_HTTP_LWS(pString[0]) == FALSE);
Value = 0;
while (pString[0] != UNICODE_NULL) { if ((Base == 10 && (pString[0] >= 128 || IS_HTTP_DIGIT(pString[0]) == FALSE)) || (Base == 16 && (pString[0] >= 128 || IS_HTTP_HEX(pString[0]) == FALSE))) { //
// Not valid , bad!
if (Base == 16) { if (IS_HTTP_ALPHA(pString[0])) { NewValue = 16 * Value + (pString[0] - L'A' + 10); } else { NewValue = 16 * Value + (pString[0] - L'0'); } } else { NewValue = 10 * Value + (pString[0] - L'0'); }
if (NewValue < Value) { //
// Very bad... we overflew
Value = NewValue;
pString += 1; }
*pValue = Value;
} // UlUnicodeToULongLong
Routine Description:
Synchronously issues a device control request to the TDI provider.
pTdiObject - Supplies a pointer to the TDI object.
pIrpParameters - Supplies a pointer to the IRP parameters.
IrpParametersLength - Supplies the length of pIrpParameters.
pMdlBuffer - Optionally supplies a pointer to a buffer to be mapped into a MDL and placed in the MdlAddress field of the IRP.
MdlBufferLength - Optionally supplies the length of pMdlBuffer.
MinorFunction - Supplies the minor function code of the request.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlIssueDeviceControl( IN PUX_TDI_OBJECT pTdiObject, IN PVOID pIrpParameters, IN ULONG IrpParametersLength, IN PVOID pMdlBuffer OPTIONAL, IN ULONG MdlBufferLength OPTIONAL, IN UCHAR MinorFunction ) { NTSTATUS status; PIRP pIrp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp; UL_STATUS_BLOCK ulStatus; PMDL pMdl;
// Sanity check.
// Initialize the event that will signal I/O completion.
UlInitializeStatusBlock( &ulStatus );
// Set the file object event to the non-signaled state.
KeResetEvent( &pTdiObject->pFileObject->Event );
// Allocate an IRP for the request.
pIrp = UlAllocateIrp( pTdiObject->pDeviceObject->StackSize, // StackSize
FALSE // ChargeQuota
// Establish the service independent parameters.
pIrp->Flags = IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_API; pIrp->RequestorMode = KernelMode; pIrp->PendingReturned = FALSE;
pIrp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = PsGetCurrentThread(); pIrp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject = pTdiObject->pFileObject;
// If we have a MDL buffer, allocate a new MDL and map the
// buffer into it.
if (pMdlBuffer != NULL) { pMdl = UlAllocateMdl( pMdlBuffer, // VirtualAddress
MdlBufferLength, // Length
FALSE, // SecondaryBuffer
FALSE, // ChargeQuota
pIrp // Irp
if (pMdl == NULL) { UlFreeIrp( pIrp ); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( pMdl ); } else { pIrp->MdlAddress = NULL; }
// Initialize the IRP stack location.
pIrpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( pIrp );
pIrpSp->FileObject = pTdiObject->pFileObject; pIrpSp->DeviceObject = pTdiObject->pDeviceObject;
ASSERT( IrpParametersLength <= sizeof(pIrpSp->Parameters) ); RtlCopyMemory( &pIrpSp->Parameters, pIrpParameters, IrpParametersLength );
pIrpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; pIrpSp->MinorFunction = MinorFunction;
// Reference the file object.
ObReferenceObject( pTdiObject->pFileObject );
// Establish a completion routine to free the MDL and dereference
IoSetCompletionRoutine( pIrp, // Irp
&UlpRestartDeviceControl, // CompletionRoutine
&ulStatus, // Context
TRUE, // InvokeOnSuccess
TRUE, // InvokeOnError
TRUE // InvokeOnCancel
// Issue the request.
status = UlCallDriver( pTdiObject->pDeviceObject, pIrp );
// If necessary, wait for the request to complete and snag the
// final completion status.
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) { UlWaitForStatusBlockEvent( &ulStatus ); status = ulStatus.IoStatus.Status; }
return status;
} // UlIssueDeviceControl
Routine Description:
Allocates the pool necessary for a new UL_RECEIVE_BUFFER structure and initializes the structure.
PoolType - Supplies the type of pool to allocate. This must always be NonPagedPool.
ByteLength - Supplies the byte length for the allocation request. This should be sizeof(UL_RECEIVE_BUFFER), but is basically ignored.
Tag - Supplies the tag to use for the pool. This should be UL_RCV_BUFFER_POOL_TAG, but is basically ignored.
Note: These parameters are required so that this function has a signature identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the newly allocated block if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlAllocateReceiveBufferPool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { PUL_RECEIVE_BUFFER pBuffer; SIZE_T irpLength; SIZE_T mdlLength; SIZE_T ExtraLength;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( PoolType == NonPagedPool ); ASSERT( ByteLength == sizeof(UL_RECEIVE_BUFFER) ); ASSERT( Tag == UL_RCV_BUFFER_POOL_TAG );
// Calculate the required length of the buffer & allocate it.
irpLength = IoSizeOfIrp( g_UlIrpStackSize ); irpLength = ALIGN_UP( irpLength, PVOID );
mdlLength = MmSizeOfMdl( (PVOID)(PAGE_SIZE - 1), g_UlReceiveBufferSize ); mdlLength = ALIGN_UP( mdlLength, PVOID );
ExtraLength = irpLength + (mdlLength*2) + g_UlReceiveBufferSize;
ASSERT( ( ExtraLength & (sizeof(PVOID) - 1) ) == 0 );
if (pBuffer != NULL) { PUCHAR pRawBuffer = (PUCHAR)(pBuffer);
// Initialize the IRP, MDL, and data pointers within the buffer.
// CODEWORK: the signature should be set in invalid here, but
// there's no wrapper around the PplAllocate/Free functions
// for this structure, so set it to the valid sig for now.
pBuffer->Signature = UL_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIGNATURE; pRawBuffer += ALIGN_UP( sizeof(UL_RECEIVE_BUFFER), PVOID ); pBuffer->pIrp = (PIRP)pRawBuffer; pRawBuffer += irpLength; pBuffer->pMdl = (PMDL)pRawBuffer; pRawBuffer += mdlLength; pBuffer->pPartialMdl = (PMDL)pRawBuffer; pRawBuffer += mdlLength; pBuffer->pDataArea = (PVOID)pRawBuffer; pBuffer->UnreadDataLength = 0;
// Initialize the IRP.
IoInitializeIrp( pBuffer->pIrp, // Irp
(USHORT)irpLength, // PacketSize
g_UlIrpStackSize // StackSize
// Initialize the primary MDL.
MmInitializeMdl( pBuffer->pMdl, // MemoryDescriptorList
pBuffer->pDataArea, // BaseVa
g_UlReceiveBufferSize // Length
MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( pBuffer->pMdl ); }
return (PVOID)pBuffer;
} // UlAllocateReceiveBufferPool
Routine Description:
Frees the pool allocated for a UL_RECEIVE_BUFFER structure.
pBuffer - Supplies the buffer to free.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlFreeReceiveBufferPool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_RECEIVE_BUFFER pReceiveBuffer; //
// Sanity check.
pReceiveBuffer = (PUL_RECEIVE_BUFFER)pBuffer;
// Kill the signature, then free it.
} // UlFreeReceiveBufferPool
Routine Description:
Allocates the pool necessary for a new UL_IRP_CONTEXT structure and initializes the structure.
PoolType - Supplies the type of pool to allocate. This must always be NonPagedPool.
ByteLength - Supplies the byte length for the allocation request. This should be sizeof(UL_IRP_CONTEXT), but is basically ignored.
Tag - Supplies the tag to use for the pool. This should be UL_IRP_CONTEXT_POOL_TAG, but is basically ignored.
Note: These parameters are required so that this function has a signature identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the newly allocated block if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlAllocateIrpContextPool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { PUL_IRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( PoolType == NonPagedPool ); ASSERT( ByteLength == sizeof(UL_IRP_CONTEXT) ); ASSERT( Tag == UL_IRP_CONTEXT_POOL_TAG );
// Allocate the IRP context.
if (pIrpContext != NULL) { //
// Initialize it.
// CODEWORK: It's bogus for us to set the valid signature
// here. It should only be valid once the object is really
// in use.
pIrpContext->Signature = UL_IRP_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE;
#if DBG
pIrpContext->pCompletionRoutine = &UlDbgInvalidCompletionRoutine; #endif
return (PVOID)pIrpContext;
} // UlAllocateIrpContextPool
Routine Description:
Frees the pool allocated for a UL_IRP_CONTEXT structure.
pBuffer - Supplies the buffer to free.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlFreeIrpContextPool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_IRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext;
// Sanity check.
pIrpContext = (PUL_IRP_CONTEXT)pBuffer; ASSERT( IS_VALID_IRP_CONTEXT( pIrpContext ) );
// Kill the signature, then free it.
} // UlFreeIrpContextPool
Routine Description:
Allocates the pool necessary for a new UL_REQUEST_BUFFER structure and initializes the structure.
PoolType - Supplies the type of pool to allocate. This must always be NonPagedPool.
ByteLength - Supplies the byte length for the allocation request. This should be DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE but is basically ignored.
Tag - Supplies the tag to use for the pool. This should be UL_REQUEST_BUFFER_POOL_TAG, but is basically ignored.
Note: These parameters are required so that this function has a signature identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the newly allocated block if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlAllocateRequestBufferPool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { PUL_REQUEST_BUFFER pRequestBuffer;
// Sanity check.
// Allocate the request buffer.
if (pRequestBuffer != NULL) { //
// Initialize it.
pRequestBuffer->Signature = MAKE_FREE_TAG(UL_REQUEST_BUFFER_POOL_TAG); }
return (PVOID)pRequestBuffer;
} // UlAllocateRequestBufferPool
Routine Description:
Frees the pool allocated for a UL_REQUEST_BUFFER structure.
pBuffer - Supplies the buffer to free.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlFreeRequestBufferPool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_REQUEST_BUFFER pRequestBuffer;
// Sanity check.
pRequestBuffer = (PUL_REQUEST_BUFFER)pBuffer;
// Kill the signature, then free it.
} // UlFreeRequestBufferPool
Routine Description:
Allocates the pool necessary for a new UL_INTERNAL_REQUEST structure and initializes the structure.
PoolType - Supplies the type of pool to allocate. This must always be NonPagedPool.
ByteLength - Supplies the byte length for the allocation request. This should be sizeof(UL_INTERNAL_REQUEST) but is basically ignored.
Tag - Supplies the tag to use for the pool. This should be UL_INTERNAL_REQUEST_POOL_TAG, but is basically ignored.
Note: These parameters are required so that this function has a signature identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the newly allocated block if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlAllocateInternalRequestPool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest; PUL_FULL_TRACKER pTracker; ULONG SpaceLength; NTSTATUS Status;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( PoolType == NonPagedPool ); ASSERT( ByteLength == sizeof(UL_INTERNAL_REQUEST) ); ASSERT( Tag == UL_INTERNAL_REQUEST_POOL_TAG );
// Allocate the request buffer plus the default cooked URL buffer and
// the full tracker plus the auxiliary buffer.
SpaceLength = g_UlFullTrackerSize + (g_UlMaxInternalUrlLength/sizeof(WCHAR) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (pRequest != NULL) { //
// Initialize it.
pRequest->pTracker = (PUL_FULL_TRACKER)((PCHAR)pRequest + ALIGN_UP(sizeof(UL_INTERNAL_REQUEST), PVOID));
pRequest->pUrlBuffer = (PWSTR)((PCHAR)pRequest->pTracker + g_UlFullTrackerSize);
// Initialize the fast/cache tracker.
pTracker = pRequest->pTracker;
pTracker->Signature = UL_FULL_TRACKER_POOL_TAG; pTracker->IrpContext.Signature = UL_IRP_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE; pTracker->IsFromLookaside = FALSE; pTracker->IsFromRequest = TRUE; pTracker->AuxilaryBufferLength = g_UlMaxFixedHeaderSize + g_UlMaxVariableHeaderSize + g_UlMaxCopyThreshold;
UlInitializeFullTrackerPool( pTracker, DEFAULT_MAX_IRP_STACK_SIZE ); }
return (PVOID)pRequest;
} // UlAllocateInternalRequestPool
Routine Description:
Frees the pool allocated for a UL_INTERNAL_REQUEST structure.
pBuffer - Supplies the buffer to free.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlFreeInternalRequestPool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest;
// Sanity check.
pRequest = (PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST)pBuffer;
// Free the resource.
// Kill the signature, then free it.
} // UlFreeInternalRequestPool
Routine Description:
Allocates the pool necessary for a new UL_CHUNK_TRACKER structure and initializes the structure.
PoolType - Supplies the type of pool to allocate. This must always be NonPagedPool.
ByteLength - Supplies the byte length for the allocation request. This should be g_UlChunkTrackerSize but is basically ignored.
Tag - Supplies the tag to use for the pool. This should be UL_CHUNK_TRACKER_POOL_TAG, but is basically ignored.
Note: These parameters are required so that this function has a signature identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the newly allocated block if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlAllocateChunkTrackerPool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { PUL_CHUNK_TRACKER pTracker;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( PoolType == NonPagedPool ); ASSERT( ByteLength == g_UlChunkTrackerSize ); ASSERT( Tag == UL_CHUNK_TRACKER_POOL_TAG );
// Allocate the tracker buffer.
if (pTracker != NULL) { pTracker->Signature = MAKE_FREE_TAG(UL_CHUNK_TRACKER_POOL_TAG); pTracker->IrpContext.Signature = UL_IRP_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE; pTracker->IsFromLookaside = TRUE;
// Set up the IRP.
pTracker->pReadIrp = (PIRP)((PCHAR)pTracker + ALIGN_UP(sizeof(UL_CHUNK_TRACKER), PVOID));
pTracker->pSendIrp = (PIRP)((PCHAR)pTracker->pReadIrp + ALIGN_UP(IoSizeOfIrp(DEFAULT_MAX_IRP_STACK_SIZE), PVOID));
// Set up the variable header pointer.
pTracker->pVariableHeader = (PUCHAR)((PCHAR)pTracker->pSendIrp + ALIGN_UP(IoSizeOfIrp(DEFAULT_MAX_IRP_STACK_SIZE), PVOID)); }
return pTracker;
} // UlAllocateChunkTrackerPool
Routine Description:
Frees the pool allocated for a UL_CHUNK_TRACKER structure.
pBuffer - Supplies the buffer to free.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlFreeChunkTrackerPool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_CHUNK_TRACKER pTracker = (PUL_CHUNK_TRACKER)pBuffer;
} // UlFreeChunkTrackerPool
Routine Description:
Allocates the pool necessary for a new UL_FULL_TRACKER structure and initializes the structure.
PoolType - Supplies the type of pool to allocate. This must always be NonPagedPool.
ByteLength - Supplies the byte length for the allocation request. This should be g_UlFullTrackerSize but is basically ignored.
Tag - Supplies the tag to use for the pool. This should be UL_FULL_TRACKER_POOL_TAG, but is basically ignored.
Note: These parameters are required so that this function has a signature identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the newly allocated block if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlAllocateFullTrackerPool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { PUL_FULL_TRACKER pTracker;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( PoolType == NonPagedPool ); ASSERT( ByteLength == g_UlFullTrackerSize ); ASSERT( Tag == UL_FULL_TRACKER_POOL_TAG );
// Allocate the tracker buffer.
if (pTracker != NULL) { pTracker->Signature = MAKE_FREE_TAG(UL_FULL_TRACKER_POOL_TAG); pTracker->IrpContext.Signature = UL_IRP_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE; pTracker->IsFromLookaside = TRUE; pTracker->IsFromRequest = FALSE; pTracker->AuxilaryBufferLength = g_UlMaxFixedHeaderSize + g_UlMaxVariableHeaderSize + g_UlMaxCopyThreshold;
UlInitializeFullTrackerPool( pTracker, DEFAULT_MAX_IRP_STACK_SIZE ); }
return pTracker;
} // UlAllocateFullTrackerPool
Routine Description:
Frees the pool allocated for a UL_FULL_TRACKER structure.
pBuffer - Supplies the buffer to free.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlFreeFullTrackerPool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_FULL_TRACKER pTracker = (PUL_FULL_TRACKER)pBuffer;
} // UlFreeFullTrackerPool
Routine Description:
Allocates the pool necessary for a new UL_INTERNAL_RESPONSE structure and initializes the structure.
PoolType - Supplies the type of pool to allocate. This must always be NonPagedPool.
ByteLength - Supplies the byte length for the allocation request. This should be g_UlResponseBufferSize but is basically ignored.
Tag - Supplies the tag to use for the pool. This should be UL_INTERNAL_RESPONSE_POOL_TAG, but is basically ignored.
Note: These parameters are required so that this function has a signature identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the newly allocated block if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlAllocateResponseBufferPool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { //
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( PoolType == NonPagedPool ); ASSERT( ByteLength == g_UlResponseBufferSize ); ASSERT( Tag == UL_INTERNAL_RESPONSE_POOL_TAG );
// Allocate the default internal response buffer.
return UL_ALLOCATE_POOL( NonPagedPool, g_UlResponseBufferSize, UL_INTERNAL_RESPONSE_POOL_TAG );
} // UlAllocateResponseBufferPool
Routine Description:
Frees the pool allocated for a UL_INTERNAL_RESPONSE structure.
pBuffer - Supplies the buffer to free.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlFreeResponseBufferPool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_INTERNAL_RESPONSE pResponseBuffer;
pResponseBuffer = (PUL_INTERNAL_RESPONSE)pBuffer;
} // UlFreeResponseBufferPool
Routine Description:
Allocates the pool necessary for a new UL_FILE_LOG_BUFFER structure and initializes the structure.
PoolType - Supplies the type of pool to allocate. This must always be PagedPool.
ByteLength - Supplies the byte length for the allocation request. This should be sizeof(UL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER) but is basically ignored.
Tag - Supplies the tag to use for the pool. This should be UL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER_POOL_TAG, but is basically ignored.
Note: These parameters are required so that this function has a signature identical to ExAllocatePoolWithTag.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the newly allocated block if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlAllocateLogBufferPool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { PUL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER pLogBuffer;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( PoolType == NonPagedPool ); ASSERT( ByteLength == sizeof(UL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER) ); ASSERT( Tag == UL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER_POOL_TAG );
// Allocate the default log buffer.
if ( pLogBuffer != NULL ) { pLogBuffer->Signature = MAKE_FREE_TAG(UL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER_POOL_TAG); pLogBuffer->BufferUsed = 0; pLogBuffer->Buffer = (PUCHAR) (pLogBuffer + 1); }
return pLogBuffer;
} // UlAllocateLogBufferPool
Routine Description:
Frees the pool allocated for a UL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER structure.
pBuffer - Supplies the buffer to free.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlFreeLogBufferPool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER pLogBuffer;
pLogBuffer = (PUL_LOG_FILE_BUFFER) pBuffer;
} // UlFreeLogBufferPool
// Private routines.
Routine Description:
Completion handler for device control IRPs.
pDeviceObject - Supplies the device object for the IRP being completed.
pIrp - Supplies the IRP being completed.
pContext - Supplies the context associated with this request. In this case, it's a pointer to a UL_STATUS_BLOCK structure.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS if IO should continue processing this IRP, STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED if IO should stop processing this IRP.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlpRestartDeviceControl( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PIRP pIrp, IN PVOID pContext ) { PUL_STATUS_BLOCK pStatus;
// If we attached an MDL to the IRP, then free it here and reset
// the MDL pointer to NULL. IO can't handle a nonpaged MDL in an
// IRP, so we do it here.
if (pIrp->MdlAddress != NULL) { UlFreeMdl( pIrp->MdlAddress ); pIrp->MdlAddress = NULL; }
// Complete the request.
pStatus = (PUL_STATUS_BLOCK)pContext;
UlSignalStatusBlock( pStatus, pIrp->IoStatus.Status, pIrp->IoStatus.Information );
// Tell IO to continue processing this IRP.
} // UlpRestartDeviceControl
Routine Description:
Routine to initialize the utilitu code.
Return Value:
--*/ NTSTATUS InitializeHttpUtil( VOID ) { ULONG i; UCHAR c;
// Initialize the HttpChars array appropriately.
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { HttpChars[i] = HTTP_CHAR; }
for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_UPCASE; }
for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_LOCASE; }
for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= (HTTP_DIGIT | HTTP_HEX); }
for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_CTL; }
HttpChars[127] |= HTTP_CTL;
HttpChars[SP] |= HTTP_LWS; HttpChars[HT] |= HTTP_LWS;
for (i = 'A'; i <= 'F'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_HEX; }
for (i = 'a'; i <= 'f'; i++) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_HEX; }
HttpChars['('] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[')'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['<'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['>'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['@'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[','] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[';'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[':'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['\\'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['"'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['/'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['['] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[']'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['?'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['='] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['{'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars['}'] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[SP] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR; HttpChars[HT] |= HTTP_SEPERATOR;
// URL "reserved" characters (rfc2396)
HttpChars[';'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['/'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['\\'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['?'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars[':'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['@'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['&'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['='] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['+'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['$'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars[','] |= URL_LEGAL;
// URL escape character
HttpChars['%'] |= URL_LEGAL;
// URL "mark" characters (rfc2396)
HttpChars['-'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['_'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['.'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['!'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['~'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['*'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['\''] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['('] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars[')'] |= URL_LEGAL;
// RFC2396 describes these characters as `unwise' "because gateways and
// other transport agents are known to sometimes modify such characters,
// or they are used as delimiters". However, for compatibility with IIS
// 5.0 and DAV, we must allow these unwise characters in URLs.
HttpChars['{'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['}'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['|'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['^'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['['] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars[']'] |= URL_LEGAL; HttpChars['`'] |= URL_LEGAL;
// These US-ASCII characters are "excluded"; i.e. not URL_LEGAL (see RFC):
// '<' | '>' | '#' | '%' | '"' (0x22) | ' ' (0x20)
// In addition, control characters (0x00-0x1F and 0x7F) and
// non US-ASCII characters (0x80-0xFF) are not URL_LEGAL.
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { if (!IS_HTTP_SEPERATOR(i) && !IS_HTTP_CTL(i)) { HttpChars[i] |= HTTP_TOKEN; } }
// Fast path for PopChar
RtlZeroMemory(FastPopChars, 256 * sizeof(USHORT)); RtlZeroMemory(DummyPopChars, 256 * sizeof(USHORT));
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { c = (UCHAR)i;
if (IS_URL_TOKEN(c) && c != '%' && (c & 0x80) != 0x80) { FastPopChars[i] = (USHORT)c; } }
// Turn backslashes into forward slashes
FastPopChars['\\'] = L'/';
Routine Description:
Allocates brand new UL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE structures from the lookaside lists
Return Value:
the resource. NULL = out of memory.
--***************************************************************************/ PUL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE UlResourceNew( ULONG OwnerTag ) { PUL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE pResource;
pResource = (PUL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE)( PplAllocate( g_pUlNonpagedData->ResourceLookaside ) );
if (pResource != NULL) { pResource->Signature = UL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE_SIGNATURE; #if DBG
pResource->Resource.OwnerTag = OwnerTag; #endif
pResource->RefCount = 1;
UlTrace( REFCOUNT, ("ul!UlResourceNew res=%p tag=0x%08x refcount=%d\n", pResource, OwnerTag, pResource->RefCount) );
return pResource; }
Routine Description:
Reference a resource.
pResource - the resource
Return Value:
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlReferenceResource( PUL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE pResource REFERENCE_DEBUG_FORMAL_PARAMS ) { LONG refCount;
// Sanity check.
refCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pResource->RefCount );
UlTrace( REFCOUNT, ("ul!UlReferenceResource res=%p refcount=%d\n", pResource, refCount) );
} // UlReferenceResource
Routine Description:
Dereference a resource.
pResource - the resource
Return Value:
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDereferenceResource( PUL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE pResource REFERENCE_DEBUG_FORMAL_PARAMS ) { LONG refCount;
// Sanity check.
refCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pResource->RefCount );
UlTrace( REFCOUNT, ("ul!UlDereferenceResource res=%p refcount=%d\n", pResource, refCount) );
if (refCount == 0) { //
// free it
PplFree( g_pUlNonpagedData->ResourceLookaside, pResource ); }
} // UlDereferenceResource
Routine Description:
support function for lookasides to allocate the memory for UL_NONPAGED_RESOURCEs
PoolType - the pool type
ByteLength - how much to alloc
Tag - the tag to use
Return Value:
nt status code
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlResourceAllocatePool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T ByteLength, IN ULONG Tag ) { NTSTATUS Status; PUL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE pResource;
if (pResource != NULL) { pResource->Signature = UL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE_SIGNATURE; pResource->RefCount = 1;
Status = UlInitializeResource( &pResource->Resource, "UL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE[%p].Resource", pResource, UL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE_POOL_TAG );
return (PVOID)(pResource); }
Routine Description:
support function for lookasides to free the memory for UL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE's
pBuffer - the UL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE buffer to free
Return Value:
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlResourceFreePool( IN PVOID pBuffer ) { PUL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE pResource; NTSTATUS Status;
pResource = (PUL_NONPAGED_RESOURCE)(pBuffer);
Status = UlDeleteResource(&pResource->Resource); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
} // UlResourceFreePool
Routine Description:
Invokes the completion routine (if specified) and determines the appropriate return code. This routine ensures that, if the completion routine is invoked, the caller always returns STATUS_PENDING.
Status - Supplies the completion status.
Information - Optionally supplies additional information about the completed operation, such as the number of bytes transferred.
pCompletionRoutine - Supplies a pointer to a completion routine to invoke after the listening endpoint is fully closed.
pCompletionContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value for the completion routine.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status. Will always be STATUS_PENDING if the completion routine is invoked.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlInvokeCompletionRoutine( IN NTSTATUS Status, IN ULONG_PTR Information, IN PUL_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pCompletionRoutine, IN PVOID pCompletionContext ) { if (pCompletionRoutine != NULL) { (pCompletionRoutine)( pCompletionContext, Status, Information );
return Status;
} // UlInvokeCompletionRoutine
// constants used by the date formatter
const PWSTR pDays[] = { L"Sun", L"Mon", L"Tue", L"Wed", L"Thu", L"Fri", L"Sat" };
const PWSTR pMonths[] = { L"Jan", L"Feb", L"Mar", L"Apr", L"May", L"Jun", L"Jul", L"Aug", L"Sep", L"Oct", L"Nov", L"Dec" };
__inline VOID TwoDigitsToUnicode( PWSTR pBuffer, ULONG Number ) { pBuffer[0] = L'0' + (WCHAR)(Number / 10); pBuffer[1] = L'0' + (WCHAR)(Number % 10); }
Routine Description:
Converts the given system time to string representation containing GMT Formatted String.
pTime - System time that needs to be converted.
pBuffer - pointer to string which will contain the GMT time on successful return.
BufferLength - size of pszBuff in bytes
Return Value:
MuraliK 3-Jan-1995 paulmcd 4-Mar-1999 copied to ul
NTSTATUS TimeFieldsToHttpDate( IN PTIME_FIELDS pTime, OUT PWSTR pBuffer, IN ULONG BufferLength ) { NTSTATUS Status;
ASSERT(pBuffer != NULL);
if (BufferLength < (HTTP_DATE_COUNT + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
// 0 1 2
// 01234567890123456789012345678
// Formats a string like: "Thu, 14 Jul 1994 15:26:05 GMT"
// write the constants
pBuffer[3] = L','; pBuffer[4] = pBuffer[7] = pBuffer[11] = L' '; pBuffer[19] = pBuffer[22] = L':';
// now the variants
// 0-based Weekday
RtlCopyMemory(&(pBuffer[0]), pDays[pTime->Weekday], 3*sizeof(WCHAR));
TwoDigitsToUnicode(&(pBuffer[5]), pTime->Day);
// 1-based Month
RtlCopyMemory(&(pBuffer[8]), pMonths[pTime->Month - 1], 3*sizeof(WCHAR)); // 1-based
Status = _RtlIntegerToUnicode(pTime->Year, 10, 5, &(pBuffer[12])); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
pBuffer[16] = L' ';
TwoDigitsToUnicode(&(pBuffer[17]), pTime->Hour); TwoDigitsToUnicode(&(pBuffer[20]), pTime->Minute); TwoDigitsToUnicode(&(pBuffer[23]), pTime->Second);
RtlCopyMemory(&(pBuffer[25]), L" GMT", sizeof(L" GMT"));
} // TimeFieldsToHttpDate
__inline SHORT FASTCALL AsciiToShort( PCHAR pString ) { return (SHORT)atoi(pString); }
__inline SHORT FASTCALL TwoAsciisToShort( PCHAR pString ) { SHORT Value; SHORT Number;
Number = pString[1] - '0';
if (Number <= 9) { Value = Number; Number = pString[0] - '0';
if (Number <= 9) { Value += Number * 10; return Value; } }
return 0; }
DateTime function ported from user mode W3SVC --***************************************************************************/
* Data ************************************************************/
static const PSTR s_rgchMonths[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
// Custom hash table for NumericToAsciiMonth() for mapping "Apr" to 4
static const CHAR MonthIndexTable[64] = { -1,'A', 2, 12, -1, -1, -1, 8, // A to G
-1, -1, -1, -1, 7, -1,'N', -1, // F to O
9, -1,'R', -1, 10, -1, 11, -1, // P to W
-1, 5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // X to Z
-1,'A', 2, 12, -1, -1, -1, 8, // a to g
-1, -1, -1, -1, 7, -1,'N', -1, // f to o
9, -1,'R', -1, 10, -1, 11, -1, // p to w
-1, 5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 // x to z
* Functions ************************************************************/
Converts three letters of a month to numeric month
Arguments: s String to convert
Returns: numeric equivalent, 0 on failure.
--***************************************************************************/ __inline SHORT FASTCALL NumericToAsciiMonth( PCHAR s ) { UCHAR monthIndex; UCHAR c; PSTR monthString;
// use the third character as the index
c = (s[2] - 0x40) & 0x3F;
monthIndex = MonthIndexTable[c];
if ( monthIndex < 13 ) { goto verify; }
// ok, we need to look at the second character
if ( monthIndex == 'N' ) {
// we got an N which we need to resolve further
// if s[1] is 'u' then Jun, if 'a' then Jan
if ( MonthIndexTable[(s[1]-0x40) & 0x3f] == 'A' ) { monthIndex = 1; } else { monthIndex = 6; }
} else if ( monthIndex == 'R' ) {
// if s[1] is 'a' then March, if 'p' then April
if ( MonthIndexTable[(s[1]-0x40) & 0x3f] == 'A' ) { monthIndex = 3; } else { monthIndex = 4; } } else { goto error_exit; }
monthString = (PSTR) s_rgchMonths[monthIndex-1];
if ( (s[0] == monthString[0]) && (s[1] == monthString[1]) && (s[2] == monthString[2]) ) {
} else if ( (toupper(s[0]) == monthString[0]) && (tolower(s[1]) == monthString[1]) && (tolower(s[2]) == monthString[2]) ) {
return monthIndex; }
error_exit: return(0);
} // NumericToAsciiMonth
Converts a string representation of a GMT time (three different varieties) to an NT representation of a file time.
We handle the following variations:
Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT (RFC 822 updated by RFC 1123) Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT (RFC 850) Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 (ANSI C's asctime() format
Arguments: pszTime String representation of time field pliTime large integer containing the time in NT format.
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.
Johnl 24-Jan-1995 Modified from WWW library ericsten 30-Nov-2000 Ported from user-mode W3SVC
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN StringTimeToSystemTime( IN const PSTR pszTime, OUT LARGE_INTEGER * pliTime ) {
if (pszTime == NULL) { return FALSE; }
st.Milliseconds = 0;
if ((s = strchr(pszTime, ','))) {
ULONG len;
// Thursday, 10-Jun-93 01:29:59 GMT
// or: Thu, 10 Jan 1993 01:29:59 GMT */
while (*s && *s==' ') s++; len = strlen(s);
if (len < 18) { return FALSE; }
if ( *(s+2) == '-' ) { /* First format */
st.Day = AsciiToShort(s); st.Month = NumericToAsciiMonth(s+3); st.Year = AsciiToShort(s+7); st.Hour = AsciiToShort(s+10); st.Minute = AsciiToShort(s+13); st.Second = AsciiToShort(s+16);
} else { /* Second format */
if (len < 20) { return FALSE; }
st.Day = TwoAsciisToShort(s); st.Month = NumericToAsciiMonth(s+3); st.Year = TwoAsciisToShort(s+7) * 100 + TwoAsciisToShort(s+9); st.Hour = TwoAsciisToShort(s+12); st.Minute = TwoAsciisToShort(s+15); st.Second = TwoAsciisToShort(s+18);
} } else { /* Try the other format: Wed Jun 9 01:29:59 1993 GMT */
s = (PCHAR) pszTime; while (*s && *s==' ') s++;
if ((int)strlen(s) < 24) { return FALSE; }
if (isdigit(*(s+8))) { st.Day = AsciiToShort(s+8); } else { if ( ' ' != *(s+8) ) { return FALSE; } st.Day = AsciiToShort(s+9); } st.Month = NumericToAsciiMonth(s+4); st.Year = AsciiToShort(s+20); st.Hour = AsciiToShort(s+11); st.Minute = AsciiToShort(s+14); st.Second = AsciiToShort(s+17); }
// Adjust for dates with only two digits
if ( st.Year < 1000 ) { if ( st.Year < 50 ) { st.Year += 2000; } else { st.Year += 1900; } }
if ( !RtlTimeFieldsToTime( &st, pliTime )) { return FALSE; } return(TRUE); }
End of DateTime function ported from user mode W3SVC --***************************************************************************/
// Some Unicode to Utf8 conversion utilities taken and modified frm
// base\win32\winnls\utf.c. Use this until they expose the same functionality
// in kernel.
Routine Description:
Maps a Unicode character string to its UTF-8 string counterpart
Conversion continues until the source is finished or an error happens in either case it returns the number of UTF-8 characters written.
If the supllied buffer is not big enough it returns 0.
ULONG HttpUnicodeToUTF8( IN PCWSTR lpSrcStr, IN LONG cchSrc, OUT LPSTR lpDestStr, IN LONG cchDest ) { LPCWSTR lpWC = lpSrcStr; LONG cchU8 = 0; // # of UTF8 chars generated
DWORD dwSurrogateChar; WCHAR wchHighSurrogate = 0; BOOLEAN bHandled;
while ((cchSrc--) && ((cchDest == 0) || (cchU8 < cchDest))) { bHandled = FALSE;
// Check if high surrogate is available
if ((*lpWC >= HIGH_SURROGATE_START) && (*lpWC <= HIGH_SURROGATE_END)) { if (cchDest) { // Another high surrogate, then treat the 1st as normal
// Unicode character.
if (wchHighSurrogate) { if ((cchU8 + 2) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); } else { // not enough buffer
cchSrc++; break; } } } else { cchU8 += 3; } wchHighSurrogate = *lpWC; bHandled = TRUE; }
if (!bHandled && wchHighSurrogate) { if ((*lpWC >= LOW_SURROGATE_START) && (*lpWC <= LOW_SURROGATE_END)) { // wheee, valid surrogate pairs
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 3) < cchDest) { dwSurrogateChar = (((wchHighSurrogate-0xD800) << 10) + (*lpWC - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = (UTF8_1ST_OF_4 | (unsigned char)(dwSurrogateChar >> 18)); // 3 bits from 1st byte
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = (UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)((dwSurrogateChar >> 12) & 0x3f)); // 6 bits from 2nd byte
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = (UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)((dwSurrogateChar >> 6) & 0x3f)); // 6 bits from 3rd byte
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = (UTF8_TRAIL | (unsigned char)(0x3f &dwSurrogateChar)); // 6 bits from 4th byte
} else { // not enough buffer
cchSrc++; break; } } else { // we already counted 3 previously (in high surrogate)
cchU8 += 1; }
bHandled = TRUE; } else { // Bad Surrogate pair : ERROR
// Just process wchHighSurrogate , and the code below will
// process the current code point
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 2) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); } else { // not enough buffer
cchSrc++; break; } } }
wchHighSurrogate = 0; }
if (!bHandled) { if (*lpWC <= ASCII) { //
// Found ASCII.
if (cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU8] = (char)*lpWC; } cchU8++; } else if (*lpWC <= UTF8_2_MAX) { //
// Found 2 byte sequence if < 0x07ff (11 bits).
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 1) < cchDest) { //
// Use upper 5 bits in first byte.
// Use lower 6 bits in second byte.
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_2 | (*lpWC >> 6); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(*lpWC); } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } else { cchU8 += 2; } } else { //
// Found 3 byte sequence.
if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 2) < cchDest) { //
// Use upper 4 bits in first byte.
// Use middle 6 bits in second byte.
// Use lower 6 bits in third byte.
lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | HIGHER_6_BIT(*lpWC); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | MIDDLE_6_BIT(*lpWC); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(*lpWC); } else { //
// Error - buffer too small.
cchSrc++; break; } } else { cchU8 += 3; } } }
lpWC++; }
// If the last character was a high surrogate, then handle it as a normal
// unicode character.
if ((cchSrc < 0) && (wchHighSurrogate != 0)) { if (cchDest) { if ((cchU8 + 2) < cchDest) { lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | HIGHER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | MIDDLE_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); lpDestStr[cchU8++] = UTF8_TRAIL | LOWER_6_BIT(wchHighSurrogate); } else { cchSrc++; } } }
// Make sure the destination buffer was large enough.
if (cchDest && (cchSrc >= 0)) { return 0; }
// Return the number of UTF-8 characters written.
return cchU8; }
Routine Description: Search input list of ETags for one that matches our local ETag.
Arguments: pLocalETag - The local ETag we're using. pETagList - The ETag list we've received from the client. bWeakCompare - Whether using Weak Comparison is ok
TRUE if we found a matching ETag, FALSE otherwise.
Author: Anil Ruia (AnilR) 3-Apr-2000
History: Eric Stenson (EricSten) 6-Dec-2000 ported from user-mode
--*/ BOOLEAN FindInETagList( IN PUCHAR pLocalETag, IN PUCHAR pETagList, IN BOOLEAN fWeakCompare ) { ULONG QuoteCount; PUCHAR pFileETag; BOOLEAN Matched;
// We'll loop through the ETag string, looking for ETag to
// compare, as long as we have an ETag to look at.
do { while (isspace(*pETagList)) { pETagList++; }
if (!*pETagList) { // Ran out of ETag.
return FALSE; }
// If this ETag is *, it's a match.
if (*pETagList == '*') { return TRUE; }
// See if this ETag is weak.
if (pETagList[0] == 'W' && pETagList[1] == '/') { // This is a weak validator. If we're not doing the weak
// comparison, fail.
if (!fWeakCompare) { return FALSE; }
// Skip over the 'W/', and any intervening whitespace.
pETagList += 2;
while (isspace(*pETagList)) { pETagList++; }
if (!*pETagList) { // Ran out of ETag.
return FALSE; } }
if (*pETagList != '"') { // This isn't a quoted string, so fail.
return FALSE; }
// OK, right now we should be at the start of a quoted string that
// we can compare against our current ETag.
QuoteCount = 0;
Matched = TRUE; pFileETag = pLocalETag;
// Do the actual compare. We do this by scanning the current ETag,
// which is a quoted string. We look for two quotation marks, the
// the delimiters if the quoted string. If after we find two quotes
// in the ETag everything has matched, then we've matched this ETag.
// Otherwise we'll try the next one.
do { CHAR Temp;
Temp = *pETagList;
if (Temp == '"') { QuoteCount++; }
if (*pFileETag != Temp) { Matched = FALSE; }
if (!Temp) { return FALSE; }
if (*pFileETag == '\0') { break; }
} while (QuoteCount != 2);
if (Matched) { return TRUE; }
// Otherwise, at this point we need to look at the next ETag.
while (QuoteCount != 2) { if (*pETagList == '"') { QuoteCount++; } else { if (*pETagList == '\0') { return FALSE; } }
pETagList++; }
while (isspace(*pETagList)) { pETagList++; }
if (*pETagList == ',') { pETagList++; } else { return FALSE; }
} while ( *pETagList );
return FALSE; }
Routine Description: Build a NULL terminated UNICODE string from the IP and Port address
Arguments: IpAddressStringW - String buffer to place the UNICODE string (caller allocated) IpAddress - 32-bit version of the IP address IpPortNum - 16-bit version of the TCP Port
Count of bytes written into IpAddressStringW.
Author: Eric Stenson (EricSten) 29-Jan-2001
ULONG HostAddressAndPortToStringW( IN OUT PWCHAR IpAddressStringW, IN ULONG IpAddress, IN USHORT IpPortNum ) { PWCHAR pszW = IpAddressStringW;
pszW = UlStrPrintUlongW(pszW, (IpAddress >> 24) & 0xFF, 0, '.'); pszW = UlStrPrintUlongW(pszW, (IpAddress >> 16) & 0xFF, 0, '.'); pszW = UlStrPrintUlongW(pszW, (IpAddress >> 8) & 0xFF, 0, '.'); pszW = UlStrPrintUlongW(pszW, (IpAddress >> 0) & 0xFF, 0, ':'); pszW = UlStrPrintUlongW(pszW, IpPortNum, 0, '\0');
return DIFF(pszW - IpAddressStringW) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
Routine Description:
Calculates current bias (daylight time aware) and time zone ID.
Captured from base\client\datetime.c
Until this two functions are exposed in the kernel we have to keep them here. Arguments:
IN CONST TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *ptzi - time zone for which to calculate bias OUT KSYSTEM_TIME *pBias - current bias
Return Value:
TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN - daylight saving time is not used in the current time zone.
TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD - The system is operating in the range covered by StandardDate.
TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT - The system is operating in the range covered by DaylightDate.
TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID - The operation failed.
ULONG UlCalcTimeZoneIdAndBias( IN RTL_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *ptzi, OUT PLONG pBias ) { LARGE_INTEGER TimeZoneBias; LARGE_INTEGER NewTimeZoneBias; LARGE_INTEGER LocalCustomBias; LARGE_INTEGER UtcStandardTime; LARGE_INTEGER UtcDaylightTime; LARGE_INTEGER StandardTime; LARGE_INTEGER DaylightTime; LARGE_INTEGER CurrentUniversalTime; ULONG CurrentTimeZoneId = UL_TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID; NewTimeZoneBias.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(ptzi->Bias*60, 10000000);
// Now see if we have stored cutover times
if (ptzi->StandardStart.Month && ptzi->DaylightStart.Month) { KeQuerySystemTime(&CurrentUniversalTime);
// We have timezone cutover information. Compute the
// cutover dates and compute what our current bias
// is
if((!UlCutoverTimeToSystemTime( &ptzi->StandardStart, &StandardTime, &CurrentUniversalTime) ) || (!UlCutoverTimeToSystemTime( &ptzi->DaylightStart, &DaylightTime, &CurrentUniversalTime) ) ) { return UL_TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID; }
// Convert standard time and daylight time to utc
LocalCustomBias.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(ptzi->StandardBias*60, 10000000); TimeZoneBias.QuadPart = NewTimeZoneBias.QuadPart + LocalCustomBias.QuadPart; UtcDaylightTime.QuadPart = DaylightTime.QuadPart + TimeZoneBias.QuadPart;
LocalCustomBias.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(ptzi->DaylightBias*60, 10000000); TimeZoneBias.QuadPart = NewTimeZoneBias.QuadPart + LocalCustomBias.QuadPart; UtcStandardTime.QuadPart = StandardTime.QuadPart + TimeZoneBias.QuadPart;
// If daylight < standard, then time >= daylight and
// less than standard is daylight
if (UtcDaylightTime.QuadPart < UtcStandardTime.QuadPart) { //
// If today is >= DaylightTime and < StandardTime, then
// We are in daylight savings time
if ((CurrentUniversalTime.QuadPart >= UtcDaylightTime.QuadPart) && (CurrentUniversalTime.QuadPart < UtcStandardTime.QuadPart)) { CurrentTimeZoneId = UL_TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT; } else { CurrentTimeZoneId = UL_TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD; } } else { //
// If today is >= StandardTime and < DaylightTime, then
// We are in standard time
if ((CurrentUniversalTime.QuadPart >= UtcStandardTime.QuadPart) && (CurrentUniversalTime.QuadPart < UtcDaylightTime.QuadPart)) { CurrentTimeZoneId = UL_TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD;
} else { CurrentTimeZoneId = UL_TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT; } }
// Bias in minutes
*pBias = ptzi->Bias + (CurrentTimeZoneId == UL_TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT ? ptzi->DaylightBias : ptzi->StandardBias ); } else { *pBias = ptzi->Bias; CurrentTimeZoneId = UL_TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN; }
return CurrentTimeZoneId; }
BOOLEAN UlCutoverTimeToSystemTime( PTIME_FIELDS CutoverTime, PLARGE_INTEGER SystemTime, PLARGE_INTEGER CurrentSystemTime ) { TIME_FIELDS CurrentTimeFields;
// Get the current system time
// check for absolute time field. If the year is specified,
// the the time is an abosulte time
if ( CutoverTime->Year ) { return FALSE; } else { TIME_FIELDS WorkingTimeField; TIME_FIELDS ScratchTimeField; LARGE_INTEGER ScratchTime; CSHORT BestWeekdayDate; CSHORT WorkingWeekdayNumber; CSHORT TargetWeekdayNumber; CSHORT TargetYear; CSHORT TargetMonth; CSHORT TargetWeekday; // range [0..6] == [Sunday..Saturday]
BOOLEAN MonthMatches; //
// The time is an day in the month style time
// the convention is the Day is 1-5 specifying 1st, 2nd... Last
// day within the month. The day is WeekDay.
// Compute the target month and year
TargetWeekdayNumber = CutoverTime->Day; if ( TargetWeekdayNumber > 5 || TargetWeekdayNumber == 0 ) { return FALSE; } TargetWeekday = CutoverTime->Weekday; TargetMonth = CutoverTime->Month; MonthMatches = FALSE; TargetYear = CurrentTimeFields.Year; try_next_year: BestWeekdayDate = 0;
WorkingTimeField.Year = TargetYear; WorkingTimeField.Month = TargetMonth; WorkingTimeField.Day = 1; WorkingTimeField.Hour = CutoverTime->Hour; WorkingTimeField.Minute = CutoverTime->Minute; WorkingTimeField.Second = CutoverTime->Second; WorkingTimeField.Milliseconds = CutoverTime->Milliseconds; WorkingTimeField.Weekday = 0;
// Convert to time and then back to time fields so we can determine
// the weekday of day 1 on the month
if ( !RtlTimeFieldsToTime(&WorkingTimeField,&ScratchTime) ) { return FALSE; } RtlTimeToTimeFields(&ScratchTime,&ScratchTimeField);
// Compute bias to target weekday
if ( ScratchTimeField.Weekday > TargetWeekday ) { WorkingTimeField.Day += (7-(ScratchTimeField.Weekday - TargetWeekday)); } else if ( ScratchTimeField.Weekday < TargetWeekday ) { WorkingTimeField.Day += (TargetWeekday - ScratchTimeField.Weekday); }
// We are now at the first weekday that matches our target weekday
BestWeekdayDate = WorkingTimeField.Day; WorkingWeekdayNumber = 1;
// Keep going one week at a time until we either pass the
// target weekday, or we match exactly
while ( WorkingWeekdayNumber < TargetWeekdayNumber ) { WorkingTimeField.Day += 7; if ( !RtlTimeFieldsToTime(&WorkingTimeField,&ScratchTime) ) { break; } RtlTimeToTimeFields(&ScratchTime,&ScratchTimeField); WorkingWeekdayNumber++; BestWeekdayDate = ScratchTimeField.Day; } WorkingTimeField.Day = BestWeekdayDate;
// If the months match, and the date is less than the current
// date, then be have to go to next year.
if ( !RtlTimeFieldsToTime(&WorkingTimeField,&ScratchTime) ) { return FALSE; } if ( MonthMatches ) { if ( WorkingTimeField.Day < CurrentTimeFields.Day ) { MonthMatches = FALSE; TargetYear++; goto try_next_year; } if ( WorkingTimeField.Day == CurrentTimeFields.Day ) {
if (ScratchTime.QuadPart < CurrentSystemTime->QuadPart) { MonthMatches = FALSE; TargetYear++; goto try_next_year; } } } *SystemTime = ScratchTime;
return TRUE; } }