'Big gnarly function to create a new node of the appropriate type 'and set the appropriate properties on it. Const IISAO_APPROT_POOL = 2
Function CreateNewNode() 'commented out during development. I need to see what's happening if it's busted. On Error Resume Next
'dim all are vars, we should have option explicit on Dim sService, sKeyType, sNodeName, iNodeType, oParentNode, oNewNode, oRootNode, oAdminSite, oAdminRoot Dim bParentIsSite, iParentID, sPhysPath, oFileSystem, sRootKeyType, iSiteType, sNodeID Dim thispath, bIsApp bIsApp = False 'Grab our parameters and stick 'em in some variables. 'Also, convert to int for comparsion... all request vars come in as variant/strings 'in vbscript 0 <> "0" iNodeType = cInt(Request("NodeType")) iSiteType = cInt(Request("SiteType")) 'This is the name of the site, alias of the vdir, or dir name for the directory sNodeName = Request("NodeName") thispath = Session("ParentADSPath") 'Get our parent metabase node. This is where we will be adding a child node. Set oParentNode = GetObject(thispath) 'Find out if we are adding onto a site, a vdir or a dir. 'The type will determine where we add the new node. bParentIsSite = InStr(oParentNode.KeyType,SSITE) > 0
'If we are adding on a site... if InStr(oParentNode.KeyType,SSITE) > 0 then 'And the type of node we are adding is a site.. if iNodeType = SITE then 'Then add a sibling to the parent. Set oParentNode = GetObject(BASEPATH & SERVICES(iSiteType)) 'we will be adding either a vdir or a dir else 'so, we need to add it on the Root of the parent node. Set oParentNode = GetObject(oParentNode.ADsPath & ROOT) end if 'If the parent node is the computer node... elseif InStr(oParentNode.KeyType,SCOMP) > 0 then 'then we know we are adding a new site, to the Serivce node. Set oParentNode = GetObject(BASEPATH & SERVICES(iSiteType)) 'The else case here is irrelevant... it means we must be adding 'a vdir or dir to a vdir or a dir, so we can use our parentpath 'as is. 'else end if 'If we are adding a site, then we need to find out what the new instance number is... if iNodeType = SITE then 'sNodeID will hold the NAME property... 'sNodeName will be put into the Server Comment property sNodeID = cInt(sGetNextInstanceName(iSiteType)) 'This is the parent id for the client-side node tree cache. 'New sites always have a parent id of 0 (ie, the computer node) iParentID = 0 else 'The node id will be = to the Alias or Directory name sNodeID = sNodeName 'We've stored the currently selected parent id in a Session var... iParentID = Session("ParentID") end if
'Get the properly formatted Keytype for the node we are adding... sKeyType = sGetKeyType(iSiteType, iNodeType) '#IFDEF _DEBUG 'Response.write oParentNode.KeyType & "<BR>" 'Response.write sKeyType & "<BR>" 'Response.write sNodeID & "<BR>" '#ENDDEF _DEBUG
'MAKE THE NODE! WOO-HOO set oNewNode = GetObject(oParentNode.ADsPath & "/" & sNodeID) if err <> 0 then err.clear Set oNewNode=oParentNode.Create(sKeyType, sNodeID) end if
'Now, we have to set all the required stuff... if iNodeType = SITE then
'Sites require a Root node, server comment, server bindings, secure bindings 'Subsequently, there will be stuff set on this newly created root node. 'If they don't exist... we don't add the properties. sRootKeyType = sGetKeyType(iSiteType, VDIR) Set oRootNode=oNewNode.Create(sRootKeyType, "ROOT") oNewNode.ServerComment = sNodeName
if Request("TCPPort") <> "" then oNewNode.ServerBindings= Array(Request("IPAddress") & ":" & Request("TCPPort") & ":") end if
if Request("SSLPort") <> "" then oNewNode.SecureBindings= Array(Request("IPAddress") & ":" & Request("SSLPort") & ":") end if oNewNode.SetInfo else Set oRootNode = oNewNode end if
if iNodeType = DIR then 'Directories require a path. We have to build it from the parent's path, as all 'the user just entered was the new directory name. sPhysPath = sGetPhysPath(oParentNode, sNodeName) Set oFileSystem=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") oFileSystem.CreateFolder(sPhysPath) else
'Set some vdir stuff. This creates an application, etc. oRootNode.Path=Request("VRPath") oRootNode.SetInfo if iSiteType = WEB then oRootNode.AuthAnonymous = Request("AllowAnon") = "on" oRootNode.AppFriendlyName = L_DEFAULTAPP_TEXT oRootNode.AppCreate2 IISAO_APPROT_POOL if iNodeType <> SITE then bIsApp = True end if end if end if
If COMPLETE then 'Set access permissions. 'This will always set the bits, and never allow inheritence on these properties. 'The more sensible solution seems to be that if ANY of them are set, then 'we set all to True/False based on their selections. Otherwise, we don't set the 'properties. oRootNode.AccessRead=Request("AllowRead") = "on" oRootNode.AccessWrite=Request("AllowWrite") = "on" if iSiteType = WEB then oRootNode.EnableDirBrowsing=Request("AllowDirBrowsing") = "on" oRootNode.AccessScript=Request("AllowScript") = "on" oRootNode.AccessExecute=Request("AllowExecute") = "on" end if End If
'Commit the changes... oRootNode.SetInfo oNewNode.SetInfo 'Determine if we add the IISADMIN vdir for remote administration, and add it as appropriate. if iSiteType = WEB and iNodeType = SITE and Request("AllowRemote")= "on" then 'Create the remoteable vdir Set oAdminSite=GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/" & Request.ServerVariables("INSTANCE_ID") & "/Root/IISADMIN") Set oAdminRoot=oRootNode.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir","IISADMIN") oAdminRoot.Path=oAdminSite.Path oAdminRoot.SetInfo oAdminRoot.AuthNTLM=True oAdminRoot.AuthAnonymous=False oAdminRoot.AccessRead=True oAdminRoot.AccessScript=True oAdminRoot.SetInfo end if if err = 0 then 'Add to client-cached List... 'To do this, we call a script in a far away frame... %> <SCRIPT LANGAUGE="JavaScript"> // Work around for IE3 Instead of doing our work here, we will // call iiaddnew.asp and do the work in the context of the main // window.
qstr = "sel=" + "<%=iParentID%>" + "&nodeId=" + "<%= sNodeId%>" + "&nodeName=" + escape("<%= sNodeName %>") + "&nodeType=" + "<%=NODETYPES(iNodeType) %>" + "&siteType=" + "<%= CACHE_SITETYPES(iSiteType) %>" + "&isApp=" + "<%= CInt(bIsApp) %>";
top.opener.top.connect.location.href = "iiaddnew.asp?" + qstr; top.window.close(); </SCRIPT> <%
else 'Otherwise, put up a failure message on the completion page. sHandleErrors(err) end if End Function
'Returns the next available instance number Function sGetNextInstanceName(iSiteType) On Error Resume Next Dim oService,oInst, sInstName Set oService=GetObject(BASEPATH & SERVICES(iSiteType)) For Each oInst In oService if isNumeric(oInst.name) then if cint(oInst.name) > sInstName then sInstName=cint(oInst.name) end if end if Next sGetNextInstanceName=cInt(sInstName)+1 End Function
'Return an appropriately formated keytype Function sGetKeyType(iSiteType, iNodeType)
On Error Resume Next
Dim sSvcKey
Select Case SERVICES(iSiteType) Case W3SVC sSvcKey = SWEB Case FTPSVC sSvcKey = SFTP End Select
Select Case iNodeType Case SITE sGetKeyType=IIS & sSvcKey & SSITE Case VDIR sGetKeyType=IIS & sSvcKey & SVDIR Case DIR sGetKeyType=IIS & sSvcKey & SDIR End Select End Function
'Parse the path to return the appropriate site type (web, ftp, computer) from a path Function iGetSiteType(sParentPath,sParentKeyType) dim sSiteType if InStr(sParentKeyType, COMP) then sSiteType = Request("SiteType") if sSiteType = "" then sSiteType = "0" end if iGetSiteType = cInt(sSiteType) else 'Response.write sParentKeyType if InStr(sParentPath,W3SVC) then iGetSiteType = WEB elseif InStr(sParentPath,FTPSVC) then iGetSiteType = FTP end if end if End Function
'Get the physical path for a directory, based on the parent path Function sGetPhysPath(oParentNode, sDirName)
Dim sParentType, sNewPath, sBasePath 'The physical directory may not currently 'exist in the metabase, so we have 'to find the parent vdir associated with 'the dir and build the path from there.
sParentType = oParentNode.KeyType sNewPath = sDirName sBasePath = oParentNode.ADsPath Do Until Instr(sParentType, SVDIR) <> 0 'we need clear our path not found error.. err = 0 'add our initial whack... sNewPath = "/" + sNewPath 'and cyle through the baseobj till we find the next whack, 'building up the path in new name as we go Do Until Right(sBasePath,1) = "/" sNewPath = Right(sBasePath,1) & sNewPath sBasePath = Mid(sBasePath,1,Len(sBasePath)-1) Loop 'once we're out, we need to lop off the last whack... sBasePath = Mid(sBasePath,1,Len(sBasePath)-1) 'and try to set the object again... Set oParentNode=GetObject(sBasePath) if err <> 0 then sParentType = "" else sParentType=oParentNode.KeyType end if Loop sGetPhysPath = oParentNode.Path & "\" & sNewPath err.clear End Function
'this is a goofy function to fix the session type we get passed in. 'these have gotten really out of hand. Should go through entire 'system and fix this, so that if we are referincing the site type 'it is ALWAYS W3SVC or MSFTPSVC... not sometimes web, sometimes www 'and sometimes w3svc... ick. sorry.
Function fixSiteType(sessionSite) sessionSite = LCase(sessionSite) if sessionSite = "ftp" then fixSiteType = 1 end if if sessionSite = "www" then fixSiteType = 0 end if End Function %>