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// regc.h : Declaration of the Cregc
#ifndef __REGC_H_
#define __REGC_H_
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
// Cregc
class ATL_NO_VTABLE Cregc : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<Cregc, &CLSID_regc>, public IDispatchImpl<IComponentRegistrar, &IID_IComponentRegistrar, &LIBID_MDSYNCLib> { public: Cregc() { }
// IComponentRegistrar
public: STDMETHOD(Attach)(BSTR bstrPath) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(RegisterAll)() { _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY* pEntry = _Module.m_pObjMap; HRESULT hr = S_OK; while (pEntry->pclsid != NULL) { if (pEntry->pfnGetObjectDescription() != NULL) { hr = _Module.RegisterServer(TRUE, pEntry->pclsid); if (FAILED(hr)) break; } pEntry++; } return hr; } STDMETHOD(UnregisterAll)() { _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY* pEntry = _Module.m_pObjMap; while (pEntry->pclsid != NULL) { if (pEntry->pfnGetObjectDescription() != NULL) _Module.UnregisterServer(pEntry->pclsid); pEntry++; } return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(GetComponents)(SAFEARRAY **ppCLSIDs, SAFEARRAY **ppDescriptions) { _ATL_OBJMAP_ENTRY* pEntry = _Module.m_pObjMap; int nComponents = 0; while (pEntry->pclsid != NULL) { LPCTSTR pszDescription = pEntry->pfnGetObjectDescription(); if (pszDescription) nComponents++; pEntry++; } SAFEARRAYBOUND rgBound[1]; rgBound[0].lLbound = 0; rgBound[0].cElements = nComponents; *ppCLSIDs = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, rgBound); *ppDescriptions = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, rgBound); pEntry = _Module.m_pObjMap; for (long i=0; pEntry->pclsid != NULL; pEntry++) { LPCTSTR pszDescription = pEntry->pfnGetObjectDescription(); if (pszDescription) { LPOLESTR pszCLSID; StringFromCLSID(*pEntry->pclsid, &pszCLSID); SafeArrayPutElement(*ppCLSIDs, &i, OLE2BSTR(pszCLSID)); CoTaskMemFree(pszCLSID); SafeArrayPutElement(*ppCLSIDs, &i, T2BSTR(pszDescription)); i++; } } return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(RegisterComponent)(BSTR bstrCLSID) { CLSID clsid; CLSIDFromString(bstrCLSID, &clsid); _Module.RegisterServer(TRUE, &clsid); return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(UnregisterComponent)(BSTR bstrCLSID) { CLSID clsid; CLSIDFromString(bstrCLSID, &clsid); _Module.UnregisterServer(&clsid); return S_OK; } };
#endif //__REGC_H_