* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996. * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Microsoft Private Communication Technology * reference implementation, version 1.0 * * The Private Communication Technology reference implementation, version 1.0 * ("PCTRef"), is being provided by Microsoft to encourage the development and * enhancement of an open standard for secure general-purpose business and * personal communications on open networks. Microsoft is distributing PCTRef * at no charge irrespective of whether you use PCTRef for non-commercial or * commercial use. * * Microsoft expressly disclaims any warranty for PCTRef and all derivatives of * it. PCTRef and any related documentation is provided "as is" without * warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without * limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a * particular purpose, or noninfringement. Microsoft shall have no obligation * to provide maintenance, support, upgrades or new releases to you or to anyone * receiving from you PCTRef or your modifications. The entire risk arising out * of use or performance of PCTRef remains with you. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt, * or http://pct.microsoft.com/pct/pctlicen.txt
* for more information on licensing. * * Please see http://pct.microsoft.com/pct/pct.htm for The Private
* Communication Technology Specification version 1.0 ("PCT Specification") * * 1/23/96 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifndef _ENCODE_H_
#define _ENCODE_H_
/* tag definitions for ASN.1 encoding decoding */ #define INTEGER_TAG 0x02
#define CHAR_STRING_TAG 0x16
#define OCTET_STRING_TAG 0x04
#define BIT_STRING_TAG 0x03
#define UTCTIME_TAG 0x17
#define SEQUENCE_TAG 0x30
#define SET_OF_TAG 0x11
#define OBJECT_ID_TAG 0x06
#define NULL_TAG 0x05
/* definitions of maximum lengths needed for the ASN.1 encoded
form of some of the common fields in a certificate */ #define MAXVALIDITYLEN 0x24
#define MAXKEYINFOLEN 0x50
#define MAXALGIDLEN 0x0A
#define MAXOBJIDLEN 0x0A
#define UTCTIMELEN 0x0F
#define VERSIONLEN 0x03
#define MAXHEADERLEN 0x08
#define MINHEADERLEN 0x03
#define MAXTIMELEN 0x20
/* definitions for scrubbing memory */ #define ALLBITSOFF 0x00
#define ALLBITSON 0xFF
/* prototypes for the functions in encode.c */ long EncodeLength (BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD dwLen, BOOL Writeflag); long EncodeAlgid (BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD Algid, BOOL Writeflag); long EncodeInteger (BYTE *pbEncoded, BYTE *pbInt, DWORD dwLen, BOOL Writeflag); long EncodeString (BYTE *pbEncoded, BYTE *pbStr, DWORD dwLen, BOOL Writeflag); long EncodeOctetString (BYTE *pbEncoded, BYTE *pbStr, DWORD dwLen, BOOL Writeflag); long EncodeBitString (BYTE *pbEncoded, BYTE *pbStr, DWORD dwLen, BOOL Writeflag); //long EncodeUTCTime (BYTE *pbEncoded, time_t Time, BOOL Writeflag);
long EncodeHeader (BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD dwLen, BOOL Writeflag); long EncodeSetOfHeader (BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD dwLen, BOOL Writeflag); long EncodeName (BYTE *pbEncoded, BYTE *pbName, DWORD dwLen, BOOL Writeflag);
long DecodeLength (DWORD *pdwLen, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded); long DecodeAlgid (DWORD *pAlgid, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL Writeflag); long DecodeHeader (DWORD *pdwLen, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded); long DecodeSetOfHeader (DWORD *pdwLen, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded); long DecodeInteger (BYTE *pbInt, DWORD cbBuff, DWORD *pdwLen, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL Writeflag); long DecodeString (BYTE *pbStr, DWORD *pdwLen, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded,BOOL Writeflag); long DecodeOctetString (BYTE *pbStr, DWORD *pdwLen, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL Writeflag); long DecodeBitString (BYTE *pbStr, DWORD *pdwLen, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL Writeflag); long DecodeName (BYTE *pbName, DWORD *pdwLen, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL Writeflag);
long EncodeAlgorithm( BYTE * pbEncoded, DWORD AlgId, BOOL WriteFlag);
#define ALGTYPE_SIG_RSA_MD5 0x01
#define ALGTYPE_CIPHER_RC4_MD5 0x03
long EncodeDN( BYTE * pbEncoded, PSTR pszDN, BOOL WriteFlag);
long IisDecodeDN( PSTR *pValue, PSTR pBuf, BYTE * pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded );
long EncodeFileTime( BYTE * pbEncoded, FILETIME Time, BOOL UTC, BOOL WriteFlag); #else /* SECURITY_LINUX */
long EncodeUTCTime (BYTE *pbEncoded, time_t Time, BOOL Writeflag); #endif /* SECURITY_LINUX */
long DecodeFileTime( FILETIME * pTime, BYTE * pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL WriteFlag); #else /* SECURITY_LINUX */
long DecodeUTCTime (time_t *pTime, BYTE *pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL Writeflag);
#define DecodeFileTime DecodeUTCTime
#endif /* SECURITY_LINUX */
long DecodeNull( BYTE * pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded);
long DecodeDN( PSTR pName, DWORD * pdwLen, BYTE * pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL WriteFlag);
long DecodeSigAlg( DWORD * pAlgId, PBYTE pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL WriteFlag);
long DecodeCryptAlg( DWORD * pAlgId, DWORD * pHashid, PBYTE pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL WriteFlag);
long DecodeKeyType( DWORD * pKeyType, PBYTE pbEncoded, DWORD cEncoded, BOOL WriteFlag);
// PctPrivateKey ** ppKey,
// PBYTE pbEncoded,
// DWORD cbEncoded,
// PSTR Password );
#endif /* _ENCODE_H_ */