Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Domain Name System (DNS) Library
Send response routines.
Jim Gilroy (jamesg) October, 1996
Revision History:
#include "smtpinc.h"
#include "remoteq.hxx"
#include "dnsreci.h"
#include <dnsapi.h>
#include "cdns.h"
#include <time.h>
extern CTcpRegIpList g_TcpRegIpList; WORD gwTransactionId = 1;
VOID DnsCompletion( PVOID pvContext, DWORD cbWritten, DWORD dwCompletionStatus, OVERLAPPED * lpo ) { BOOL WasProcessed = TRUE; CAsyncDns *pCC = (CAsyncDns *) pvContext;
_ASSERT(pCC); _ASSERT(pCC->IsValid());
// if we could not process a command, or we were
// told to destroy this object, close the connection.
WasProcessed = pCC->ProcessClient(cbWritten, dwCompletionStatus, lpo); }
void DeleteDnsRec(PSMTPDNS_RECS pDnsRec) { DWORD Loop = 0; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry = NULL; PMXIPLIST_ENTRY pQEntry = NULL;
if(pDnsRec == NULL) { return; }
while (pDnsRec->DnsArray[Loop] != NULL) { if(pDnsRec->DnsArray[Loop]->DnsName[0]) { while(!IsListEmpty(&pDnsRec->DnsArray[Loop]->IpListHead)) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList (&pDnsRec->DnsArray[Loop]->IpListHead); pQEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, MXIPLIST_ENTRY, ListEntry); delete pQEntry; }
delete pDnsRec->DnsArray[Loop]; } Loop++; }
if(pDnsRec) { delete pDnsRec; pDnsRec = NULL; } }
CAsyncDns::CAsyncDns(void) { m_signature = DNS_CONNECTION_SIGNATURE_VALID; // signature on object for sanity check
m_cPendingIoCount = 0;
m_cThreadCount = 0;
m_cbReceived = 0; m_BytesToRead = 0;
m_dwIpServer = 0;
m_dwFlags = 0;
m_Index = 0;
m_LocalPref = 256;
m_fUdp = TRUE;
m_fUsingMx = TRUE;
m_FirstRead = TRUE;
// By default we fail (AQUEUE_E_DNS_FAILURE) is the generic failure code. On success
// this is set to ERROR_SUCCESS. We may also set this to a more specific error code
// at the point of failure.
m_dwDiagnostic = AQUEUE_E_DNS_FAILURE;
m_pMsgRecv = NULL; m_pMsgRecvBuf = NULL;
m_pMsgSend = NULL; m_pMsgSendBuf = NULL; m_cbSendBufSize = 0; m_ppRecord = NULL;
m_ppResponseRecords = NULL; m_pAtqContext = NULL;
m_FQDNToDrop[0] = '\0';
m_HostName [0] = '\0';
m_SeenLocal = FALSE;
ZeroMemory (m_Weight, sizeof(m_Weight)); ZeroMemory (m_Prefer, sizeof(m_Prefer)); }
CAsyncDns::~CAsyncDns(void) { PATQ_CONTEXT pAtqContext = NULL;
//_ASSERT(m_cThreadCount == 0);
if(m_pMsgSend) { delete [] m_pMsgSendBuf; m_pMsgSend = NULL; m_pMsgSendBuf = NULL; }
if(m_pMsgRecv) { delete [] m_pMsgRecvBuf; m_pMsgRecv = NULL; m_pMsgRecvBuf = NULL; }
//release the context from Atq
pAtqContext = (PATQ_CONTEXT)InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *)&m_pAtqContext, NULL); if ( pAtqContext != NULL ) { AtqFreeContext( pAtqContext, TRUE ); }
DeleteDnsRec(m_AuxList); m_signature = DNS_CONNECTION_SIGNATURE_FREE; // signature on object for sanity check
BOOL CAsyncDns::ReadFile( IN LPVOID pBuffer, IN DWORD cbSize /* = MAX_READ_BUFF_SIZE */ ) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
_ASSERT(pBuffer != NULL); _ASSERT(cbSize > 0);
ZeroMemory(&m_ReadOverlapped, sizeof(m_ReadOverlapped));
m_ReadOverlapped.LastIoState = DNS_READIO;
fRet = AtqReadFile(m_pAtqContext, // Atq context
pBuffer, // Buffer
cbSize, // BytesToRead
(OVERLAPPED *)&m_ReadOverlapped) ;
if(!fRet) { DisconnectClient(); DecPendingIoCount(); }
return fRet; }
BOOL CAsyncDns::WriteFile( IN LPVOID pBuffer, IN DWORD cbSize /* = MAX_READ_BUFF_SIZE */ ) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
_ASSERT(pBuffer != NULL); _ASSERT(cbSize > 0);
ZeroMemory(&m_WriteOverlapped, sizeof(m_WriteOverlapped)); m_WriteOverlapped.LastIoState = DNS_WRITEIO;
fRet = AtqWriteFile(m_pAtqContext, // Atq context
pBuffer, // Buffer
cbSize, // BytesToRead
(OVERLAPPED *) &m_WriteOverlapped) ;
if(!fRet) { DisconnectClient(); DecPendingIoCount(); }
return fRet; }
DNS_STATUS CAsyncDns::SendPacket(void) {
return 0; }
// Public send routines
DNS_STATUS CAsyncDns::Dns_Send( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send a DNS packet.
This is the generic send routine used for ANY send of a DNS message.
It assumes nothing about the message type, but does assume: - pCurrent points at byte following end of desired data - RR count bytes are in HOST byte order
pMsg - message info for message to send
Return Value:
TRUE if successful. FALSE on send error.
--*/ { INT err = 0; BOOL fRet = TRUE;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::Dns_Send");
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Sending DNS request for %s", m_HostName);
fRet = WriteFile(m_pMsgSendBuf, (DWORD) m_cbSendBufSize); if(!fRet) { err = GetLastError(); }
return( (DNS_STATUS)err );
} // Dns_Send
// Description:
// Kicks off an async query to DNS.
// Arguments:
// IN pszQuestionName - Name to query for.
// IN wQuestionType - Record type to query for.
// IN dwFlags - DNS configuration flags for SMTP. Currently these dictate
// what transport is used to talk to DNS (TCP/UDP). They are:
// DNS_FLAGS_NONE - Use UDP initially. If that fails, or if the
// reply is truncated requery using TCP.
// IN MyFQDN - FQDN of this machine (for MX record sorting)
// IN fUdp - Should UDP or TCP be used for this query? When dwFlags is
// DNS_FLAGS_NONE the initial query is UDP, and the retry query, if the
// response was truncated, is TCP. Depending on whether we're retrying
// this flag should be set appropriately by the caller.
// Returns:
// ERROR_SUCCESS if an async query was pended
// Win32 error if an error occurred and an async query was not pended. All
// errors from this function are retryable (as opposed NDR'ing the message)
// so the message is re-queued if an error occurred.
DNS_STATUS CAsyncDns::Dns_QueryLib( IN DNS_NAME pszQuestionName, IN WORD wQuestionType, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN char *MyFQDN, IN BOOL fUdp) { DNS_STATUS status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::Dns_QueryLib");
m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
m_fUdp = fUdp;
m_AuxList = new SMTPDNS_RECS; if(m_AuxList == NULL) { TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return (DNS_STATUS) ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
ZeroMemory(m_AuxList, sizeof(SMTPDNS_RECS));
lstrcpyn(m_FQDNToDrop, MyFQDN, sizeof(m_FQDNToDrop)); lstrcpyn(m_HostName, pszQuestionName, sizeof(m_HostName));
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pszQuestionName, -1, m_wszHostName, MAX_PATH );
// build send packet
if( NULL == m_pMsgSendBuf ) { TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return (DNS_STATUS) ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
DWORD dwBufSize = DNS_TCP_DEFAULT_PACKET_LENGTH ; if( !m_fUdp ) { m_pMsgSend = (PDNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER)(m_pMsgSendBuf+2); dwBufSize -= 2; } else { m_pMsgSend = (PDNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER)(m_pMsgSendBuf); }
if( !DnsWriteQuestionToBuffer_UTF8 ( m_pMsgSend, &dwBufSize, pszQuestionName, wQuestionType, gwTransactionId++, !( dwFlags & DNS_QUERY_NO_RECURSION ) ) ) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Unable to create DNS query for %s", pszQuestionName); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
m_cbSendBufSize = (WORD) dwBufSize;
if( !m_fUdp ) { *((u_short*)m_pMsgSendBuf) = htons((WORD)dwBufSize ); m_cbSendBufSize += 2; } if (m_pMsgSend) { status = DnsSendRecord(); } else { status = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return status; }
void CAsyncDns::DisconnectClient(void) { SOCKET hSocket;
hSocket = (SOCKET)InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *)&m_DnsSocket, (PVOID) INVALID_SOCKET ); if ( hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { if ( QueryAtqContext() != NULL ) { AtqCloseSocket(QueryAtqContext() , TRUE); } } }
// TCP routines
DNS_STATUS CAsyncDns::Dns_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend() /*++
Routine Description:
Connect via TCP or UDP to a DNS server. The server list is held in a global variable read from the registry.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS on success Win32 error on failure
--*/ { INT err = 0; DWORD dwErrServList = ERROR_SUCCESS;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::Dns_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend");
// setup a TCP socket
// - INADDR_ANY -- let stack select source IP
if(!m_fUdp) { m_DnsSocket = Dns_CreateSocket(SOCK_STREAM);
BOOL fRet = FALSE; int err;
//Alway enable linger so sockets that connect to the server.
//This will send a hard close to the server which will cause
//the servers TCP/IP socket table to be flushed very early.
//We should see very few, if any, sockets in the TIME_WAIT
struct linger Linger;
Linger.l_onoff = 1; Linger.l_linger = 0; err = setsockopt(m_DnsSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (const char FAR *)&Linger, sizeof(Linger));
} else { m_DnsSocket = Dns_CreateSocket(SOCK_DGRAM); }
if ( m_DnsSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { err = WSAGetLastError();
if ( !err ) { err = WSAENOTSOCK; }
ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Received error %d opening a socket to DNS server", err);
return( err ); }
m_RemoteAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; m_RemoteAddress.sin_port = DNS_PORT_NET_ORDER;
// Get a DNS server from the set of servers for this machine and connect
// to it. The g_TcpRegIpList has logic to keep track of the state of DNS
// servers (UP or DOWN) and logic to retry DOWN DNS servers.
dwErrServList = g_TcpRegIpList.GetIp(&m_dwIpServer); while(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrServList) { m_RemoteAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = m_dwIpServer; err = connect(m_DnsSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &m_RemoteAddress, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); if ( !err ) { break; } else { MarkDown(m_dwIpServer, err, m_fUdp); dwErrServList = g_TcpRegIpList.GetIp(&m_dwIpServer); continue; } }
if(DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS == dwErrServList || ERROR_RETRY == dwErrServList) { //
// Log Event and set diagnostic: No DNS servers available.
err = DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS; m_dwDiagnostic = AQUEUE_E_NO_DNS_SERVERS; SmtpLogEventSimple(SMTP_NO_DNS_SERVERS, DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "No DNS servers. Error - %d", dwErrServList); return err; }
// We have a connection to DNS
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == err) { //
// NOTE: We've set the timeout to a hardcoded value of 1 minute. This might
// seem excessively large for DNS, however, since the resolution of the ATQ
// timer is 1 minute that's the minimum anyway. Might as well make it apparent.
// Re-associate the handle to the ATQ
// Call ATQ to associate the handle
if (!AtqAddAsyncHandle( &m_pAtqContext, NULL, (LPVOID) this, DnsCompletion, 60, // Timeout == 60 seconds
(HANDLE) m_DnsSocket)) { return GetLastError(); }
// send desired packet
err = Dns_Send(); } else { if(m_DnsSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(m_DnsSocket); m_DnsSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } }
return( (DNS_STATUS)err );
} // Dns_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend
// Description:
// Failed to connect to dwIpServer. Mark the server as DOWN, log
// an event and write traces. This is a simple wrapper for
// CTcpRegIpList::MarkDown.
// Arguments:
// DWORD dwIpServer - IP of server to which we failed to connect
// DWORD dwErr - Win32 error if any
// BOOL fUdp - Which transport was being used when the failure occurred.
void CAsyncDns::MarkDown(DWORD dwIpServer, DWORD dwErr, BOOL fUdp) { const CHAR *pszServerIp = NULL; const CHAR *pszProtocol = NULL; const CHAR *apszSubStrings[2]; in_addr inAddrIpServer;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::MarkDown");
CopyMemory(&inAddrIpServer, &dwIpServer, sizeof(DWORD)); pszServerIp = inet_ntoa(inAddrIpServer); if(NULL != pszServerIp) { pszProtocol = fUdp ? "UDP" : "TCP"; apszSubStrings[0] = pszServerIp; apszSubStrings[1] = pszProtocol; SmtpLogEvent(SMTP_DNS_SERVER_DOWN, 2, apszSubStrings, dwErr); }
ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Received error %d connecting to DNS server %d.%d.%d.%d over %s", dwErr, ((PBYTE)&dwIpServer)[0], ((PBYTE)&dwIpServer)[1], ((PBYTE)&dwIpServer)[2], ((PBYTE)&dwIpServer)[3], fUdp ? "UDP" : "TCP");
g_TcpRegIpList.MarkDown(dwIpServer); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
BOOL CAsyncDns::ProcessReadIO(IN DWORD InputBufferLen, IN DWORD dwCompletionStatus, IN OUT OVERLAPPED * lpo) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; DWORD DataSize = 0; DNS_STATUS DnsStatus = 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "BOOL CAsyncDns::ProcessReadIO");
//add up the number of bytes we received thus far
m_cbReceived += InputBufferLen;
// read atleast 2 bytes
if(!m_fUdp && m_FirstRead && ( m_cbReceived < 2 ) ) { fRet = ReadFile(&m_pMsgRecvBuf[m_cbReceived],DNS_TCP_DEFAULT_PACKET_LENGTH-1 ); return fRet; }
// get the size of the message
if(!m_fUdp && m_FirstRead && (m_cbReceived >= 2)) { DataSize = ntohs(*(u_short *)m_pMsgRecvBuf);
// add 2 bytes for the field which specifies the length of data
m_BytesToRead = DataSize + 2; m_FirstRead = FALSE; }
// pend another read if we have n't read enough
if(!m_fUdp && (m_cbReceived < m_BytesToRead)) { DWORD cbMoreToRead = m_BytesToRead - m_cbReceived; fRet = ReadFile(&m_pMsgRecvBuf[m_cbReceived], cbMoreToRead); } else {
if( !m_fUdp ) { //
// message length is 2 bytes less to take care of the msg length
// field.
//m_pMsgRecv->MessageLength = (WORD) m_cbReceived - 2;
m_pMsgRecv = (PDNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER)(m_pMsgRecvBuf+2); } else { //m_pMsgRecv->MessageLength = (WORD) m_cbReceived;
m_pMsgRecv = (PDNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER)m_pMsgRecvBuf; }
// We queried over UDP and the reply from DNS was truncated because the response
// was longer than the UDP packet size. We requery DNS using TCP unless SMTP is
// configured to use UDP only. RetryAsyncDnsQuery sets the members of this CAsyncDns
// object appropriately depending on whether if fails or succeeds. After calling
// RetryAsyncDnsQuery, this object must be deleted.
if(m_fUdp && !(m_dwFlags & DNS_FLAGS_UDP_ONLY) && m_pMsgRecv->MessageHead.Truncation) { _ASSERT(!(m_dwFlags & DNS_FLAGS_TCP_ONLY) && "Shouldn't have truncated reply over TCP"); DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Truncated reply - reissuing query using TCP"); RetryAsyncDnsQuery(FALSE); // FALSE == Do not use UDP
goto Exit; }
DnsStatus = DnsParseMessage( m_pMsgRecv, (WORD)( m_fUdp ? ( m_cbReceived ) : ( m_cbReceived - 2 )), &m_ppRecord);
// End of resolve: HandleCompleted data examines the DnsStatus and results, and sets up
// member variables of CAsyncSmtpDns to either NDR messages, connect to the remote host
// or ack this queue for retry when the object is deleted.
HandleCompletedData(DnsStatus); }
Exit: TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return fRet; }
BOOL CAsyncDns::ProcessClient (IN DWORD InputBufferLen, IN DWORD dwCompletionStatus, IN OUT OVERLAPPED * lpo) { BOOL RetStatus = FALSE; DWORD dwIp = 0; BOOL fRetryQuery = FALSE;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::ProcessClient()");
//if lpo == NULL, then we timed out. Send an appropriate message
//then close the connection
if( (lpo == NULL) && (dwCompletionStatus == ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT)) { fRetryQuery = TRUE;
// fake a pending IO as we'll dec the overall count in the
// exit processing of this routine needs to happen before
// DisconnectClient else completing threads could tear us down
IncPendingIoCount(); DebugTrace( (LPARAM)this, "Async DNS client timed out"); DisconnectClient(); } else if((InputBufferLen == 0) || (dwCompletionStatus != NO_ERROR)) { fRetryQuery = TRUE; DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::ProcessClient: InputBufferLen = %d dwCompletionStatus = %d - Closing connection", InputBufferLen, dwCompletionStatus); DisconnectClient(); } else if (lpo == (OVERLAPPED *) &m_ReadOverlapped) { //A client based async IO completed
RetStatus = ProcessReadIO(InputBufferLen, dwCompletionStatus, lpo); } else if(lpo == (OVERLAPPED *) &m_WriteOverlapped) { RetStatus = ReadFile(m_pMsgRecvBuf, DNS_TCP_DEFAULT_PACKET_LENGTH); if(!RetStatus) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "ReadFile failed"); fRetryQuery = TRUE; } }
if(fRetryQuery) { MarkDown(m_dwIpServer, dwCompletionStatus, m_fUdp);
if(g_TcpRegIpList.GetIp(&dwIp) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_dwDiagnostic = AQUEUE_E_NO_DNS_SERVERS; SmtpLogEventSimple(SMTP_NO_DNS_SERVERS, DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS); ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "No DNS servers");
} else {
RetryAsyncDnsQuery(m_fUdp); // This sets m_dwDiagnostic
} }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this,"ASYNC DNS - Pending IOs: %d", m_cPendingIoCount);
// Do NOT Touch the member variables past this POINT!
// This object may be deleted!
// decrement the overall pending IO count for this session
// tracing and ASSERTs if we're going down.
if (DecPendingIoCount() == 0) { DisconnectClient();
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this,"ASYNC DNS - Pending IOs: %d", m_cPendingIoCount); DebugTrace((LPARAM)this,"ASYNC DNS - Thread count: %d", m_cThreadCount); delete this; }
return TRUE; }
int MxRand(char * host) { int hfunc = 0; unsigned int seed = 0;;
seed = rand() & 0xffff;
hfunc = seed; while (*host != '\0') { int c = *host++;
if (isascii((UCHAR)c) && isupper((UCHAR)c)) c = tolower(c);
hfunc = ((hfunc << 1) ^ c) % 2003; }
hfunc &= 0xff;
return hfunc; }
BOOL CAsyncDns::CheckList(void) { MXIPLIST_ENTRY * pEntry = NULL; struct hostent *hp = NULL; BOOL fRet = TRUE;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::CheckList"); if(m_Index == 0) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "m_Index == 0 in CheckList");
m_fUsingMx = FALSE; m_cbReceived = 0; m_BytesToRead = 0;
m_FirstRead = TRUE;
m_AuxList = new SMTPDNS_RECS; if(m_AuxList == NULL) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "m_AuxList = new SMTPDNS_RECS failed"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory(m_AuxList, sizeof(SMTPDNS_RECS));
m_AuxList->NumRecords = 1;
m_AuxList->DnsArray[0] = new MX_NAMES; if(m_AuxList->DnsArray[0] == NULL) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "m_AuxList->DnsArray[0] = new MX_NAMES failed"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return FALSE; } m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->NumEntries = 0; InitializeListHead(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->IpListHead); lstrcpyn(m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->DnsName, m_HostName, sizeof(m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->DnsName));
hp = gethostbyname (m_HostName); if(hp != NULL) { for (DWORD Loop = 0; (hp->h_addr_list[Loop] != NULL); Loop++) { pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY; if(pEntry != NULL) { m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->NumEntries++; CopyMemory(&pEntry->IpAddress, hp->h_addr_list[Loop], 4); InsertTailList(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->IpListHead, &pEntry->ListEntry); } else { fRet = FALSE; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY failed in CheckList"); break; } } } else { fRet = FALSE; } }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return fRet; }
BOOL CAsyncDns::SortMxList(void) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
/* sort the records */ for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_Index; i++) { for (DWORD j = i + 1; j < m_Index; j++) { if (m_Prefer[i] > m_Prefer[j] || (m_Prefer[i] == m_Prefer[j] && m_Weight[i] > m_Weight[j])) { DWORD temp; MX_NAMES *temp1;
temp = m_Prefer[i]; m_Prefer[i] = m_Prefer[j]; m_Prefer[j] = temp; temp1 = m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]; m_AuxList->DnsArray[i] = m_AuxList->DnsArray[j]; m_AuxList->DnsArray[j] = temp1; temp = m_Weight[i]; m_Weight[i] = m_Weight[j]; m_Weight[j] = temp; } }
if (m_SeenLocal && m_Prefer[i] >= m_LocalPref) { /* truncate higher preference part of list */ m_Index = i; } }
m_AuxList->NumRecords = m_Index;
if(!CheckList()) { DeleteDnsRec(m_AuxList); m_AuxList = NULL; fRet = FALSE; }
return fRet; }
void CAsyncDns::ProcessMxRecord(PDNS_RECORD pnewRR) { DWORD Len = 0;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::ProcessMxRecord");
if(m_Index >= SMTP_MAX_DNS_ENTRIES) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "SMTP_MAX_DNS_ENTRIES reached for %s", m_HostName); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return; }
if((pnewRR->wType == DNS_TYPE_MX) && pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange) { Len = lstrlen(pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange); if(pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange[Len - 1] == '.') { pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange[Len - 1] = '\0'; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Received MX rec %s with priority %d for %s", pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange, pnewRR->Data.MX.wPreference, m_HostName);
if(lstrcmpi(pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange, m_FQDNToDrop)) { m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index] = new MX_NAMES;
if(m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]) { m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->NumEntries = 0;; InitializeListHead(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->IpListHead); lstrcpyn(m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->DnsName,pnewRR->Data.MX.nameExchange, sizeof(m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->DnsName)); m_Weight[m_Index] = MxRand (m_AuxList->DnsArray[m_Index]->DnsName); m_Prefer[m_Index] = pnewRR->Data.MX.wPreference; m_Index++; } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Out of memory allocating MX_NAMES for %s", m_HostName); } } else { if (!m_SeenLocal || pnewRR->Data.MX.wPreference < m_LocalPref) m_LocalPref = pnewRR->Data.MX.wPreference;
m_SeenLocal = TRUE; } } else if(pnewRR->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) { MXIPLIST_ENTRY * pEntry = NULL;
for(DWORD i = 0; i < m_Index; i++) { if(lstrcmpi(pnewRR->nameOwner, m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->DnsName) == 0) { pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY;
if(pEntry != NULL) { m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->NumEntries++;; pEntry->IpAddress = pnewRR->Data.A.ipAddress; InsertTailList(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[i]->IpListHead, &pEntry->ListEntry); }
break; } } }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
void CAsyncDns::ProcessARecord(PDNS_RECORD pnewRR) { MXIPLIST_ENTRY * pEntry = NULL;
if(pnewRR->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) { pEntry = new MXIPLIST_ENTRY;
if(pEntry != NULL) { pEntry->IpAddress = pnewRR->Data.A.ipAddress; InsertTailList(&m_AuxList->DnsArray[0]->IpListHead, &pEntry->ListEntry); } } }
DNS_STATUS CAsyncDns::DnsParseMessage( IN PDNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER pMsg, IN WORD wMessageLength, OUT PDNS_RECORD * ppRecord) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CAsyncDns::DnsParseMessage"); PDNS_RECORD pTmp = NULL;
m_SeenLocal = FALSE; m_LocalPref = 256;
DNS_STATUS status = DnsExtractRecordsFromMessage_UTF8( pMsg, wMessageLength, ppRecord ); //
// Due to Raid #122555 m_fUsingMx is always TRUE in this function
// - hence we will always go a GetHostByName() if there is no MX
// record. It would be better Perf if we did a A record lookup.
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Parsed DNS record for %s. status = 0x%08x", m_HostName, status);
switch(status) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: //
// Got the DNS record we want.
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Success: DNS record parsed"); pTmp = *ppRecord; while( pTmp ) { if( m_fUsingMx ) { ProcessMxRecord( pTmp ); } else { ProcessARecord( pTmp ); } pTmp = pTmp->pNext; }
if(m_fUsingMx) { //
// SortMxList sorts the MX records by preference and calls
// gethostbyname() to resolve A records for Mail Exchangers
// if needed (when the A records are not returned in the
// supplementary info).
if(SortMxList()) { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "SortMxList() succeeded."); } else { status = ERROR_RETRY; ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "SortMxList() failed. Message will stay queued."); } } break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR: // Fall through to using gethostbyname()
case DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS: // Non authoritative host not found.
// Fall through to using gethostbyname()
default: DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "Error in query: status = 0x%08x.", status);
// Use gethostbyname to resolve the hostname:
// One issue with our approach is that sometimes we will NDR the message
// on non-permanent errors, "like WINS server down", when gethostbyname
// fails. However, there's no way around it --- gethostbyname doesn't
// report errors in a reliable manner, so it's not possible to distinguish
// between permanent and temporary errors.
if (!CheckList ()) {
if(status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Authoritative error"); status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } else { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Retryable error"); status = ERROR_RETRY; }
} else { DebugTrace ((LPARAM) this, "Successfully resolved using gethostbyname"); status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } break; }
DnsRecordListFree( *ppRecord, TRUE ); return( status ); }
DNS_STATUS CAsyncDns::DnsSendRecord() /*++
Routine Description:
Send message, receive response.
aipDnsServers -- specific DNS servers to query; OPTIONAL, if specified overrides normal list associated with machine
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Error code on failure.
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = 0;
if(m_pMsgRecvBuf == NULL) { return( DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY ); }
status = Dns_OpenTcpConnectionAndSend(); return( status ); }
SOCKET CAsyncDns::Dns_CreateSocket( IN INT SockType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create socket.
Return Value:
socket if successful. Otherwise INVALID_SOCKET.
--*/ { SOCKET s;
// create socket
s = socket( AF_INET, SockType, 0 ); if ( s == INVALID_SOCKET ) { return INVALID_SOCKET; }
return s; }
// Description:
// Constructor and Destructor for class to maintain a list of IP addresses
// (for DNS servers) and their state (UP or DOWN). The IP addresses are
// held in an IP_ARRAY, and the user must set m_DeleteFunc to deallocate
// the memory.
CTcpRegIpList::CTcpRegIpList() { m_IpListPtr = NULL;
// Shortcut to quickly figure out how many servers are down. This keeps track
// of how many servers are marked up currently. Used in ResetServersIfNeeded
// primarily to avoid checking the state of all servers in the usual case when
// all servers are up.
m_cUpServers = 0; m_prgdwFailureTick = NULL; m_prgfServerUp = NULL; m_dwSig = TCP_REG_LIST_SIGNATURE; }
CTcpRegIpList::~CTcpRegIpList() { _ASSERT(m_DeleteFunc);
if(m_DeleteFunc && m_IpListPtr) m_DeleteFunc(m_IpListPtr);
if(m_prgdwFailureTick) delete [] m_prgdwFailureTick;
if(m_prgfServerUp) delete [] m_prgfServerUp;
m_IpListPtr = NULL; m_prgdwFailureTick = NULL; m_prgfServerUp = NULL; }
// Description:
// Initializes or updates the IP address list. If this fails due to out
// of memory, there's precious little we can do. So we don't return anything
// and just delete the server IP list.
// Arguments:
// IpPtr - Ptr to IP_ARRAY of servers, this can be NULL in which case
// we assume that there are no servers. On shutdown, the SMTP code
// calls this with NULL.
void CTcpRegIpList::Update(PIP_ARRAY IpPtr) { BOOL fFatalError = FALSE;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM) this, "CTcpRegIpList::Update");
m_sl.ExclusiveLock(); _ASSERT(m_DeleteFunc);
if(m_IpListPtr && m_DeleteFunc) m_DeleteFunc(m_IpListPtr);
if(m_prgdwFailureTick) { delete [] m_prgdwFailureTick; m_prgdwFailureTick = NULL; }
if(m_prgfServerUp) { delete [] m_prgfServerUp; m_prgfServerUp = NULL; }
// Note: this can be NULL
m_IpListPtr = IpPtr; if(IpPtr == NULL) { m_cUpServers = 0; goto Exit; }
m_cUpServers = IpPtr->cAddrCount; m_prgdwFailureTick = new DWORD[m_cUpServers]; m_prgfServerUp = new BOOL[m_cUpServers];
if(!m_prgdwFailureTick || !m_prgfServerUp) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM) this, "Failed to read DNS server list - out of memory"); fFatalError = TRUE; goto Exit; }
for(int i = 0; i < m_cUpServers; i++) { m_prgdwFailureTick[i] = 0; m_prgfServerUp[i] = TRUE; }
Exit: if(fFatalError) { if(m_prgfServerUp) { delete [] m_prgfServerUp; m_prgfServerUp = NULL; }
if(m_prgdwFailureTick) { delete [] m_prgdwFailureTick; m_prgdwFailureTick = NULL; }
if(m_IpListPtr && m_DeleteFunc) { m_DeleteFunc(m_IpListPtr); m_IpListPtr = NULL; }
m_cUpServers = 0; }
m_sl.ExclusiveUnlock(); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); }
// Description:
// Return the IP address of a server known to be UP. This function also
// checks to see if any servers currently marked DOWN should be reset to
// the UP state again (based on a retry interval).
// Arguments:
// DWORD *pdwIpServer - Sets the DWORD pointed to, to the IP address of
// a server in the UP state.
// Returns:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - If a DNS server in the UP state was found
// ERROR_RETRY - If all DNS servers are currently down
// DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS - If no DNS servers are configured
DWORD CTcpRegIpList::GetIp(DWORD *pdwIpServer) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; int iServer = 0;
_ASSERT(pdwIpServer != NULL);
*pdwIpServer = INADDR_NONE;
// Check if any servers were down and bring them up if needed
m_sl.ShareLock(); if(m_IpListPtr == NULL || m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount == 0) { dwErr = DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS; goto Exit; }
if(m_cUpServers == 0) { dwErr = ERROR_RETRY; goto Exit; }
for(iServer = 0; iServer < (int)m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount; iServer++) { if(m_prgfServerUp[iServer]) break; }
if(m_prgfServerUp[iServer]) *pdwIpServer = m_IpListPtr->aipAddrs[iServer]; else dwErr = ERROR_RETRY;
Exit: m_sl.ShareUnlock(); return dwErr; }
// Description:
// Marks a server in the list as down and sets the next retry time for
// that server. The next retry time is calculated modulo MAX_TICK_COUNT.
// Arguments:
// dwIp -- IP address of server to mark as DOWN
void CTcpRegIpList::MarkDown(DWORD dwIp) { int iServer = 0;
if(m_IpListPtr == NULL || m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount == 0 || m_cUpServers == 0) goto Exit;
// Find the server to mark as down among all the UP servers
for(iServer = 0; iServer < (int)m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount; iServer++) { if(m_IpListPtr->aipAddrs[iServer] == dwIp) break; }
if(iServer < (int)m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount && m_prgfServerUp[iServer]) {
m_prgfServerUp[iServer] = FALSE; _ASSERT(m_cUpServers > 0); m_cUpServers--; m_prgdwFailureTick[iServer] = GetTickCount(); } Exit: m_sl.ExclusiveUnlock(); return; }
// Description:
// Checks if any servers are DOWN, and if the retry time has expired for
// those servers. If so those servers will be brought up.
void CTcpRegIpList::ResetServersIfNeeded() { int iServer = 0; DWORD dwElapsedTicks = 0; DWORD dwCurrentTick = 0;
// Quick check - if all servers are up (usual case) or there are no configured
// servers, there's nothing for us to do.
m_sl.ShareLock(); if(m_IpListPtr == NULL || m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount == 0 || m_cUpServers == m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount) {
m_sl.ShareUnlock(); return; }
// Some servers are down... figure out which need to be brought up
// Re-check that no one modified the list while we didn't have the sharelock
if(m_IpListPtr == NULL || m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount == 0 || m_cUpServers == m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount) { m_sl.ExclusiveUnlock(); return; }
dwCurrentTick = GetTickCount();
for(iServer = 0; iServer < (int)m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount; iServer++) {
if(m_prgfServerUp[iServer]) continue;
// Note: This also takes care of the special case where dwCurrentTick occurs
// after the wraparound and m_prgdwFailureTick occurs before the wraparound.
// This is because, in that case, the elapsed time is:
// time since wraparound + time before wraparound that failure occurred - 1
// (-1 is because it's 0 time to transition from MAX_TICK_VALUE to 0)
// = dwCurrentTick + (MAX_TICK_VALUE - m_prgdwFailureTick[iServer]) - 1
// Since MAX_TICK_VALUE == -1
// = dwCurrentTick + (-1 - m_prgdwFailureTick[iServer]) - 1
// = dwCurrentTick - m_prgdwFailureTick[iServer]
dwElapsedTicks = dwCurrentTick - m_prgdwFailureTick[iServer];
#define TICKS_TILL_RETRY 10 * 60 * 1000 // 10 minutes
if(dwElapsedTicks > TICKS_TILL_RETRY) { m_prgfServerUp[iServer] = TRUE; m_prgdwFailureTick[iServer] = 0; m_cUpServers++; _ASSERT(m_cUpServers <= (int)m_IpListPtr->cAddrCount); } }
m_sl.ExclusiveUnlock(); }