/*=================================================================== Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Component: IDL
File: wam.idl
import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; import "iwr.idl";
/*------------------------------------------------------------ * Statistics Object exchanged between IIS & WAM ------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct _WAM_STATISTICS_0 { DWORD CurrentWamRequests; DWORD MaxWamRequests; DWORD TotalWamRequests; DWORD TimeOfLastClear; } WAM_STATISTICS_0;
typedef [switch_type(unsigned long)] union _WAM_STATISTICS_INFO { [case(0)] WAM_STATISTICS_0 WamStats0; [default] ; } WAM_STATISTICS_INFO, * LPWAM_STATISTICS_INFO;
[ uuid(888ADDCF-9993-11D0-A539-00A0C922E798), helpstring("IWam Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWam : IUnknown { // For OOP applications we will pass in the core state // on the ProcessRequest call. For IP applications it // is NULL typedef struct { DWORD cbCoreState; [size_is(cbCoreState)] unsigned char * pbCoreState;
DWORD cbFixedCore; [size_is(cbFixedCore)] unsigned char * pbFixedCore;
// Temporarily use a separate buffer for the sv data DWORD cbServerVarData; [size_is(cbServerVarData)] unsigned char * pbServerVarData; DWORD cbServerVars; [size_is(cbServerVars)] unsigned char * pbServerVarCache; } OOP_CORE_STATE;
[helpstring("method InitWam")] HRESULT InitWam ( [in] BOOL fInProcess, // are we in-proc or out-of-proc? [in] BOOL fInPool, // !Isolated [in] BOOL fEnableTryExcept, // catch exceptions in ISAPI calls? [in] int pt, // PLATFORM_TYPE - are we running on Win95? [out] DWORD *pPID // Returned ProcessId of created process );
[helpstring("method StartShutdown")] HRESULT StartShutdown ( );
[helpstring("method UninitWam")] HRESULT UninitWam ( );
[helpstring("method ProcessRequest")] HRESULT ProcessRequest ( [in] IWamRequest * pIWamRequest, [in] DWORD cbWrcStrings, [in, unique] OOP_CORE_STATE * pOopCoreState, [out] BOOL * pfHandled );
[helpstring("method ProcessAsyncIO")] HRESULT ProcessAsyncIO ( #ifdef _WIN64 [in] UINT64 pWamExecInfoIn, // WAM_EXEC_INFO * #else [in] DWORD_PTR pWamExecInfoIn, // WAM_EXEC_INFO * #endif [in] DWORD dwStatus, [in] DWORD cbWritten );
[helpstring("method ProcessAsyncReadOop")] HRESULT ProcessAsyncReadOop ( #ifdef _WIN64 [in] UINT64 pWamExecInfoIn, // WAM_EXEC_INFO * #else [in] DWORD_PTR pWamExecInfoIn, // WAM_EXEC_INFO * #endif [in] DWORD dwStatus, [in] DWORD cbRead, [in, size_is(cbRead)] unsigned char * lpDataRead );
[helpstring("get statistics")] HRESULT GetStatistics ( [in] DWORD Level, [out, switch_is(Level)] LPWAM_STATISTICS_INFO pWamStatsInfo );
}; [ uuid(888ADDC0-9993-11D0-A539-00A0C922E798), version(1.0), helpstring("Wam 1.0 Type Library") ] library WAMLib { importlib("stdole2.tlb");
[ uuid(888ADDD0-9993-11D0-A539-00A0C922E798), helpstring("Wam object class") ] coclass Wam { [default] interface IWam; }; };