Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
This module defines the CLIENT_CONNECTION class. This object maintains information about a new client connection
Rohan Phillips ( Rohanp ) 11-Dec-1995
Project: Gibraltar Services Common Code
Revision History: Richard Kamicar ( rkamicar ) 31-Dec-1995 Moved to common directory, filled in more
# ifndef _GEN_CLIENT_HXX_
# define _GEN_CLIENT_HXX_
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
// Redefine the type to indicate that this is a call-back function
* Symbolic Constants ************************************************************/
// Valid & Invalid Signatures for Client Connection object
// (Ims Connection USed/FRee)
// POP3 requires a minimum of 10 minutes before a timeout
// (SMTP doesn't specify, but might as well follow POP3)
# define MINIMUM_CONNECTION_IO_TIMEOUT (10 * 60) // 10 minutes
# define DEFAULT_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE (512) // 512 bytes
# define MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN (40)
const MAX_READ_BUFF_SIZE = 1024; const MAX_MESSAGE_BUFF_SIZE = 1024; // outgoing message
const char CR = '\015'; const char LF = '\012';
static const char *CRLF = "\015\012";
* Type Definitions ************************************************************/
This class is used for keeping track of individual client connections established with the server.
It maintains the state of the connection being processed. In addition it also encapsulates data related to Asynchronous thread context used for processing the request.
public: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Virtual methods that will be defined by derived classes (more below).
virtual BOOL StartSession( void); virtual char * IsLineComplete(IN OUT const char * pchRecvd, IN DWORD cbRecvd); /*++
Resets the line state.
Arguments: none. Returns: nothing.
--*/ VOID ResetLineState(VOID) { m_PotentialMatch = NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected: //
// Data required for IO operations
PATQ_CONTEXT m_pAtqContext;
ULONG m_signature; // signature on object for sanity check
DWORD m_ClientId; //unique identifier for client
// Connection Related data
SOCKET m_sClient; // socket for this connection
SOCKADDR_IN m_saClient; // socket address for the client
// time when this object was created in milliseconds.
DWORD m_msStartingTime;
// Addresses of machines' network addresses through which this
// connection got established.
CHAR m_pchLocalHostName[MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN]; CHAR m_pchRemoteHostName[MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN];
// The overlapped structure for reads (one outstanding read at a time)
// -- writes will dynamically allocate them
OVERLAPPED m_Overlapped;
char m_recvBuffer[MAX_READ_BUFF_SIZE]; char * m_PotentialMatch; // Partial Pipelined read marker.
DWORD m_cbReceived;
PVOID m_pvInitial; // initial request read
DWORD m_cbInitial; // count of bytes of initial request
DWORD m_dwCmdBytesRecv; DWORD m_dwCmdBytesSent;
SOCKET QuerySocket( VOID) const { return ( m_sClient); }
// Functions for processing client connection at various states
BOOL ReceiveRequest( IN DWORD cbWritten, OUT LPBOOL pfFullRequestRecvd);
const CHAR * QueryLocalHostName( VOID) const { return m_pchLocalHostName; }
const CHAR * PassWord( VOID) const { return NULL; }
DWORD QueryIoTimeout( VOID) const { return ( DEFAULT_CONNECTION_IO_TIMEOUT); }
PATQ_CONTEXT QueryAtqContext( VOID) const { return ( m_pAtqContext); }
LPOVERLAPPED QueryAtqOverlapped( void ) const { return ( m_pAtqContext == NULL ? NULL : &m_pAtqContext->Overlapped ); }
CLIENT_CONNECTION( IN SOCKET sClient, IN const SOCKADDR_IN * psockAddrRemote, IN const SOCKADDR_IN * psockAddrLocal = NULL, IN PATQ_CONTEXT pAtqContext = NULL, IN PVOID pvInitialRequest = NULL, IN DWORD cbInitialData = 0) : m_signature(CLIENT_CONNECTION_SIGNATURE_VALID) { Initialize( sClient, psockAddrRemote, psockAddrLocal, pAtqContext, pvInitialRequest, cbInitialData); }
virtual ~CLIENT_CONNECTION(VOID) { Cleanup(); }
BOOL Initialize( IN SOCKET sClient, IN const SOCKADDR_IN * psockAddrRemote, IN const SOCKADDR_IN * psockAddrLocal = NULL, IN PATQ_CONTEXT pAtqContext = NULL, IN PVOID pvInitialRequest = NULL, IN DWORD cbInitialData = 0); VOID Cleanup(VOID); BOOL m_Destroy;
// IsValid()
// o Checks the signature of the object to determine
// if this is a valid ICLIENT_CONNECTION object.
// Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if invalid.
BOOL IsValid( VOID) const { return ( m_signature == CLIENT_CONNECTION_SIGNATURE_VALID); }
VOID StartProcessingTimer(void) {m_msStartingTime = GetTickCount();}
DWORD QueryProcessingTime( VOID) const { return ( GetTickCount() - m_msStartingTime); }
LPCSTR QueryRcvBuffer( VOID) const { return ((LPCSTR) m_recvBuffer); }
LPSTR QueryMRcvBuffer(VOID) // modifiable string
{ return (LPSTR) m_recvBuffer; }
LPBYTE GetRecvBuffer(void) { return (LPBYTE)m_recvBuffer; }
const char * QueryClientHostName( VOID) const { return m_pchRemoteHostName; }
const DWORD QueryClientId(void) const {return m_ClientId;}
DWORD QueryRequestLen( VOID) const { return ( m_cbReceived); }
void SetClientId(DWORD Id) {m_ClientId = Id;}
// Virtual method that MUST be defined by derived classes.
// Processes a completed IO on the connection for the client.
// -- Calls and maybe called from the Atq functions.
virtual BOOL ProcessClient( IN DWORD cbWritten, IN DWORD dwCompletionStatus, IN OUT OVERLAPPED * lpo ) = 0; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Disconnect this client
// dwErrorCode is used only when there is server level error
VOID virtual DisconnectClient( IN DWORD dwErrorCode = NO_ERROR); //
// Wrapper functions for common File operations
// ( Used to hide the ATQ and reference counting)
BOOL virtual ReadFile( LPVOID pvBuffer, DWORD cbSize = MAX_READ_BUFF_SIZE ); //
// The first (pair) WriteFile does a synchronous write.
// The second does an async write..
BOOL virtual WriteFile( IN LPVOID pvBuffer, IN DWORD cbSize ); BOOL virtual WriteFile( IN LPVOID lpvBuffer, IN DWORD cbSize, IN OVERLAPPED *lpo);
LPCTSTR virtual QueryClientUserName( VOID );
void TransactionLog( IN const char *pszOperation, IN const char *pszTarget, IN const char *pszParameters = NULL, IN DWORD dwWin32Error = NO_ERROR, IN DWORD dwServiceSpecificStatus = NO_ERROR );
// should be called before processing new command
void ResetCommandCounters( void ) { m_dwCmdBytesRecv = m_dwCmdBytesSent = 0; }
// should be called after IsLineComplete
void SetCommandBytesRecv( DWORD dw ) { m_dwCmdBytesRecv = dw; }
// should be called after each successful WriteFile/send
void AddCommandBytesSent( DWORD dw ) { InterlockedExchangeAdd((LONG *) &m_dwCmdBytesSent, (LONG)dw); }
// should be called after each successful WriteFile/send
void AddCommandBytesRecv( DWORD dw ) { InterlockedExchangeAdd((LONG *) &m_dwCmdBytesRecv, (LONG)dw); }
void TransactionLog(const char *pszOperation, DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR);
BOOL AddToAtqHandles(HANDLE hClient, DWORD TimeOut, ATQ_COMPLETION pfnCompletion) {
return ( AtqAddAsyncHandle( &m_pAtqContext, this, pfnCompletion, TimeOut, hClient)); }
// LIST_ENTRY object for storing client connections in a list.
LIST_ENTRY m_listEntry;
LIST_ENTRY & QueryListEntry( VOID) { return ( m_listEntry); }
# if DBG
virtual VOID Print( VOID) const;
# endif // DBG
// Auxiliary functions
INT ShutAndCloseSocket( IN SOCKET sock);
# endif
/************************ End of File ***********************/