#include "stdafx.h"
#include "lzexpand.h"
#include <loadperf.h>
#include "setupapi.h"
#include <ole2.h>
#include <iis64.h>
#include "iadmw.h"
#include "iiscnfg.h"
#include "mdkey.h"
#include "mdentry.h"
#include "mdacl.h"
#include "dcomperm.h"
#include "ocmanage.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "other.h"
#include "kill.h"
#include "strfn.h"
#include "shellutl.h"
#include "svc.h"
#include "setuser.h"
#include "wolfpack.h"
#include <wbemcli.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <Dsgetdc.h>
// for backward compat
GUID g_FTPGuid = { 0x91604620, 0x6305, 0x11ce, 0xae, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x38, 0xb9 }; GUID g_HTTPGuid = { 0x585908c0, 0x6305, 0x11ce, 0xae, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x38, 0xb9 }; GUID g_InetInfoGuid = { 0xa5569b20, 0xabe5, 0x11ce, 0x9c, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x75, 0x27, 0x31 }; GUID g_GopherGuid = { 0x62388f10, 0x58a2, 0x11ce, 0xbe, 0xc8, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x47, 0xae, 0x4e };
// guid stuff
#define MY_DEFINE_GUID(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) extern "C" const GUID name = { l, w1, w2, { b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 } }
#define MY_DEFINE_OLEGUID(name, l, w1, w2) MY_DEFINE_GUID(name, l, w1, w2, 0xC0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x46)
MY_DEFINE_OLEGUID(IID_IPersistFile, 0x0000010b, 0, 0); // must be defined after the guid stuff
#include "shlobj.h"
extern int g_GlobalGuiOverRide; extern int g_GlobalTickValue; extern int g_CheckIfMetabaseValueWasWritten; extern HSPFILEQ g_GlobalFileQueueHandle; extern int g_GlobalFileQueueHandle_ReturnError;
const TCHAR PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG[] = _T("ProcessEntry_Entry:ParseError:%1!s!:%2!s! -- entry to big. FAIL.\n"); const TCHAR csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED[] = _T("%s():101 Required for this 100 type and not specified, fail. entry=%s. Section=%s.\n"); const TCHAR csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED[] = _T("%s():102 Required for this 100 type and not specified, fail. entry=%s. Section=%s.\n"); const TCHAR csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED[] = _T("%s():103 Required for this 100 type and not specified, fail. entry=%s. Section=%s.\n"); const TCHAR csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED[] = _T("%s():104 Required for this 100 type and not specified, fail. entry=%s. Section=%s.\n"); const TCHAR csz105_NOT_SPECIFIED[] = _T("%s():105 Required for this 100 type and not specified, fail. entry=%s. Section=%s.\n"); const TCHAR csz805_NOT_SPECIFIED[] = _T("%s():805 Required for this 100 type and not specified, fail. entry=%s. Section=%s.\n");
typedef struct _MTS_ERROR_CODE_STRUCT { int iMtsThingWeWereDoing; DWORD dwErrorCode; } MTS_ERROR_CODE_STRUCT;
const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_100[] = _T("100="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_101[] = _T("101="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_102[] = _T("102="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_103[] = _T("103="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_104[] = _T("104="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_105[] = _T("105="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_106[] = _T("106=");
const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_200[] = _T("200="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_701[] = _T("701="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_702[] = _T("702="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_703[] = _T("703="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_801[] = _T("801="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_802[] = _T("802="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_803[] = _T("803="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_804[] = _T("804="); const TCHAR ThingToDoNumType_805[] = _T("805=");
typedef struct _ThingToDo { TCHAR szType[20]; TCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szData1[_MAX_PATH + _MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szData2[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szData3[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szData4[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szChangeDir[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szOS[10]; TCHAR szPlatformArchitecture[10]; TCHAR szEnterprise[10]; TCHAR szErrIfFileNotFound[10]; TCHAR szMsgBoxBefore[10]; TCHAR szMsgBoxAfter[10]; TCHAR szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed[10]; TCHAR szProgressTitle[100]; } ThingToDo;
extern OCMANAGER_ROUTINES gHelperRoutines;
extern int g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag; extern int g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag_WasSetByUnattendFile; extern int g_GlobalDebugCallValidateHeap; extern int g_GlobalDebugCrypto; extern int g_GlobalFastLoad;
// Our Global List of Warnings to display after setup is completed.
CStringList gcstrListOfWarnings; CStringList gcstrProgressBarTextStack;
CStringList gcstrListOfOleInits;
LCID g_MyTrueThreadLocale;
DWORD WINAPI GetNewlyCreatedThreadLocale(LPVOID lpParameter) { g_MyTrueThreadLocale = GetThreadLocale (); return 0; }
int CheckForWriteAccess(LPCTSTR szFile) { int iReturn = FALSE;
// check if the file exists
// if it doesn't then return true!
if (IsFileExist(szFile) != TRUE) { // we've got write access!
return TRUE; }
// try to open the file for write; if we can't, the file is read-only
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // we've got write access!
iReturn = TRUE; CloseHandle (hFile); }
return iReturn; }
// Return Value:
// TRUE - the operating system is NTS Enterprise
// FALSE - the operating system is not correct.
int iReturnTrueIfEnterprise(void) { BOOL fReturnValue; OSVERSIONINFOEX osiv; ZeroMemory( &osiv, sizeof( OSVERSIONINFOEX ) );
osiv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( OSVERSIONINFOEX ); osiv.dwMajorVersion = 5; osiv.dwMinorVersion = 0; osiv.wServicePackMajor = 0; osiv.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE;
DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask; dwlConditionMask = (DWORDLONG) 0L;
fReturnValue = VerifyVersionInfo( &osiv,VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION | VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR | VER_SUITENAME,dwlConditionMask ); if ( fReturnValue != (BOOL) TRUE ) { DWORD dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); }
return ( fReturnValue ); }
void GlobalOleInitList_Push(int iTrueOrFalse) { if (FALSE == iTrueOrFalse) { gcstrListOfOleInits.AddTail(_T("TRUE")); } else { gcstrListOfOleInits.AddTail(_T("FALSE")); } return; }
int GlobalOleInitList_Find(void) { if (gcstrListOfOleInits.IsEmpty() == TRUE) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
int GlobalOleInitList_Pop(void) { CString csText; if (gcstrListOfOleInits.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { csText = gcstrListOfWarnings.RemoveTail(); if (_tcsicmp(csText, _T("TRUE")) == 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
void ProgressBarTextStack_Push(CString csText) { gcstrListOfWarnings.AddTail(csText); if (gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext) { gHelperRoutines.SetProgressText(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,csText); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("SetProgressText = %s\n"),csText)); } return; }
void ProgressBarTextStack_Pop(void) { int iFoundLastEntry = FALSE; CString csText; // Get the last entry off of the stack and display it.
if (gcstrListOfWarnings.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { csText = gcstrListOfWarnings.RemoveTail(); if (gcstrListOfWarnings.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { csText = gcstrListOfWarnings.GetTail(); if (csText) { iFoundLastEntry = TRUE; } } }
if (iFoundLastEntry) { if (gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext) { gHelperRoutines.SetProgressText(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,csText); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("SetProgressText = %s\n"),csText)); } } else { if (gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext) { gHelperRoutines.SetProgressText(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T(" ")); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("SetProgressText = ' '\n"))); } } return; }
void ListOfWarnings_Add(TCHAR * szEntry) { //Add entry to the list of warnings if not already there
if (_tcsicmp(szEntry, _T("")) != 0) { // Add it if it is not already there.
if (TRUE != IsThisStringInThisCStringList(gcstrListOfWarnings, szEntry)) { gcstrListOfWarnings.AddTail(szEntry); } } return; }
void ListOfWarnings_Display(void) { if (gcstrListOfWarnings.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("************** WARNINGS START **************"))); POSITION pos = NULL; CString csEntry; pos = gcstrListOfWarnings.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { csEntry = gcstrListOfWarnings.GetAt(pos); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("%1!s!\n"), csEntry)); gcstrListOfWarnings.GetNext(pos); } iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("************** WARNINGS END **************"))); } return; }
int DebugLevelRegistryOveride(TCHAR * szSectionName, TCHAR * ValueName, int * iValueToSet) { int iReturn = FALSE;
CRegKey regKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_INETSTP, KEY_READ); if ((HKEY)regKey) { // create the key to lookup
// iis5_SectionName_ValueName
// iis5_SetupInfo_
if (szSectionName && ValueName) { TCHAR szTempRegString[255]; DWORD dwValue = 0x0; _stprintf(szTempRegString, _T("IIS5:%s:%s"), szSectionName, ValueName); regKey.m_iDisplayWarnings = FALSE; if (regKey.QueryValue(szTempRegString, dwValue) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwValue <= 32000) { *iValueToSet = (int) dwValue; iReturn = TRUE; } iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("RegistryINFValuesOveride:%s=%d."),szTempRegString, *iValueToSet)); } } } return iReturn; }
void GetDebugLevelFromInf(IN HINF hInfFileHandle) { int iTempDisplayLogging = FALSE; INFCONTEXT Context; TCHAR szTempString[10] = _T("");
// DebugLevel
if (!g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag_WasSetByUnattendFile) { iTempDisplayLogging = FALSE; g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag = LOG_TYPE_ERROR; if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hInfFileHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("DebugLevel"), &Context) ) { SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, 10, NULL);
if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szTempString)) { g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag = _ttoi((LPCTSTR) szTempString); iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE; }
if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API ) { g_CheckIfMetabaseValueWasWritten = TRUE; } } if (DebugLevelRegistryOveride(_T("SetupInfo"), _T("DebugLevel"), &g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag)) {iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE;} if (iTempDisplayLogging) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("DebugLevel=%d."),g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag));} } else { if (DebugLevelRegistryOveride(_T("SetupInfo"), _T("DebugLevel"), &g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag)) {iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE;} if (iTempDisplayLogging) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("DebugLevel=%d."),g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag));} }
// DebugValidateHeap
iTempDisplayLogging = FALSE; g_GlobalDebugCallValidateHeap = TRUE; if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hInfFileHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("DebugValidateHeap"), &Context) ) { SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, 10, NULL); if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szTempString)) { g_GlobalDebugCallValidateHeap = _ttoi((LPCTSTR) szTempString); iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE; } } if (DebugLevelRegistryOveride(_T("SetupInfo"), _T("DebugValidateHeap"), &g_GlobalDebugCallValidateHeap)) {iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE;} if (iTempDisplayLogging) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("DebugValidateHeap=%d."),g_GlobalDebugCallValidateHeap));}
// DebugCrypto
iTempDisplayLogging = FALSE; g_GlobalDebugCrypto = 0; if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hInfFileHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("DebugCrypto"), &Context) ) { SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, 10, NULL); if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szTempString)) { g_GlobalDebugCrypto = _ttoi((LPCTSTR) szTempString); iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE; } } if (DebugLevelRegistryOveride(_T("SetupInfo"), _T("DebugCrypto"), &g_GlobalDebugCrypto)) {iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE;} if (iTempDisplayLogging) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("DebugCrypto=%d."),g_GlobalDebugCrypto));}
// FastDllInit
iTempDisplayLogging = FALSE; g_GlobalFastLoad = FALSE; if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hInfFileHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("FastDllInit"), &Context) ) { SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, 10, NULL); if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szTempString)) { g_GlobalFastLoad = _ttoi((LPCTSTR) szTempString); iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE; } } if (DebugLevelRegistryOveride(_T("SetupInfo"), _T("FastDllInit"), &g_GlobalFastLoad)) {iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE;} if (iTempDisplayLogging) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("GlobalFastLoad=%d."),g_GlobalFastLoad));}
// Check if we should display messagebox popups
iTempDisplayLogging = FALSE; if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hInfFileHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("DisplayMsgbox"), &Context) ) { SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, 10, NULL); if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szTempString)) { int iTempNum = 0; iTempNum = _ttoi((LPCTSTR) szTempString); if (iTempNum > 0) { g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = TRUE; iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE; } } } if (DebugLevelRegistryOveride(_T("SetupInfo"), _T("DisplayMsgbox"), &g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups)) {iTempDisplayLogging = TRUE;} if (iTempDisplayLogging) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("DisplayMsgbox=%d."),g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups));} return; }
//* This routine will center a dialog in the active windows.
//* ENTRY:
//* hwndDlg - Dialog window.
void uiCenterDialog( HWND hwndDlg ) { RECT rc; RECT rcScreen; int x, y; int cxDlg, cyDlg; int cxScreen; int cyScreen;
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcScreen, 0);
cxScreen = rcScreen.right - rcScreen.left; cyScreen = rcScreen.bottom - rcScreen.top;
x = rc.left; // Default is to leave the dialog where the template
y = rc.top; // was going to place it.
cxDlg = rc.right - rc.left; cyDlg = rc.bottom - rc.top;
y = rcScreen.top + ((cyScreen - cyDlg) / 2); x = rcScreen.left + ((cxScreen - cxDlg) / 2);
// Position the dialog.
SetWindowPos(hwndDlg, NULL, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Checks if a specific key in the given section and given file*
//* is defined. IF so, get the value. OW return -1 *
//* *
DWORD IsMyKeyExists( LPCTSTR lpSec, LPCTSTR lpKey, LPTSTR lpBuf, UINT uSize, LPCTSTR lpFile ) { DWORD dwRet;
dwRet = GetPrivateProfileString( lpSec, lpKey, "ZZZZZZ", lpBuf, uSize, lpFile );
if ( !lstrcmp( lpBuf, "ZZZZZZ" ) ) { // no key defined
dwRet = (DWORD)(-1); } return dwRet; }
// FormStrWithoutPlaceHolders( LPTSTR szDst, LPCTSTR szSrc, LPCTSTR lpFile );
// This function can be easily described by giving examples of what it
// does:
// Input: GenFormStrWithoutPlaceHolders(dest,"desc=%MS_XYZ%", hinf) ;
// INF file has MS_VGA="Microsoft XYZ" in its [Strings] section!
// Output: "desc=Microsoft XYZ" in buffer dest when done.
// szDst - the destination where the string after the substitutions
// for the place holders (the ones enclosed in "%' chars!)
// is placed. This buffer should be big enough (LINE_LEN)
// szSrc - the string with the place holders.
// EXIT:
// To use a '%' as such in the string, one would use %% in szSrc!
// For the sake of simplicity, we have placed a restriction that the place
// holder name string cannot have a '%' as part of it! If this is a problem
// for internationalization, we can revisit this and support it too! Also,
// the way it is implemented, if there is only one % in the string, it is
// also used as such! Another point to note is that if the key is not
// found in the [Strings] section, we just use the %strkey% as such in the
// destination. This should really help in debugging.
// Get/modified it from setupx: gen1.c
DWORD FormStrWithoutPlaceHolders( LPTSTR szDst, LPCTSTR szSrc, LPCTSTR lpFile) { int uCnt ; DWORD dwRet; TCHAR *pszTmp; LPTSTR pszSaveDst;
pszSaveDst = szDst; // Do until we reach the end of source (null char)
while( (*szDst++ = *szSrc) ) { // Increment source as we have only incremented destination above
if(*szSrc++ == '%') { if (*szSrc == '%') { // One can use %% to get a single percentage char in message
szSrc++ ; continue ; }
// see if it is well formed -- there should be a '%' delimiter
if ( (pszTmp = strchr( szSrc, '%')) != NULL ) { szDst--; // get back to the '%' char to replace
// yes, there is a STR_KEY to be looked for in [Strings] sect.
*pszTmp = '\0' ; // replace '%' with a NULL char
dwRet = IsMyKeyExists( _T("Strings"), szSrc, szDst, _MAX_PATH, lpFile ); if ( dwRet == -1 ) { *pszTmp = '%'; // put back original character
szSrc-- ; // get back to first '%' in Src
uCnt = DIFF(pszTmp - szSrc) + 1; // include 2nd '%'
// UGHHH... It copies 1 less byte from szSrc so that it can put
// in a NULL character, that I don't care about!!!
// Different from the normal API I am used to...
lstrcpyn( szDst, szSrc, uCnt + 1 ) ; return (DWORD)-1; } else { // all was well, Dst filled right, but unfortunately count not passed
// back, like it used too... :-( quick fix is a lstrlen()...
uCnt = lstrlen( szDst ) ; }
*pszTmp = '%' ; // put back original character
szSrc = pszTmp + 1 ; // set Src after the second '%'
szDst += uCnt ; // set Dst also right.
} // else it is ill-formed -- we use the '%' as such!
else { return (DWORD)-1; } }
} // while
return (DWORD)lstrlen(pszSaveDst); } */
void LogImportantFiles(void) { TCHAR buf[_MAX_PATH]; if (g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle) { LogFileVersionsForGroupOfSections(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle); }
// display current files in inetsrv date/version.
CString csTempPath = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv; LogFilesInThisDir(csTempPath);
// display the setup iis.dll file
GetSystemDirectory( buf, _MAX_PATH); csTempPath = buf; csTempPath = AddPath(csTempPath, _T("iis.dll")); LogFileVersion(csTempPath, TRUE);
return; }
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
int CreateIUSRAccount(CString csUsername, CString csPassword, INT* piNewlyCreatedUser) { int err; CString csComment, csFullName; INT iUserWasDeleted = 0;
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("CreateIUSRAccount(): %1!s!\n"), csUsername));
// delete the old user first
// create the new user
MyLoadString(IDS_USER_COMMENT, csComment); MyLoadString(IDS_USER_FULLNAME, csFullName);
// Create user either returns NERR_Success or err code
err = CreateUser(csUsername, csPassword, csComment, csFullName, FALSE, piNewlyCreatedUser); if (err == NERR_Success) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CreateIUSRAccount(): Return 0x%x Suceess\n"), err));} else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CreateIUSRAccount(): Return Err=0x%x FAILURE. deleting and retrying.\n"), err));
// try to delete it first then create it.
DeleteGuestUser((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)csUsername,&iUserWasDeleted); err = CreateUser(csUsername, csPassword, csComment, csFullName, FALSE, piNewlyCreatedUser); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CreateIUSRAccount(): Return 0x%x\n"), err)); } return err; }
int CreateIWAMAccount(CString csUsername, CString csPassword,INT* piNewlyCreatedUser) { int err; CString csComment, csFullName; INT iUserWasDeleted = 0;
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("CreateIWAMAccount(): %1!s!\n"), csUsername)); //iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CreateIWAMAccount(): %1!s!\n"), csPassword));
// delete the old user first
// create the new user
MyLoadString(IDS_WAMUSER_COMMENT, csComment); MyLoadString(IDS_WAMUSER_FULLNAME, csFullName);
// Create user either returns NERR_Success or err code
err = CreateUser(csUsername, csPassword, csComment, csFullName, TRUE, piNewlyCreatedUser); if (err == NERR_Success) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CreateIWAMAccount(): Return 0x%x Suceess\n"), err));} else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CreateIWAMAccount(): Return Err=0x%x FAILURE. deleting and retrying.\n"), err));
// try to delete it first then create it.
DeleteGuestUser((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)csUsername,&iUserWasDeleted); err = CreateUser(csUsername, csPassword, csComment, csFullName, TRUE, piNewlyCreatedUser); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CreateIWAMAccount(): Return 0x%x\n"), err)); } return err; } #endif //_CHICAGO_
INT InstallPerformance(CString nlsRegPerf,CString nlsDll,CString nlsOpen,CString nlsClose,CString nlsCollect ) { iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("InstallPerformance"),nlsDll); INT err = NERR_Success;
if (g_pTheApp->m_eOS != OS_W95) { CRegKey regPerf( nlsRegPerf, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ); if (regPerf) { regPerf.SetValue(_T("Library"), nlsDll ); regPerf.SetValue(_T("Open"), nlsOpen ); regPerf.SetValue(_T("Close"), nlsClose ); regPerf.SetValue(_T("Collect"), nlsCollect ); } }
iisDebugOut_End1(_T("InstallPerformance"),nlsDll); return(err); } //
// Add eventlog to the registry
INT AddEventLog(BOOL fSystem, CString nlsService, CString nlsMsgFile, DWORD dwType) { iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("AddEventLog"),nlsMsgFile); INT err = NERR_Success; CString nlsLog = (fSystem)? REG_EVENTLOG_SYSTEM : REG_EVENTLOG_APPLICATION; nlsLog += _T("\\"); nlsLog += nlsService;
CRegKey regService( nlsLog, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ); if ( regService ) { regService.SetValue( _T("EventMessageFile"), nlsMsgFile, TRUE ); regService.SetValue( _T("TypesSupported"), dwType ); } iisDebugOut_End1(_T("AddEventLog"),nlsMsgFile); return(err); }
// Remove eventlog from the registry
INT RemoveEventLog( BOOL fSystem, CString nlsService ) { iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("RemoveEventLog"),nlsService); INT err = NERR_Success; CString nlsLog = (fSystem)? REG_EVENTLOG_SYSTEM : REG_EVENTLOG_APPLICATION;
CRegKey regService( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, nlsLog ); if ( regService ) { regService.DeleteTree( nlsService ); } iisDebugOut_End1(_T("RemoveEventLog"),nlsService); return(err); }
// Install SNMP agent to the registry
INT InstallAgent( CString nlsName, CString nlsPath ) { iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("InstallAgent"),nlsPath); INT err = NERR_Success; do { CString nlsSnmpParam = REG_SNMPPARAMETERS; CRegKey regSnmpParam( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, nlsSnmpParam ); if ( regSnmpParam == (HKEY)NULL ) break;
CString nlsSoftwareMSFT = _T("Software\\Microsoft"); CRegKey regSoftwareMSFT( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, nlsSoftwareMSFT ); if ( (HKEY) NULL == regSoftwareMSFT ) break;
// add agent key
CRegKey regAgent( nlsName, regSoftwareMSFT ); if ( (HKEY) NULL == regAgent ) break;
CString nlsCurVersion = _T("CurrentVersion"); CRegKey regAgentCurVersion( nlsCurVersion, regAgent ); if ((HKEY) NULL == regAgentCurVersion ) break; regAgentCurVersion.SetValue(_T("Pathname"), nlsPath );
CRegKey regAgentParam( nlsName, regSnmpParam ); if ((HKEY) NULL == regAgentParam ) break;
CString nlsSnmpExt = REG_SNMPEXTAGENT; CRegKey regSnmpExt( nlsSnmpExt, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ); if ((HKEY) NULL == regSnmpExt ) break;
// find the first available number slot
for ( INT i=0; ;i++ ) { CString nlsPos; nlsPos.Format( _T("%d"),i); CString nlsValue;
if ( regSnmpExt.QueryValue( nlsPos, nlsValue ) != NERR_Success ) { // okay, an empty spot
nlsValue.Format(_T("%s\\%s\\%s"),_T("Software\\Microsoft"),(LPCTSTR)nlsName,_T("CurrentVersion") );
regSnmpExt.SetValue( nlsPos, nlsValue ); break; } else { if ( nlsValue.Find( nlsName) != (-1)) { break; } } }
} while (FALSE);
iisDebugOut_End1(_T("InstallAgent"),nlsPath); return(err); }
// Remove an SNMP agent from the registry
INT RemoveAgent( CString nlsServiceName ) { iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("RemoveAgent"),nlsServiceName); INT err = NERR_Success; do { CString nlsSoftwareAgent = _T("Software\\Microsoft");
CRegKey regSoftwareAgent( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, nlsSoftwareAgent ); if ((HKEY)NULL == regSoftwareAgent ) break; regSoftwareAgent.DeleteTree( nlsServiceName );
CString nlsSnmpParam = REG_SNMPPARAMETERS;
CRegKey regSnmpParam( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, nlsSnmpParam ); if ((HKEY) NULL == regSnmpParam ) break; regSnmpParam.DeleteTree( nlsServiceName );
CString nlsSnmpExt = REG_SNMPEXTAGENT; CRegKey regSnmpExt( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, nlsSnmpExt ); if ((HKEY) NULL == regSnmpExt ) break;
CRegValueIter enumSnmpExt( regSnmpExt );
CString strName; DWORD dwType; CString csServiceName;
csServiceName = _T("\\") + nlsServiceName; csServiceName += _T("\\");
while ( enumSnmpExt.Next( &strName, &dwType ) == NERR_Success ) { CString nlsValue;
regSnmpExt.QueryValue( strName, nlsValue );
if ( nlsValue.Find( csServiceName ) != (-1)) { // found it
regSnmpExt.DeleteValue( (LPCTSTR)strName ); break; } } } while (FALSE);
iisDebugOut_End1(_T("RemoveAgent"),nlsServiceName); return(err); }
void lodctr(LPCTSTR lpszIniFile) { #ifndef _CHICAGO_
iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("lodctr"),lpszIniFile); CString csCmdLine = _T("lodctr "); csCmdLine += g_pTheApp->m_csSysDir; csCmdLine += _T("\\"); csCmdLine += lpszIniFile;
iisDebugOut_Start((_T("loadperf.dll:LoadPerfCounterTextStrings"))); LoadPerfCounterTextStrings((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)csCmdLine, TRUE); iisDebugOut_End((_T("loadperf.dll:LoadPerfCounterTextStrings"))); iisDebugOut_End1(_T("lodctr"),lpszIniFile); #endif
return; }
void unlodctr(LPCTSTR lpszDriver) { #ifndef _CHICAGO_
iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("unlodctr"),lpszDriver); CString csCmdLine = _T("unlodctr "); csCmdLine += lpszDriver; iisDebugOut_Start(_T("loadperf.dll:UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings")); UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)csCmdLine, TRUE); iisDebugOut_End((_T("loadperf.dll:UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings"))); iisDebugOut_End1(_T("unlodctr"),lpszDriver); #endif
return; }
typedef void (*P_SslGenerateRandomBits)( PUCHAR pRandomData, LONG size ); P_SslGenerateRandomBits ProcSslGenerateRandomBits = NULL;
BOOL GenRandom(int *lpGoop, DWORD cbGoop) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0;
if (::CryptAcquireContext(&hProv,NULL,NULL,PROV_RSA_FULL,CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) if (::CryptGenRandom(hProv,cbGoop,(BYTE *) lpGoop)) { fRet = TRUE; }
if (hProv) ::CryptReleaseContext(hProv,0);
return fRet; }
int GetRandomNum(void) { int RandomNum; UCHAR cRandomByte;
RandomNum = rand();
__try {
// call the random number function
if (!GenRandom(& RandomNum,1)) { // if that fails then try this one...
if ( ProcSslGenerateRandomBits != NULL ) { (*ProcSslGenerateRandomBits)( &cRandomByte, 1 ); RandomNum = cRandomByte; } } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("nException Caught in SCHANNEL.dll:ProcSslGenerateRandomBits()=0x%x.."),GetExceptionCode())); }
return(RandomNum); }
void ShuffleCharArray(int iSizeOfTheArray, TCHAR * lptsTheArray) { int i; int iTotal; int RandomNum;
iTotal = iSizeOfTheArray / sizeof(_TCHAR); for (i=0; i<iTotal;i++ ) { // shuffle the array
RandomNum=GetRandomNum(); TCHAR c = lptsTheArray[i]; lptsTheArray[i]=lptsTheArray[RandomNum%iTotal]; lptsTheArray[RandomNum%iTotal]=c; } return; }
// password categories
#define NUM_LETTERS 26
#define NUM_NUMBERS 10
#define MIN_PWD_LEN 8
// password must contain at least one each of:
// uppercase, lowercase, punctuation and numbers
DWORD CreateGoodPassword(BYTE *szPwd, DWORD dwLen) {
HCRYPTPROV hProv; DWORD dwErr = 0;
if (CryptAcquireContext(&hProv,NULL,NULL,PROV_RSA_FULL,CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT) == FALSE) return GetLastError();
// zero it out and decrement the size to allow for trailing '\0'
ZeroMemory(szPwd,dwLen); dwLen--;
// generate a pwd pattern, each byte is in the range
// (0..255) mod STRONG_PWD_CATS
// this indicates which character pool to take a char from
BYTE *pPwdPattern = new BYTE[dwLen]; BOOL fFound[STRONG_PWD_CATS]; do { // bug!bug! does CGR() ever fail?
for (DWORD i=0; i < dwLen; i++) fFound[pPwdPattern[i] % STRONG_PWD_CATS] = TRUE;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (!fFound[STRONG_PWD_UPPER] || !fFound[STRONG_PWD_LOWER] || !fFound[STRONG_PWD_PUNC] || !fFound[STRONG_PWD_NUM]) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE,_T("Oops! Regen pattern required [%d, %d, %d, %d]\n"), fFound[STRONG_PWD_UPPER], fFound[STRONG_PWD_LOWER], fFound[STRONG_PWD_PUNC], fFound[STRONG_PWD_NUM])); } #endif
// check that each character category is in the pattern
} while (!fFound[STRONG_PWD_UPPER] || !fFound[STRONG_PWD_LOWER] || !fFound[STRONG_PWD_PUNC] || !fFound[STRONG_PWD_NUM]);
// populate password with random data
// this, in conjunction with pPwdPattern, is
// used to determine the actual data
for (DWORD i=0; i < dwLen; i++) { BYTE bChar = 0;
// there is a bias in each character pool because of the % function
switch (pPwdPattern[i] % STRONG_PWD_CATS) {
case STRONG_PWD_UPPER : bChar = 'A' + szPwd[i] % NUM_LETTERS; break;
case STRONG_PWD_LOWER : bChar = 'a' + szPwd[i] % NUM_LETTERS; break;
case STRONG_PWD_NUM : bChar = '0' + szPwd[i] % NUM_NUMBERS; break;
case STRONG_PWD_PUNC : default: char *szPunc="!@#$%^&*()_-+=[{]};:\'\"<>,./?\\|~`"; DWORD dwLenPunc = lstrlenA(szPunc); bChar = szPunc[szPwd[i] % dwLenPunc]; break; }
szPwd[i] = bChar;
#ifdef _DEBUG
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE,_T("[%03d] Pattern is %d, index is %d, char is '%c'\n"),i,pPwdPattern[i] % STRONG_PWD_CATS,szPwd[i],bChar)); #endif
delete pPwdPattern;
if (hProv != NULL) CryptReleaseContext(hProv,0);
return dwErr; }
// Create a random password
void CreatePasswordOld(TCHAR *pszPassword, int iSize) { //
// Use Maximum available password length, as
// setting any other length might run afoul
// of the minimum password length setting
int nLength = (iSize - 1); int iTotal = 0; int RandomNum = 0; int i; TCHAR six2pr[64] = { _T('A'), _T('B'), _T('C'), _T('D'), _T('E'), _T('F'), _T('G'), _T('H'), _T('I'), _T('J'), _T('K'), _T('L'), _T('M'), _T('N'), _T('O'), _T('P'), _T('Q'), _T('R'), _T('S'), _T('T'), _T('U'), _T('V'), _T('W'), _T('X'), _T('Y'), _T('Z'), _T('a'), _T('b'), _T('c'), _T('d'), _T('e'), _T('f'), _T('g'), _T('h'), _T('i'), _T('j'), _T('k'), _T('l'), _T('m'), _T('n'), _T('o'), _T('p'), _T('q'), _T('r'), _T('s'), _T('t'), _T('u'), _T('v'), _T('w'), _T('x'), _T('y'), _T('z'), _T('0'), _T('1'), _T('2'), _T('3'), _T('4'), _T('5'), _T('6'), _T('7'), _T('8'), _T('9'), _T('*'), _T('_') };
// create a random password
ProcSslGenerateRandomBits = NULL;
HINSTANCE hSslDll = LoadLibraryEx(_T("schannel.dll"), NULL, 0 ); if ( hSslDll ) { ProcSslGenerateRandomBits = (P_SslGenerateRandomBits)GetProcAddress( hSslDll, "SslGenerateRandomBits"); } else { // check if this file has missing file it's supposed to be linked with.
// or if the file has mismatched import\export dependencies with linked files.
#ifdef _WIN64
// don't call cause it's broken
// See the random number generation for rand() call in GetRandomNum()
time_t timer; time( &timer ); srand( (unsigned int) timer );
// shuffle around the global six2pr[] array
ShuffleCharArray(sizeof(six2pr), (TCHAR*) &six2pr); // assign each character of the password array
iTotal = sizeof(six2pr) / sizeof(_TCHAR); for ( i=0;i<nLength;i++ ) { RandomNum=GetRandomNum(); pszPassword[i]=six2pr[RandomNum%iTotal]; }
// in order to meet a possible
// policy set upon passwords..
// replace the last 4 chars with these:
// 1) something from !@#$%^&*()-+=
// 2) something from 1234567890
// 3) an uppercase letter
// 4) a lowercase letter
TCHAR something1[12] = {_T('!'), _T('@'), _T('#'), _T('$'), _T('^'), _T('&'), _T('*'), _T('('), _T(')'), _T('-'), _T('+'), _T('=')}; ShuffleCharArray(sizeof(something1), (TCHAR*) &something1); TCHAR something2[10] = {_T('0'), _T('1'), _T('2'), _T('3'), _T('4'), _T('5'), _T('6'), _T('7'), _T('8'), _T('9')}; ShuffleCharArray(sizeof(something2),(TCHAR*) &something2); TCHAR something3[26] = {_T('A'), _T('B'), _T('C'), _T('D'), _T('E'), _T('F'), _T('G'), _T('H'), _T('I'), _T('J'), _T('K'), _T('L'), _T('M'), _T('N'), _T('O'), _T('P'), _T('Q'), _T('R'), _T('S'), _T('T'), _T('U'), _T('V'), _T('W'), _T('X'), _T('Y'), _T('Z')}; ShuffleCharArray(sizeof(something3),(TCHAR*) &something3); TCHAR something4[26] = {_T('a'), _T('b'), _T('c'), _T('d'), _T('e'), _T('f'), _T('g'), _T('h'), _T('i'), _T('j'), _T('k'), _T('l'), _T('m'), _T('n'), _T('o'), _T('p'), _T('q'), _T('r'), _T('s'), _T('t'), _T('u'), _T('v'), _T('w'), _T('x'), _T('y'), _T('z')}; ShuffleCharArray(sizeof(something4),(TCHAR*)&something4); RandomNum=GetRandomNum(); iTotal = sizeof(something1) / sizeof(_TCHAR); pszPassword[nLength-4]=something1[RandomNum%iTotal];
RandomNum=GetRandomNum(); iTotal = sizeof(something2) / sizeof(_TCHAR); pszPassword[nLength-3]=something2[RandomNum%iTotal];
RandomNum=GetRandomNum(); iTotal = sizeof(something3) / sizeof(_TCHAR); pszPassword[nLength-2]=something3[RandomNum%iTotal];
RandomNum=GetRandomNum(); iTotal = sizeof(something4) / sizeof(_TCHAR); pszPassword[nLength-1]=something4[RandomNum%iTotal];
if (hSslDll) {FreeLibrary( hSslDll );} }
// Creates a secure password
// caller must GlobalFree Return pointer
// iSize = size of password to create
LPTSTR CreatePassword(int iSize) { LPTSTR pszPassword = NULL; BYTE *szPwd = new BYTE[iSize]; DWORD dwPwdLen = iSize; int i = 0;
// use the new secure password generator
// unfortunately this baby doesn't use unicode.
// so we'll call it and then convert it to unicode afterwards.
if (0 == CreateGoodPassword(szPwd,dwPwdLen)) { #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
// convert it to unicode and copy it back into our unicode buffer.
// compute the length
i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPSTR) szPwd, -1, NULL, 0); if (i <= 0) {goto CreatePassword_Exit;} pszPassword = (LPTSTR) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, i * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pszPassword) {goto CreatePassword_Exit;} i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPSTR) szPwd, -1, pszPassword, i); if (i <= 0) { GlobalFree(pszPassword); pszPassword = NULL; goto CreatePassword_Exit; } // make sure ends with null
pszPassword[i - 1] = 0; #else
pszPassword = (LPSTR) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, _tcslen((LPTSTR) szPwd) * sizeof(TCHAR)); #endif
} else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN,_T("CreateGoodPassword FAILED, using other password generator\n"))); // CreateGoodPassword failed...
// lets go with one that we know works...
pszPassword = (LPTSTR) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, iSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pszPassword) {goto CreatePassword_Exit;} CreatePasswordOld(pszPassword,iSize); }
CreatePassword_Exit: if (szPwd){delete szPwd;szPwd=NULL;} return pszPassword; }
BOOL RunProgram( LPCTSTR pszProgram, LPTSTR CmdLine, BOOL fMinimized , DWORD dwWaitTimeInSeconds, BOOL fCreateNewConsole) { DWORD dwProcessType = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; STARTUPINFO si; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof( STARTUPINFO ); if (fMinimized) { GetStartupInfo(&si); si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
// Per bug #321409
// if you don't specify sw_hide, then this
// "accessibility magnifier" app will get funky focus events during setup
// from this CreateProcess.
//si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED;
if (fCreateNewConsole) { dwProcessType = CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("RunProgram:Start:Exe=%1!s!,Parm=%2!s!,NewConsole"),pszProgram, CmdLine)); } else { // for some reason, a cmd window pops up during setup when we call "iisreset.exe /scm"
// only way to prevent this is specify DETACHED_PROCESS
dwProcessType = DETACHED_PROCESS | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("RunProgram:Start:Exe=%1!s!,Parm=%2!s!"),pszProgram, CmdLine)); }
if (!CreateProcess( pszProgram, CmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, dwProcessType, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi )) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("RunProgram:Failed:Exe=%1!s!\n, Parm=%2!s!"),pszProgram, CmdLine)); return FALSE; }
if ( pi.hProcess != NULL ) { DWORD dwSecondsToWait;
if (dwWaitTimeInSeconds == INFINITE) { dwSecondsToWait = INFINITE; } else { dwSecondsToWait = dwWaitTimeInSeconds * 1000; } DWORD dwEvent = WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, dwSecondsToWait); if ( dwEvent != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // check if wait failed
if ( dwEvent == WAIT_FAILED ) {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("RunProgram:WaitForSingleObject() ERROR.WAIT_FAILED.Err=0x%1!x!."),GetLastError()));} else if ( dwEvent == WAIT_ABANDONED ) {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("RunProgram:WaitForSingleObject() WARNING.WAIT_ABANDONED.Err=0x%1!x!."),dwEvent));} else if ( dwEvent == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("RunProgram:WaitForSingleObject() WARNING.WAIT_OBJECT_0.Err=0x%1!x!."),dwEvent));} else if ( dwEvent == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("RunProgram:WaitForSingleObject() WARNING.WAIT_TIMEOUT.Err=0x%1!x!."),dwEvent));} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("RunProgram:WaitForSingleObject() FAILED.Err=0x%1!x!."),dwEvent));}
TerminateProcess( pi.hProcess, -1 ); CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); } CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); }
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("RunProgram:End:Exe=%1!s!,Parm=%2!s!"),pszProgram, CmdLine)); return TRUE; }
void SetAppFriendlyName(LPCTSTR szKeyPath) { CString csKeyPath, csPath, csDesc; CStringArray aPath, aDesc; int nArray = 0, i = 0; CMDKey cmdKey;
// szKeyPath is in the form of LM/W3SVC/i
csKeyPath = szKeyPath;
csPath = csKeyPath + _T("/Root"); aPath.Add(csPath); MyLoadString(IDS_APP_FRIENDLY_ROOT, csDesc); aDesc.Add(csDesc); csPath = csKeyPath + _T("/Root/IISADMIN"); aPath.Add(csPath); MyLoadString(IDS_APP_FRIENDLY_IISADMIN, csDesc); aDesc.Add(csDesc); csPath = csKeyPath + _T("/Root/WEBPUB"); aPath.Add(csPath); MyLoadString(IDS_APP_FRIENDLY_WEBPUB, csDesc); aDesc.Add(csDesc); csPath = csKeyPath + _T("/Root/IISSAMPLES"); aPath.Add(csPath); MyLoadString(IDS_APP_FRIENDLY_IISSAMPLES, csDesc); aDesc.Add(csDesc); csPath = csKeyPath + _T("/Root/IISHELP"); aPath.Add(csPath); MyLoadString(IDS_APP_FRIENDLY_IISHELP, csDesc); aDesc.Add(csDesc);
nArray = (int)aPath.GetSize(); for (i=0; i<nArray; i++) { cmdKey.OpenNode(aPath[i]); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { CString csName; TCHAR szName[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD attr, uType, dType, cbLen; BOOL b; b = cmdKey.GetData(MD_APP_FRIENDLY_NAME, &attr, &uType, &dType, &cbLen, (PBYTE)szName, _MAX_PATH); if (!b || !(*szName)) { csName = aDesc[i]; cmdKey.SetData(MD_APP_FRIENDLY_NAME,METADATA_INHERIT,IIS_MD_UT_WAM,STRING_METADATA,(csName.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),(LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)csName); } cmdKey.Close(); } }
return; }
void SetInProc( LPCTSTR szKeyPath) { CString csKeyPath, csPath; CStringArray aPath; int nArray = 0, i = 0; CMDKey cmdKey;
// szKeyPath is in the form of LM/W3SVC/i
csKeyPath = szKeyPath;
csPath = csKeyPath + _T("/Root/IISSAMPLES"); aPath.Add(csPath); csPath = csKeyPath + _T("/Root/IISHELP"); aPath.Add(csPath); csPath = csKeyPath + _T("/Root/WEBPUB"); aPath.Add(csPath);
nArray = (int)aPath.GetSize(); for (i=0; i<nArray; i++) { cmdKey.OpenNode(aPath[i]); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { CString csName; TCHAR szName[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD attr, uType, dType, cbLen; BOOL b;
b = cmdKey.GetData(MD_APP_ROOT, &attr, &uType, &dType, &cbLen, (PBYTE)szName, _MAX_PATH); cmdKey.Close();
if (!b || !(*szName)) { CreateInProc_Wrap(aPath[i], TRUE); } } }
return; }
// Add a custom error string to the existing custom errors. We are only adding FILE type
// error so that is assumed.
// dwCustErr is the ID of the error
// intSubCode is the sub code of the error. Pass in -1 to get a * for all subcodes
// szFilePath is the file to link to the custom error
// szKeyPath is the path in the metabase to write to
//#define SZ_CUSTOM_ERROR _T("404,*,FILE,%s\\help\\iishelp\\common\\404.htm|")
void AddCustomError(IN DWORD dwCustErr, IN INT intSubCode, IN LPCTSTR szErrorString, IN LPCTSTR szKeyPath, IN BOOL fOverwriteExisting ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("AddCustomError().Start.%d:%d:%s:%s:%d\n"),dwCustErr,intSubCode,szErrorString,szKeyPath,fOverwriteExisting )); CMDKey cmdKey; DWORD err; PVOID pData = NULL; BOOL fFoundExisting = FALSE;
CString csCustomErrorString;
// start by building our new error string
// if intSubCode is < 1 use a * instead of a numerical value
if ( intSubCode < 0 ) csCustomErrorString.Format( _T("%d,*,%s"), dwCustErr, szErrorString ); else csCustomErrorString.Format( _T("%d,%d,%s"), dwCustErr, intSubCode, szErrorString );
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("AddCustomError().part1:%s\n"),csCustomErrorString));
cmdKey.OpenNode(szKeyPath); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { DWORD dwAttr = METADATA_INHERIT; DWORD dwUType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; DWORD dwDType = MULTISZ_METADATA; DWORD dwLength = 0;
// we need to start this process by getting the existing multisz data from the metabase
// first, figure out how much memory we will need to do this
if (_tcsicmp(szKeyPath,_T("LM/W3SVC/Info")) == 0) { dwAttr = METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES; dwUType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; cmdKey.GetData( MD_CUSTOM_ERROR_DESC,&dwAttr,&dwUType,&dwDType,&dwLength,NULL,0,METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES,IIS_MD_UT_SERVER,MULTISZ_METADATA); } else { cmdKey.GetData( MD_CUSTOM_ERROR,&dwAttr,&dwUType,&dwDType,&dwLength,NULL,0,METADATA_INHERIT,IIS_MD_UT_FILE,MULTISZ_METADATA); }
// unfortunatly, the above routine only returns TRUE or FALSE. And since we are purposefully
// passing in a null ponter of 0 size in order to get the length of the data, it will always
// return 0 whether it was because the metabase is inacessable, or there pointer was NULL,
// which it is. So - I guess we assume it worked, allocate the buffer and attempt to read it
// in again.
TCHAR* pErrors; DWORD cbBuffer = dwLength;
// add enough space to the allocated space that we can just append the string
cbBuffer += (csCustomErrorString.GetLength() + 4) * sizeof(WCHAR); dwLength = cbBuffer;
// allocate the space, if it fails, we fail
// note that GPTR causes it to be initialized to zero
pData = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cbBuffer ); if ( !pData ) { cmdKey.Close(); return; } pErrors = (TCHAR*)pData;
// now get the data from the metabase
BOOL f; if (_tcsicmp(szKeyPath,_T("LM/W3SVC/Info")) == 0) { f = cmdKey.GetData( MD_CUSTOM_ERROR_DESC,&dwAttr,&dwUType,&dwDType,&dwLength,(PUCHAR)pData,cbBuffer,METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES,IIS_MD_UT_SERVER,MULTISZ_METADATA ); } else { f = cmdKey.GetData( MD_CUSTOM_ERROR,&dwAttr,&dwUType,&dwDType,&dwLength,(PUCHAR)pData,cbBuffer,METADATA_INHERIT,IIS_MD_UT_FILE,MULTISZ_METADATA ); }
// if we have successfully retrieved the existing custom errors, then we need to scan them
// and remove or find any duplicates. Then we can add our new custom error. Then we can write it
// out. If we didn't retrieve it, then we should just try to write out what we have.
if ( f ) { // got the existing errors, scan them now - pErrors will be pointing at the second end \0
// when it is time to exit the loop.
while ( *pErrors ) { CString csError = pErrors; CString cs; DWORD dwTestErrorID; INT intTestSubCode;
// get the first error ID code
cs = csError.Left( csError.Find(_T(',')) ); csError = csError.Right( csError.GetLength() - (cs.GetLength() +1) ); _stscanf( cs, _T("%d"), &dwTestErrorID );
// get the second code
cs = csError.Left( csError.Find(_T(',')) ); if ( cs == _T('*') ) intTestSubCode = -1; else _stscanf( cs, _T("%d"), &intTestSubCode );
// if it is the same, then chop off this custom error string and do NOT increment pErrors
if ( (dwTestErrorID == dwCustErr) && (intTestSubCode == intSubCode) ) { fFoundExisting = TRUE; // NOTE: if we are not overwriting existing, then just break because we
// won't be doing anything after all - we found an existing one
if ( !fOverwriteExisting ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("AddCustomError().Do not overwritexisting\n"))); break; }
// get the location of the next string in the multisz
TCHAR* pNext = _tcsninc( pErrors, _tcslen(pErrors))+1;
// Get the length of the data to copy
DWORD cbCopyLength = cbBuffer - DIFF((PBYTE)pNext - (PBYTE)pData);
// copy the memory down.
MoveMemory( pErrors, pNext, cbCopyLength );
// do not increment the string
continue; }
// increment pErrors to the next string
pErrors = _tcsninc( pErrors, _tcslen(pErrors))+1; } }
// check if we need to finish this or not
if ( fOverwriteExisting || !fFoundExisting ) { // append our new error to the end of the list. The value pErrors should be pointing
// to the correct location to copy it in to
_tcscpy( pErrors, csCustomErrorString );
// calculate the correct data length for this thing
// get the location of the end of the multisz
TCHAR* pNext = _tcsninc( pErrors, _tcslen(pErrors))+2; // Get the length of the data to copy
cbBuffer = DIFF((PBYTE)pNext - (PBYTE)pData);
// write the new errors list back out to the metabase
} // always close the metabase key
cmdKey.Close(); } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("AddCustomError().OpenNode failed:%s\n"),szKeyPath)); }
// clean up
if ( pData ){GlobalFree(pData);pData=NULL;} iisDebugOut_End((_T("AddCustomError"))); return; }
ScriptMapNode *AllocNewScriptMapNode(LPTSTR szExt, LPTSTR szProcessor, DWORD dwFlags, LPTSTR szMethods) { ScriptMapNode *pNew = NULL;
pNew = (ScriptMapNode *)calloc(1, sizeof(ScriptMapNode)); if (pNew) { _tcscpy(pNew->szExt, szExt); _tcscpy(pNew->szProcessor, szProcessor); pNew->dwFlags = dwFlags; _tcscpy(pNew->szMethods, szMethods); pNew->prev = NULL; pNew->next = NULL; }
return pNew; }
// The script map should not be sored because
// the order is infact important.
void InsertScriptMapList(ScriptMapNode *pList, ScriptMapNode *p, BOOL fReplace) { ScriptMapNode *t; int i; int bFound = FALSE;
if (!p) {return;}
t = pList->next; while (t != pList) { i = _tcsicmp(t->szExt, p->szExt);
// if the next entry in the list is less than what we have.
// then
if (i < 0) { t = t->next; // continue
if (i == 0) { if (fReplace) { // replace t
p->next = t->next; p->prev = t->prev; (t->prev)->next = p; (t->next)->prev = p; free(t); } else { // don't replace t
free(p); } return; }
if (i > 0) { // location found: insert before t
break; } }
// insert before t
p->next = t; p->prev = t->prev; (t->prev)->next = p; t->prev = p; #else
// loop thru the whole list and see if we can find our entry.
// if we cannot find it then add it to the end.
// if we can find it then replace it if we need to.
bFound = FALSE; t = pList->next; while (t != pList) { i = _tcsicmp(t->szExt, p->szExt);
// we found a match, do replace or don't replace
if (i == 0) { bFound = TRUE; if (fReplace) { // replace t
p->next = t->next; p->prev = t->prev; (t->prev)->next = p; (t->next)->prev = p; free(t); } else { // don't replace t
free(p); } return; }
// Go get the next one
t = t->next; }
// see if we found something
if (FALSE == bFound) { // insert before t
p->next = t; p->prev = t->prev; (t->prev)->next = p; t->prev = p; } #endif
return; }
void FreeScriptMapList(ScriptMapNode *pList) { ScriptMapNode *t = NULL, *p = NULL;
t = pList->next; while (t != pList) { p = t->next; free(t); t = p; }
t->prev = t; t->next = t;
return; }
void GetScriptMapListFromRegistry(ScriptMapNode *pList) { iisDebugOut_Start(_T("GetScriptMapListFromRegistry"), LOG_TYPE_TRACE); int iFound = FALSE;
GetScriptMapListFromClean(pList, _T("ScriptMaps_CleanList"));
CRegKey regScriptMap( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3svc\\Parameters\\Script Map")); if ((HKEY)regScriptMap ) { // delete mappings of .bat and .cmd
regScriptMap.DeleteValue( _T(".bat") ); regScriptMap.DeleteValue( _T(".cmd") );
CRegValueIter regEnum( regScriptMap ); CString csExt, csProcessor, csMethods; CString csTemp; ScriptMapNode *pNode;
while ( regEnum.Next( &csExt, &csProcessor ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { iFound = FALSE; csTemp = csProcessor; csTemp.MakeLower(); csMethods = _T("");
if (csTemp.Right(7) == _T("asp.dll")) { // Make sure it points to the new location...
csProcessor = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\asp.dll"); // asp has special methods.
if (csTemp.Right(7) == _T("ism.dll")) { // Make sure it points to the new location...
// remap since ism.dll has a security hole
csProcessor = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\asp.dll"); }
if (csTemp.Right(12) == _T("httpodbc.dll")) { // Make sure it points to the new location...
csProcessor = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\httpodbc.dll"); }
if (csTemp.Right(9) == _T("ssinc.dll")) { // Make sure it points to the new location...
csProcessor = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\ssinc.dll"); }
// Add it to the script map
pNode = AllocNewScriptMapNode((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)csExt, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)csProcessor, MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_SCRIPT, _T("")); InsertScriptMapList(pList, pNode, FALSE); } } iisDebugOut_End(_T("GetScriptMapListFromRegistry"),LOG_TYPE_TRACE); return; }
void GetScriptMapListFromMetabase(ScriptMapNode *pList, int iUpgradeType) { iisDebugOut_Start(_T("GetScriptMapListFromMetabase"), LOG_TYPE_TRACE);
// When upgrading from a metabase we should not add other script maps
// which the user probably explicitly removed!
// GetScriptMapListFromClean(pList, _T("ScriptMaps_CleanList"));
BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD attr, uType, dType, cbLen; CMDKey cmdKey; BUFFER bufData; LPTSTR p, rest, token; CString csName, csValue; PBYTE pData; int BufSize;
CString csBinPath;
cmdKey.OpenNode(_T("LM/W3SVC")); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { pData = (PBYTE)(bufData.QueryPtr()); BufSize = bufData.QuerySize(); cbLen = 0; bFound = cmdKey.GetData(MD_SCRIPT_MAPS, &attr, &uType, &dType, &cbLen, pData, BufSize); if (!bFound && (cbLen > 0)) { if ( ! (bufData.Resize(cbLen)) ) { cmdKey.Close(); return; // insufficient memory
} else { pData = (PBYTE)(bufData.QueryPtr()); BufSize = cbLen; cbLen = 0; bFound = cmdKey.GetData(MD_SCRIPT_MAPS, &attr, &uType, &dType, &cbLen, pData, BufSize); } } cmdKey.Close();
ScriptMapNode *pNode; CString csString; TCHAR szExt[32], szProcessor[_MAX_PATH], szMethods[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwFlags; int i, j, len; if (bFound && (dType == MULTISZ_METADATA)) { p = (LPTSTR)pData; while (*p) { rest = p + _tcslen(p) + 1;
// szExt,szProcessor,dwFlags[,szMethods]
LPTSTR q = p; i = 0; while ( *q ) { if (*q == _T(',')) { i++; *q = _T('\0'); q = _tcsinc(q); if (i == 1) _tcscpy(szExt, p); if (i == 2) _tcscpy(szProcessor, p); if (i == 3) break; p = q; } else { q = _tcsinc(q); } } dwFlags = atodw(p); _tcscpy(szMethods, q);
CString csProcessor = szProcessor; csProcessor.MakeLower();
// Check if this is the one for asp.dll
if (csProcessor.Right(7) == _T("asp.dll")) { // metabase should now have inclusion list and not exclusion list, so
// don't do this for UT_50. 2/23/99 aaronl.
// But UT_40 have a exclusion list.
// So we have to make sure it have the full exclusion list
if ( iUpgradeType == UT_40) { CString csMethods = szMethods; csMethods.MakeUpper();
// changed 4/21/98 aaronl, added 'Options'
if (csMethods.Find(_T("PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS,PROPFIND,PROPPATCH,MKCOL,COPY,MOVE,LOCK,UNLOCK,MS-SEARCH")) == -1) { if (csMethods.IsEmpty()) { // if it's empty, then put to the default.
csMethods = _T("PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS,PROPFIND,PROPPATCH,MKCOL,COPY,MOVE,LOCK,UNLOCK,MS-SEARCH"); } else { if (csMethods.Find(_T("GET")) == -1) { // We didn't find the "GET" verb so we can safely say
// that we are looking at an exclusion list
CString csMethodsNew; csMethodsNew = _T(""); // is put in there? if not add it
if (csMethods.Find(_T("PUT")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("PUT,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("DELETE")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("DELETE,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("OPTIONS")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("OPTIONS,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("PROPFIND")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("PROPFIND,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("PROPPATCH")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("PROPPATCH,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("MKCOL")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("MKCOL,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("COPY")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("COPY,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("MOVE")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("MOVE,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("LOCK")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("LOCK,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("UNLOCK")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("UNLOCK,");} if (csMethods.Find(_T("MS-SEARCH")) == -1) {csMethodsNew += _T("MS-SEARCH,");}
// has an extra ',' at the end
csMethods = csMethodsNew; csMethods += szMethods; } } _tcscpy(szMethods, csMethods); } }
// make sure it points to the new asp.dll location
csBinPath = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\asp.dll"); _tcscpy(szProcessor, csBinPath); } //
// Check if this is the one for ism.dll
if (csProcessor.Right(7) == _T("ism.dll")) { // make sure it points to the new location
// remap since ism.dll has a security hole
csBinPath = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\asp.dll"); _tcscpy(szProcessor, csBinPath); }
// Check if this is the one for httpodbc.dll
if (csProcessor.Right(12) == _T("httpodbc.dll")) { // make sure it points to the new location
csBinPath = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\httpodbc.dll"); _tcscpy(szProcessor, csBinPath); }
// Check if this is the one for ssinc.dll
if (csProcessor.Right(9) == _T("ssinc.dll")) { // make sure it points to the new location
csBinPath = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\ssinc.dll"); _tcscpy(szProcessor, csBinPath); }
p = rest; // points to the next string
pNode = AllocNewScriptMapNode(szExt, szProcessor, dwFlags | MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_SCRIPT, szMethods); //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling InsertScriptMapList=%s:%s:%d:%s.\n"),szExt,szProcessor,dwFlags | MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_SCRIPT,szMethods));
InsertScriptMapList(pList, pNode, TRUE); } } }
iisDebugOut_End(_T("GetScriptMapListFromMetabase"),LOG_TYPE_TRACE); return; }
void DumpScriptMapList() { BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD attr, uType, dType, cbLen; CMDKey cmdKey; BUFFER bufData; LPTSTR p, rest, token; CString csName, csValue; PBYTE pData; int BufSize;
CString csBinPath;
cmdKey.OpenNode(_T("LM/W3SVC")); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { pData = (PBYTE)(bufData.QueryPtr()); BufSize = bufData.QuerySize(); cbLen = 0; bFound = cmdKey.GetData(MD_SCRIPT_MAPS, &attr, &uType, &dType, &cbLen, pData, BufSize); if (!bFound && (cbLen > 0)) { if ( ! (bufData.Resize(cbLen)) ) { cmdKey.Close(); return; // insufficient memory
} else { pData = (PBYTE)(bufData.QueryPtr()); BufSize = cbLen; cbLen = 0; bFound = cmdKey.GetData(MD_SCRIPT_MAPS, &attr, &uType, &dType, &cbLen, pData, BufSize); } } cmdKey.Close();
ScriptMapNode *pNode; CString csString; TCHAR szExt[32], szProcessor[_MAX_PATH], szMethods[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwFlags; int i, j, len; if (bFound && (dType == MULTISZ_METADATA)) { p = (LPTSTR)pData; while (*p) { rest = p + _tcslen(p) + 1;
// szExt,szProcessor,dwFlags[,szMethods]
LPTSTR q = p; i = 0; while ( *q ) { if (*q == _T(',')) { i++; *q = _T('\0'); q = _tcsinc(q); if (i == 1) _tcscpy(szExt, p); if (i == 2) _tcscpy(szProcessor, p); if (i == 3) break; p = q; } else { q = _tcsinc(q); } } dwFlags = atodw(p); _tcscpy(szMethods, q);
CString csProcessor = szProcessor; csProcessor.MakeLower();
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("DumpScriptMapList=%s,%s,%s\n"),szExt, csProcessor,szMethods));
p = rest; // points to the next string
} } }
return; }
void WriteScriptMapListToMetabase(ScriptMapNode *pList, LPTSTR szKeyPath, DWORD dwFlags) { iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("WriteScriptMapListToMetabase"), szKeyPath, LOG_TYPE_TRACE);
CString csString, csTemp; ScriptMapNode *t = NULL; int len = 0;
t = pList->next; while (t != pList) { if ( *(t->szMethods) ) csTemp.Format( _T("%s,%s,%d,%s|"), t->szExt, t->szProcessor, (t->dwFlags | dwFlags), t->szMethods ); else csTemp.Format( _T("%s,%s,%d|"), t->szExt, t->szProcessor, (t->dwFlags | dwFlags) ); len += csTemp.GetLength();
//iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("WriteScriptMapListToMetabase().ADDEntry=%1!s!\n"), csTemp));
csString += csTemp; t = t->next; }
if (len > 0) { HGLOBAL hBlock = NULL;
len++; hBlock = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, len * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (hBlock) { LPTSTR s; s = (LPTSTR)hBlock; _tcscpy(s, csString); while (*s) { if (*s == _T('|')) {*s = _T('\0');} s = _tcsinc(s); }
CMDKey cmdKey; cmdKey.CreateNode(METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE, szKeyPath); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { cmdKey.SetData(MD_SCRIPT_MAPS,METADATA_INHERIT,IIS_MD_UT_FILE,MULTISZ_METADATA,len * sizeof(TCHAR),(LPBYTE)hBlock); cmdKey.Close(); } } }
iisDebugOut_End1(_T("WriteScriptMapListToMetabase"),szKeyPath,LOG_TYPE_TRACE); //DumpScriptMapList();
return; }
// this function does not use the va_list stuff because if
// there ever is this case: iisDebugOut("<SYSTEMROOT>") it will hose
// because it will try to put something in the %s part when there were no
// variables passed in.
void iisDebugOutSafe2(int iLogType, TCHAR * acsString) { // Check what type of log this should be.
int iProceed = FALSE;
if (iLogType == LOG_TYPE_ERROR) {SetErrorFlag(__FILE__, __LINE__);}
switch(iLogType) { case LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_TRACE: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_WARN: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_WARN) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_ERROR: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_ERROR) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; default: // this must be an error
iProceed = TRUE; break; }
if (iProceed) { if (LOG_TYPE_ERROR == iLogType) { g_MyLogFile.LogFileWrite(_T("!FAIL! ")); } // always output to the log file
g_MyLogFile.LogFileWrite(_T("%s"), acsString); //#if DBG == 1 || DEBUG == 1 || _DEBUG == 1
// OK. Here is the deal.
// nt5 does not want to see any OutputDebugString stuff
// so, we need to remove it for them.
// Actually we'll check the registry key
// to see if it is turned on for the ocmanage component.
// if it is then, set it on for us.
if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API) { if (LOG_TYPE_ERROR == iLogType) {OutputDebugString(_T("!FAIL!"));} // output to screen
if (g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo) {OutputDebugString(g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo);} OutputDebugString(acsString);
// if it does not end if '\r\n' then make one.
int nLen = _tcslen(acsString); if (acsString[nLen-1] != _T('\n')) {OutputDebugString(_T("\r\n"));} } //#endif // DBG
} return; }
void iisDebugOut2(int iLogType, TCHAR *pszfmt, ...) { // Check what type of log this should be.
int iProceed = FALSE;
switch(iLogType) { case LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_TRACE: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_WARN: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_WARN) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_ERROR: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_ERROR) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; default: // this must be an error
iProceed = TRUE; break; }
if (iProceed) { TCHAR acsString[1000]; // Encompass this whole iisdebugout deal in a try-catch.
// not too good to have this one access violating.
// when trying to produce a debugoutput!
__try { va_list va; va_start(va, pszfmt); _vstprintf(acsString, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { TCHAR szErrorString[100]; _stprintf(szErrorString, _T("\r\n\r\nException Caught in iisDebugOut2(). GetExceptionCode()=0x%x.\r\n\r\n"), GetExceptionCode()); OutputDebugString(szErrorString); g_MyLogFile.LogFileWrite(szErrorString); }
// output to log file and the screen.
iisDebugOutSafe2(iLogType, acsString); } return; }
// This function requires inputs like this:
// iisDebugOutSafeParams2("this %1!s! is %2!s! and has %3!d! args", "function", "kool", 3);
// you must specify the %1 deals. this is so that
// if something like this is passed in "this %SYSTEMROOT% %1!s!", it will put the string into %1 not %s!
void iisDebugOutSafeParams2(int iLogType, TCHAR *pszfmt, ...) { // Check what type of log this should be.
int iProceed = FALSE; switch(iLogType) { case LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_TRACE: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_WARN: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_WARN) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; case LOG_TYPE_ERROR: if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_ERROR) {iProceed = TRUE;} break; default: // this must be an error
iProceed = TRUE; break; }
if (iProceed) { // The count of parameters do not match
va_list va; TCHAR *pszFullErrMsg = NULL;
va_start(va, pszfmt);
__try { FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER|FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, (LPCVOID) pszfmt, 0, 0, (LPTSTR) &pszFullErrMsg, 0, &va); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { TCHAR szErrorString[100]; _stprintf(szErrorString, _T("\r\n\r\nException Caught in iisDebugOutSafeParams2(). GetExceptionCode()=0x%x.\r\n\r\n"), GetExceptionCode()); OutputDebugString(szErrorString); g_MyLogFile.LogFileWrite(szErrorString); } if (pszFullErrMsg) { // output to log file and the screen.
iisDebugOutSafe2(iLogType, pszFullErrMsg); } va_end(va);
if (pszFullErrMsg) {LocalFree(pszFullErrMsg);pszFullErrMsg=NULL;} } return; }
void HandleSpecificErrors(DWORD iTheErrorCode, DWORD dwFormatReturn, CString csMsg, TCHAR pMsg[], CString *pcsErrMsg) { CString csErrMsg; CString csExtraMsg;
switch(iTheErrorCode) { case NTE_BAD_SIGNATURE: // load extra error message for this error!
if (dwFormatReturn) {csErrMsg.Format(_T("%s\n\n0x%x=%s\n\n%s"), csMsg, iTheErrorCode, pMsg, csExtraMsg);} else{csErrMsg.Format(_T("%s\n\nErrorCode=0x%x.\n\n%s"), csMsg, iTheErrorCode, csExtraMsg);} break; case CO_E_RUNAS_LOGON_FAILURE: // we should get the mts runas user from the registry and display it.
default: // Put everything into csErrMsg
if (dwFormatReturn) {csErrMsg.Format(_T("%s\n\n0x%x=%s"), csMsg, iTheErrorCode, pMsg);} else{csErrMsg.Format(_T("%s\n\nErrorCode=0x%x."), csMsg, iTheErrorCode);} break; }
// copy the error string into the passed in CString
(*pcsErrMsg) = csErrMsg; return; }
//* purpose:
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi(LPSTR psz) { LPWSTR pwsz; int i;
// arg checking.
if (!psz) return NULL;
// compute the length
i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (i <= 0) return NULL;
//iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32:CoTaskMemAlloc().Start.")));
pwsz = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(i * sizeof(WCHAR)); //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32:CoTaskMemAlloc().End.")));
if (!pwsz) return NULL; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pwsz, i); pwsz[i - 1] = 0; return pwsz; }
DWORD CallProcedureInDll_wrap(LPCTSTR lpszDLLFile, LPCTSTR lpszProcedureToCall, BOOL bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag, BOOL bInitOleFlag,BOOL iFunctionPrototypeFlag) { int bFinishedFlag = FALSE; UINT iMsg = NULL; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR szExceptionString[50] = _T(""); LogHeapState(FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
do { __try { dwReturn = CallProcedureInDll(lpszDLLFile, lpszProcedureToCall, bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag, bInitOleFlag, iFunctionPrototypeFlag); LogHeapState(FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ExceptionCaught!:CallProcedureInDll_wrap(): File:%1!s!, Procedure:%2!s!\n"), lpszDLLFile, lpszProcedureToCall)); switch (GetExceptionCode()) { case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION")); break; case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT")); break; case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT")); break; case EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP")); break; case EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED")); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND")); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO")); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT")); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION")); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW")); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK")); break; case EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW")); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO")); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW")); break; case EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION")); break; case EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION")); break; default: _tcscpy(szExceptionString, _T("Unknown Exception Type")); break; } //MyMessageBox( NULL, IDS_REGSVR_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION, lpszProcedureToCall, lpszDLLFile, GetExceptionCode(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND );
MyMessageBox( NULL, IDS_REGSVR_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION, szExceptionString, lpszProcedureToCall, lpszDLLFile, GetExceptionCode(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND ); dwReturn = E_FAIL; }
if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } else { if (bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag == TRUE) { iMsg = MyMessageBox( NULL, IDS_RETRY, MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE | MB_SETFOREGROUND ); switch ( iMsg ) { case IDRETRY: break; case IDIGNORE: case IDABORT: default: // return whatever err happened
goto CallProcedureInDll_wrap_Exit; break; } } else { // return whatever err happened
goto CallProcedureInDll_wrap_Exit; }
} } while (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS);
CallProcedureInDll_wrap_Exit: return dwReturn; }
void AddOLEAUTRegKey() { CRegKey regCLSID46(_T("CLSID\\{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"),HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT); if ((HKEY)regCLSID46) { #ifdef _CHICAGO_
regCLSID46.SetValue(_T(""), _T("PSAutomation")); #else
regCLSID46.SetValue(_T(""), _T("PSOAInterface")); #endif
CRegKey regInProcServer(_T("CLSID\\{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\\InprocServer"),HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT); if ((HKEY)regInProcServer) { regInProcServer.SetValue(_T(""), _T("ole2disp.dll")); }
CRegKey regInProcServer32(_T("CLSID\\{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\\InprocServer32"),HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT); if ((HKEY)regInProcServer32) { regInProcServer32.SetValue(_T(""), _T("oleaut32.dll")); regInProcServer32.SetValue(_T("ThreadingModel"), _T("Both")); }
return; }
// Returns:
// ERROR_SUCCESS if successfull.
// ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED if the operation failed and the user wants to abort setup!
DWORD RegisterOLEControl(LPCTSTR lpszOcxFile, BOOL fAction) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("RegisterOLEControl():File=%1!s!, Action=%2!d!\n"), lpszOcxFile, fAction));
DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (fAction) { dwReturn = CallProcedureInDll_wrap(lpszOcxFile, _T("DllRegisterServer"), TRUE, TRUE, FUNCTION_PARAMS_NONE); } else { #if DBG == 1 || DEBUG == 1 || _DEBUG == 1
// Show errors if this is a debug build
dwReturn = CallProcedureInDll_wrap(lpszOcxFile, _T("DllUnregisterServer"), TRUE, TRUE, FUNCTION_PARAMS_NONE); #else
// Set 3rd parameter to false so that there are no MyMessageBox popups if any errors
dwReturn = CallProcedureInDll_wrap(lpszOcxFile, _T("DllUnregisterServer"), FALSE, TRUE, FUNCTION_PARAMS_NONE); #endif
} return dwReturn; }
typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK *HCRET)(void); typedef HRESULT (*PFUNCTION2)(HMODULE myDllHandle);
DWORD CallProcedureInDll(LPCTSTR lpszDLLFile, LPCTSTR lpszProcedureToCall, BOOL bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag, BOOL bInitOleFlag, BOOL iFunctionPrototypeFlag) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("------------------\n"))); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("CallProcedureInDll(%1!s!): %2!s!\n"), lpszDLLFile, lpszProcedureToCall)); DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; HINSTANCE hDll = NULL;
// Diferent function prototypes...
HCRET hProc = NULL; PFUNCTION2 hProc2 = NULL; int iTempProcGood = FALSE; HRESULT hRes = 0;
int err = NOERROR;
// Variables to changing and saving dirs
TCHAR szDirName[_MAX_PATH], szFilePath[_MAX_PATH]; // Variable to set error string
TCHAR szErrString[256];
_tcscpy(szDirName, _T("")); _tcscpy(szErrString, _T(""));
// perform a defensive check
if ( FAILED(FTestForOutstandingCoInits()) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Outstanding CoInit in %s. WARNING."), lpszDLLFile)); }
// If we need to initialize the ole library then init it.
if (bInitOleFlag) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32(OleInitialize):start.\n"))); bBalanceOLE = iOleInitialize(); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32(OleInitialize):end.\n"))); if (FALSE == bBalanceOLE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32(OleInitialize):start.\n"))); hInitRes = OleInitialize(NULL); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32(OleInitialize):end.\n"))); // Ole Failed.
dwReturn = hInitRes; SetLastError(dwReturn); if (bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag) { MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_OLE_INIT_FAILED, lpszDLLFile, hInitRes, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } goto CallProcedureInDll_Exit; } }
// Check if the file exists
if (!IsFileExist(lpszDLLFile)) { dwReturn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; if (bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag) { MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, lpszDLLFile, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } SetLastError(dwReturn); goto CallProcedureInDll_Exit; }
// Change Directory
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirName ); InetGetFilePath(lpszDLLFile, szFilePath);
// Change to The Drive.
if (-1 == _chdrive( _totupper(szFilePath[0]) - 'A' + 1 )) {} if (SetCurrentDirectory(szFilePath) == 0) {}
// Try to load the module,dll,ocx.
hDll = LoadLibraryEx(lpszDLLFile, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH ); if (!hDll) { // Failed to load library, Probably because some .dll file is missing.
// Show the error message.
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CallProcedureInDll():%1!s!:%2!s!:LoadLibraryEx FAILED.\n"), lpszDLLFile, lpszProcedureToCall)); dwReturn = TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY; if (bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag) { MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_LOADLIBRARY_FAILED, lpszDLLFile, TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } SetLastError(dwReturn);
// check if this file has missing file it's supposed to be linked with.
// or if the file has mismatched import\export dependencies with linked files.
#ifdef _WIN64
// don't call cause it's broken
goto CallProcedureInDll_Exit; } // Ok module was successfully loaded. now let's try to get the Address of the Procedure
// Convert the function name to ascii before passing it to GetProcAddress()
char AsciiProcedureName[255]; #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
// convert to ascii
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (TCHAR *)lpszProcedureToCall, -1, AsciiProcedureName, 255, NULL, NULL ); #else
// the is already ascii so just copy
strcpy(AsciiProcedureName, lpszProcedureToCall); #endif
iTempProcGood = TRUE; if (iFunctionPrototypeFlag == FUNCTION_PARAMS_HMODULE) { hProc2 = (PFUNCTION2)GetProcAddress(hDll, AsciiProcedureName); if (!hProc2){iTempProcGood = FALSE;} } else { hProc = (HCRET)GetProcAddress(hDll, AsciiProcedureName); if (!hProc){iTempProcGood = FALSE;} } if (!iTempProcGood) { // failed to load,find or whatever this function.
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CallProcedureInDll():%1!s!:%2!s!:() FAILED.\n"), lpszDLLFile, lpszProcedureToCall)); dwReturn = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; if (bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag) { MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_UNABLE_TO_LOCATE_PROCEDURE, lpszProcedureToCall, lpszDLLFile, ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } SetLastError(dwReturn); goto CallProcedureInDll_Exit; }
// Call the function that we got the handle to
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CallProcedureInDll: Calling '%1!s!'.Start\n"), lpszProcedureToCall)); __try { if (iFunctionPrototypeFlag == FUNCTION_PARAMS_HMODULE) { hRes = (*hProc2)((HMODULE) g_MyModuleHandle); } else { hRes = (*hProc)(); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { TCHAR szErrorString[100]; _stprintf(szErrorString, _T("\r\n\r\nException Caught in CallProcedureInDll(). GetExceptionCode()=0x%x.\r\n\r\n"), GetExceptionCode()); OutputDebugString(szErrorString); g_MyLogFile.LogFileWrite(szErrorString); } if (FAILED(hRes)) { dwReturn = E_FAIL; if (bDisplayMsgOnErrFlag) { MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_ERR_CALLING_DLL_PROCEDURE, lpszProcedureToCall, lpszDLLFile, hRes, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CallProcedureInDll: Calling '%1!s!'.End.FAILED. Err=%2!x!.\n"), lpszProcedureToCall, hRes)); // this function returns E_FAIL but
// the actual error is in GetLastError()
// set the last error to whatever was returned from the function call
SetLastError(hRes); } else { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("CallProcedureInDll: Calling '%1!s!'.End.SUCCESS.\n"), lpszProcedureToCall)); }
CallProcedureInDll_Exit: if (hDll) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("FreeLibrary.start.\n"))); FreeLibrary(hDll); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("FreeLibrary.end.\n"))); } else { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Did not FreeLibrary: %1!s! !!!!!!!!!!!!\n"), lpszDLLFile)); } if (_tcscmp(szDirName, _T("")) != 0){SetCurrentDirectory(szDirName);} // To close the library gracefully, each successful call to OleInitialize,
// including those that return S_FALSE, must be balanced by a corresponding
// call to the OleUninitialize function.
// perform a defensive check
if ( FAILED(FTestForOutstandingCoInits()) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Outstanding CoInit in %s. WARNING."), lpszDLLFile)); }
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("------------------\n"))); return dwReturn; }
int IsThisStringInThisCStringList(CStringList &strList, LPCTSTR szStringToLookFor) { int iReturn = FALSE;
if (strList.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { POSITION pos = NULL; CString csOurString; LPTSTR p; int nLen = 0;
pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { csOurString = strList.GetAt(pos); nLen += csOurString.GetLength() + 1;
// check if we have a match.
if (0 == _tcsicmp(csOurString, szStringToLookFor)) { // we found a match, return true!
iReturn = TRUE; goto IsThisStringInThisCStringList_Exit; } strList.GetNext(pos); }
IsThisStringInThisCStringList_Exit: return iReturn; }
int KillProcess_Wrap(LPCTSTR lpFullPathOrJustFileName) { int iReturn = FALSE;
TCHAR szJustTheFileName[_MAX_FNAME];
// make sure to get only just the filename.
ReturnFileNameOnly(lpFullPathOrJustFileName, szJustTheFileName);
// Convert it to ansi for our "kill" function
char szFile[_MAX_FNAME]; #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (WCHAR*)szJustTheFileName, -1, szFile, _MAX_FNAME, NULL, NULL ); #else
_tcscpy(szFile, szJustTheFileName); #endif
if (KillProcessNameReturn0(szFile) == 0) { iReturn = TRUE; }
return iReturn; }
void ProgressBarTextStack_Set(int iStringID) { CString csText; MyLoadString(iStringID, csText); ProgressBarTextStack_Push(csText); }
void ProgressBarTextStack_Set(int iStringID, const CString& csFileName) { CString csText, csPart;
// configuring the %s deal....
MyLoadString(iStringID, csPart);
// configuring the "filename" deal....
ProgressBarTextStack_Push(csText); }
void ProgressBarTextStack_Set(int iStringID, const CString& csString1, const CString& csString2) { CString csText, csPart;
// configuring the %s deal....
MyLoadString(iStringID, csPart);
// configuring the "filename" deal....
csText.Format(csPart,csString1, csString2);
ProgressBarTextStack_Push(csText); }
void ProgressBarTextStack_Set(LPCTSTR szProgressTextString) { ProgressBarTextStack_Push(szProgressTextString); }
void ProgressBarTextStack_Inst_Set( int ServiceNameID, int iInstanceNum) { CString csText, csSvcs; TCHAR szShortDesc[_MAX_PATH];
// Configuring Web Site %d
MyLoadString(ServiceNameID, csSvcs); // Configuring Web Site 1
csText.Format(csSvcs, iInstanceNum);
ProgressBarTextStack_Push(csText); }
void ProgressBarTextStack_InstVRoot_Set( int ServiceNameID, int iInstanceNum, CString csVRName) { CString csText, csSvcs; TCHAR szShortDesc[_MAX_PATH]; // Configuring Web Site %d, %s
MyLoadString(ServiceNameID, csSvcs); // Configuring Web Site 1, Virtual Dir %s
csText.Format(csSvcs, iInstanceNum, csVRName);
ProgressBarTextStack_Push(csText); }
void ProgressBarTextStack_InstInProc_Set( int ServiceNameID, int iInstanceNum, CString csVRName) { CString csText, csSvcs; TCHAR szShortDesc[_MAX_PATH];
// Configuring Web Site %d, %s
MyLoadString(ServiceNameID, csSvcs); // Configuring Web Site 1, In process Application %s
csText.Format(csSvcs, iInstanceNum, csVRName); ProgressBarTextStack_Push(csText); }
int ProcessEntry_CheckOS(IN LPCTSTR szOSstring) { int iTempFlag = TRUE; int iOSTypes = 0; if (szOSstring) { // This is workstation, check if we should be installing this on workstation...
if (g_pTheApp->m_eNTOSType == OT_NTW) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szOSstring)) {iOSTypes = _ttoi(szOSstring);} if (iOSTypes == 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1+2+4) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1+2) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 2+4) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 2) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} }
if (g_pTheApp->m_eNTOSType == OT_NTS) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szOSstring)) {iOSTypes = _ttoi(szOSstring);} if (iOSTypes == 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1+2+4) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1+2) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1+4) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} }
if (g_pTheApp->m_eNTOSType == OT_PDC_OR_BDC) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szOSstring)) {iOSTypes = _ttoi(szOSstring);} if (iOSTypes == 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1+2+4) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1+2) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1+4) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iOSTypes == 1) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} } }
return iTempFlag; }
int ProcessEntry_CheckEnterprise(IN LPCTSTR szEnterprise) { int iTempFlag = TRUE; int iEnterpriseFlag = 0; if (szEnterprise) { if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szEnterprise)) {iEnterpriseFlag = _ttoi(szEnterprise);}
// This entry should only get installed on enterprise.
// so check if this machine is an enterprise machine...
if (iEnterpriseFlag != 0) { // if this is not an enterprise machine.
// then return false, since it should not be installed.
if (TRUE == iReturnTrueIfEnterprise()) { iTempFlag = TRUE; } else { iTempFlag = FALSE; } } }
return iTempFlag; }
int ProcessEntry_PlatArch(IN LPCTSTR szPlatArch) { int iTempFlag = TRUE; int iPlatArchTypes = 0; if (szPlatArch) { // This is x86, then check if we should be installing on x86
if (_tcsicmp(g_pTheApp->m_csPlatform, _T("x86")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szPlatArch)) {iPlatArchTypes = _ttoi(szPlatArch);} if (iPlatArchTypes == 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iPlatArchTypes == 1+2) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iPlatArchTypes == 1) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} }
if (_tcsicmp(g_pTheApp->m_csPlatform, _T("IA64")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szPlatArch)) {iPlatArchTypes = _ttoi(szPlatArch);} if (iPlatArchTypes == 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iPlatArchTypes == 1+2) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iPlatArchTypes == 2) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} } } return iTempFlag; }
void ProcessEntry_AskLast(ThingToDo ParsedLine, int iWhichOneToUse) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szMsgBoxAfter, _T("1")) == 0) { // just incase we have don't display user messagebox off.
int iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups = g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups; // Make sure there are MyMessageBox popups!
// Make sure there are MyMessageBox popups!
g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = TRUE; if (iWhichOneToUse == 2) {MyMessageBox( NULL, IDS_COMPLETED_FILE_CALL,ParsedLine.szData1,MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND );} else {MyMessageBox( NULL, IDS_COMPLETED_FILE_CALL,ParsedLine.szFileName,MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND );} g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups; } return; }
int ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ThingToDo ParsedLine, int iWhichOneToUse) { int iReturn = TRUE; int iReturnTemp = 0;
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szMsgBoxBefore, _T("1")) == 0) { // just incase we have don't display user messagebox off.
int iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups = g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups; // Make sure there are MyMessageBox popups!
g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = TRUE; if (iWhichOneToUse == 2) { iReturnTemp = MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_BEFORE_CALLING_FILE, ParsedLine.szData1, MB_YESNO | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else { iReturnTemp = MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_BEFORE_CALLING_FILE, ParsedLine.szFileName, MB_YESNO | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups;
// display the messagebox
if (IDYES != iReturnTemp) { iReturn = FALSE; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_AskFirst:MyMessageBox Response = IDNO. Exiting.\n"))); } }
return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_CheckAll(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = TRUE;
// Check if we pass for os system
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckOS(ParsedLine.szOS)) { iReturn = FALSE; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ProcessEntry_CheckAll():File=%s. Section=%s. Should not be setup on this OS platform (workstation, server, etc...). Skipping.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_CheckAll_Exit; }
// check if we pass for platform arch
if (!ProcessEntry_PlatArch(ParsedLine.szPlatformArchitecture)) { iReturn = FALSE; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ProcessEntry_CheckAll():File=%s. Section=%s. Should not be setup on this plat arch (%s). Skipping.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, szTheSection, ParsedLine.szPlatformArchitecture)); goto ProcessEntry_CheckAll_Exit; }
// check if we pass for enterprise
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckEnterprise(ParsedLine.szEnterprise)) { iReturn = FALSE; goto ProcessEntry_CheckAll_Exit; }
ProcessEntry_CheckAll_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_CallDll(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iProgressBarUpdated = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE;
TCHAR szDirBefore[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szDirBefore, _T("")); // Get the type.
// 100=Type (1=DllFunction,2=DllFunctionInitOle, 2=Executable, 3=RunThisExe, 4=DoSection, 5=DoINFSection)
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("1")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("2")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_CallDll_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine ) ) { goto ProcessEntry_CallDll_Exit; } // Make sure we have a value for the entry point..
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_CallDll_Exit; }
// make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_CallDll_Exit; }
// make sure the szFileName exists
if (!IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { // The file does not exists.
// Check if we need to display an error!
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound, _T("1")) == 0) { // display the messagebox
MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ParsedLine.szFileName, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_CallDll():FileDoesNotExist=%s.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); } //goto ProcessEntry_CallDll_Exit;
// At this point the file exists...
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
// update the progress bar if we need to
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); iProgressBarUpdated = TRUE; }
// Check if we need to change to a specific dir first...
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) { if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) { // save the current dir
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirBefore); // change to this dir
SetCurrentDirectory(ParsedLine.szChangeDir); } }
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (!ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ParsedLine, 1)) { goto ProcessEntry_CallDll_Exit; } // Call the function!!!!!
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("2")) == 0) { // Initialize OLE
// check if they want us to pass them the hmodule for this module
// so they can call our exported functions (for logging)
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) { CallProcedureInDll_wrap(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, iShowErrorsOnFail, TRUE, FUNCTION_PARAMS_HMODULE); } else { CallProcedureInDll_wrap(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, iShowErrorsOnFail, TRUE, FUNCTION_PARAMS_NONE); } } else { // do not initialize ole!
// check if they want us to pass them the hmodule for this module
// so they can call our exported functions (for logging)
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) { CallProcedureInDll_wrap(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, iShowErrorsOnFail, FALSE, FUNCTION_PARAMS_HMODULE); } else { CallProcedureInDll_wrap(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, iShowErrorsOnFail, FALSE, FUNCTION_PARAMS_NONE); } }
iReturn = TRUE;
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) { if (szDirBefore) { // change back to the original dir
SetCurrentDirectory(szDirBefore); } }
// display the messagebox that we completed the call...
ProcessEntry_AskLast(ParsedLine,1); ProcessEntry_CallDll_Exit: if (TRUE == iProgressBarUpdated){ProgressBarTextStack_Pop();} return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_Call_Exe(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempNotMinimizedFlag = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iProgressBarUpdated = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; int iReturnCode = FALSE; int iType = 0; DWORD dwTimeOut = INFINITE;
TCHAR szDirBefore[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szDirBefore, _T(""));
// Get the type.
// 100=Type (1=DllFunction,2=DllFunctionInitOle, 2=Executable, 3=RunThisExe, 4=DoSection, 5=DoINFSection)
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("3")) != 0) { goto ProcessEntry_Call_Exe_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_Call_Exe_Exit; } // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Call_Exe_Exit; }
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); iProgressBarUpdated = TRUE; }
// Check if we need to change to a specific dir first...
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) { if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) { // save the current dir
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirBefore); // change to this dir
SetCurrentDirectory(ParsedLine.szChangeDir); } }
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (!ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ParsedLine, 1)) { goto ProcessEntry_Call_Exe_Exit; }
// make sure the szFileName exists
if (!IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { // The file does not exists.
// Check if we need to display an error!
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound, _T("1")) == 0) { // display the messagebox
MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ParsedLine.szFileName, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_Call_Exe():FileDoesNotExist=%s.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); } //goto ProcessEntry_Call_Exe_Exit;
// Run The Executable...
// iShowErrorsOnFail
iReturnCode = FALSE; iType = 0; TCHAR szFullPathString[_MAX_PATH + _MAX_PATH + _MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szFullPathString, ParsedLine.szFileName); _tcscat(szFullPathString, _T(" ")); _tcscat(szFullPathString, ParsedLine.szData1);
// Check if they specified timeout in sections.
dwTimeOut = INFINITE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {dwTimeOut = atodw(ParsedLine.szData2);}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iType = _ttoi(ParsedLine.szData3);}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) != 0) {iTempNotMinimizedFlag = TRUE;}
if (ParsedLine.szData1 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) { switch (iType) { case 1: iReturnCode = RunProgram(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, !iTempNotMinimizedFlag, dwTimeOut, FALSE); break; case 2: iReturnCode = RunProgram(szFullPathString, NULL, !iTempNotMinimizedFlag, dwTimeOut, FALSE); break; default: iReturnCode = RunProgram(NULL, szFullPathString, !iTempNotMinimizedFlag, dwTimeOut, FALSE); } } else { iReturnCode = RunProgram(ParsedLine.szFileName, NULL, !iTempNotMinimizedFlag, dwTimeOut, FALSE); } if (iReturnCode != TRUE) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szFileName, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("RunProgram(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, GetLastError() ));} }
iReturn = TRUE;
// change back to the original dir
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) {if (szDirBefore){SetCurrentDirectory(szDirBefore);}}
// display the messagebox that we completed the call...
ProcessEntry_Call_Exe_Exit: if (TRUE == iProgressBarUpdated){ProgressBarTextStack_Pop();} return iReturn; }
// 100=4
int ProcessEntry_Internal_iisdll(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iProgressBarUpdated = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; int iReturnCode = FALSE; DWORD dwTimeOut = INFINITE;
int iFound = FALSE;
TCHAR szDirBefore[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szDirBefore, _T(""));
// Get the type.
// 100=Type (1=DllFunction,2=DllFunctionInitOle, 2=Executable, 3=RunThisExe, 4=DoSection, 5=DoINFSection)
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("4")) != 0) { goto ProcessEntry_Internal_iisdll_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_Internal_iisdll_Exit; } // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Internal_iisdll_Exit; }
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); iProgressBarUpdated = TRUE; }
// Check if we need to change to a specific dir first...
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) { if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) { // save the current dir
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirBefore); // change to this dir
SetCurrentDirectory(ParsedLine.szChangeDir); } }
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (!ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ParsedLine, 1)) { goto ProcessEntry_Internal_iisdll_Exit; }
// Get the internal function to call...
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Register_iis_common")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Register_iis_common();iFound=TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Register_iis_core")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Register_iis_core();iFound=TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Register_iis_inetmgr")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Register_iis_inetmgr();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Register_iis_pwmgr")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Register_iis_pwmgr();iFound=TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Register_iis_doc")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Register_iis_doc();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Register_iis_htmla")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Register_iis_htmla();iFound=TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Register_iis_www")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Register_iis_www();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Register_iis_ftp")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Register_iis_ftp();iFound=TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Unregister_old_asp")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Unregister_old_asp();iFound=TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Unregister_iis_common")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Unregister_iis_common();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Unregister_iis_core")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Unregister_iis_core();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Unregister_iis_htmla")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Unregister_iis_htmla();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Unregister_iis_inetmgr")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Unregister_iis_inetmgr();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Unregister_iis_pwmgr")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Unregister_iis_pwmgr();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Unregister_iis_www")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Unregister_iis_www();iFound=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("Unregister_iis_ftp")) == 0) {iReturnCode = Unregister_iis_ftp();iFound=TRUE;}
if (iFound != TRUE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("%s():FAILURE. Internal Function Does not exist. entry=%s. Section=%s.\n"), _T("ProcessEntry_Internal_iisdll"), csEntry, szTheSection)); } /*
if (iReturnCode != TRUE) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szFileName, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("RunProgram(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, GetLastError() ));} } */
iReturn = TRUE;
// change back to the original dir
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) {if (szDirBefore){SetCurrentDirectory(szDirBefore);}}
// display the messagebox that we completed the call...
ProcessEntry_Internal_iisdll_Exit: if (TRUE == iProgressBarUpdated){ProgressBarTextStack_Pop();} return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_Call_Section(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iProgressBarUpdated = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE;
TCHAR szDirBefore[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szDirBefore, _T(""));
// Get the type.
// 100=Type (1=DllFunction,2=DllFunctionInitOle, 2=Executable, 3=RunThisExe, 4=DoSection, 5=DoINFSection)
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("0")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("5")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("6")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_6_Exit; }
// make sure we have a INF Section
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_6_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_6_Exit; }
// set the show erros on fail flag
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
// update the progress bar if we need to
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); iProgressBarUpdated = TRUE; }
// Check if we need to change to a specific dir first...
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) { if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) { // save the current dir
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirBefore); // change to this dir
SetCurrentDirectory(ParsedLine.szChangeDir); } }
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (!ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ParsedLine, 2)) { goto ProcessEntry_6_Exit; }
// Run The INF Section ...
// ParsedLine.szData1
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("5")) == 0) { //
// Do another one of these "special" install sections
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag));
// Check if it failed...
if (FALSE == iTempFlag) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("SetupInstallFromInfSection(%s). section missing\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("6")) == 0) { //
// Do a regular ole inf section
CString csTempSectionName; csTempSectionName = ParsedLine.szData1; if (GetSectionNameToDo(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle, csTempSectionName)) { TCHAR szTempSectionName[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szTempSectionName,csTempSectionName);
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling InstallInfSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = InstallInfSection_NoFiles(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,_T(""),szTempSectionName); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling InstallInfSection:%1!s!:End.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1));
// Check if it failed...
if (FALSE == iTempFlag) { // the call failed..
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("SetupInstallFromInfSection(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() )); } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("0")) == 0) { //
// Do a special installsection deal which queues files in the ocm manage global file queue.
if (g_GlobalFileQueueHandle) { // SP_COPY_NOPRUNE = setupapi has a new deal which will prune files from the copyqueue if they already exist on the system.
// however, the problem with the new deal is that the pruning code does not check if you have the same file
// queued in the delete or rename queue. specify SP_COPY_NOPRUNE to make sure that our file never gets
// pruned (removed) from the copy queue. aaronl 12/4/98
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iCopyType = _ttoi(ParsedLine.szData2);}
CString csTempSectionName; csTempSectionName = ParsedLine.szData1; if (GetSectionNameToDo(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle, csTempSectionName)) { TCHAR szTempSectionName[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szTempSectionName,csTempSectionName);
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("Calling SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection:%1!s!, copytype=%2!d!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iCopyType)); iTempFlag = SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,NULL,g_GlobalFileQueueHandle,szTempSectionName,NULL,iCopyType); g_GlobalFileQueueHandle_ReturnError = iTempFlag; } }
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection:%1!s!:End.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1));
// Check if it failed...
if (FALSE == iTempFlag) { // the call failed..
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("SetupInstallFromInfSection(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() )); } } iReturn = TRUE; if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) { if (szDirBefore) { // change back to the original dir
SetCurrentDirectory(szDirBefore); } }
// display the messagebox that we completed the call...
ProcessEntry_6_Exit: if (TRUE == iProgressBarUpdated){ProgressBarTextStack_Pop();} return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_Misc1(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iProgressBarUpdated = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE;
TCHAR szDirBefore[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szDirBefore, _T(""));
// Get the type.
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("7")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("8")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("9")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("10")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("11")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("12")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("12")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("13")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("14")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("17")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("18")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; } // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { // type 10
// type 12 do not need filename
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("10")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("12")) != 0) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; } }
// Counters.ini files are always in the system dir
// tack on the extra stuff, and make sure the file exists...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("7")) == 0) { CString csFullFilePath; csFullFilePath = g_pTheApp->m_csSysDir; csFullFilePath += _T("\\"); csFullFilePath += ParsedLine.szFileName; // make sure the szFileName exists
if (!IsFileExist(csFullFilePath)) { // The file does not exists.
// Check if we need to display an error!
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound, _T("1")) == 0) { // display the messagebox
MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, csFullFilePath, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_Misc1():FileDoesNotExist=%s.\n"),csFullFilePath)); } goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; } }
// Check if the binary exists for addevent log!
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("9")) == 0) { // make sure the szFileName exists
if (!IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { // The file does not exists.
// Check if we need to display an error!
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound, _T("1")) == 0) { // display the messagebox
MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ParsedLine.szFileName, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_Misc1():FileDoesNotExist=%s.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); } goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; } }
// if this is for addevent log, then check for the other information...
// AddEventLog( TRUE, _T("W3SVC"), csBinPath, 0x0 );
// InstallPerformance(REG_WWWPERFORMANCE, _T("w3ctrs.DLL"), _T("OpenW3PerformanceData"), _T("CloseW3PerformanceData"), _T("CollectW3PerformanceData"));
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("9")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("13")) == 0) { // make sure we have a szData1 entry (
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; }
// make sure we have a szData2 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; }
// make sure we have a szData3 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("13")) == 0) { // make sure we have a szData4 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz105_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; } }
// if this is for addevent log, then check for the other information...
//RemoveEventLog( FALSE, _T("W3Ctrs") );
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("10")) == 0) { // make sure we have a szData1 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; }
// make sure we have a szData2 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; } }
// if this is for installAgent, check for other data..
// INT InstallAgent( CString nlsName, CString nlsPath )
// INT RemoveAgent( CString nlsServiceName )
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("11")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("12")) == 0) { // make sure we have a szData1 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; } }
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); iProgressBarUpdated = TRUE; }
// Check if we need to change to a specific dir first...
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) { if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) { // save the current dir
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirBefore); // change to this dir
SetCurrentDirectory(ParsedLine.szChangeDir); } }
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (!ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ParsedLine, 1)) { goto ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit; }
// send this to the lodctr function...
// lodctr(_T("w3ctrs.ini"));
// see if it's lodctr or unlodctr ....
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("7")) == 0) { lodctr(ParsedLine.szFileName); }
// if this is a unlodctr, should look like this....
// unlodctr( _T("W3SVC") );
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("8")) == 0) { unlodctr(ParsedLine.szFileName); }
// if this is a AddEventLog, should look like this...
// AddEventLog( TRUE, _T("W3SVC"), csBinPath, 0x0 );
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("9")) == 0) { int iTempSystemFlag = 0; int dwTempEventLogtype = 0; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0){iTempSystemFlag = 1;} dwTempEventLogtype = atodw(ParsedLine.szData3); // Call event log registration function
AddEventLog( iTempSystemFlag, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szFileName, dwTempEventLogtype); }
// if this is a RemoveEventLog, should look like this...
// RemoveEventLog( FALSE, _T("W3Ctrs") );
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("10")) == 0) { int iTempSystemFlag = 0; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0){iTempSystemFlag = 1;} // Call event log registration function
RemoveEventLog(iTempSystemFlag, ParsedLine.szData1); }
// if this is installagent
// INT InstallAgent( CString nlsName, CString nlsPath )
// INT RemoveAgent( CString nlsServiceName )
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("11")) == 0) { InstallAgent(ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szFileName); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("12")) == 0) { RemoveAgent(ParsedLine.szData1); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("13")) == 0) { InstallPerformance(ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData2, ParsedLine.szData3, ParsedLine.szData4); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("14")) == 0) { CString csPath = ParsedLine.szFileName; CreateLayerDirectory(csPath); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("17")) == 0) { int iUseWildCards = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("1")) == 0){iUseWildCards = TRUE;}
CString csPath = ParsedLine.szFileName; if (iUseWildCards) { TCHAR szTempDir[_MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTempFileName[_MAX_PATH + _MAX_EXT]; if (ReturnFilePathOnly(csPath,szTempDir)) { if (TRUE == ReturnFileNameOnly(csPath, szTempFileName)) {DeleteFilesWildcard(szTempDir,szTempFileName);} } } else { InetDeleteFile(csPath); } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("18")) == 0) { int iTempDeleteEvenIfFull = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("1")) == 0){iTempDeleteEvenIfFull = 1;} CString csPath = ParsedLine.szFileName; if (iTempDeleteEvenIfFull) { RecRemoveDir(csPath); } else { RecRemoveEmptyDir(csPath); } }
// We called the function, so return true.
iReturn = TRUE;
// change back to the original dir
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir){if (szDirBefore){SetCurrentDirectory(szDirBefore);}}
ProcessEntry_AskLast(ParsedLine, 1);
ProcessEntry_Misc1_Exit: if (TRUE == iProgressBarUpdated){ProgressBarTextStack_Pop();} return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iReturnTemp = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iProgressBarUpdated = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; DWORD dwFailed = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Get the type.
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("50")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("51")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("52")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("53")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("54")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("55")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("56")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("57")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("58")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("59")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("60")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("61")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("62")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("63")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("64")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("65")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("66")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("67")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("68")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("69")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("66")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("67")) == 0) { // make sure not to require 102 parameter for 66 or 67
} else { // make sure we have a szData1 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("50")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("52")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; }
CString csFullFilePath; // Check if the file exists....
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("50")) == 0) { csFullFilePath = g_pTheApp->m_csSysDir; csFullFilePath += _T("\\Drivers\\"); csFullFilePath += ParsedLine.szFileName; } else { csFullFilePath = ParsedLine.szFileName; } // make sure the szFileName exists
if (!IsFileExist(csFullFilePath)) { // The file does not exists.
// Check if we need to display an error!
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound, _T("1")) == 0) { // display the messagebox
MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, csFullFilePath, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("o ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus():FileDoesNotExist=%s.\n"),csFullFilePath)); } }
// make sure we have a szData2 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; } }
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); iProgressBarUpdated = TRUE; }
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (!ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ParsedLine, 1)) { goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; }
// Run The Executable...
// iShowErrorsOnFail
dwFailed = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Call the function!!!!!
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("50")) == 0) { // Create the driver, retry if failed...
dwFailed = CreateDriver_Wrap(ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, ParsedLine.szFileName, TRUE); if (dwFailed != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szFileName, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CreateDriver(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, GetLastError() ));} } else { iReturn = TRUE; } } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("51")) == 0) { // Remove driver.
dwFailed = InetDeleteService( ParsedLine.szData1 ); if (dwFailed != 0) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("InetDeleteService(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() ));} } else { iReturn = TRUE; } // flag the reboot flag.
SetRebootFlag(); } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("52")) == 0) { // Create the service, retry if failed...
dwFailed = CreateService_wrap(ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData3, ParsedLine.szData4, TRUE); if (dwFailed != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szFileName, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CreateService(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, GetLastError() ));} } else { iReturn = TRUE; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("53")) == 0) { // Remove Service.
dwFailed = InetDeleteService( ParsedLine.szData1 ); if (dwFailed != 0 && dwFailed != ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("InetDeleteService(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() ));} } else { iReturn = TRUE; } }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("54")) == 0) { // Start Service
dwFailed = InetStartService(ParsedLine.szData1); if (dwFailed == 0 || dwFailed == ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) { // yeah, the service started.
iReturn = TRUE; } else { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("InetStartService(%s). Unable to start. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() ));} } }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("55")) == 0) { int iAddToRestartList=FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) {iAddToRestartList=TRUE;}
// Stop Service
dwFailed = StopServiceAndDependencies(ParsedLine.szData1, iAddToRestartList); if (dwFailed == FALSE) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("StopServiceAndDependencies(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() ));} } else { // yeah, the service stopped.
iReturn = TRUE; } }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("56")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("57")) == 0) { int iAdd = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("56")) == 0) {iAdd = TRUE;} // map/unmap to HTTP
InetRegisterService( g_pTheApp->m_csMachineName, ParsedLine.szData1, &g_HTTPGuid, 0, 80, iAdd); iReturn = TRUE; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("58")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("59")) == 0) { int iAdd = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("58")) == 0) {iAdd = TRUE;} // map/unmap to FTP
InetRegisterService( g_pTheApp->m_csMachineName, ParsedLine.szData1, &g_FTPGuid, 0, 21, iAdd); iReturn = TRUE; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("60")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("61")) == 0) { int iAdd = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("60")) == 0) {iAdd = TRUE;} // map/unmap to Gopher
InetRegisterService( g_pTheApp->m_csMachineName, ParsedLine.szData1, &g_GopherGuid, 0, 70, iAdd); iReturn = TRUE; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("62")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("63")) == 0) { int iAdd = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("62")) == 0) {iAdd = TRUE;} // map/unmap to Inetinfo
InetRegisterService( g_pTheApp->m_csMachineName, ParsedLine.szData1, &g_InetInfoGuid, 0x64e, 0x558, iAdd); iReturn = TRUE; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("64")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("65")) == 0) { iReturn = TRUE;
// make sure we have everything
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; }
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("64")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit; }
// this function only takes wide characters...
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
iReturn = RegisterIisServerInstanceResourceType(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1,ParsedLine.szData2,ParsedLine.szData3); #else
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("RegisterIisServerInstanceResourceType(): not supported under ansi. only unicode.") )); #endif
} else { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;}
// this function only takes wide characters...
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
iReturn = UnregisterIisServerInstanceResourceType(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1,iTempFlag,TRUE); #else
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("UnregisterIisServerInstanceResourceType(): not supported under ansi. only unicode.") )); #endif
} // iReturn = TRUE;
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("66")) == 0) { #ifndef _CHICAGO_
DWORD dwReturn = 0; dwReturn = BringALLIISClusterResourcesOffline(); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("BringALLIISClusterResourcesOffline ret=%d\n"),dwReturn)); #endif
iReturn = TRUE; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("67")) == 0) { #ifndef _CHICAGO_
DWORD dwReturn = 0; dwReturn = BringALLIISClusterResourcesOnline(); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("BringALLIISClusterResourcesOnline ret=%d\n"),dwReturn)); #endif
iReturn = TRUE; }
// Add/remove interactive flag to/from service
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("68")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("69")) == 0) { int iAdd = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("68")) == 0) {iAdd = TRUE;} InetConfigServiceInteractive(ParsedLine.szData1, iAdd); iReturn = TRUE; }
// display the messagebox that we completed the call...
ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus_Exit: if (TRUE == iProgressBarUpdated){ProgressBarTextStack_Pop();} return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_Dcom(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iProgressBarUpdated = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; DWORD dwFailed = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Get the type.
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("70")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("71")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("72")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("73")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("74")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("75")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("76")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("77")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_Dcom_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_Dcom_Exit; }
// make sure we have a szData1 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Dcom_Exit; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("74")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("75")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("76")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("77")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Dcom_Exit; } }
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); iProgressBarUpdated = TRUE; }
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (!ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ParsedLine, 1)) { goto ProcessEntry_Dcom_Exit; }
// Run The Executable...
// iShowErrorsOnFail
// Call the function!!!!!
// Set dcom launch and access permissions
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("70")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("71")) == 0) { BOOL bDumbCall = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) {bDumbCall = TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("70")) == 0) { dwFailed = ChangeDCOMLaunchACL((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szData1, TRUE, TRUE, bDumbCall); } else { dwFailed = ChangeDCOMLaunchACL((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szData1, FALSE, FALSE, bDumbCall); } if (dwFailed != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ChangeDCOMAccessACL(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() ));} } else { iReturn = TRUE; } } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("72")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("73")) == 0) { BOOL bDumbCall = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) {bDumbCall = TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("72")) == 0) { dwFailed = ChangeDCOMAccessACL((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szData1, TRUE, TRUE, bDumbCall); } else { dwFailed = ChangeDCOMAccessACL((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szData1, FALSE, FALSE, bDumbCall); } if (dwFailed != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ChangeDCOMAccessACL(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() ));} } else { iReturn = TRUE; } }
// dcom launch and access permissions
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("74")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("75")) == 0) { BOOL bDumbCall = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) {bDumbCall = TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("74")) == 0) { dwFailed = ChangeAppIDLaunchACL(ParsedLine.szFileName, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) ParsedLine.szData1, TRUE, TRUE, bDumbCall); } else { dwFailed = ChangeAppIDLaunchACL(ParsedLine.szFileName, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) ParsedLine.szData1, FALSE, FALSE, bDumbCall); } if (dwFailed != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ChangeAppIDLaunchACL(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() ));} } else { iReturn = TRUE; } }
// dcom launch and access permissions
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("76")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("77")) == 0) { BOOL bDumbCall = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) {bDumbCall = TRUE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("76")) == 0) { dwFailed = ChangeAppIDAccessACL(ParsedLine.szFileName, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) ParsedLine.szData1, TRUE, TRUE, bDumbCall); } else { dwFailed = ChangeAppIDAccessACL(ParsedLine.szFileName, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) ParsedLine.szData1, FALSE, FALSE, bDumbCall); } if (dwFailed != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ChangeAppIDAccessACL(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, GetLastError() ));} } else { iReturn = TRUE; } }
// display the messagebox that we completed the call...
ProcessEntry_AskLast(ParsedLine,1); // We called the function, so return true.
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessEntry_Dcom_Exit: return iReturn; }
// function: IsMachineInDomain
// Test to see if the machine is in a domain, or if it
// is in a workstation
// Return Values:
// TRUE - In a domain
// FALSE - Not in a domain
int IsMachineInDomain() { DWORD dwRet; LPBYTE pDomain = NULL;
// Retrieve the domain which this computer trusts.
// Hence: success->in a domain; error->not in a domain
dwRet = NetGetAnyDCName(NULL,NULL,&pDomain);
if (pDomain) { NetApiBufferFree(pDomain); }
if (dwRet == NERR_Success) { return TRUE; }
// Default Return Value is FALSE
return FALSE; }
// function: RetrieveDomain
// Retrieve the domain that the current machine is in
// Parameters:
// [out] csDomainName - The name of the domain
// Return:
// TRUE - It worked
// FALSE - It Failed
int RetrieveDomain(CString &csDomainName) { PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO pDci;
if ( NO_ERROR != DsGetDcName( NULL, // Localhost
NULL, // No specific domain
NULL, // No Guid Specified
NULL, // No Site
0, // No Flags
&pDci) ) { return FALSE; }
// Copy string into csDomainName
csDomainName = pDci->DomainName;
return TRUE; }
int ProcessEntry_If(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iTempFlag2 = FALSE;
int ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; int ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE;
// Get the type.
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("39")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("40")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("41")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("42")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("43")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("44")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("45")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("46")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("47")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("48")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("49")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("100")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("119")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("40")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData3 or a szData4.
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData3 or szData4
HKEY hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // check if the registry key exists...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKLM")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCR")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_USERS;}
iTempFlag = FALSE; CRegKey regTheKey(hRootKeyType, ParsedLine.szData1,KEY_READ); if ((HKEY) regTheKey) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("41")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData3 or a szData4.
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz105_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData3 or szData4
HKEY hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // check if the registry key exists...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKLM")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCR")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_USERS;}
iTempFlag = FALSE; CRegKey regTheKey(hRootKeyType, ParsedLine.szData1,KEY_READ); CString strReturnQueryValue; if ((HKEY) regTheKey) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regTheKey.QueryValue(ParsedLine.szData2, strReturnQueryValue)) {iTempFlag = TRUE;}
// If we failed to read it as a string, try a dword
if (FALSE == iTempFlag) { DWORD dwTheReturnDword = 0; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regTheKey.QueryValue(ParsedLine.szData2, dwTheReturnDword)) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} }
// If we failed to read it as dword, try a binary
if (FALSE == iTempFlag) { CByteArray baData; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regTheKey.QueryValue(ParsedLine.szData2, baData)) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} } }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { if (ifTrueStatementExists) { // the key exists, so let's do the section...
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); } } else { if (ifFalseStatementExists) { // the key exists, so let's do the section...
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData4)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData4); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData4, iTempFlag)); } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("42")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData1 or a szData2
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData1 or szData2
// Check if the filename or dir exists...
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("43")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData3 or a szData4.
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz105_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData3 or szData4
HKEY hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // check if the registry key exists...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKLM")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCR")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_USERS;}
// ParsedLine.szData1 = Software\Microsoft\etc..\TheValueToCheck
// so take off the last one and use that as the value to look up.
TCHAR theRegValuePart[100]; LPTSTR pszTempPointer = NULL; pszTempPointer = _tcsrchr((LPTSTR) ParsedLine.szData1, _T('\\')); if (pszTempPointer) { *pszTempPointer = _T('\0'); //set the "\" to a null
// increment to after the pointer
pszTempPointer = _tcsninc( pszTempPointer, _tcslen(pszTempPointer))+1; _tcscpy(theRegValuePart, pszTempPointer ); } //iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Var:Key=%1!s!:Value=%2!s!.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, theRegValuePart));
iTempFlag = FALSE; CRegKey regTheKey(hRootKeyType, ParsedLine.szData1,KEY_READ); DWORD dwTheReturnDword = 0; if ((HKEY) regTheKey) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regTheKey.QueryValue(theRegValuePart, dwTheReturnDword)) { // Check against the value they want to check against.
DWORD dwCheckDword = atodw(ParsedLine.szData2); if (dwTheReturnDword == dwCheckDword) { iTempFlag = TRUE; } } }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { if (ifTrueStatementExists) { // the key exists, so let's do the section...
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); } } else { if (ifFalseStatementExists) { // the key exists, so let's do the section...
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData4)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData4); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData4, iTempFlag)); } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("44")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData3 or a szData4.
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz105_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData3 or szData4
HKEY hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // check if the registry key exists...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKLM")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCR")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_USERS;}
// ParsedLine.szData1 = Software\Microsoft\etc..\TheValueToCheck
// so take off the last one and use that as the value to look up.
TCHAR theRegValuePart[100]; LPTSTR pszTempPointer = NULL; pszTempPointer = _tcsrchr((LPTSTR) ParsedLine.szData1, _T('\\')); if (pszTempPointer) { *pszTempPointer = _T('\0'); //set the "\" to a null
// increment to after the pointer
pszTempPointer = _tcsninc( pszTempPointer, _tcslen(pszTempPointer))+1; _tcscpy(theRegValuePart, pszTempPointer ); } //iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Var:Key=%1!s!:Value=%2!s!.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, theRegValuePart));
iTempFlag = FALSE; CRegKey regTheKey(hRootKeyType, ParsedLine.szData1,KEY_READ); CString strReturnQueryValue; if ((HKEY) regTheKey) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regTheKey.QueryValue(theRegValuePart, strReturnQueryValue)) { if (_tcsicmp(strReturnQueryValue,ParsedLine.szData2) == 0) { iTempFlag = TRUE; } } }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { if (ifTrueStatementExists) { // the key exists, so let's do the section...
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); } } else { if (ifFalseStatementExists) { // the key exists, so let's do the section...
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData4)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData4); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData4, iTempFlag)); } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("45")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData1 or a szData2
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData1 or szData2
// Check if the Service exists...
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (CheckifServiceExist(ParsedLine.szFileName) == 0 ) { // yes the service exists..
iTempFlag = TRUE; } if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("46")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData1 or a szData2
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData1 or szData2
// Check if the Service exists...and is running..
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (InetQueryServiceStatus(ParsedLine.szFileName) == SERVICE_RUNNING) { // yes the service exists..and is running...
iTempFlag = TRUE; } if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("47")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData3 or a szData4.
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData3 or szData4
// Check if the values match.
iTempFlag = FALSE; iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_If:check if [%1!s!=%2!s!]\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1));
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1) == 0) { iTempFlag = TRUE; }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("48")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData1 or a szData2
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData1 or szData2
// Check if the language specified in the .inf corresponds to
// our systems language.
iTempFlag = FALSE;
// Get our language
// set iTempFlag to true if it matches the same language they specified.
DWORD thid; LCID ThisThreadsLocale = GetThreadLocale(); LCID SystemDefaultLocale = GetSystemDefaultLCID(); LCID UserDefaultLocale = GetUserDefaultLCID();
HANDLE hHackThread = CreateThread (NULL,0,GetNewlyCreatedThreadLocale,NULL,0,&thid); if (hHackThread) { // wait for 10 secs only
DWORD res = WaitForSingleObject (hHackThread,10*1000); if (res == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ERROR GetNewlyCreatedThreadLocale thread never finished...\n"))); // iTempFlag will be false.
} else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ThisThreadsLocale=%0x, GetNewlyCreatedThreadLocale=%0x\n"),ThisThreadsLocale,g_MyTrueThreadLocale)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("SystemDefaultLocale=%0x, UserDefaultLocale=%0x\n"),SystemDefaultLocale,UserDefaultLocale));
CloseHandle (hHackThread);
// Check if g_MyTrueThreadLocale matches the one in the .inf file!
DWORD dwTheLocaleSpecifiedinINF = 0; dwTheLocaleSpecifiedinINF = atodw(ParsedLine.szFileName); if (g_MyTrueThreadLocale == dwTheLocaleSpecifiedinINF) { iTempFlag = TRUE; } else if (ThisThreadsLocale == dwTheLocaleSpecifiedinINF) { iTempFlag = TRUE; } else if (SystemDefaultLocale == dwTheLocaleSpecifiedinINF) { iTempFlag = TRUE; } else if (UserDefaultLocale == dwTheLocaleSpecifiedinINF) { iTempFlag = TRUE; } } } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to start GetNewlyCreatedThreadLocale thread. error =%0x\n"),GetLastError())); }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("49")) == 0) { BOOL bOperator_EqualTo = 0; BOOL bOperator_GreaterThan = 0; BOOL bOperator_LessThan = 0;
// make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } // make sure there is an operator "=,>,<,>=,<="
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
iTempFlag = FALSE; LPTSTR pchResult; pchResult = _tcschr( ParsedLine.szData1, _T('=') ); if(pchResult){bOperator_EqualTo = TRUE;iTempFlag = TRUE;}
pchResult = NULL; pchResult = _tcschr( ParsedLine.szData1, _T('>') ); if(pchResult){bOperator_GreaterThan = TRUE;iTempFlag = TRUE;}
pchResult = NULL; pchResult = _tcschr( ParsedLine.szData1, _T('<') ); if(pchResult){bOperator_LessThan = TRUE;iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } // make sure the version to compare it to is specified
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData3 or a szData4.
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz105_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure to return true from here on!
iReturn = TRUE;
// check if the file exists
// Check if the filename or dir exists...
if (!IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) {goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit;}
BOOL bThisIsABinary = FALSE; TCHAR szExtensionOnly[_MAX_EXT] = _T(""); _tsplitpath(ParsedLine.szFileName, NULL, NULL, NULL, szExtensionOnly);
// Get version info for dll,exe,ocx only
if (_tcsicmp(szExtensionOnly, _T(".exe")) == 0){bThisIsABinary=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(szExtensionOnly, _T(".dll")) == 0){bThisIsABinary=TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(szExtensionOnly, _T(".ocx")) == 0){bThisIsABinary=TRUE;} if (FALSE == bThisIsABinary) { // no version, bail
goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
DWORD dwMSVer, dwLSVer = 0; TCHAR szLocalizedVersion[100] = _T("");
// the file exists, lets get the file version and compare it with
// the inputed version, if the fileversion is <= inputversion, then do TRUE section,
// otherwise to FALSE section
// get the fileinformation
MyGetVersionFromFile(ParsedLine.szFileName, &dwMSVer, &dwLSVer, szLocalizedVersion); if (!dwMSVer) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_If:No Version in %1!s!, or filenot found\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName)); // no version, leave
goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_If:check if [%1!s! (%2!s! %3!s! %4!s!)]\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, szLocalizedVersion, ParsedLine.szData1));
int iTempVerValue = 0; iTempVerValue = VerCmp(szLocalizedVersion,ParsedLine.szData1); if (0 == iTempVerValue) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_If:VerCmp=%d\n"), iTempVerValue)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (bOperator_EqualTo) { // check if the above operation was equal
if (1 == iTempVerValue){iTempFlag = TRUE;} }
if (bOperator_GreaterThan) { // check if the above operation was greater than
if (2 == iTempVerValue){iTempFlag = TRUE;} }
if (bOperator_LessThan) { // check if the above operation was less than
if (3 == iTempVerValue){iTempFlag = TRUE;} }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData4)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData4); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData4, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("39")) == 0) { BOOL bOperator_EqualTo = 0; BOOL bOperator_GreaterThan = 0; BOOL bOperator_LessThan = 0;
// make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; } // make sure the description string to comprare it to is specified
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// make sure to return true from here on!
iReturn = TRUE;
// check if the file exists
// Check if the filename or dir exists...
if (!IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) {goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit;}
TCHAR szFileDescriptionInfo[_MAX_PATH] = _T("");
// Get the file description info
// get the DescriptionInfo
if (!MyGetDescriptionFromFile(ParsedLine.szFileName, szFileDescriptionInfo)) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_If:No file desc in %1!s!, or filenot found\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
iTempFlag = FALSE; if ( _tcsicmp(szFileDescriptionInfo,ParsedLine.szData1) == 0) { // if they match the do the true!
iTempFlag = TRUE; }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("100")) == 0) { TCHAR buf[_MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(buf, _MAX_PATH);
// make sure there is a szData1 or a szData2
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_If_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData1 or szData2
// Check if the Service exists...
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (IsThisDriveNTFS(buf) == 0 ) { // yes it is FAT
iTempFlag = TRUE; } if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("119")) == 0) {
if ( IsMachineInDomain() ) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0 ) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); } } else { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0 ) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); } }
// We called the function, so return true.
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessEntry_If_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_Metabase(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE;
// Get the type.
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("82")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("83")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("84")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("85")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("82")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
// Check if hte szData1 includes a "/*"
// if it does, then that means to do it for every server instance.
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsstr(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("/*"))) {iTempFlag = TRUE;}
// Check if we need to do this for every server instance.
if (iTempFlag) { CString csTempString; CString BeforeString; CString AfterString;
csTempString = ParsedLine.szFileName; BeforeString = csTempString; AfterString = _T("");
// Find the "/*" and get the stuff before it.
int iWhere = 0; iWhere = csTempString.Find(_T("/*")); if (-1 != iWhere) { // there is a '/*' in the string
BeforeString = csTempString.Left(iWhere);
// Get the after comma vlues
CString csVeryTemp; csVeryTemp = _T("/*"); AfterString = csTempString.Right( csTempString.GetLength() - (iWhere + csVeryTemp.GetLength())); }
CStringArray arrayInstance; int nArray = 0, i = 0; if (CheckifServiceExist(_T("IISADMIN")) == 0 ) { CMDKey cmdKey; //cmdKey.OpenNode(ParsedLine.szFileName);
cmdKey.OpenNode(BeforeString); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE) cmdKey ) { // enumerate thru this key for other keys...
CMDKeyIter cmdKeyEnum(cmdKey); CString csKeyName; while (cmdKeyEnum.Next(&csKeyName) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // make sure that it's a number that we are adding.
if (IsValidNumber(csKeyName)) { arrayInstance.Add(csKeyName); } } cmdKey.Close();
nArray = (int)arrayInstance.GetSize(); for (i=0; i<nArray; i++) { /*
// Recurse Thru This nodes entries
// Probably look something like these...
[/W3SVC] [/W3SVC/1/ROOT/IISSAMPLES/ExAir] [/W3SVC/1/ROOT/IISADMIN] [/W3SVC/1/ROOT/IISHELP] [/W3SVC/1/ROOT/specs] [/W3SVC/2/ROOT] [/W3SVC/2/ROOT/IISADMIN] [/W3SVC/2/ROOT/IISHELP] etc... */ CString csPath; csPath = BeforeString; csPath += _T("/"); csPath += arrayInstance[i]; csPath += AfterString;
// delete the metabase node.
cmdKey.OpenNode(csPath); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { cmdKey.DeleteNode(ParsedLine.szData1); cmdKey.Close(); } } } } } else { // delete the metabase node.
if (CheckifServiceExist(_T("IISADMIN")) == 0 ) { CMDKey cmdKey; cmdKey.OpenNode(ParsedLine.szFileName); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { cmdKey.DeleteNode(ParsedLine.szData1); cmdKey.Close(); } } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("83")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
// Check if hte szData1 includes a "/*"
// if it does, then that means to do it for every server instance.
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsstr(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("/*"))) {iTempFlag = TRUE;}
// Check if we need to do this for every server instance.
if (iTempFlag) { CString csTempString; CString BeforeString; CString AfterString;
csTempString = ParsedLine.szFileName; BeforeString = csTempString; AfterString = _T("");
// Find the "/*" and get the stuff before it.
int iWhere = 0; iWhere = csTempString.Find(_T("/*")); if (-1 != iWhere) { // there is a '/*' in the string
BeforeString = csTempString.Left(iWhere);
// Get the after comma vlues
CString csVeryTemp; csVeryTemp = _T("/*"); AfterString = csTempString.Right( csTempString.GetLength() - (iWhere + csVeryTemp.GetLength())); }
CStringArray arrayInstance; int nArray = 0, i = 0; if (CheckifServiceExist(_T("IISADMIN")) == 0 ) { CMDKey cmdKey; //cmdKey.OpenNode(ParsedLine.szFileName);
cmdKey.OpenNode(BeforeString); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE) cmdKey ) { // enumerate thru this key for other keys...
CMDKeyIter cmdKeyEnum(cmdKey); CString csKeyName; while (cmdKeyEnum.Next(&csKeyName) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // make sure that it's a number that we are adding.
if (IsValidNumber(csKeyName)) { arrayInstance.Add(csKeyName); } } cmdKey.Close();
nArray = (int)arrayInstance.GetSize(); for (i=0; i<nArray; i++) { /*
// Recurse Thru This nodes entries
// Probably look something like these...
[/W3SVC] [/W3SVC/1/ROOT/IISSAMPLES/ExAir] [/W3SVC/1/ROOT/IISADMIN] [/W3SVC/1/ROOT/IISHELP] [/W3SVC/1/ROOT/specs] [/W3SVC/2/ROOT] [/W3SVC/2/ROOT/IISADMIN] [/W3SVC/2/ROOT/IISHELP] etc... */ CString csPath; csPath = BeforeString; csPath += _T("/"); csPath += arrayInstance[i]; csPath += AfterString;
int arrayInstanceNum = _ttoi(arrayInstance[i]); // Add the virtual root
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;}
// make sure it ParsedLine.szData1 starts with a "/"
TCHAR szTempString[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szTempString, ParsedLine.szData1); if (szTempString[0] != _T('/')) {_stprintf(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("/%s"), szTempString);}
if (iTempFlag) { AddMDVRootTree(csPath, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, ParsedLine.szData3, arrayInstanceNum); } else { AddMDVRootTree(csPath, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, NULL, arrayInstanceNum); } } } } } else { // Add the virtual root
if (CheckifServiceExist(_T("IISADMIN")) == 0 ) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;}
// make sure it ParsedLine.szData1 starts with a "/"
TCHAR szTempString[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szTempString, ParsedLine.szData1); if (szTempString[0] != _T('/')) {_stprintf(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("/%s"), szTempString);}
if (iTempFlag) { AddMDVRootTree(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, ParsedLine.szData3, 0); } else { AddMDVRootTree(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, NULL, 0); }
} } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("84")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
// call that particular migration section
CString csTheSection = ParsedLine.szFileName; if (GetSectionNameToDo(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle, csTheSection)) { MigrateInfSectionToMD(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle, csTheSection); } }
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("85")) == 0) { int iTheReturn = TRUE; // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit; }
iTheReturn = ChangeUserPassword(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1); if (FALSE == iTheReturn) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, _T("ChangeUserPassword failed"), ParsedLine.szFileName, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ChangeUserPassword(%s). Failed..\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName));} } } #endif
// We called the function, so return true.
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessEntry_Metabase_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_Misc2(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE;
// Get the type.
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("15")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("16")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("78")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("79")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("80")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("81")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("86")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("87")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("88")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("89")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("90")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("91")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("92")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("93")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("94")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("95")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("96")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("97")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("98")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("99")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } // make sure we have a progresstitle
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("15")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz805_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("15")) == 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("16")) == 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Pop(); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("78")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } if (!IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_other():'%s' does not exist.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; }
MakeSureDirAclsHaveAtLeastRead((LPTSTR) ParsedLine.szFileName); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("79")) == 0) { int ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; int ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;}
iTempFlag = FALSE; iTempFlag = IsMetabaseCorrupt(); if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szFileName); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag)); } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("80")) == 0) { // initialize ole
iisDebugOut_Start((_T("ole32:OleInitialize"))); int iBalanceOLE = iOleInitialize(); iisDebugOut_End((_T("ole32:OleInitialize"))); // add it to the stack of ole inits and uninits...
GlobalOleInitList_Push(iBalanceOLE); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("81")) == 0) { // Uninitialize ole.
// Check if there is a corresponding oleinit, if there is,
// then uninit, else uninit anyways.
// Grab the last thing on the stack...
// if there is one, then do whatever it is.
// if there is none, then OleUninitialize anyway
if (GlobalOleInitList_Find() == TRUE) { if (TRUE == GlobalOleInitList_Pop()) { iOleUnInitialize(TRUE); } else { iOleUnInitialize(FALSE); } } else { iOleUnInitialize(TRUE); } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("86")) == 0) { // See if there is an extra param in the other field
int iTicksToAdvance = 1; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) { if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szFileName)) {iTicksToAdvance = _ttoi((LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szFileName);} } AdvanceProgressBarTickGauge(iTicksToAdvance); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("87")) == 0) { LogFilesInThisDir(ParsedLine.szFileName); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("88")) == 0) { LogFileVersion(ParsedLine.szFileName, TRUE); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("89")) == 0) { // make sure the metabase writes all the information to disk now.
WriteToMD_ForceMetabaseToWriteToDisk(); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("90")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } DWORD dwTheID = _ttol(ParsedLine.szFileName); //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Values: %s, %d"), ParsedLine.szFileName, dwTheID));
if ( ( dwTheID == 32802 ) && // DomainName
( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) == 0) ) { CString DomainName; if ( RetrieveDomain(DomainName) ) { SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,dwTheID,DomainName.GetBuffer(0)); } } else { SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,dwTheID,ParsedLine.szData1); } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("91")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } DWORD dwTheID = atodw(ParsedLine.szFileName); SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,dwTheID,ParsedLine.szData1); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("92")) == 0) { // 100=92|101=Inst mode (0,1,2,3)|102=UpgType(UT_10,etc..)|103=UpgTypeHasMetabaseFlag (0|1)|104=AllCompOffByDefaultFlag
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } //m_eInstallMode = IM_FRESH;
//m_eUpgradeType = UT_NONE;
//m_bUpgradeTypeHasMetabaseFlag = FALSE;
//m_bPleaseDoNotInstallByDefault = TRUE;
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("1")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eInstallMode = IM_FRESH;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("2")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eInstallMode = IM_UPGRADE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("3")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eInstallMode = IM_MAINTENANCE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_NONE")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_NONE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_351")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_351;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_10")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_10;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_20")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_20;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_30")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_30;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_40")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_40;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_50")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_50;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_51")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_51;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_60")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_60;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("UT_10_W95")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType = UT_10_W95;}
g_pTheApp->m_bUpgradeTypeHasMetabaseFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_bUpgradeTypeHasMetabaseFlag = TRUE;}
g_pTheApp->m_bPleaseDoNotInstallByDefault = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("1")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_bPleaseDoNotInstallByDefault = TRUE;} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("93")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("1")) == 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} StopAllServicesRegardless(iTempFlag); } if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("94")) == 0) { DisplayActionsForAllOurComponents(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("95")) == 0) { // Check if the specified file has a version >= iis4.
// if it does then rename the file.
// make sure it has a 101
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } // make sure the file exists.
if (!IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_other():'%s' does not exist.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; }
DWORD dwMajorVersion = 0x0; DWORD dwMinorVersion = 0x0; // make sure it has a 102
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } // make sure it has a 103
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } else { dwMajorVersion = atodw(ParsedLine.szData2); } // make sure it has a 104
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit; } else { dwMinorVersion = atodw(ParsedLine.szData3); }
// Check if the file has a larger version.
//DWORD dwNtopMSVer = 0x40002;
//DWORD dwNtopLSVer = 0x26e0001;
if (FALSE == IsFileLessThanThisVersion(ParsedLine.szFileName, dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion)) { // ok, this is a 'special' built file that the user built themselves.
// let's rename it to something else.
// check if the "to" filename exists.
iTempFlag = FALSE; int I1 = 0; TCHAR szTempFileName[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szTempFileName, ParsedLine.szData1); do { if (!IsFileExist(szTempFileName) || (I1 > 10)) { iTempFlag = TRUE; // rename it
if (MoveFileEx( ParsedLine.szFileName, szTempFileName, MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED|MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH|MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("%s was renamed to %s for safety because it is probably a user compiled file. WARNING."),ParsedLine.szFileName, szTempFileName));} else {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Rename of %s to %s for safety because it is probably a user compiled file. FAILED."),ParsedLine.szFileName, szTempFileName));} } else { // add on some other stuff.
I1++; _stprintf(szTempFileName, _T("%s%d"), ParsedLine.szData1, I1); } } while (iTempFlag == FALSE); } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("96")) == 0) { // show messagebox
int iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups = g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups; g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = TRUE; MyMessageBox(NULL, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szFileName, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("97")) == 0) { // do nothing...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("98")) == 0) { //Reboot
SetRebootFlag(); } if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("99")) == 0) { // dump internal variables
g_pTheApp->DumpAppVars(); int iDoExtraStuff = 0;
if (ParsedLine.szFileName && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) { if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szFileName)) { iDoExtraStuff = _ttoi((LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szFileName); } }
if (g_GlobalDebugLevelFlag >= LOG_TYPE_TRACE) { if (iDoExtraStuff >= 2) { // display locked dlls by setup
LogThisProcessesDLLs(); // display running processes
LogCurrentProcessIDs(); // free some memory used for the task list
FreeTaskListMem(); UnInit_Lib_PSAPI(); }
// display running services
if (iDoExtraStuff >= 1) { LogEnumServicesStatus(); } // log file versions
LogImportantFiles(); // check if temp dir is writeable
LogCheckIfTempDirWriteable(); } }
// We called the function, so return true.
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessEntry_Misc2_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_Misc3(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; int ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
// Get the type.
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("101")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("102")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("103")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("104")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("105")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("106")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("107")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("108")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("109")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("110")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("111")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("112")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("113")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("114")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("115")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("116")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("117")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("118")) != 0 ) { goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("101")) == 0) { // Remove filter
// make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } // Check for extra flag
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("1")) == 0){iTempFlag = TRUE;}
// Remove the filter
RemoveMetabaseFilter(ParsedLine.szFileName, iTempFlag); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("102")) == 0) { // Remove bad filters
// make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// Check for extra flag
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("1")) == 0){iTempFlag = TRUE;}
// Remove the filter
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("103")) == 0) { // Compile mof file
// make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// Remove the filter
HRESULT hres = MofCompile(ParsedLine.szFileName); if (FAILED(hres)) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, ParsedLine.szFileName, hres, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("MofCompile(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName,hres));} } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("104")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// Make sure we have a value for the entry point..
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData3 or a szData4.
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData3 or szData4
// Check Entry point exists
iTempFlag = FALSE; iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_If:check for entrypoint [%1!s! (%2!s!)]\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1));
// check if entry point exists
DWORD dwReturn = DoesEntryPointExist(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwReturn) { iTempFlag = TRUE; } else { if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwReturn) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("FileNot found:[%1!s!]\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName)); } }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData3)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData3); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData3, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("105")) == 0) { HRESULT hr; // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// Make sure we have a value for the entry point..
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// Make sure we have a value for the entry point..
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// call function to CreateGroup
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) { // add group
hr = CreateGroup(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1,TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("CreateGroup:%s,%s.failed.code=0x%x\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1,hr)); } } else { // remove group
hr = CreateGroup(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1,FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("DeleteGroup:%s,%s.failed.code=0x%x\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1,hr)); } } #endif
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("106")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// Make sure we have a value for the entry point..
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// call function to CreateGroup
DWORD dwPermissions = MD_ACR_ENUM_KEYS; dwPermissions = atodw(ParsedLine.szData1); #ifndef _CHICAGO_
iTempFlag = TRUE; if (g_pTheApp->m_bUpgradeTypeHasMetabaseFlag) { if (DoesAdminACLExist(ParsedLine.szFileName) == TRUE) {iTempFlag = FALSE;} } // if this is upgrading from win95, then make sure to write the acl...
if (g_pTheApp->m_bWin95Migration){iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag) { SetAdminACL_wrap(ParsedLine.szFileName,dwPermissions,TRUE); } #endif
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("107")) == 0) { // Run the ftp, upgrade code to move registry stuff to the metabase
FTP_Upgrade_RegToMetabase(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("108")) == 0) { // Run the w3svc, upgrade code to move registry stuff to the metabase
WWW_Upgrade_RegToMetabase(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("109")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } UpgradeFilters(ParsedLine.szFileName); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("110")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } #ifndef _CHICAGO_
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("1")) == 0) { // add
RegisterAccountToLocalGroup(_T("system"),ParsedLine.szFileName,TRUE); RegisterAccountToLocalGroup(_T("service"),ParsedLine.szFileName,TRUE); RegisterAccountToLocalGroup(_T("networkservice"),ParsedLine.szFileName,TRUE); } else { // remove
RegisterAccountToLocalGroup(_T("system"),ParsedLine.szFileName,FALSE); RegisterAccountToLocalGroup(_T("service"),ParsedLine.szFileName,FALSE); RegisterAccountToLocalGroup(_T("networkservice"),ParsedLine.szFileName,FALSE); } #endif
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("111")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } #ifndef _CHICAGO_
AddUserToMetabaseACL(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1); #endif
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("112")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) { // add
RegisterAccountToLocalGroup(ParsedLine.szData1,ParsedLine.szFileName,TRUE); } else { // remove
RegisterAccountToLocalGroup(ParsedLine.szData1,ParsedLine.szFileName,FALSE); } #endif
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("113")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
HKEY hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // check if the registry key exists...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKLM")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCR")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKCU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("HKU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_USERS;} #ifndef _CHICAGO_
DWORD dwAccessMask = atodw(ParsedLine.szData3); DWORD dwInheritMask = CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE; SetRegistryKeySecurity(hRootKeyType,ParsedLine.szData1,ParsedLine.szData2,dwAccessMask,dwInheritMask,TRUE,ParsedLine.szData4); #endif
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("114")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } // rename the metabase node.
if (CheckifServiceExist(_T("IISADMIN")) == 0 ) { CMDKey cmdKey; cmdKey.OpenNode(ParsedLine.szFileName); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("RenameNode:%s=%s\n"),ParsedLine.szData1,ParsedLine.szData2)); cmdKey.RenameNode(ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2); cmdKey.Close(); } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("115")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData1 or a szData2
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData1 or szData2
// Check if the language specified in the .inf corresponds to
// our systems language.
iTempFlag = FALSE;
// Get our language
// set iTempFlag to true if it matches the same language they specified.
DWORD dwCodePage = GetACP(); DWORD dwTheCodePageSpecifiedinINF = 0; dwTheCodePageSpecifiedinINF = atodw(ParsedLine.szFileName);
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CodePage=0x%x,%d\n"),dwCodePage,dwCodePage));
if (dwTheCodePageSpecifiedinINF == dwCodePage) { iTempFlag = TRUE; }
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("116")) == 0) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CreateDummyMetabaseBin\n"))); CreateDummyMetabaseBin(); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("117")) == 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// make sure there is a szData1 or a szData2
ifTrueStatementExists = FALSE; ifFalseStatementExists = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {ifTrueStatementExists = TRUE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {ifFalseStatementExists = TRUE;} if (ifTrueStatementExists == FALSE && ifFalseStatementExists == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; }
// okay we have either szData1 or szData2
iTempFlag = CheckForWriteAccess(ParsedLine.szFileName);
if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { // the result was true
// the key exists, so let's do the section...
if (ifTrueStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData1)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData1); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData1, iTempFlag)); } } else { // the result was false
if (ifFalseStatementExists) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:Start.\n"), ParsedLine.szData2)); iTempFlag = ProcessSection(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle,ParsedLine.szData2); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Calling ProcessSection:%1!s!:End.return=%2!d!\n"), ParsedLine.szData2, iTempFlag)); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("118")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit; } #ifndef _CHICAGO_
if ( ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) != 0) && ( _ttoi(ParsedLine.szData4) == 1 ) ) { RemovePrincipalFromFileAcl(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1); } else { DWORD dwAccessMask = atodw(ParsedLine.szData2); //DWORD dwInheritMask = CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE;
// don't remove any iheritance, keep all inheritance
DWORD dwInheritMask = 0; INT iAceType = ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) { iAceType = _ttoi(ParsedLine.szData3); //dwInheritMask = CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE | INHERITED_ACE;
SetDirectorySecurity(ParsedLine.szFileName,ParsedLine.szData1,iAceType,dwAccessMask,dwInheritMask); }
// We called the function, so return true.
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessEntry_Misc3_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_other(IN CString csEntry,IN LPCTSTR szTheSection,ThingToDo ParsedLine) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE; int iProgressBarUpdated = FALSE; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE;
TCHAR szDirBefore[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szDirBefore, _T(""));
// Get the type.
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("19")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("20")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("21")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("22")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("23")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("24")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("25")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("26")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("27")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("28")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("29")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("30")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("31")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("32")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("33")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("34")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("35")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("36")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("37")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("38")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("120")) ) { goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
// Check if there is other criteria we need to pass
if (!ProcessEntry_CheckAll(csEntry, szTheSection, ParsedLine) ) { goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("28")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("37")) != 0) { // make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; } } }
iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T("")) != 0) { ProgressBarTextStack_Set(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle); iProgressBarUpdated = TRUE; }
// Check if we need to change to a specific dir first...
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir) { if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) { // save the current dir
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirBefore); // change to this dir
SetCurrentDirectory(ParsedLine.szChangeDir); } }
// check if we need to ask the user if they want to call it for sure.
if (!ProcessEntry_AskFirst(ParsedLine, 1)) { goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("19")) == 0) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyAddGroup:%1!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); MyAddGroup(ParsedLine.szFileName); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("20")) == 0) { if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("1")) == 0) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyDeleteGroup:%1!s!. even if not empty.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); MyDeleteGroup(ParsedLine.szFileName); } else { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyDeleteGroup:%1!s!. only if empty.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); if (MyIsGroupEmpty(ParsedLine.szFileName)) {MyDeleteGroup(ParsedLine.szFileName);} } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("21")) == 0) { //MyAddItem(csGroupName, csAppName, csProgram, NULL, NULL);
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyAddItem:Type=%1!s!,%2!s!,%3!s!,%4!s!,%5!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, ParsedLine.szData3, ParsedLine.szData4)); if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) == 0 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) == 0) { MyAddItem(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { // if ParsedLine.szData4 is a directory, then
// the start in dir should be used there.
// if ParsedLine.szData4 is a filename, then
// the start in dir should be used there.
// and you ought to use the filename specified for the icon
if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szData4)) { DWORD retCode = GetFileAttributes(ParsedLine.szData4); if (retCode & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // It is a directory, so pass in only the directory information
MyAddItem(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, ParsedLine.szData3, ParsedLine.szData4, NULL); } else { // it is a file so get the directory and pass in the filename as well.
TCHAR szDirOnly[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDirOnly2[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szDirOnly, _T("")); _tcscpy(szDirOnly2, _T("")); InetGetFilePath(ParsedLine.szData4, szDirOnly);
// change e:\winnt\system32 to %systemroot%\system32 if we need to.
ReverseExpandEnvironmentStrings(szDirOnly, szDirOnly2);
MyAddItem(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, ParsedLine.szData3, szDirOnly2, ParsedLine.szData4); } } else { MyAddItem(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("22")) == 0) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyDeleteItem:%1!s!,%2!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); MyDeleteItem(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("23")) == 0) { //MyAddDeskTopItem(csAppName, csProgram, NULL, NULL, csProgram, 7);
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyAddDeskTopItem:Type=%1!s!,%2!s!,%3!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2)); if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) == 0) { // icon number not specified
MyAddDeskTopItem(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, NULL, NULL, ParsedLine.szData1, 7); } else { // icon specified use what they said to use
int iIconIndex = 7 ; if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szData2)) {iIconIndex = _ttoi((LPCTSTR)ParsedLine.szData2);} MyAddDeskTopItem(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, NULL, NULL, ParsedLine.szData1, iIconIndex); } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("24")) == 0) { //MyDeleteDeskTopItem(csAppName);
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyDeleteDeskTopItem:%1!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); MyDeleteDeskTopItem(ParsedLine.szFileName); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("120")) == 0) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("DeleteFromGroup:%1!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); DeleteFromGroup(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("25")) == 0) { //MyAddSendToItem(csAppName, csProgram, NULL, NULL);
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyAddSendToItem:Type=%1!s!,%2!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); MyAddSendToItem(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, NULL, NULL); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("26")) == 0) { //MyDeleteSendToItem(csAppName);
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyDeleteSendToItem:%1!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName)); MyDeleteSendToItem(ParsedLine.szFileName); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("27")) == 0) { if (ParsedLine.szFileName) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) { INT iUserWasNewlyCreated = 0; //CreateIUSRAccount(g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName, g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyPassword);
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
CreateIUSRAccount( (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) ParsedLine.szFileName, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) ParsedLine.szData1,&iUserWasNewlyCreated); #endif //_CHICAGO_
} } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("28")) == 0) { if (ParsedLine.szFileName) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) { #ifndef _CHICAGO_
int iUserWasDeleted = 0; DeleteGuestUser( (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) ParsedLine.szFileName,&iUserWasDeleted); // if the user was deleted, then remove it
// from the uninstall list!
if (1 == iUserWasDeleted) { g_pTheApp->UnInstallList_DelData(ParsedLine.szFileName); } #endif
} } }
// move location of directory recursive
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("29")) == 0) { if (ParsedLine.szFileName && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) { // Check if the from directory even exist...
// see if the file exists
if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { if (ParsedLine.szData1 && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) { if (TRUE == MoveFileEx( ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED|MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH )) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("MoveFileEx:%1!s! to %2!s!. success.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); } else { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("MoveFileEx:%1!s! to %2!s!. failed.\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); } } } } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("30")) == 0) { if (ParsedLine.szFileName && _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) { BOOL b; BOOL bInstalled = FALSE; CString csFile;
b = AddFontResource(ParsedLine.szFileName); if (!b) { csFile = g_pTheApp->m_csWinDir + _T("\\Fonts\\"); csFile += ParsedLine.szFileName; b = AddFontResource((LPCTSTR)csFile); if (!b) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("AddFontResource:FAILED:, csFile=%s, err=0x%x,\n"), csFile, GetLastError())); } }
if (b) { SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0); }
} }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("31")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
AddURLShortcutItem( ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("32")) == 0) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("MyAddItem:Type=%1!s!,%2!s!,%3!s!\n"),ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2)); MyAddItemInfoTip(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szData2); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("33")) == 0) { CString strUseThisFileName; int iShowErrorsOnFail = TRUE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("1")) == 0) {iShowErrorsOnFail = FALSE;}
// the user can specify a filename or
// they can specify a registry location to get the filename from
// if the registry location is not there then use the filename.
// make sure we have a filename entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
strUseThisFileName = ParsedLine.szFileName;
// if we have a valid registry entry then use that.
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) { // try to get the filename stored there.
HKEY hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // check if the registry key exists...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("HKLM")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("HKCR")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("HKCU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("HKU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_USERS;}
iTempFlag = FALSE; CRegKey regTheKey(hRootKeyType, ParsedLine.szData2,KEY_READ); CString strReturnQueryValue; if ((HKEY) regTheKey) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regTheKey.QueryValue(ParsedLine.szData3, strReturnQueryValue)) { strUseThisFileName = strReturnQueryValue; iTempFlag = TRUE; } } } } }
// check if the the filename we want to use
// needs to get expanded "%windir%\myfile" or something.
if (-1 != strUseThisFileName.Find(_T('%')) ) { // there is a '%' in the string
TCHAR szTempDir[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szTempDir, strUseThisFileName); if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings( (LPCTSTR)strUseThisFileName, szTempDir, sizeof(szTempDir)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { strUseThisFileName = szTempDir; } }
if (TRUE == iTempFlag) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("CreateAnEmptyFile:%1!s!. From Registry location.\n"),strUseThisFileName)); } else { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("CreateAnEmptyFile:%1!s!\n"),strUseThisFileName)); } if (TRUE != CreateAnEmptyFile(strUseThisFileName)) { if (iShowErrorsOnFail){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_RUN_PROG_FAILED, strUseThisFileName, GetLastError(), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} else{iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("CreateAnEmptyFile(%s). Failed. Err=0x%x.\n"), strUseThisFileName, GetLastError() ));} } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("34")) == 0) { CString strUseThisFileName; TCHAR szUseThisFileName[_MAX_PATH];
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
strUseThisFileName = ParsedLine.szFileName;
// if we have a valid registry entry then use that.
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")) != 0) { // try to get the filename stored there.
HKEY hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // check if the registry key exists...
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("HKLM")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("HKCR")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("HKCU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;} if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("HKU")) == 0){hRootKeyType = HKEY_USERS;}
iTempFlag = FALSE; CRegKey regTheKey(hRootKeyType, ParsedLine.szData3, KEY_READ); CString strReturnQueryValue; if ((HKEY) regTheKey) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regTheKey.QueryValue(ParsedLine.szData4, strReturnQueryValue)) { strUseThisFileName = strReturnQueryValue; iTempFlag = TRUE; } } } } }
// check if the the filename we want to use
// needs to get expanded "%windir%\myfile" or something.
if (-1 != strUseThisFileName.Find(_T('%')) ) { // there is a '%' in the string
TCHAR szTempDir[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szTempDir, strUseThisFileName); if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings( (LPCTSTR)strUseThisFileName, szTempDir, sizeof(szTempDir)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { strUseThisFileName = szTempDir; } }
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("GrantUserAccessToFile:%1!s!,%2!s!\n"),strUseThisFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); _tcscpy(szUseThisFileName, strUseThisFileName); GrantUserAccessToFile(szUseThisFileName, ParsedLine.szData1); }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("35")) == 0) { DWORD dwID = 0; DWORD dwAttrib = 0; DWORD dwUserType = 0; DWORD dwTheData = 0; INT iOverwriteFlag = FALSE;
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; } iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
// make sure we have a szData2 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz103_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
// make sure we have a szData3 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz104_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
dwID = atodw(ParsedLine.szData1); dwAttrib = METADATA_INHERIT; dwUserType = atodw(ParsedLine.szData2); dwTheData = atodw(ParsedLine.szData3);
iOverwriteFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("1")) == 0) {iOverwriteFlag = TRUE;}
if (CheckifServiceExist(_T("IISADMIN")) == 0 ) { WriteToMD_DwordEntry(ParsedLine.szFileName, dwID, dwAttrib, dwUserType, dwTheData, iOverwriteFlag); } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("36")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz101_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; } #ifndef _CHICAGO_
SetIISADMINRestriction(ParsedLine.szFileName); #endif
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("37")) == 0) { iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == TRUE) { int MyLogErrorType = LOG_TYPE_TRACE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("0")) == 0) {MyLogErrorType = LOG_TYPE_ERROR;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("1")) == 0) {MyLogErrorType = LOG_TYPE_WARN;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("2")) == 0) {MyLogErrorType = LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("3")) == 0) {MyLogErrorType = LOG_TYPE_TRACE;} if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("4")) == 0) {MyLogErrorType = LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API;} iisDebugOut((MyLogErrorType, _T("%s"), ParsedLine.szFileName)); } }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("38")) == 0) { BOOL bOK = FALSE; BOOL bDeleteOld = FALSE; BOOL bOverWriteToFile = FALSE;
// make sure we have a szData1 entry
iTempFlag = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")) != 0) {iTempFlag = TRUE;} if (iTempFlag == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) csz102_NOT_SPECIFIED, _T(".."), csEntry, szTheSection)); goto ProcessEntry_other_Exit; }
bDeleteOld = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("1")) == 0) {bDeleteOld = TRUE;} bOverWriteToFile = FALSE; if (_tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("1")) == 0) {bOverWriteToFile = TRUE;}
if (IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { //Save file attributes so they can be restored after we are done.
DWORD dwSourceAttrib = GetFileAttributes(ParsedLine.szFileName);
//Now set the file attributes to normal to ensure file ops succeed.
SetFileAttributes(ParsedLine.szFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); //from=ParsedLine.szFileName
// check if the 'to' filename exists.
if (!IsFileExist(ParsedLine.szData1)) { // go ahead and try to copy it over
bOK = CopyFile(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, FALSE); if (bOK) { SetFileAttributes(ParsedLine.szData1, dwSourceAttrib); iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("%1!s! copied to %2!s!.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); // the file was copied. let's delete it now.
if (bDeleteOld) { if(!DeleteFile(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { MoveFileEx(ParsedLine.szFileName, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT); } } else { // set this files attribs back to what it was
SetFileAttributes(ParsedLine.szFileName, dwSourceAttrib); } } else { // we were unable to copy the file over!
// don't delete the old one.
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("unabled to copy %1!s! to %2!s!.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); } } else { // the 'to' file exists, shall we overwrite it?
if (bOverWriteToFile) { if(DeleteFile(ParsedLine.szData1)) { bOK = FALSE; bOK = CopyFile(ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, FALSE); if (bOK) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("%1!s! copied to %2!s!.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); // the file was copied. let's delete it now.
if (bDeleteOld) { if(!DeleteFile(ParsedLine.szFileName)) { MoveFileEx(ParsedLine.szFileName, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT); } } else { // set this files attribs back to what it was
SetFileAttributes(ParsedLine.szFileName, dwSourceAttrib); } } else { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("unabled to copy %1!s! to %2!s!.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); } } else { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("unabled to copy %1!s! to %2!s!. file#2 cannot be deleted.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); } } else { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("unabled to copy %1!s! to %2!s!. file#2 already exists.\n"), ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1)); } } } }
// We called the function, so return true.
iReturn = TRUE;
// change back to the original dir
if (ParsedLine.szChangeDir){if (szDirBefore){SetCurrentDirectory(szDirBefore);}}
ProcessEntry_AskLast(ParsedLine, 1);
ProcessEntry_other_Exit: if (TRUE == iProgressBarUpdated){ProgressBarTextStack_Pop();} return iReturn; }
int ProcessEntry_Entry(IN HINF hFile, IN LPCTSTR szTheSection, IN CString csOneParseableLine) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ProcessEntry_Entry:%1!s!, %2!s!\n"),szTheSection, csOneParseableLine)); int iReturn = FALSE; int iReturnTemp = FALSE; int iTempFlag = FALSE;
ThingToDo ParsedLine;
_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szType, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szFileName, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData1, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData2, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData3, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData4, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szChangeDir, _T(""));
_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szOS, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szPlatformArchitecture, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szEnterprise, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szMsgBoxBefore, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szMsgBoxAfter, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, _T("")); _tcscpy(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, _T(""));
// parse the line and put into another big cstring list
CStringList strListOrderImportant; //
// Parse the long string and put into another list
LPTSTR lpBuffer = NULL; lpBuffer = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, (csOneParseableLine.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( !lpBuffer ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ProcessEntry_Entry:Failed to allocate memory."))); return iReturn; }
_tcscpy(lpBuffer, csOneParseableLine); TCHAR *token = NULL; token = _tcstok(lpBuffer, _T("|")); while (token != NULL) { strListOrderImportant.AddTail(token); token = _tcstok(NULL, _T("|")); } // Loop thru the new list and set variables
int i = 0; int iFoundMatch = FALSE; POSITION pos = NULL; CString csEntry; int iEntryLen = 0;
pos = strListOrderImportant.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { iFoundMatch = FALSE; csEntry = strListOrderImportant.GetAt(pos); iEntryLen=(csEntry.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
// Look for "100:"
// 100=Type (1=DllFunction,2=DllFunctionInitOle, 2=Executable, 3=RunThisExe, 4=DoSection, 5=DoINFSection)
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_100 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szType)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szType, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_100,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 101=File
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_101 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szFileName)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szFileName, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_101, csEntry));} if (-1 != csEntry.Find(_T('<')) ) { // there is a < in the string
int iWhere = 0; CString csValue2; csEntry.MakeUpper(); if (csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")) != (-1) ) { // We Found the cheesy <SYSTEMROOT> deal. Now replace it with the real SYSTEMROOT
iWhere = csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")); iWhere = iWhere + _tcslen(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")); csValue2 = g_pTheApp->m_csWinDir + csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - (iWhere) ); csEntry = csValue2; if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szFileName)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szFileName, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ProcessEntry_Entry:ParseError:%s.1:%1!s! -- entry to big\n"),ThingToDoNumType_101,csEntry));} }
if (csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")) != (-1) ) { // We Found the cheesy <SYSTEMDRIVE> deal. Now replace it with the real systemdrive
iWhere = csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")); iWhere = iWhere + _tcslen(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")); csValue2 = g_pTheApp->m_csSysDrive + csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - (iWhere) ); csEntry = csValue2; if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szFileName)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szFileName, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_101,csEntry));} } }
iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// ThingToDoNumType_102=szData1
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_102 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szData1)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData1, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_102,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; if (-1 != csEntry.Find(_T('<')) ) { // there is a < in the string
int iWhere = 0; CString csValue2; csEntry.MakeUpper(); if (csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")) != (-1) ) { // We Found the cheesy <SYSTEMROOT> deal. Now replace it with the real SYSTEMROOT
iWhere = csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")); iWhere = iWhere + _tcslen(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")); csValue2 = g_pTheApp->m_csWinDir + csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - (iWhere) ); csEntry = csValue2; if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szData1)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData1, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ProcessEntry_Entry:ParseError:%s.1:%1!s! -- entry to big\n"),ThingToDoNumType_102, csEntry));} }
if (csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")) != (-1) ) { // We Found the cheesy <SYSTEMDRIVE> deal. Now replace it with the real SYSTEMROOT
iWhere = csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")); iWhere = iWhere + _tcslen(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")); csValue2 = g_pTheApp->m_csSysDrive + csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - (iWhere) ); csEntry = csValue2; if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szData1)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData1, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_102,csEntry));} } } }
// ThingToDoNumType_103=szData2
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_103 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szData2)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData2, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_103,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; } // ThingToDoNumType_104=szData3
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_104 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szData3)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData3, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_104,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// ThingToDoNumType_105=szData4
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_105 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szData4)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szData4, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_105,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 200=ChangeToThisDirFirst
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_200 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szChangeDir, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_200,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE;
if (-1 != csEntry.Find(_T('<')) ) { // there is a < in the string
int iWhere = 0; CString csValue2; csEntry.MakeUpper(); if (csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")) != (-1) ) { // We Found the cheesy <SYSTEMROOT> deal. Now replace it with the real SYSTEMROOT
iWhere = csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")); iWhere = iWhere + _tcslen(_T("<SYSTEMROOT>")); csValue2 = g_pTheApp->m_csWinDir + csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - (iWhere) ); csEntry = csValue2; if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szChangeDir, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ProcessEntry_Entry:ParseError:%s.1:%1!s! -- entry to big\n"),ThingToDoNumType_200,csEntry));} }
if (csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")) != (-1) ) { // We Found the cheesy <SYSTEMDRIVE> deal. Now replace it with the real SYSTEMROOT
iWhere = csEntry.Find(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")); iWhere = iWhere + _tcslen(_T("<SYSTEMDRIVE>")); csValue2 = g_pTheApp->m_csSysDrive + csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - (iWhere) ); csEntry = csValue2; if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szChangeDir)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szChangeDir, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_200,csEntry));} } }
// 701=OS (0=ALL,1=NTS,2=NTW,4=NTDC)
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_701 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szOS)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szOS, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_701,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 702=PlatformArchitecture (0=ALL,1=x86,2=alpha)
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_702 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szPlatformArchitecture)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szPlatformArchitecture, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_702,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 703=Enterprise (1=yes,0=no)
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_703 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szEnterprise)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szEnterprise, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_703,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 801=ErrIfFileNotFound (1=Show error if filenot found, 0=don't show error)
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_801 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_801,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 802=Ask User if they want to call this function with msgbox (1=yes,0=no)
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_802 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szMsgBoxBefore)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szMsgBoxBefore, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_802,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 803=notify use after calling the function (1=yes,0=no)
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_803 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szMsgBoxAfter)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szMsgBoxAfter, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_803,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 804=szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed (1= dont Show error , 0=show error)
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_804 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_804,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 805=szProgressTitle
if (csEntry.Left(4) == ThingToDoNumType_805 && iFoundMatch != TRUE) { csEntry = csEntry.Right( csEntry.GetLength() - 4); if (iEntryLen <= sizeof(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle)) {_tcscpy(ParsedLine.szProgressTitle, csEntry);} else {iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, (TCHAR *) PARSE_ERROR_ENTRY_TO_BIG,ThingToDoNumType_805,csEntry));} iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
if (iFoundMatch != TRUE) { // We didn't find a match, so output the problem to the logs..
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_Entry():UnknownOption '%1!s!'. Section=%2!s!..\n"),csEntry, szTheSection)); } // Get next value
strListOrderImportant.GetNext(pos); i++; }
iFoundMatch = FALSE; /*
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("ProcessEntry_Entry:PleaseProcess:type=%1!s!,filename=%2!s!,data=%3!s!,os=%4!s!,plat=%5!s!,errnofile=%6!s!,msgb=%7!s!,msga=%8!s!,noerr=%9!s!\n"), ParsedLine.szType, ParsedLine.szFileName, ParsedLine.szData1, ParsedLine.szOS, ParsedLine.szPlatformArchitecture, ParsedLine.szEnterprise ParsedLine.szErrIfFileNotFound, ParsedLine.szMsgBoxBefore, ParsedLine.szMsgBoxAfter, ParsedLine.szDoNotDisplayErrIfFunctionFailed )); */ if (i >= 1) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("...ProcessEntry:100=%1!s!...\n"),ParsedLine.szType));
// Get the type.
// 100=Type (1=DllFunction,2=DllFunctionInitOle, 2=Executable, 3=RunThisExe, 4=DoSection, 5=DoINFSection)
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("1")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("2")) == 0 ) { // 100=1=DllFunction,2=DllFunctionInitOle
// We are doing a call to a function in a DLL.
iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_CallDll(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 100=7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("7")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("8")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("9")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("10")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("11")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("12")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("13")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("14")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("17")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("18")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_Misc1(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("19")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("20")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("21")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("22")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("23")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("24")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("25")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("26")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("27")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("28")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("29")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("30")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("31")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("32")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("33")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("34")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("35")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("36")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("37")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("38")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("120")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_other(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("39")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("40")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("41")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("42")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("43")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("44")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("45")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("46")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("47")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("48")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("49")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("100")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("119")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_If(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("50")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("51")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("52")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("53")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("54")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("55")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("56")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("57")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("58")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("59")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("60")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("61")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("62")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("63")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("64")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("65")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("66")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("67")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("68")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("69")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_SVC_Clus(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("70")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("71")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("72")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("73")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("74")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("75")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("76")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("77")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_Dcom(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("82")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("83")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("84")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("85")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_Metabase(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; } if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("15")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("16")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("78")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("79")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("80")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("81")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("86")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("87")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("88")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("89")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("90")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("91")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("92")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("93")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("94")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("95")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("96")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("97")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("98")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("99")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_Misc2(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("101")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("102")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("103")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("104")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("105")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("106")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("107")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("108")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("109")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("110")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("111")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("112")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("113")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("114")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("115")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("116")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("117")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("118")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_Misc3(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 100= 3=Executable
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("3")) == 0) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_Call_Exe(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 100= 4=Call InternalSectionInIISDll
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("4")) == 0) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_Internal_iisdll(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
// 100= 0=DoINFSection queue file ops special
// 100= 5=DoSection
// 100= 6=DoINFSection
if ( _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("0")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("5")) == 0 || _tcsicmp(ParsedLine.szType, _T("6")) == 0 ) { iReturnTemp = ProcessEntry_Call_Section(csEntry,szTheSection,ParsedLine); if (iReturnTemp == FALSE) (iReturn = FALSE); iFoundMatch = TRUE; }
if (TRUE != iFoundMatch) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("ProcessEntry_Entry:ExecuteThing:Unknown Type:%1!s! FAILURE.\n"),ParsedLine.szType)); } }
if (lpBuffer) {LocalFree(lpBuffer);lpBuffer=NULL;} return iReturn; }
int DoesThisSectionExist(IN HINF hFile, IN LPCTSTR szTheSection) { int iReturn = FALSE;
// go to the beginning of the section in the INF file
if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hFile, szTheSection, NULL, &Context)) {iReturn = TRUE;}
return iReturn; }
int GetSectionNameToDo(IN HINF hFile, CString & csTheSection) { iisDebugOut_Start1(_T("GetSectionNameToDo"),csTheSection); int iReturn = FALSE;
// Check if this section has other sections which have something else appended to it.
// for example:
// csTheSection = iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage
// could have:
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_NONE
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_351
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_10
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_20
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_30
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_40
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_50
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_51
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_60
// iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_10_W95.GUIMODE
// In That case, we only want to do the iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage.UT_40
// and not do the iis_www_reg_CreateIISPackage one!
// Check for other upgrade specific sections...
// if we find one then do that, otherwise, just do the regular section...
TCHAR szTheSectionToDo[100]; TCHAR szTheUT[30]; _tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_NONE")); if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_351){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_351"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_10){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_10"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_20){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_20"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_30){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_30"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_40){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_40"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_50){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_50"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_51){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_51"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_60){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_60"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_10_W95){_tcscpy(szTheUT,_T("UT_10_W95"));}
BOOL bSectionFound = FALSE; // If this is an upgrade from win95 then tack that one on...
if (g_pTheApp->m_bWin95Migration) { // Check for guimode of this...
if (g_pTheApp->m_fNTGuiMode) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.%s.MIG95.GUIMODE"),csTheSection,szTheUT); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} }
if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.%s.MIG95"),csTheSection,szTheUT); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} } }
// check with out the extract mig95 thingy
if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { if (g_pTheApp->m_fNTGuiMode) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.%s.GUIMODE"),csTheSection,szTheUT); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} }
if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.%s"),csTheSection,szTheUT); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} } }
// if we didn't find a specific section, then see if this is an upgrade
// and if there is upgrade type box.
if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { if (_tcsicmp(szTheUT, _T("UT_NONE")) != 0) { if (TRUE == g_pTheApp->m_bUpgradeTypeHasMetabaseFlag) { if (g_pTheApp->m_fNTGuiMode) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.UT_ANYMETABASEUPGRADE.GUIMODE"),csTheSection); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} } if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.UT_ANYMETABASEUPGRADE"),csTheSection); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} } }
if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { if (g_pTheApp->m_fNTGuiMode) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.UT_ANYUPGRADE.GUIMODE"),csTheSection); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} } if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.UT_ANYUPGRADE"),csTheSection); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} } } } } // if we didn't find a specific section, then turn the regular one.
if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { if (g_pTheApp->m_fNTGuiMode) { _stprintf(szTheSectionToDo,TEXT("%s.GUIMODE"),csTheSection); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} }
if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { _tcscpy(szTheSectionToDo,csTheSection); if (TRUE == DoesThisSectionExist(hFile, szTheSectionToDo)) {bSectionFound = TRUE;} } }
if (bSectionFound == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("GetSectionNameToDo.[%s].Section not found.\n"), csTheSection)); iReturn = FALSE; } else { iReturn = TRUE; csTheSection = szTheSectionToDo; }
iisDebugOut_End1(_T("GetSectionNameToDo"),csTheSection); return iReturn; }
int ProcessSection(IN HINF hFile, IN LPCTSTR szTheSection) { int iReturn = FALSE; CStringList strList;
CString csTheSection; csTheSection = szTheSection;
if (GetSectionNameToDo(hFile, csTheSection)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("ProcessSection.[%s].Start.\n"), csTheSection)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == FillStrListWithListOfSections(hFile, strList, csTheSection)) { // loop thru the list returned back
if (strList.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { POSITION pos = NULL; CString csEntry;
pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { csEntry = strList.GetAt(pos); iReturn = ProcessEntry_Entry(hFile, csTheSection, csEntry); strList.GetNext(pos); } } } iisDebugOut_End1(_T("ProcessSection"),csTheSection);
iReturn = TRUE; }
return iReturn; }
int iOleInitialize(void) { int iBalanceOLE = FALSE; HRESULT hInitRes = NULL;
iisDebugOut_Start((_T("ole32:OleInitialize"))); hInitRes = OleInitialize(NULL); iisDebugOut_End((_T("ole32:OleInitialize"))); if ( SUCCEEDED(hInitRes) || hInitRes == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE ) { if ( SUCCEEDED(hInitRes)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("iOleInitialize: Succeeded: %x. MakeSure to call OleUninitialize.\n"), hInitRes)); iBalanceOLE = TRUE; } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("iOleInitialize: Failed 0x%x. RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE\n"), hInitRes)); } } else {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("iOleInitialize: Failed 0x%x.\n"), hInitRes));}
return iBalanceOLE; }
void iOleUnInitialize(int iBalanceOLE) { // ----------------------------------------------
// uninit ole if we need to
// ----------------------------------------------
if (iBalanceOLE) { iisDebugOut_Start(_T("ole32:OleInitialize"),LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API); OleUninitialize(); iisDebugOut_End(_T("ole32:OleInitialize"),LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API); } return; }
BOOL SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(HINF InfHandle,DWORD Id,LPCTSTR Directory) { TCHAR szTempDir[_MAX_PATH]; BOOL bTempFlag;
// default it with something
if (_tcscmp(szTempDir, _T("")) != 0) { // Check if the passed in parameter looks like this:
// %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv or something like that...
LPTSTR pch = NULL; pch = _tcschr( (LPTSTR) Directory, _T('%')); if (pch) { if (!ExpandEnvironmentStrings( (LPCTSTR)Directory, szTempDir, sizeof(szTempDir)/sizeof(TCHAR))) {_tcscpy(szTempDir,Directory);} }
// Check to see if the old Drive still exists -- it may not because
// the user could have added/removed a drive so now c:\winnt is really d:\winnt
if (!IsFileExist(Directory)) { TCHAR szDrive_only[_MAX_DRIVE]; TCHAR szPath_only[_MAX_PATH]; _tsplitpath( Directory, szDrive_only, szPath_only, NULL, NULL);
// See if that drive exists...
if (!IsFileExist(szDrive_only)) { // the drive doesn't exist.
// so replace it with the system drive.
GetSystemDirectory(szTempDir, _MAX_PATH); // Get the DriveOnly
_tsplitpath(szTempDir, szDrive_only, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Assemble the full path with the new drive
_tcscpy(szTempDir, szDrive_only); _tcscat(szTempDir, szPath_only); // do some extra debug output so we can see what happend.
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("%1!s! Not exist. Instead use %2!s!\n"), Directory, szTempDir)); } } }
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("%1!d!=%2!s!\n"), Id, szTempDir)); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId(InfHandle,Id,szTempDir);
// check for the alternate .inf file
if (g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate && InfHandle != g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate) { bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate,Id,szTempDir); }
return bTempFlag; }
BOOL SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(HINF InfHandle,DWORD Id,LPCTSTR TheString) { BOOL bTempFlag; iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("%1!d!=%2!s!\n"), Id, TheString));
bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryIdEx(InfHandle,Id,TheString,SETDIRID_NOT_FULL_PATH,0,0); // check for the alternate .inf file
if (g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate && InfHandle != g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate) { bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryIdEx(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate,Id,TheString,SETDIRID_NOT_FULL_PATH,0,0); }
return bTempFlag; }
HRESULT FTestForOutstandingCoInits(void) { HRESULT hInitRes = ERROR_SUCCESS;
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
// perform a defensive check
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("TestForOutstandingCoInits:...COINIT_MULTITHREADED\n"))); hInitRes = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hInitRes) ) { //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32:CoUninitialize().Start.")));
CoUninitialize(); //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32:CoUninitialize().End.")));
} else { goto FTestForOutstandingCoInits_Exit; }
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("TestForOutstandingCoInits:...COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED\n"))); hInitRes = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hInitRes) ) { //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32:CoUninitialize().Start.")));
CoUninitialize(); //iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("ole32:CoUninitialize().End.")));
} else { goto FTestForOutstandingCoInits_Exit; } #endif
// it worked out OK
hInitRes = NOERROR; goto FTestForOutstandingCoInits_Exit; FTestForOutstandingCoInits_Exit: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE_WIN32_API, _T("TestForOutstandingCoInits:...End. Return=0x%x.\n"), hInitRes)); return hInitRes; }
void ReturnStringForMetabaseID(DWORD dwMetabaseID, LPTSTR lpReturnString) { switch (dwMetabaseID) { case IIS_MD_SERVER_BASE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("IIS_MD_SERVER_BASE")); break; case MD_KEY_TYPE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_KEY_TYPE")); break; case MD_MAX_BANDWIDTH_BLOCKED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MAX_BANDWIDTH_BLOCKED")); break; case MD_SERVER_COMMAND: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_COMMAND")); break; case MD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT")); break; case MD_MAX_CONNECTIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MAX_CONNECTIONS")); break; case MD_SERVER_COMMENT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_COMMENT")); break; case MD_SERVER_STATE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_STATE")); break; case MD_SERVER_AUTOSTART: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_AUTOSTART")); break; case MD_SERVER_SIZE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_SIZE")); break; case MD_SERVER_LISTEN_BACKLOG: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_LISTEN_BACKLOG")); break; case MD_SERVER_LISTEN_TIMEOUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_LISTEN_TIMEOUT")); break; case MD_DOWNLEVEL_ADMIN_INSTANCE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_DOWNLEVEL_ADMIN_INSTANCE")); break; case MD_LEVELS_TO_SCAN: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LEVELS_TO_SCAN")); break; case MD_SERVER_BINDINGS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_BINDINGS")); break; case MD_MAX_ENDPOINT_CONNECTIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MAX_ENDPOINT_CONNECTIONS")); break; case MD_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_INFO: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_INFO")); break; case MD_IISADMIN_EXTENSIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_IISADMIN_EXTENSIONS")); break; case IIS_MD_HTTP_BASE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("IIS_MD_HTTP_BASE")); break; case MD_SECURE_BINDINGS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SECURE_BINDINGS")); break; case MD_FILTER_LOAD_ORDER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FILTER_LOAD_ORDER")); break; case MD_FILTER_IMAGE_PATH: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FILTER_IMAGE_PATH")); break; case MD_FILTER_STATE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FILTER_STATE")); break; case MD_FILTER_ENABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FILTER_ENABLED")); break; case MD_FILTER_FLAGS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FILTER_FLAGS")); break; case MD_FILTER_DESCRIPTION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FILTER_DESCRIPTION")); break; case MD_ADV_NOTIFY_PWD_EXP_IN_DAYS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ADV_NOTIFY_PWD_EXP_IN_DAYS")); break; case MD_ADV_CACHE_TTL: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ADV_CACHE_TTL")); break; case MD_NET_LOGON_WKS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_NET_LOGON_WKS")); break; case MD_USE_HOST_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_USE_HOST_NAME")); break; case MD_AUTH_CHANGE_FLAGS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_AUTH_CHANGE_FLAGS")); break; case MD_PROCESS_NTCR_IF_LOGGED_ON: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_PROCESS_NTCR_IF_LOGGED_ON")); break; case MD_FRONTPAGE_WEB: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FRONTPAGE_WEB")); break; case MD_IN_PROCESS_ISAPI_APPS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_IN_PROCESS_ISAPI_APPS")); break; case MD_ALLOW_PATH_INFO_FOR_SCRIPT_MAPPINGS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ALLOW_PATH_INFO_FOR_SCRIPT_MAPPINGS")); break; case MD_APP_FRIENDLY_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_FRIENDLY_NAME")); break; case MD_APP_ROOT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_ROOT")); break; case MD_APP_ISOLATED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_ISOLATED")); break; case MD_APP_WAM_CLSID: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_WAM_CLSID")); break; case MD_APP_PACKAGE_ID: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_PACKAGE_ID")); break; case MD_APP_PACKAGE_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_PACKAGE_NAME")); break; case MD_APP_OOP_RECOVER_LIMIT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_OOP_RECOVER_LIMIT")); break; case MD_ADMIN_INSTANCE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ADMIN_INSTANCE")); break; case MD_NOT_DELETABLE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_NOT_DELETABLE")); break; case MD_CUSTOM_ERROR_DESC: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CUSTOM_ERROR_DESC")); break; case MD_CAL_VC_PER_CONNECT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CAL_VC_PER_CONNECT")); break; case MD_CAL_AUTH_RESERVE_TIMEOUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CAL_AUTH_RESERVE_TIMEOUT")); break; case MD_CAL_SSL_RESERVE_TIMEOUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CAL_SSL_RESERVE_TIMEOUT")); break; case MD_CAL_W3_ERROR: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CAL_W3_ERROR")); break; case MD_CPU_CGI_ENABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_CGI_ENABLED")); break; case MD_CPU_APP_ENABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_APP_ENABLED")); break; case MD_CPU_LIMITS_ENABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LIMITS_ENABLED")); break; case MD_CPU_RESET_INTERVAL: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_RESET_INTERVAL")); break; case MD_CPU_LOGGING_INTERVAL: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LOGGING_INTERVAL")); break; case MD_CPU_LOGGING_OPTIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LOGGING_OPTIONS")); break; case MD_CPU_CGI_LIMIT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_CGI_LIMIT")); break; case MD_CPU_LIMIT_LOGEVENT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LIMIT_LOGEVENT")); break; case MD_CPU_LIMIT_PRIORITY: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LIMIT_PRIORITY")); break; case MD_CPU_LIMIT_PROCSTOP: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LIMIT_PROCSTOP")); break; case MD_CPU_LIMIT_PAUSE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LIMIT_PAUSE")); break; case MD_MD_SERVER_SS_AUTH_MAPPING: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MD_SERVER_SS_AUTH_MAPPING")); break; case MD_HC_COMPRESSION_DIRECTORY: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_COMPRESSION_DIRECTORY")); break; case MD_HC_CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER")); break; case MD_HC_EXPIRES_HEADER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_EXPIRES_HEADER")); break; case MD_HC_DO_DYNAMIC_COMPRESSION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_DO_DYNAMIC_COMPRESSION")); break; case MD_HC_DO_STATIC_COMPRESSION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_DO_STATIC_COMPRESSION")); break; case MD_HC_DO_ON_DEMAND_COMPRESSION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_DO_ON_DEMAND_COMPRESSION")); break; case MD_HC_DO_DISK_SPACE_LIMITING: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_DO_DISK_SPACE_LIMITING")); break; case MD_HC_NO_COMPRESSION_FOR_HTTP_10: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_NO_COMPRESSION_FOR_HTTP_10")); break; case MD_HC_NO_COMPRESSION_FOR_PROXIES: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_NO_COMPRESSION_FOR_PROXIES")); break; case MD_HC_NO_COMPRESSION_FOR_RANGE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_NO_COMPRESSION_FOR_RANGE")); break; case MD_HC_SEND_CACHE_HEADERS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_SEND_CACHE_HEADERS")); break; case MD_HC_MAX_DISK_SPACE_USAGE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_MAX_DISK_SPACE_USAGE")); break; case MD_HC_IO_BUFFER_SIZE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_IO_BUFFER_SIZE")); break; case MD_HC_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_COMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE")); break; case MD_HC_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH")); break; case MD_HC_FILES_DELETED_PER_DISK_FREE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_FILES_DELETED_PER_DISK_FREE")); break; case MD_HC_MIN_FILE_SIZE_FOR_COMP: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_MIN_FILE_SIZE_FOR_COMP")); break; case MD_HC_COMPRESSION_DLL: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_COMPRESSION_DLL")); break; case MD_HC_FILE_EXTENSIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_FILE_EXTENSIONS")); break; case MD_HC_MIME_TYPE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_MIME_TYPE")); break; case MD_HC_PRIORITY: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_PRIORITY")); break; case MD_HC_DYNAMIC_COMPRESSION_LEVEL: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_DYNAMIC_COMPRESSION_LEVEL")); break; case MD_HC_ON_DEMAND_COMP_LEVEL: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_ON_DEMAND_COMP_LEVEL")); break; case MD_HC_CREATE_FLAGS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_CREATE_FLAGS")); break; case MD_WIN32_ERROR: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_WIN32_ERROR")); break; case IIS_MD_VR_BASE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("IIS_MD_VR_BASE")); break; case MD_VR_PATH: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_VR_PATH")); break; case MD_VR_USERNAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_VR_USERNAME")); break; case MD_VR_PASSWORD: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_VR_PASSWORD")); break; case MD_VR_PASSTHROUGH: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_VR_PASSTHROUGH")); break; case MD_LOG_TYPE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOG_TYPE")); break; case MD_LOGFILE_DIRECTORY: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGFILE_DIRECTORY")); break; case MD_LOG_UNUSED1: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOG_UNUSED1")); break; case MD_LOGFILE_PERIOD: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGFILE_PERIOD")); break; case MD_LOGFILE_TRUNCATE_SIZE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGFILE_TRUNCATE_SIZE")); break; case MD_LOG_PLUGIN_MOD_ID: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOG_PLUGIN_MOD_ID")); break; case MD_LOG_PLUGIN_UI_ID: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOG_PLUGIN_UI_ID")); break; case MD_LOGSQL_DATA_SOURCES: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGSQL_DATA_SOURCES")); break; case MD_LOGSQL_TABLE_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGSQL_TABLE_NAME")); break; case MD_LOGSQL_USER_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGSQL_USER_NAME")); break; case MD_LOGSQL_PASSWORD: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGSQL_PASSWORD")); break; case MD_LOG_PLUGIN_ORDER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOG_PLUGIN_ORDER")); break; case MD_LOG_PLUGINS_AVAILABLE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOG_PLUGINS_AVAILABLE")); break; case MD_LOGEXT_FIELD_MASK: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGEXT_FIELD_MASK")); break; case MD_LOGEXT_FIELD_MASK2: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGEXT_FIELD_MASK2")); break; case MD_LOGFILE_LOCALTIME_ROLLOVER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGFILE_LOCALTIME_ROLLOVER")); break; case IIS_MD_LOGCUSTOM_BASE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("IIS_MD_LOGCUSTOM_BASE")); break; case MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_NAME")); break; case MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_HEADER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_HEADER")); break; case MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_ID: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_ID")); break; case MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_MASK: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_MASK")); break; case MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_DATATYPE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGCUSTOM_PROPERTY_DATATYPE")); break; case MD_LOGCUSTOM_SERVICES_STRING: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGCUSTOM_SERVICES_STRING")); break; case MD_CPU_LOGGING_MASK: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LOGGING_MASK")); break; case IIS_MD_FTP_BASE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("IIS_MD_FTP_BASE")); break; case MD_EXIT_MESSAGE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_EXIT_MESSAGE")); break; case MD_GREETING_MESSAGE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_GREETING_MESSAGE")); break; case MD_MAX_CLIENTS_MESSAGE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MAX_CLIENTS_MESSAGE")); break; case MD_MSDOS_DIR_OUTPUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MSDOS_DIR_OUTPUT")); break; case MD_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS")); break; case MD_ANONYMOUS_ONLY: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ANONYMOUS_ONLY")); break; case MD_LOG_ANONYMOUS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOG_ANONYMOUS")); break; case MD_LOG_NONANONYMOUS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOG_NONANONYMOUS")); break; case MD_ALLOW_REPLACE_ON_RENAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ALLOW_REPLACE_ON_RENAME")); break; case MD_SSL_PUBLIC_KEY: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SSL_PUBLIC_KEY")); break; case MD_SSL_PRIVATE_KEY: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SSL_PRIVATE_KEY")); break; case MD_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD")); break; case MD_SSL_KEY_REQUEST: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SSL_KEY_REQUEST")); break; case MD_AUTHORIZATION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_AUTHORIZATION")); break; case MD_REALM: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_REALM")); break; case MD_HTTP_EXPIRES: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HTTP_EXPIRES")); break; case MD_HTTP_PICS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HTTP_PICS")); break; case MD_HTTP_CUSTOM: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HTTP_CUSTOM")); break; case MD_DIRECTORY_BROWSING: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_DIRECTORY_BROWSING")); break; case MD_DEFAULT_LOAD_FILE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_DEFAULT_LOAD_FILE")); break; case MD_CUSTOM_ERROR: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CUSTOM_ERROR")); break; case MD_FOOTER_DOCUMENT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FOOTER_DOCUMENT")); break; case MD_FOOTER_ENABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FOOTER_ENABLED")); break; case MD_HTTP_REDIRECT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HTTP_REDIRECT")); break; case MD_DEFAULT_LOGON_DOMAIN: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_DEFAULT_LOGON_DOMAIN")); break; case MD_LOGON_METHOD: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_LOGON_METHOD")); break; case MD_SCRIPT_MAPS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SCRIPT_MAPS")); break; case MD_MIME_MAP: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MIME_MAP")); break; case MD_ACCESS_PERM: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ACCESS_PERM")); break; case MD_IP_SEC: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_IP_SEC")); break; case MD_ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME")); break; case MD_ANONYMOUS_PWD: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ANONYMOUS_PWD")); break; case MD_ANONYMOUS_USE_SUBAUTH: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ANONYMOUS_USE_SUBAUTH")); break; case MD_DONT_LOG: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_DONT_LOG")); break; case MD_ADMIN_ACL: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ADMIN_ACL")); break; case MD_SSI_EXEC_DISABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SSI_EXEC_DISABLED")); break; case MD_DO_REVERSE_DNS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_DO_REVERSE_DNS")); break; case MD_SSL_ACCESS_PERM: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SSL_ACCESS_PERM")); break; case MD_AUTHORIZATION_PERSISTENCE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_AUTHORIZATION_PERSISTENCE")); break; case MD_NTAUTHENTICATION_PROVIDERS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_NTAUTHENTICATION_PROVIDERS")); break; case MD_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT")); break; case MD_CACHE_EXTENSIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CACHE_EXTENSIONS")); break; case MD_CREATE_PROCESS_AS_USER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CREATE_PROCESS_AS_USER")); break; case MD_CREATE_PROC_NEW_CONSOLE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CREATE_PROC_NEW_CONSOLE")); break; case MD_POOL_IDC_TIMEOUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_POOL_IDC_TIMEOUT")); break; case MD_ALLOW_KEEPALIVES: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ALLOW_KEEPALIVES")); break; case MD_IS_CONTENT_INDEXED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_IS_CONTENT_INDEXED")); break; case MD_CC_NO_CACHE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CC_NO_CACHE")); break; case MD_CC_MAX_AGE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CC_MAX_AGE")); break; case MD_CC_OTHER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CC_OTHER")); break; case MD_REDIRECT_HEADERS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_REDIRECT_HEADERS")); break; case MD_UPLOAD_READAHEAD_SIZE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_UPLOAD_READAHEAD_SIZE")); break; case MD_PUT_READ_SIZE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_PUT_READ_SIZE")); break; case MD_WAM_USER_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_WAM_USER_NAME")); break; case MD_WAM_PWD: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_WAM_PWD")); break; case MD_SCHEMA_METAID: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SCHEMA_METAID")); break; case MD_DISABLE_SOCKET_POOLING: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_DISABLE_SOCKET_POOLING")); break; case MD_METADATA_ID_REGISTRATION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_METADATA_ID_REGISTRATION")); break; case MD_CPU_ENABLE_LOGGING: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_ENABLE_LOGGING")); break; case MD_HC_SCRIPT_FILE_EXTENSIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HC_SCRIPT_FILE_EXTENSIONS")); break; case MD_SHOW_4_DIGIT_YEAR: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SHOW_4_DIGIT_YEAR")); break; case MD_SSL_USE_DS_MAPPER: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_SSL_USE_DS_MAPPER")); break; case MD_FILTER_ENABLE_CACHE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_FILTER_ENABLE_CACHE")); break; case MD_USE_DIGEST_SSP: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_USE_DIGEST_SSP")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_TIME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_TIME")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_REQUEST_COUNT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_REQUEST_COUNT")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_MAX_PROCESS_COUNT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_MAX_PROCESS_COUNT")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_PINGING_ENABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_PINGING_ENABLED")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_RAPID_FAIL_PROTECTION_ENABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_RAPID_F_PROTECTION_ENABLED")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_SMP_AFFINITIZED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_SMP_AFFINITIZED")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_SMP_AFFINITIZED_PROCESSOR_MASK: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_SMP_AFFINITIZED_PROCESSOR_MASK")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_ORPHAN_PROCESSES_FOR_DEBUGGING: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_ORPHAN_PROCESSES_FOR_DEBUGGING")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_RUN_AS_LOCALSYSTEM: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_RUN_AS_LOCALSYSTEM")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_STARTUP_TIMELIMIT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_STARTUP_TIMELIMIT")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_SHUTDOWN_TIMELIMIT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_SHUTDOWN_TIMELIMIT")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_PING_INTERVAL: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_PING_INTERVAL")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_PING_RESPONSE_TIMELIMIT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_PING_RESPONSE_TIMELIMIT")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_DISALLOW_OVERLAPPING_ROTATION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_DISALLOW_OVERLAPPING_ROTATION")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_ORPHAN_ACTION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_ORPHAN_ACTION")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_UL_APPPOOL_QUEUE_LENGTH: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_UL_APPPOOL_QUEUE_LENGTH")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_DISALLOW_ROTATION_ON_CONFIG_CHANGE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_DISALLOW_ROTATION_ON_CONFIG_CHANGE")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_FRIENDLY_NAME: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_FRIENDLY_NAME")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_SCHEDULE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_SCHEDULE")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE")); break; case MD_CPU_ACTION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_ACTION")); break; case MD_CPU_LIMIT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_CPU_LIMIT")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_MEMORY: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_MEMORY")); break; case MD_DISABLE_PUBLISHING: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_DISABLE_PUBLISHING")); break; case MD_APP_APPPOOL_ID: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_APPPOOL_ID")); break; case MD_APP_ALLOW_TRANSIENT_REGISTRATION: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_ALLOW_TRANSIENT_REGISTRATION")); break; case MD_APP_AUTO_START: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APP_AUTO_START")); break; case MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_CONNECTIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_APPPOOL_PERIODIC_RESTART_CONNECTIONS")); break; case MD_MAX_GLOBAL_BANDWIDTH: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MAX_GLOBAL_BANDWIDTH")); break; case MD_MAX_GLOBAL_CONNECTIONS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MAX_GLOBAL_CONNECTIONS")); break; case MD_GLOBAL_STANDARD_APP_MODE_ENABLED: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_GLOBAL_STANDARD_APP_MODE_ENABLED")); break; case MD_HEADER_WAIT_TIMEOUT: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_HEADER_WAIT_TIMEOUT")); break; case MD_MIN_FILE_KB_SEC: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_MIN_FILE_KB_SEC")); break; case MD_GLOBAL_LOG_IN_UTF_8: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_GLOBAL_LOG_IN_UTF_8")); break; case MD_ASP_ENABLEPARENTPATHS: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ASP_ENABLEPARENTPATHS")); break; case ASP_MD_SERVER_BASE: case MD_ASP_LOGERRORREQUESTS: case MD_ASP_SCRIPTERRORSSENTTOBROWSER: case MD_ASP_SCRIPTERRORMESSAGE: case MD_ASP_SCRIPTFILECACHESIZE: case MD_ASP_SCRIPTENGINECACHEMAX: case MD_ASP_SCRIPTTIMEOUT: case MD_ASP_SESSIONTIMEOUT: case MD_ASP_MEMFREEFACTOR: case MD_ASP_MINUSEDBLOCKS: case MD_ASP_ALLOWSESSIONSTATE: case MD_ASP_SCRIPTLANGUAGE: case MD_ASP_QUEUETIMEOUT: case MD_ASP_ALLOWOUTOFPROCCOMPONENTS: case MD_ASP_EXCEPTIONCATCHENABLE: case MD_ASP_CODEPAGE: case MD_ASP_SCRIPTLANGUAGELIST: case MD_ASP_ENABLESERVERDEBUG: case MD_ASP_ENABLECLIENTDEBUG: case MD_ASP_TRACKTHREADINGMODEL: case MD_ASP_ENABLEASPHTMLFALLBACK: case MD_ASP_ENABLECHUNKEDENCODING: case MD_ASP_ENABLETYPELIBCACHE: case MD_ASP_ERRORSTONTLOG: case MD_ASP_PROCESSORTHREADMAX: case MD_ASP_REQEUSTQUEUEMAX: case MD_ASP_ENABLEAPPLICATIONRESTART: case MD_ASP_QUEUECONNECTIONTESTTIME: case MD_ASP_SESSIONMAX: case MD_ASP_THREADGATEENABLED: case MD_ASP_THREADGATETIMESLICE: case MD_ASP_THREADGATESLEEPDELAY: case MD_ASP_THREADGATESLEEPMAX: case MD_ASP_THREADGATELOADLOW: case MD_ASP_THREADGATELOADHIGH: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("MD_ASP_????")); break; case WAM_MD_SERVER_BASE: _tcscpy(lpReturnString, _T("WAM_MD_SERVER_BASE")); break; default: _stprintf(lpReturnString, _T("%d"), dwMetabaseID); break; } return; }
void SetErrorFlag(char *szFileName, int iLineNumber) { // set flag to say that there was an error!!!
g_pTheApp->m_bThereWereErrorsChkLogfile = TRUE; return; }
DWORD FillStrListWithListOfSections(IN HINF hFile, CStringList &strList, IN LPCTSTR szSection) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPTSTR szLine = NULL; DWORD dwRequiredSize; BOOL b = FALSE; INFCONTEXT Context;
// go to the beginning of the section in the INF file
b = SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hFile, szSection, NULL, &Context); if (!b) { dwReturn = E_FAIL; goto FillStrListWithListOfSections_Exit; }
// loop through the items in the section.
while (b) { // get the size of the memory we need for this
b = SetupGetLineText(&Context, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &dwRequiredSize);
// prepare the buffer to receive the line
szLine = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwRequiredSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( !szLine ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("FillStrListWithListOfSections %s. Failed on GlobalAlloc.\n"), szSection)); goto FillStrListWithListOfSections_Exit; } // get the line from the inf file1
if (SetupGetLineText(&Context, NULL, NULL, NULL, szLine, dwRequiredSize, NULL) == FALSE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("FillStrListWithListOfSections %s. Failed on SetupGetLineText.\n"), szSection)); goto FillStrListWithListOfSections_Exit; }
// Add it to the list
// find the next line in the section. If there is no next line it should return false
b = SetupFindNextLine(&Context, &Context);
// free the temporary buffer
GlobalFree( szLine ); szLine = NULL; } if (szLine) {GlobalFree(szLine);szLine=NULL;} FillStrListWithListOfSections_Exit: return dwReturn; }
void DisplayStringForMetabaseID(DWORD dwMetabaseID) { TCHAR lpReturnString[50]; ReturnStringForMetabaseID(dwMetabaseID, lpReturnString); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("%d=%s\n"), dwMetabaseID, lpReturnString)); return; }
DWORD WINAPI MessageBoxFreeThread_MTS(LPVOID p) { HRESULT nNetErr = (HRESULT) gTempMTSError.dwErrorCode; TCHAR pMsg[_MAX_PATH] = _T(""); DWORD dwFormatReturn = 0; dwFormatReturn = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,NULL, gTempMTSError.dwErrorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_SYS_DEFAULT),pMsg, _MAX_PATH, NULL); if ( dwFormatReturn == 0) { if (nNetErr >= NERR_BASE) { HMODULE hDll = (HMODULE)LoadLibrary(_T("netmsg.dll")); if (hDll) { dwFormatReturn = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE,hDll, gTempMTSError.dwErrorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_SYS_DEFAULT),pMsg, _MAX_PATH, NULL); FreeLibrary(hDll); } } }
CString csErrorString; MyLoadString(IDS_SETUP_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED_MTS, csErrorString);
CString csErrArea; MyLoadString(gTempMTSError.iMtsThingWeWereDoing, csErrArea);
CString csTitle; MyLoadString(IDS_MTS_ERROR_TITLEBAR, csTitle);
CString csMsg; csMsg.Format(csErrorString, csErrArea);
CString csErrMsg; HandleSpecificErrors(gTempMTSError.dwErrorCode, dwFormatReturn, csMsg, pMsg, &csErrMsg);
MyMessageBox(NULL, csErrMsg, csTitle, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);
return 0; }
DWORD WINAPI MessageBoxFreeThread_IIS(PVOID p) { INT_PTR iStringID = (INT_PTR) p; MyMessageBox(NULL, (UINT) iStringID, g_MyLogFile.m_szLogFileName_Full, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); return 0; }
void MesssageBoxErrors_IIS(void) { if (g_pTheApp->m_bThereWereErrorsChkLogfile == TRUE) { int iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups = g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups;
g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = TRUE;
// show the messagebox display from another thread, so that setup can continue!
HANDLE hProc = NULL; hProc = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MessageBoxFreeThread_IIS, (PVOID) iStringID, 0, &id); g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups;
CString csErrMsg; TCHAR szErrorString[255]; MyLoadString(IDS_SETUP_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED, csErrMsg); _stprintf(szErrorString, csErrMsg, g_MyLogFile.m_szLogFileName_Full);
//LogSevInformation 0x00000000
//LogSevWarning 0x00000001
//LogSevError 0x00000002
//LogSevFatalError 0x00000003
//LogSevMaximum 0x00000004
// Write it to the setupapi log file!
SetupLogError(szErrorString, LogSevError); } return; }
void MesssageBoxErrors_MTS(int iMtsThingWeWereDoing, DWORD dwErrorCode) { if (!g_pTheApp->m_bThereWereErrorsFromMTS) { DWORD id; int iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups = g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups;
gTempMTSError.iMtsThingWeWereDoing = iMtsThingWeWereDoing; gTempMTSError.dwErrorCode = dwErrorCode;
g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = TRUE;
// show the messagebox display from another thread, so that setup can continue!
HANDLE hProc = NULL; hProc = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MessageBoxFreeThread_MTS, 0, 0, &id);
g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = iSaveOld_AllowMessageBoxPopups;
g_pTheApp->m_bThereWereErrorsFromMTS = TRUE; }
return; }
void PleaseKillOrStopTheseExeFromRunning(LPCTSTR szModuleWhichIsLocked, CStringList &strList) { if (strList.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { POSITION pos; CString csExeName; LPTSTR p; int nLen = 0;
TCHAR szReturnedServiceName[_MAX_PATH];
pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { csExeName = strList.GetAt(pos); nLen = 0; nLen = csExeName.GetLength();
if (nLen > 0) { //iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("%1!s! is locking %2!s! service and is locking %3!s!\n"),csExeName, szModuleWhichIsLocked));
if (TRUE == InetIsThisExeAService(csExeName, szReturnedServiceName)) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("%1!s! is the %2!s! service and is locking %3!s!. Let's stop that service.\n"),csExeName,szReturnedServiceName, szModuleWhichIsLocked));
// Check if it is the netlogon service, We no don't want to stop this service for sure!!!
if (_tcsicmp(szReturnedServiceName, _T("NetLogon")) == 0) { // no we do not want to stop this service!!!
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("%1!s! is the %2!s! service and is locking %3!s!. This service should not be stopped.\n"),csExeName,szReturnedServiceName, szModuleWhichIsLocked)); break; } */
// Don't stop any services which are not win32 services
// Don't stop any system services...
if (TRUE == IsThisOnNotStopList(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle, szReturnedServiceName, TRUE)) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("%1!s! is the %2!s! service and is locking %3!s!. This service should not be stopped.\n"),csExeName,szReturnedServiceName, szModuleWhichIsLocked)); } else { // add this service to the list of
// services we need to restart after setup is done!!
// Check the list of services which we are sure we do not want to stop!
// net stop it
InetStopService(szReturnedServiceName); } // otherwise go on to the next .exe file
} else { // This .exe file is not a Service....
// Should we kill it???????
if (TRUE == IsThisOnNotStopList(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandle, csExeName, FALSE)) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("%1!s! is locking it. This process should not be killed\n"),csExeName)); } else { // Check the list of .exe which we are sure we do not want to kill!
iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("%1!s! is locking %2!s!. Let's kill that process.\n"),csExeName,szModuleWhichIsLocked)); KillProcess_Wrap(csExeName); } } } strList.GetNext(pos); } }
return; }
void ShowIfModuleUsedForThisINFSection(IN HINF hFile, IN LPCTSTR szSection, int iUnlockThem) { LPTSTR szLine = NULL; DWORD dwRequiredSize; BOOL b = FALSE; CString csFile; DWORD dwMSVer, dwLSVer;
TCHAR buf[_MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory( buf, _MAX_PATH);
// go to the beginning of the section in the INF file
b = SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(hFile, szSection, NULL, &Context); if (!b) { goto ShowIfModuleUsedForThisINFSection_Exit; }
// loop through the items in the section.
while (b) { // get the size of the memory we need for this
b = SetupGetLineText(&Context, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &dwRequiredSize);
// prepare the buffer to receive the line
szLine = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwRequiredSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( !szLine ) { goto ShowIfModuleUsedForThisINFSection_Exit; } // get the line from the inf file1
if (SetupGetLineText(&Context, NULL, NULL, NULL, szLine, dwRequiredSize, NULL) == FALSE) { goto ShowIfModuleUsedForThisINFSection_Exit; }
// Attach the path to the from of this...
// check in this directory:
// 1. winnt\system32
// --------------------------------------
// may look like this "iisrtl.dll,,4"
// so get rid of the ',,4'
LPTSTR pch = NULL; pch = _tcschr(szLine, _T(',')); if (pch) {_tcscpy(pch, _T(" "));}
// Remove any trailing spaces.
// Get the system dir
csFile = buf;
csFile = AddPath(csFile, szLine);
CStringList strList; strList.RemoveAll();
LogProcessesUsingThisModule(csFile, strList);
// if we're supposed to unlock this file, then
// we'll try it.
if (iUnlockThem) { PleaseKillOrStopTheseExeFromRunning(csFile, strList); }
// find the next line in the section. If there is no next line it should return false
b = SetupFindNextLine(&Context, &Context);
// free the temporary buffer
GlobalFree( szLine ); szLine = NULL; }
// free some memory used for the task list
FreeTaskListMem(); UnInit_Lib_PSAPI();
if (szLine) {GlobalFree(szLine);szLine=NULL;}
ShowIfModuleUsedForThisINFSection_Exit: return; }
void ShowIfModuleUsedForGroupOfSections(IN HINF hFile, int iUnlockThem) { CStringList strList;
CString csTheSection = _T("VerifyFileSections_Lockable");
if (GetSectionNameToDo(hFile, csTheSection)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == FillStrListWithListOfSections(hFile, strList, csTheSection)) { // loop thru the list returned back
if (strList.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { POSITION pos; CString csEntry;
pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { csEntry = strList.GetAt(pos); ShowIfModuleUsedForThisINFSection(hFile, csEntry, iUnlockThem); strList.GetNext(pos); } } } }
return; }
int ReadGlobalsFromInf(HINF InfHandle) { int iReturn = FALSE; INFCONTEXT Context; TCHAR szTempString[_MAX_PATH] = _T("");
// Set the m_csAppName
if (!SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("AppName"), &Context) ) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(SetupInfo, AppName) FAILED")));} if (!SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("SetupGetStringField(SetupInfo, AppName) FAILED")));} // Set the global.
g_pTheApp->m_csAppName = szTempString;
// Set the m_csIISGroupName
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (!SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("StartMenuGroupName"), &Context) ) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(SetupInfo, StartMenuGroupName) FAILED")));} if (!SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("SetupGetStringField(SetupInfo, StartMenuGroupName) FAILED")));} g_pTheApp->m_csIISGroupName = szTempString; iReturn = TRUE;
// Get the value of one tick on the progressbar
g_GlobalTickValue = 1; _tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("OneTick"), &Context); if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) {g_GlobalTickValue = _ttoi(szTempString);}
// See if we want to fake out setup when it's running in add\remove, to think it's actually guimode
g_GlobalGuiOverRide = 0; _tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("GuiMode"), &Context)) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) {g_GlobalGuiOverRide = _ttoi(szTempString);} }
return iReturn; }
int CheckIfPlatformMatchesInf(HINF InfHandle) { int iReturn = TRUE; INFCONTEXT Context;
TCHAR szPlatform[_MAX_PATH] = _T(""); BOOL fPlatform = FALSE; int nPlatform = IDS_INCORRECT_PLATFORM;
if (!SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("Platform"), &Context) ) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(SetupInfo, Platform) FAILED")));} SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szPlatform, _MAX_PATH, NULL);
// Check if .inf file is for NTS
if (_tcsicmp(szPlatform, _T("NTS")) == 0) { if (g_pTheApp->m_eOS == OS_NT && g_pTheApp->m_eNTOSType != OT_NTW) {fPlatform = TRUE;} else { if (g_pTheApp->m_fInvokedByNT) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("TemporaryHack. iis.inf=NTS system=NTW, but wait till nt5 fixes. FAIL.\n"))); g_pTheApp->m_eNTOSType = OT_NTS; fPlatform = TRUE; } else { nPlatform = IDS_NEED_PLATFORM_NTW; } } }
// Check if .inf file is for NTW
if (_tcsicmp(szPlatform, _T("NTW")) == 0) { if (g_pTheApp->m_eOS == OS_NT && g_pTheApp->m_eNTOSType == OT_NTW){fPlatform = TRUE;} else{nPlatform = IDS_NEED_PLATFORM_NTW;} }
// Check if .inf file is for Windows 95
if (_tcsicmp(szPlatform, _T("W95")) == 0) { if (g_pTheApp->m_eOS == OS_W95){fPlatform = TRUE;} else{nPlatform = IDS_NEED_PLATFORM_W95;} } */
// If We didn't find the specific platform, then produce error message.
if (!fPlatform) { MyMessageBox(NULL, nPlatform, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); iReturn = FALSE; }
return iReturn; }
int CheckSpecificBuildinInf(HINF InfHandle) { int iReturn = TRUE; INFCONTEXT Context;
// Check for a specific build of nt5...
if ( g_pTheApp->m_eOS == OS_NT ) { int iBuildNumRequired = 0; TCHAR szBuildRequired[20] = _T("");
// check for Debug Keyword
if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("Debug"), &Context) ) { SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuildRequired, 50, NULL); if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szBuildRequired)) { iBuildNumRequired = _ttoi(szBuildRequired); if (iBuildNumRequired >= 1) {g_pTheApp->m_bAllowMessageBoxPopups = TRUE;} } } if (!SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupInfo"), _T("OSBuildRequired"), &Context) ) {iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(SetupInfo, OSBuildRequired) FAILED")));} SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szBuildRequired, 20, NULL);
// Since this is nt, we should be able to get the build number
CRegKey regWindowsNT( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"),KEY_READ); if ( (HKEY)regWindowsNT ) { CString strBuildNumString; regWindowsNT.m_iDisplayWarnings = FALSE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regWindowsNT.QueryValue(_T("CurrentBuildNumber"), strBuildNumString)) { int iBuildNumOS = 0; if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)strBuildNumString)) {iBuildNumOS = _ttoi(strBuildNumString);} iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("NTCurrentBuildNumber=%d\n"), iBuildNumOS));
// We have a build entry.
// lets check if it larger than or equal to what the underlying operting system is...
if (_tcsicmp(szBuildRequired, _T("")) != 0) { if (IsValidNumber((LPCTSTR)szBuildRequired)) {iBuildNumRequired = _ttoi(szBuildRequired);} if ((iBuildNumOS !=0 && iBuildNumRequired !=0) && (iBuildNumOS < iBuildNumRequired)) { // They don't have a big enough build num
// give the error message.
return iReturn; }
int CheckForOldGopher(HINF InfHandle) { int iReturn = TRUE; INFCONTEXT Context;
if ( !(g_pTheApp->m_fUnattended) && g_pTheApp->m_eInstallMode == IM_UPGRADE ) { CRegKey regGopher(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_GOPHERSVC,KEY_READ); if ( (HKEY)regGopher ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("GopherCurrentlyInstalled=YES"))); if (g_pTheApp->MsgBox(NULL, IDS_REMOVE_GOPHER, MB_OKCANCEL, FALSE) == IDCANCEL) { // setup should be terminated.
iReturn = FALSE; goto CheckForOldGopher_Exit; } }
CheckForOldGopher_Exit: return iReturn; }
// IIS publish the following directories to iis partners products
// Note: Inetpub directory can be customized later, and we'll re-publish
// those affected directories again later.
void SetOCGlobalPrivateData(void) { gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("PathInetsrv"),(PVOID)(LPCTSTR)g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv,(g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),REG_SZ);
CString csPathIISAdmin = g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\iisadmin"); gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("PathIISAdmin"),(PVOID)(LPCTSTR)csPathIISAdmin,(csPathIISAdmin.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),REG_SZ);
CString csPathIISHelp = g_pTheApp->m_csWinDir + _T("\\Help\\iishelp"); gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("PathIISHelp"),(PVOID)(LPCTSTR)csPathIISHelp,(csPathIISHelp.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),REG_SZ);
gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("PathFTPRoot"),(PVOID)(LPCTSTR)g_pTheApp->m_csPathFTPRoot,(g_pTheApp->m_csPathFTPRoot.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),REG_SZ); gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("PathWWWRoot"),(PVOID)(LPCTSTR)g_pTheApp->m_csPathWWWRoot,(g_pTheApp->m_csPathWWWRoot.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),REG_SZ); gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("PathIISSamples"),(PVOID)(LPCTSTR)g_pTheApp->m_csPathIISSamples,(g_pTheApp->m_csPathIISSamples.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),REG_SZ);
CString csPathScripts = g_pTheApp->m_csPathIISSamples + _T("\\Scripts"); gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("PathScripts"),(PVOID)(LPCTSTR)csPathScripts,(csPathScripts.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),REG_SZ); gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("IISProgramGroup"),(PVOID)(LPCTSTR)g_pTheApp->m_csIISGroupName,(g_pTheApp->m_csIISGroupName.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR),REG_SZ);
DWORD dwUpgradeType = (DWORD)(g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType); gHelperRoutines.SetPrivateData(gHelperRoutines.OcManagerContext,_T("UpgradeType"),(PVOID)&dwUpgradeType,sizeof(DWORD),REG_DWORD);
return; }
void SetDIRIDforThisInf(HINF InfHandle) { BOOL bTempFlag = FALSE;
// Create Directory IDs for the coresponding .inf file
bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32768, g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32769, g_pTheApp->m_csPathFTPRoot); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32770, g_pTheApp->m_csPathWWWRoot); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32771, g_pTheApp->m_csPathIISSamples); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32772, g_pTheApp->m_csPathScripts); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32773, g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetpub); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32774, g_pTheApp->m_csPathOldInetsrv); if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_10_W95) { bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32775, g_pTheApp->m_csPathOldPWSFiles); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32776, g_pTheApp->m_csPathOldPWSSystemFiles); } TCHAR szJavaDir[_MAX_PATH]; GetJavaTLD(szJavaDir); bTempFlag = SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32778, szJavaDir); SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32777, g_pTheApp->m_csPathProgramFiles);
SetupSetDirectoryId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32779, g_pTheApp->m_csPathWebPub);
if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_NONE){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_NONE"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_351){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_351"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_10){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_10"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_20){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_20"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_30){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_30"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_40){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_40"));} // can also be from win95
if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_50){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_50"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_51){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_51"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_60){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_60"));} if (g_pTheApp->m_eUpgradeType == UT_10_W95){SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32801, _T("UT_10_W95"));}
CString csMachineName = g_pTheApp->m_csMachineName.Right(g_pTheApp->m_csMachineName.GetLength() - 2); SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32800, csMachineName); SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 32802, _T("")); SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 33000, g_pTheApp->m_csGuestName); SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 33001, g_pTheApp->m_csWAMAccountName); SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 33002, g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName); SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 33003, g_pTheApp->m_csFTPAnonyName);
if ( _tcsicmp(g_pTheApp->m_csWAMAccountName_Remove, _T("")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_csWAMAccountName_Remove = g_pTheApp->m_csWAMAccountName;} SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 33004, g_pTheApp->m_csWAMAccountName_Remove);
if ( _tcsicmp(g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName_Remove, _T("")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName_Remove = g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName; } SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 33005, g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName_Remove);
if ( _tcsicmp(g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName_Remove, _T("")) == 0) {g_pTheApp->m_csFTPAnonyName_Remove = g_pTheApp->m_csFTPAnonyName;} SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 33006, g_pTheApp->m_csFTPAnonyName_Remove); SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; GetSystemInfo( &SystemInfo );
TCHAR szSourceCatOSName[20]; _tcscpy(szSourceCatOSName, _T("\\i386")); switch(SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64: _tcscpy(szSourceCatOSName, _T("\\AMD64")); break; // case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64:
// _tcscpy(szSourceCatOSName, _T("\\IA64"));
// break;
case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL: if (IsNEC_98) {_tcscpy(szSourceCatOSName, _T("\\Nec98"));} break; default: break; } SetupSetStringId_Wrapper(InfHandle, 34000, szSourceCatOSName); return; }
BOOL GetJavaTLD(LPTSTR lpszDir) { CRegKey regKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\JAVA VM"),KEY_READ); BOOL bFound = FALSE; CString csValue; CString csValue2; int iWhere = -1;
if ((HKEY)regKey) { regKey.m_iDisplayWarnings = FALSE; if (regKey.QueryValue(_T("TrustedLibsDirectory"), csValue) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {bFound = TRUE;} // Warning: we are expecting something like this = "C:\WINNT\java\trustlib"
// However, recently 12/18 the nt5 "java vm" setup seems to be hosing and passing us:
// %systemroot%\java\trustlib
if (-1 != csValue.Find(_T('%')) ) { // there is a '%' in the string
TCHAR szTempDir[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szTempDir, csValue); if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings( (LPCTSTR)csValue, szTempDir, sizeof(szTempDir)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { csValue = szTempDir; } } /*
// if we see %systemroot% in there then, i'm going to substitute WinDir in place of %Systemroot%
csValue.MakeUpper(); if (csValue.Find(_T("%SYSTEMROOT%")) != (-1) ) { // We Found the cheesy %systemroot% deal. Now replace it with the real systemroot
iWhere = csValue.Find(_T("%SYSTEMROOT%")); iWhere = iWhere + _tcslen(_T("%SYSTEMROOT%")); csValue2 = g_pTheApp->m_csWinDir + csValue.Right( csValue.GetLength() - (iWhere) ); csValue = csValue2; } */ }
if (!bFound) {csValue = g_pTheApp->m_csWinDir + _T("\\Java\\TrustLib");} _tcscpy(lpszDir, csValue); return bFound; }
void ShowStateOfTheseServices(IN HINF hFile) { CStringList strList; DWORD dwStatus; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T(" --- Display status of services which are required for IIS to run --- \n")));
CString csTheSection = _T("VerifyServices"); if (GetSectionNameToDo(hFile, csTheSection)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == FillStrListWithListOfSections(hFile, strList, csTheSection)) { // loop thru the list returned back
if (strList.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { POSITION pos; CString csEntry;
pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { csEntry = strList.GetAt(pos);
// Display state of this service.
dwStatus = InetQueryServiceStatus(csEntry); switch(dwStatus) { case SERVICE_STOPPED: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("SERVICE_STOPPED [%s].\n"), csEntry)); break; case SERVICE_START_PENDING: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("SERVICE_START_PENDING [%s].\n"), csEntry)); break; case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("SERVICE_STOP_PENDING [%s].\n"), csEntry)); break; case SERVICE_RUNNING: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("SERVICE_RUNNING [%s].\n"), csEntry)); break; case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING [%s].\n"), csEntry)); break; case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING [%s].\n"), csEntry)); break; case SERVICE_PAUSED: iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("SERVICE_PAUSED [%s].\n"), csEntry)); break; }
strList.GetNext(pos); } } } }
return; }
#define MD_SIGNATURE_STRINGA "*&$MetaData$&*"
#define MD_SIGNATURE_STRINGW L##"*&$MetaData$&*"
int IsMetabaseCorrupt(void) { // We've had a problem where sometimes the metabase.bin file
// gets corrupted and set to only spaces...
// so this function is here to determine where and when the metabase.bin is hosed!
int iTheMetabaseIsCorrupt = FALSE; TCHAR szSystemDir[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFullPath[_MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hReadFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BYTE *chBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwWideSignatureLen = 0; DWORD dwAnsiSignatureLen = 0; TCHAR buf[MAX_FAKE_METABASE_STRING_LEN];
// get the c:\winnt\system32 dir
if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, _MAX_PATH)) {goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit;}
// Tack on the inf\iis.inf subdir and filename
_stprintf(szFullPath, _T("%s\\inetsrv\\metabase.bin"),szSystemDir);
// Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(szFullPath)) { iTheMetabaseIsCorrupt = FALSE; // this function only works on version less than or equal to iis5
// since that's the only versions which had a metabase.bin file
// so just return that the metabase is not corrupt
goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; }
// okay, so the metabase.bin file exists...
// let's open it and see if we can get something out of it.
// Open the file.
hReadFileHandle = CreateFile(szFullPath,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0); if (hReadFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("IsMetabaseCorrupt: CreateFile on %s failed with 0x%x!\n"),szFullPath,GetLastError())); goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; }
dwSize = GetFileSize(hReadFileHandle, NULL); dwWideSignatureLen = sizeof(MD_SIGNATURE_STRINGW); dwAnsiSignatureLen = sizeof(MD_SIGNATURE_STRINGA);
// get the size of the whole file
//chBuffer = (BYTE *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSize+1 );
if ((dwSize) >= dwWideSignatureLen) { chBuffer = (BYTE *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwWideSignatureLen+1); dwSize = dwWideSignatureLen+1; } else { if ( dwSize >= dwAnsiSignatureLen) { chBuffer = (BYTE *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwAnsiSignatureLen+1 ); dwSize = dwAnsiSignatureLen+1; } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("IsMetabaseCorrupt: ReadFile on %s. Not enough data in there! Less than metabase signature len!\n"),szFullPath)); // Things are not kool
// This metabase must be hosed!
iTheMetabaseIsCorrupt = FALSE; goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; } }
if (!chBuffer) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("IsMetabaseCorrupt: HeapAlloc failed to get %d space.\n"),dwWideSignatureLen+1)); goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; }
// kool, try to read the file
if (0 == ReadFile(hReadFileHandle, chBuffer, dwSize, &dwSize, NULL)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("IsMetabaseCorrupt: ReadFile on %s failed with 0x%x!. size=%d\n"),szFullPath,GetLastError(),dwSize)); goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; }
// take chBuffer and check if it matches the unicode/ansi signature.
if (0 == memcmp(MD_SIGNATURE_STRINGW,chBuffer,dwWideSignatureLen)) { // things are kool, and this metabase should not be hosed.
iTheMetabaseIsCorrupt = FALSE; goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; } if (0 == memcmp(MD_SIGNATURE_STRINGA,chBuffer,dwAnsiSignatureLen)) { // if not, then check if it matches the ansi signature.
// things are kool, and this metabase should not be hosed.
iTheMetabaseIsCorrupt = FALSE; goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; }
// on other check...
// in iis6 there is a dummy fake metabase.bin put there by setup
// check if this is that dummy file.
if (chBuffer) {HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, chBuffer); chBuffer = NULL;} memset(buf, 0, _tcslen(buf) * sizeof(TCHAR)); // this iis.dll is always compiled unicode, so
// we know that buf is unicode
if (LoadString((HINSTANCE) g_MyModuleHandle, IDS_FAKE_METABASE_BIN_TEXT, buf, MAX_FAKE_METABASE_STRING_LEN)) { dwSize = _tcslen(buf) * sizeof(TCHAR); // add space for the FF and FE bytes
dwSize = dwSize + 2;
// open the file
chBuffer = (BYTE *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSize);
// kool, try to read the file
if (0 == ReadFile(hReadFileHandle, chBuffer, dwSize, &dwSize, NULL)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("IsMetabaseCorrupt: ReadFile on %s failed with 0x%x!. size=%d\n"),szFullPath,GetLastError(),dwSize)); goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; }
// check if the input file is unicode
if (0xFF == chBuffer[0] && 0xFE == chBuffer[1]) { // skip past these characters
chBuffer++; chBuffer++;
// Compare what you got with what we think is in there
if (0 == memcmp(buf,chBuffer,dwSize)) { // things are kool, and this metabase should not be hosed.
chBuffer--; chBuffer--; iTheMetabaseIsCorrupt = FALSE; goto IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit; } chBuffer--; chBuffer--; } }
// if not then, it must be corrupt!
// Things are not kool
// This metabase must be hosed!
iTheMetabaseIsCorrupt = TRUE; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("IsMetabaseCorrupt: unable to verify signature in Metabase.bin. Corrupt.\n")));
IsMetabaseCorrupt_Exit: if (chBuffer) {HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, chBuffer);} if (hReadFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {CloseHandle(hReadFileHandle);} return iTheMetabaseIsCorrupt; }
void iisDebugOut_Start(TCHAR *pszString, int iLogType) { iisDebugOut((iLogType, _T("%s:Start.\n"),pszString)); return; } void iisDebugOut_Start1(TCHAR *pszString1, TCHAR *pszString2, int iLogType) { iisDebugOut((iLogType, _T("%s:(%s)Start.\n"),pszString1,pszString2)); return; } void iisDebugOut_Start1(TCHAR *pszString1, CString pszString2, int iLogType) { iisDebugOut((iLogType, _T("%s:(%s)Start.\n"),pszString1,pszString2)); return; } void iisDebugOut_End(TCHAR *pszString, int iLogType) { iisDebugOut((iLogType, _T("%s:End.\n"),pszString)); return; } void iisDebugOut_End1(TCHAR *pszString1, TCHAR *pszString2, int iLogType) { iisDebugOut((iLogType, _T("%s(%s):End.\n"),pszString1, pszString2)); return; } void iisDebugOut_End1(TCHAR *pszString1, CString pszString2, int iLogType) { iisDebugOut((iLogType, _T("%s(%s):End.\n"),pszString1,pszString2)); return; }
BOOL SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped( IN HINF InfHandle, IN LPCTSTR Section, IN LPCTSTR Key, OPTIONAL INFCONTEXT *Context ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bGoGetWhatTheyOriginallyWanted = TRUE;
// check for the alternate .inf file
if (g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate && InfHandle != g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate) { bReturn = SetupFindFirstLine(g_pTheApp->m_hInfHandleAlternate, Section, Key, Context); if (bReturn) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Using alternate iis.inf section:[%s]"),Section)); bGoGetWhatTheyOriginallyWanted = FALSE; } }
if (bGoGetWhatTheyOriginallyWanted) {bReturn = SetupFindFirstLine(InfHandle, Section, Key, Context);}
return bReturn; }
int ReadUserConfigurable(HINF InfHandle) { int iReturn = TRUE; INFCONTEXT Context; TCHAR szTempString[_MAX_PATH] = _T(""); DWORD dwValue = 0x0;
DWORD dwSomethingSpecifiedHere = 0;
// Get the IUSR name
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("IUSR"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_NAME)) { g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName_Unattend = szTempString; dwSomethingSpecifiedHere |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_NAME; //g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_NAME;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iusr specified for www\n"))); }
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_NAME)) { g_pTheApp->m_csFTPAnonyName_Unattend = szTempString; dwSomethingSpecifiedHere |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_NAME; //g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_NAME;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iusr specified for ftp\n"))); } } }
// this stuff should not be configurable from the iis.inf file
// Get the IUSR password
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("IUSR_PASS"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_PASS)) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("(blank)")) == 0) { _tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); } g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyPassword_Unattend = szTempString; dwSomethingSpecifiedHere |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_PASS; //g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_PASS;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iusr pass specified for www\n"))); } }
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_PASS)) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("(blank)")) == 0) { _tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); } g_pTheApp->m_csFTPAnonyPassword_Unattend = szTempString; dwSomethingSpecifiedHere |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_PASS; //g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_PASS;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iusr pass specified for ftp\n"))); } } } } */
// Get the IUSR name for WWW
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("IUSR_WWW"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_NAME)) { g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyName_Unattend = szTempString; g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_NAME; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iusr specified for www\n"))); } } }
// this stuff should not be configurable from the iis.inf file
// Get the IUSR pass for WWW
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("IUSR_WWW_PASS"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_PASS)) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("(blank)")) == 0) { _tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); } g_pTheApp->m_csWWWAnonyPassword_Unattend = szTempString; g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_PASS; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iusr pass specified for www\n"))); } } } } */ //
// Get the IUSR name for FTP
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("IUSR_FTP"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_NAME)) { g_pTheApp->m_csFTPAnonyName_Unattend = szTempString; g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_NAME; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iusr specified for ftp\n"))); } } }
// this stuff should not be configurable from the iis.inf file
// Get the IUSR password for FTP
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("IUSR_FTP_PASS"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_PASS)) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("(blank)")) == 0) { _tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); } g_pTheApp->m_csFTPAnonyPassword_Unattend = szTempString; g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_PASS; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iusr pass specified for ftp\n"))); } } } } */
// Get the WAM username
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("IWAM"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WAM_USER_NAME)) { g_pTheApp->m_csWAMAccountName_Unattend = szTempString; g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WAM_USER_NAME; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iwam specified for www\n"))); } } }
// this stuff should not be configurable from the iis.inf file
// Get the WAM password
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("IWAM_PASS"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WAM_USER_PASS)) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("")) != 0) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("(blank)")) == 0) { _tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); } g_pTheApp->m_csWAMAccountPassword_Unattend = szTempString; g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WAM_USER_PASS; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom iwam pass specified for www\n"))); } } } }
// Get Path for Inetpub
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("PathInetpub"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_PATH_INETPUB)) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("")) != 0) { if (IsValidDirectoryName(szTempString)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom PathInetpub=%s\n"),szTempString)); g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetpub = szTempString; g_pTheApp->SetInetpubDerivatives(); g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_PATH_INETPUB; } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Custom PathInetpub specified (%s), however path not valid.ignoring unattend value. WARNING.\n"),szTempString)); } } } } }
// Get Path for ftp root
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("PathFTPRoot"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_PATH_FTP)) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("")) != 0) { if (IsValidDirectoryName(szTempString)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom PathFTPRoot=%s\n"),szTempString)); CustomFTPRoot(szTempString); g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_PATH_FTP; } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Custom PathFTPRoot specified (%s), however path not valid.ignoring unattend value. WARNING.\n"),szTempString)); } } } } }
// Get Path for www root
_tcscpy(szTempString, _T("")); if (SetupFindFirstLine_Wrapped(InfHandle, _T("SetupConfig"), _T("PathWWWRoot"), &Context) ) { if (SetupGetStringField(&Context, 1, szTempString, _MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // WARNING: these values can be changed by a user supplied unattend file
// The User defined unattend file takes precidence over these!
if (!(g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_PATH_WWW)) { if (_tcsicmp(szTempString, _T("")) != 0) { if (IsValidDirectoryName(szTempString)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("Custom PathWWWRoot=%s\n"),szTempString)); CustomWWWRoot(szTempString); g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_PATH_WWW; } else { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Custom PathWWWRoot specified (%s), however path not valid.ignoring unattend value. WARNING.\n"),szTempString)); } } } } }
if (dwSomethingSpecifiedHere & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_NAME){g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_NAME;} if (dwSomethingSpecifiedHere & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_NAME){g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_NAME;} if (dwSomethingSpecifiedHere & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_PASS){g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_WWW_USER_PASS;} if (dwSomethingSpecifiedHere & USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_PASS){g_pTheApp->dwUnattendConfig |= USER_SPECIFIED_INFO_FTP_USER_PASS;} return iReturn; }
INT IsThisOnNotStopList(IN HINF hFile, CString csInputName, BOOL bServiceFlag) { INT iReturn = FALSE; CStringList strList;
// if the entry is not a service name,
// then it must be a process filename,
// so make sure to get just the end of it
if (!bServiceFlag) { TCHAR szJustTheFileName[_MAX_FNAME]; // make sure to get only just the filename.
if (TRUE == ReturnFileNameOnly(csInputName, szJustTheFileName)) { csInputName = szJustTheFileName; } } CString csTheSection = _T("NonStopList"); if (GetSectionNameToDo(hFile, csTheSection)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == FillStrListWithListOfSections(hFile, strList, csTheSection)) { // loop thru the list returned back
if (strList.IsEmpty() == FALSE) { POSITION pos; CString csEntry;
pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { csEntry = strList.GetAt(pos);
// check if this entry matchs the entry that was passed in...
if (_tcsicmp(csEntry, csInputName) == 0) { // it matches so return TRUE;
iReturn = TRUE; goto IsThisOnNotStopList_Exit; }
strList.GetNext(pos); } } } }
IsThisOnNotStopList_Exit: return iReturn; }
HRESULT MofCompile(TCHAR * szPathMofFile) { HRESULT hRes = E_FAIL; WCHAR wszFileName[_MAX_PATH]; IMofCompiler *pMofComp = NULL; WBEM_COMPILE_STATUS_INFO Info;
hRes = CoInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(hRes)) { goto MofCompile_Exit; } hRes = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MofCompiler, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMofCompiler, (LPVOID *)&pMofComp); if (FAILED(hRes)) { goto MofCompile_Exit; }
// Ensure that the string is WCHAR.
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
_tcscpy(wszFileName, szPathMofFile); #else
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, szPathMofFile, -1, wszFileName, _MAX_PATH); #endif
pMofComp->CompileFile ( (LPWSTR) wszFileName, NULL, // load into namespace specified in MOF file
NULL, // use default User
NULL, // use default Authority
NULL, // use default Password
0, // no options
0, // no class flags
0, // no instance flags
pMofComp->Release(); CoUninitialize();
MofCompile_Exit: return hRes; }
DWORD DoesEntryPointExist(LPCTSTR lpszDLLFile, LPCTSTR lpszProcedure) { DWORD dwReturn = E_FAIL; HINSTANCE hDll = NULL; HCRET hProc = NULL; TCHAR szDirName[_MAX_PATH], szFilePath[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szDirName, _T(""));
// Check if the file exists
if (!IsFileExist(lpszDLLFile)) { dwReturn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto DoesEntryPointExist_Exit; }
// Change Directory
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirName ); InetGetFilePath(lpszDLLFile, szFilePath);
// Change to The Drive.
if (-1 == _chdrive( _totupper(szFilePath[0]) - 'A' + 1 )) {} if (SetCurrentDirectory(szFilePath) == 0) {}
// Try to load the module,dll,ocx.
hDll = LoadLibraryEx(lpszDLLFile, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); if (!hDll) { dwReturn = TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY; goto DoesEntryPointExist_Exit; } // Ok module was successfully loaded. now let's try to get the Address of the Procedure
// Convert the function name to ascii before passing it to GetProcAddress()
char AsciiProcedureName[255]; #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
// convert to ascii
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (TCHAR *)lpszProcedure, -1, AsciiProcedureName, 255, NULL, NULL ); #else
// the is already ascii so just copy
strcpy(AsciiProcedureName, lpszProcedure); #endif
// see if the entry point exists...
hProc = (HCRET)GetProcAddress(hDll, AsciiProcedureName); if (!hProc) { // failed to load,find or whatever this function.
dwReturn = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; goto DoesEntryPointExist_Exit; } iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_TRACE, _T("DoesEntryPointExist:%s=true\n"),lpszProcedure)); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS;
DoesEntryPointExist_Exit: if (hDll){FreeLibrary(hDll);} if (_tcscmp(szDirName, _T("")) != 0){SetCurrentDirectory(szDirName);} return dwReturn; }
void CreateDummyMetabaseBin(void) { TCHAR szFullPath1[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFullPath2[_MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hfile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; TCHAR buf[MAX_FAKE_METABASE_STRING_LEN]; BYTE bOneByte = 0;
// check if there is an existing metabase.bin
// if there is then rename it to a unique filename.
// if we cannot rename it because its in use or something, then leave it and get out.
_stprintf(szFullPath1, _T("%s\\metabase.bin"),g_pTheApp->m_csPathInetsrv); if (IsFileExist(szFullPath1)) { // Check to see how big it is.
DWORD dwFileSize = ReturnFileSize(szFullPath1); if (dwFileSize != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // if it's less than 2k then it must be the fake file already (must be an upgrade)
// leave it alone and don't replace it with the dummy (since it already is the dummy)
if (dwFileSize < 2000) { return; } }
int iCount = 0; int iFlag = FALSE; do { // check if the new unique file name exists...
_stprintf(szFullPath2, _T("%s.dfu.%d"),szFullPath1,iCount); if (!IsFileExist(szFullPath2)) { iFlag = TRUE; } } while (iFlag == FALSE && iCount < 9999);
// this is a unique filename, so let's use it and
// rename the metabase.bin to it
if (!MoveFileEx(szFullPath1, szFullPath2, MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED|MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH|MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { // log the failure at least
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("CreateDummyMetabaseBin: unable to rename existing metabase.bin file\n"))); return; } }
// Create a unicode text file named metabase.bin
// and stick some sting into it (from our setup resource)
// should be localized when localization localizes the iis.dll
memset(buf, 0, _tcslen(buf) * sizeof(TCHAR));
// this iis.dll is always compiled unicode, so
// we know that buf is unicode
if (!LoadString((HINSTANCE) g_MyModuleHandle, IDS_FAKE_METABASE_BIN_TEXT, buf, MAX_FAKE_METABASE_STRING_LEN)) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("LoadString(%d) Failed.\n"), IDS_FAKE_METABASE_BIN_TEXT)); return; } DeleteFile(szFullPath1);
// create the new metabase.bin file
hfile = CreateFile((LPTSTR)szFullPath1, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("CreateDummyMetabaseBin:CreateFile on %s failed with 0x%x!\n"),szFullPath1,GetLastError())); return; } // write a couple of bytes to the beginning of the file say that it's "unicode"
bOneByte = 0xFF; WriteFile(hfile, (LPCVOID) &bOneByte, 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); bOneByte = 0xFE; WriteFile(hfile, (LPCVOID) &bOneByte, 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); if ( WriteFile( hfile, buf, _tcslen(buf) * sizeof(TCHAR), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) == FALSE ) { iisDebugOutSafeParams((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("WriteFile(%1!s!) Failed. Error=0x%2!x!.\n"), szFullPath1, GetLastError())); }
CloseHandle(hfile); return; }
// Check whether we are running as administrator on the machine
// or not
BOOL RunningAsAdministrator() { #ifdef _CHICAGO_
return TRUE; #else
BOOL fReturn = FALSE; PSID psidAdmin; DWORD err; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SystemSidAuthority= SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; if ( AllocateAndInitializeSid ( &SystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &psidAdmin) ) { if (!CheckTokenMembership( NULL, psidAdmin, &fReturn )) { err = GetLastError(); iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("CheckTokenMembership failed on err %d.\n"), err)); }
FreeSid ( psidAdmin); } return ( fReturn ); #endif //_CHICAGO_
void StopAllServicesRegardless(int iShowErrorsFlag) { #ifndef _CHICAGO_
// important: you must take iis clusters off line before doing anykind of upgrade\installs...
// but incase the user didn't do this... try to take them off line for the user
DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwResult = BringALLIISClusterResourcesOffline();
if (StopServiceAndDependencies(_T("W3SVC"), FALSE) == FALSE) { if (iShowErrorsFlag) { MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_UNABLE_TO_STOP_SERVICE,_T("W3SVC"), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } }
if (StopServiceAndDependencies(_T("MSFTPSVC"), FALSE) == FALSE) { if (iShowErrorsFlag) { MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_UNABLE_TO_STOP_SERVICE,_T("MSFTPSVC"), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } }
if (StopServiceAndDependencies(_T("IISADMIN"), TRUE) == FALSE) { if (iShowErrorsFlag) { MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_UNABLE_TO_STOP_SERVICE,_T("IISADMIN"), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } }
DWORD dwStatus = 0; dwStatus = InetQueryServiceStatus(_T("MSDTC")); if (SERVICE_RUNNING == dwStatus) { // if the service is running, then let' stop it!
if (StopServiceAndDependencies(_T("MSDTC"), TRUE) == FALSE) { if (iShowErrorsFlag){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_UNABLE_TO_STOP_SERVICE,_T("MSDTC"), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} } } */
dwStatus = InetQueryServiceStatus(_T("SPOOLER")); if (SERVICE_RUNNING == dwStatus) { // if the service is running, then let' stop it!
if (StopServiceAndDependencies(_T("SPOOLER"), TRUE) == FALSE) { if (iShowErrorsFlag){MyMessageBox(NULL, IDS_UNABLE_TO_STOP_SERVICE,_T("SPOOLER"), MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND);} } } */ #else
// Shutdown newer than 1.0 pws methods.
W95ShutdownW3SVC(); W95ShutdownIISADMIN( );
// Shutdown peer web services 1.0
HWND hwnd = FindWindow("MS_INetPeerServerWindowClass", NULL); if ( hwnd ) { ::PostMessage(hwnd,(WM_USER+305),(WPARAM)0,0L); ::PostMessage(hwnd,(WM_USER+301),(WPARAM)-1,0L); } #endif
// kill pwstray.exe in case of IIS4.0 Beta2 upgrade, to release admprox.dll
HWND hwndTray = NULL; hwndTray = FindWindow(PWS_TRAY_WINDOW_CLASS, NULL); if ( hwndTray ){::PostMessage( hwndTray, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );}
return; }