'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This function searches a computer for a specified Web Site, and ' displays information about the site. ' ' findweb [--computer|-c COMPUTER] ' [WEBSITE] ' [--help|-?] ' 'COMPUTER Computer on which users exists 'WEBSITE Virtual Web Sites on which directories will be created ' 'Example 1 findweb -c LocalHost "Default Web Site" ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Force explicit declaration of all variables. Option Explicit
'On Error Resume Next
Dim oArgs, ArgNum
Dim ArgComputer, ArgWebSites, ArgVirtualDirs, ArgDirNames(), ArgDirPaths(), DirIndex Dim ArgComputers
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments ArgComputers = Array("LocalHost") ArgWebSites = "1" ArgNum = 0 While ArgNum < oArgs.Count Select Case LCase(oArgs(ArgNum)) Case "--computer","-c": ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 If (ArgNum >= oArgs.Count) Then Call DisplayUsage End If ArgComputers = Split(oArgs(ArgNum), ",", -1) Case "--help","-?" Call DisplayUsage Case Else: ArgWebSites = oArgs(ArgNum) End Select
ArgNum = ArgNum + 1 Wend
Dim foundSite Dim compIndex Dim bindInfo Dim aBinding, binding Dim hostname
for compIndex = 0 to UBound(ArgComputers) set foundSite = findWeb(ArgComputers(compIndex), ArgWebSites) if isObject(foundSite) then Trace " Web Site Number = " & foundSite.Name Trace " Web Site Description = " & foundSite.ServerComment aBinding = foundSite.ServerBindings if (IsArray(aBinding)) then if aBinding(0) = "" then binding = Null else binding = getBinding(ArgComputers(compIndex), aBinding(0)) end if else if aBinding = "" then binding = Null else binding = getBinding(ArgComputers(compIndex), aBinding) end if end if if IsArray(binding) then Trace " Hostname = " & binding(2) Trace " Port = " & binding(1) Trace " IP Address = " & binding(0) end if else Trace "No matching web found." end if next
function getBinding(hostName, bindstr)
Dim one, two, ia, ip, hn Dim netw, host one = Instr(bindstr, ":") two = Instr((one + 1), bindstr, ":") ia = Mid(bindstr, 1, (one - 1)) ip = Mid(bindstr, (one + 1), ((two - one) - 1)) hn = Mid(bindstr, (two + 1)) if ia = "" or hn = "" then Set netw = CreateObject("WScript.Network") if UCase(hostName) = "LOCALHOST" then host = resolveHostName(netw.ComputerName) else host = resolveHostName(hostName) end if if IsArray(host) then hn = host(0) ia = host(1) end if end if getBinding = Array(ia, ip, hn) end function
Function findWeb(computer, webname) On Error Resume Next
Dim websvc, site dim webinfo Dim aBinding, binding
set websvc = GetObject("IIS://"&computer&"/W3svc") if (Err <> 0) then exit function end if ' First try to open the webname. set site = websvc.GetObject("IIsWebServer", webname) if (Err = 0) and (not isNull(site)) then if (site.class = "IIsWebServer") then ' Here we found a site that is a web server. set findWeb = site exit function end if end if err.clear for each site in websvc if site.class = "IIsWebServer" then ' ' First, check to see if the ServerComment ' matches ' If site.ServerComment = webname Then set findWeb = site exit function End If aBinding=site.ServerBindings if (IsArray(aBinding)) then if aBinding(0) = "" then binding = Null else binding = getBinding(computer, aBinding(0)) end if else if aBinding = "" then binding = Null else binding = getBinding(computer, aBinding) end if end if if IsArray(binding) then if (binding(2) = webname) or (binding(0) = webname) then set findWeb = site exit function End If end if end if next End Function
' Receives a NetBIOS hostname end return the FQDN for that host Function resolveHostName(hostName) Dim ShellObj, FSObj Dim workFile, textFile, lines, index, tempSplit Dim result(2) Set ShellObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set FSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") workFile = FSObj.GetTempName
' Execute "nslookup <hostName> ShellObj.Run "%COMSPEC% /c nslookup " & hostName & " > " & workFile, 0, true Set ShellObj = nothing Set textFile = FSObj.OpenTextFile(workFile) lines = split(textFile.ReadAll, VBCrLf) textFile.Close Set textFile = nothing FSObj.DeleteFile workFile Set FSObj = nothing for index = 0 to UBound(lines) ' Look for "Name: host.domain" if instr(lines(index), "Name:") then tempSplit = split(lines(index), ":") result(0) = Trim(tempSplit(1)) tempSplit = split(lines(index + 1), ":") result(1) = Trim(tempSplit(1)) resolveHostName = result exit for end if next End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Display(Msg) WScript.Echo Now & ". Error Code: " & Hex(Err) & " - " & Msg End Sub
Sub Trace(Msg) WScript.Echo Msg End Sub
Sub DisplayUsage() WScript.Echo " findweb [--computer|-c COMPUTER]" WScript.Echo " [WEBSITE]" WScript.Echo " [--help|-?]" WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Finds the named web on the specified computer." WScript.Echo "Displays the site number, description, host name, port," WScript.Echo "and IP Address" WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Note, WEBSITE is the name of the Web Site to look for." WScript.Echo "The name can be specified as one of the following, in the priority specified:" WScript.Echo " Server Number (i.e. 1, 2, 10, etc.)" WScript.Echo " Server Description (i.e ""My Server"")" WScript.Echo " Server Host name (i.e. ""www.domain.com"")" WScript.Echo " IP Address (i.e.," WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "Example findweb -c MACHINE www.mycompany.com" WScript.Quit End Sub '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------