Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines the interface to the TDI/MUX/SSL component.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 12-Jun-1998
Revision History:
#ifndef _ULTDI_H_
#define _ULTDI_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Opaque structure pointers. These are defined (privately) in ULTDIP.H.
// Routine invoked after an incoming TCP/MUX connection has been
// received (but not yet accepted).
// Arguments:
// pListeningContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value
// as passed to the UlCreateListeningEndpoint() API.
// pConnection - Supplies the connection being established.
// pRemoteAddress - Supplies the remote (client-side) address
// requesting the connection.
// RemoteAddressLength - Supplies the total byte length of the
// pRemoteAddress structure.
// ppConnectionContext - Receives a pointer to an uninterpreted
// context value to be associated with the new connection if
// accepted. If the new connection is not accepted, this
// parameter is ignored.
// Return Value:
// BOOLEAN - TRUE if the connection was accepted, FALSE if not.
typedef BOOLEAN (*PUL_CONNECTION_REQUEST)( IN PVOID pListeningContext, IN PUL_CONNECTION pConnection, IN PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pRemoteAddress, IN ULONG RemoteAddressLength, OUT PVOID *ppConnectionContext );
// Routine invoked after an incoming TCP/MUX connection has been fully
// accepted.
// This routine is also invoked if an incoming connection was not accepted
// *after* PUL_CONNECTION_REQUEST returned TRUE. In other words, if
// PUL_CONNECTION_REQUEST indicated that the connection should be accepted
// but a fatal error occurred later, then PUL_CONNECTION_COMPLETE is
// invoked.
// Arguments:
// pListeningContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value
// as passed to the UlCreateListeningEndpoint() API.
// pConnectionContext - Supplies the uninterpreted context value
// as returned by PUL_CONNECTION_REQUEST.
// Status - Supplie the completion status. If this value is
// STATUS_SUCCESS, then the connection is now fully accepted.
// Otherwise, the connection has been aborted.
typedef VOID (*PUL_CONNECTION_COMPLETE)( IN PVOID pListeningContext, IN PVOID pConnectionContext, IN NTSTATUS Status );
// Routine invoked after an established TCP/MUX connection has been
// disconnected by the remote (client) side.
// Arguments:
// pListeningContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value
// as passed to the UlCreateListeningEndpoint() API.
// pConnectionContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value
// as returned from the PUL_CONNECTION_REQUEST callback.
// Status - Supplies the termination status.
// This indication is not currently invoked when the local
// machine initiates an abortive disconnect. Faking an indication
// during a local abort would probably be a Good Thing.
typedef VOID (*PUL_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT)( IN PVOID pListeningContext, IN PVOID pConnectionContext, IN NTSTATUS Status );
// Routine invoked when a graceful disconnect requested by the client
// is complete. The client may want to drain the indicated data on the
// tdi connection to get the above indication.
typedef VOID (*PUL_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE)( IN PVOID pListeningContext, IN PVOID pConnectionContext );
// Routine invoked just before the internal state for a connection
// is destroyed. This is the last chance to cleanup before the
// connection fully disappears.
// Arguments:
// pListeningContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value
// as passed to the UlCreateListeningEndpoint() API.
// pConnectionContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value
// as returned from the PUL_CONNECTION_REQUEST callback.
typedef VOID (*PUL_CONNECTION_DESTROYED)( IN PVOID pListeningContext, IN PVOID pConnectionContext );
// Routine invoked after data has been received on an established
// TCP/MUX connection.
// Arguments:
// pListeningContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value
// as passed to the UlCreateListeningEndpoint() API.
// pConnectionContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value
// as returned from the PUL_CONNECTION_REQUEST callback.
// pBuffer - Supplies a pointer to the received data.
// IndicatedLength - Supplies the length of the received data
// available in pBuffer.
// pTakenLength - Receives the number of bytes consumed by
// the receive handler.
// Return Value:
// NTSTATUS - The status of the consumed data. The behavior of
// the TDI/MUX component is dependent on the return value
// and the value set in *pTakenLength, and is defined as
// follows:
// STATUS_SUCCESS, *pTakenLength == IndicatedLength -
// All indicated data was consumed by the receive
// handler. Additional incoming data will cause
// subsequent receive indications.
// STATUS_SUCCESS, *pTakenLength < IndicatedLength -
// Part of the indicated data was consumed by the
// receive handler. The network transport will
// buffer data and no further indications will be
// made until UlReceiveData() is called.
// indicated data was consumed by the receive handler.
// A subsequent receive indication will be made
// when additional data is available. The subsequent
// indication will include the unconsumed data from
// the current indication plus any additional data
// received.
// Any other status - Indicates a fatal error in the
// receive handler. The connection will be aborted.
// *pTakenLength > IndicatedLength - This is an error
// condition and should never occur.
// Public (within UL.SYS) entrypoints.
NTSTATUS UlInitializeTdi( VOID );
VOID UlTerminateTdi( VOID );
VOID UlWaitForEndpointDrain( VOID );
ULONG UlpComputeHttpRawConnectionLength( IN PVOID pConnectionContext );
ULONG UlpGenerateHttpRawConnectionInfo( IN PVOID pContext, IN PUCHAR pKernelBuffer, IN PVOID pUserBuffer, IN ULONG OutputBufferLength, IN PUCHAR pBuffer, IN ULONG InitialLength );
NTSTATUS UlCreateListeningEndpoint( IN PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pLocalAddress, IN ULONG LocalAddressLength, IN BOOLEAN Secure, IN ULONG InitialBacklog, IN PUL_CONNECTION_REQUEST pConnectionRequestHandler, IN PUL_CONNECTION_COMPLETE pConnectionCompleteHandler, IN PUL_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT pConnectionDisconnectHandler, IN PUL_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE pConnectionDisconnectCompleteHandler, IN PUL_CONNECTION_DESTROYED pConnectionDestroyedHandler, IN PUL_DATA_RECEIVE pDataReceiveHandler, IN PVOID pListeningContext, OUT PUL_ENDPOINT *ppListeningEndpoint );
NTSTATUS UlCloseListeningEndpoint( IN PUL_ENDPOINT pListeningEndpoint, IN PUL_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pCompletionRoutine, IN PVOID pCompletionContext );
NTSTATUS UlCloseConnection( IN PVOID pObject, IN BOOLEAN AbortiveDisconnect, IN PUL_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pCompletionRoutine, IN PVOID pCompletionContext );
NTSTATUS UlSendData( IN PUL_CONNECTION pConnection, IN PMDL pMdlChain, IN ULONG Length, IN PUL_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pCompletionRoutine, IN PVOID pCompletionContext, IN PIRP pOwnIrp, IN PUL_IRP_CONTEXT pOwnIrpContext, IN BOOLEAN InitiateDisconnect );
NTSTATUS UlReceiveData( IN PVOID pConnectionContext, IN PVOID pBuffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN PUL_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pCompletionRoutine, IN PVOID pCompletionContext );
NTSTATUS UlAddSiteToEndpointList( IN PWSTR pSiteUrl );
NTSTATUS UlRemoveSiteFromEndpointList( IN PWSTR pSiteUrl );
#define REFERENCE_CONNECTION( pconn ) \
UlReferenceConnection( \ (pconn) \ REFERENCE_DEBUG_ACTUAL_PARAMS \ )
UlDereferenceConnection( \ (pconn) \ REFERENCE_DEBUG_ACTUAL_PARAMS \ )
// Prototype for TCP Send routine if Fast Send is possible.
#ifdef __cplusplus
}; // extern "C"
#endif // _ULTDI_H_