Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Component: Typelibrary cache
File: tlbcache.cpp
Owner: DmitryR
This is the typelibrary cache source file. ===================================================================*/
#include "denpre.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "tlbcache.h"
#include "memchk.h"
Globals ===================================================================*/
CTypelibCache g_TypelibCache;
C T y p e l i b C a c h e E n t r y ===================================================================*/
Constructor ===================================================================*/ CTypelibCacheEntry::CTypelibCacheEntry() : m_fInited(FALSE), m_fIdsCached(FALSE), m_fStrAllocated(FALSE), m_wszProgId(NULL), m_clsid(CLSID_NULL), m_cmModel(cmUnknown), m_idOnStartPage(DISPID_UNKNOWN), m_idOnEndPage(DISPID_UNKNOWN), m_gipTypelib(NULL_GIP_COOKIE) { }
Destructor ===================================================================*/ CTypelibCacheEntry::~CTypelibCacheEntry() { if (m_gipTypelib != NULL_GIP_COOKIE) { g_GIPAPI.Revoke(m_gipTypelib); } if (m_fStrAllocated) { Assert(m_wszProgId); free(m_wszProgId); } }
Store ProgID with the structure
Parameters wszProgId ProgId cbProgId ProgId byte length
Returns HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CTypelibCacheEntry::StoreProgID ( LPWSTR wszProgId, DWORD cbProgId ) { Assert(wszProgId); Assert(*wszProgId != L'\0'); Assert(cbProgId == (wcslen(wszProgId) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
// required buffer length
DWORD cbBuffer = cbProgId + sizeof(WCHAR); WCHAR *wszBuffer = (WCHAR *)m_rgbStrBuffer;
if (cbBuffer > sizeof(m_rgbStrBuffer)) { // the prog id doesn't fit into the member buffer -> allocate
wszBuffer = (WCHAR *)malloc(cbBuffer); if (!wszBuffer) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; m_fStrAllocated = TRUE; } memcpy(wszBuffer, wszProgId, cbBuffer); m_wszProgId = wszBuffer; return S_OK; }
Real constructor. Store ProgID. Init CLinkElem portion with ProgID.
Parameters wszProgId ProgId cbProgId ProgId byte length
Returns HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CTypelibCacheEntry::InitByProgID ( LPWSTR wszProgId, DWORD cbProgId ) { StoreProgID(wszProgId, cbProgId); // init link with prog id as key (length excludes null term)
CLinkElem::Init(m_wszProgId, cbProgId); m_fInited = TRUE; return S_OK; }
Real constructor. Store ProgID. Init CLinkElem portion with CLSID.
Parameters clsid CLSID wszProgId ProgId
Returns HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CTypelibCacheEntry::InitByCLSID ( const CLSID &clsid, LPWSTR wszProgid ) { StoreProgID(wszProgid, CbWStr(wszProgid)); m_clsid = clsid; // init link with CLSID id as key
CLinkElem::Init(&m_clsid, sizeof(m_clsid)); m_fInited = TRUE; return S_OK; }
C T y p e l i b C a c h e ===================================================================*/
Constructor ===================================================================*/ CTypelibCache::CTypelibCache() : m_fInited(FALSE) { } /*===================================================================
Destructor ===================================================================*/ CTypelibCache::~CTypelibCache() { UnInit(); }
Returns HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CTypelibCache::Init() { HRESULT hr;
hr = m_htProgIdEntries.Init(199); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = m_htCLSIDEntries.Init(97); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ErrInitCriticalSection(&m_csLock, hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return(hr); m_fInited = TRUE; return S_OK; } /*===================================================================
Returns HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CTypelibCache::UnInit() { CTypelibCacheEntry *pEntry; CLinkElem *pLink;
// ProgID Hash table
pLink = m_htProgIdEntries.Head(); while (pLink) { pEntry = static_cast<CTypelibCacheEntry *>(pLink); pLink = pLink->m_pNext;
// remove the entry
delete pEntry; } m_htProgIdEntries.UnInit();
// CLSID Hash table
pLink = m_htCLSIDEntries.Head(); while (pLink) { pEntry = static_cast<CTypelibCacheEntry *>(pLink); pLink = pLink->m_pNext;
// remove the entry
delete pEntry; } m_htCLSIDEntries.UnInit();
// Critical section
if (m_fInited) { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csLock); m_fInited = FALSE; }
return S_OK; }
Create the component using the cached info. Adds cache entry if needed. To be called from Server.CreateObject
Parameters bstrProgID prog id pHitObj HitObj needed for creation ppdisp [out] IDispatch * pclsid [out] CLSID
Returns HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CTypelibCache::CreateComponent ( BSTR bstrProgID, CHitObj *pHitObj, IDispatch **ppdisp, CLSID *pclsid ) { HRESULT hr; CLinkElem *pElem; CTypelibCacheEntry *pEntry; CComponentObject *pObj; COnPageInfo OnPageInfo; CompModel cmModel;
*pclsid = CLSID_NULL; *ppdisp = NULL;
if (bstrProgID == NULL || *bstrProgID == L'\0') return E_FAIL;
WCHAR *wszProgId = bstrProgID; DWORD cbProgId = CbWStr(wszProgId); // do strlen once
BOOL fFound = FALSE; BOOL bDispIdsCached = FALSE; Lock(); pElem = m_htProgIdEntries.FindElem(wszProgId, cbProgId); if (pElem) { // remember the elements of the entry while inside lock
pEntry = static_cast<CTypelibCacheEntry *>(pElem);
// return clsid
*pclsid = pEntry->m_clsid;
// prepate OnPageInfo with DispIds to pass to the creation function
if (pEntry->m_fIdsCached) { OnPageInfo.m_rgDispIds[ONPAGEINFO_ONSTARTPAGE] = pEntry->m_idOnStartPage; OnPageInfo.m_rgDispIds[ONPAGEINFO_ONENDPAGE] = pEntry->m_idOnEndPage; bDispIdsCached = TRUE; } // remember the model
cmModel = pEntry->m_cmModel;
fFound = TRUE; } UnLock();
if (fFound) { // create the object
hr = pHitObj->PPageComponentManager()->AddScopedUnnamedInstantiated ( csPage, *pclsid, cmModel, bDispIdsCached ? &OnPageInfo : NULL, &pObj );
// get IDispatch*
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pObj->GetAddRefdIDispatch(ppdisp);
// return if succeeded
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // don't keep the object around unless needed
if (pObj->FEarlyReleaseAllowed()) pHitObj->PPageComponentManager()->RemoveComponent(pObj); return S_OK; }
// on failure remove from the cache and pretend
// as if it was never found
Lock(); pElem = m_htProgIdEntries.DeleteElem(wszProgId, cbProgId); UnLock();
if (pElem) { // Element removed from cache - delete the CacheEntry
pEntry = static_cast<CTypelibCacheEntry *>(pElem); delete pEntry; }
// don't return bogus CLSID
*pclsid = CLSID_NULL; }
// Not found in the cache. Create the object, get the info, and
// insert the new cache entry.
hr = CLSIDFromProgID((LPCOLESTR)wszProgId, pclsid); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // couldn't even get clsid - don't cache
hr = pHitObj->PPageComponentManager()->AddScopedUnnamedInstantiated ( csPage, *pclsid, cmUnknown, NULL, &pObj ); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // couldn't create object - don't cache
// object created - get IDispatch*
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pObj->GetAddRefdIDispatch(ppdisp); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // couldn't get IDispatch* - don't cache
// create new CTypelibCacheEntry
pEntry = new CTypelibCacheEntry; if (!pEntry) return S_OK; // no harm
// init link entry
if (FAILED(pEntry->InitByProgID(wszProgId, cbProgId))) { delete pEntry; return S_OK; // no harm
} // remember stuff in pEntry
pEntry->m_clsid = *pclsid; pEntry->m_cmModel = pObj->GetModel();
const COnPageInfo *pOnPageInfo = pObj->GetCachedOnPageInfo(); if (pOnPageInfo) { pEntry->m_fIdsCached = TRUE; pEntry->m_idOnStartPage = pOnPageInfo->m_rgDispIds[ONPAGEINFO_ONSTARTPAGE]; pEntry->m_idOnEndPage = pOnPageInfo->m_rgDispIds[ONPAGEINFO_ONENDPAGE]; } else { pEntry->m_fIdsCached = FALSE; pEntry->m_idOnStartPage = DISPID_UNKNOWN; pEntry->m_idOnEndPage = DISPID_UNKNOWN; }
// try to get the typelib
pEntry->m_gipTypelib = NULL_GIP_COOKIE; if (FIsWinNT()) // don't do GIP cookies on Win95
{ ITypeInfo *ptinfo; if (SUCCEEDED((*ppdisp)->GetTypeInfo(0, 0, &ptinfo))) { ITypeLib *ptlib; UINT idx; if (SUCCEEDED(ptinfo->GetContainingTypeLib(&ptlib, &idx))) { // got it! convert to gip cookie
DWORD gip; if (SUCCEEDED(g_GIPAPI.Register(ptlib, IID_ITypeLib, &gip))) { // remember the gip cookie with pEntry
pEntry->m_gipTypelib = gip; } ptlib->Release(); } ptinfo->Release(); } } // pEntry is ready -- try to insert it into cache
BOOL fInserted = FALSE; Lock(); // make sure some other thread didn't insert it already
if (m_htProgIdEntries.FindElem(wszProgId, cbProgId) == NULL) { if (m_htProgIdEntries.AddElem(pEntry)) fInserted = TRUE; } UnLock();
// cleanup
if (!fInserted) delete pEntry; // don't keep the object around unless needed
if (pObj->FEarlyReleaseAllowed()) pHitObj->PPageComponentManager()->RemoveComponent(pObj);
return S_OK; }
Adds an entry to CLSID hashtable. To be called from template after mapping ProgId to CLSID.
Parameters wszProgID prog id clsid clsid
Returns HRESULT ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CTypelibCache::RememberProgidToCLSIDMapping ( WCHAR *wszProgid, const CLSID &clsid ) { HRESULT hr; CLinkElem *pElem; CTypelibCacheEntry *pEntry;
// check if already there first
BOOL fFound = FALSE; Lock(); if (m_htCLSIDEntries.FindElem(&clsid, sizeof(CLSID)) != NULL) fFound = TRUE; UnLock(); if (fFound) return S_OK; // create new entry
pEntry = new CTypelibCacheEntry; if (!pEntry) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
BOOL fInserted = FALSE; // remember prog id and init link entry
hr = pEntry->InitByCLSID(clsid, wszProgid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Lock(); // make sure some other thread didn't insert it already
if (m_htCLSIDEntries.FindElem(&clsid, sizeof(CLSID)) == NULL) { if (m_htCLSIDEntries.AddElem(pEntry)) fInserted = TRUE; } UnLock(); }
// cleanup
if (!fInserted) delete pEntry; return hr; }
Update CLSID since remembered.
To be called from object creation code to update CLSID if the object creation failed.
Parameters *pclsid [in, out] CLSID
Returns HRESULT S_FALSE = didn't change S_OK = did change and the new one found ===================================================================*/ HRESULT CTypelibCache::UpdateMappedCLSID ( CLSID *pclsid ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; // not found
CLinkElem *pElem; CTypelibCacheEntry *pEntry; CLSID clsidNew; Lock(); // Do everything under lock so the ProgID stored in
// the entry is still valid.
// Not very perfomant -- but is is an error path anyway
pElem = m_htCLSIDEntries.FindElem(pclsid, sizeof(CLSID)); if (pElem) { pEntry = static_cast<CTypelibCacheEntry *>(pElem);
// find new mapping
if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromProgID(pEntry->m_wszProgId, &clsidNew))) { // compare with the old one
if (!IsEqualCLSID(clsidNew, *pclsid)) { // the mapping did change!
*pclsid = clsidNew; hr = S_OK; } } } UnLock();
return hr; }