#include "main.h"
#include "depends.h"
#include "resource.h"
// Code by AaronL
// copied most of it from the depends source code.
// prototypes...
int __cdecl main(int ,char *argv[]); void ShowHelp(void);
void ProcessManyFiles(char * szTheDir, char * szTheFileNameOrWildCard); void ProcessOneFile(LPSTR szTempFileName); void OutputToScreen(char * szTheString1, char * szTheString2);
// Globals
int g_Flag_R = FALSE;
HINSTANCE g_hModuleHandle = NULL;
#define ALL_FILES 0xff
// purpose: main
int __cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[]) { LPSTR pArg = NULL; LPSTR pCmdStart = NULL;
int argno; int nflags=0; char szTempFileName[MAX_PATH]; char szTempString[MAX_PATH]; szTempFileName[0] = '\0';
g_hModuleHandle = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
// process command line arguments
for(argno=1; argno<argc; argno++) { if ( argv[argno][0] == '-' || argv[argno][0] == '/' ) { nflags++; switch (argv[argno][1]) { case 'r': case 'R': g_Flag_R = TRUE; break; case '?': goto main_exit_with_help; break; } } // if switch character found
else { if ( *szTempFileName == '\0' ) { // if no arguments, then
strcpy(szTempFileName, argv[argno]); } } // non-switch char found
} // for all arguments
char szTheDriveOnly[_MAX_DRIVE]; char szTheDirOnly[_MAX_DIR]; char szTheFileNameOnly[_MAX_FNAME]; char szTheEXTOnly[_MAX_EXT];
char szTheFileNameAndExt[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT]; char szTheDriveAndDir[_MAX_PATH];
if (strcmp(szTempFileName, "") == 0) { goto main_exit_with_help; } _splitpath(szTempFileName, szTheDriveOnly, szTheDirOnly, szTheFileNameOnly, szTheEXTOnly); sprintf(szTheFileNameAndExt, "%s%s", szTheFileNameOnly, szTheEXTOnly); sprintf(szTheDriveAndDir, "%s%s", szTheDriveOnly, szTheDirOnly);
ProcessManyFiles(szTheDriveAndDir, szTheFileNameAndExt); goto main_exit_gracefully; main_exit_gracefully: return TRUE;
main_exit_with_help: ShowHelp(); return FALSE; }
void ShowHelp() { char szModuleName[_MAX_PATH]; char szFilename_only[_MAX_FNAME]; char szMyBigString[255]; char szMyPrintString[255 + _MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModuleName, _MAX_PATH);
// Trim off the filename only.
_tsplitpath(szModuleName, NULL, NULL, szFilename_only, NULL); MyLoadString(IDS_STRING1, szMyBigString); sprintf(szMyPrintString, szMyBigString, szFilename_only); printf(szMyPrintString);
MyLoadString(IDS_STRING2, szMyBigString); printf(szMyBigString);
MyLoadString(IDS_STRING3, szMyBigString); sprintf(szMyPrintString, szMyBigString, szFilename_only); printf(szMyPrintString);
MyLoadString(IDS_STRING4, szMyBigString); sprintf(szMyPrintString, szMyBigString, szFilename_only); printf(szMyPrintString); return; }
void ProcessOneFile(char * szTempFileName) { CDepends DependsStuff; char szMyPrintString[_MAX_PATH + 50]; sprintf(szMyPrintString, "%s\r\n", (LPSTR) szTempFileName); printf(szMyPrintString);
if (DependsStuff.m_fOutOfMemory) { char szMyBigString[_MAX_PATH + 50]; MyLoadString(IDS_STRING5, szMyBigString); sprintf(szMyPrintString, szMyBigString, (LPSTR) szTempFileName); printf(szMyPrintString); }
// Display a message if the module contains a circular dependency error.
if (DependsStuff.m_fCircularError) { char szMyBigString[_MAX_PATH + 50]; MyLoadString(IDS_STRING6, szMyBigString); sprintf(szMyPrintString, szMyBigString, (LPSTR) szTempFileName); printf(szMyPrintString); }
// Display a message if the module contains a mixed machine error.
if (DependsStuff.m_fMixedMachineError) { //sprintf(szMyPrintString, " MixedMachineError:%s\r\n", (LPSTR) szTempFileName);
DependsStuff.LoopThruAndPrintLosers(DependsStuff.m_pModuleRoot); DependsStuff.DeleteContents(); }
void ProcessManyFiles(char * szTheDir, char * szTheFileNameOrWildCard) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; char szTheFullMonty[_MAX_PATH]; char szTheRealWildcards[_MAX_PATH]; int iFoundWildCard = FALSE;
if (0 == strcmp(szTheDir, "")) { // if there is no specified directory
strcpy(szTheFullMonty, szTheFileNameOrWildCard); } else { // if there is a dir, check if ends with a '\'
// if it does, then kool, if it doesn't then add it.
// then tack them together
char *pTemp = NULL; pTemp = strrchr(szTheDir, (int) '\\'); if (pTemp != NULL) { sprintf(szTheFullMonty, "%s%s", szTheDir, szTheFileNameOrWildCard); } else { sprintf(szTheFullMonty, "%s\\%s", szTheDir, szTheFileNameOrWildCard); } } //printf(szTheFullMonty);printf("<--\n");
// if the fullmonty is a directory
// then we have a directory.
// get out.
int retCode = GetFileAttributes(szTheFullMonty); if (retCode == 0xFFFFFFFF || (retCode & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { // if there are wildcards in there, then
// let it come thru, if not get out.
char szFileNamePart[_MAX_FNAME]; char *pdest = NULL; strcpy(szFileNamePart, szTheFileNameOrWildCard); pdest = strrchr(szFileNamePart, (int) '?'); if (pdest != NULL) { iFoundWildCard = TRUE; }
if (FALSE == iFoundWildCard) { pdest = NULL; pdest = strrchr(szFileNamePart,(int) '*'); if (pdest != NULL) { iFoundWildCard = TRUE; } }
if (FALSE == iFoundWildCard) { return; } }
// if we have something which includes wildcards,
// then change it to *.*
if (TRUE == iFoundWildCard) { char szTheDriveOnly[_MAX_DRIVE]; char szTheDirOnly[_MAX_DIR]; char szTheFileNameOnly[_MAX_FNAME]; char szTheEXTOnly[_MAX_EXT]; char szTheFileNameAndExt[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT]; char szTheDriveAndDir[_MAX_PATH];
_splitpath(szTheFullMonty, szTheDriveOnly, szTheDirOnly, szTheFileNameOnly, szTheEXTOnly); sprintf(szTheFileNameAndExt, "%s%s", szTheFileNameOnly, szTheEXTOnly); sprintf(szTheDriveAndDir, "%s%s", szTheDriveOnly, szTheDirOnly);
printf(szTheFullMonty); printf("\n"); printf(szTheFileNameAndExt); printf("\n"); printf(szTheFileNameAndExt); printf("\n"); }
HANDLE hFile = FindFirstFile(szTheFullMonty, &FindFileData); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { //printf("=%s\n",FindFileData.cFileName);
if ( _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0 ) { if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // this is a directory, so let's skip it
// if it's supposed to recurse thru dirs, then let's go into it.
if (TRUE == g_Flag_R) { char szSubDir[_MAX_PATH]; _stprintf(szSubDir, _T("%s"), FindFileData.cFileName); //printf("found dir=%s,filename=%s\n",szSubDir,szTheFileNameOrWildCard);
ProcessManyFiles(szSubDir, szTheFileNameOrWildCard); } } else { // this is a file, so let's do something
char szTempFileName[_MAX_PATH];
if (0 == strcmp(szTheDir, "")) { // if there is no specified directory
strcpy(szTempFileName,FindFileData.cFileName); } else { char *pTemp = NULL; pTemp = strrchr(szTheDir, (int) '\\'); if (pTemp != NULL) { sprintf(szTempFileName, "%s%s", szTheDir, FindFileData.cFileName); } else { sprintf(szTempFileName, "%s\\%s", szTheDir, FindFileData.cFileName); } } // This is a file so lets act upon it.
ProcessOneFile(szTempFileName); } }
// get the next file
if ( !FindNextFile(hFile, &FindFileData) ) { FindClose(hFile); break; }
} while (TRUE); } }
void OutputToScreen(char * szTheString1, char * szTheString2) { char szMyPrintString[_MAX_PATH + _MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szMyPrintString, szTheString1, szTheString2); printf(szMyPrintString); return; }
void MyLoadString(int nID, char *szResult) { char buf[1024];
if (g_hModuleHandle == NULL) {return;} if (LoadString(g_hModuleHandle, nID, buf, sizeof(buf))) {strcpy(szResult, buf);}
return; }