/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1998 **/ /**********************************************************************/
This module implements the private interface to the file cache
FILE HISTORY: MCourage 09-Dec-1997 Created */
#include "tsunamip.hxx"
#include <tsunami.hxx>
#include "filecach.hxx"
#include "filehash.hxx"
#include "tlcach.h"
#include <pudebug.h>
* Globals */ CFileHashTable * g_pFileInfoTable; CFileCacheStats * g_pFileCacheStats;
HANDLE g_hFileCacheShutdownEvent; BOOL g_fFileCacheShutdown;
PTRACE_LOG g_pFileRefTraceLog; #endif
* Private helper function declarations */ inline VOID I_DerefFileInfo(TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile); VOID I_AddRefIO(TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile); VOID I_DerefIO(TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile);
BOOL FileFlushFilterAll(TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile, PVOID pv);
* function definitions */ BOOL FileCache_Initialize( IN DWORD dwMaxFiles ) { BOOL fReturn; #if TSUNAMI_REF_DEBUG
g_pFileRefTraceLog = CreateRefTraceLog( 256, // LogSize
0 // ExtraBytesInHeader
); #endif // TSUNAMI_REF_DEBUG
g_pFileInfoTable = new CFileHashTable("FCinfo"); g_pFileCacheStats = new CFileCacheStats;
g_fFileCacheShutdown = FALSE; g_hFileCacheShutdownEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (g_bEnableSequentialRead) { TsCreateFileFlags |= FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN; }
fReturn = (g_pFileInfoTable && g_pFileCacheStats && TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO::Initialize(dwMaxFiles) && (InitializeTwoLevelCache(g_dwMemCacheSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && g_hFileCacheShutdownEvent);
if (!fReturn) { FileCache_Terminate(); }
return fReturn;
VOID FileCache_Terminate( VOID ) { g_fFileCacheShutdown = TRUE;
// At this point the hash table is empty, but there will still
// be some oplocked files hanging around. We have to wait for
// all the oplock completions before moving on.
if (g_pFileCacheStats->GetFlushedEntries()) { WaitForSingleObject(g_hFileCacheShutdownEvent, TS_FILE_CACHE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT); DBG_ASSERT( g_pFileCacheStats->GetFlushedEntries() == 0 ); }
DeleteCriticalSection( &g_csUriInfo );
CloseHandle(g_hFileCacheShutdownEvent); g_hFileCacheShutdownEvent=NULL;
DBG_REQUIRE(TerminateTwoLevelCache() == ERROR_SUCCESS);
TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO::Cleanup(); delete g_pFileInfoTable;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "FileCache_Terminate: deleted g_pFileInfoTable.\n" ));
delete g_pFileCacheStats; g_pFileInfoTable = NULL; g_pFileCacheStats = NULL;
if( g_pFileRefTraceLog != NULL ) { DestroyRefTraceLog( g_pFileRefTraceLog ); g_pFileRefTraceLog = NULL; } #endif // TSUNAMI_REF_DEBUG
DWORD CacheFile( IN TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile, IN DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a file info structure to the cache.
If the FCF_UNINITIALIZED flag is set, the file will be added to the cache, but calls to CheckoutFile will be blocked until the file is marked initialized with NotifyFileInitialized. CheckoutFileEntry will not block. I expect that this flag will always be set.
The FCF_FOR_IO flag indicates that the caller will be performing I/O operations with the cached file handle. This flag will be clear in most cases except in TsCreateFile.
pOpenFile - The structure to be cached. pstrPath - The pathname that will be used to look up the cache entry. dwFlags - Valid flags are FCF_UNINITIALIZED and FCF_FOR_IO.
Return Value:
DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile != NULL );
// The caller gets a reference to this file info object
// Don't need to acquire the lock since the object is not yet
// in the cache.
pOpenFile->SetCached(); if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { pOpenFile->AddRefIO(); } if (! (dwFlags & FCF_UNINITIALIZED)) { pOpenFile->SetInitialized(); }
// Put it in the hash table
lkRetval = g_pFileInfoTable->InsertRecord(pOpenFile, false);
if (LK_SUCCESS == lkRetval) { dwRetval = TS_ERROR_SUCCESS; g_pFileCacheStats->IncFilesCached(); } else { if (LK_ALLOC_FAIL == lkRetval) { dwRetval = TS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else if (LK_KEY_EXISTS == lkRetval) { dwRetval = TS_ERROR_ALREADY_CACHED; } else { //
// No other error should come to pass
pOpenFile->ClearCached(); if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { pOpenFile->DerefIO(); }
// Remove the reference we added.
// Don't call I_DerefFileInfo, because this
// object never made it to the cache.
// The caller will free the memory.
pOpenFile->Deref(); }
return dwRetval; }
VOID NotifyInitializedFile( IN TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function tells that cache that a file previously cached with CacheUninitializedFile, is now ready for use.
pOpenFile - The file which is now initialized.
Return Value:
None. --*/ { BOOL bShouldClose;
// Mark the file as initialized
pOpenFile->Lock(); pOpenFile->SetInitialized(); bShouldClose = pOpenFile->IsCloseable(); pOpenFile->Unlock();
// Clean up as neccessary
// Note that I don't have to worry about the IO refcount
// going back up because the file is marked as flushed.
if (bShouldClose) { pOpenFile->CloseHandle(); }
// TODO: need to execute any notification code?
VOID DecacheFile( IN TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile, IN DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Remove a file info entry from the cache. After a call to DecacheFile the entry will not be returned by CheckoutFile. The entry itself is cleaned up when the last CheckinFile occurs. Calling DecacheFile checks the entry in.
The FCF_FOR_IO flag indicates that the caller will be performing I/O operations with the cached file handle. I expect that this flag will always be clear.
pOpenFile - The file info structure to be decached dwFlags - Valid flags are FCF_FOR_IO, FCF_NO_DEREF.
Return Value:
None. --*/ { BOOL bShouldClose; TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pHashFile; LK_RETCODE lkrc;
// remove the file from the hashtable
lkrc = g_pFileInfoTable->DeleteRecord(pOpenFile); DBG_ASSERT( LK_SUCCESS == lkrc || LK_NO_SUCH_KEY == lkrc );
if (LK_SUCCESS == lkrc) { pOpenFile->TraceCheckpoint(); } #endif
// update state
if (! pOpenFile->IsFlushed() ) { pOpenFile->SetFlushed();
g_pFileCacheStats->IncFlushedEntries(); g_pFileCacheStats->DecFilesCached(); }
if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { I_DerefIO(pOpenFile); }
bShouldClose = pOpenFile->IsCloseable();
// Clean up as neccessary
// Note that I don't have to worry about the IO refcount
// going back up because the file is marked as flushed.
if (bShouldClose) { pOpenFile->CloseHandle(); }
if (!(dwFlags & FCF_NO_DEREF)) { I_DerefFileInfo(pOpenFile); } }
VOID FlushFileCache( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes all entries from the cache. Unlike DecacheFile, this function does not check any entries in.
Return Value:
None --*/ { FilteredFlushFileCache(FileFlushFilterAll, NULL); }
LK_PREDICATE FileFlushCachePredicate( TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile, void* pvState ) { TS_FILE_FLUSH_STATE * pFlushState = static_cast<TS_FILE_FLUSH_STATE*>(pvState); LK_PREDICATE lkpAction;
if (pFlushState->pfnFilter(pOpenFile, pFlushState->pvParm)) { //
// put it on the list
pOpenFile->AddRef(); // for the list
InsertHeadList(&pFlushState->ListHead, &pOpenFile->FlushList); lkpAction = LKP_PERFORM; } else { lkpAction = LKP_NO_ACTION; }
return lkpAction; }
VOID FilteredFlushFileCache( IN PFCFILTERRTN pFilterRoutine, IN PVOID pv ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes entries based on a caller specified filter. The caller provides a boolean function which takes a cache entry as a parameter. The function will be called with each item in the cache. If the function returns TRUE, the item will be decached (but not checked in). Otherwise the item will remain in the cache.
pFilterRoutine - A pointer to the filter function pv - a parameter to the filter function
Return Value:
None --*/ { TS_FILE_FLUSH_STATE FlushState;
// Initialize the flush state
FlushState.pfnFilter = pFilterRoutine; InitializeListHead(&FlushState.ListHead); FlushState.pvParm = pv;
// Delete elements from table and construct list
g_pFileInfoTable->DeleteIf(FileFlushCachePredicate, &FlushState);
// Update element state and close file handles
PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PLIST_ENTRY pNext; TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile; BOOL bShouldClose;
for (pEntry = FlushState.ListHead.Flink; pEntry != &FlushState.ListHead; pEntry = pNext ) {
pNext = pEntry->Flink; pOpenFile = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO, FlushList ); DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile->CheckSignature() );
if (! pOpenFile->IsFlushed() ) { pOpenFile->SetFlushed();
g_pFileCacheStats->IncFlushedEntries(); g_pFileCacheStats->DecFilesCached(); }
bShouldClose = pOpenFile->IsCloseable();
if (bShouldClose) { pOpenFile->CloseHandle(); }
I_DerefFileInfo(pOpenFile); // remove our list's reference
} }
BOOL CheckoutFile( IN LPCSTR pstrPath, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO ** ppOpenFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
Look up an entry in the cache and return it.
The FCF_FOR_IO flag indicates that the caller will be performing I/O operations with the cached file handle. This flag will be clear in most cases except in TsCreateFile.
pstrPath - The pathname of the desired file info in UPPERCASE!! dwFlags - The only valid flag is FCF_FOR_IO. ppOpenFile - On success this output points to the cached entry. Otherwise it is not set.
Return Value:
TRUE if the item was found, FALSE otherwise. Additional error information can be obtained from GetLastError() --*/ { CFileKey fileKey; TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; DWORD dwError;
DBG_ASSERT( pstrPath != NULL );
// Look in the hash table
fileKey.m_pszFileName = const_cast<char *>(pstrPath); fileKey.m_cbFileName = strlen(pstrPath);
g_pFileInfoTable->FindKey(&fileKey, &pOpenFile);
if (NULL == pOpenFile) { dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto exit; }
// Make sure it's valid and update state
DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile->IsCached() );
if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { I_AddRefIO(pOpenFile); }
// Make sure it's initialized
if (!pOpenFile->IsInitialized()) { int t = 1; // time to sleep
int i = 0; // number of times we've gone to sleep
while (!pOpenFile->IsInitialized() && i < c_SleepTimeout) { Sleep(t); if (t < c_dwSleepmax) { t <<= 1; }
i++; } }
if (!pOpenFile->IsInitialized()) { //
// OK we've waited long enough. Just return failure.
dwError = ERROR_BUSY; goto err; }
if (pOpenFile->IsFlushed()) { dwError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto err; }
// At last, sweet success!
bRetVal = TRUE; *ppOpenFile = pOpenFile; exit: if (!bRetVal) { SetLastError(dwError); } if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { if (bRetVal) { g_pFileCacheStats->IncHits(); } else { g_pFileCacheStats->IncMisses(); } }
return bRetVal;
err: //
// if we added to the IO refcount we have to decrement
// that now.
if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { pOpenFile->Lock(); I_DerefIO(pOpenFile); pOpenFile->Unlock(); }
// FindKey automatically increments the refcount so
// we must deref here.
if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { g_pFileCacheStats->IncMisses(); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CheckoutFileEntry( IN TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile, IN DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function checks out an entry to which the caller already has a reference.
The FCF_FOR_IO flag indicates that the caller will be performing I/O operations with the cached file handle.
pOpenFile - The file info structure to be checked out. dwFlags - The only valid flag is FCF_FOR_IO.
Return Value:
TRUE - File was successfully checked out FALSE - File was checked out, but should not be used by the caller. (it's been flushed) --*/ { BOOL bSuccess;
if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { I_AddRefIO(pOpenFile); }
if (pOpenFile->IsFlushed() == FALSE) { bSuccess = TRUE; } else { bSuccess = FALSE; }
if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { if (bSuccess) { g_pFileCacheStats->IncHits(); } else { g_pFileCacheStats->IncMisses(); } }
return bSuccess; }
VOID CheckinFile( IN TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile, IN DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Indicate that a previously checked out file info is no longer in use.
The FCF_FOR_IO flag indicates that the caller was be performing I/O operations with the cached file handle. This flag will be clear in most cases except in TsCloseHandle.
pOpenFile - The file info structure to be checked in. dwFlags - The only valid flag is FCF_FOR_IO.
Return Value:
None. --*/ { BOOL bShouldClose;
// update state
if (dwFlags & FCF_FOR_IO) { I_DerefIO(pOpenFile); }
bShouldClose = pOpenFile->IsCloseable();
// Clean up as necessary
if (bShouldClose) { pOpenFile->CloseHandle(); }
I_DerefFileInfo(pOpenFile); }
inline VOID I_DerefFileInfo( TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile ) /*++
--*/ { LONG lRefCount;
DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile->CheckSignature() );
lRefCount = pOpenFile->Deref();
DBG_ASSERT( lRefCount >= 0 );
if (lRefCount == 0) { DBG_ASSERT(pOpenFile->IsFlushed()); delete pOpenFile;
g_pFileCacheStats->DecFlushedEntries(); } }
VOID I_AddRefIO( TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
Calls pOpenFile->AddRefIO.
This should be called with the fileinfo lock held.
pOpenFile - the file to addref
Return Value:
None. --*/ { pOpenFile->AddRefIO(); }
VOID I_DerefIO( TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
Calls pOpenFile->DerefIO.
This should be called with the fileinfo lock held.
pOpenFile - the file to deref
Return Value:
None. --*/ { pOpenFile->DerefIO(); }
VOID TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO::Print( VOID ) const { //
// Doesn't do anything. Ha!
BOOL CFileCacheStats::DumpToHtml( CHAR * pchBuffer, LPDWORD lpcbBuffer) const { *lpcbBuffer = wsprintf(pchBuffer, "<table>" "<tr><td>Currently Cached Files</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Total # of files added</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Cache Hits</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Cache Misses</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Cache Flushes</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Oplock Breaks</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Oplock Breaks To None</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Flushed entries in cache</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Total # files flushed</td><td align=right>%d</td></tr>" "</table>", FilesCached, TotalFilesCached, Hits, Misses, Flushes, OplockBreaks, OplockBreaksToNone, FlushedEntries, TotalFlushed );
return TRUE; }
BOOL CFileCacheStats::QueryStats( INETA_CACHE_STATISTICS * pCacheCtrs ) const { return FALSE; }
BOOL FileFlushFilterAll( TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile, PVOID pv ) { return TRUE; }
#if DBG
BOOL CheckFileState( TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile ) { DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile ); DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile->CheckSignature() ); DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile->IsCached() ); DBG_ASSERT( g_pFileInfoTable );
// I was going to do some interesting checks here
// but the synchronization is just too hard
return bOK; } #endif // DBG
// filecach.cxx